VLC Logcat 20150402 001225

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--------- beginning of /dev/log/system

04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655): Process: org.sopcast.android, PID: 2
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable t
o start receiver org.sopcast.android.ActionReceiver: java.lang.NullPointerExcept
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ha
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ac
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ma
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
keNative(Native Method)
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.mai
n(Native Method)
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerExce
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at org.sopcast.android.ActionRec
eiver.onReceive(Unknown Source)
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ha
04-01 23:48:31.279 E/AndroidRuntime( 2655):
... 10 more
04-01 23:49:03.869 E/ActivityThread( 3655): Failed to find provider info for app
04-01 23:49:04.109 W/ActivityThread( 3655): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loa
der returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
04-01 23:50:13.864 E/ActivityThread( 3833): Failed to find provider info for app
04-01 23:50:13.999 W/ActivityThread( 3833): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loa
der returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833): Performing stop of activity that is
not resumed: {org.sopcast.android/org.sopcast.android.SopCast}
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833): java.lang.RuntimeException: Performi
ng stop of activity that is not resumed: {org.sopcast.android/org.sopcast.androi
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.app.ActivityThread.pe
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ha
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ac
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.

04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ma
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
keNative(Native Method)
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-01 23:50:14.844 E/ActivityThread( 3833):
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.mai
n(Native Method)
04-01 23:53:02.399 E/ActivityThread( 4141): Failed to find provider info for app
04-01 23:53:02.564 W/ActivityThread( 4141): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loa
der returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
04-01 23:53:44.989 E/ActivityThread( 4475): Failed to find provider info for app
04-01 23:53:45.134 W/ActivityThread( 4475): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loa
der returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
04-02 00:02:33.569 D/ActivityThread( 5109): handleBindApplication:org.sopcast.an
04-02 00:02:33.574 D/ActivityThread( 5109): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
04-02 00:02:33.574 D/ActivityThread( 5109): setTargetHeapMinFree:524288
04-02 00:02:33.794 V/WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider( 5109): Binding Chromium to
main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {421f1b08}
04-02 00:02:33.794 I/LibraryLoader( 5109): Expected native library version numbe
r "",actual native library version number ""
04-02 00:02:33.799 I/chromium( 5109): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(116)] Chromi
um logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
04-02 00:02:33.799 I/BrowserStartupController( 5109): Initializing chromium proc
ess, renderers=0
04-02 00:02:33.814 E/AudioManagerAndroid( 5109): BLUETOOTH permission is missing
04-02 00:02:33.864 W/chromium( 5109): [WARNING:proxy_service.cc(890)] PAC suppor
t disabled because there is no system implementation
04-02 00:02:33.884 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### app_versionName=1.2.8
04-02 00:02:33.884 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### app_versionCode=128
04-02 00:02:33.884 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### width=2560
04-02 00:02:33.884 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### height=1504
04-02 00:02:33.884 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### density=2.0
04-02 00:02:33.889 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### sysArmArchitecture=7
04-02 00:02:33.889 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### sysHasNeon=true
04-02 00:02:33.889 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### sysVersion=4.4.4
04-02 00:02:33.889 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### sysVerCode=19
04-02 00:02:33.909 D/SopCf ( 5109): ##### maxCF=3400000
04-02 00:02:33.914 D/SopCf ( 5109): wifi mac:08:d4:2b:1b:4b:42
04-02 00:02:33.914 D/dalvikvm( 5109): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.sopca
st.android-1/libenc.so 0x421faab0
04-02 00:02:33.914 D/dalvikvm( 5109): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/org.sopcast

.android-1/libenc.so 0x421faab0
04-02 00:02:33.914 D/dalvikvm( 5109): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/org.s
opcast.android-1/libenc.so 0x421faab0, skipping init
04-02 00:02:33.914 E/ActivityThread( 5109): Failed to find provider info for app
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/dat
a/org.sopcast.android/files/favlist: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or direct
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBr
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ContextImpl.openF
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.content.ContextWrappe
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at org.sopcast.android.n.d(Unkno
wn Source)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at org.sopcast.android.n.<init>(
Unknown Source)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at org.sopcast.android.SopCast.o
nCreate(Unknown Source)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.Activity.performC
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.Instrumentation.c
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.pe
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ha
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ac
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ma
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
keNative(Native Method)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.mai
n(Native Method)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: op
en failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.Posix.open(Native
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBr
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
... 20 more
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/dat

a/org.sopcast.android/files/recSchedule: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or di

04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBr
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ContextImpl.openF
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.content.ContextWrappe
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at org.sopcast.android.ar.e(Unkn
own Source)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at org.sopcast.android.ar.<init>
(Unknown Source)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at org.sopcast.android.SopCast.o
nCreate(Unknown Source)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.Activity.performC
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.Instrumentation.c
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.pe
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ha
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ac
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMe
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at android.app.ActivityThread.ma
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
keNative(Native Method)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at com.android.internal.os.Zygot
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.mai
n(Native Method)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: op
en failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.Posix.open(Native
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBr
04-02 00:02:33.919 W/System.err( 5109):
... 20 more
04-02 00:02:33.919 D/dalvikvm( 5109): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.sopca
st.android-1/libsc.so 0x421faab0
04-02 00:02:33.924 D/dalvikvm( 5109): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/org.sopcast
.android-1/libsc.so 0x421faab0
04-02 00:02:33.924 D/sc
( 5109): OnLoad
04-02 00:02:33.924 D/SopRec ( 5109): ##### swr exists
04-02 00:02:33.959 I/dalvikvm( 5109): Could not find method android.content.pm.P

ackageManager.getPackageInstaller, referenced from method com.google.android.gms

04-02 00:02:33.959 W/dalvikvm( 5109): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 479:
Landroid/content/pm/PackageManager;.getPackageInstaller ()Landroid/content/pm/P
04-02 00:02:33.959 D/dalvikvm( 5109): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000d
04-02 00:02:33.959 D/dalvikvm( 5109): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'ads1400929699.jar' (boo
tstrap=0) --04-02 00:02:33.984 I/Ads
( 5109): Starting ad request.
04-02 00:02:33.984 I/Ads
( 5109): Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("4C9DA
F791803E128E133EE87525BCA0E") to get test ads on this device.
04-02 00:02:33.989 I/Ads
( 5109): Please set theme of AdActivity to @android
:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
04-02 00:02:33.994 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 10
04-02 00:02:33.994 D/SopM
( 5109): init ui
04-02 00:02:33.999 D/SopA
( 5109): ##### getAuthType: 0
04-02 00:02:34.014 D/dalvikvm( 5151): DexOpt: load 3ms, verify+opt 6ms, 179052 b
04-02 00:02:34.029 D/dalvikvm( 5109): DexOpt: --- END 'ads1400929699.jar' (succe
ss) --04-02 00:02:34.029 D/dalvikvm( 5109): DEX prep '/data/data/org.sopcast.android/c
ache/ads1400929699.jar': unzip in 0ms, rewrite 68ms
04-02 00:02:34.039 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:02:34.059 D/OpenGLRenderer( 5109): Enabling debug mode 0
04-02 00:02:34.059 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 15
04-02 00:02:34.059 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### chName:sop://broker.sopcast.com:3912
04-02 00:02:34.059 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### chid:149257
04-02 00:02:34.059 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### finishPlayerActivity playIntentRC:-1
04-02 00:02:34.064 I/Timeline( 5109): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:org.s
opcast.android time:908881
04-02 00:02:34.069 W/ActivityThread( 5109): ClassLoader.loadClass: The class loa
der returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
04-02 00:02:34.124 I/Ads
( 5109): CsiReporterFactory: CSI is not enabled. No
CSI reporter created.
04-02 00:02:34.134 D/SopP
( 5109): !!!!! onCreate...
04-02 00:02:34.234 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### chid:149257
04-02 00:02:34.234 D/dalvikvm( 5109): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.sopca
st.android-1/libvlcjni.so 0x421faab0
04-02 00:02:34.244 D/dalvikvm( 5109): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/org.sopcast
.android-1/libvlcjni.so 0x421faab0
04-02 00:02:34.244 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5109): JNI interface loaded.
04-02 00:02:34.244 V/VLC/LibVLC( 5109): Initializing LibVLC
04-02 00:02:34.249 I/VLC/LibVLC/Util( 5109): machine = arm
04-02 00:02:34.249 I/VLC/LibVLC/Util( 5109): arch = v7
04-02 00:02:34.249 I/VLC/LibVLC/Util( 5109): fpu = true
04-02 00:02:34.249 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5109): Using deblocking level 0
04-02 00:02:34.249 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5109): Chroma set to ""
04-02 00:02:34.249 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5109): Subtitle encoding set to ""
04-02 00:02:34.259 W/libOpenSLES( 5109): class OutputMix interface 0 requested b
ut unavailable MPH=43
04-02 00:02:34.259 I/VLC/JNI/main( 5109): LibVLC initialized: 0x76dfcdd0
04-02 00:02:34.259 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: VLC media player - 2.2.0-git
04-02 00:02:34.259 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: Copyright 1996-2014 the VideoL
AN team
04-02 00:02:34.259 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: revision 2.1.0-git-3008-g3b7b

