Secret Trails 2 Guide v2 by Grunter Hunter

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New Updated English Game Guide and walkthrough

the Shadow of Chernobyl Mod

Written by Grunter Hunter with assistance and advice

from Stalkerstein
Warning: This Guide contains spoilers.

Firstly, I would like to thank both NTEX and ZaGaR for allowing me to use material from their Game Guides.
Kudos to both of them for the time and effort they put into their respective Guides, this has allowed me to
rewrite the Guide combining their material and some of my own in game experiences and screenshots.
This game mod is a true detective story so take notes as you progress through as not all tasks and objectives
are defined on the actors PDA. This mod is not easy by any means so dont try and be Rambo as this will surely
get you killed; plan your strategies well in advance and you will be rewarded with a good outcome. Follow the
storyline as laid out in the Game Guide; try not to deviate as this will ensure that you fulfil your primary
objective; to find your brother. SAVE OFTEN! Not quick saves, but manual ones.
Here is a small list of items that you will need, some of them are MANDATORY so dont sell or drop them
otherwise you could get stuck in the play through. Write this list down and collect them as soon as you can;
transmute any artefacts as soon as possible after you find out that they are required. You can buy stashes from
the traders, use them and put these items in there; you dont know when they will be needed. The Bar map is
a good place for stashing, this map is in the centre of the Zone and you will pass through there many, many
2 Night Star artefacts or 10 Blind Dog Tails for Feldsher in Pripyat
1 Storming Abakan for Duke at the Bar
1 Mercenary Scientific Outfit and 1 Groza assault rifle (both in pristine condition) for Lefty at the Agroprom
1 Ladies Burer Beads artefact (need to transmute) for Sakharov at Yantar (not sure about this one)
4 Fireball artefacts for Dan at Yantar
2 Fireball artefacts for Kruglov (to mark the location of Dukes bag of grass on your PDA)
1 Fiery Soul artefact (need to transmute) for Lefty at the Military Warehouses (Freedom Base barracks)
1 Montpensier Candy for Monk at the Military Warehouses (Bloodsucker Village)
2 Tears of the Chimera artefact (need to transmute) for Snitch at the Military Warehouses
1 Bengal Crystal Soul artefact (need to transmute) for Snitch at the Military Warehouses
2 Crystal or 2 Pellicle artefacts for Barkeep at the Cordon
6 Vodka for Antiques at the Bar and 3 Vodka for Fanatic at the Cordon
2x Golden Slices artefacts for Fanatic at the Cordon
Endless Jellyfish artefacts for the weapons repair kit.
3 Cat tails, 3 Burer hands, 3 Poltergeist eyes and a Ruby Spring artefact for the Swamp Doctor in the Swamps
1 Mica, 1 Crystal, 1 Goldfish, 1 Soul, 1 Flash and 1 Ruby Spring artifact for Lefty at the Military Warehouses
(Freedom Base barracks) for repairing the unique anomaly detector.
5 Cobblestone or 5 Crystal Soul of Bengal artefacts for upgrading the Nano suit. (Semetskys Stash)

Appendix page 1

Tips for a successful passage through the game.

Carefully read all the dialogues. In addition to the actual quest information, the characters communicate a lot
of interesting and useful things. Take notes or screenshots of dialogs.
Look into "all the holes." Desired objects, even if you do not need them yet, might be anywhere. Even if you
have searched there before, dont be lazy to search again, things could change after the next job.
Carefully inspect all corpses; those who have killed themselves, and those who have died from the hands of a
stranger, and especially those that youve just killed on the road. Corpses often contain quest items or
Jump onto all the rooftops and through all the teleports at the Chernobyl-2 and split all the boxes, which occur
on the path. It can be a good source of gear at the start of the game.
Try to avoid unnecessary radiation. Dosages over 600 rads kill very quickly. Almost always there is an
alternative route, bypassing the contaminated sites.
When fighting with the mutants, always try to climb higher, where it will be harder for monsters to get to you
and you can shoot more accurately in a relaxed atmosphere.
Try all found and earned weapons. The characteristics of the weapons can be quite different. For example,
some weapons can cause much more damage than others and receive less wear and tear while shooting.
Even if you dont like the weapon or it doesnt suit your needs, dont be in a hurry to get rid of it, it may come
in handy to perform some later quests. The same goes for artifacts, even if artifact does not have the
properties that you desire, it may be needed for the next job or for bartering.
Not all caches are reliable storage places. NPCs may loot them, especially if they contain items such as guns
and artifacts. Expeditionary backpacks (especially - with the psy-locks bought from dealers) provide better
Complete all the quests that the characters give. That way you can earn a good swag, collect artifact recipes
and obtain new transitions points between locations. All this will greatly facilitate life in the Zone.
When fulfilling quests to eliminate some of the characters dont kill them straight away; always try to speak to
them first, to see if the issue can be resolved peacefully.
Do not delay completing quests, in the Zone anything can happen. For example, the quest character could
disappear or die and or may stop functioning temporarily, induced by your transition to a different location.
Prior to getting the transition to Yantar from Duke, dont try to go there; otherwise you will not be able to get
Snitch can help you find Semetskys cache, if you do not have enough of the map fragments; provided that you
at least have the 2nd and 8th part of the map.
The costs of goods in the Zone are not always the same; dont rush out to buy something for the future, you
may find the same item is cheaper from a trader at a different location.
Remember or write down the range of traders, and especially what they sell and exchange, this information is
not available on your PDA.

It makes sense to storm the military base at the Warehouses, the South complex of the Agroprom and the
Rookie Village at the Cordon, alone; (leaving just a few key NPCs alive) and only then take the quests for the
assaults. That way more characters that you need will remain alive, and with them their quests and rewards.

Appendix page 2

If the quest mutants do not appear at a specified location, then maybe it's because its night or daytime. Their
emergence can be linked to the time of day. They come out respectively, during the day or night; depending
on the creature.
Quest items can spawn anywhere in the search area, so look carefully. The locations shown in the Guide are
just examples of where the items can be found, so they may not necessarily be there.
The search for artifacts is best done at night, as they glow and are visible from afar, but non-luminous objects
are best searched for during the day.
Prior to the storming the Bar with Duty, bring the Doctors flash drive to Pathfinder and find him the
superconductor, or else he will leave the Bar and the transition to the Dead City will be lost. Accordingly, all
previous quests from Pathfinder should also be performed. It is also necessary to perform all the quests for
Borov and Earl - after storming the Bar, they too will be gone.
When cooking artifacts, dont be disappointed if you end up with Cobblestones; these are useful for upgrading
Semetskys Nano Suit. You will need five. If you drop an artefact into the appropriate anomaly and you dont
get a white flash, it could mean that you dont have the required recipe yet. Check your PDA for details.
Yuri Semetskys Geocache Map Fragments
Fragment 1

Given by Jeka at the Garbage.

Fragment 2

On Razuvaevs body at the Peacekeeping Corps. (Vano mine mission)

Fragment 3

On a zombie scientists body after retaking the base for the Peacekeepers.

Fragment 4

On Yarofeevs body, at the Cordon outpost.

Fragment 5

On a Monoliths body at the X-18 lab.

Fragment 6

On a thugs body at Rostok (Wild Territory) where you were robbed.

Fragment 7

On a Mercs body where you save Fang at the Military Warehouses.

Fragment 8

On a Bandits body in the Dark Valley where you rescue Claw.

Medallion Locations (Could be in other places)

Medallion Name

Radar (in the forest)
Military Warehouses
(bloodsuckers village)


Yantar (Lab X-16)


Pripyat (Hotel)


Radar (in the forest)

Appendix page 3


On the corpse of Fyodor the thief.
In the sacrificial fireplace.
Under the harvester near the tower.
In one of the basements.
Behind the door of the room with the controller.
In the tunnel near the corpse.
On the level below where you find the lap-top.
Behind the pipes in one of the cells in the room
with the controller???
Diggers corpse on the roof.
Diggers corpse under one of the staircases.
Diggers corpse on the lowest level behind a bush.
On Mervins corpse after you kill him.
In Semetskys hidden stash.

List of Artefact recipes and where to get them.

1. Diamond Gingerbread Man. Backpack in the hall with the Monolith Stone.
2. Steel Bun. From Chameleon, for healing him.
3. Porcupine. From Charons guard (for 5 cans of food).
4. Necklaces Great-grandmother. From Feldsher for rescuing Ghost.
5. Babkin Beads. From Forester, for rescuing him from the Cats.
6. Coffee Porcupine. From Snitch, for the documents from the Freedom base.
7. Snotty Porcupine. Backpack in the X-10 lab.
8. Titanium Bun. From Sviblov for the documents and system disk from the X-10 lab.
9. The Younger Brother of the Giant. From the Bandit in the Bar or from Noodles.
10. Simbion. Backpack in the X-18 lab.
11. Scales. From Sahat, for getting his guys out of jail.
12. Skin. From Solomon, for sending a parcel for him.
13. Modifiers of the Soul. From Wolf for the Liberation of the Rookie Village.
14. Stone Porcupine. From Fanatic, for the Golden Slices artefacts.
15. Necklaces Ladies Burer. From Varangian for doing four laps.
16. Tears of Electra. From Sakharov, a quest to stop the Snorks.
17. Tears of Fire. From Sakharov, for killing the traitor.
18. Tears of the Chimera. From Sakharov, for killing the traitor.
19. Scalp of the Controller. From Kruglov, for delivering documents.
20. Pacifiers Modifiers. Backpack in the X-16 lab.
21. Shell. From Petrenko, for getting him a modified RG-6.
The most needed Artefact Recipes.

Recipe Giver
Starting Artifact
Cooking Time

Recipe Giver
Starting Artifact
Cooking Time

Fiery Soul and the Bengal Crystal Soul

Soul Drops
Fiery Soul
4 Zone hours
6 Zone hours
10 Zone hours
Soul Drops
Fiery Soul
Crystal Soul

Tears of the Chimera

Sakharov (1)
Sakharov (2)
Tears of the Electra
5 Zone hours
6 Zone hours
Tears of the Electra
Tears of Fire

Crystal Soul
1 Zone hour
Bengal Crystal Soul

Sakharov (2)
Tears of Fire
Fruit Punch
2 Zone hours
Tears of the Chimera

Beads Ladies Burer

Recipe Giver
Starting Artifact

Mamas Beads

Babkin Beads

Cooking Time

5 Zone hours
Babkin Beads

Fruit Punch
3 Zone hours
Great Grandmother

Appendix page 4

Great Grandmother
10 Zone minutes
Ladies Burer Beads

Location of the corpses with the Minigun Documents

1 - At the Garbage, in the south-eastern part of the forest near the marsh, a place thats full of blind dogs,
pseudo-dogs and fractures.
2 - In the X-18 lab, explore all the corners of the lower and upper levels (with the TT2 update, the corpse can
spawn randomly in several places).
3 - In the dungeons of the Agroprom, it is easy to find (with the TT2 update, the corpse can spawn randomly in
several places).
4 - At the Cordon, it's at the checkpoint in a backpack, not on a corpse , in a relatively prominent place (with
the TT2 update, the pack can spawn in different spots, but not in very hard to reach places search carefully).
5 - At the Radar, search the area of the scorched forest near the mesh fence, the base of cliffs or on top of
boulders that you can jump onto (with the TT2 update, the corpse can spawn anywhere in the burned-out
forest ).
6 - In the tunnel leading out of the X-16 lab to Yantar. (with the TT2 update, the corpse can spawn anywhere in
the tunnel system).
7 - In Pripyat, look for the stalkers corpse in the hotel; look in all the rooms, look out the windows (could be on
the roof), under the staircases or in the downstairs courtyard (with the TT2 update, the Digger's corpse can be
anywhere at the hotel).

Appendix page 5

Secret Trails 2
A detective story and prequel to SOC, how it all began.
You awaken on a bus in the Dead City with a woodsman named Forester standing in front of you. After
exchanging a few pleasantries with him he tells you to follow him to his home on another map, the Forest.
Dont forget to hang the Dosimeter on your belt ASAP. The Dead City is completely empty at this stage, but the
artefact spawn may have produced some useful Meat Chunks and Stone Flowers. On the way to the transition
point you may find a few.
When you arrive at Foresters hut you get a request
to find a Mandrake root for him. He gives you a
leather jacket, a Browning shotgun, some ammo and
a few med kits, and marks the location on your PDA.
You can sell him the jacket straight away as there is a
better suit awaiting you. Go to the back of the hut
and climb up the ladder where you will find a box in
the attic containing a Stalker suit with night vision
and 3 med kits. Now you can choose how you want
to get there. You can follow the road around the hill
and maybe find some artefacts, or you can climb the
hill directly to the lake. When you get close to the
spot, you will run into some fleshes near the rocks.
Better to kill them now. You will see some larger
The Mandrake Root
rocks near the water; climb on top of them and in a
hole between the boulders youll find a box with some AK-47 ammo. Under the water you may find some
artefacts. Now you should see some rocks between trees at the end of the valley, you need to crouch down to
get the Mandrake root. When you pull the root you hear a scream and when it stops you get attacked by
boars. You can either fight or run, its your choice. Bring the root back to Forester and he rewards you with
some med kits and anti-rads. This opens another task.
Forester now asks you find Associate Professor Vasiliev (the scientist whose corpse is next to the helicopter at
Yantar in the vanilla game). His location is marked on your PDA. He has some medicine that Forester needs.
You go to his location and on the way youll find an anomalies field with artefacts. Use bolts and be careful of
the radiation. Check under the rocks there, you should find a box containing 2 scientific med kits and 5 antirads. Pick them up and continue onwards. As you get close you will see that Vasiliev is hiding between some
rocks. You should find some artefacts around here. Go around the rocks until you find the entrance and go
down the first ladder, there should be some crates here that you can break open but dont expect anything.
Now go down the next ladder and you will find Vasiliev: there are some boxes near him, one of them contains
2 med kits and 3 anti-rads. Now you can speak with him. He tells you that you need to go to Yantar to get
more medicine for Forester as he lost the first batch escaping from mutants during a blowout. He will give you
a Colt 1911 and some .45 ACP ammo: follow him and stay close as he will avoid the anomalies. When he
reaches the edge of the lake speak to him again then follow him to the middle. Theres an underwater hole
there that is the transition to Yantar but before you speak to him again check around the lake for artefacts.
Now you can talk to Vasiliev again and then enter the hole. This teleport will remain open until a later quest
for Forester and then will close forever.
Now you and Vasiliev arrive in Yantar, in the marsh near the fallen helicopter. Both of you will be attacked by
snorks and zombies, fight them off and protect Vasiliev, he must survive. Only after the last zombie is killed
will the storyline continue. Once you get the message to speak to Vasiliev, do so then escort him into the

compound. Once you get inside the gate, sprint to the open container to the right of the bunker before
Vasiliev gets there; inside there are a couple of crates containing loot. If he gets there first you wont be able
to get to them. Also check the crates on the roof of the bunker.
Now before you enter the bunker, you need to speak with Dan to activate dialogue with Sakharov. Youll find
him between two Nissan huts near the open container. After you have spoken with him, you can trade or sell
any unwanted stuff to the NPCs. At this point, I need to mention, dont bother picking up any PM pistols or
9x18 ammo as no one will buy them.
Now its time to enter the bunker and speak with Professor Sakharov. He thanks you for helping Vasiliev and
gives you a recipe for transmutation. When you ask him about Foresters medicine, he gives you some and
also the transition back to the Forest.
The transition back to the Forest is near the old bus where you and Prof. Kruglov did the measuring in the
vanilla game. Head towards the bus, but be careful of the zombies there. Another thing, if you picked up any
assault rifles, before you try to use them make sure the safety catch is off (9 or 0). Kill all the zombies and take
any loot you want. Dont forget to check inside the sewer pipe for crates. To activate the teleport walk closely
around the bus until a new path appears. Enter it and you get teleported back to the Forest.
You arrive at the edge of the Forest map so just go to Foresters location marked on your PDA. Give the
medicine to Forester and he tells you he is running out of supplies and wants you to go to the Dead City where
he has some stashed. You agree and a new transition to the Dead City appears. Be careful of the pseudo dogs
near the transition.
When you arrive at the Dead City youre met by
some armed guys from a new faction, called the
Wanderers. Speak to the checkpoint commander
and he asks you to follow him to their leader, a
woman named Leila. Follow him closely, if you get
too far behind him, he considers you as an enemy
trying to escape and shoots you. He takes you to
Leila on the second floor of the school.
After you speak to her, she wants you to go to
Demon to help him out. Hes located nearby at the
sports centre opposite the Lenin statue: youll find
him on the second floor. Speak with him and he tells
you that he needs your help to rid one of the 5 story
buildings near the town hall of zombies. He gives you an Abakan assault rifle, some ammo and a blue Stalker
suit. This mission can be done quite easily using only the knife, so dont waste ammo. Go up the staircase and
knife them as they start coming down from the top floor. When youre finished, go back to Dan.

