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Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I


Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) or tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding is an inert gas shielded arc
welding process using non-consumable electrode. In all welding, the best weld is one that has the properties
closest to those of the base metal; therefore, the molten puddle must be protected from the atmosphere. The
atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen combine readily with molten metal which yields weak weld beads. In
TIG welding the weld zone is shielded from the atmosphere by an inert gas which is ducted directly to the
weld zone where it surrounds the tungsten. A typical TIG welding set up consists of a welding torch at the
centre of which is the tungsten electrode. The inert gas is supplied to the welding zone through the annular
path surrounding the tungsten electrode to effectively displace the atmosphere around the weld puddle. The
smaller weld torches may not be provided with any cooling devices for the electrodes but larger ones are
provided with circulating cooling water.

Figure 2.3.1: TIG welding set up

The arc between a tungsten electrode and the work piece ionizes the inert gas atoms within the shield to
form gas plasma consisting of almost equal numbers of free electrons and positive ions. The tungsten
electrode is not transferred to the work and evaporates very slowly, being classed as non-consumable.

Power Source
The power sources used are always the constant current type. Both direct current (DC) and
alternating current (AC) power supplies can be used for TIG welding. When DC is used the electrode can
be negative (DCEN) or positive
Electrode positive
The electrons move from workpiece to
the electrode while the heavier positive
ions travel from electrode to workpiece.
If the work is of aluminium or
magnesium alloys there is always a thin
layer of refractory oxide of melting
point about 20000 C present over the
surface and which has to be dispersed
in other processes by means of a
corrosive flux to ensure weldability.
The positive ions in the TIG arc bombarded

Figure 2.3.2: DCEP mode TIG welding

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

this oxide layer and together with the electron emission from the plate, break up and disperse the oxide
film. It is this characteristic which has made the process so successful for the welding of light alloys. The
electrons streaming to the tungsten electrode generate heat, so its diameter must be relatively large and it
forms a bulbous end. It is this overheating with consequent vapourization of the tungsten and the possibility
of tungsten being transferred to the molten metal pool (pick-up) and contaminating it that is the drawback
to the use of the process with electrode positive. Very much less heat is generated at the molten metal pool
and this is therefore wide and shallow.
Electrode negative
The electron stream is now from
electrode to workpiece with the zone of
greatest heat concentrated in the
workpiece so that penetration is deep
and the pool is narrower. The ion flow
is from workpiece to electrode so that
there is no dispersal of oxide film and
this polarity cannot be used for welding
light alloys. The electrode is near the
zone of lesser heat and needs be of
reduced diameter compared with that of
positive polarity. For a given diameter
the electrode, when negative, will carry
Figure 2.3.3: DCEN mode TIG welding
from four to eight times the current than when it is positive and twice as much as when AC is used. The DC
power supply used for TIG can be either a steady one or more often a step pulsed one. In the case of step
pulsed current machine, the current
level is maintained at two levels.
The low level is called the
background current which is used
for cooling of the weld metal. The
other is the peak current used when
the actual melting (welding) takes
place. During the background
current period the arc is maintained
but very small heat input goes to the
weld and as a result the arc crater
cools. This type of step pulsed DC
welding is useful for out of position
welding (other than flat position)
since it allows for the controlled
heating and cooling. Otherwise the
electrode is to be flipped away
slightly from the arc crater to allow
for the cooling of puddle before it is
moved forward again. But the
pulsed DC arc welding provides for
proper solidification during the
background current period when the
torch is moved forward for forming
the next spot.

Figure 2.3.4: Step pulsed DC supply

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

Alternating Current
When AC is used on a 50 Hz supply, voltage and current are reversing direction 100 times a second so that
there is a state of affairs between that of
electrode positive and electrode negative, the
heat being fairly evenly distributed between
the electrode and work. Depth of penetration is
between that of electrode positive and
electrode negative and the diameter is between
the previous diameters. When electrode is
positive it is termed the positive half-cycle and
when negative the negative half cycle. Oxide
removal takes place on the positive half cycle.

