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Kaaneyshan magu
Furathama Ehee Rep of Maldives

Training Centre Email:

Phone: 7787871 , 9764512


To: FULLMOON BEACH RESORT Quotation #: 11/2007

Address: Cust Code:
Phone: Your Ref:
Fax: Date: 24 May 2007

ATTN: HR Department Validity 30 days



Basic First AID Training (14 Hours – Full 2 Days) minimum 12 pax per
12 475.00 5,700.00

MRF – TOTAL 5,700.00

• Minimum number of Student per batch should be 12 (twelve)

• Maximum number of student per batch should not be more than 24 (twenty four)
• First Aid Training involves highly physical contact (person-person), therefore it is advisable
to select the candidates with even numbers especially Females.

P.S. If you would like to discuss items in this quote, or if you need any additional information, please call
me personally at 778 7871 (Zaheen).
Thank you

Marketing Department

Training Programs

Practical First Aid Training CPR Refresher Training

Standard First Aid Training

Basic First Aid Training

Kaaneyshan magu
Furathama Ehee Rep of Maldives

Training Centre Email:

Phone: 7787871 , 9764512

Furatham Ehee Training Centre (FETC) Profile


Furatham Ehee Training Centre (FETC) is a specialize short-term training provider in

the health care field and medical emergency.

We had been established to train and improve the quality of life of community by
providing knowledge in related to health aspects.

Our mission is simply to provide a reliable and quality training services in order to
improve individual knowledge and efficiency, so that both the individual and the
employer benefits.

We understand quality to mean in-depth knowledge of our subject matter, accessible

and succinctly written course material, and trainers who are experts in their field.

About our instructors

FETC instructors were working in the field before becoming a certified trainer. This
practical and realistic knowledge gives the students the best environment to learn.
More than just a certificate, we make it our mission to provide our students the
hands-on experience they desire.

The combine in-depth technical knowledge, practical field experience, and

instructional expertise to ensure a high return on your educational investment.

Instructors are certified by British Red Cross and are currently working at Maldives
College of higher education (faculty of health sciences) and authorized to assess the
students for certification.

Thank you

Nayaz Ahmed
Chief Executive Office (CEO)

Training Programs

Practical First Aid Training CPR Refresher Training

Standard First Aid Training

Basic First Aid Training

Kaaneyshan magu
Furathama Ehee Rep of Maldives

Training Centre Email:

Phone: 7787871 , 9764512

Course Contents (BASIC First AID)

1-Incident management
Boat fire, explosion
Tropical storm – corrugated iron, trees falling etc
Falling/fallen masonry
People in water from capsize – rescue from water
Or other incident management as identified by the community

2-Recognition and care of unconscious casualty

Positioning of patients – on ground, in home, in boat etc

3-CPR adults and children

Smoke inhalation
Airway obstruction

4-Management of blood loss and shock

General treatment for blood loss
Bandages and improvisation
Embedded objects – with/without health care availability
Recognition of internal bleeding
Cleaning wounds
Prevention of infection
Disposal of waste – Bag it, bin it, burn it, bury it
When to go for help

5-General management of burns

Safety considerations
Immediate treatment – cooling, shade, keep it clean
Prevention of infection
Clothes on fire

Training Programs

Practical First Aid Training CPR Refresher Training

Standard First Aid Training

Basic First Aid Training

Kaaneyshan magu
Furathama Ehee Rep of Maldives

Training Centre Email:

Phone: 7787871 , 9764512

6-Recognition and management of fractures

Signs and symptoms
Aim of treatment
Improvised treatment for upper body fractures
Application of slings
Aim of treatment for lower leg fractures
Improvised treatment for lower leg fractures
Circulation checks, application of traction
Recognition and care of casualties with spinal and pelvic injuries

7-Transportation of casualties
Hand seats
Use of material for lifting – check first
Improvised stretchers
Placing casualty onto a stretcher
Carrying casualties – teamwork
Transporting casualties with spinal injuries
Support using sandbags

8-Medical conditions – recognition and treatment

Heart attack
Diabetic emergency
Heat stroke, heat exhaustion
Dengue fever, scrub typhus & other fevers if applicable/relevant

9-Misc. conditions
Food poisoning
Diarrhoea and Vomiting
Stings and bites (mostly focusing to the sea)
Ailments in young children – high temperature, diarrhoea,
conjunctivitis, eye problems
Minor injuries such as splinters, bruises and cramp etc
Foreign objects in the eyes, ears and nose

Major incident management

Practical scenario

Training Programs

Practical First Aid Training CPR Refresher Training

Standard First Aid Training

Basic First Aid Training

Kaaneyshan magu
Furathama Ehee Rep of Maldives

Training Centre Email:

Phone: 7787871 , 9764512

Training Programs

Practical First Aid Training CPR Refresher Training

Standard First Aid Training

Basic First Aid Training

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