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Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

In Financial accounting apart from the loacal currency we can define two additional currencies for the company
code. The main purpose of using parallel currencies is to maintain the G/L accounts in different currencies. The
companies which have subsidiaries in different countries use parallel currencies to update the foreign business
transactions in different foreign currencies (parallel currencies).
We can use various currency types for the parallel currencies such as Group currency, Global Company
currency, Index based currency and Hard currency.
The purpose of using parallel currencies in Asset accounting is to maintain the fixed asset values such as APC
and Depreciation in different currencies.
1. Define Currencies for leading ledger: (OB22)
SPRO-->Financial Accounting (NEW)-->Financial Accounting Global settings--> Ledgers--> Ledger->Define currencies for Leading ledger
Here you define the additional currencies that you want to use

2. Define Depreciation Areas:

SPRO-->Financial Accounting (NEW)-->Asset accounting-->Valuation-->Depreciation Areas-->Define
Depreciation Areas

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

Depreciation areas 1, 2 and 3 i.e. Book Depreciation, Special tax Depreciation and Derived Depreciation are
already defined in the system. Just select 0, Area do not post for Depreciation area 2
3. Define Depreciation Areas for Parallel Currencies:

We should always copy the depreciation areas from the real depreciation area when creating depreciation
areas for the parallel currencies. Since, we are using two parallel currencies i.e EUR and USD. We should
define two depreciation areas for parallel currencies for each of the depreciation areas. i.e we should define 1
depreciation area for USD and 1 depreciation area for EUR for both Book Depreciation area and Special tax
depreciation area. Therefore we will have 4 depreciation areas for parallel currencies 2 for Book depreciation
and 2 for Special tax depreciation.
Depreciation areas for parallel currency USD for Book Depreciation

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

In the same way create one more depreciation area for parallel currency EUR for Book Depreciation
Depreciation areas for parallel currency USD for Special Tax Depreciation

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

In the same way create one more depreciation area for parallel currency EUR for Special Tax depreciation
4. Specify Area Type: (OADC)
Here you specify the purpose of the depreciation area i.e. for what type of valuation you want to use the
depreciation area.

5. Specify Transfer of APC values: (OABC)

Here we specify how the APC values will be transferred to the depreciation areas. For example if you want to
show the APC values of a depreciation in foreign currency then you should use the the local currency values as
basis, that means for depreciation areas in foreign currency you should use book depreciation as the base. We

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

should also mark the depreciation areas in foreign currency as identical so that the values from the transferring
depreciaiton area are transferred without any changes.

6. Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms: (OABD)

Here we specify the transfer rules for the transfer of deprecation terms to the depreciation areas.

7. Define Depreciation Areas for Foreign Currency: (OAYH)

SPRO-->Financial Accounting (NEW)-->Asset accounting-->Currencies-->Define Depreciation areas
for Foreign Currencies
Here we assign foreign currencies for depreciation areas in which we want to them to be valuated.

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

8. Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class: (OAYZ)

9. Create an Asset: (AS01)

10. Post Asset Transaction: (F-90)

Post a Transaction for the asset.
11. Asset Explorer: (AW01N)

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


Parallel Currencies in Asset accounting

Generated by Jive on 2015-07-31+02:00


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