04-02 00:02:34.259 D/VLC

( 5109): core libvlc: configured with ../configure
'--host=arm-linux-androideabi' '--build=x86_64-unknown-linux' '--enable-neon' '
--disable-nls' '--enable-live555' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-avformat' '--ena
ble-swscale' '--enable-avcodec' '--enable-opus' '--enable-opensles' '--enable-an
droid-surface' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-taglib' '--enable-dvbpsi' '--disable-vlc
' '--disable-shared' '--disable-update-check' '--disable-vlm' '--disable-dbus' '
--disable-lua' '--disable-vcd' '--disable-v4l2' '--disable-gnomevfs' '--enable-d
vdread' '--disable-dvdnav' '--disable-bluray' '--disable-linsys' '--disable-deck
link' '--disable-libva' '--disable-dv1394' '--disable-mod' '--disable-sid' '--di
sable-gme' '--disable-tremor' '--disable-mad' '--disable-dca' '--disable-sdl-ima
ge' '--disable-zvbi' '--disable-fluidsynth' '--disable-jack' '--disable-pulse' '
--disable-alsa' '--disable-samplerate' '--disable-sdl' '--disable-xcb' '--disabl
e-atmo' '--disable-qt' '--disable-skins2' '--disable-mtp' '--disable-notify' '-enable-libass' '--dis
04-02 00:02:34.259 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Creating an input for '(null)'
04-02 00:02:34.264 D/VLC
( 5109): core playlist: no fetch required for (null
) (art currently (null))
04-02 00:02:34.264 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Creating an input for '(null)'
04-02 00:02:34.264 D/VLC
( 5109): core playlist: no fetch required for (null
) (art currently (null))
04-02 00:02:34.274 I/Ads
( 5109): Starting ad request.
04-02 00:02:34.274 I/Ads
( 5109): Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("4C9DA
F791803E128E133EE87525BCA0E") to get test ads on this device.
04-02 00:02:34.274 I/Ads
( 5109): Please set theme of AdActivity to @android
:style/Theme.Translucent to enable transparent background interstitial ad.
04-02 00:02:34.274 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### registerReceiver
04-02 00:02:34.274 D/SCClient( 5109): 14020 stopping
04-02 00:02:34.274 D/SCClient( 5109): 14020 stopping
04-02 00:02:34.304 D/sc
( 5109): sop://broker.sopcast.com:3912/149257:4021:
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/sc
( 5109): pid=5164:14021
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/sc
( 5109): pid=5164
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/sc
( 5164): 0: sp-sc
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/sc
( 5164): 1: -I
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/sc
( 5164): 2: 0000000000000000:0000000000000000:00000
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/sc
( 5164): 3: sop://broker.sopcast.com:3912/149257
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/SopP
( 5109): !!!!! onStart...
04-02 00:02:34.309 D/SopP
( 5109): !!!!! onResume...
04-02 00:02:34.314 D/sc
( 5164): 4: 4021
04-02 00:02:34.314 D/sc
( 5164): 5: 14021
04-02 00:02:34.524 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:02:34.579 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:02:34.879 I/Timeline( 5109): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.Bin
derProxy@42612c40 time:909697
04-02 00:02:34.879 I/Timeline( 5109): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.Bin
derProxy@421f3200 time:909698
04-02 00:02:35.149 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 21
04-02 00:02:36.034 I/dalvikvm( 5109): Could not find method android.webkit.WebSe
ttings.setMixedContentMode, referenced from method com.google.android.gms.ads.in
04-02 00:02:36.034 W/dalvikvm( 5109): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3153
: Landroid/webkit/WebSettings;.setMixedContentMode (I)V
04-02 00:02:36.034 D/dalvikvm( 5109): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x004a
04-02 00:02:36.324 D/sc
( 5109): CONNECTED 14021
04-02 00:02:36.324 D/SCCli ( 5109): ##### 14021: 1
04-02 00:02:36.699 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 31
04-02 00:02:36.719 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 32
04-02 00:02:36.729 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 5
04-02 00:02:36.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 3

04-02 00:02:36.964 I/Ads

( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:02:36.964 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad finished loading.
04-02 00:02:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:02:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad finished loading.
04-02 00:02:37.809 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 3
04-02 00:02:38.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 14
04-02 00:02:39.719 D/SopM
( 5109): ##### sopmsg: 80
04-02 00:02:39.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 14
04-02 00:02:40.449 D/org.sopcast.android.x( 5109): retCode: 404
04-02 00:02:40.449 D/org.sopcast.android.cv( 5109): getUpdate error:protocol err
04-02 00:02:40.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 20
04-02 00:02:41.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 20
04-02 00:02:42.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 29
04-02 00:02:43.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 29
04-02 00:02:44.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 34
04-02 00:02:45.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 34
04-02 00:02:46.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 41
04-02 00:02:46.864 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### first start player
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux meta: looking for meta fetcher
module matching "any": 0 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux meta: no meta fetcher modules
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Title
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Artist Unknown Artist
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Genre Unknown Genre
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Album Unknown Album
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC
( 5109): core generic: creating audio output
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: looking for audio outpu
t module matching "opensles": 4 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.874 W/libOpenSLES( 5109): class OutputMix interface 0 requested b
ut unavailable MPH=43
04-02 00:02:46.874 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: using audio output modu
le "opensles_android"
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core generic: keeping audio output
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Creating an input for 'http://'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: no fetch required for (null)
(art currently (null))
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: searching art for http://127.
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core art finder: looking for art finder mo
dule matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core art finder: no art finder modules mat
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: art not found for http://127.
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: using timeshift granularity of
50 MiB, in path '/tmp'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: `' give
s access `http' demux `' path `'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: specified demux `any'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: creating demux: access='http'
demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: looking for access_demux modul
e matching "http": 6 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: no access_demux modules matche
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: creating access 'http' locatio