You speak with Dan and he lets you keep the gear as a reward. Now back to Leila to ask for Foresters things.
You learn that they have already been found. Youre sent back to the Forest with whats left of it, led by the
same guy, to the same place where you teleported in. Before going back, do some shopping at the local trader,
Mozart. He is on the first floor of the school. You appear again in the Forest near Foresters house. Speak with
him and he thanks you for getting the supplies and now you can ask him about obtaining money in the zone.
When you give Forester the goods the teleport to Yantar disappears. If you want to go more times to Yantar,
do not report to Forester on return from the Dead City. Anyway, once you deliver the case he makes a good
offer: 45K roubles for 3 Mandrake roots. The catch is that they are all inside the underground cave in the lake,

the one to where you followed Vasiliev before. So you just need to go to that cave directly, there is no
transition point there now, its just a cave. Tip: (Save the game here as sometimes one of the Mandrake roots
and the Desert Eagle doesnt spawn and you will need to reload).
As soon as you go down there, two ghost blind dogs
attack you immediately. Kill them fast, and walk in to
the passage. There is a Desert Eagle with ammo
beside the skeleton. Its a very powerful weapon,
and extremely rare (If you want to keep it, its better
if you stash it in the box at Forester's house, because
the game takes an interesting turn a bit later...). Just
walk onwards, and jump down. Use your bolts,
because there are some Burner Anomalies down
there and also a Flame Poltergeist, but dont try to
shoot it, just go on fast. Youll see a hole, jump over
it and just follow the cave. The roots are usually in
the places where the tunnels widen to some kind of
side rooms. There is a wooden crate in the first hall
with an AK-S and AP ammo. You will find the roots in the linear route. After youve got the last one, that
scream is heard again. Now you will experience some suspicious sound and screen effects. Yes, a Controller
has appeared somewhere nearby. Dont worry, just follow the cave, and after rounding a curve you should see
him, kill him and get out of there through the other opening.
The Desert Eagle

Forester keeps his word and pays you 45K roubles. At that moment youre notified that Leila wants to see you.
You start having erotic fantasies and rush back to the Dead City through the same teleport. WRONG MOVE pal.
Stash everything first (except your sleeping bag and dosimeter), keeping only the AK, your armour and some
ammo (youll need that to go dog tail hunting for Grieg) and maybe some med kits and bandages. No artefacts
or anything else. The reasons for that will become apparent soon.
As soon as you spawn in the Dead City the teleport vanishes, no going back from here. You see the same guys
when you arrived at the city the last time. But now when you try to ask a guide he just says "You know the
route" and lets you go alone. We are going to Leila, but on the way some blind dogs attack you, kill them and
pick up the tails from their corpses, youll need them later. Meeting with Leila you find out that she really has
an itch and needs you to scratch it. Only that it is not about her body but about her city. Here we find a new
faction introduced with the Update, the Marauders.
The allergenic factor for Leila is the Marauders leader, Razuvaev, the most wanted dead or alive person of this
game. He has left in the area, a small gang of teenage marauders giving Leila the usual migraine. She wants
you, with your bad-ass gunslinger attitude to offer them a deal: skip town or skip life. It is a piece of cake of a
mission. You need persuade them to leave the city. Leila gives you some money and marks their position on
the map, so you go and try to convince them. As you get close to them they start yelling at you, but dont
shoot on them even if you want to. You want a peaceful solution, so speak with their leader. You tell him
about Leila's offer. They start to consult about the deal and they finally accept it: their leader takes the money
and asks you to go at least 50m behind some bushes so they can leave without you knowing in which direction
they went. You can go back to Leila now to find out that she doesnt want you around either, and she thanks
you for your successful diplomatic task and asks you to immediately visit an experienced Wanderer, who might
have info on your brother. His name is Grieg and is on the second floor of the Municipality building, right in
front of the school. He is in a small isolated room some people may be having difficulty in finding. He tells you
a little story about the CNPP and a guy named 'Captain': he says that maybe this guy is in Pripyat, and knows a
secret way into that city, but before he reveals it to you; you need to do something for him. Grieg wants 10

blind dog tails. By now dogs have spawned in several spots on the map, you should have already collected 5
tails from a welcoming party. The rest is in the open spaces surrounding the town. Doing a tour of the outskirts
will give you enough chances to complete the task.
The moment you give Grieg the dogs tails he will tell you how to get to Pripyat. It is a key point in the game,
you cant go back to the Forest and you cant get back here from Pripyat. Thats called the point of no return
fellas. The other reason for the precautions mentioned above is that in Pripyat you will be robbed naked, so
embrace the nudist way of living right now and go there as a representative of the movement.
Use Mozart to spend all of your money, save/reload
as many times as necessary. Buy one of those
backpacks and set up your stash somewhere in the
outskirts, far from looters (not that you will need it
much on your return). Inside the attic of one of the
houses worked fine for me. Stash everything and go
back to the Town Hall. Now Grieg tells you about the
secret way to Pripyat, but he cant show you the way
or follow you. He just gives you the clue where the
entrance to the path is located. The first teleport is
near the fountain behind the building where a white
car is positioned on top of one of those round sewer
covers. Its one-way only; think twice before
approaching the derelict car. Without a warning you
will be transported in the sewage tunnels beneath the car. It is the start of a journey in the sewers with several
teleports. Walk the sewer slowly in the direction of the school, crouch when needed. When you reach the end
of the first tunnel, near the entrance of the school you will be teleported to the second sewage tunnel; walk to
its other extremity to have another teleport. The third and the last one have a small secret. Close to its
opposite end, where there will be the jump to Pripyat, is a skeleton with a diary. Forgetting to pick it up now
will leave you without the Bioradar later. Find the diary of the deceased Guide Krol and make two steps
forward TO PRIPYAT. The short adventure of the game beginning ends here. Youll be back again in the Dead
City very, very late in the game. The game will be rolling toward its end by then.
The way to Pripyat

You come to your senses in Pripyat inside the bus at

the Western bus station, where in vanilla game the
military stalkers spawn. You have zero of everything,
no money, ammo, weapons or armour. The game
preserves the knife, the sleeping bag and the
dosimeter. Put it on IMMEDIATELY. Same as in the
vanilla game, the area and the buildings nearby are
highly radioactive, while you have nothing to cure it.
The PAB-9 ammo is still by the crashed helicopter
(keep this in mind as you will need these later when
you acquire either an As-Val or a Groza) in the less
radioactive corner. In front of you is a curious
character called Mervin, a Monolith Warlock and
Trainer? You will have a lot of dealings with him in
the course of the game. Mervin gives you a bullshit explanation about your state, tells you that you are now a
Monolith and assigns you a task to see how worthy you are for the brotherhood.
Krols diary in the sewers

The task is to kill all snorks in the area between the Ferris wheel and the back of the hotel. He gives you an
interesting unique Colt and very little ammo for this dangerous task.
Not far from the snorks there is a huge pack of pseudo dogs, trigger their attention and youre (pseudo)dog
food. The level is COMPLETELY isolated at this point, no portals to anywhere else.
You can leave the bus now but try to get onto the parapet of the building to your left as fast as you can
because there are some bloodsuckers here and the possibility of a pseudo giant spawning. You dont have
enough ammo to take them on as well as the snorks. Using the high ground, make your way to the Ferris
wheel via the stadium. At the Culture Centre, beside the entrance to the basement, you can find a box with
pistol ammo and in the Theatre itself another box with ammo and a Kolobok artefact beside the fireplace. If
you go the other way you will encounter the pseudo dogs and some other snorks and you wont have enough
ammo. When you arrive at the Ferris wheel, jump up onto the roof of the ticket office thats beside it. From
here you can easily kill all the snorks. When youre done head back to Mervin.
After you have spoken to Mervin, he teleports you directly inside the Sarcophagus at the top of the stairwell. I
will call this Level +1, the one housing the Monolith Crystal. I will call Level 0 the level at the bottom of the
stairs, where in vanilla normally we enter the Sarcophagus from NPP1. From this level you can drop down via a
ladder to two smaller rooms with a blue stash box, thats Level -1. Talk to the guard at the door of L+1, and he
gives you an AKSU and a Monolith suit then moves on to block the door to Charon, weird stuff. You get to your
new acquaintance, the boss of the brotherhood from the side entrance. Before taking any tasks from him
roam and scavenge all known corners of the map, including the level +2, the corridor that in vanilla has the
door opened by the decoder. There are many boxes and crates some with predefined goods; also speak with
the guards; two of them have quests for you. The first needs 5 cans of food and the other needs 5 PDAs. These
are not necessary quests, just little side quests. Tip: (Before you speak to Charon save the game, you may need
to reload it later.)
As soon as you see Charon he asks you to clear Level
0 from burers and recover a decoder that they have
stolen. He gives you some ammo for your AKSU. So
the task is given, head down the stairs. At the
bottom of the stairs youll find 2 of them, they can
be dangerous if they attack you with their energy
wave. The problem with this mission is the decoder
itself. Many dont find it because the burers can fling
it anywhere or the decoder itself doesnt spawn. The
best thing to do is to kill the burers that block the
path to Level -1, drop down there and wait for the
rest of the burers to throw the decoder at your face,
it works. Then proceed to eliminate the rest of the
burers and report back to Charon. If you cant find
the decoder, reload the save and try again.
One possible location of the decoder

According to the AMK forums the decoder can only

be in either of the two rooms on the lower level. You can also find down there a wooden crate with artefacts
(a Night star) and a metal box with some medical supplies inside. When you find the decoder head back to
Next, Charon wants you to help some guy named Solomon, to clean up NPP2 from the unbelievers regular
Loner stalkers that dont want to join the Monolith. Charon tells you if somebody doesnt believe in the power
of the Monolith that they should die. Interesting point of view... But we dont care about it; we must just do
this job. This activates the permanent teleport Sarcophagus-NPP2 at the far corner of the Monolith dome. The
transition point to the NPP2 level is in the room with the Wish Granter, behind the concrete wall. When you
climb out of the reactors cylinder facing the Monolith Crystal, check the outer walls to your left. There is a
backpack there with a piece of paper youll want to have, an important artefact recipe. It is also a good

stashing point inside the Sarcophagus. (From this point onwards, start collecting everything youll need to
finish the game.) Tip: Before you go up the ladder to the transition point search under the steel beam you
should find a unique weapon there. An Enfield L85 A2 balanced.
Now transport yourself to NPP2. When you are
outside of the Sarcophagus, you can check your PDA
for Solomon's position; he stays on the other side of
the map. You can reach him on the ground (no
radioactivity around the NPP2) or you can use the
old portals to advance further. I strongly suggest you
take the teleports route. Why so? Because there is a
myriad of cases and crates on the roofs, real riches to
collect now that you are broke. The teleports chain
ends short of the vanilla one, at the warehouse-roof
the one full of boxes and crates. From there use
ladders to get to the lower roofs and eventually to
the ground. BE CAREFUL there, the Loners squad is
directly beneath your position, and you are a
Monolith now, youd be dead in no time. Better jump to the ground from another side of the roof, running
directly to Solomon that is also close to you. Get the approval from Solomon for the cleansing of the
unbelievers and go ahead. Solomon and his guards will follow slowly behind.
The Enfield L85

Use cover wherever you can, these guys are crack shots so expect to die a few times. Its a good chance now to
collect some PDAs that you will need later. As soon as you are done with killing and looting, run back where
you met Solomon earlier. A wounded Loner named Chameleon has spawned there. Any of your brothers
going back before you will shoot him in the head, so act quickly, give him a med kit and convert him to a
Monolith. This gets you one of the many artefact recipes of the game. (If he dies before you talk to him you
dont get the recipe.)
Now you can head back to Charon, there is a new transition point behind the corner right from your position if
you check the map. That point leads you back to the Sarcophagus, to the Wish Granter. Back inside the
Sarcophagus try some bargaining with your Monolith brothers before going on other missions. The Update has
introduced a standard, generic bargaining menu to all NPCs. Use it to your advantage, of course, depending on
the availability of goods. Charons quartermaster, Mahon, repairs things and exchanges artefacts for ammo
and other stuff. This is all generic. There are only 2 SPECIFIC, one time only exchanges. In one corner there is a
dude that for 5 PDAs gives you a GP-25 launcher. You wont find another for a long, long time. Nearby Mahon
there is the dude that needs 5 cans of food. He trades those for an important artefact recipe. You better gear
up now good because, as soon as you report to Charon, he sends you on a really deadly mission: cleansing the
Control Bunker from all sorts of monsters. This time he offers you a badass weapon, his Anomalous
Winchester, something you will keep for the rest of the game. The teleport is the same one at the corner of
the Monolith hall; the bunker entrance is right down the stairs from where you got teleported. Just clear out
the corridors of burers, bloodsuckers and zombies then collect the items from the boxes and get out of the
bunker and head back to Charon.
As you get out and take a deep pleasant breath filling your lungs with freshly spilled radioactive substances a
message comes from Solomon. He is at his usual station, the NPP2-Sarc teleport. This time use the ground
route, just run through the map either avoiding, or killing monsters (Try to get some snorks feet for a later
quest). Solomon will beg you to collect three important metallic cases spread throughout the map, giving you
the approximate locations on your PDA. The first is on the ground, the second up some ladder, but the third

one is on one of the high roofs. Enter the teleporting system near Solomons place from those metallic stairs at
the corner of the building. Teleport until you reach the roof indicated on PDA.
Get the case and continue teleporting until the end
of it, which is the roof with crates also near
Solomons place. When you have all 3 of them go
back to Solomon, he knows that youll be going back
to Pripyat soon and he gives you the next task. He
wants you to find a crate of canned food at a Pripyat
Gastronom (Deli), and a box of medical supplies
somewhere in the CNPP area. He tells you about a
guy named Clerk that may know the whereabouts of
the medical stash. There is another side quest from a
Monolith guy near Solomon, who asks you to bring
him 8 Snorks feet. Take the task, as you can complete
them both simultaneously. Theres also a guard
patrolling near Solomon. If you talk to him youll see
he is in a full blown crisis from lack of alcohol,
needing a 5 bottle injection to survive. If you bring his medicine he will give you a TT-33. Start buying Vodka
from every NPC that carries it if you want that useless piece of iron.
The third case

