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Lab G: Volumetric Analysis for Vitamin C (C6H8O6)

Asavari Anil Ingrole

Partner: Samira Yassin
19th November 2013
CHEM 121 L13
TA: Breanna Venneman
Lab Performed: 29th October 2013

Vitamin C is an important compound that is also known as Ascorbic Acid. It is used in
the synthesis of collagen in different parts of the body and being a biological reducing
agent helps to prevent diseases that cause degeneration such as cataracts and certain
types of cancer.
The deficiency of Vitamin C leads to a couple of diseases. One of the best known
disease due to the lack of Vitamin C is scurvy- symptoms include bleeding gums,
loose teeth, bleeding eyes etc. Since humans lack the ability to synthesize Vitamin C,
it has to be obtained from sources outside of the human body. Usually this is obtained
through fruits rich in Vitamin C but sometimes supplements are required to maintain
the required level.
By calculating the amount of Vitamin C in a tablet we can determine whether people
taking supplemental tablets are taking the amount stated or whether their intake is
different from what they thought they were taking.
The reactions that are taking place are stated below ->

IO3- + 5I- + 6H+ 3I2 + 3H2O

This reaction shows how Iodine was generated from the given solution in the previous

KIO3 + 5KI + 3H2SO4 3I2 + 3K2SO4 + 3H2O

This equation indicates to the reaction that occurs when Vitamin C is reacted with the
Iodine that was formed. As can be seen some Iodine is left over at the end of the

This is a pictorial representation of the reaction that occurs between Vitamin C and

This shows a mole of Vitamin C reacting with a mole of Iodine (i.e. 1:1 mole ratio).

Free I2 + 2S2O3-2 2I- + S4O6-2

This reaction is the titration of the remaining I2 with the Sodium Thiosulphate
Towards the end of the experiment the number of moles of Vitamin C can be
calculated by finding the difference between the number of moles of Iodine produced
in the beginning and the number of mole consumed during the titration of remaining
Iodine with the Sodium Thiosulphate solution.


1. The brand/name of the Vitamin C tablet was noted along with the listed mass
of Vitamin C per tablet.
2. A 250ml was obtained and filled with 100ml of distilled water. The tablet was
then added to the beaker and stirred using a magnetic stirrer.
3. After the tablet was mostly dissolved, another apparatus consisting of filter
paper, a funnel and a 250ml volumetric flask was set up. The mixed solution
was then passed through the gravity filter setup in order to remove the
insoluble residue. Distilled water was then used to ensure that no residue was
left in the beaker.
4. The volumetric flask was then filled up to the mark and a stopper was inserted.
The flask was then inverted and up righted at least 10 times to ensure
sufficient mixing of the contents of the flask.
5. Using the stock solution of KIO3, 25ml of the solution was pipetted into a
250ml volumetric flask and the flask was filled up to the mark with distilled
water. The flask was then inverted and up righted at least 10 times to ensure
sufficient mixing of the contents of the flask. This solution was then labeled as
the dilute KIO3 solution.
6. A burette was set up using a stand and filled up with the Sodium Thiosulphate
solution. Its concentration(given) and level on the burette was noted.
7. The following substances were added to the 250ml Erlenmeyer flask 25ml of
the dilute KIO3 solution, 0.2g of KI and 1 ml of 1M Sulfuric acid along with
10 ml of the Vitamin C solution. This was then placed below the burette for
the titration to be started.
8. The titration was then carried out and was stirred until a pale yellow color was
observed. 1ml of starch solution was then added and the titration was
continued until the solution turned colorless.
9. The final reading of the burette was recorded.

10. The titration was repeated until the readings were within

0.2 ml. The 2

selected titrations were then used to find the average volume required.

When adding the Sodium Thiosulphate solution to the initial solution to achieve a
yellow color the titration occurred steadily and gradually. When the starch indicator
was added, the titration occurred fairly quickly and turned the black-blue liquid into a
colorless one.

Results and Calculations

See the attached handwritten sheets for results and calculations (4 one-sided pages).

This titration was conducted to compare the amount of Vitamin C stated on the
selected brand of bottle to the actual amount present in the tablet. The Sodium

Thiosulphate solution with known molarity was given to us and using this along with
the starch indicator the Vitamin C titration was conducted.
The first part of the titration is the reaction between the Vitamin C and the Iodine
produced. The pale yellow color is obtained as the color of Iodine fades as a result of
its reaction with Vitamin C. The starch is then added as an indicator of the yet present
Iodine and when the Sodium Thiosulphate is further added it reacts with whatever
Iodine is left and resulting in the colorless solution.
The titration required an average of 16.65ml

0.02ml Sodium Thiosulphate

solution to be completed. The milligrams of Vitamin C in the tablet was calculated to

be 254.58mg 2.138 mg.
The mass of Vitamin C expected in the tablet was 250mg. The result differs by a
margin of 4mg. This difference can be explained through a few different ways. The
producers of the tablets expect the pills to be on the shelf for quite a long time. This
might account for the extra Vitamin A in case of such situations where the long perios
of time would result in the tablet degrading. This would lead to a reduced amount of
Vitamin C available and therefore the producers of such tablets include excess of
Vitamin C.
Another explanation for the excess Vitamin C is that not all of the Vitamin C could be
dissolved when consumed and therefore more of it is added so that stated mass of
Vitamin C is absorbed. Experimentally speaking, the second part of the titration
happens fairly quickly and could result in putting more of Sodium Thiosulphate
solution than is required, which would result in giving us a higher number of moles of
Vitamin C.
The uncertainties are mostly included through the different apparatus that was used in
the lab. The uncertainties included were for the measurement of the burette readings,

the concentration readings from the earlier lab and the uncertainties for the given
concentrations. The uncertainties add up and the uncertainties in the end are the result
of accumulation of uncertainties.
It can be observed that the first two titrations differ a lot, but as the experiment was
carried out and more practice was achieved the last two titrations gave favorable and
more accurate results.

The tablet was calculated to have 254.58

2.138 mg of Vitamin C in it. This

result is very close to the actual mass stated on the bottle containing the tablets. The
uncertainty in percentages was measured to be 0.84%, which is a very small
uncertainty indicating that the titrations and measurements were made in precise
methods. The technique was accurate for most of the steps except for the controlling
of the passing of the Sodium Thiosulphate solution through the burette.

[1] First Year Chemistry Lab Manual: Chem 111/113 & Chem 121/123, University of





[2] Petrucci, R.F.; Herring, F.G.; Madura, J.D.; Bissonnette, C. General Chemistry

Principles and Modern Applications, Revised 10th ed.; Pearson: Toronto, ON, 2011;
sig figs.
[3] Combs, Jr., G.F. The Vitamins: Fundamental Aspects in Nutrition and Health;
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1993; p4-25.

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