Figure 2.3.5: AC mode TIG welding

Inherent rectification in AC arc
In the AC arc the current in the positive half-cycle is less than that in the negative half-cycle. This
is known as inherent rectification and is a characteristic of arcs between dissimilar metals such as tungsten
and aluminium. It is due to the layer of oxides acting as a barrier layer to the current flowing in one
direction and to the greater emission of electrons from the tungsten electrode when it is of negative
polarity. The result of this imbalance is that an excess pulsating current flows in one direction only and the
unbalanced wave can be considered as a balanced AC wave plus an excess pulsating current flowing in one
direction only on the negative half cycle. This latter is known as the DC component and can be measured
with a DC ammeter. The reduction of current in the positive half cycle due to the internal rectification
results in a reduction of oxide removal.
Partial rectification
A greater voltage is required to
strike the arc than to maintain it
and re-ignition on the negative
half cycle requires a lower voltage
than for the positive half cycle,
partly due to the greater electron
emission from the tungsten when
it is negative polarity, but actual
re-ignition depends upon many
factors including the surface
condition of the weld pool and
electrode, the temperature of the
pool and the type of shielding gas.
There may be a delay in arc reignition on the positive half cycle
Figure 2.3.6: Inherent rectification in AC mode
until sufficient voltage is available and this will result
in a short period of zero current until the arc ignites.
This delay reduces the current in the positive half
cycle and this state is known as partial rectification.
If available voltage is not sufficient, ignition of arc
may not occur at all on the positive half cycle, the arc
is extinguished on the one half-pulse and continues
burning on the uni-directional pulses of the negative
half cycle and we have complete rectification with
gradual extinguishing of the arc.
Figure 2.3.7: Partial rectification in AC mode

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

Re-ignition voltage
To ensure re-ignition of the arc on the positive half cycle, the available voltage should be of the order of
150 V, which is greater than that of the supply transformer. To ensure re-ignition, auxiliary devices are
used which obviate the need for high open circuit transformer voltages.
Ignition and re-ignition equipment
High frequency, high voltage, spark gap oscillator: This device enables the arc to be ignited without
touching down the electrode on the work and thus it prevents electrode contamination. It also helps arc reignition at the beginning of positive half cycle.
The oscillator consists of an iron cored transformer with a high voltage secondary winding, a capacitor, a
spark gap and an air core transformer or inductive circuit, one coil of which is in high voltage circuit and
the other in the welding circuit. The capacitor is
charged every half cycle to 3000-5000 V and
discharges across the spark gap. The discharge is
oscillatory and is not a single spark but a series
of spark oscillating across the spark gap during
the discharge. This discharge occurring on every
half cycle sets up oscillatory currents in the
circuit and these are induced and superimposed
on the welding current through the inductance of
the coil. The spark discharge is phased to occur
at the beginning of each half cycle( although for
re-ignition purpose it is required only for the
positive half cycle) and is of about 5
milliseconds or less compared with the half cycle
Figure 2.3.8: High frequency spark oscillator
duration of 10 milliseconds. To initiate the arc,
the electrode is brought about 6 mm from the work with the HF unit and welding current switched on.
Groups of sparks pass across the gap, ionizing it and the welding current flows in the form of an arc
without contamination of the electrode by touching down.

Figure 2.3.9: Arc voltage with superimposed HF and HV current

The HF unit can give rise to considerable radio and TV interference and adequate suppression and
screening must be provided to eliminate this as far as possible.
Suppression of DC component in AC arc: In spite of the use of the HF unit, the imbalance between the
positive and negative half cycles remains and there is a DC component flowing. This direct current flows
through the transformer winding and saturates the iron core magnetically, giving rise to high primary
currents with such heating effect that the rating of the transformer is lowered. It cannot supply its rated
output without overheating. The insertion of banks of electrolytic capacitors in series with the welding
circuit has two effects:
They offer low impedance to the AC which flows practically uninterrupted, but they offer very
high impedance to the DC which is therefore suppressed or blocked.
During the negative half cycle the capacitors receive a greater charge (because of the imbalance)
and during the following positive half cycle this excess adds to the positive half cycle voltage so that it
is increased, and if open circuit voltage is greater than about 100 V the arc is re-ignited on each half
cycle without the aid of HF currents, which can be used for starting only. The effect of this increase in
voltage on the positive half cycle is to improve the balance of the wave so that the heating effect