n='', path='(null)'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: looking for access module mat
ching "http": 15 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: querying proxy for http://127
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: no proxy
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: http: server='' port
=14021 file='/'
04-02 00:02:46.879 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: net: connecting to
port 14021
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: connection succeeded (socket
= 150)
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 2
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: Content-Type: application/oct
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: Pragma: vtype=1b,vpid=45,atyp
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: using access module "http"
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: Using stream method for AStre
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: starting pre-buffering
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: received first data after 0 m
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes
in 0s - 35714 KiB/s
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: looking for stream_filter mod
ule matching "any": 9 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: no stream_filter modules matc
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: looking for stream_filter mod
ule matching "record": 9 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: using stream_filter module "r
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: creating demux: access='http'
demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
04-02 00:02:46.884 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: looking for demux module match
ing "any": 56 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: Force Seek Per Percent: PCR's no
t found,
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: pid[68] unknown
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: pid[69] unknown
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: PATCallBack called
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: new PAT ts_id=46929 version=17 c
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * number=1 pid=66
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: PMTCallBack called
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: new PMT program number=1 version
=26 pid_pcr=69
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * es pid=68 type=3 dr->i_tag=0
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: found language: ron
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * es pid=68 type=3 fcc=mpga
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: selecting program id=1
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * es pid=69 type=27 dr->i_tag=
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * es pid=69 type=27 fcc=h264
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: using demux module "ts"
04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: looking for decoder module m
atching "mediacodec,iomx,all": 34 candidates

04-02 00:02:46.889 D/VLC

( 5109): avcodec decoder: CPU flags: 0x0000003f
04-02 00:02:46.919 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: avcodec codec (MPEG Audio
layer 1/2) started
04-02 00:02:46.919 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: using decoder module "avcode
04-02 00:02:46.924 D/VLC
( 5109): core packetizer: looking for packetizer mo
dule matching "any": 21 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.924 D/VLC
( 5109): core packetizer: using packetizer module "
04-02 00:02:46.924 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: looking for decoder module m
atching "mediacodec,iomx,all": 34 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.924 I/OMXClient( 5109): Using client-side OMX mux.
04-02 00:02:46.924 W/OMXCodec( 5109): Failed to set standard component role 'vid
04-02 00:02:46.929 D/VLC
( 5109): mediacodec decoder: Number of profile leve
ls: 16
04-02 00:02:46.929 I/OMXClient( 5109): Using client-side OMX mux.
04-02 00:02:46.929 W/OMXCodec( 5109): Failed to set standard component role 'vid
04-02 00:02:46.934 D/VLC
( 5109): mediacodec decoder: Number of profile leve
ls: 32
04-02 00:02:46.934 I/OMXClient( 5109): Using client-side OMX mux.
04-02 00:02:46.944 D/VLC
( 5109): mediacodec decoder: Number of profile leve
ls: 42
04-02 00:02:46.944 D/VLC
( 5109): mediacodec decoder: using OMX.Exynos.AVC.D
04-02 00:02:46.944 I/OMXClient( 5109): Using client-side OMX mux.
04-02 00:02:46.949 I/ACodec ( 5109): DRC Mode: Dynamic Buffer Mode
04-02 00:02:46.954 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: using decoder module "mediac
04-02 00:02:46.954 D/VLC
( 5109): core packetizer: looking for packetizer mo
dule matching "any": 21 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.954 D/VLC
( 5109): core packetizer: using packetizer module "
04-02 00:02:46.954 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: DEMUX_SET_GROUP 0 0x0
04-02 00:02:46.954 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux meta: looking for meta reader m
odule matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.954 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux meta: no meta reader modules ma
04-02 00:02:46.959 E/SopP
( 5109): Event not handled (0x3)
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: `' succ
essfully opened
04-02 00:02:46.959 I/SopP
( 5109): MediaPlayerPlaying
04-02 00:02:46.959 W/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: first packet for pid=69 cc=0x6
04-02 00:02:46.959 W/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: first packet for pid=68 cc=0x5
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): mpeg_audio packetizer: MPGA channels:2 sam
plerate:48000 bitrate:128
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): core generic: reusing audio output
04-02 00:02:46.959 W/VLC
( 5109): packetizer_h264 packetizer: waiting for SP
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 0%
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 4%
04-02 00:02:46.959 W/VLC
( 5109): packetizer_h264 packetizer: waiting for SP
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 9%
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 14%
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): packetizer_h264 packetizer: found NAL_SPS
04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC
( 5109): packetizer_h264 packetizer: found NAL_PPS
(pps_id=0 sps_id=0)

04-02 00:02:46.959 D/VLC

( 5109): core input: Buffering 19%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 23%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 28%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 33%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 37%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 42%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 47%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 52%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 57%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 61%
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: output 's16l' 44100 Hz
Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core volume: looking for audio volume modu
le matching "any": 3 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core volume: using audio volume module "in
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: input 's16l' 48000 Hz S
tereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: conversion: 's16l'->'s1
6l' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: conversion pipeline com
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio resampler: looking for audio re
sampler module matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio resampler: using audio resample
r module "ugly_resampler"
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: End of audio preroll
04-02 00:02:46.964 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 67%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 72%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 77%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 81%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 86%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 91%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 97%
04-02 00:02:46.969 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Stream buffering done (1534 ms
in 13 ms)
04-02 00:02:47.009 E/ACodec ( 5109): [OMX.Exynos.AVC.Decoder] ERROR(0x90000004)
04-02 00:02:47.009 E/MediaCodec( 5109): Codec reported an error. (omx error 0x90
000004, internalError -2147483648)
04-02 00:02:47.009 I/SopP
( 5109): HardwareAccelerationError
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: object waitpipe triggered
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Decoder wait done in 38 ms
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: control type=0
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: control: stopping input
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: discarded audio buffer
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: removing module "avcodec"
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: ffmpeg codec (MPEG Audio
layer 1/2) stopped
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: killing decoder fourcc `mpga
', 62 PES in FIFO
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio resampler: removing module "ugl
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core volume: removing module "integer_mixe
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core generic: keeping audio output
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core packetizer: removing module "mpeg_aud
04-02 00:02:47.009 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: removing module "mediacodec"
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: killing decoder fourcc `h264
', 0 PES in FIFO

04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC

( 5109): core packetizer: removing module "packetiz
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: removing module "ts"
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: pid list:
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: - pid[0] seen
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: - pid[66] seen
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: - pid[68] seen
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Program doesn't contain anymor
e ES
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: - pid[69] seen
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: - pid[8191] seen
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: removing module "record"
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: removing module "http"
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Destroying the input for 'http
04-02 00:02:47.019 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: removing module "opensl
04-02 00:02:47.049 I/SopP
( 5109): MediaPlayerStopped
04-02 00:02:47.094 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:02:47.134 E/ion
( 5109): ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invali
d argument
04-02 00:02:47.134 E/ion
( 5109): ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invali
d argument
04-02 00:02:47.134 E/ion
( 5109): ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invali
d argument
04-02 00:02:47.134 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:02:47.149 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:02:47.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 41
04-02 00:02:47.814 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: false
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux meta: looking for meta fetcher
module matching "any": 0 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux meta: no meta fetcher modules
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: searching art for http://127.
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core art finder: looking for art finder mo
dule matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core art finder: no art finder modules mat
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: art not found for http://127.
04-02 00:02:48.464 D/VLC
( 5109): core libvlc: no fetch required for (null)
(art currently (null))
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Title
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Artist Unknown Artist
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Genre Unknown Genre
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC/LibVLC/Media( 5109): Album Unknown Album
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core generic: creating audio output
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: looking for audio outpu
t module matching "opensles": 4 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.469 W/libOpenSLES( 5109): class OutputMix interface 0 requested b
ut unavailable MPH=43
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: using audio output modu
le "opensles_android"
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core generic: keeping audio output
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Creating an input for 'http://'
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: using timeshift granularity of
50 MiB, in path '/tmp'
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: `' give
s access `http' demux `' path `'