When you see Charon again he tells you that you need training to be a real Monolith drone. Guess who is the
guy seeing to it? It is our dear 'life saver' Mervin, waiting for you by the Monolith Crystal. He has many tests
for you, all incredibly suicidal the essence of a true Monolith servant. The first two take place at NPP2. He
wants you to find and bring him some manuscripts. You are teleported out to one of the big Generators, its a
small circular platform, just walk around and pick up the document, now youre ported outside of the
Generator. If you look down you will see a med kit, jump down and pick it up. Now carefully jump down to the
ground using the projections and get back to Mervin. Now Mervin gives you another task, the same objective,
bring him another Manuscript. Now you appear near the antenna disc on the roof, youll find the Manuscript if
you look down over the edges of the roof. Jump down and pick it up, and prepare yourself for a little gun fight.
Tip: (Before you jump into the teleport from the roof, I recommend you save here.) You will be teleported
between 2 guys in green exoskeletons and you must be quick, shoot them fast as you can, because they can kill
you easily. Ive tried many times before I succeeded.
HINT: If you have trouble shooting both, as soon as you land, jump off the end of the viaduct. You can then get
both guys from the ground and come back to loot their corpses through the teleporters later. They both have
AS VALs; pretty good weapons. Now return to Mervin. Give him the manuscript, and he sends you to Charon
Charon needs some medicine from the Swamp Doctor or anyone standing in for him in Pripyat. You run with
religious fervour to fulfil it. In this moment Charon has to unlock two permanent teleports: Sarcophgus-NPP1,
the usual place we get inside in vanilla; and NPP1-Pripyat, the usual place we access NPP in vanilla. From now
on you are free to come and go to Pripyat. This also marks the beginning of stupid, nauseating pendulum-like
swing between the Sarcophagus and Pripyat. Youll see.
At the exit from the Sarcophagus to NPP1 you see a black trench coated bandit, its Clerk. Before anything else
he asks for your help in fending off a military stalkers incursion. Charons mad at him for letting them stay in
the territory, and offers you his 'Bison' for your help. Giving help means keeping him alive while getting
yourself killed, these military guys are tough and deadly precise. We accept the task because a little escort
always come in handy. On the way some blind dogs attacks you, you can kill them and collect the tails, we
need them for Charon's quest (10 pieces) but dont spend too much time doing this as Clerk can die if you

dont protect him. When you get halfway to the rusty steel tank and pipes, the military stalkers appear.
Careful, one of them will spawn behind you near the bushes. Kill them all, grenades worked for me: collect the
loot (you may find a Groza and some PDAs) and speak to Clerk. Upon success of the operation you get a PPBison with its specific scope and the indication about Solomons container with the medicines. At this point
you can go back and find some more dog tails or do some artefact hunting in the area. You should be able to
find at least one Night Star artefact. When youre ready, follow the train tracks out of the main gate until you
reach the second last or last train car in front of the administrative buildings, but watch out for mutants.
You can collect the medical stash later when you
return; theres no need to lug it to Pripyat and back.
Now we can continue our way to the transition
point. You may encounter some blind dogs again, so
you can collect the remaining tails if needed.
When you spawn at the stadium get away ASAP
from the side exits, following the running track until
the other side, the amount of monsters if
overwhelming for the amount of ammo you have.
The stadium territory is a real anomaly and artefact
farm. You can collect some there, maybe a Night Star
or two. And almost forgot, when you enter to the
A good place to find artefacts
stadium many tushkanos and snorks will be spawned
and possibly follow you, now its time to collect the snorks feet for Solomon's guard (The pseudo giant will
attack if it hears you). When youre done head to the city side of the Stadium, you will notice a yellow dot in
the press area, it is your contact called Feldsher, the Paramedic. He is a normal trader and repairman, alas with
the infamous cash limit, credit cards not accepted. To get the medicine for Charon youll have to use real hard
currency: 2 Night Stars or 10 dog tails. Just comply. The box is yours now and dont forget to buy some food
cans for Charon's guard. If you dont have 5 yet after getting the box you can buy the remaining on the way
back. He sells vodka too, if you want to help your drunken brother.
Now you can head off to look for the food crate. There are two Gastronom buildings in Pripyat, one is near the
Ferris wheel and the other is near the downed helicopter on the other side of town. The food crate can spawn
anywhere at either one. Look everywhere, behind bushes, under stairs; search both inside and outside of the
two buildings. A word of caution here, at the Ferris wheel Gastronom youll have to contend with pseudo dogs
and snorks that have come shopping for fresh steaks while at the other one, there are some thirsty
bloodsuckers out looking for a drink.
Once youve found the crate get back to the NPP and dont forget to pick up the medical stash. When you pick
up the stash a couple of London werewolves spawn, kill them and get out of the area and dont stop to report
to Charon, close Solomons deal first (the vodka deal too). Choose among three rewards he offers then report
to Charon with the medicine. We can choose from a NATO scope, a Russian weapon scope or the MP5
modified for using 9x18 ammo. The guard gives some hard to get shot-gun ammo for the snorks feet. Now
head back to the Sarcophagus, and turn in the Food Can quest. The guard is a bit more generous, your reward
is one of the artefact transmutation recipes. Now we can speak to Charon.
Right then, when you were thinking of having a shower, eat some heated food cans and watch The Monolith
Truth channel, something goes wrong, WTF. The alarmed voice of Mahon comes over the radio. Charon sends
you back to Pripyat to be his babysitter during an assault on the Culture Centre thats been occupied by
Mercenaries. He wants to prove who owns the city; Mahon is already there with a small group to support you.
Your pride goes off the charts making you run to your new task. The pendulum swings again, its becoming
boring. You need to go to Pripyat again, Mahon and the group is waiting for you near the Stadium.

After we have spoken to Mahon the offensive begins. What follows next is the usual massacre of those
Mercenary bastards and the triumph of the True Faith.
The first target is the Culture Centre. Mahon must not die or the mission will fail. When the Mercenaries are
defeated the Monolith occupies the building. Loot the corpses fast before your mates do, you may find some
PDAs to complete the other side quest in the Sarcophagus if you havent already done so. Reporting the
victory to Mahon doesnt do you any good. He is not happy with your performance, thats why he throws you
at the other wave of the Mercenaries coming from the other side of Lenins fallen statue. You brothers in faith
should be already charging. Note: 1-2 Chimeras may disturb you in middle of the war. Tip: (Try to get to the
top of the top of the broken statues base; its a good sniping point.)
When all the Mercenaries are all dead you need to report to Mahon first, he gives you a useful Anomaly
Detector. Put that on your belt immediately. Now you need to return to the Sarcophagus again, and report to
Charon about the task, and maybe complete the PDA gathering quest.
Yet another swing. The Supreme Brother sends you immediately back to the Hotel Pripyat, Room 26 to see
Mervin again. WTF! What happened to PDA messaging? Anyway, get to the Warlock who is preparing to make
reality all your childhood nightmares. In fact, the three remaining tests are more suicidal than ever, making
you ask if the bosses are trying to whack you. He wants you to get more Manuscripts for him now. The first
one is on the top of the Ferris wheel, he immediately teleports you there. Pick up the document and carefully
descend. There are some snorks waiting for you on the ground, stay in the bottom gondola until youve killed
them all. Now its time to go back to Mervin with the Manuscript.
The next task is the same, collect another
Manuscript. This time Mervin teleports us to an
attic, again between 2 Phantom Mercenaries. Take
out the one to your left first and the use one of the
posts for cover while you take out the other. But
beware; there are Mercenaries on the ground that
can spot you as well. Kill them all, pick up the
Manuscript from the attic, loot the corpses if
needed, and get back to the Hotel.
Now for the last task, Mervin teleports himself and
you onto a rooftop, after speaking to him you need
to jump to another rooftop of the building behind
you need to sprint and jump over the low wall.
Phantom Mercenary in the attic
Youll suffer a bit of damage but there is a free army
med kit on the roof. Hint: (Save here and prepare to die many times.) Pick it up; its behind the last chimney.
When you pick up the manuscript the screen flashes again and you are teleported between some Mercenaries
again. When you appear, its better if you jump down from the terrace straight away, or youll die fast. Kill
them from behind cover and be wary because the building is heavily radiated. Hint: (You can find a powerful
artefact possibly in one of the garages behind the radioactive building.) Now you need to go directly back at
Charon. Swing baby swing.
Charon's next task is an interesting one now: He tells you that Clerk has caught some tough spies that only
your skills as former Saddam Husseins interrogator can break. You go at NPP1, the corner where in vanilla are
some grenades a BTR and an Abakan. BTR&AN are gone, but some F1s are still there. Just the look of you
makes the poor stalker spill his guts. He mentions Ghost and some elusive documents in the underground.
When you have everything from him talk to Clerk, he liquidates the stalker with pleasure. On the way to
Charon to report your findings you get a message from Feldsher about an urgent matter in Pripyat.

Not again please, Feldsher can wait a few more minutes. Well, since Charon has given you the rest of the day
off, you may as well take a leisurely trip to Pripyat to see what Feldsher wants. Its only hordes of mutants that
youll have to fight, the authors idea of relaxation.
Feldsher asks you to free Ghost from the Mercenaries, theyre keeping him at the very south of Pripyat. What
a coincidence! Why you and not another monolith killing machine? The mystery is getting thicker. Kill all the
mutants in the immediate area first; they can be a real pain in the ass if you dont. After killing those
Mercenaries speak with Ghost, and then escort him to the school. After you interrogate him go back and speak
with Feldsher, telling him the good news. First he thanks you by giving a good artefact recipe and then he tells
you some very disturbing things about your faith, but strange deep feelings stop you from terminating him on
spot; you go back AGAIN to the Sarcophagus for advice. The bloody swinging seems to have no end.
On entering NPP1 grounds a message from Charon reaches you. You have to see him in person. It is really
important because the task is to purify that bastard Ghost, sending his soul to the Monolith. That means
ANOTHER trip to Pripyat (oh no, not again).
As soon as you come out of Sarcophagus to NPP1, Feldsher SMSs you. Meeting him at the stadium comes
with a big surprise; he knows about your assignment and asks you to stand down. How can a monolith soldier
deviate from the order of the Supreme? Seeing that, Feldsher uses his mobile electroshock device, giving you a
zap that makes all Mervins brainwashing go away and gives you a psi-helmet. Again, we have a key point in
the game, YOU STOP BEING A MONOLITH. Your former brothers are now your arch enemies.
At the same time you learn that Charon has played it safe, sending another squad to take Ghost out. He did
not trust you all along, that ugly masked bastard. So when Feldsher gives the task to save Ghost you go to
unleash your rage on your former brothers. When Ghost is safe, you can talk to him about leaving Pripyat. It
can be done if you had some super mysterious documents that are, what a coincidence, back at CNPP. Please, I
cant take this idiotic back-and -forth travelling anymore!
You start moving toward the Monolith Control Bunker, all previous friends now are the enemy. Meticulously
clear NPP1, Sarcophagus and NPP2 of all monolith units. Russian forums talk of big time troubles from any
units left behind, when you will have to return here later in the game. Remember the stray backpack near

the Monolith Crystal? It is time to use it for storing all valuables, because another robbery is in store for you.
The authors have made possible the return of the stolen goods, but it is not an exact science. I found myself
short of several things upon recovery. Stash most things but keep a decent gun and some ammo for it, save
and step into the teleport.

Documents in the Bunker

The moment you make a step on the NPP2 ground

the world starts spinning. The monolith bastards
know a few tricks they didnt tell you. No guns and 0
money youre left facing a guy you dont recognize.
Its Solomon, who for his own reasons has come to
protect you. He gives you a normal Winchester then
goes charging. Let him take his friends out; just make
sure he doesnt get killed. After the fight, search the
bodies; most of your things are on one of them. You
DO NOT FIND YOUR MONEY here. Get into the
Control Bunker and have your usual working day with
various monsters. Get the documents in the room
near the bars that close one side of the central
corridor. Some Phantom Mercs will spawn to block
your way back. Kill them all, loot their bodies and

leave the bunker. Solomon is waiting for you to come out. How did he know you would survive adds to the
already thick mystery. He begs you to send a package to his family through the Cordon trader. Take the job
and start again the bloody journey to Pripyat. Get the stashed goods inside the Sarcophagus and try to run to
Like I said, try and get back your 30 pieces of silver. When you reach the stairs down to the lower floors,
Judah will knock you down as you enter the stairs. When the screen flashes try to kill him straight away and
then loot his body for your stolen money.
Before you return to Ghost with the documents, you need to go to where the spy was interrogated. Kill all the
Monolith soldiers on the way and Clerk who should be there; you can loot his corpse for some money as well.
Now you can head back to Pripyat without problems.
If you manage to get out in one piece from NPP you will end up in Pripyat for the last time. Ooh what a relief.
Hand the documents over to Ghost. He sends you to Fang who has spawned two rooms away. These dudes are
supposed to be very close friends. Cant they share the same room? I start believing that back-and-forth is in
the DNA of the authors. Fang starts to lead you to the one-way teleport to the Swamps when Monolith forces
spawn to block your way. Fang can take care of some of them with his Groza, but eventually you have to keep
him alive.
When all is cleared, follow him to the corner with the teleport. After the due greetings you think that youre
done with everything, dont you? Not a chance pal; youre asked to go back to Ghost. He thanks you for
everything and offers a special weapon, (a Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2) alias Gravigun. Now, FINALLY you can
walk away without having to return. This is another point of no return in the game plot. It will take a lot of
game before the normal Pripyat-Radar portal establishes for good. Although you can walk away from Pripyat,
take your time to wrap up things. Eliminate Mahon, hes in the Culture Centre basement; he carries a unique
scoped AS-VAL that you can use throughout the game. This weapon will be very helpful later on. Use Feldsher
to repair any weapons and armour you can afford. From now onward you can start collecting Ruby Artefacts,
the Ruby Battery and the Ruby Spring, which will spawn in couples on most of the maps. They are crucial to
some missions, trades, and bargaining during the game. Folks, the second part of this adventure ends here. It
is mostly self-contained; the only opened storyline is the Solomons delivery, not important to the plot line.
The game play in the two levels that follow is really inconsequential. It serves only bypass the direct transfer to
Radar and the Army Warehouses. No important quests originate from here, just a letter of delivery for
someone somewhere. So there is nothing to do but go hunting wild game or monsters, collecting forest fruits
and having long walks into the anomalous areas.


