AdminLaw DeLeon

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Control of Administrative Action
Powers and Functions of Administrative
Administrative Procedure
Judicial Review of Administrative
Modes of Judicial Review
Extent of Judicial Review
Enforcement of Agency Action

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - that branch of public

law dealing with the doctrines and principles
governing the powers and procedures of
administrative agencies including especially
judicial review of administrative action.
governmental authority other than a court or
legislative body performing rule-making or
adjudicatory functions.
AGENCY includes:

any department, bureau, office, commission,

authority or officer of the National
Government authorized by law or executive
order to make rules, issue licenses, grant
rights or privileges, and adjudicate cases;
government corporations with respect to
function regulating private right, privilege, or
occupation or business;

Constitutional status of admin. agencies

the admin. agency does not strictly belong to
one branch.
The agency does not constitute a 4th branch
of government because the constitutional
scheme (separation of powers) only allows 3
branches of government.
Role of Admin. Agencies
Residual Powers
the powers given to the three branches spill
over because of the 3 shortfalls. There is a
need for a body which would act as a
catching mechanism, otherwise, the three
branches would collapse. The AA supports
the trichotomy of powers.
How do these agencies come into being?
a) by statute
b) by the constitution
c) by Executive orders - usually fact-finding
1. can be modified
by congress
2. may be altered
or abolished

officials in the exercise of disciplinary power

as provided by law.
(Sec. 2 (1), Book VII, Admin Code of 1987)


is the

Factors which gave rise to admin. agencies

1) growing complexity of modern life - as
society gets more complex, there are more
things to regulate
2) the multiplication of the subject of
governmental regulation
3) the increased difficulty of administering the

Powers of an administrative agency

a) rule-making
b) adjudicatory
c) licensing (permits)
d) price/rate-fixing
e) implementing/executory


minimum requirement

1. perform
sensitive functions
2. underscoring the
independence of
the agency thus,
insulate it from
political pressure

The Chief Executive exercises CONTROL

over agencies and offices which perform
rule-making / adjudicatory functions.

If the agency is created by Congress consider the law that created it. If the law is
silent as to the control which the President
may exercise, the President can only
SUPERVISE, i.e., to see to it that the laws
are faithfully executed.

Why are administrative agencies necessary?

Administrative agencies are necessary due
to the inadequacies of the executivelegislative-judicial trichotomy.
The 3 great branches of government lack:
(1) time; (2) expertise; and (3) organizational
aptitude for governmental supervision.
The doctrine of separation of powers:
To prevent absolutism.

Under the doctrine of separation of powers,

The Supreme Court cannot assume the
administrative function of supervisory control
over executive officials.
In Noblejas v. Teehankee (1963), the
Supreme Court struck down Noblejas claim
that the Commissioner of Land Registration,
being entitled to the same compensation,
emoluments & privileges as a CFI judge,
can only be investigated and suspended in
the same manner, and not by the Secretary
of Justice.)
Members of the Supreme Court cannot sit
as a board of arbitrators. (Manila Electric
Co. v. Pasay Transpo, 1932)
A judge cannot become a member of a
provincial committee on justice which
performs administrative functions. (In Re:
Rodolfo U. Manzano (1988)

Ways of exercising control by Congress

a) Abolition
isnt effective because the admin. agencies
are needed.
b) Appropriation
isnt effective since appropriations are
always given. If no appropriation is given,
the public would suffer.
c) Investigatory
effective only as an aid in legislation and
cannot serve the need for constant
d) Prescription of legislative standards
ineffective because the standards should be
flexible and those who make the standards
lack the expertise. The standards must be
Most of the time, Congress is not definite
because of (a) varying conditions and (b)
differences in the need for regulation
e) Prescription of minimum procedural
There should be a shift to Administrative
standards which allows the agencies to
come up with the standards themselves.
This can be effected in these ways :
1) modify the doctrine
2) procedural due process

procedural requirements which have a
general applicability to all agencies. But
even with this, there are sill problems,
1) Agencies are not bound by the technical
rules of procedure
2) agencies need flexibility to act

These minimum procedural requirements

may be found in Book 7 of the Admin. Code
of 1987.

the power to change, modify, alter decisions
of subordinates
power to oversee
A. Legislative Control

Substantial evidence - such relevant evidence

which a reasonable mind will accept as
adequate to support a conclusion
B. Executive Control

Executive power is vested in the President

(Art. VII, Sec. 1, 1987 Constitution)
RULE: The President shall have control of
all the executive departments, bureaus and
offices. He shall ensure that the laws be
faithfully executed. (Art. VII, Sec. 17, 1987
EXCEPTIONS: In the case of agencies
created by the legislature (e.g. NLRC, BIR,
LTFRB), one must check the enabling law
regarding Congress intention regarding this.
If the law is silent, the President cannot
exercise control but merely supervision.
However, in cases involving agencies under
the executive branch, the President has