04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC

( 5109): core input: specified demux `any'
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: creating demux: access='http'
demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: looking for access_demux modul
e matching "http": 6 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: no access_demux modules matche
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: creating access 'http' locatio
n='', path='(null)'
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: looking for access module mat
ching "http": 15 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: querying proxy for http://127
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: no proxy
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: http: server='' port
=14021 file='/'
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: net: connecting to
port 14021
04-02 00:02:48.469 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: connection succeeded (socket
= 161)
04-02 00:02:48.484 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 2
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: Content-Type: application/oct
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): http access: Pragma: vtype=1b,vpid=45,atyp
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: using access module "http"
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: Using stream method for AStre
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: starting pre-buffering
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: received first data after 0 m
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: pre-buffering done 1024 bytes
in 0s - 27777 KiB/s
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: looking for stream_filter mod
ule matching "any": 9 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: no stream_filter modules matc
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: looking for stream_filter mod
ule matching "record": 9 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core stream: using stream_filter module "r
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: creating demux: access='http'
demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core demux: looking for demux module match
ing "any": 56 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: Force Seek Per Percent: PCR's no
t found,
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: pid[68] unknown
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: pid[69] unknown
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: PATCallBack called
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: new PAT ts_id=46929 version=17 c
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * number=1 pid=66
04-02 00:02:48.489 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: PMTCallBack called
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: new PMT program number=1 version
=26 pid_pcr=69
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: * es pid=68 type=3 dr->i_tag=0
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: found language: ron

04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC

( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
atching "any": 34 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
layer 1/2) started
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
dule matching "any": 21 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.494 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.499 D/VLC
( 5109):
atching "any": 34 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.499 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.499 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.499 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
G-4 AVC (part 10)) started
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
ith 3 threads
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
dule matching "any": 21 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
odule matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
essfully opened
04-02 00:02:48.504 E/SopP
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 I/SopP
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 W/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 W/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
plerate:48000 bitrate:128
04-02 00:02:48.504 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 W/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 W/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109):

ts demux: * es pid=68 type=3 fcc=mpga

core input: selecting program id=1
ts demux: * es pid=69 type=27 dr->i_tag=
ts demux: * es pid=69 type=27 fcc=h264
core demux: using demux module "ts"
core decoder: looking for decoder module m
avcodec decoder: CPU flags: 0x0000003f
avcodec decoder: avcodec codec (MPEG Audio
core decoder: using decoder module "avcode
core packetizer: looking for packetizer mo
core packetizer: using packetizer module "
core decoder: looking for decoder module m
avcodec decoder: CPU flags: 0x0000003f
avcodec decoder: trying to use direct rend
avcodec decoder: allowing 3 thread(s) for
avcodec decoder: avcodec codec (H264 - MPE
avcodec decoder: using frame thread mode w
core decoder: using decoder module "avcode
core packetizer: looking for packetizer mo
core packetizer: using packetizer module "
ts demux: DEMUX_SET_GROUP 0 0x0
core demux meta: looking for meta reader m
core demux meta: no meta reader modules ma
core input: `' succ
Event not handled (0x3)
ts demux: first packet for pid=69 cc=0x6
ts demux: first packet for pid=68 cc=0x5
mpeg_audio packetizer: MPGA channels:2 sam
core input: Buffering 0%
core generic: reusing audio output
core input: Buffering 7%
packetizer_h264 packetizer: waiting for SP
core input: Buffering 14%
core input: Buffering 21%
packetizer_h264 packetizer: waiting for SP
packetizer_h264 packetizer: found NAL_SPS
core input: Buffering 28%
core input: Buffering 35%

04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC

( 5109): core input: Buffering 43%
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): packetizer_h264 packetizer: found NAL_PPS
(pps_id=0 sps_id=0)
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 50%
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: output 's16l' 44100 Hz
Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 56%
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core volume: looking for audio volume modu
le matching "any": 3 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core volume: using audio volume module "in
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: input 's16l' 48000 Hz S
tereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: conversion: 's16l'->'s1
6l' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: conversion pipeline com
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 64%
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio resampler: looking for audio re
sampler module matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio resampler: using audio resample
r module "ugly_resampler"
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: End of audio preroll
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 71%
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 78%
04-02 00:02:48.509 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 85%
04-02 00:02:48.514 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 92%
04-02 00:02:48.514 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Stream buffering done (1005 ms
in 5 ms)
04-02 00:02:48.514 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: available software decode
r output format 0 (yuv420p)
04-02 00:02:48.514 D/VLC
( 5109): core spu text: looking for text renderer m
odule matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.514 D/VLC
( 5109): freetype spu text: Using /system/fonts/Dro
idSans-Bold.ttf as font from file /system/fonts/DroidSans-Bold.ttf
04-02 00:02:48.514 D/VLC
( 5109): freetype spu text: Using /system/fonts/Dro
idSansMono.ttf as mono-font from file /system/fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf
04-02 00:02:48.519 D/VLC
( 5109): freetype spu text: using fontsize: 2
04-02 00:02:48.519 D/VLC
( 5109): core spu text: using text renderer module
04-02 00:02:48.519 D/VLC
( 5109): core scale: looking for video filter2 modu
le matching "any": 35 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): swscale scale: 32x32 (32x32) chroma: YUVA
-> 16x16 (16x16) chroma: RGBA with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core scale: using video filter2 module "sw
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core scale: looking for video filter2 modu
le matching "any": 35 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): yuvp scale: YUVP to YUVA converter
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core scale: using video filter2 module "yu
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core video output: Deinterlacing available
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core video output: deinterlace 0, mode ble
nd, is_needed 0
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core video output: Opening vout display wr
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: looking for vout displa
y module matching "androidsurface": 4 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): android_surface vout display: Pixel format