Where you spawn at the Swamps is not far from the

Swamp Doctors house. At his house some are
interesting mutants, but they are friendly so just
ignore them. Head there and talk to the Doctor to
complete the pending task, he thanks you in his own
way. He will tell you that there is no way back to
Pripyat. The only place you can go to is your beloved
Forest. In the mean time he asks if during your
leisurely strolls in the wild, you can hunt a certain
Swamp Monster that is terrorizing the area. The
Swamp Monster, named Bonebreaker is none other
than that sweet Librarian from Metro 2033. It is one
of the exercises of you health recovery plan, so you
accept without hesitation. Killing the beast is not

difficult in itself, if it wasnt for the arachnids it spawns on every hit. Close in quietly on the barn with the
Librarian and lobbing a lot of grenades in a short time can help a lot. It kills the beast and the secondary
spawn. If you dont have enough grenades, a few good headshots will kill it. Kill as many arachnids as you can
afterwards, as this is crucial to the storyline continuing when you return later in the game.
Go back at Doctors place to report. After disclosing some secrets about your brother and Yuri Semetskys, he
sends you to your old acquaintances, the Wanderers. They have set up a base-checkpoint here at the Swamps.
Dont try and approach them before you kill the Swamp Monster as one of the guards is hostile towards you.
He becomes friendly only after the Doctor sends you there.
Reaching the checkpoint you find that Grieg, the one who back in the Dead City opened the way to Pripyat, is
the man in charge. As with any character in this game, he doesnt disclose the portal to the Forest if you dont
do one of those idiotic jobs. This time you need to escort someone named Kent to take some measurements
somewhere. Well, you accept the job since the study of the wild nature is one of your actual occupations.
Shooting some babushka zombies is the only needed distraction under the circumstances. Finish the excursion,
escort Kent back to the base and talk to Grieg. He will mark on your PDA another one-way teleport, this time
to the Forest. Their trader Miser sells ammo at a good price and buys weapons at better prices. There isnt
much else to do at the Swamps. You can have a quick look for artefacts otherwise get the hell out of that
damp climate to a more regenerating environment, the Forest.
The entrance to the forest is pretty dramatic; we immediately get a message that our old pal Forester is in
trouble and is under attack by a bunch of feral cats. Eliminate the cats to save him; he wasnt going to die
anyway. Note: (Dont forget to collect the cat tails; youll need them later in the game.) As a reward he gives
you another good artefact recipe. After telling the old man a short version of your past adventures he sends
you off to the Hunters. They might know of some passage outside the Forrest. Strange that he doesnt know
any, although he spends all his time there. What can you do but head off where youre told to? Dont forget
that you have stashed a lot of goods somewhere around here. Go and collect them if you need to.
The Hunters are located at the lowest right corner of the map. Their leader is Slouch. Before you get the
teleport location, as usual you have to do one of those stupid jobs again, this time teaming up with Greek and
Zahar. If you have accumulated monster parts from your earlier heroic adventures, here you have some
bargaining choices with different types of ammo. Talking to Greek triggers the boar extermination task. The
boars are by the big pond, the one with the central cave. You dont want excessive stress, youre in a recovery
mode here, so let them do the all the work. Armed with a Val and a Groza this duo does a quick job on the
boars. You may collect the parts, if interested. When Greek is ready you can talk to him. Beware that this
triggers a forced event: Zahar automatically goes for
the exit to the Army Warehouses. That will bring
your holidays to an abrupt end and you will be
thrown back into the big, violent world of the zone. If
you need more time around, better avoid talking to
Slouch early.

Zahar gives the new transition

Follow Zahar to the teleport. On the way, a scripted

bunch of pseudo dogs will attack him. It is suggested
that you help him with the mutants so that Zahar
turns green, making the outcome of this event more
stable. Near the teleport area there are two nasty
bloodsuckers that can really harm Zahar, plus some
poltergeists. Here your communication skills with
wild animals, via gun barrel, are really needed.


There is something of you reminiscent of Kevin Costner, because everyone thinks youre the Postman. Zahar
asks you to deliver a letter to someone named Sobolev, if you happen to come across such a guy. Go ahead,
make the jump, the Army Warehouses are waiting for you. The return on these lands will be possible later,
when all the Secret Paths are no longer a secret anymore.
From the Forest youre teleported inside the house at the bloodsuckers village with the RG6 in the basement
(only the VOGs are still there). There are like 5-6 bloodsuckers, 2 poltergeists and a controller. Spending time
to kill them now has dire consequences on the upcoming mission. Leave the village fast as possible. This map
contains many mutants. Some pseudo giants are wandering the bus shelter near the Freedom base; kill them
because they will attack Lukash's squad. Lukash is marked on the map, but dont go to him now. If the blood
suckers follow you they will decimate all the Freedomers that are not VIPs.
The Freedom base is occupied by the Military.
Lukash wants to attack that base, but better if you
go there alone and try to eliminate all the soldiers
because you can lose some key people from the
story, and you can get stuck in the play through. Get
close to the derelict bus and there switch quickly to
the best snipping weapon you have, a Vintorez
would be great, and look in the direction of bases
entrance, several military patrols should be coming
out. Had you delayed at the village, they could have
reached the Freedomers, killing them in seconds.
When youre sure that the base has only a few units
left (Dont kill Belchuk yet, if you do you wont get a
dialogue from Lukash asking for help to storm the
base), go and talk to Lukash and let them occupy the base. It is not a mere coincidence he wants you to help
assaulting the base. The guy is a pot smoker that cant do anything right by himself. Seeing your shiny
exoskeleton he grasps immediately, through the fumes of weed, for the opportunity to get himself a cosy
apartment, with antique furniture. Lukash and his Old Guard, the Freedomers are camped beyond the village
at the place where Master and Wolf stay in vanilla. Lukash and his Old Guard, Max, Chef, Cap (he must
survive), Murk and co. will storm the base, eliminate the rest of the soldiers (keep giving your help there), and
establish themselves in the quarters belonging to Belchuk, the Base commander. As soon as Lukash goes to his
usual place, youll find out that this bloody addict is not going to pay and has lied to you. He was planning that
you do the hard part not only for the Base, but also for the Barrier that is full of bloodthirsty soldiers. Instead
of shooting the bastard in the head you accept the additional task, mysterious stuff. Accepting the Barrier
mission spawns Skinflint and Screw and the guard for the armoury later.
Eliminating the Military at the base

Try and get there first flanking the remaining military before the Freedomers arrive ensuring their survival. The
soldiers guarding it are all alert, lethal and too numerous. They will pin you down behind cover, while the
Freedom boys walk into their line of fire. You can engage them while they are busy fighting off the flesh pigs;
the guy named Cap must survive or the quest will fail. The barriers commander, the twin brother of Belchuk
named Selchuk, carries another unique VAL. When the quest is finished, go back and speak with Lukash. This
time he smells the danger of playing someone thats battled an army single-handed, so he gives you a G36C, a
meagre reward by any standards. You can make up for it selling the gear collected, and promptly stashed
during the two assaults.
Skinflint buys almost all with good prices. This is an interesting point of the game: you cant go anywhere and
there is nothing more to do. Also there are no level changers to anywhere. The above is true if you dont talk
to Lukash again. To move on, and move out, you have to ask if there is a job for you.

He wants you to find someone called Lefty, a jack-of-all-trades badly needed for the future works at the Base.
His whereabouts are totally unknown, but you seem to take any request from Lukash. Immediately after taking
Leftys job, Lukash tells you to get information about your brother from the mythical Snitch, located at the
northern farm. This guy knows the transition point to the Bar. So, we go pay a visit to Snitch (Hint: Save before
you talk to him.); but as always in this game, he wont give you the transition to the Bar unless you do
something for him first.
He sends you to the Freedom Base to find a file
containing top secret documents. The Military lost it
and he doesnt want Lukashs gang to find it. He
doesnt give you an exact location but it can spawn
anywhere along the railway tracks. There are 5
possible places that I know where they can spawn; 1)
under the rubble of the transformer building, 2)
inside one of the carriages, 3) inside the guard house
at the other end, 4) inside the anomalous tunnel or
5) outside it on the roof. There could be other places.
If you dont find there then you must search the
entire track.
One possible location of the documents for Snitch

Tip: (If you cant find them anywhere youll need to reload the save to force them to spawn.) When you have
found the documents head back to Snitch.
On delivery, Snitch will reward you with a good artefact recipe and tell you that he knows about a Captain,
supposedly your brother, working for Duty down at the Dark Valley. At this point the path to the Bar is opened
automatically. If you dont talk to Snitch again there is NO BRANCHING to the North. That needs a second
dialogue. Speak to him again and he asks you to help out the diggers at the Radar. He marks the location on
your PDA where you can find them (at the Brain Scorcher) and gives you some med kits and food to take to
Sviblov. This opens the transition point to the Radar. Now its time to leave and embark on a whole new
You arrive at the Radar so be prepared to fight off many mutants (Chimeras, blind dogs and zombies). This
place is full of anomalies and high radiation and if thats not bad enough, the military are waiting for you just
itching to blow you away. (You may pick up a Groza here and some AS-Vals.) If you happen to survive, you can
now make your way up the hill to the Brain Scorcher
and finally meet up with Sviblov and his crew.

Super bloodsucker

When you arrive, before you try to help them seek

some high ground immediately; youre about to be
attacked by some chimeras. After youve dispatched
them you can heal and speak to Sviblov, give him the
supplies and give med kits to the others if he
doesnt. Now you can talk to Sviblov about tasks and
other side quests. The first task he gives you is to kill
the Super Bloodsucker that attacked his squad. He
marks its location on your PDA. It can be taken out
with a few grenades or you can try to shoot it, but
why waste ammo.


Now is the time to sharpen your skills with a knife, youll need the experience later on. It can be easily killed
from the top of the shipping container; all you have to do is lure it to you. After youve killed the Super
Bloodsucker, drag the corpse to Sviblov as proof and he rewards you with a med kit. Note: (If you have trouble
trying to drag the corpse, remove your suit and try again.)
The next task involves catching a thief. Sviblov tells you about some low life who is stealing stuff from their
cache and he suspects its one of his own men. He sets up a trap and wants you to stake out the place without
being spotted and catch the thief in the act. Again he marks the position on your PDA. Before you reach the
exact spot on the PDA its better to clear out the snorks first as they can upset your plans. When you are in
position, wait in cover until you get the signal to take him down. He starts to leg it so do what you do best,
then search the body (Youll find a medallion on him.) and then return to Sviblov.
After youve spoken to Sviblov about Fyodor the thief and about the medallion, he rewards you with a snipers
rifle and some ammo then sends to a new dude, Nomad, who has just arrived. You speak with Nomad and he
tells you the story of the medallions and their secret magical properties. He then loads the information about
them and approximately where to find some of them on your PDA. Now go back and speak with Sviblov again
and he gives you another task. In this task you need to visit the X-10 labs. He wants you to locate and bring
him a systems disk and some documents. The bunkers entrance is the tunnel, with a train carriage in front.
Once youve entered the lab, youre going to have to dance with burers, tushkanos and bloodsuckers. Youll
find the system disk in or near the room that has a caged off office section. The burers can possibly throw it
anywhere, but you must find it. In one of the other rooms where you encounter the burers are some shipping
containers; search behind them and you should find a backpack with an artefact recipe.
The documents are in the last lab, in the room where
you turn off the Brain Scorcher in the vanilla game.
The documents are in the corner. So you think that
youre in the clear now? Not a chance buddy, picking
up the documents spawns a bunch of Mercenaries
who are about to spoil the rest of your day. Make
sure you get all of them because any that have
survived can cause you a headache when you return
later in the game.
Now you can head back with your booty and report
to Sviblov who rewards you with another artefact
recipe. There is no more to do here so it time to
head to the Bar for a much needed shower and a
decent hit of Vodka. On the way back to the Military Warehouses youre going to be ambushed by
Mercenaries again, these guys just dont give up. Youll find them between the transition point and the first
checkpoint you passed on the way in. When you get back to the Military Warehouses check out the two
barracks buildings, you should find some food there that you can sell to the NPCs. Its also a chance to offload
any unwanted goods and get your weapons repaired by Screw. The crate near where he is standing should
contain some loot that you can sell.
One possible location of the system disk

Your route leads to the Bar area; this territory is now in the hands of the Bandits. They are peaceful if you pay
the entry fee all times when you enter. Dont shoot at them or the entire area will become hostile towards
you. So head to the 100 rads Bar and talk to Borov (the new barman). He sends you to Earl; he is inside the
entrance to the Arena.


He gives you a task to retrieve some weapons and document from a crashed helicopter site in the Bar area.
When you come out go back to the 100 rads Bar and speak with Potapov the mechanic, he wants you to find
document parts of an assembly manual for a M134 Minigun. Dont take any more tasks at this stage.
It would be wise now to buy a backpack from either Borov or Earl and find a place to hide it. You will be
travelling many times through here during your adventures. Nows a good time to stash some of your stuff to
decrease your carry weight and start stockpiling ammo, grenades and med kits youll need for the end game.
To get to the helicopter crash site go out through the
Bars southern checkpoint that leads to the Garbage,
there youll see a ditch, with some dogs around it. Kill
all the dogs and follow the ditch until you reach the
fence. Jump over it and head straight until you find a
road in the middle of nowhere. Now follow the road
to the left. A pack of snorks will appear on the way,
but if you dont get too close to them they wont
attack you. (AI mistake?) Keep going until you find
the boxes and loot them; now a pack of bloodsuckers
will appear behind you, but the same as the snorks
they wont attack you if you keep your distance.
Return to Earl; you can jump back over the fence
from the hill near the road. He lets you keep one of
the weapons as a reward. Dont forget to pay your entry fee on the way back through the checkpoint.
Where to get over the fence

Earl now wants you to find a weapon for Prince; its near the downed helicopter at the Military Warehouses.
Even though youre starting to feel like an errand boy for all and sundry, you take the job and go. At the
Military Warehouses you need to go to the barrier where you fought with the Military before. Behind the hills
halfway to the village in the south, there is a crashed helicopter with a box beside it. Quickly take the gun and
the ammo from the box as the helicopter is highly radioactive and then head to the Radar.
When you arrive at the Radar some fractures appear, kill them all and head off. The Military should be waiting
for you again at the usual place, take care of them and proceed until you find the route to right behind the
trailer. This way leads to Prince. He is hiding in the bunker behind the APC and the electro anomalies. Give him
the weapon and he tells you about some more boxes and documents from another crashed helicopter that he
wants you to find and take to Earl, so you need to go back to the Military Warehouses. Just as youre about to
leave the bunker, your favourite green-suited Phantom Mercenaries show up outside with other ideas
regarding your health and well being. When youre
done with them you need to go to the blockade near
the Bar transition; as you pass through the boom
gate, go to your right and up the hill where youll see
some black stripes on the ground. Follow them until
you find the boxes and documents. One of the boxes
contains a 'modified L85A1' which is a pretty good
weapon for accurate long range sniping.
Hint: (At this point you can find another Medallion
in the bloodsuckers village so if you dont want to
visit this demonic place later, then go now.) It can
spawn anywhere; Ive found it in a couple of places.
One possible location of the medallion