C. Judicial Control
Judicial review of administrative actions
D. Ombudsman
Investigates and prosecutes

All elective and appointive officials, including

cabinet members, GOCCs and local
government are within his jurisdiction.
Those who may be removed only by
impeachment are not within his jurisdiction
The Ombudsman may not veto or revise an
exercise of judgment or discretion by an
agency or officer upon whom that judgment
or discretion is lawfully vested, esp. where
the matter involves basically technical
matters coming under the special technical
knowledge and training of the agency /
officer. (Concerned Officials of MWSS v.
Vasquez (1995), where the Ombudsman
was held to have interfered with a bid-andaward contract.)
The Ombudsman has no jurisdiction to
initiate an investigation into the alleged
delay in the disposition of a judicial case. It
is the Supreme Court which has
administrative supervision over all courts
and the personnel thereof. (Dolalas v. Office
of the Ombudsman, 1996)

A. Legislative Functions

1. Non-Delegation Doctrine
theoretically puts a check on the legislature
from abdicating its duty by delegating its
power to make law. This is a corollary to the
doctrine of Separation of Powers.
the later attitude of the SC is more liberal
and is in favor of sustaining the validity of
the delegation.
Courts have realized the necessity of
delegation of powers - broad or vague
standards are sufficient
1. Policies - limits, boundaries, complete in
itself, leaves nothing to the discretion; may
be in another statute (Chiongbian v. Orbos)
2. Standards - express or implied (Edu v.
Ericta); written administrative standards
(White v. Roughton)
What are the matters that Congress cannot
Creation of municipalities (Pelaez v. AuditorGeneral)
Imposition of criminal penalties (US v.
Designation of a particular act as a crime
(People v. Maceren)
Creation of standards on the part of the
Requisites for a valid delegation (Pelaez v.
Auditor General)
a) the law must be complete in itself; must set
forth a policy to be executed
b) must fix a standard, the limits of which are
sufficiently determinate or determinable, to
which the delegate must conform in the
performance of his functions.

The standard may be express or implied

(Edu v. Ericta)
The standard does not have to be found in
the law being challenged.
It may be
embodied in other statutes on the same
subject matter as that of the challenged
legislation. [Chongbian v. Orbos (1995).
Here, the challenged law was the ARMM
Organic Act. The standard was found in the
Reorganization Act.]

Examples of sufficient standards include:

Assumption by Labor Minister over strikes
affecting national interest (Free Telephone
Workers Union v. Minister of Labor and
Employment, 1981)
Reorganization of administrative regions in
ARMM (Chiongbian v. Orbos, 1995)
Standard may be implied from other laws,
e.g. RA 5435 (simplicity, economy,
(Philcomsat v. Alcuaz, 1989) The standards
used were public safety, public interest,
reasonable feasibility and reasonable rates
(case to case basis)
WON rate-fixing is legislative or quasijudicial

No notice and
hearing required
unless the law

To be able to
evidence and
effects on its

In Santiago v. COMELEC, RA 6735 is

incomplete, inadequate or wanting in
essential terms and conditions insofar as
initiative on amendments to the Constitution
is concerned. COMELEC resolution is void
as there are no standards at all, no
legislative policy.
In Panama Refining Co. v, Ryan, for
subordinate rules to be valid, such must be
within prescribed limits of the statute
creating or granting such authority.
In A.L.A. Schecter Poultry Corp. v. U.S., the
legislature cannot make a sweeping
delegation of legislative power.

2. Permissible Delegation
The Legislature must establish the standard;
AAs only to make subordinate rules

a. Ascertainment of fact (Lovina v. Moreno)

b. Filling in of details (Alegre v. Collector of
3. Administrative Rule making
Administrative rule-making or subordinate
Valid as long as germane, consistent,
implements the law
Normative and prescriptive in character
has the force and effect of law; affects
substantive rights
must not go beyond the standards
prescribed by the law.
General in application
1) date of effectivity : 15 days after filing with UP
Law Center
- publication - submit to UP Law Center
a) Quarter bulletin
b) up-to-date codification
EO 200 allowed publication I na newspaper
of general circulation
Art. 2 NCC - 15 days after publication in the
Adm. Code - 15 days after filing
2) Public Participation (Sec. 9)
publish proposed rules and afford interested
parties the opportunity to submit views.
What is sad is the law uses the phrase, As
far as practicable makes it look like its not
mandatory. Can be an excuse.
Public Participation
To make a determination of facts/evidence
1) formal - trial type procedure
2) informal - more desirable and more
- public hearings, presentation of
conferences, seminars,
Rate Fixing

- even more specific

2 weeks before rate fixing, 1st hearing is

refers to ALL RATES

Two ideas involving rate-fixing

1) proposed rate is published

2) must have public hearing

Problem with not following requirements

1. interpretative regulations
2. internal regulations ( regulating only
personnel of agency
3. letters of instructions issued by
administrative superior to their

- aggrieved party can always can go to

- the rate can be voided
- an agency process for the formulation,
amendment or repeal of rule.