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

between electrode and the plate is more equal and disposal of the oxide film is increased. The cost of
large banks of capacitors however is considerable and is accompanied by a high voltage across them,
so that this method has been largely superseded in the units which use solid state technology and
thyristor control. (Details in beyond syllabus section)

Figure 2.3.10: Current and arc voltage wave forms showing re-ignition

The electrode may be of pure tungsten but is more generally of tungsten alloyed with thorium
oxide (thoria ThO2) or zirconium oxide (zirconia ZrO2). The thoriated electrode is used with DC; 1 %
thoriated is often used but 2 % thoriated gives good arc striking characteristics at low DC values. Although
thoriated electrodes may be used for AC welding, it is generally better to use zirconiated. Tungsten has a
melting point of 3380 0 C and a boiling point of 5950 0 C so that there is only little vapourization in the arc
and it retains its hardness when red hot. These non-consumable electrodes are supplied with a ground grey
finish to ensure good collet contact, electrode diameters being 0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 3.2, 4.0, 4.8, 5.6 and 6.4 mm
for zirconiated electrodes with additional sizes for 1 % thoriated electrodes ( e.g. 0.8, 8.0, 9.5 mm).
Though pure tungsten electrodes may be used, thoriated tungsten electrodes give easier starting on
DC with a more stable arc and little possibility of tungsten contamination in the weld and they have a
greater current carrying capacity for a given diameter than pure tungsten. However, when they are used on
AC difficulty is encountered in maintaining a hemispherical end on the electrode. Thus zirconiated
electrodes are preferred for AC welding because of good arc starting characteristics and the reduced risk of
tungsten contamination. Zirconiated tungsten electrodes are used for high quality welds in aluminium and
magnesium. Selection of electrode size is usually made by choosing one near the maximum range for
electrode and work. Too small an electrode will result in over heating and thus contamination of the work
with tungsten; while too large an electrode results in arc control difficulty. Aim for a shining hemispherical
end on the electrode, the lengths being usually 75 or 150 mm.
If the arc is started by first touching the base metal and withdrawn, the electrode tip may pick up
the base metal which causes the subsequent sputtering and loss of metal in the electrode tip. Also, the
electrode may get consumed quickly if it is allowed to get oxidised, since tungsten oxide has a lower
melting temperature. The oxidation occurs when the electrode is allowed to cool in the atmosphere after
welding. Hence, shielding gas flow should be maintained for some time after extinguishing the arc so that
the electrode gets sufficiently cooled in a protective atmosphere rather than in the oxidising normal
The electrode tip should be prepared for proper weld penetration. The typical shapes that can be
used are shown in below figures. Though it is possible to use these electrodes without any tip preparation, it
would be better to prepare the tip since it enhances the weld quality. For AC welding with HF unbalanced
machines, the tip should be pencil pointed so that the HF current gets concentrated and the arc is easily
initiated. Also one the arc is initiated the tip gets heated and a ball of tungsten is formed which reduces the
effect of current rectification and thus, stabilizes the arc.

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

With DCEN the electrode would be made conical. While grinding, the tip concentricity should be
maintained, otherwise the gas would become uneven making some part of the puddle not properly shielded
and thereby causing contamination of the weld joint in that portion. Pure tungsten electrodes are never
made into conical point since the end is likely to melt and contaminate the weld metal. Instead it is better to
make full round ball at the tip.