One is at the sacrificial campfire right near the destroyed radioactive brick house, another place is in the
basement of one of the houses; its behind the ladder at the bottom. I also found it once under the harvester
near the tower.
Now go back to the Bar and give the documents to Earl. (Dont forget to pay at the blockade.) There are no
more tasks for now so you can take in some much needed R and R. You can use this free time to repair any
weapons and armour and stock up on ammo and med kits that are hard to come by. You should be able to buy
the suit for Lefty from Borov. If not, save and keep reloading until he has one for sale. Now its time to move
around and get acquainted with the local population; first find Sahat whos in the upper Bar area.
He tells you hes got troubles with Duke, the local kingpin and drug trafficker; he has imprisoned some of
Sahats guys and he wants your help to free them. To deal with this we need to speak with Duke first. He
claims that some of Sahats guys stole his Winchester, and he wants it back before he will release the guys;
also he wants you to shakedown a Duty guy named Jeka who owes him money. We need to speak with Sahat
again, who then gives you a clue where to find the weapon. Now the task is given.
Go to the Bar again and speak with the bandit who is near the door, he wants you to find and kill a stalker
called Noodles and promises you an artefact transmutation recipe if you agree to do his dirty work. He cant
give you an exact location; he only knows that Noodles was last seen at the Garbage and may not stay there
for very long. Its time to head to the Garbage and start to earn your keep as an errand boy again. When you
arrive at the checkpoint, we see that its manned by several bandits who dont have our best interests at heart.
Use a few grenades to argue the point so that you can proceed. You will find Noodles near the transition point
to the Dark Valley in the radioactive field. Watch out for the wild boars near where you find him.
N.B. (You need to do this task straight away as he
may wander off and you may not find him later.)
Now its time to make a choice, you can kill him for
the reward promised or you can let him live. If you
choose to let him live because youre a nice guy with
principles, he gives the artefact recipe what the
bandit promised as well as a .357 Magnum revolver
with 12 bullets. If you decided to let him live, it
introduces a new trader at the Bar named Antiques,
a dealer in antique weapons and ammo; more about
him later.
Now you head down to the Hangar to shake down
Jeka for Dukes money. Watch out for the 2
bloodsuckers wandering around the bus stop near the Hangar. Dispatch both of these and any other mutants
close by as they can attack you while youre trying to speak to Jeka. As you speak to him you are faced with
another choice, kill him because he hasnt the money for Duke or take what he offers you to clear his debt.
Being one of the good guys you take his offer; he gives you a map fragment and tells you about a secret: There
is a stash in the zone with big treasures that belongs to Yuri Semetskys, but you need to find the other map
fragments to reveal its location.
Noodles at the Garbage

Having read Krols diary, you know about Tanker and the Bioradar device; so you head down to behind the
vehicle scrap yard where you find him and his crew. You ask him about the Bioradar but he will only reveal its
location if you do something for him first. Doesnt this sound familiar? He wants you to find his special
'Thunderstorm' that he lost in the X-18 lab. So its time to head to the Dark Valley to help out this loser.
When you appear at the Dark Valley, you get an urgent message from Duty; they are under attack by bandits

and they want your help in defending their base. You need to help them as fast as possible as some key NPCs
could be killed and thus end the storyline. When all the bandits are wiped out you need to speak with General
Voronin. You ask him about your brother and he tells about a person called 'Captain' who is inside a small
building nearby. You go and speak with him and find out he isnt your brother but tells you about a digger
called Mohamet who may be able to help you. Give him Zahars letter, he then asks you to deliver a Radio to
his old friend. After the small dialogue we need to speak with General Voronin again. He wants you to clear
the area around the X-18 lab from wandering mutants.
There are a huge pack of snorks, tushkanos, 1-2
bloodsuckers and possibly some chimeras and a
pseudo giant. When the mutants are wiped out you
need to visit the nearby fuel station. Behind the
station there is an office building with some bandits
inside, kill them all. Youll should find Dukes
Winchester under the stairs, if you dont, search the
bodies. Sometimes one of the bandits picks it up.
Pick it up, and then go back to General Voronin.
He rewards you with a Storming Abakan for clearing
the lab X-18 area of mutants. Dont sell or lose it,
youll need it later for another task. You now ask
Dukes Winchester
Voronin about the transition to the Cordon; he says
that you have to find a renegade stalker named Vein
first. He knows the location of the bandits stash that has a flash drive with the information you need. You can
find him behind the abandoned factory. Go to his location and try to convince him to give you the stash
He will only give you the location if you go back to Voronin for permission for him to enter the Duty base.
More back and forth travelling; this is starting to become annoying, but you go anyway. The General accepts
his proposal, so back again to Vein with the news. He is grateful and reveals the location of the stash. Now
head in to the abandoned factory; you can look around for some artefacts while youre there. The stash is on
the roof of the brick building. Just go up to the top, and follow the mark on your PDA; watch out for some
snorks and bloodsuckers wandering around the place. When you find the stash, get back to Voronin and he
rewards you with a random unique shotgun and gives you the transition point from the Dark Valley to the
Now its time to speak to Colonel Petrenko, and get a
small task from him to kill some swamp snorks near
the bridge over the swamp. When youve finished, go
down to the X-18 lab, you will be met by zombies,
burers and snorks when you enter. Find and kill the
zombie Scientist, and get Tankers special
Thunderstorm. There are a couple of other things to
find as well. The first item is one part of the Minigun
manual, you find it either on the 3rd floor, on a dead
stalker behind the 2 tanks, or if its not there look for
the body on the upper levels; it can spawn anywhere.
Ive found it at two places so far.
One possible location of the Minigun documents

The second item to find is a backpack in the room

with the zombie Scientist. Youll possibly need to

look for it in the air because its floating; it contains an artefact recipe. Now its time to leave this creepy place
and go back to Petrenko to report on the success of the mutants mission. He rewards you with a Protecta
shotgun. You can buy repair kits and other items from him and exchange artefacts for certain types of hard to
get ammo and weapons. Now its time to return to the Garbage to deliver Tankers Thunderstorm and get
the location of the Bioradar. When you get to the Garbage you can head to the left immediately into the
woods, there is another part of the Minigun manual on a corpse in the bushes. Before you reach the corpse
youll need to fight with a huge pack of mutants. There are many pseudo dogs, blind dogs and fractures.
Kill them all and loot the corpse. You should be able
to find one or two Golden Slice artefacts in the area
that youll need for Fanatic at the rookie village at
the Cordon. Now you can go to Tanker and give him
the special Thunderstorm and Krols diary; he then
gives you the location of the Bioradar. You can now
head to the Bar. Be careful on your way back; you
may be ambushed by bandits when you reach the
checkpoint, always expect the unexpected. Just
because you cleared the area when you came in, is
no reason for the area to be clear when you exit.
Didnt the training sessions with Mervin teach you
anything? When you enter the Bar area, go to Borov
and talk to him first; he tells you about the new a
trader, Antiques. You now go to Duke and return his stolen Winchester and report about how you dealt with
the Duty guy, Jeka. Finally you can go to Sahat and tell him the outcome with Duke in dealing with the
prisoners. You can talk to Duke again, it seems that of his drug deals have gone bad and hes lost a shipment
somewhere near the bloodsuckers village. He wants you to find his lost bag of grass and return it to him. You
agree and then go to the Bar and speak with Borov; hes lost contact with one of his couriers who was carrying
important information and sends you to General Voronin to find out his whereabouts. Do the job for Duke
Corpse with Minigun documents

Head to the Military Warehouses and go to the bloodsuckers village. There youll need to search all the
houses and possibly the nearby bushes on the hills, because the bag can spawn in random places every time in
and around the village.
There are 6 possible spawn points; 1) in one of the
houses or their cellars, 2) in one of the attics, 3)
under some bushes near the village, 4) in the bus at
the NW checkpoint, 5) near some rocks between the
NW checkpoint and where Snitch hangs out, or 6)
under a fallen tree. Find the bag and return to Duke;
he rewards you with a Saiga 12 combat shotgun.
Now you go back to the Dark Valley, and talk to
General Voronin. He knows the courier named Claw
is in the bandits prison at the abandoned factory.
You have to go there and release him; the bandits
have other ideas and will try to stop you. When
youve killed them all search their bodies, one of
them has a map segment for Semetskys stash. Now you can release Claw; he tells you the bandits have a
cache containing the couriers PDA, somewhere near the X-18 lab. Go there and check out the place.
One possible location of Dukes grass


When you get near the entrance of the laboratory, the cache will be blown up; then you then get a message
from Borov to visit him. So head back to the Bar but dont talk to him about the mission yet. Collect the Groza
and the suit for Lefty and go to the Agroprom.
When you arrive at the Agroprom, we receive a message to visit Bes. Check the PDA for his position and rush
there immediately, but be careful there will be some mutants attacking the base. When theyve all been
cleared out, speak to Bes. He wants your help to free Lefty whos been captured by the Mercenaries. Their
base is at the other side of the map. There are about 12 Mercenaries there, so prepare yourself. Bes and Mole
will do most of the work so cover them, Bes must survive at least. When the Mercenaries are dead, go to the
centre building, Lefty is waiting there. Speak with him and he will ask you to bring him a Groza and a Scientific
Mercenary Outfit; as we have both we can complete the task.
You need to speak with Bes now; he wants to exchange 2 M16 weapons with Colonel Petrenko for some
ammo, guess who he wants to be his errand boy? But before you do this task head on down to the Agroprom
Underground and visit Varangian for a little game. You need to do this to open more dialogue with him that
youll need later in the game when you return. The game is not as hard as it sounds as you should have honed
your blade skills by now and its time to use them.
Hint: (Before you speak to him, its better if you go through the whole underground system and clear out all
the bloodsuckers. Theyll give you big troubles if you have only a knife.)
This is the situation: Varangian takes all of your
equipment except the quest items and leaves you
only with a knife. So before you take on this
challenge, stash everything. If you dont, he wont
return your best weapon when you finish, but he
does reward you with a good artefact recipe and an
M 16 assault rifle. You can find a box behind the tank
where you can put your stuff.
To play the game, you have to do 4 laps of the
underground armed only with a knife. You have to go
from Varangian to the end of the hallway, where the
controller appears in vanilla game, and back. At the
end of the hallway there will be a med kit and a
bandage and when you return, Varangian will give some more. Dont think that you can just rush there and
back so you have no choice but to kill all of the beasts and try to survive the laps. So, go on, speak to him and
start the game.
Where to stash your gear

In the first lap only zombies will be spawned. They are the easiest ones; you should have had experience with
them from previous adventures. Make sure that you get them all; otherwise theyll be there on the next lap.
On the second lap, snorks spawn but they arent too hard to deal with. Sneak behind up them or get them to
follow you to the bottom of the spiral staircase where you can stab them from in between the steps.
Tip: (Save after every kill so you wont have to kill them again after you die and reload.)
The third lap is a bit more painful but doable, trying to kill bloodsuckers with just a knife. You can use the same
tactics as before or lure them to the fallen air-con duct and take the high ground. On the fourth and final lap,
the stage is filled with Burers. Now these are the real pain, but you can defeat them if you take them on one at
a time; stay behind cover and get them to come to you. Fighting them from under the staircase works just as
well. When youre finished go back for the reward. Hint: (You can cheat a little bit doing the four laps; if youve

taken too much damage and havent enough med kits and bandages to heal yourself, you can go to your stash
and get some more.) Tip: (Dont even think about using a weapon other than the knife while running the four
laps as you will get a Mission Failed and that will break the storyline.)Note: (You can find another document
part for the Minigun here under the spiral staircase or at the end of the tunnel.)
Now you take a quick tour to the Dark Valley again,
to bring the weapons to Colonel Petrenko that Bes
wants to trade. He gives you a box of ammunition in
exchange for the weapons to take back to Bes. You
can now return to the Agroprom and deliver the box
to Bes.
I almost forgot, theres a new character spawned
when you first enter the Agroprom; his name is
Sorcerer, he claims that he can revive the dead for a
price. Hes in the tunnel near the transition to the
Garbage. He is supposed to be able to bring dead
certain key characters back to life as zombies. I
On possible location of the Minigun documents

havent actually tried to do this as Ive had no need

to. Its time to return to the Bar.

You report to Borov about the failure of the courier mission and he suggests that Ghost in Pripyat, may have a
copy of the information he needs. So Borov sends you to Lukash who may know how to get to Pripyat. Its
time to go to the Military Warehouses and find out. The pendulum swings again, is there no stopping this back
and forth travelling? Hint: (Its time to buy yourself an anti-radiation suit; youre going to need it.)
When you arrive at the Military Warehouses you tell Lukash the story about Lefty, hes grateful for your help
and tells you that Skinflint, who is the trader on the lower floor, wants to see you. You can now ask Lukash
about the transition point to Pripyat. Even though youve helped him out in the past, hes not prepared to
divulge the information unless you do something for him first. Sound familiar? He wants you to find and bring
back a radio-active box from the crashed helicopter thats in the forest at the Radar.
Now you can find out what Skinflint wants. Hes not happy eating military food and is pining for freshly baked
rye bread to supplement his diet. He tells you about a man named Baker who bakes the bread but doesnt
know his exact location, but he thinks that Sidorovich at the Peacekeeping Corps might know where he is. Its
time to head back to the Radar again.
As you pass the hut at the first checkpoint, youll
run into a welcoming committee; yes its your green
suited friends again out to spoil your day. You
should be wearing your anti-radiation suit as they
pin you behind some rocks where its highly radioactive. Once theyre dead you can go to the
helicopter location via the snipers tower to the left
at the first bend in the road. Going this way you
have to be on alert, as there many snorks and
pseudo dogs to contend with; always seek the high
ground on the rocks.
One possible location of the Minigun documents

You should be able to find another Minigun

document if you search on top of the rocks on your

way there but they could be on top of rocks, behind rocks or at the bottom of cliffs anywhere in the forest.
Once you get near the helicopter, youll see some zombies; you need to kill them all before you search for the
radio-active box. Once youve located the box get back to Lukash as fast as you can before you start to glow. If
the radiation from the box is starting to affect you, get on top of some rocks and drop the box until you
recover. Lukash thanks you and gives the transition point from the Radar to Pripyat. Soon afterwards you get a
message from Ghost to come and see him. But before you go to Pripyat, we can complete a small task for
Lukash again: The checkpoint at the NW corner of the map is occupied by fractures.
Lukash wants you to get rid of them. Its a simple task with a big reward. After you killed the monsters and
return to Lukash he rewards you with a modified SVDC sniper rifle.
Its time to visit to Pripyat and find out what our old
pal Ghost wants; we were going there anyway. The
transition point is marked on your map. When you
appear in Pripyat there will be some Monolith
soldiers in your way but they dont pose much of a
threat. When youre done with them, go to the Hotel
and search the building. Youre looking for the corpse
of the old Digger that Nomad told you about. It could
be the roof near the room with the decoder in the
vanilla game, under one of the sets of stairs or on the
lowest level behind a bush. The corpse has an FN FAL
weapon, 30000 RU, a Minigun document and a
Medallion as well. Now is a good time to clear out
the Hotel and Theatre of all mutants as you will be
coming back soon to find something else for Ghost. We go and see Ghost now. You tell him the story about
how Borovs PDA was lost and he tells you that Fang might have a copy then he gives you a message from "The
Magician" who wants to see you. Hes happens to be none other than your Monolith trainer, Mervin.
Old diggers corpse

Ghost gives you a clue how you can find him near the transition point to the Swamps. But he is hiding in a
good place; its a bit hard to find him without this guide. You need to go to the garages, and jump on the
concrete slabs, then to the garage roof, and go to the far end.
But first, if you dont want to lose valuable items its better if you stash your things including your armour in the
blue box in one of the garages; except for a few non important items. This so called Monolith mentor of yours,
Mervin, is a kleptomaniac; hes about to rob you blind again. (You get your money back later when you kill
him, and your equipment is returned return by
Ghost, for a fee of course.) Go on make the jump.
When youre ported outside of the fence you need
to go towards the Swamps transition point to your
left. Youll find a trailer there with Mervin inside.
Walk in and speak to him. For your betrayal of the
Monolith brotherhood, Mervin offers you
atonement for the return of your gear; he wants
you to kill Feldsher; nice try buddy, were not going
to fall for that one. Once again he gives you his
unique pistol for this task at hand.
Jump up here

On the way back to Feldsher you can pick up our

equipment from the stash. But youre not an idiot;

Go to the end

you tell Feldsher what Mervin has in mind. He

thanks you for not obeying that Monolith scumbag
and tells you he cant be killed him with an ordinary
weapon; but he has created a unique weapon and
ammo that can penetrate Mervin's magical shield.
He gives you the weapon, and sends you to kill
Mervin. So go back to this charlatan and put him out
of his misery without hesitation or remorse. He dies
from 1-2 shoots to the head, but we have only 3
bullets so try to not fail. (Best if you do a save before
you enter the trailer in case you dont pull it off the
first time.) When hes dead loot him, you should find
another medallion on him and all of your money
that he stole. He also drops the best fully automatic
shotgun in the game.