Limits on rule-making power:

a. authorized by law (Olsen v. Aldanese)
b. must not amend the law (Syman v.
c. must not define a criminal act (People v.
d. must be germane to the purpose of the
law which it was meant to implement
(Toledo v. CSC)
e. must not restrict, expand, diminish law
(Commissioner of Internal Revenue v.
CA; Land Bank v. CA; GMCR v. Bell
f. action of the AA to be set aside if there
is an error of law, a grave abuse of
power or lack of jurisdiction or grave
abuse of discretion clearly conflicting
with either the letter or the spirit of the
law (Land Bank of the Phil. v. CA)
Publication and effectivity
Every agency to file with the UP Law Center
three (3) certified copies of every rule
adopted by it. (Bk. VII, Sec. 3)
Date of effectivity of rule: 15 days from the
date of filing (Bk. VII, Sec. 4)

1. different date is fixed by law or

specified in the rule
2. in cases of imminent danger to
public health, safety and welfare,
Publication is indispensable

Publication essential especially if general in

Rule on publication of administrative
issuances different from the Taada ruling
Tanada ruling: Publication in O.G. or
newspaper of general circulation is required
for effectivity of administrative rules and
What need not be published:

In the Admin Code of 1987: Filing of copy of

regulations is sufficient for effectivity

Penal Regulations
must be published in full text (Sec. 6 (2),
Book 7, Admin Code)
If a rule is penal in character, it is required
that the rule is published before it takes
effect. (People v. Que Po Lay)
the law itself must so declare the act as
penal statutes exclusive domain of the
legislature, cannot be delegated
In People v. Maceren, it was held that
"Administrative rules and regulations cannot
amend or modify or expand the law by
including, prohibiting or punishing certain
acts which the law does not even define as
a criminal act."
Interpretative rules
interprets the law enacted by the legislative

does not and cannot control decisions as to

the proper construction of the statute; not
binding but generally or in particular
circumstances it is given great weight and
has a very persuasive influence on the Court

Interpretative Rule can be found erroneous

by the successor (Hilado v. Collector of
Internal Revenue)
Administrative interpretation merely advisory
(Victorias v. SSC)
Wrong construction of the law cannot give
rise to a vested right. (Hilado v. CIR)
Action of the AA will be set aside if there was
error of law, or abuse of power, or lack of
jurisdiction, or grave abuse of discretion
clearly conflicting with the letter and spirit of
a legislative enactment. (Peralta v. CSC)
The power to hear a case can be delegated,
but not the power to decide. (American
Tobacco Co. v. Director of Patents, 1975)
The power to decide can be delegated
provided that the power to delegate such
function was not withheld expressly or
impliedly. (Realty Exchange v. Sendino,
1994, where the issue was whether the
HLURB could split itself into divisions when
hearing cases instead of meeting en banc.)
NOTE: Is it not implied from the fact that the
Board was constituted as a collegial body
that they were meant to decide as a collegial
body? (Hence an implied prohibition on the
delegation of quasi-judicial functions.)

Fixing of Rates, Wages and Prices

A rate is any charge to the public for a
service open to all and upon the same
terms, including individual or joint rates,
tolls, classification or schedules thereof, as
kilometreage and other special rates which
shall be imposed by law or regulation to be
observed and followed by any person. (Sec.
2 (3), Book VII, Admin Code)
AA to publish or circulate notices of
proposed rules and afford interested parties
the opportunity to submit their views prior to
the adoption of any rule. (Bk. VII Sec 9(1))
To be valid, proposed rates must be
published in a newspaper of general
circulation at least 2 weeks before the first
hearing thereon (Bk. VII, Sec 9(2)).
Function delegated to AAs because the
legislature has not the time, the knowledge
nor the means necessary to handle the
matter efficiently.

Need for dispatch, for flexibility and for

technical know-how better met by AAs.