04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC

( 5109): core vout display: VoutDisplayEvent 'fulls
creen' 0
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: using vout display modu
le "android_surface"
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: A filter to adapt decod
er to display is needed
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core filter: looking for video filter2 mod
ule matching "any": 35 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): yuv_rgb_neon filter: I420(704x420) to RV32
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core filter: using video filter2 module "y
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: Filter 'yuv_rgb_neon' (
0x7befb6ac) appended to chain
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core video output: original format sz 704x
450, of (0,0), vsz 704x420, 4cc I420, sar 1:1, msk r0x0 g0x0 b0x0
04-02 00:02:48.524 D/VLC
( 5109): core spu text: removing module "freetype"
04-02 00:02:48.529 D/VLC
( 5109): core spu text: looking for text renderer m
odule matching "any": 1 candidates
04-02 00:02:48.529 D/VLC
( 5109): freetype spu text: Using /system/fonts/Dro
idSans-Bold.ttf as font from file /system/fonts/DroidSans-Bold.ttf
04-02 00:02:48.529 D/VLC
( 5109): freetype spu text: Using /system/fonts/Dro
idSansMono.ttf as mono-font from file /system/fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf
04-02 00:02:48.529 D/VLC
( 5109): freetype spu text: using fontsize: 2
04-02 00:02:48.529 D/VLC
( 5109): core spu text: using text renderer module
04-02 00:02:48.529 I/SopP
( 5109): MediaPlayerVout
04-02 00:02:48.529 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: enabling direct rendering
04-02 00:02:48.529 E/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: Failed to change zoom
04-02 00:02:48.529 E/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: Failed to set on top
04-02 00:02:48.529 E/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: Failed to change source
04-02 00:02:48.554 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: End of video preroll
04-02 00:02:48.554 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: Received first picture
04-02 00:02:48.569 W/VLC
( 5109): yuv_rgb_neon filter: can't get output pict
04-02 00:02:48.579 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Decoder wait done in 68 ms
04-02 00:02:48.584 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback way too early
(-825224): playing silence
04-02 00:02:48.584 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: inserting 36392 zeroes
04-02 00:02:48.584 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:02:48.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 50
04-02 00:02:49.549 D/VLC
( 5109): core vout display: auto hiding mouse curso
04-02 00:02:49.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 50
04-02 00:02:50.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 56
04-02 00:02:51.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 56
04-02 00:02:52.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 60
04-02 00:02:53.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 60
04-02 00:02:54.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:02:55.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:02:56.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 87
04-02 00:02:57.544 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:02:57.604 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:02:57.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 87
04-02 00:02:58.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:02:59.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:03:00.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:03:01.814 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:03:02.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100

04-02 00:03:03.814 D/SopP

04-02 00:03:04.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:05.814 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:06.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:07.814 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:08.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:09.814 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:10.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:11.814 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:12.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:13.814 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:14.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:15.814 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:16.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:17.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:18.864 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:19.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:20.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:21.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:22.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:23.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:24.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:25.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:26.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:27.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:28.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:29.774 W/VLC
694): down-sampling
04-02 00:03:29.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:30.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:31.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:32.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:33.819 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:34.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:35.824 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:36.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:36.964 I/Ads
04-02 00:03:36.964 I/Ads
rom now.
04-02 00:03:37.014 I/Ads
04-02 00:03:37.014 I/Ads
rom now.
04-02 00:03:37.549 D/VLC
ft: -10292 us)
04-02 00:03:37.824 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:38.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:39.194 E/VLC
icate (received 8, expected
04-02 00:03:39.194 E/VLC
icate (received 8, expected
04-02 00:03:39.824 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:40.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:41.824 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:42.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:43.129 E/VLC
icate (received 6, expected
04-02 00:03:43.129 E/VLC
icate (received 6, expected
04-02 00:03:43.824 D/SopP
04-02 00:03:44.874 D/SopP



sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
core audio

output: playback too early (-42



sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f

( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.

( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri

5109): sc buffer: 100

5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi
for PID 0
5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi
for PID 66
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi
for PID 0
5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi
for PID 66
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100

(PSI decoder): TS dupl

(PSI decoder): TS dupl

(PSI decoder): TS dupl

(PSI decoder): TS dupl

04-02 00:03:45.824 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:46.874 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:47.824 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:48.874 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:49.544 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
icate (received 13, expected 14) for PID 0
04-02 00:03:49.544 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
icate (received 13, expected 14) for PID 66
04-02 00:03:49.824 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:50.874 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:51.824 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:52.874 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:53.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:54.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:55.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:56.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:57.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:58.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:03:59.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:00.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:01.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:02.004 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
340): down-sampling
04-02 00:04:02.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:03.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:04.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:05.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:06.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:07.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:08.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:09.359 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback way too late (
225880): flushing buffers
04-02 00:04:09.369 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 219 ms)
04-02 00:04:09.369 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 179 ms)
04-02 00:04:09.369 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 139 ms)
04-02 00:04:09.369 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 99 ms)
04-02 00:04:09.369 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 59 ms)
04-02 00:04:09.369 D/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture might be displa
yed late (missing 19 ms)
04-02 00:04:09.369 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback way too early
(-1590722): playing silence
04-02 00:04:09.369 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: inserting 70150 zeroes
04-02 00:04:09.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:10.089 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:04:10.109 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:04:10.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:11.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:12.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:13.189 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:04:13.254 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:04:13.829 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:13.869 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:04:13.969 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:04:14.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:04:15.259 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000

04-02 00:04:15.374
04-02 00:04:15.829
04-02 00:04:16.879
04-02 00:04:17.034
04-02 00:04:17.079
04-02 00:04:17.829
04-02 00:04:18.879
04-02 00:04:19.829
04-02 00:04:20.884
04-02 00:04:21.829
04-02 00:04:22.884
04-02 00:04:23.129
04-02 00:04:23.199
04-02 00:04:23.834
04-02 00:04:24.884
04-02 00:04:25.834
04-02 00:04:26.884
04-02 00:04:27.834
04-02 00:04:28.884
04-02 00:04:29.834
04-02 00:04:30.884
04-02 00:04:31.834
04-02 00:04:32.884
04-02 00:04:33.834
04-02 00:04:34.884
04-02 00:04:35.834
04-02 00:04:36.884
04-02 00:04:36.964
04-02 00:04:36.964
rom now.
04-02 00:04:37.014
04-02 00:04:37.014
rom now.
04-02 00:04:37.834
04-02 00:04:38.884
04-02 00:04:39.834
04-02 00:04:40.884
04-02 00:04:41.834
04-02 00:04:42.884
04-02 00:04:43.834
04-02 00:04:44.889
04-02 00:04:45.834
04-02 00:04:46.889
04-02 00:04:47.839
04-02 00:04:48.889
04-02 00:04:49.839
04-02 00:04:50.889
04-02 00:04:51.839
04-02 00:04:52.889
04-02 00:04:53.844
04-02 00:04:54.894
04-02 00:04:55.844
04-02 00:04:56.894
04-02 00:04:57.844
04-02 00:04:58.894
04-02 00:04:59.844
04-02 00:05:00.894
04-02 00:05:01.844
04-02 00:05:02.894
04-02 00:05:03.844

( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f

( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.

( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f







04-02 00:05:04.894 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:05:05.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:05:06.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:05:07.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:05:08.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:09.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:10.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:11.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:12.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:13.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:14.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:15.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:16.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:17.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:18.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:19.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:20.899 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:21.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:22.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:23.849 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:24.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:25.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:05:26.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:05:27.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:05:28.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:05:29.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:05:30.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:05:31.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:05:32.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:05:33.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:05:34.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 88
04-02 00:05:35.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 88
04-02 00:05:36.234 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
574): down-sampling
04-02 00:05:36.299 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -11431 us)
04-02 00:05:36.304 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
701): down-sampling
04-02 00:05:36.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 86
04-02 00:05:36.964 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:05:36.964 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:05:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:05:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:05:37.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 86
04-02 00:05:38.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 86
04-02 00:05:39.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 86
04-02 00:05:40.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 88
04-02 00:05:41.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 88
04-02 00:05:42.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:05:43.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:05:44.679 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -10778 us)
04-02 00:05:44.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 93
04-02 00:05:45.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 93
04-02 00:05:46.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:05:47.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:05:48.814 W/SopApplication( 5109): System is running low on memory
04-02 00:05:48.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91

