Positive Attitude: Session - 1

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Session -1

Positive attitude
Memory Booster
Most people associate the right brain with creativity and lateral thinking and theres
certainly something to that. Our left brains create structures that can act as
barriers to alternative solutions and perspectives.
But your left brain plays a crucial role in creativity as well . seeing logical
associations between seemingly unrelated things is a hallmark of creativity. And
the critical-thinking skills necessary to tell a good idea from a bad one are pretty
important too.
So. Tell us which way your dancer spins for you in the comments. And weigh in
with your opinion about the right brain versus left brain for creativity isnt it a
really a whole mind thing?
Pegging- This is a very effective exercise of activating the right brain. You are
requested to memorize the following peg numbers. Your instructor will train you to
use these peg numbers.
1- Run

2- Zoo

3- Tree







Change your life


Exercise about 20 minutes for 3 days in a week.

Practice pegging two times per day.
Fix a particular time to wake up and to go to bed.
Accept responsibility of at least one household work and also give an hour to
the work you like.
5. Read for at least an hour per day.
6. Decide your goal for the coming year.
Make an effective questionnairea. Write down all the probable difficulties you will face while achieving
your goals. Make the list exhaustive.
b. Convert each statement into a question.
List out at least 10 role models who have already achieved the goals you are
trying to achieved the goals you are trying to achieve.
7. Plan for your complete schedule/work of the week.

8. Write your diary every night. Analyze the wholw day.

9. Session -1

Positive attitude
developing leadership attitude, image, building
loyalty, beating the deadline by under
promising and over delivering.
Use your creativity, intellect and passion in
your work.
Be a decision maker. Believe in your
reasoning and experience to makes decisions
and stick to them. Take responsibility of your
Networking, a lot of work gets done
through relationships developed on the basis
of shared values and shared experiences.
Even in the most trying situations, be loyal
to your values which will help you to keep your
calm, wits and maintain focus.
Understand that no job is lowly. In fact
neglected jobs and unwanted tasks are a great
opportunity to display your talent.
Remember failure is not a crime. So in the
face of failure do not shy away. Face people
and situations with courage.
Persistence means exhausting all the
possibilities in meeting a challenge. Contact all
the people who can help you to get the job
done. Before assuming every no is final, try a
new approach. Whats important to the person
you are trying to convince? How can I move
them to help me?

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