Figure 2.3.11: Typical electrode tip shapes

Figure 2.3.12: Tungsten electrode preparations

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

Shielding gas
Argon in its commercial purity state ( 99.996 %) is used for metals like carbon and alloy steels,
stainless steels, aluminium and its alloys, magnesium and alloys, nickel and its alloys, zirconium, silver etc.
But for titanium extreme purity is required. Argon with 5 % hydrogen gives increased welding speed and
/or penetration in the welding of stainless steel and nickel alloys; nitrogen can be used for copper welding.
Helium may be used for aluminium and its alloys and copper, but is more expensive than argon and due to
its lower density, a greater volume is required than with argon to ensure adequate shielding, and small
variation in arc length cause greater changes in weld conditions. A mixture of 30 % helium and 70 % argon
is now used and gives fast welding speeds. The mechanized DC welding of aluminum with helium gives
deep penetration and high speeds. The characteristics of the arc changes considerably with changes of
direction of flow of current, that is with arc polarity.

There is a variety of torches available varying from light weight air cooled to heavy duty water cooled
types. The main factors to be considered in choosing a torch are:
1. Current-carrying capacity for the work in hand.
2. Weight, balance and accessibility of the torch head to the work in hand.
The torch body holds a top loading compression type collet assembly which accommodates electrodes of
various diameters. They are securely gripped yet the collet is easily slackened for removal or reposition of
the electrode. As the thickness of plate to be welded increases, size of torch and electrode diameter must
increase to deal with the larger welding currents required. Small light weight air cooled torches rated 75 A
DC and 55 A AC are ideal for small fittings and welds in awkward places and may be of pencil or swivel
head type. Collet sizes on these are generally 0.8 mm, 1.2 mm, and 1.6 mm diameter. Larger air cooled
torches of 75 A DC or AC continuous rating or 100 A intermittent usually have a collet of 1.6 mm
diameter. Air or water cooled torches rated 300 A intermittent may be used with electrodes from 1.6 to 6.35
mm diameter and can be fitted with water cooled shields while heavy duty water cooled torches with a
water cooled nozzle of 500 A AC or DC continuous rating and 600 a intermittent employ larger
electrodes. A gas lens can be fitted to the torch to give better gas coverage and to obtain greater
accessibility or visibility.
Normally, because of turbulence in the flow of gas from the nozzle, the electrode is adjusted to
project up to a maximum of 4-9 mm beyond the nozzle.

Figure 2.3.13: Air cooled torch

By the use of lens which contains wire gauzes of coarse and fine mesh, turbulence is prevented and a
smooth even gas stream is obtained, enveloping the electrode which, if the gas flow is suitably increased,
can be used on a flat surface projecting up to 19 mm from the nozzle orifice, greatly improving
accessibility. The lens is screwed on to the torch body in place of the standard nozzle and as the projection
of electrode from the nozzle is increased the torch must be held more vertically to the work to obtain good

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

gas coverage. The ceramic nozzles (alumina or silicon carbide) which direct the flow of gas, screw on to
the torch head and are easily removable for cleaning and replacement. Nozzle orifices range from 9.5 to
15.9 mm in diameter and they are available in a variety of patterns for various applications. Ceramic
nozzles are used up to 200 A AC or DC but above this water cooled nozzles or shields are recommended
because they avoid constant replacement.

Figure 2.3.14: Water cooled torch

Gas regulator, flowmeter and economizer

The gas regulator reduces the pressure in the argon cylinder from 175 to 200 bar down to 0-3.5 bar
for supply to the torch. The flowmeter which has a manually operated needle valve controls the argon flow
from 0-600 litres per hour to 0-2100 litres per hour according to type. The economizer may be fitted in a
convenient position near the welder and when the torch is hung from the projecting lever on the unit, argon
gas and (if fitted) water supplies are cut off. A micro-switch operated by the lever can also be used to
control the HF unit.

Additional equipment
Add-on equipment can be used with existing transformers and rectifiers. The equipment is fitted
with a pulse generator and can be connected to a thyristor controlled rectifier power unit or to AC or DC
arc welding sources. When connected to a DC source the pulse generator is used for arc ignition only,
being automatically cut off after ignition, but it cuts in again if required to establish the arc. When used

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I

with an AC source the pulse generator ensures arc ignition without touch down and ensures re-ignition of
the arc when welding. Soft start, crater fill, current control with one knob and remote control facilities are
also fitted.