Extent of
Notice &



Rate applies to

Rate directed
only at 1 entity

May be
dispensed with
unless the law


PSC not authorized to delegate power to fix

rates to a common carrier or other public
service. Power to fix rates, being a
delegated power cannot be delegated
further (Panay Autobus v. Philippine
Rate-fixing must be exercised by the agency
directly. The power to fix rates, which is a
delegated power, cannot be delegated
further (KMU v. Garcia)

Principle on rate fixing and requirement of

notice and hearing
if the rate to be fixed applies to all utilities in
general --- LEGISLATIVE in character
Notice and hearing may be dispensed with
unless the law requires otherwise.
If the rate to be fixed applies to one entity -QUASI-JUDICIAL in character notice and
hearing required.
(Vigan Electric v. PSC; Philcomsat v. Alcuaz)

Licensing Function
Licensing includes agency process involving
limitation, amendment, modification or
conditioning of a license. (GR-DR-SAM-C)
License includes the whole or any part of
any agency permit, certificate, passport,
clearance, approval, registration, charter,
membership, statutory exemption or other
form of permission, or regulation of the
exercise of a right or privilege. (PCPCARCM-SPR)
When the grant, renewal, denial or
cancellation of a license is required to be
preceded by notice and hearing, it cannot be
withdrawn, suspended, revoked or annulled
without notice and hearing (Sec 17(1), Bk,
no license may be withdrawn, suspended,
revoked or annulled without notice and
hearing (Sec 17(2), Bk VII)
1. in cases of willful violation of
pertinent laws, rules and regulations
2. when public security, health or
safety require otherwise
Where the licensee has made timely and
sufficient application for the renewal of a
license, the existing license shall not expire
until the application shall have been finally
determined by the agency. (Sec. 18, Bk, VII)
A license is always revocable. (Gonzalo Sy
B. Judicial Functions
1. Power to issue subpoena and declare
Do all agencies with quasi-judicial functions
have the power to issue subpoena?
Yes. As long as in exercise of quasijudicial even if charter is silent. Power is
vested in the AA in the Admin Code (see
Sec 13 Bk VII)
Test for valid enforcement of subpoena:
1. w/in authority of the agency ( expressly
authorized by law )

2. demand is not too indefinite subpoena

duces tecum
3. info is reasonably relevant
(Evangelista v. Jarencio)
rationale: power to adjudicate will be
rendered inutile if cant subpoena
Do all agencies with quasi-judicial functions
have the power to cite for contempt?
No. Power must be expressly granted in the
agencys charter (ex. PD 902-A creating the
If no law, must invoke the aid of RTC

Rationale: power to punish for contempt

inherently judicial
The power to cite for contempt can only be
used in connection with judicial and quasijudicial functions and with ministerial
functions. (Guevara v. COMELEC)

2. Warrants of Arrest, Administrative

Can administrative agencies issue warrants of
No. In Salazar v. Achacoso, it was held that
under the 1987 Constitution only a judge
may issue search or arrest warrants.
EXCEPTION: in cases of deportation of
illegal and undesirable aliens following a
purpose of deportation

In Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board, the

two ways of deporting are through the:
a.) Commissioner of Immigration under Sec 37
of CA 618
b.) President after due investigation pursuant to
Sec 69 of Revised Administrative Code.
- but no grounds needed has sole
discretion under international law

Can immigration authorities issue warrants of

arrest against undesirable aliens?
YES, but only if issuance is pursuant to a
final order of deportation.
authorities cannot issue warrants for
Constitution provides that only judges can

issue warrants to determine probable cause.

(Qua Chee Gan v. Deportation Board, 1963)
Note that the Constitution does not
distinguish between warrants in a criminal
case and administrative warrants in
administrative proceedings.
3. Imposition of fines and penalties
Do agencies have the power to impose fines
and penalties?
Yes. In the case of Oceanic Steam
Navigation v. Stranahan, the Court laid down
the tests for the validity of imposition of fines
Test for validity of imposition:
1. subject matter is within the control of
2. penalty is administrative or civil and not
criminal which would involve deprrvation of
3. power must be expressly conferred to an
administrative agency; power cannot be
exercised by implication

The fixing of penalties for criminal offense is

the exercise of legislative power which
cannot be delegated to a subordinate
authority. (U.S. v. Barrios)

C. Judicial Determination of Sufficiency of

a reiteration of the non-delegation doctrine

attitude of the courts is liberal in sustaining

the standards even if such are broad
The ff. have been held to be sufficient

1. Interest of law and order (Rubi v. Provincial

Board of Mindoro, 1919)
2. Public interest (People v. Rosenthal, 1939)
3. Justice, equity and substantial merits of the
case (International Hardwood v. Pangil
Federation, 1940)
4. What is moral, educational or amusing
(Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Commission,
5. Adequate and efficient instruction (PACU v.
Secretary, 1955)
6. Sound and reasonable discretion (implied
standard) (Wisconsin Inspection Bureau v.
Whitman, 1928)

7. Promotion of simplicity, economy or

efficiency (Cervantes v. Auditor-General,
8. Maintenance
promotion of rising level of production and
real income (People v. Joliffe, 1959)

What is sacrilegious is not a sufficient

standard. (Burstyn v. Wilson, 1952)