Now go back to the school house and speak with Ghost about getting your gear back. He agrees to give your
stuff back under one condition; this is so typical. He wants you to find and bring him a box of dynamite that the
Mercenaries have left behind in the Theatre. If you killed all the mutants prior, then you wont have trouble
finding the box of dynamite. It can spawn anywhere inside or outside the Culture Centre.
When you find the box, return it to Ghost, and he
gives you back your gear. Thats about all there is to
do here so its back to the Bar.
Now that youre back at the Bar go to Duke and see
if he has any work for you. He has; he wants you to
play nurse-maid to one of his henchmen, a guy
named Cross. He is about to have a meeting with
some strange bandit types that Duke doesnt trust
and its your job is to protect him in case something
goes wrong. The meeting point is marked on the
map. Cross must not die. So youre off to the
Garbage now; when you reach the meeting place
One possible location of the dynamite
sneak up to the highest point of the damaged
building and take up a sniping point. Make sure you
arent seen by the bandits as this can trigger a massacre where Cross is killed. Hint: (Save here as you may
have to do this many times before you succeed.) Wait until you get a message from Duke before you kill the
bandits, any premature actions triggers a Mission Failed. When theyre all dead go back to the Bar and report
to Duke who gives you a small reward for your troubles. There arent any more tasks for now so you can head
down to the Cordon, but dont forget to take Solomons package with you.
When you arrive at the Cordon, youll find a wounded stalker named Tolik who needs your help. Some
mutants have beaten him to near death, and you can save him with a med kit. Because he hasnt fully
recovered from the attack he needs your help in returning to Wolf, who is at the old mill on the other side of
the broken rail bridge. What the hell, why not? Youre going that way anyhow. Kill all the mutants on the way
because Tolik wont follow unless the way is clear. There are plenty of blind dogs, pseudo dogs, tushkanos, a
few bloodsuckers and some chimeras on the way; youre going to have you hands full just trying to get to the
bridge in one piece. When you arrive at the old mill, dont speak to Wolf yet, youre about to be attacked by
some pseudo dogs. Kill them before Wolf loses any more guys, and then talk to him.

He thanks you for saving Tolik and tells you about how the bandits captured the rookie village. He wants to
reclaim the village and asks you to find some reinforcements for him. Wolf knows of three stalkers who are
not far from the factory who may help. He marks their position on your PDA. You need to persuade them to
join Wolf and then escort them back to the old mill. When you return, speak to Wolf and the offensive begins
immediately. Rush to the village but beware of any military on the way: when you get there take up a sniping
position from the road.
Try to kill as many bandits as you can before the guys arrive. When the village is cleared the guys will occupy
the place. Now talk to Wolf and then Fanatic who was the drunken stalker you helped save. This guy is in a real
mess; he is suffering a hangover and wants you get him some Vodka for his pain. If you give him three bottles,
he tells you hes got cirrhosis of liver from years of drinking. He needs two Golden Slice artefacts to cure him
and if you can find them for him, he will give you an artefact transmutation recipe.
Go and speak with Barkeep now. He wants to know about some secret Military documents, and sends you to
speak with Varangian back at the Agroprom Underground. Take the quest and go and see him, he will only
talk to you if you have completed the little game earlier on. He tells you a story about the documents and
possibly who knows there whereabouts; a Major Yarofeev at the Military base at the Cordon. You go back to
Barkeep and tell him what youve learnt. Barkeep then arranges for some stalkers to provide a diversion for
you while you enter the Military base and interrogate Major Yarofeev.

Attack helicopter firing an RPG

Prepare yourself for a little war and do die a few

times. Go to the edge of the mine-field where the
stalkers have assembled; try to take out the two fuel
drums outside before they start the assault as this
can assist them. You can sneak into the back of the
base by using the fallen tree to get over the fence
but be careful of the mines as you approach it. Once
over the wire fence work your way up to the timber
fence surrounding the barracks building. If all goes
well the stalkers should have taken care of the
Military and you can enter the barracks compound;
once inside you can wake up Yarofeev, interrogate
and then execute him. He has a map fragment and
some Montpensier Candy that youll need for a later
After you have executed Yarofeev and killed the rest
of the Military, an attack helicopter spawns. It tries
to take you out with RPGs. If you dont shoot it
down, it will follow you; you can down it by shooting
its tail rotor. Dont forget to take out the two APCs
before you leave, youll need grenades for that.
You can find a part of the Minigun document on or
around the base. Check the foot of the guard towers,
behind the outside toilet or outside the timber fence
where you first came in. Now its time to go back to
Barkeep and tell him what Major Yarofeev told you.

One possible location of the Minigun documents

Barkeep now wants you to play postman again and

deliver a coded letter to Sidorovich down at the

Peacekeeping Corps and gives you a pass card so that you can go through the gate. The transition point from
the Cordon is at back of the Military base. If you havent shot down the attack helicopter, it will be waiting for
you there. So go, what are you waiting for?
Before you can go through the gate, you have to speak to the guard first. Turn left once through the gate and
follow the road to the little village (The location of Sidorovich is marked on the map), and watch for
bloodsuckers in the forest on the way there. You will find him in the cellar. Speak to Sidorovich, and give him
Barkeep's letter and ask him about Mohamet. He wont divulge any information unless you do something for
him; Sidorovich wants you to be his errand boy; he wants you to deliver 5 bottles of Cognac to General Smith
as a bribe. But before you do the delivery, inquire about Baker. Sidorovich tells you where you can find him
and marks the spot on your PDA. First up we go to Baker. (Watch for the bloodsuckers near the entrance.)
Talk with him, and accept his task to find the 5 bags of flour. Now you can go to the base of the Peacekeeping
Corps. You must talk with General Smith first; he accepts the Cognac and sends you to Colonel Brown for
tasks. Col. Brown tells about one of his guys, a Corporal Foster who had disappeared some days ago. His PDA
signal is coming from a nearby cave. He wants you to find him, and possibly escort him back to the base. The
area the signal is coming from is marked on our PDA, so go to the location. Youll need to find the cave
entrance, as its pretty well hidden. Take care as you enter because the cave is full of mutants (Pseudo dogs,
bloodsuckers, snorks and a controller). Kill them all. Now search the upper levels of the cave; there are two
boxes containing a sawn-off shotgun and some ammo.
You can now release Corporal Foster whos in a cell on the lower level; he thanks you for saving him. Now its
time to escort him back to the base. As youre about to leave this wonderful underground place, a few
bloodsuckers spawn that have other ideas about losing their meal, so deal with them. Another interesting
thing that happens is, if you do a save between the times you leave the cave and before you get back to the
base; if you happen to die and then reload the saved game, poor old Corporal Foster gets confused and runs
back to the cave before heading towards his base again. Weird! So if and when you finally happen to get him
back you need to report to Colonel Brown.
Colonel Brown has other problems that only you as a bad-ass gunslinger can help. Hordes of mutants have
gone on a rampage and have taken over the
Peacekeepers main base and he wants your help to
eliminate them and take back control. You agree
and he leads you to the squad outside the gates;
after you arrive, speak to him again and he unlocks
the gates and the assault begins. Jump on top of the
guardhouse and cover the squad as they kill the
horde. After all are dead head for the control tower,
there is a zombie there with a weapon. Kill him and
take the map fragment from the corpse. After
Colonel Brown approaches the tower speak to him;
he gives you a weapons repair kit and asks that you
Zombie professor with map fragment

do one more job for him.

One of his scouting patrols has disappeared at the nearby repair shop; you need to find out what happened to
them. Go to the factory and look around; the place is full of zombies and theres a controller on the roof of one
of the buildings. Take out the controller first then the zombies, then go in the biggest building and walk up to
the attic. You will find a Scout's corpse there. Pick up his PDA and go back and report to General Smith. He
thanks you for your work and rewards you with a M4A1 SOPMOD assault weapon. We return to Sidorovich
now and he gives you a letter of reply to take back to Barkeep and information on where you can find

Mohamet. But before we return to Barkeep, we need to complete Baker's task first. He needs 5 bags of flour
that were lost at the bloodsuckers village at the Military Warehouses. The bags weigh 25kg each, you cant
carry that much but he gives you a gravity suit that will enable you to, but has no protection. The Military
Warehouses arent exactly next door, so Baker reveals his secret transition point to the Bar. To get to the
transition point we need to head southeast, until we see a little swamp with a digging machine. There are
some small rocks near the swamp; go around them until the transition point appears. Make the jump.
Inside the 100 rads bar we meet a new NPC named Pathfinder; he tells you about a person (The Swamp
Doctor) who wants to meet with you incognito at the Agroprom Institute. Accept the task and then buy a
backpack from either of the traders, youll need it later. Now go to the bloodsuckers village at the Military
Warehouses. Its possible that some mutants like bloodsuckers, poltergeists, a controller and a Burer will be
there. Kill the Burer as quickly as possible to prevent the flour bags being thrown everywhere. Now you need
to search in and around all the buildings including the damaged ones, for the bags. Check every room, attic
and cellar until you find all 5 bags. There are no exact positions for them, due to the random spawning. When
youve found them all, you can head back to the Bar. Surprise, surprise; just when you thought it was going to
be a safe and easy trip back to the Bar from here, you get ambushed by some Phantom Mercenaries that have
just spawned. After youve taken care of them, deliver the flour to Baker.
When you speak with Baker he tells where you can obtain two Gravity suits; he says that they are hidden at
the Military base at the Cordon, and then asks you to find a box of oven spare parts for him. He had lost the
box when he escaped from the Agroprom and gives a brief description as to their whereabouts. You do this
one later.
Now another new NPC has appeared; his name is
Vano, hes an alcoholic and is in the back room. Go
and speak to him. He tells you about a box of mines
that he lost at a nearby swamp. He wants you to
find it and bring it back to him and warns you about
some Marauders nearby. The location is marked on
the map, and we can find the box in the water.
There is an invisible zombie there, so beware. After
you pick up the box some green ghost blind dogs
appear and attack you. Kill them and return. When
you arrive back, go to the truck near the entrance to
Baker's place. Jump onto the back of it and use the
backpack; put all of your items in there, yes you are
about to be robbed again, this time by the
Marauders. After all items are in the backpack (your armour too) go to Baker. The screen flashes, and when
you come to your senses, youre standing in front of Razuvaev, the Marauders leader. He wants you to walk
into the Peacekeeping Corps and steal 2 special armoured suits for him; he warns you how the Peacekeeping
Corps doesnt tolerate thieves so you need to sneak in and back out without being caught.
One possible location of the box of mines in the swamp

You can find the 2 armoured suits in Colonel Brown's building, one is on the first floor and the other one is on
the second floor behind the couch. Now the story takes an interesting turn here; you can make a choice as to
how you play this part. You have four options.
1) You can go back and pick up all your gear and then go back and kill the bandits. 2) You can go to General
Smith and tell him about what Razuvaev wants you to do and ask for his help. (He doesnt actually help but
does give you a weapon some ammo and some very expensive body armour.) Then go back and kill the
bandits. 3) Steal the armour without being caught and return to Razuvaev and them kill them all. 4) Get caught
stealing the armour and have to fight your way out, return to Razuvaev and them kill them all.

(This ones not recommended as it results in the death of Mohamet, thus breaking the storyline.) You choose;
options 1 or 2 will both give a Mission Failed on your PDA. Whichever way you decide when Razuvaev and his
henchmen are dead, search his corpse; you should find another map fragment and your stolen money. Now
you can bring the box back to Vano, and he rewards us with half mines.
You can now head back now to Barkeep at the Cordon. At the army base the military have been re-spawned,
so eliminate them. In the attic of the Barracks you can find the 2 Gravity suits that Baker told you about. If you
dont find them maybe they have fallen to the lower floor, search there then. Go to Barkeep and speak with
him. He then sends you to the X-16 lab at Yantar to find information about the scientific experiments to bring
to Fang. Dont go there yet, instead head to the Agroprom Institute.
First you visit the Swamp doctor at the Agroprom
Underground. Dont use the regular entry points; use
the one that was given to you by Pathfinder; the new
transition point is south from the Agroprom
Institute. Go down and speak with the Doctor, pick
up the items from the blue box and then leave the
place. Now you are going to find the box of parts for
Baker. You can it in a rusty hulk at the radioactive
swamp behind the Agroprom Institute.
Now go back to the Bar and speak with Pathfinder.
He asks you to find an 'Explorer' and a 'Liquidator'
artefact, and sends you to meet with Lecturer; youll
find him in Rostok, but speak with Earl first. He
wants you to find 3 flash drives for Caesar and gives you a tip to find the transition point between Yantar and
Rostok (Wild Territory). This is an easy task but a bit tricky; we need to go over the fence again at the southern
checkpoint where you went before and then go between the outer buildings on the right.
New entry to the Agroprom underground

Entry to the compound

When you find the gate just go through. The entry

shown is one way only; to get out you have to find
another way or jump over the top of the fence. The
first drive is in the rusty hulk as you enter; theres
another in one of the shipping containers and the
last is under a steel frame with some concrete slabs.
When youve got the 3 Flash Drives and return to
Earl, he opens the transition point to Rostok, but
you need to go to the Military Warehouses first to
deliver the rye bread to Skinflint. He rewards you
with an FN2000 assault weapon and asks you to find
a briefcase somewhere in Rostok, belonging to a
courier named Shuttle.

Now its time to visit your old pal Lefty and ask him
to upgrade your Gravity suit. He tells you he needs a Fiery Soul artefact for the work, so youll have to do
some artefact cooking. To perform this we need an artefact called 'Soul', and drop it to a burner anomaly. The
result after 3 Zone hours is an artefact called 'Soul Drops, if the cooking is successful. (Save at all times before
artefact cooking, and reload the save if the cooking result is other than expected or put more than one in.)
Then drop the new artefact into the burner anomaly again. After 6 Zone hours we can pick up the 'Fiery Soul',
the cooked artefact that Lefty needs. A good place to do this is in the anomalous tunnel at Rostok. You can
head to Rostok now. This place is an artefact farm.