Welding technique
The welding technique used for TIG is
similar to that of the gas welding. The edge
preparation is also similar to that of gas
welding. Backing of the joint is preferable to
provide good appearance and uniformity of
the weld. The metallic backing plates used
are provided with a small groove of a depth
of order of 0.4 mm near the root, with the
width being about 3 to 4 times the depth.
The backing plate is removed after the
welding is over. The current setting to be
used depends on the type of power supply
and the electrode used. Sometimes filler
metals may have to be used depending on
the base metal. The filler metal for TIG
welding is generally a bare wire. The size of
the filler wire depends on the base metal
thickness. The nozzle or shield size to be
chosen depends on the shape of the groove
to be welded as well as the required gas flow
rate. The gas flow rate depends on the
position of the weld as well as its size. Too
high a gas consumption would give rise to
turbulence of the weld metal pool and
consequently porous welds. Because of the
Figure 2.3.15: Gas regulator with flowmeter
use of shielding gases, no fluxes are required
to be used in inert gas shielded arc welding. However for thicker sections it may be desirable to protect the
root side of the joint by providing a flux or preferably a shroud of inert gas.
Pure tungsten


2 % thoriated tungsten

AC, Ampere
Table-I: Current range for TIG welding with argon gas and different types of electrodes



Filler rod
size, mm


Current, A



Arc travel


Gas flow
rate, L/H



Table-II: TIG welding of aluminium using AC with HF welding machine and argon gas with tungsten electrode

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


Module-II of Manufacturing Science-I


TIG is very suitable for high quality welding of thin materials.

Deeper penetration can be achieved.
No flux is used. So there is no chance of flux entrapment.
As this process can be seen with the help of goggle therefore operator can exercise a better control
on the welding process.
This is suitable for welding stainless steel and non-ferrous materials.
This is suitable for welding in all positions.


This process is slower compared to MIG welding.

Tungsten if transfer to molten weld pool can contaminate the same. Tungsten inclusion is hard and
TIG welding equipment is costly.
Skilled or trained operator is required for welding.

Precision welding in aircraft industries, chemical and other industries.
Welding of non-ferrous materials like aluminium, magnesium, copper, nickel etc.
Welding of sheet metal and thinner sections.

Manufacturing Technology , P.N.Rao, TMH, page 394-398

The science and practice of Welding, A.C.Davies, Cambridge University Press, page 147-170
Advanced welding Technology, S.A.Rizvi, Katson Books, page45-49

Review Questions

Why pure tungsten is not a suitable electrode in TIG welding?

How alloying of tungsten improves the electrode performance?
Write the common shielding gases used in TIG and describe their advantages & limitations.
Describe the power source used for TIG welding.
Which mode is suitable for welding of aluminium in TIG welding?
Why alternating current becomes unbalanced in TIG welding?
Why pulsed DC supply is considered for some applications in TIG welding?
Why high frequency high voltage low amperage current is superimposed on AC source in TIG
Explain inherent rectification and partial rectification in TIG welding.
Explain the need for electrode tip preparation.
What are the functions of pressure regulator and flowmeter in gas cylinder?
Write the functions of nozzle in torch of TIG welding.
Describe the construction of welding torch.
Why welding torch is water cooled?
Why zirconiated tungsten electrode is preferred for AC TIG welding?
Why TIG welding is suitable for thin sheet welding?
Can we weld dissimilar metals in TIG welding?
For welding of thick metal which mode you will select?
Describe the edge preparation in TIG welding.
State four different types of materials suitable for TIG welding.
Write the difficulties that may arise during TIG welding and methods used to overcome the
difficulties encountered.
List four gases or gases mixtures used in TIG welding and give one typical application of each.
State four possible causes of incomplete penetration when making butt welds by TIG welding in
the flat position.
Briefly describe the welding technique used in TIG welding.
Explain the use of gas lens in TIG welding torch.

Lecture Notes of Chinmay Das


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