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D20 PatrimonyTornfromtheClutchingTalonsofTimeand


Jewel Moth Robe Carefully stitched from the trans-planar wings of the
Jeweled Moth, this robe appears to be an ornate and somewhat garish
costume of some forgotten epoch, the robe is still impressive and more
importantly (while originally favored for its ability to shed grime) the moth
wings provide protection equivalent to medium armor (AC 15).
Distilled Chanteuse Within this decorative green glass bottle is the
distilled essence of a once popular singer. If the thick bluish syrup within is
poured out onto any surface her apparition will form from its sweet smelling
fumes.The ghostly figure willloudly sing and sway for one turn per dose
used (there are five doses in the bottle) it has no extrinsic magical effects but
is quite an astonishing distraction.
Dueling Cane Elaborately carved bonewhite cane specifically designed
for the pugnacious gentleman.The cane is an effective blunt weapon, dense
and flexible, capable of cracking skulls, and rupturing organs with a firm
hit.The cane is also extraordinary light and agile, being a Finesse Weapon
(like a sword) that grants a +1 to hit).
Butlers Fork A short bonewhite rod with a U shaped head, inlaid with a
web of golden sigils. When rapped against a mundane lock the fork will
vibrate and produce a loud belling tone.The lock also has a 3 in 6 chance of
unlocking the door. On a roll of6 rod will continue to vibrate for another
day or two, rendering n it useless for the remainder of the session.
House Sword Gaudy in the extreme -covered in gold, gems and brightly
glowing alchemical lacquers, having a champion display one of these giant
two-handed swords at formal events was once the height of
propriety.Originally for show, House Swords are effective enough weapons,
but generally not meant for defense.The interior of the swords oversized
hollow blades is often filled with superdense magical fluid that lends inertia
to blows but makes the weapons unwieldy. Attacks with this weapon do an
additional +2 damage, but give a -1 to AC).
Healthful Wand A thin wand of decoratively worked bonewhite, covered
in tiny vanes and filigree.When dipped into a liquid it will turn purple if the
substance is poisonous or magical.
Fanged Idol A squat idol of green brass worked with vile designs and
notable for a mouth of razor sharp teeth.Once the god of a savage tribe, long
ago conquered by the Empire in its own days of glory, this idol is a potent
artifact allowing an arcane caster to recall a previously memorized but
recently cast spell for the sacrifice of 1D6/2 HP per spell level in their own
Masquerade Helmet- A high crested helmet with of ornate and ancient
lines, made of silver and gold filigree wrapped around a surprisingly
functional bonewhite core.In addition to providing the benefits of a helmet
(1/2 damage from falling or fallen objects) the Masquerade Helmet has a
snug bonewhite faceplate that can shift and reform to magically model the
face of any human or humanoid subject the wearer has seen in the past day
and copy it in a lifelike manner.There is a 5 in 6 chance that a normal viewer