A. Rules of Procedure
B. Due Process
1. Cardinal Primary Rights
As held in Ang Tibay v. CIR, the seven cardinal
primary rights are:
1. Right to a hearing
2. Right to have the evidence considered
3. Decision must be supported by evidence
4. Substantial evidence
5. Transparency of records
6. Independent consideration of the judge
7. Decision must reveal relevant issues

absence of one of these 7 rights is sufficient

to question the proceeding
Presence of a party at a trial is not always
the essence of due process. All that the law
requires is that the parties be given notice of
trial, an opportunity to be heard. (Asprec v.
The right of a party to confront and crossexamine
fundamental right which is part of due
process. If without his fault, his right to
cross- examine is violated, he is entitled to
have the direct examination stricken out.
(Bachrach Motors v. CIR)
The law, in prescribing a process of appeal
to a higher level, contemplates that the
reviewing officer is a person different from
the one who issued the appealed decision.
Otherwise, the review becomes a farce; it is
Chromitev. CA; Anzaldo v. Clave; Rivera v.

Evidence on record must be fully disclosed

to the parties. (American Inter-Fashion
Corporation v. Office of the President)
In Matthews v. Eldridge, the U.S. Supreme
Court enumerated the 3 factors determining
constitutional sufficiency of administrative
1. private interest that will be affected
2. risk of erroneous deprivation of such interest
and probable value of safeguards
3. public interest vis--vis government costs

1. facts
2. issues
3. law
(Ang Tibay vs CIR)

2. Notice and Hearing

No Notice and hearing requirement in case
of a mere conference (Equitable v. NLRC)
Power to hear may be delegated but not the
power to decide (American Tobacco Co. v.
Director of Patents)
When required
a. When law specifically requires notice
and hearing (Halili v. PSC; Bautista v.
WCC; Equitable Banking Corp v. NLRC)
b. When it affects a persons status and
liberty (Commissioner of Immigration v.

If administrative action is based on an

undisputed fact and not a quasi-judicial
function, notice and hearing may be
dispensed with.

When not required

urgent reasons

when discretion is exercised by an officer

vested with it upon an undisputed fact
(Suntay v. People)
if it involves the exercise of discretion and
there is no grave abuse of discretion (De
Bisschop v. Galang)
when rules to govern future conduct of
persons or enterprises, unless law provides
otherwise (Taxicab Operators of Manila v.
Board Of Transportation)
in the valid exercise of police power
(Pollution Adjudication Board v. CA)

3. Form and Promulgation of Judgment

Decision should state:

Normally, this will be followed by the agency

to the letter. However, there are times when
there is substantial compliance (therefore
not violative of due process)
It is not necessary that the order make its
own discussion of the evidence and the
findings of fact if the court is satisfied with
the report of the examiner which already
contains the discussions of the findings and
conclusions. The rule is otherwise when the
court disagrees with the findings of the
examiner in which case the court must
specify and discuss the reasons for their
dissent. (Indias v. Phil. Iron Mines)
The requirement that all decisions should
contain a statement of facts and the law on
which it is based is only applicable to
decisions of courts of record, not to quasijudicial agencies. However, the due process
clause applies with regards to procedural
due process. (Valladolid v. Inchiong)
If a power to decide is granted to a specific
authority, it cant abdicate from this
responsibility by delegating the duty to
decide the case. It must personally decide
such. It can delegate the power to hear but
not the power to decide. (American Tobacco
v. Director of Patents)
The Boards act of dividing itself into
divisions of three is valid because under EO
648 the Board can adopt rules of procedure
for the conduct of its business and perform
such functions necessary for the effective
accomplishment of its functions. The power
to delegate a particular function can be
implied from the power of AA to issue rules
and regulations necessary to carry out its
functions. (Realty Exchange v. Sendino)

C. Jurisdiction
Refer to the enabling statute creating the
agency, especially
Jurisdiction is created and conferred by law

Pendency of a criminal case will not divest

the Deportation Board of its jurisdiction over

undesirable aliens in a deportation

proceeding. (Go Tek v. Deportation Board)
The Collector of Customs constitutes a
competent tribunal when sitting in forfeiture
proceedings. (Dela Fuente v. De Veyra)
CHR can only investigate violations of civilpolitical rights. It cannot try and decide
cases as ordinary courts of justice, or even
quasi-judicial bodies do. (Cario v. CHR)
CHR cannot issue cease and desist order
since the CHR can only investigate. The
power to issue cease and desist order is
reserved for quasi-judicial & judicial powers
(Simon, Jr. v. CHR)
The Bureau of Immigration has the primary
jurisdiction or exclusive authority to try and
hear cases against an alleged alien.
Judicial intervention should be granted only
in cases where claim of citizenship is so
substantial that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that the claim is correct.
(Board of Commissioners v. Dela Rosa)
The HLURB has jurisdiction over specific
performance, annulment of mortgage and all
other matters which pertain to sound real
estate practice. (Union Bank v. HLURB)
The CAB is authorized by RA 776 to issue
temporary operating permit or CPCN. (PAL
v. CAB)

