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Write your prayer requests here

If you would like your prayer request to

be included on the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail prayer chain,
please check here.


HELEN COUNSELL will be held
Saturday, August 8 at 12 noon in
the Reed Room. All who knew
Helen are invited to attend. Helen
was a long time member of the
church and very active at one
time. Many of you visited her and
sent cards during her homebound
years. Please join us as we
remember her and honor her life.

The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God.

If you have a prayer concern, there are several avenues for sharing with the
Aldersgate family. You may submit your requests to the Caring For One
Another e-mail prayer chain by contacting Jeanne Hamlin at
( The detachable portion of this bulletin includes a
space for written prayer concerns that you may place in the offering plate.
Also, please check out the Prayer Wall at

This Week at Aldersgate

Today, August 2

TODAY The Friendship Class

will begin a study of Dietrich
Bonhoeffer, by Eric Metaxas, who
describes Bonhoeffer as "Pastor,
Martyr, Prophet, Spy." We invite
all who are interested to join us.
To help with Communion at the
11am Worship service, contact Bob
Miller at
Member Care and Hospitality
Committee will meet NEXT
Monday, August 10th at 7pm.
Much Ado About Nothing is
being performed right here at
Aldersgate! Shows will be in the
Reed Room TONIGHT and on
Thurs. 8/6, Fri. 8/7, Sat. 8/8* and
Sun. 8/9 at 7:00 each night.
Much Ado About Nothing is widely
considered to be the funniest love
stories of all times. This totally
clean and easily understandable
adaptation is approx. 90 min long
and features fun music, dance and
lots of laughs! It is rated "G" - so
even the very youngest child can
safely have their first taste of the
comedic genius of Shakespeare!
Show Tickets and Dinner Tickets
will be available in the Reed Room
before and after the 9 and 11am
services. You may also get tickets
at, email, call
434.288.0095, or at the door 30
minutes before each show.

*August 8 is a dinner theatre

8:30 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm

Coffee and Refreshments (RR)

Worship (Sanctuary)
Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
Childrens Sunday School
Friendship Class (208); Agape Class (108); Seekers (111)
Sermon Scripture Discussion Group (RR)
Parents Table (RR)
Worship (Sanctuary)
Coffee and Refreshments (RR)
Much Ado About Nothing performance (RR)

Monday, August 3
Church Office Closed
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm

Spiritual Growth (Jasons Deli)

Boy Scouts Troop 119
Families Anonymous (108)

Tuesday, August 4
10:00 am
Quilters Guild (CR)
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
5:30 pm

Bonnie & Friends Recital

Broadway and other music
Featuring Ruth Ann Bishop
Sunday, August 9
Crozet Baptist Church
434.823.5171 for info

ALS support group (11)

Alzheimers support group (208)
Stephen Ministers (208, 111)

Wednesday, August 5
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:15 pm
6:45 pm

Greet One Another

With a Holy Kiss

Fellowship of Friends
UMW Craft Circle (HR)
Staff Meeting
Small Group Prayer mtg. (208)
Covenant Discipleship (Parlor)
Couples Small Group (108)

Thursday, August 6
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm

Sweet Adelines (FH)

Much Ado About Nothing (RR)
Worship Band Rehearsal(S)

Friday, August 7
7:00 pm

Much Ado About Nothing (RR)

Saturday, August 8
8:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm

Mens Group (208)

LBT Choir (108)
Helen Counsell Memorial
Luncheon (RR,K)
Dinner Theatre
MAAN performance (RR)

CR = Choir Room
FH = Fellowship Hall
HR = Hospitality Room
K = Kitchen
RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)
Unfin. FH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall
WC = Welcome Center
YR - Youth Room

1500 East Rio Road

Charlottesville, VA 22901
August 2, 2015

August 2, 2015 Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 9am Worship

We Gather for Worship

Chelsea Morse, Worship Leader, and Worship Band

All the People Said Amen
You are My King (Amazing Love)


