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2010 presidentiables

eddie villanueva
erap estrada
gilbert teodoro
jc de los reyes
manny villar
nicanor perlas
noynoy aquino
richard gordon

Comments on infomercials
All of the presidential aspirants are holding present position in the government, a position that is owed to the
people. Perhaps the best "infomercial" should be their accomplishments as legislators. I think voters today are
matured enough that they are not anymore fascinated with an infomercial showing only the "close-up" picture and
the not-so convincing acts and camera tricks. What are those bills and laws sponsored by them that caters to the
basic needs of their constituents? We deserve to know that.
Rex T. Barbin, Sorsogon City
Ruben O. Viray
Every individual has his own discreet opinion or thinking on who has so far the best infomercial todate. All
aspirants for the highest post will do everything to make all votes come in his favor by making his infomercial the
most credible or believable at most. Todate, I see Sen. Villar as the most promising candidate as he focuses on the
lives and conditions of ordinary filipinos and of the C, D & E level of society. He says that he came from a poor
family once and because of hardwork, he is now enjoying what he is today. You can count by your fingers people
who are like Sen. Villar now and probably due to determination and luck, your dreams will prosper and
materialize like him. However, this approach I believe, is somewhat very tricky and if the voting population will
not be bought and careful with this kind of remembering his namecall, Sen. Villar will have a hardtime to be able
to sit in Malacanang. Since the filing of candidacy is not yet over, infomercial will still change its appearance until
election day comes. The best if not better is yet to come on infomercial as we go along.
I think the best one is Manny Villar`s, why? Well it really depends on the funding and director and make up
artists and scripts behind the screen telling the politician how to act and similarly telling the supporting actors or
actresses what to do to make the main actor so perfect in the eyes of the observers on TV! Watch them while they
are rehearsing the play and realize that it is just a ploy designed to catch voters......let them debate and ask
questions regarding the various issues that are killing us for almost a decade....
I cannot tell who has the best 'infomercial' among the presidentiables unless we do a survey. Personally, I cannot
even appreciate any of the 'infomercials' as we all know why these are being put out. I doubt the sincerity of these
'infomercials'. In a land where there is so much poverty, insincere 'infomercials' are insult to injury. I was not born
yesterday. I have seen politicians come and go. I have been in a presidential campaign and I have served under a
presidency. I have seen how candidates become meek as a lamb while courting voters then suddenly
metamorphose back into their real selves of being arrogantly drunk with power and indifferent of the pain and
suffering all around them once in public office. Just look around. So many of our kababayans are literally living
off the garbage -- looking into our trash soon as they wake up in the morning. With my own eyes, I see families
living under bridges and in slums unfit for human habitation. Elections come and go. Politicians come and go in
this country and despite them and their campaign promises, we see the same problems right in our midst. In fact,
these problems are even worsening: poverty, overpopulation, unemployment, environmental fatigue, corruption,
unsolved crimes, rising mortality and immorality, apathy, hopelessness, etc. How can I believe an 'infomercial'
which portrays a rich candidate as being one with the poor? Come on. This candidate has not experienced hunger
in his entire life! I want to say to these candidates: Spare us the BS. You are only fooling the people -- promising
them something you cannot deliver. This is not only a lie but a grave sin. Apparently, candidates see the electoral
process as some sort of a game. But the lives of the poor and suffering are not a game. To God alone be the glory

Dencio Acop, Benguet

Pardon my comment. It’s confusing the word ‘best’ it should be the ‘most number of infomercial’. This word
‘best’ should be misleading to get readers attention that the subject in the ‘infomercial’ pertains to the person’s
accomplishment in public service. It should be clear to us on what aspect of purpose the ‘infomercial’ question is
all about. So in this regard, I would say the most number with best composition infomercial is Sen. Manny Villar
because he has the biggest resources among presidentiables. Lolong Rejano Marinduque
For me, Manny Villar has the best 'infomercial' among the presidentiables because it tells about the current
happenings around us, the needs of people, filipinos who do not have food, and filipinos who long for peace. I
think its unique but I hope his 'infomercial is what he really feels and what he aims to accomplish if ever he wins.

Karla Marie Filart St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur

Frankly, after viewing once an 'infomercial' by any politician, especially those who now have declared their
candidacy for the presidency or are in the process of getting into there, I don't have any interest viewing them
again. I have even forgotten what message they want to convey to viewers or listeners. And, so, I have no way of
comparing which is among these is good, better or best! I feel some kind of revulsion for these self-
advertisements, which, as people say, are paid with people's money. There should be a law to stop these political
tactics. And, I suggest, also, that politicians should stop the practice of putting up in expensive materials like
tarpaulins, politicians announcements that such and such a project is 'a priority project of so and so' politician!
Who pay these expensive and useless self-advertisements? I heard that these are "regalos" from the construction
companies that are awarded the projects. Oh, my, don't give me that! That is a very lame reason by politicians and
political appointees who, after the first day of seating down in their offices, crave for name recall by the public for
the next elections! Basta ihinto na itong gawaing ito, mga kagalang-galang na nailulok sa kani-kanilang position,
alang-alang sa bansa natin!

Ishmael Q. Calata, Paranaque City

I think Manny Villar has the best one. His infomercial is (V) Very empathic; ( I ) Impressive; (L) Life historical;
(L) Lasting; (A) Ambitious and (R) Realistic. Through the infomercial: Villar "placed his feet in the shoes of
simple people from which he came from." He was able to present his achievements. He used his life testimony. He
used catchy slogans, symbols and soundtracks. He was able to present his vision for the Philippines and He
presented real life situations. - Abel Abilay, Laguna
The so-called "infomercials" are not important in choosing the next leaders who would lead, run and manage our
government for the next six (6) years. Voters should be careful and wary and wise who to vote for come election
time. They should not be swayed or influenced by these "informercials" which are meant only for name-recall.
They should vote based on the qualifications and track record of these candidates, and more importantly, on how
they stand on the burning issues of the day. - Juan Deveraturda, Subic, Zambales
Who has the best “infomercial” among the wannabes for high elective offices? Sorry, because of their coming out
so prematurely, with most of them spent with people’s money straight from the national coffers or through graft
activities, whenever these come out on tv, I switch channel because these are extremely disgusting to me. These
are big lies laced with a grain of reality for semblance of believability, like a bad product being marketed with
false facts.
mandy s. rillon
In this country used to political patronage, Sen. Villar's informercial so far emerged as topnotcher. With vast
resources he has, he can boast of give-aways he can provide to voters. In terms of substance, that of Bro. Eddie
Villanueva's promoting enough books for education showing early sunday morning in GMA 7 is the best, yet it is
rarely seen. Mandy S. Rillon, Cabanatuan City
The infomercial of Sen. Mar Roxas when he was still on the point of decision to run fpr President until he gave to
Sen. Noynoy Aquino and instead opted to run for Vice President instead is (for me) the best infomercial. His
infomercial pertains to the one wherein he was listening to the needs of poor people.For me, that is the best
infomercial since it significantly depicts a presidential candidate listening to the needs, welfare and benefit of the
people and this is one of the most significant and most important traits and qualities that a presidential candidate
should possess en route to the pinnacle of the Philippine Presidency. - Lucas Banzon Madamba II (Pennsylvania,


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