Bioradar at Rostok

As you enter the first passageway the screen flashes

you get trapped between 2 controllers. Try to run
out immediately otherwise they kill you. Once
youre outside kill the nearest one first and then go
back for the second. Watch out for the many other
mutants in this area. Check everywhere as you can
find some expensive artefacts around the railway
lines; also you can find the 'Explorer' artefact in the
very upper left corner of the map, behind the rail
cars and the fences between the electro anomalies.
We can get the 'Bioradar' now; (which shows all
enemies within 50m) which is located behind the
green trailer car before you get to the tunnel with
the burner anomalies.

Lets go find Lecturer and do some tasks for him first so that we can get the liquidator artefact. It will make it
a lot easier to get into the tunnel with the electro anomalies later on when you go looking for Shuttles case.

Way to the Railroaders

You get ported behind the buildings (an unreachable

place in the vanilla game), to the Railroaders. Speak
with Lecturer. We need to assist him, in exchange
for the 'Liquidator' artefact; he wants you to find a
missing group of three couriers. They were carrying
10 boxes of a drug called 'Antizombin' and an
'Emission Detector'. You must find the guys or the
items. You need to go outside to the courtyard
wilderness and cross the railway tracks behind the
buildings until you get to the tunnel with the burner
anomalies; then go to the left and search the forest
for the corpses. You need to check all the bushes
and the bases of the trees. When you find all the
items return to Lecturer.

After youve spoken to Lecturer, a new NPC shows up, his name is Tutsan (the guy in the Nano Suit from
Crysis). If you help him he will tell you where you can find the artefact that Pathfinder wants. For this you need
to kill 3 extreme wild boars. They are tougher than the normal wild boars, but he gives you a grenade launcher
for the task. You can get back to the Rostok territory if you follow the railway tracks to southwest to the end,
and look down to the valley, you can see a teleport there. Enter, and head back to the place where you found
the Bioradar. Take the high ground and wait until they find you; when youre done pick up their hooves as
proof you killed them and return to Tutsan.
As reward Tutsan lets you keep the grenade launcher and tells you where can find the 'Liquidator' artefact.
Before you go, accept the task to find three unique helmets for him. For the artefacts we must go to the
railway station where the roof has collapsed (radioactive building). We can climb on the roof to enter, be
careful that you dont fall into the hole below you as you wont be able to get out of it. It might be better if you
crawl in through a window. Find the 2 artefacts (they are illuminated) and leave the building. Now that you
have a Liquidator artefact, you can safely search the tunnel with the electro anomalies for Shuttles case.
Shuttles case and his PDA are inside a shipping container at the back of the tunnel; you can find the Desert
Eagle where it was in the vanilla game and another weapon as well, a Sig 550 Sniper rifle; a good weapon to
use throughout the game. Now we can go to Yantar, but first we must find the transition point. As you come

out of the tunnel with the burner anomalies stay as

hard to the right side of the hill as you can; as you go
around the bend in the road, the transition should
When you get to Yantar go and speak with Dan hes
in his usual place outside. He sends you to clear the
area around lab X-16 from the zombies. Nothing
interesting here, just perform the task. When youre
leaving to come back, as you go through the gate,
head to the left. You can find the unique helmets
there. One is at the corner of the building between a
bush and the fence; one is in the broken concrete
ring and one is in the other concrete ring with tree.
Pick them up and go back to Dan. Now enter the
scientist bunker and speak with Caesar and give him the flash drives. If you cant find all three helmets, reload
the last save.
The way to Yantar

Caesar now wants you to retrieve the 3rd part of

documents that the Mercenaries had, which theyd
left behind before they disappeared. He warns you
that you can go for the documents only along one
route: we need to go the hill on the left side to get
behind the buildings (out of the map again.), but he
gives you an anti radiation suit because behind the
buildings is highly radioactive. (Remove the artefacts
that give or increase radiation, and put on all the
ones that decrease radiation. Youll need them all
now.) Try to run all the way. When youve found the
documents, return to Caesar.
How to get to the documents for Caesar

Now talk to Professor Sakharov. Take the jobs (but

not the side quests), he gives you a job to mark some
special mutants around the Zone with tracking devices, but we cant kill them. He gives you a special rifle, a
'Striker' with special ammunition. Use this weapon only on these special mutants. In the second quest he
sends you to Sviblov. You need to retrieve a journal from a crazy professor so that Sakharov can upgrade your
psi-helmet before you enter lab X-16. Now talk to Prof. Kruglov, and accept his task to find an artefact called
the 'Heart of the Controller'. We leave Yantar for now, and head back to Rostok.
On your way back to Rostok, just before you enter the tunnel, five of those green exoskeleton friends of yours
are waiting to ambush you again. Greet them with some headshots. Now go to the crashed helicopter; the
first special mutant is there, a pseudo giant, shoot him with the special rifle that Sakharov gave. When the job
is done, leave him alone and just run away. Now go back to the teleporter to the Railroaders, and enter. You
give the special helmets to Tutsan and he sends you to speak with Lecturer. He wants an artefact, the 'Heart
of the Controller' just like Kruglov in exchange for some secret information. This is going to be interesting...
Whatever, just head back to the Bar and dont forget to cook the artefacts for Lefty.
Give the artefacts to Pathfinder at the Bar then go and speak with Earl (But dont take any other tasks from
him yet); and give him give the document, and then take his job to deliver a PDA to Fang. Now you can go to
speak with Sviblov at the Radar, but first go to the Military Warehouses and give Shuttles PDA and briefcase

to Skinflint and the Fiery Soul artefact to Lefty. He gives you a modified version of Anti-Gravity Suit, with no
negative effects. Go to Snitch next, and take his job to get a 'Crystal Soul of Bengal' (Fervent Crystal) and a
'Tears of Chimera' artefact that we wants before he will reveal the hiding place of Yuri Semetskys stash and
the transition from the Radar to the Dark Valley and back. Cook them if you can, as soon as possible.
Now you visit the Radar map again and speak to Sviblov about the crazy professor. He sends you back to
Kruglov for a special tranquilizer pistol. From here we go back to Baker again via the Bar to return his box of
spare parts. Use the transition to the Peacekeeping Corps thats in the hills in the Twilight Zone at the Bar.
When you return Bakers box he rewards you with a fully charged home-made flame thrower.
Next you need to travel to the Cordon to tag the special bloodsucker; the army checkpoint is filled with the
military again, so be careful with the passage through. Youll find the bloodsucker after the broken bridge, near
the abandoned pig farm. Shoot it with the 'Striker'. Before you leave, head towards the anomalous tunnel
under the railway tracks; there are two things to find there, a Golden Slice artefact and an Explorer artefact.
The Golden Slice is in a shipping container inside the tunnel and the Explorer is just north of the tunnel
behind a tree where the wild boars are. At the rookie camp you can give the 2 Golden Slice artefacts to
Fanatic for a new transmutation recipe. From here you go to the Dark Valley, using the transition that Voronin
gave you. You have to search the abandoned factory for the bald chimera; when you find it, tag it and make
your way back to the Agroprom Institute.
At the Agroprom proceed to the marsh, where you will obtain the 'heart of the controller' artefact. Near the
marsh attach Kruglov's detector to your belt. The artefact is near the trailer in the northern part of the swamp.
When you find it head back to Yantar and give the artefact to Kruglov. Before you head back go to the most
southern point on the map; there near the gate in the wire fence, you should find an Explorer artefact. Keep
the detector when you choose a reward from Kruglov. You need it to find more 'heart of the controller'
artefacts, so keep it on your belt. Kruglov now wants you to a deliver a case containing information to General
Voronin and to deal with some scumbag bandits in Rostok on your way through. Speak with Sakharov and tell
him about the success in marking the mutants. As a reward, he gives you the transition, Yantar to Radar. Now
he wants you to assassinate a Professor called Dorodin at the Dark Valley whos betrayed the scientists, and
sends you to Dan for more information about the hit.
You speak with Dan whos outside the bunker and he explains the operation to you. He will exchange an M14
sniper rifle for 4 Fireball artefacts, if you had collected them from the start of the game you can agree to the
exchange. Now go back to Sakharov and buy a backpack from him; that right youre about to be mugged
again. Now you can go to Rostok.
As you exit the anomalous tunnel, on your right just
up the hill, you should see a small shed; drop the
backpack somewhere near there and put all your
items in it because after you go around the corner
you get captured and robbed by the bandits. After
the screen flashes and you come to your senses, get
the hell out of there. Dont engage the bandits, just
run back to your stash. When youve got all your
gear you can take all the bandits down. Youll find
another map fragment and your stolen money on
one of the corpses.

A good place to stash your gear

Now head to the Dark Valley and deliver Kruglovs

case to General Voronin. He sends you to Colonel
Petrenko. He wants you to get a unique weapon

from the Freedom base at the Military Warehouses, so youll need to speak with the guard at the Freedom
armoury. Hell only let you near the armoury if you offer him a bribe. Hes another pot smoker; he wants you
to find him some grass. You need to return to the Bar and speak with Duke the drug trafficker, and persuade
him to part with some.
He agrees to give you some in exchange for a 'Storming Abakan' that he wants to give one of his pals for his
birthday. You should still have the one that General Voronin gave you. Give him the weapon and he gives you
the grass and a special SPAS-12 shotgun.
Return to the armoury guard at the Freedom base and give this drug addict what he craves. Hell walk away for
a few minutes to give access to the armoury; shoot the padlock and open the door, pick up the RG-6 grenade
and return to Colonel Petrenko. He rewards you for your diligence with an AK 47-M assault rifle.
Its time to do the job for Dan now so head up to X-18 lab complex; youll encounter many tushkanos there so
clear them all out before you proceed to the roof, they can be a real pain in the ass if you dont. You need to
get onto the roof and take up a firing position. Professor Dorodin and his associate appear to the west on the
hill, with some military guards. Take the shot; shoot Dorodin and his co-hort. As soon as Dorodin is down, the
building below you fills with Marauders and Mercenaries. You can fight your way through them if you want,
but if you dont, use the damaged fire-escape to exit the building. Once youre out of the complex, go back to
Sakharov and Kruglov at Yantar.
If you go back through the Garbage you should find a 'heart of the controller' artefact in the radioactive area
where you met up with Noodles; pick it up and bring it to Lecturer. He tells you about some rare artefacts, and
what you need to find them; an artefact called 'Snake Eyes'. He tells you where to find it; "near a small gap in
the fence between two boulders" in the forest at the Radar. You now go to Yantar and speak with Sakharov
and Kruglov.
Go to Kruglov first; he gives you his Special Colt so that you can tranquilize the crazy professor. Now report to
Sakharov about the Dorodin mission and he gives you the Agroprom - Yantar transition point as a reward and
also some artefact recipes (Now you can finishing cooking the artefacts for Snitch.) and then he sends you
back to Kruglov. He wants you to find out what happened to Lazarev at the Agroprom. You need to go through
the new transition point to the Agroprom and then to the swamp where you found Bakers box. Be careful
here, you may be ported into the middle of a bunch of mutants so get away from there, fast. The swamp is full
of green snorks. Kill them, and walk in the trailer car, where youll find Lazarevs corpse. Loot his body and go
back to Kruglov. He rewards you with an artefact then asks you to speak with Dan.
Dan wants your help to retrieve 3 laser discs with
scientific data. Youll find them at the Garbage. Go
from Yantar to the Agroprom to the Garbage. The
disks are under two bushes in a ravine NW of the
hanger and is guarded by some wild boars. Check
the screen shot. There are two disks under one bush
and the third is under another bush, search
carefully; pick up the disks and then go back to Dan.
Now you can execute the crazy professor quest in
the X-10 lab. You can get to the Radar through the
northern transition point (Yantar-Radar).

Location of the laser disks at the Garbage

Before you go down to the X-10 lab, find some high

ground as youre about to be attacked by some
chimeras again.

When the way is clear you can enter the lab; again,
Mercenaries the last time you were there, they are
about to spoil your fun. Go through the entire lab
until you find the crazy professor. Shoot him with
Kruglov's tranquiliser pistol before he has a chance
shoot you; then speak with him and get his diary.
You can now either execute him or just leave the lab.
When you leave the X-10, lab you can head off down
the road towards the Military Warehouses and pick
up the Snake Eyes artefact.
Before you hurry back to Sakharov, give the Snitch
the 'Fervent Crystal' and the 2 'Tears of Chimera' if
you have them. He then reveals the location of Yuri
Semetskys secret stash at the Radar (Marked on the PDA) and gives you the Radar to the Dark Valley
transition point. The secret stash contains a Barret M82A3 sniper rifle, a medallion, a Nano suit, some ammo
and 2 Cobblestones. After youve looted the stash some mutants appear; giant spiders, chimeras etc. Now get
back to Sakharov at Yantar, through the Radar - Yantar point. Give him the diary and he configures your
helmet so you can finally enter the X-16 lab. You can find another 'heart of the controller' artefact when you
get near the gates of the complex if you havent already found it.
Location of the snake eyes at the Radar

When you enter the lab youll have to fight off

snorks, burers and zombies as well as the effects of
psi. Inside the X-16 Lab you need to find a laptop.
You can find it at the top of the circular room where
that big brain is in the tank; check behind the old
instruments. You may find the last medallion either
behind the door before you enter last room where
the controller is lurking, or on one of the lower levels
behind some equipment. If its not there, leave
through the hole in the floor. Follow the tube until
you reach the "+" intersection. Turn right, there you
could find a corpse with the last Minigun document
One possible location of the medallion

part; if hes not there you will need to search the rest
of the tunnel system.

Also look towards the end of the blocked tunnel, thats another spawn point for the medallion. Now go to the
end of the tube. Youll have to fight off snorks and a pseudo giant; when you reach the ladder two giant
spiders will attack you. Kill them and leave the tube; when you emerge outside you will be confronted by some
green snorks. You know what to do; now head to the Military Warehouses for a meeting with Fang.

You will find him on the farmstead near the Freedom base. (Check your PDA) As you approach you get a
message from him that he is being attacked by some Mercenaries. Kill them all before he they kill him (He
must survive.) and then speak with Fang. He tells about the PDA for Borov, it can found it in the bloodsuckers
village. He also wants you to search the lab X-18 for any information about the experiments. But first you need
talk to Monk; youll find him at the campfire at the bloodsuckers village.
Monk tells about the houses secret but wont reveal how to enter until you bring him some Montpensier
Candy: He wants you to return at night with the candy (around 2:00 a.m.). He then tells you how you can enter
the house; you have to kill all the poltergeists first.

