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Navneet…..C L team and all Change loomers….

Here trying to share with you some moments which we spend with
Navneet in duration of his visit….

Mentors visit……

A summary…..

Visit of Navneet to our group…… on 25th December….to 3rd January 2010.

Navneet reached to kalyan on 24 December at night …. We really shocked

that he reached kalyan by Taxi….because first time someone came to
meet us from C.S.T by using taxi till kalyan…..because normally people
prefer local trains…..

As then as decided Navneet stayed in one lodge in kalyan….we spend

some time with him…..and told him to come tomorrow on our event of
street play competition which we had organized in kalyan on 25

Then next day…..we were busy in street play competitions and finally
Navneet reached to event place…

Navneet was just enjoying street plays….we don’t know that he

understood about street plays or not …because most of the street plays
were in Marathi…. But hope he could understood little bit…..

Sharing with you here some photographs with Navneet on event…

We would like to share some photographs of street plays here….
Finally event was over….and It was a Christmas on 25 December …as
world knows…and whole world celebrates it …then why not us….???

Then we decided to celebrate it…. At night 11o’clock…. We went in one

restaurant near station….

And we did dinner there with Navneet. It was a special treat given by
Navneet to our group…. We did lots of fun that time and then my group
members started feeling comfortable with him…

Hole group was busy in organizing event successfully …so group members
were tired …so we decided to met again Navneet on 27 December….In
Birla Mandir…which is a famous temple in kalyan… where people usually
goes for fun and meetings….
Almost all group members like me, Sachin, Yogita, Ritesh, Jui, Snehal were
present in this meeting….


Initially we started with Introduction with Navneet….means we know each

other…..but we thought it was great opportunity for us to tell more about
us to Navneet….then we played with one game… we started talking about
group member without telling Navneet a name of a person…about we are
talking…like his hobbies, what he like, dislike etc….and Navneet had to
listen it and guess about who is a this person in group….it was a funny
method…very few time Navneet guessed a correct person….

WHO I AM….???

((When Navneet told me to conduct and facilitate activity of who I am …?

then I really surprised…. Because…. it was a great opportunity and
responsibility to me to achieve an objective of this activity….he made me
mentally prepared for conducting activity…))

I don’t know how I facilitated an activity but…I was thinking about

Neha….and thought if Neha could be in a place of me …then how she
would have facilitated the activity…?

And tried to do something like Neha….and little bit I got a success in

it….because I could achieve a aims and objectives of an activity…my group
members were sharing about their past, present and future by bottom of
their heart….

In this meeting we discussed on points like…

Why you are with YAAR…? Why you passionate about YAAR or what is the
social issue about you are passionate about it…?

What skills and knowledge which you brings in and for group…?

In each and every discussion my group members were talking by

heart….and this moments were giving me a more positive energy towards
my social venture…..i realized that my group members are same energetic
and passionate as me….

Fire fighting…..?

Navneet discussed some points like fire fighting….means as a leader

rahul..if rahul is not present in some activities due to some reason….will
you handle all responsibilities of rahul…as rahul does….???
On this point group member showed their active participation in
everything that they explained Navneet their role and responsibilities in
YAAR and in group….

We also discussed here about a personal goals and future planning of

every group member….every group member shared with Navneet about

We discussed many things in this meeting and our discussion was

colorful….but because of lack of time….we thought we should meet again
and we must continue a discussion….

Then we met again on 3rd of January 2010…in my hose….

Review on last meeting….

We started with points which we discussed in last meeting….and in this

meeting we were talked about five balloons …..Like
Structure….activities….vision….skills and….

In which we discussed about “organization”…..

We shared here…what we mean by organization….we wants to be as

organization or not…..? We are happy in current structure of YAAR….here
we went on initial stage of YAAR when we applied in Youth Yenture……
when we started doing research….and found YAAR in 2006 while doing
social research in PUKAR…

In this conversation, we could understand different aspects of every group

member….some where we thought we should registered our organization
and some where we realized that we are happy in this current structure…
Actually in no structure….

Again we talked about a future of YAAR and our group….where us proudly

and clearly indicated that we will never quite YAAR…where today YAAR is
a very important part of our life….

Finally we finished meetings….and startd a dinner in my house…

And at last Navneet gave us feedback on whole duration of visit…in which

he told us positive and constructive both kinds of things….

Not according to Navneet but our group too….that we need to improve our
documentation and report making skills and yes especially we need to
work on our time management….
Overall we spend very nice time with him….and learned more…..would like
to meet again navneet in our kalyan….NAVNEET try to come again….

Would like to share here some moments during a meeting…..and

yah….dinner….enjoy it….

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