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5th Floor, E.V.K. Sampath Maaligai, No. 68. College Road, Chennai, Pin Code: 600006.
Call Centre Tel: 7708060310, Email id: Website :

Chief Ministers Solar Rooftop Capital Incentive Scheme

Application Form for Registration of LT Grid-Tie Solar Rooftop Power Plant

Group (incase of Apartments)

Category of the applicant :

Number of applicants:
Capacity of the plant:
(Subsidy restricted to No. of beneficiary/ kWp/ house)
5 kWp/10 kWp/ Multiples of 5 kWp
-------- kWp
Details of group representative shall be given in Sl No. 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 below. However details of all group
members to be filled in Form A.
Name of Applicant / Representative of Group Application *

Applicant full address * for



Contact No:
Email id:
Is Installation address same as the address mentioned above?
Yes / No
If No, Location of the site for
House No./Door No.:
SPV installation
Flat / Buidling Name:
Village /Town :*
Pin code:
Details of TANGEDCO service
Service Connection No.
connection in which the SPV
Tariff category
LA 1A / V
plant proposed in the premises is (Tick the applicable
to be Tied up with Grid.
Do you authorize TEDA to forward your contact details to the Yes / No
Installers finalized by TEDA?
*Mandatory to send the correspondence

House No./Door No.:

Flat / Buidling Name:
Village /Town :*
Pin code:

Form - A To be filled for each of the Joint Applicants


Name of Joint

Residential address.
(if different from the
Location of SPV plant
Installation site
mentioned in previous

Mobile No.

Email id


SC No.

allocated to
the Joint

Is Tariff


Yes / No


Yes / No


Yes / No


Yes / No


Yes / No

Declaration by Applicants / Beneficiaries


We hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of our knowledge. If information
given by us is found to be false, Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) is entitled to reject the
application at any stage.


We hereby agree with the terms and conditions and specifications stipulated by Tamil Nadu Energy
Development Agency (TEDA) for the installation of the Solar Rooftop Power plant.


If we register on-line, we hereby agree to send the signed hard copy to TEDA, Chennai immediately.


After sanction accorded by TEDA, we hereby agree to place a work order as per the guidelines of TEDA
on one of the installers selected by us from the list of Installers empanelled by TEDA.


If we are not the owner of the building and / or the person in whose name the EB service connection has
been obtained we hereby agree not to make TEDA or the Government of Tamil Nadu a party in disputes
with the owner of the premises or the TANGEDCO service connection holder in relation to the installation
and operation of the rooftop Solar PV plant.


We hereby agree not to make TEDA or the Government of Tamil Nadu a party in disputes between the
partners regarding the installation and operation of the jointly owned rooftop Solar PV plant including
disputes relating to the sharing of energy production by the jointly owned solar PV plant.


We hereby agree to furnish along with the hard copy of this application a nomination (in the format given
by TEDA) signed by all group applicants by which the undersigned has been nominated as the one-point
contact and liaison person with TEDA for matters relating to the proposed rooftop solar PV plant.


We hereby agree to bear the cost for provision of bidirectional meter in addition with the project cost and
the same shall be deducted from the State Government subsidy.


Signature of the Applicants


For Office Use:

Registration number:

Date of Registration:

Sanction Date :

Sanction No. :

Terms & Conditions / Detailed Guidelines to be adhered by the Applicant:

1. For individual applicant only 1 KWp plants for residential purpose will be considered for a
TamilNadu Government subsidy of Rs. 20,000/- per kWp
2. The subsidy can be availed only by domestic consumers with a TANGEDCO service connection
under tariff LT-1A.
In residential apartments having swimming pool with TANGEDCO service connection for
common purpose other than LT-1A tariff shall also be considered for this subsidy scheme.
3. The subsidy scheme applies only to grid-connected rooftop solar PV systems comprising solar
PV modules, rooftop support structure, solar grid inverter, cabling and protective devices. GridTie system only will be considered.
4. Solar power that is not consumed in the residential building can be exported to the TANGEDCO
grid and will be eligible for solar net-metering. In solar net-metering the consumer pays for the
net energy imported from the TANGEDCO grid (= energy imported from the grid minus energy
exported to the grid). Exported energy will be credited up to a limit of 90% of the imported energy
during a 12 months settlement period. To avail of solar net-metering the consumer needs to apply
to TANGEDCO. For details the Tamil Nadu Consumer Guide for Solar Net-metering may be
consulted. This consumer guide can be found at
net metering Consumer Guide.pdf.
5. Change of address:
The change of address shall not be allowed. If an applicants moves to a different address after
the registration of an application, a new application with the new address details will have to be
filed and application seniority of the old application will be cancelled.
6. Signed hard copies after on-line registrations must be sent to TEDA office in Chennai
immediately. If the hard copy application is not received, the online registration shall be annulled.
Seniority will be as per online submission date.
7. Applicants who do not make on-line applications will be given application seniority on the basis
of the date of receipt of the hard copy application in TEDAs Chennai office.These applications
will be assigned seniority after the on-line applications received on that day.
8. In case of flats / apartments, the application can be made individually or collectively by flat
9. The subsidy scheme provides also for applications for joint ownership of a rooftop solar PV plant
that serves more than one residence with the following conditions:
a) The joint applicants shall each contribute to the jointly owned rooftop solar PV plant in
relation to the plant capacity allocated to them.
b) The average plant capacity per applicant shall not exceed 1 kWp (e.g. a joint application by 10
joint applicants cannot be for a plant capacity in excess of 10 kWp). For plants of a higher
capacity, the subsidy will be capped at an average of 1 kWp per applicant.

c) The contract with the installer of the rooftop solar PV plant shall be entered into by the
Association or Groups representation after obtaining written approval of each joint applicant
on the terms of the contract.
d) Existing registered flat owners associations may apply for the installation of rooftop solar PV
plant that serve the common facilities of an apartment complex (e.g. lights, pumps, lifts). For
these solar plants, the solar grid inverter output shall be connected to the electrical distribution
board(s) of these common facilities and the existing collective service connection may be used
for the purpose of net-metering. In this set-up there are no credits of export kWh to the service
connections of individual applicants but only to the collective service connection to which the
common facilities are connected.
10. TEDA will provide sanction letters for both online and offline applications. These sanction letters
will be available on the website of TEDA for downloading by the applicants. The applicants can
then check status,download workorder formats, sanction format etc., by giving their Registration
11. List of Installer / Installers approved by TEDA with the price after shortlisting through tender
process shall be displayed on the TEDA website. The applicant shall select one of the Installer
from this list .
12. The inter-connection between the solar grid inverter and the buildings electrical distribution board
for a maximum cable length of 25 m will be within the scope of the solar plant Installer. The cost
of additional lengths of cable shall be borne by the applicant.
13. Approved cost by TEDA will be for flat roof installation only. If the roof is not flat and requires
additional mounting structure then that will have to be separately borne by the applicant.
14. a) The applicant shall make payment of the solar PV system cost to the Installer excluding 30%
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) subsidy , Rs. 20,000 per kWp State Incentive .
b) The comprehensive maintenance charges(CMC) to be paid to the Installer is optional .
c) 30 % MNRE subsidy limited to 30% of MNRE bench mark cost or project cost, whichever is
15. Under this scheme, no Generation Based Incentive(GBI) will be provided by the Government of

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