Kathy Morse

Leader: God build your community, From brokenness and indifference,

Build love and caring, For you, for each other, for your creation.
People: God build your community.
Leader: From self-centeredness and independence, Build friendship and
compassion, For the marginalized, the abandoned and the despised.
People: God build your community.
Leader: From mistrust and misunderstanding, Build unity and togetherness,
For other peoples, religions and nations.
People: God build your community.
Leader: May we build together your living community, Bound together by love and
joy, Interrelated to all Gods people, to the earth and all creation. Amen.
C. Stine

Childrens Message

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor

We Hear the Word
1 Corinthians 16:13-20


We Gather To Worship
Blessed Assurance
arr. Philip Keveren
Jo Pettitt, piano
Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor


Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor

*Opening Songs

August 2, 2015 Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 11 AM Worship

Kathy Morse

*Opening Hymn 160

Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart


Susan Reed, Lay Reader
Leader: God build your community, From brokenness and indifference,
Build love and caring, For you, for each other, for your creation.
People: God build your community.
Leader: From self-centeredness and independence, Build friendship and
compassion, For the marginalized, the abandoned and the despised.
People: God build your community.
Leader: From mistrust and misunderstanding, Build unity and togetherness,
For other peoples, religions and nations.
People: God build your community.
Leader: May we build together your living community, Bound together by love and
joy, Interrelated to all Gods people, to the earth and all creation. Amen.
C. Stine
Come Now Children
Childrens Message

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor


Let It Shine
Chancel Choir
We Hear the Word
1 Corinthians 16:13-20

Scripture Lesson

Don Besig

Susan Reed



Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor

Prayers of the People

Susan Painter

Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor
We Respond to the Word
Hymn of Prayer 328
Surely the Presence of the Lord
Prayers of the People

Susan Painter

Offering Prayer

The Lords Prayer

How Majestic Is Your Name

arr. James. L. Brauer

*Doxology 94

We Respond to the Word

We Gather at the Table

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor


Offering and Song of Response Blessed Assurance

Confession and Pardon 8


Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)

The Great Thanksgiving 23 (Musical Setting D)

We Go Forth to Serve
*Closing Song

Communication Card

A Summer Sermon Series

on Relationships

Please take a moment to fill out this

card, then tear at the perforation and
place it in the offering plate.

Sundays at 9 and 11 AM

Next Week, August 9

Welcome One Another
Romans 15:1-13
Discipleship Moment by Ned Vogel

Worship Band

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor

Giving the Bread and Cup

Prayer after Communion
*Hymn of Commitment 408

*please stand as you are able

Additional information is projected on the screens


The Gift of Love

We Go Forth in Peace to Serve

Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor
*please stand as you are able
Additional information is projected on the screens

Name: ________________________

Save the Date

Mark your calendars now for
August 30th at 4:00 p.m. Member
Care is planning an End of Summer
Social. There will be a cookout (hot
dogs & hamburgers), games, music
from our own praise band, lots of
great food, and an "ice cream
theme" for dessert. Tables/chairs
will be set up both inside and
outside. Look for sign-up sheets on
August 9th in the Reed Room

Email: ________________________

Stephen Ministry Training

AUMC is planning to begin a new
training class in the fall. If you feel
called to serve in this ministry,
contact Stephen Leader Billie
Campbell at 975-5298 or


Through August 9, the Outreach &

Missions Team will be collecting
school supplies for students at
Greer Elementary. Monetary
donations are also welcome;
please make your check payable to
AUMC, note "School Supplies" on
the memo line and place it in the
offering plate. A supply list is
displayed in the Reed Room.

The Lords Prayer

Blessed Be Your Name


One Another

If you have a rising 3rd or 4th grader

who has not received a Bible from
AUMC, please contact Lynn via
email no later than August 12th: Bibles
will be presented to these children
on Sunday, August 30th during both
Worship services. (You can attend
your usual Worship service, your
child will receive a Bible then.)


Phone: _______________________
I am interested in:

Would like to learn more about


Would like to join Aldersgate

Help serve Communion
for 9:00 am service
for 11:00 am service
Serve as Usher
9:00 am service
11:00 am service
Would like to become a part of
the Caring For One
Another daily e-mail
prayer chain
Would like to volunteer once a
month at the 9am or 11am
Worship service in
Children's Church to help
with this exciting and still
growing program.
Interested in Parents Table,
10:00 - 11:00 Sunday AM
Would like to help count offering
once a month

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