04-02 00:05:49.854 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:05:50.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:05:51.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:05:52.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:05:53.854 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:05:54.904 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:05:55.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:05:56.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:05:57.264 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS
icate (received 5, expected 6) for PID 0
04-02 00:05:57.264 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS
icate (received 5, expected 6) for PID 66
04-02 00:05:57.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:05:58.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:05:59.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:06:00.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:06:01.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:06:02.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:06:03.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:06:04.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:06:05.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:06:06.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:06:07.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:06:08.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:06:09.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:06:10.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:06:11.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:06:12.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 88
04-02 00:06:13.659 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early
452): down-sampling
04-02 00:06:13.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 88
04-02 00:06:14.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 84
04-02 00:06:15.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 84
04-02 00:06:16.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 80
04-02 00:06:17.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 80
04-02 00:06:18.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 80
04-02 00:06:19.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 80
04-02 00:06:20.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 79
04-02 00:06:21.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 79
04-02 00:06:22.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 78
04-02 00:06:23.234 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped
ft: -12720 us)
04-02 00:06:23.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 78
04-02 00:06:24.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 77
04-02 00:06:25.844 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS
icate (received 11, expected 12) for PID 0
04-02 00:06:25.844 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS
icate (received 11, expected 12) for PID 66
04-02 00:06:25.859 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 77
04-02 00:06:26.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 76
04-02 00:06:27.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 76
04-02 00:06:28.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 75
04-02 00:06:29.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 75
04-02 00:06:30.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 74
04-02 00:06:31.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 74
04-02 00:06:32.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 74
04-02 00:06:33.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 74
04-02 00:06:34.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 75
04-02 00:06:35.864 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 75
04-02 00:06:36.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 72





04-02 00:06:36.964 I/Ads

( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:06:36.969 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:06:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:06:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:06:37.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 72
04-02 00:06:38.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 72
04-02 00:06:39.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 72
04-02 00:06:40.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:41.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:42.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:43.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:44.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:45.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:46.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 71
04-02 00:06:47.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 71
04-02 00:06:48.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:06:49.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:06:50.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:06:51.709 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:06:51.809 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:06:51.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:06:52.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 67
04-02 00:06:53.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 67
04-02 00:06:54.819 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:06:54.869 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:06:54.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:06:55.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 68
04-02 00:06:56.079 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:06:56.114 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:06:56.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:57.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 70
04-02 00:06:58.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 71
04-02 00:06:59.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 71
04-02 00:07:00.049 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:07:00.094 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:07:00.269 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: buffer too late (-76589
87 us): dropped
04-02 00:07:00.269 E/VLC
( 5109): core input: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is cal
led too late (pts_delay increased to 1000 ms)
04-02 00:07:00.269 E/VLC
( 5109): core input: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
04-02 00:07:00.299 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 0%
04-02 00:07:00.299 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: End of audio preroll
04-02 00:07:00.299 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: available software decode
r output format 0 (yuv420p)
04-02 00:07:00.299 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 7%
04-02 00:07:00.299 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 14%
04-02 00:07:00.299 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 21%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 28%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 35%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 42%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 49%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 56%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 63%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 70%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 77%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 84%
04-02 00:07:00.304 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 91%
04-02 00:07:00.309 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 98%

04-02 00:07:00.309 D/VLC

( 5109): core input: Stream buffering done (1056 ms
in 8 ms)
04-02 00:07:00.349 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: End of video preroll
04-02 00:07:00.349 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: Received first picture
04-02 00:07:00.354 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Decoder wait done in 44 ms
04-02 00:07:00.354 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback way too early
(-772682): playing silence
04-02 00:07:00.354 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: inserting 34075 zeroes
04-02 00:07:00.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 77
04-02 00:07:01.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 77
04-02 00:07:02.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 77
04-02 00:07:03.869 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 77
04-02 00:07:04.724 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 1022 ms)
04-02 00:07:04.724 E/VLC
( 5109): core input: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is cal
led too late (pts_delay increased to 2614 ms)
04-02 00:07:04.724 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: buffer too late (-89968
7 us): dropped
04-02 00:07:04.724 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: buffer too late (-87587
6 us): dropped
04-02 00:07:04.724 E/VLC
( 5109): core input: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
04-02 00:07:04.724 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 986 ms)
04-02 00:07:04.739 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 0%
04-02 00:07:04.739 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 2%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: available software decode
r output format 0 (yuv420p)
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: End of audio preroll
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 5%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 8%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 10%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 13%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 16%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 18%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 21%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 24%
04-02 00:07:04.744 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 26%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 29%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 32%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 35%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 37%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 40%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 43%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 45%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 48%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 51%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 53%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 56%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 59%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 61%
04-02 00:07:04.749 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 64%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 67%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 70%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 72%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 75%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 78%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 80%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 83%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 86%
04-02 00:07:04.754 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: Buffering 88%

04-02 00:07:04.759 D/VLC

04-02 00:07:04.759 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.759 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.759 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.764 D/VLC
in 20 ms)
04-02 00:07:04.774 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.774 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.779 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.779 W/VLC
(-765492): playing silence
04-02 00:07:04.779 D/VLC
04-02 00:07:04.919 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:05.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:06.919 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:07.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:08.919 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:09.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:10.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:11.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:12.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:13.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:13.874 W/VLC
286): down-sampling
04-02 00:07:14.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:15.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:16.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:17.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:18.469 E/VLC
icate (received 9, expected
04-02 00:07:18.469 E/VLC
icate (received 9, expected
04-02 00:07:18.919 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:19.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:20.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:21.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:22.919 D/VLC
ft: -9502 us)
04-02 00:07:22.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:23.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:24.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:25.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:26.919 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:27.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:28.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:29.869 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:30.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:31.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:32.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:33.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:34.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:35.874 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:36.924 D/SopP
04-02 00:07:36.969 I/Ads
04-02 00:07:36.969 I/Ads
rom now.
04-02 00:07:37.014 I/Ads
04-02 00:07:37.014 I/Ads
rom now.
04-02 00:07:37.874 D/SopP





Buffering 91%
Buffering 94%
Buffering 96%
Buffering 99%
Stream buffering done (2675 ms




decoder: End of video preroll

decoder: Received first picture
input: Decoder wait done in 15 ms
audio output: playback way too early



core audio
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
core audio

output: inserting 33758 zeroes

output: playback too early (-40

( 5109): sc buffer: 97
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
10) for PID 0
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
10) for PID 66
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri


sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 98
sc buffer: 98
sc buffer: 96
sc buffer: 96
sc buffer: 98
sc buffer: 98
sc buffer: 95
sc buffer: 95
sc buffer: 96
sc buffer: 96
sc buffer: 97
Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f

( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.

( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
( 5109): sc buffer: 97

04-02 00:07:38.924 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:07:39.874 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:07:40.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:07:41.874 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:07:42.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:07:43.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:07:44.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:07:45.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:07:46.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:47.879 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:48.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:49.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:50.739 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:07:50.884 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:07:50.929 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-41
916): down-sampling
04-02 00:07:50.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:51.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:52.334 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:07:52.399 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:07:52.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:53.594 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:07:53.624 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:07:53.689 W/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture is too late to
be displayed (missing 22 ms)
04-02 00:07:53.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:54.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:55.124 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:07:55.194 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:07:55.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:56.049 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:07:56.079 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:07:56.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:57.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:58.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:07:59.399 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -8901 us)
04-02 00:07:59.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:00.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:01.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:02.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:03.884 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:04.369 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:08:04.444 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:08:04.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:05.889 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:06.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:07.889 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:08.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:09.889 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:10.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:11.889 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:12.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:08:13.889 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:08:14.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:15.889 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:16.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:17.894 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:08:18.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:08:19.894 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99

04-02 00:08:20.944 D/SopP

04-02 00:08:21.894 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:22.944 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:23.809 W/VLC
196): down-sampling
04-02 00:08:23.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:24.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:25.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:26.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:27.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:28.484 E/VLC
icate (received 3, expected
04-02 00:08:28.484 E/VLC
icate (received 3, expected
04-02 00:08:28.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:29.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:30.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:31.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:32.614 D/VLC
ft: -19994 us)
04-02 00:08:32.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:33.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:34.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:35.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:36.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:36.969 I/Ads
04-02 00:08:36.969 I/Ads
rom now.
04-02 00:08:37.014 I/Ads
04-02 00:08:37.014 I/Ads
rom now.
04-02 00:08:37.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:38.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:39.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:40.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:41.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:42.949 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:43.899 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:44.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:45.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:46.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:47.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:48.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:49.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:50.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:51.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:52.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:53.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:54.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:55.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:56.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:57.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:58.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:08:59.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:09:00.954 D/SopP
04-02 00:09:01.904 D/SopP
04-02 00:09:02.959 D/SopP
04-02 00:09:03.909 D/SopP
04-02 00:09:04.489 W/VLC
035): down-sampling



sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
core audio

output: playback too early (-40

5109): sc buffer: 100

5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
for PID 0
5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
for PID 66
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): sc buffer: 100
5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri

sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
sc buffer: 100
Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f

( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.

( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f


sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
sc buffer:
core audio

output: playback too early (-40

04-02 00:09:04.959 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:09:05.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:09:06.959 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:09:07.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:09:08.959 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:09:09.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:09:10.959 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:09:11.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:09:12.959 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:09:13.489 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -8653 us)
04-02 00:09:13.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:09:14.959 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:15.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:16.584 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:09:16.619 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:09:16.674 D/VLC
( 5109): core video output: picture might be displa
yed late (missing 2 ms)
04-02 00:09:16.959 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:17.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:18.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:19.909 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:20.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:21.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:22.504 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:09:22.549 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:09:22.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:23.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:24.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:25.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:26.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:09:27.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:09:28.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:09:29.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 94
04-02 00:09:30.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:31.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:32.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:09:33.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:09:34.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:09:35.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:09:36.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:36.984 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:09:36.984 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:09:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:09:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:09:37.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:38.479 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
icate (received 13, expected 14) for PID 0
04-02 00:09:38.479 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
icate (received 13, expected 14) for PID 66
04-02 00:09:38.734 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
167): down-sampling
04-02 00:09:38.964 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:09:39.914 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:09:40.874 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:09:40.964 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:09:40.969 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:09:41.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96

04-02 00:09:42.969 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:43.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:44.969 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:45.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:09:46.574 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:09:46.659 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:09:46.829 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:09:46.929 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:09:46.969 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:09:47.689 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -16519 us)
04-02 00:09:47.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:09:48.969 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:49.904 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:09:49.919 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:50.019 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:09:50.969 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:09:51.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:09:52.974 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:53.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:54.974 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:55.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:56.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:09:57.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 90
04-02 00:09:58.974 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:09:59.924 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:10:00.974 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:10:01.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:10:02.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:10:03.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 91
04-02 00:10:04.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:10:05.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 92
04-02 00:10:06.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:10:07.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:10:08.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:09.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:10.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:11.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:12.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:13.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:14.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:15.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:16.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:17.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:18.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:19.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:20.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:21.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:22.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:23.089 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
008): down-sampling
04-02 00:10:23.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:24.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:25.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:26.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:27.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:28.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:29.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:30.979 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:31.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100

04-02 00:10:32.089 D/VLC

( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -9451 us)
04-02 00:10:32.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:33.929 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:34.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:35.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:36.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:36.994 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:10:36.994 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:10:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:10:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:10:37.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:38.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:39.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:40.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:41.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:42.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:43.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:10:44.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:45.074 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:10:45.109 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:10:45.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:46.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:47.114 W/SopApplication( 5109): System is running low on memory
04-02 00:10:47.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:48.499 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
icate (received 7, expected 8) for PID 0
04-02 00:10:48.504 E/VLC
( 5109): ts demux: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS dupl
icate (received 7, expected 8) for PID 66
04-02 00:10:48.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:49.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:10:50.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:51.044 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:10:51.104 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:10:51.389 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:10:51.434 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:10:51.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:52.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:53.024 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:10:53.104 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:10:53.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:54.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:55.174 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
142): down-sampling
04-02 00:10:55.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:56.984 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:57.934 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:58.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:10:59.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:00.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:01.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:02.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:03.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:04.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:04.994 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -14698 us)
04-02 00:11:05.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:06.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100

04-02 00:11:07.939 D/SopP

( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:08.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:09.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:10.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:11.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:12.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:13.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:14.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:15.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:16.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:17.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:18.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:19.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:20.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:21.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:22.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:23.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:24.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:25.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:26.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:11:27.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:11:28.634 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-40
735): down-sampling
04-02 00:11:28.654 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -19626 us)
04-02 00:11:28.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:29.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:30.144 W/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: playback too early (-42
188): down-sampling
04-02 00:11:30.994 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:31.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:32.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:33.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:34.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:35.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:36.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:36.999 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:11:36.999 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:11:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Ad is not visible. Not refreshing ad.
04-02 00:11:37.014 I/Ads
( 5109): Scheduling ad refresh 60000 milliseconds f
rom now.
04-02 00:11:37.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:38.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:39.434 D/VLC
( 5109): core audio output: resampling stopped (dri
ft: -9349 us)
04-02 00:11:39.939 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:40.979 D/mali_winsys( 5109): new_window_surface returns 0x3000
04-02 00:11:40.989 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:41.064 D/SopP
( 5109): Pixel format is RGBX_8888
04-02 00:11:41.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 99
04-02 00:11:42.994 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:43.494 D/SopP
( 5109): !!!!! onPause...
04-02 00:11:43.499 D/VLC
( 5109): core access: object waitpipe triggered
04-02 00:11:43.499 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: control type=0
04-02 00:11:43.499 D/VLC
( 5109): core input: control: stopping input
04-02 00:11:43.514 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: discarded audio buffer
04-02 00:11:43.514 D/VLC
( 5109): core decoder: removing module "avcodec"
04-02 00:11:43.514 D/VLC
( 5109): avcodec decoder: ffmpeg codec (MPEG Audio
layer 1/2) stopped

04-02 00:11:43.514 D/VLC

', 60 PES in FIFO
04-02 00:11:43.514 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.514 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.519 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.519 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.519 W/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.519 W/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.529 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.529 W/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.544 D/VLC
-4 AVC (part 10)) stopped
04-02 00:11:43.544 D/VLC
', 58 PES in FIFO
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
e ES
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.549 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.554 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.554 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.554 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.554 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.569 D/VLC
ed from chain
04-02 00:11:43.574 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.574 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.574 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.574 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.574 D/VLC
04-02 00:11:43.589 I/SopP
04-02 00:11:43.944 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:43.944 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:44.249 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:44.264 I/Timeline(
derProxy@42612c40 time:1459084
04-02 00:11:44.994 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:44.994 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:45.944 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:45.944 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:46.994 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:46.994 D/SopP
04-02 00:11:47.944 D/SopP