This part of the game is real fun and the soundtrack is

superb. When youre finished go to the house, under
the pallet with the fuel barrel is the entrance to the
cellar. Go down there, and you will find Fang's PDA.
Go back to the Bar and give the Minigun documents
to Potapov, and give the PDA to Borov. Potapov tells
you if you come back around 3:00 a.m. your Minigun
will be completed and you can pick it up. Also you
can buy ammo for the gun from him (but very
Now you can speak with Earl; he tells you a story
about Leilas sister, a girl called Karina who is having
Fangs PDA
an affair with Sviblov at the Radar. Sviblov is
concerned because his lover has gone missing
somewhere in the Forest. He suggests that if you offer Sviblov your services to find her, he will reveal to you
the transition back to the Dead City. (Make sure you take Sobolevs radio for Zahar with you.)
First you head to the Dark Valley; you have to visit the X-18 lab once again to retrieve the information that
Fang has requested you find. Go to the bottom of the laboratory where the pseudo giant was lurking in the
vanilla game; your welcoming committee will be some zombies, poltergeists and burers. When you get to the
lower level, you will find some Monolith soldiers and a guy in green Scientists Suit. Kill them all, and pick up
the items from the scientist (he also has a unique broken anomaly detector that can be repaired by Lefty).
Search the Monolith bodies and you should find the last map fragment on one of them. Now you can return to
Fang at the Military Warehouses. He wants you to bring the laptop from the X-16 lab and the Monolith flash
drive you found at the X-18 lab to Barkeep at the Cordon. But not yet; you need to go to Sviblov at the Radar.
Sviblov begs you to help find Karina; but you need to talk with Leila first, so he gives you the transition point
to the Dead City. The path leading to this transition point is outside the Radar. So getting to this trail can only
be done through a secret portal. You'll find it in the north-eastern part of the complex next to a breach in the
brick wall where it meets the wire fence. As you approach, you are ambushed by some Mercenaries who dont
want to let you go through; but you have other ideas so you kill them all. Step into the portal and when you
appear on the other side, head to the marked transition point. When you arrive in the Dead City, go straight to
Leila and speak with her.
Leila is surprised about the news; she gives you the transition point to the Forest and you go to our old friend
Forester. When you arrive speak with Forester; the old man has not seen the girl, but suggests that if you talk
to the Hunters they may know something. They are in their usual spot, so we visit them again. Before you
inquire about Karina, give Sobolev's radio to Zahar. He then tells you a little story and asks your help to
retrieve a container with artefacts from a nearby swamp. He just dropped it because he was being chased by
mutants. He calls himself a hunter?
When you are at the marked position, there are some fleshes, and in the swamp two water zombies are
wandering around. Kill them before you search for the container. Youll find the container in the swamp near
the rocks. When you pick it up some, London werewolves will attack you. You can try to kill them, but I found
that discretion was the better part of valour. Run like the wind and get the hell out of there and return the
container to Zahar.
Now you can talk to Slouch; he tells you Karina was recently spotted near the trailer not far from there and he
marks her position on your map. She is in the trailer, but there are two old hags guarding her. One of the hags
will let you speak with Karina only if you pay them 3000 RU. You agree and the screen flashes after paying, and

a zombie grandma and controller attack you. Kill them both and free Karina. After you speak with Karina and
exchange a few pleasantries, you need to follow her to the place where the monsters attacked them. She
remembers about a cave down there on the slope, and you need to check it for her guide's corpse.
When you enter the cave, there are some spiders guarding the corpse; kill them, pick up the PDA from the
corpse and bring it back to Karina. Now follow her to the cave near Forester's house. When you enter, a
controller appears behind you. Kill it and then speak with Karina. She reveals the new transition point to the
Swamps. Enter.
When you arrive at the Swamps, go to Doctor Marshs house and talk with Karina first; then speak with
Doctor Marsh about a path out of the Swamps. Typically he wants something in return, whats happened to
friendship? He has a problem with something thats interfering with his transmitter thats nearby in the
swamp, and he wants you to investigate. The transmitter is marked on the PDA. When you get to the location,
there are some water zombies wandering around. Kill them, and then look for the transmitter in the reeds.
When you find it, return to Doctor Marsh. He gives you a flash drive for Pathfinder, and tells you to follow his
pet pseudo dog, Mongrel who will lead you to the transition point. Before you approach Mongrel, it is best if
you go straight to the hut where you killed Bonecrusher previously. You need to kill all the mutants around
there; because if you dont, they could kill Mongrel as you pass by on the way to the transition. If Mongrel
dies, you will be stuck in the Swamps. Once the area is clear of mutants go back to Mongrel and follow him to
the transition point. Now that youre in the Dead City, its time to finally meet Mohamet. On your way to the
meeting place, a pack of zombies appear new you. Kill all of them before you proceed any further. When
theyre all dead head up the road until you get to the first house on the left side.
In the house you meet with Fima instead of Mohamet. After youve spoken with him some Marauders appear
and attack you. This is where youll have to kill and save, because they have you pinned inside with no escape
route. Fima will probably be killed in the fire-fight but it has no effect on the game. Kill them and then go to
the lower transition point what leads you to the Military Warehouses.
When you appear at the Military Warehouses two
bloodsuckers and a controller form your welcoming
party. Show them your appreciation by offering
them some lead and grenades as gifts. Now that this
formal exchange is over you can head to the Bar, but
beware; there is another exchange of gifts to go
through, this time with your friends, the
Mercenaries. Now that this exchange of formalities
is over, we can have a few quiet drinks at the Bar.
Its time to speak to Pathfinder and give him Doctor
Marshs flash drive; he then asks you to find a
special artefact called a Superconductor that can
open the transition back to the Dead City. This
artefact appears only at the Warehouses, between
1:00 and 2:00 in the morning. Here is this ad nauseam back and forth motion again; so you return to the
Military Warehouses again.
Location of the superconductor

When you have found it, return to Pathfinder back at the Bar and he marks the location of the transition point
to the Dead City from the Military Warehouses on your PDA. If you have any outstanding tasks with either
Pathfinder or Earl, do them before you go to Barkeep. This is another point of no return in the game: neither
character will be available in the Bar area soon. Now its time to see Barkeep at the Cordon and give him the
laptop and the Monolith flash drive. He wants you to play postman again and deliver a coded letter to General
Voronin. After he reads the letter, he marks the new transition point between the Dark Valley and the

Peacekeeping Corps in the southeast. After you appear you get a message to meet with Barkeep, but youve
been ported amongst a horde of mutants. Its better if you just get out of there immediately and go to the spot
marked on your PDA. Barkeep wants you to play nursemaid and follow him to a meeting with Sidorovich. After
the meeting, speak with Barkeep again; he sends another letter to General Voronin. You can go back to the
Dark Valley the same way you came in. Voronin now wants you deliver a letter of response to Sidorovich who
should now be at the Cordon. After you have delivered Voronins reply, Sidorovich wants you to go back to
the Bar and retrieve a map from Borov, of the Bar area. There are sinister plans in motion here. Take the other
dialog too, and Mohamet appears at the entrance of the bunker. Speak with him and he tells what he knows
about where you can find, Yuri Semetskys.
You need to go to the Bar next; as you approach, you get a message that the Mercenaries are attacking the
southern checkpoint. You need to defend it. Kill all the Mercenaries around the checkpoint and inside the Bar
area. When youre done youll get a message to speak to Borov; speak to him and he gives the map of the Bar
area. (If you have been trading artefacts for ammo with Borov and you still have some left, now is the time to
use them as Borov will leave the Bar after the Duty attack.) Bring the map to Sergeant Plichko. Hes waiting for
you at the Bars northern checkpoint (check your PDA). SAVE HERE! After youve spoken with Sergeant
Plichko, the offense against the bandits begins. Help Duty clear the area to the 100 rads bar then quickly get to
the bandits bunker (The prison) before Sergeant Plichko does. Get in there first and eliminate the bandit
before he has a chance to kill Sergeant Plichko. (He must survive, or the storyline stops here.) When the area
has been cleared of bandits, youll get a message to talk to Sergeant Plichko.
Plichko wants you to meet with General Voronin along the road beyond the Bars southern checkpoint and
safely escort him back. Hes waiting for you with some of his guys and Barkeep. Speak to Voronin and then
take the lead and escort them back to the Bar. As you get close to the checkpoint, some surviving bandits
appear try to ambush your party, dispatch them and follow Voronin (he must survive) back to the bunker.
When youve safely escorted him there, speak with him; he rewards you with a Duty Exoskeleton and then
sends you to Barkeep, speak with him. He also rewards you with 100000 RU and a snipers rifle. Now is the
time to pick up your stashed ammo, grenades and med kit. You won be coming back; also take three cat tails,
three Burer hands, three poltergeist eyes and a Ruby Battery artefact with you.
Hint. Now if you havent already done so, its time to assimilate Semetskys Nano suit. If you have the Minigun,
buy as much ammo as you can afford; 2500 rounds should be enough. You are going to need it for the
endgame. Also take all the artefacts that increase endurance with you, it will become apparent later as the
game draws to an end.
Barkeep now wants you to meet with Fang at the
Military Warehouses, so head on over. He tells you
about the Mercenaries and how theyve occupied
the territory, and then he sends you to Doctor
Marsh at the Swamps for advice on the matter.
Youll have to go through the Dead City to get to the
Swamps. The Dead City transition is marked on the
north western part of the map. When you arrive at
the Dead City, you get a message about a zombie
invasion happening near the Wanderers base. You
must help them eliminate the zombies; again take
the high ground and kill them all. When you get the
all clear, go and speak to Leila. Now head to the
Zombie invasion in the Dead City

Swamps, through the west transition point.


Speak with Doctor Marsh; he can help you to get to Pripyat, but first you need to bring him 3 poltergeist eyes,
3 Burer hands, 3 cat tails, and a 'Ruby Battery' artefact. Give them to him and he gives you the transition point
to Pripyat. Go through the new transition point at the end of the nearby bridge.
After arriving at Pripyat we hear that the Mercenaries have been banged by a huge horde of fractures. Go to
Feldsher, his position is marked on your PDA. The city is filled with fractures, so be careful. We can reach
Feldsher from the collapsed roof of the Gastronom. Speak to him. He wants you to retrieve some anti-psi
injections called 'Adulin' from a stash in Lenin Square. You can find the backpack in the sewers. Its time to go
to Lenin Square, pick up the backpack and bring it back to Feldsher. When you arrive at the Square head
immediately to the top of the broken statutes base; youre about to be inundated by mutants. The Minigun
does a pretty good on sorting them out. As youre fighting off the mutants, be careful of any nearby
When youve cleared the Square and the
surrounding area of mutants and Mercenaries, you
can search for the hidden backpack. After youve
found the Adulin return to Feldsher, but dont go
inside the building; speak to him from the roof of
the Gastronom. He gives you an injection and a onetime teleporter from Doctor Marsh. As the effects of
the injection, begins to wear off, some Phantom
Mercenaries appear who try to stop you from
leaving. Kill them all and make you way to the
stadium and on to Pripyat. Fight your way through
the building and go to the CNPP.
Location of the Adulin in the sewers

You are going to have to fight many mutants some

Mercenaries before you reach the gate to the CNPP.
Then you will have to fight your way past many Monolith and Mercenaries before you will be able to enter the
Sarcophagus itself. Once youve cleared the area, make your way to the great Monolith Stone, where you will
finally meet with Yuri Semetsky. Speak with him and he gives you a rare artefact that will help you rescue your
brother. So now its time to head to the Control Bunker and find your brother.
Before you enter the bunker, wait until Solomon
arrives; he wants you to find a PDA that he lost in
the eastern part of the CNPP. He gives you an
exoskeleton and a PKM for the task; you can only
equip the PKM if youre wearing the exoskeleton
that he has given you. Kill all the mutants near the
PDA and then pick it up. On your way back to
Solomon, kill every living thing as it could impact on
the endgame. There should be some Mercenaries
around the rail cars near the transition into the
Sarcophagus. When they are all dead go back to
Solomon and give him the PDA. He lets you keep the
suit and the PKM as a reward.
Yuri Semetsky

Now we can enter the Monolith Bunker and speak

with Pathfinder. He tells you the entrance has been blocked by an explosion and you need to find another way
into the Monolith Bunker; he gives you a new transition point. Use the teleporters to go back to the known
entrance to the Sarcophagus; keep your eyes open and kill any Mercenaries you see on the way; youll see

some Monolith soldiers near the transition point. Kill them and enter. Once inside the Sarcophagus some
Giant Spiders and the Swamp Monster (Librarian from Metro2033?) will appear, kill them and go to the upper
entrance to the Monolith Bunker. The coded door in the vanilla game.
Once inside the Monolith Bunker, you will be met by
the Ecologists and Professor Gromov. Talk to him.
After the screen flashes dont shoot at the controller
like people, talk to Gromov again, and you can either
choose to go with them or you can save your
First ending. If you decide to go with Professor
Gromov, you immediately get ported to a Cryo tube
in the Monolith bunker.
Second ending. If you chose to save your brother,
you will be ported out to the Crystal Mind, speak
with it and Captain will appear soon. After youve
spoken to Captain, give him the teleporter he will
disappear. A portal has appeared behind you, outside the fence. Go through it, and you will get a message to
help Pathfinder. Go to his position, but dont get too close because the Monolith flamethrowers will kill you
instantly. Snipe down the enemies from afar.
Pathfinder is injured; go to him and after he has finished speaking, a countdown timer starts and you have 17
mins to go through the portal system and escape. Now you can understand the need for the artefacts that
increase endurance. Many enemies, both Monolith and Mercenaries will try to stop you with flamethrowers
and Gauss rifles.

Watch out for dudes like this

And these, near the last teleport

You have to run a gauntlet avoiding or killing all adversaries on your way to the true ending. Use your Bioradar
to locate their position so you can destroy them. Whenever you can, use your high position to snipe the
enemies below you that may be in your way, its safer than trying to deal with them face to face when you
emerge through the teleporters. Dont spend too much time trying to kill them all, just eliminate the ones who
can block your path to freedom. You can loot the bodies of your enemies for Groza flamethrowers, Gauss rifles
and ammo for both to use against them. But I didnt bother, as the Minigun is an awesome killing machine
despatching anything and everything thats in your way. Try to get to the last teleport as fast as you can,
preferably with five or six minutes to spare; the reason will become apparent later.

Hint. Save here. When you go through this last

teleport, you end up on the rooftop where you
found the second case for Solomon at the beginning
of the game. When you appear, you will land
between two enemies and you will hear a voice in
the Russian language saying (loosely translated to)
Weve got him. You can try to kill them both, but
as soon as you kill one of them, you are captured
and get ported back to Professor Gromov at the
Monolith Bunker. After a short conversation with
him, he places you in a Cryo tube.

The last teleport?

The true ending. As soon as you are ported to the

rooftop and hear the message, a new teleport opens
directly below you position. Make the jump before
you are either captured or killed. You now get
ported to part of the CNPP that you havent been to
before. Here you will be greeted by Monoliths, fire
poltergeists and controller looking people armed
with PKMs. Youll have to fight your way through to
the last portal and possible freedom. Be prepared
for the mother of all battles, they will be coming for
you from all directions. The game is pretty linear
from here on, go up the first staircase and follow the
path along the walkways until you reach the final
teleport. Dont worry about hunting the bad guys
down, just get the hell out of there. How you get to
the last teleport is up to you, but there is a
welcoming party of flame poltergeists waiting as you
go up the final ladder and possibly freedom.

Bad guys with big guns

The final portal, the way home

The Wish Granter

When you enter the last portal, you are teleported to the Sarcophagus, to the Wish Granter. After a short cut
scene, the credits start. Did you escape the Zone? How did you end up on the death truck? Why were you
marked with the initials S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?

Happy hunting, Stalkers.


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