will mistake this face for the modeled individual, though body type, and the
absurd gilded helmet may give away the impersonator rather easily.
Simian Automaton An amusing metallic monkey with the necromantically
preserved and conditioned brain of a serf or criminal in the glass dome of its
skull.The ape will respond to simple instructions, and is entirely fearless.
However it is strictly governed not to attack any living thing, and if asked to
do anything other then domestic tasks, japing or tumbling will have a only a
4 in 6 chance of understanding the order. Automaton AC 12, HD HP 4,
Atk 1, MV 40 ML 12 SV F0.
Vestarches Crest Forged into jagged and unnatural lines from a heavy
ingot of bluish metal, pitted by the crude process that made it this crest was
the a badge of office for an inviolate imperial messenger.While living
people no longer remember its import, the outsiders shackled to war by the
empire will honor this sigil, and the holder (though not her companions) is
protected from harm by Imperial automatons, angels or demons.
Remonstrator An elegant wand of blackened pewter, meant as a dainty toy
for gentlemen, Remonstrators were once a popular means for the Imperial
nobility to inflict petty cruelties on their servants and the populace without
physical effort.The wand can shoot a lash of ugly red magic at a single target
every round.Targets must roll a save vs. wands or suffer 1d6/2 points of
damage as the red welts of a cruel beating appear on their body.Old and
somewhat unreliable, should a target save with a natural 20 the
remonstrator will cease to function for the remainder of the game session.
Ring of Hate An iron ring popular during the 42ndDictatorship, a time of
brutal repressive violence and military pomp.The ring gives a +2 to all saves
vs. mind altering magic, paralysis and charm.I also drains compassion,
humanity and humor, reducing CHR to 5 while worn.
True Liturgy Written in inks ground from the burnt bones of saints, gilded
and ornate, this copy of an outdated and strange religious text for the
Imperial cult was touch by one of the ancient Emperors himself.If displayed
to priests of the Emperor or their monstrous agents, they will flee from it as if
they were undead and the Liturgy was a 2ndlevel Cleric making a turning
Uhlans Armor An Imperial cavalry riders suit of heavy armor. A
Gleaming Bonewhite Breastplate, pauldrons, gorget and high helm, with the
limbs covered in bright patterned alchemical fabric laminating discs of
bonewhite armor.The suit is enormously protective, and highly resistant to
damage (AC 18, 1 point of damage reduction), but also enormously heavy and
cumbersome (wearer acts last each round) to anyone who lacks the magically
infused strength of an Imperial Knight (STR 19 or better) or is mounted on a
heavy warhorse.
Sack of Coinage Dispensing with odd family relics or dust shrouded
mysteries, you simply gathered up a moderately sized satchel of gold, silver,
platinum and ruby coins.I satchel contains the equivalent of 2,500 GP live
Seraphims Pinion The translucent crystalline feather of a great archangel,
set into a polished silver metal pole.The feather is razor sharp and makes a









very effective spear.It isnt more effective than a metal spear, but looks
impressive a will strike magical, immaterial and ethereal creatures immune
to normal weapons.
Revivifying Tipple A gilded hipflask contains five slugs of fortifying
tonic.Each drink will rapidly heal 1D6/2 HP of injury or cure exhaustion,
but will also intoxicate the drinker.The effect creates a -1 to all rolls per dose
until the drinker sleeps it off over several hours.
Parfum dMaudlum- A distinctive black hexagonal bottle contains this once
well-known magical eau de parfum which produces both a scent and
emotional response.Parfum d Maudlum was meant to give its wearer an
aura of ineffable and mysterious sadness, and it does if used in appropriate
quantities.However, spilled on the ground or applied to a person in a large
does (up to 3 per bottle) the perfume fills the air with a cloying scent like
fresh rain, cedar loam and the saddle leather of the horse that carrying the
news of a lovers death.The vile scent also produces a powerful emotional
resonance.Any sentient creature capable of feeling sadness (including the
wearer) must Save vs. Spells or burst into inconsolable weeping (a -4 on all
rolls)until they either leave the 20 x 20 area of the perfume or it evaporates
in 1D6 turns.
Porcelain Steed Standing tall, with a glazed hide of glistening white
ceramic, Porcelain Steeds were once a common mount for gentlemen about
town.Tireless, loyal, and very docile the steed needs to be fed only 1 HP of
blood a day to keep its energy up.Identical in speed and carrying capacity as
a normal palfrey, the porcelain horse is entirely docile and pliable and will
not balk at any command from its rider.Porcelain horses are incapable of
attack however, and due to their hollow ceramic nature and magical
animation less durable in combat then their living counterparts.Porcelain
Horse AC 11, HP 10, HD , ATK 0,MV90ML 12,SV F0
Magisters Snuff Box Like a gourd of finally carved cinnabar this snuff box
is both a handsome novelty and enchanted with a powerful narcotic spell.A
single deep inhalation of the tiny gold motes that bubble up from its
perforated top will produce sublime intoxication for 1D6/2 turns, rendering
the user sluggish and euphoric (-1 to any physical rolls, always acts last on



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