D. Administrative and Judicial Proceedings

Arising from the same facts

The difference in the proceeding (one

administrative, the other criminal) is not legal
incompatibility. These 2 proceedings are
independent of each other involving different
causes of action and therefore can proceed
simultaneously. (Galang v. CA)
Matters that are material in administrative
case are not necessarily relevant in criminal
case. There are excuses, defenses and
attenuating circumstances which
relevant in an administrative proceeding
which are not admissible in trial in crim
cases. (Villanos v. Sabido)
The trial court had no jurisdiction to order
reinstatement since the judgment in a

criminal case is limited to acquittal or

conviction with accessory penalties. Only
the NLRC could have ordered reinstatement
with back wages. (PNR v. Domingo)
The criminal case for falsification is entirely
distinct from the administrative proceedings
conducted by the COMELEC against the
petitioner although both arose from the
same set of facts. The dismissal of the
criminal complaint against Tan is not a bar to
the administrative proceeding.
(Tan v.

E. Rules of Evidence
AAs not bound by technical rules of
evidence but due process must be observed
RATIO: to allow AA to act with speed and
What is the pervasive principle?
Technical rules of evidence and procedure
do not strictly apply to administrative
proceeding, but this does not mean they can
disregard certain due process requirements.

AAs may act on its own and use methods

which may best constitute substantial
evidence. (Estate of Buan v. Pambusco)
The SC not required to examine the proof de
novo. The only function of the SC is to
determine WON there is evidence before the
Commission upon which its decision might
be reasonably be based. (Rizal Light Co. v.
Municipality of Rizal)
AAs not bound by the strict or technical rules
of evidence governing court proceedings. In
the broad interest of justice, the ERB may, in
any particular manner, except itself from
these rules and apply such suitable
procedure as shall promote the objectives of
the order. (Maceda v. ERB)

A. Factors
Administrative Decisions
1. Question of constitutionality
2. history of statute
3. nature of problem (question of law or fact)

4. finality of decision (non quieta movere)

8. private land in land case proceedings

9. not a plain, speedy, adequate remedy
10. doctrine of qualified political agency alter ego
11. blatant violation of due process

Silence of Congress should not be

interpreted as indicating a legislative intent
to preclude judicial review. (Uy v. Palomar)

GEN RULE: Courts refuse to interfere with

proceedings undertaken by AA
(1) AA has
gone beyond statutory
(2) AA
(3) AA clearly acted arbitrarily and
without regard to his duty
(4) Grave abuse of discretion
(5) Decision
imposition or mistake
(Manuel v. Villena)
B. Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
Where law has delineated a procedure by
which administrative appeal or remedy could
be effected, the same should be followed
before recourse to judicial action can be
1. legal : law prescribes a procedure
2. practical : to give agency a chance to
correct its own error
3. for reasons of comity and convenience
1. purely legal question (Pascual v. Prov.
2. patently illegal act - lack of jurisdiction
3. time is of the essence and will result into
nullification of claim (Quasha v. Sec;
Alzate v. Aldana)
4. would be oppressive and unreasonable
(Cipriano v. Marcelino)
5. remedy only persuasive (Corpuz v.
6. estoppel by laches (Republic (PCGG) v.
7. irreparable damage and injury will be
suffered by the party (De Lara v.




In the case of Republic (PCGG) v. SB, the

Court held that failure to observe the
doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
remedies does not affect the jurisdiction of
the Court. The only effect of non-compliance
with this rule is that it will deprive the
complainant of a cause of action, which is a
ground for a motion to dismiss. If not
invoked at the proper time, this ground is
deemed waived and the court can take
cognizance of the case and try it. In this
case, seven years is hardly within "the
proper time".
The rule on non-exhaustion of administrative
remedies, being based on sound public
where there is estoppel on the part of
the party invoking the doctrine;
where the challenged administrative act
is patently illegal amounting to lack of
where there is unreasonable delay or
official inaction that will irretrievably
prejudice the complainant; and
where the question involved is purely
legal and will ultimately have to be
decided by the courts of justice.
The Rep. v. SB case falls under (I) and

C. Primary Jurisdiction or Preliminary

doctrine applies when there is concurrence
of jurisdiction (regular court and AA)
Courts will not intervene if the question to be
resolved is one which requires the expertise
of the AA and the legislative intent on the
matter is to have uniformity in ruling
1. not within competence of the AA
2. issue does not require technical
expertise of AA

Criteria for the application of the Doctrine as

laid down in the Texas and Pacific v. Abilene
(1) there is concurrent jurisdiction
(2) the agency has the necessary expertise to
competently rule on the issues (technical
expertise is crucial to resolution)
(3) In line with the legislative intent /objectives
of the law (e.g. uniform rates)

