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Luis Andres Aazco Toro

Advanced B
Chapter 6
1. Nelson Mandela arrived on Robben Island with the other prisoners to all
South Africa. The prison was a cold place. The conditions were not
appropriate for people, the prisoners slept on the floor, each cell had a small
window, covered with metal bars, and double doors.
2. Communication with the outside world was very difficult, the prisoners
could also have one visitor every six months. And the politics prisoners
could never see newspapers, the others could.
3. Here Mandela became the leader to all prisoners specially the black
people, he helped to all the people with his problems
4. Later in springs 1968, Mandela received the news that his mother had
died, in May 1969 the police called to Mandela and told that his eldest son
had been killed in a car accident, this news filled him once more with
terrible sadness.
Chapter 7
1. In 1975, Mandela decided to write the story of his life, for four months he
slept for only a few hours as he wrote for most of the night.
2. In 1976, 15000 black schoolchildren marched to protest for the language
in the schools and more than 600 children were killed by the police.
3. In 1980, the prisoners were allowed to read some newspapers, however
the police usually cut out any stories they did not want the prisoners see.
4. In March 1982 Mandela left the island, he and the other political prisoners
were sent to Pollsmoor Prison a few kilometers outside Cape Town, it was a
modern prison with large rooms and wardens.
Chapter 8
1. The president P. W. Botha offered to Mandela his freedom, if he and the
ANC stopped using the violence, it was in January 1985. Mandela asked to
give up violence by putting an end to apartheid.
2. In 1990 the new President F. W. de klerk lifted the ban on the ANC, the
PAC and the Communist Party, and the same time all the political prisoners
released, Mandela was freed to his seventy-one years.
3. At the end of 1993, Mandela and Klerk were given the Nobel Peace Prize
for their work for peace in South Africa.
4. On May 1994, Mandela became President he promised to obey the laws of
the new South Africa, he said: More than 300 years of white government
ended. The long struggle for freedom was over.

Chapter 9
This chapter describes the new ANC government and the difficult task ahead
of it, Mandela visited a lot of countries and used this, to talk to businesses.
Gradually it made progress in building homes, supplying electricity and
clean water, the ANC government planned to build 1 million new houses in
five years to poorest people. The truth and Reconciliation Committee was
formed allowing victims and perpetrators to talk about life under apartheid.
In 1996 there were elections again and the ANC received 66% of the votes
and Thabo Mbeki was succeeded to Mandela as president. The new
president gave a dinner to say thank you and goodbye to Mandela as he
began this new life.
Chapter 10
In this chapter looks at Mandela in his Eighties, having left the politic life, he
moved to Qunu where he had built a home similar to the prison guards
house where he lived in Victor Verster Prison. It shows he continues to travel
and campaign, particularly against poverty and for better treatment of
people with HIV/AIDS. In 2003 Mandela began to organize a new music
campaign for this people, in South Africa and later around the world. For
more than 50 years the name of Nelson has been heard in all the world.
Mandela spent nearly 30 years in prison, but those years did not destroy

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