5109): core decoder: killing decoder fourcc `mpga

5109): core audio resampler: removing module "ugl
5109): core volume: removing module "integer_mixe
5109): core generic: keeping audio output
5109): core packetizer: removing module "mpeg_aud
5109): core decoder: can't get output picture
5109): avcodec decoder: disabling direct renderin
5109): core decoder: removing module "avcodec"
5109): core decoder: can't get output picture
5109): avcodec decoder: ffmpeg codec (H264 - MPEG
5109): core decoder: killing decoder fourcc `h264
5109): core generic: saving a free vout
5109): core generic: reusing provided vout
5109): core packetizer: removing module "packetiz

core demux: removing module "ts"

ts demux: pid list:
ts demux: - pid[0] seen
ts demux: - pid[66] seen
ts demux: - pid[68] seen
core input: Program doesn't contain anymor


ts demux: - pid[69] seen

ts demux: - pid[8191] seen
core stream: removing module "record"
core access: removing module "http"
core input: Destroying the input for 'http

5109): core audio output: removing module "opensl

5109): core video output: destroying useless vout
5109): core vout display: Filter 0x7befb6ac remov
5109): core filter: removing module "yuv_rgb_neon
5109): core vout display: removing module "androi

core spu text: removing module "freetype"

core scale: removing module "yuvp"
core scale: removing module "swscale"
sc buffer: 100
##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
!!!!! onResume...
Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.Bin


sc buffer: 100
##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
sc buffer: 100
##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
sc buffer: 100
##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
sc buffer: 100

04-02 00:11:47.944 D/SopP

( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:48.994 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:48.994 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:49.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 100
04-02 00:11:49.944 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:50.994 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:11:50.994 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:51.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 98
04-02 00:11:51.944 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:52.994 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:11:52.994 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:53.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:11:53.944 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:53.999 D/SopP
( 5109): !!!!! onPause...
04-02 00:11:54.914 D/SopP
( 5109): !!!!! onStop...
04-02 00:11:54.924 W/ManagedEGLContext( 5109): doTerminate failed: EGL count is
2 but managed count is 1
04-02 00:11:54.994 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:11:54.994 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:55.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:11:55.944 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:56.999 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:11:56.999 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:57.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 97
04-02 00:11:57.949 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:59.009 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:11:59.009 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:11:59.944 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 96
04-02 00:11:59.944 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:12:00.999 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:12:00.999 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:12:01.954 D/SopP
( 5109): sc buffer: 95
04-02 00:12:01.954 D/SopP
( 5109): ##### isPlaying(): false isPaused: true
04-02 00:12:24.779 D/ActivityThread( 5987): handleBindApplication:org.sopcast.an
04-02 00:12:24.779 D/ActivityThread( 5987): setTargetHeapUtilization:0.75
04-02 00:12:24.779 D/ActivityThread( 5987): setTargetHeapMinFree:524288
04-02 00:12:24.844 D/SopP
( 5987): !!!!! onCreate...
04-02 00:12:24.949 D/SopP
( 5987): ##### chid:149257
04-02 00:12:24.969 D/dalvikvm( 5987): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/org.sopca
st.android-1/libvlcjni.so 0x421f8c60
04-02 00:12:24.989 D/dalvikvm( 5987): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/org.sopcast
.android-1/libvlcjni.so 0x421f8c60
04-02 00:12:24.989 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5987): JNI interface loaded.
04-02 00:12:24.989 V/VLC/LibVLC( 5987): Initializing LibVLC
04-02 00:12:24.989 I/VLC/LibVLC/Util( 5987): machine = arm
04-02 00:12:24.989 I/VLC/LibVLC/Util( 5987): arch = v7
04-02 00:12:24.989 I/VLC/LibVLC/Util( 5987): fpu = true
04-02 00:12:24.989 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5987): Using deblocking level 0
04-02 00:12:24.989 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5987): Chroma set to ""
04-02 00:12:24.989 D/VLC/JNI/main( 5987): Subtitle encoding set to ""
04-02 00:12:25.004 W/libOpenSLES( 5987): class OutputMix interface 0 requested b
ut unavailable MPH=43
04-02 00:12:25.004 I/VLC/JNI/main( 5987): LibVLC initialized: 0x75d36730
04-02 00:12:25.004 D/VLC
( 5987): core libvlc: VLC media player - 2.2.0-git
04-02 00:12:25.004 D/VLC
( 5987): core libvlc: Copyright 1996-2014 the VideoL
AN team
04-02 00:12:25.004 D/VLC
( 5987): core libvlc: revision 2.1.0-git-3008-g3b7b

04-02 00:12:25.004 D/VLC

( 5987): core libvlc: configured with ../configure
'--host=arm-linux-androideabi' '--build=x86_64-unknown-linux' '--enable-neon' '
--disable-nls' '--enable-live555' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-avformat' '--ena
ble-swscale' '--enable-avcodec' '--enable-opus' '--enable-opensles' '--enable-an
droid-surface' '--enable-mkv' '--enable-taglib' '--enable-dvbpsi' '--disable-vlc
' '--disable-shared' '--disable-update-check' '--disable-vlm' '--disable-dbus' '
--disable-lua' '--disable-vcd' '--disable-v4l2' '--disable-gnomevfs' '--enable-d
vdread' '--disable-dvdnav' '--disable-bluray' '--disable-linsys' '--disable-deck
link' '--disable-libva' '--disable-dv1394' '--disable-mod' '--disable-sid' '--di
sable-gme' '--disable-tremor' '--disable-mad' '--disable-dca' '--disable-sdl-ima
ge' '--disable-zvbi' '--disable-fluidsynth' '--disable-jack' '--disable-pulse' '
--disable-alsa' '--disable-samplerate' '--disable-sdl' '--disable-xcb' '--disabl
e-atmo' '--disable-qt' '--disable-skins2' '--disable-mtp' '--disable-notify' '-enable-libass' '--dis
04-02 00:12:25.004 D/VLC
( 5987): core input: Creating an input for '(null)'
04-02 00:12:25.009 D/AndroidRuntime( 5987): Shutting down VM
04-02 00:12:25.009 W/dalvikvm( 5987): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught e
xception (group=0x41f5ece0)
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987): java.lang.RuntimeException: Una
ble to start activity ComponentInfo{org.sopcast.android/org.videolan.vlc.gui.vid
eo.VideoPlayerActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.os.Handler.di
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.os.Looper.loo
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at java.lang.reflect.Met
hod.invokeNative(Native Method)
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at java.lang.reflect.Met
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at com.android.internal.
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at com.android.internal.
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at dalvik.system.NativeS
tart.main(Native Method)
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at Android.MODEL(Nexus 1
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at Android.VERSION(4.4.4
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at Android.FINGERPRINT(g
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointe
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at org.videolan.vlc.gui.
video.VideoPlayerActivity.initializeControls(Unknown Source)
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at org.videolan.vlc.gui.
video.VideoPlayerActivity.onCreate(Unknown Source)
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.Activity.
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.Instrumen

04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.os.Handler.di
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.os.Looper.loo
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at android.app.ActivityT
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at java.lang.reflect.Met
hod.invokeNative(Native Method)
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at java.lang.reflect.Met
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at com.android.internal.
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at com.android.internal.
04-02 00:12:25.009 E/VLC/VlcCrashHandler( 5987):
at dalvik.system.NativeS
tart.main(Native Method)
04-02 00:12:25.019 D/VLC
( 5987): core playlist: no fetch required for (null
) (art currently (null))
04-02 00:12:25.019 D/VLC
( 5987): core input: Creating an input for '(null)'
04-02 00:12:25.019 D/VLC
( 5987): core playlist: no fetch required for (null
) (art currently (null))

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