If case requires expertise, specialized skills

and knowledge of AA because technical
matters or intricate questions of fact are
involved, then relief must first be obtained in
an administrative proceeding before a
remedy will be supplied by the courts even
though the matter is within the proper
jurisdiction of the court. Application of the
doctrine does not call for the dismissal of the
case but only its SUSPENSION till after the
matters within the competence of the AA are
threshed out and determined. (Industrial
Enterprises v. CA)

LEGAL STANDING means a personal and

substantial interest in the case such that the
party has sustained or will sustain direct
injury as a result of the govt. act that is
being challenged. (Joya v. PCGG; :Lozada
v. Comelec; Kilosbayan v. Guingona)

Types of Standing:

D. Standing to Challenge

provided by law
taxpayers' suit
class suit
suit as members of the Congress

If the law specifies in an exclusive manner

as to who may appeal those who are not
included have no personality to sue. (Ursal v
VTA; Acting Collector v. CTA)
One having no right or interest to protect
cannot invoke the jurisdiction of the court as
party-plaintiff in an action. (Joya v. PCGG)
The issue of standing is a procedural
technicality which may be waived if the issue
of is of transcendental importance to the
public. (Kilosbayan v. Guingona)
The Court differentiated concepts of
standing and real party-in-interest and
held that Kilosbayan is not a real party in
interest because it was not a party to the
contract. (Kilosbayan v. Morato)

Tests of standing as laid down in Assn of

Data Processing Service Organization v.
1) Test of injury in fact (economic injury)
2) Whether or not arguably in the zone of
interest sought to be protected by the statute
Three elements of the constitutional
minimum requirements of standing:
(1) the plaintiff must have suffered an injury in
fact an invasion of a legally-protected
interest which is
(a) concrete and particularized and
(b) actual or imminent, not conjectural or
(2) there must be a causal connection between
the injury and the conduct complained of
the injury has to be fairly traceable to the
challenged action of the defendant, and not

the result of the independent action of some

third party not before the court.
(3) it must be likely as opposed to merely
speculative, that the injury will be
redressed by a favorable decision.
(Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife)
E. Ripeness
Purpose of the doctrine of ripeness
(according to Abbott Laboratories v.
1. to prevent courts, thru avoidance of
premature adjudication, from entangling
themselves in abstract disagreements over
administrative policies
2. to protect agencies from judicial interference
until decision has been formalized and effect
felt in a concrete way or the imminence of
the effect is demonstrable
2-fold test (must concur):
(1) fitness of the issue for judicial decision
(question of law, not policy-making)
(2) hardship to the parties of withholding such
court action
according to National Automatic Laundry
and Cleaning Council v. Shultz:
1. WON
there is congressional intent
negativing judicial review
2. Possibility of courts entangling themselves
in abstract disagreement over administrative
policies due to premature adjudication
3. Fitness of issue for judicial determination
and hardship to parties of withholding

Judicial Review
WON it is available is the threshold issue
If not available - end of litigation
If available - determine the specific
mode of review which must be invoked

A. Provisions of Law
Art. 9A, Sec 7, Constitution:
Decisions of the COA, COMELEC, and CSC
may be brought to the SC on CERTIORARI
within 30 days from receipt of copy of decision
The constitution uses the word may,
meaning review is not mandatory by only
BP 129
Authority of CA to review decisions of quasijudicial agencies is EXCLUSIVE (if such is
listed in law or if its charter so indicates)
If it is not listed, its decisions can be
reviewed by the RTC through the special
civil action for certiorari under Rule 65
Book VII, Section 25, Administrative Code of
Agency decisions shall be subject to judicial
review in accordance with this chapter and
applicable laws. (par. 1)
Any party aggrieved or adversely affected by
an agency decision. (par.2)
Within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a
copy (par. 4)
File petition for review (par.4)
In the court specified by statute or, in the
absence thereof, in any court of competent
jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions
on venue of the Rules of Court. (par. 6)

Petition for Review - question of fact and law

Must comply with

The time period
Docket fees

SC Revised Administrative Circular 1-95

(Rule 43, 1997 Rules of Procedure)

Grants CA with exclusive jurisdiction to

review decisions of 19 AAs.
Excludes the NLRC

Mentions only one constitutional body: CSC

Listing not exclusive - ejusdem generis

SC retains the special civil action for

certiorari if there is grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
As to AAs exercising quasi-judicial functions,
there is an underlying power in the courts to
scrutinize the acts of agencies on questions
of law and jurisdiction even though no right
of review is given by the statute. (Meralco
Securities v. CBAA)

If proceedings are already finished - do

not use prohibition as by then it would
be moot and academic
Unlike certiorari, prohibition
is more
expansive as it caters to quasi-judicial and
purely ministerial duties
D. Mandamus
1. Prove clear and controlling right - not
questionable and not subject to dispute
2. Duty of the person to whom mandamus
is directed is MINISTERIAL, not
3. No plain, speedy, adequate remedy
under the ordinary course of law

B. Certiorari
Two Kinds of Certiorari
1. Simple or Ordinary (Rule 45) - errors of
judgment; questions of law
2. Special Civil Action (Rule 65) - errors of
- SC has original jurisdiction, concurrent
with the RTC
Purpose: to nullify or set aside the

1. a) Lack of jurisdiction or
b) grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction
2. There is no other plain, speedy, adequate
3. Agency or tribunal is performing judicial or
quasi-judicial functions


1. to control or review the exercise of discretion
of a public officer (Blanco v. Board of
2. to compel issuance of visa (Ng Gioc Liu v.
Secretary of Foreign Affairs)
3. to enforce contractual obligations (Province
of Pangasinan v. Reparations Commission)
4. where there is no clear legal right as the
source of the "right" is not authorized (Cruz
v. CA)
5. to compel tax assessment not due (Meralco
Securities v. Savellano)

C. Prohibition
1. Lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse of
2. No other plain, speedy, or adequate remedy
3. Agency or tribunal is performing quasijudicial and ministerial functions
4. The act to be enjoined is yet to be
To stop or prohibit proceedings from
going on

Is it possible to ask for a writ of mandamus

against an agency exercising discretionary
Yes, when the writ of mandamus is in
order to compel the agency to exercise
or use its discretion but it will not
prescribe the action to be taken by the
board/officer (Policarpio v. Phil Veterans
If there is a capricious exercise of such
discretion, the remedy is CERTIORARI

E. Declaratory Relief
1. interested under a deed, will, contract or
written instrument affected by any
2. to
construction or validity arising from and
for a declaration of his rights, duties

can only be availed of before the breach

Requisites of Declaratory Relief

1. existence of a justiciable controversy capable of determination
2. between persons whose interests are
3. party seeking declaratory relief must
have a legal interest in the controversy
4. issue is ripe for adjudication

Citizenship cannot be declared in an action

for declaratory relief. (Azajar v. Ardalles)
DR must precede breach so as to avoid
multiplicity of suits. (De Borja v. Villadolid)
DR not available to a taxpayer who
questions his tax liability. (National Dental
Supply v. Meer)

F. Habeas Corpus
In what cases will habeas corpus pertinent
in administrative cases?
Deportation cases

It is a plain, speedy, adequate remedy to

secure release of persons under custody
Success of petition depends on the legality
of the detention
WHC would still issue even if the person is
already released if the release is conditional
such as when there is surveillance, there is
limitation in the place where he can go, etc.
Detention is legal if it is reasonable (Mejoff v.
Director of Prisons)
Bail renders a WHC moot and academic as
the bail bond gives him liberty. (Co v.
Deporation Board; Lucien Tran Van Nghia v.
Liwag) Note though that in Crim Pro we
were taught that WHC may still issue
despite the granting of bail when there is still
effective detention.

G. Injunction as a Provisional Remedy

1. To prevent the commission of certain acts
complained of
2. Commission or continuance of act
complained of would probably work injustice
to him

3. Defendant is doing, threatens or about to do

an act in violation of petitioner's rights which
may render the judgment ineffectve
If the plaintiff wins the main case, injunction
becomes permanent, if he does not,
injunction is dissolved
Ancillary remedy to principal action while
main action is pending
To preserve rights while main action is
Who issues the injunction
Superior court to an inferior court

The SEC and the RTC are co-equal (Pineda

v. Lantin; Phil Pacific Fishing Co. v. Luna)

Preliminary Mandatory Injunction

Commands an act to be done for the
purpose of restoring a pre-existing right and
to prevent damage
Would be issued if:
1. right is clear
2. considerations of relative inconvenience
strongly in favor of petitioner
3. there appears to be a willful invasion of
petitioner's right and the injury is a
continuing one
4. PMI will not create a new relation
between the parties
H. Suit for Damages as an Indirect Method
Even if damage ensues because of acts in
excess of authority, damages will not be
awarded if such act was (1) done in good
faith and (2) with color of title. (Philippine
Racing Club v. Bonifacio)
A. Law - fact distinction
Important because of substantial evidence
rule (i.e., AA decision, if supported by
substantial evidence, will not be reviewed by
the court)
Questions of Law - always reviewable

Question of Fact - reviewable only when not

supported by substantial evidence (findings

of fact, if supported by substantial evidence,

is conclusive on the court)
A conclusion drawn from series of facts is a
question of law which may be reviewed
(Dauan v. Secretary)

B. Question of Law
Examples are issue of constitutionality,
validity of agency action, and correctness of
the interpretation of law
Other examples:
1. question of citizenship (Ortua v. Vicente
2. WON there was a landlord- tenant
relationship (Mejia v. Mapa)
3. Questions
interpretation of the Articles of
Incorporation (Japanese War Notes
Claimants v. SEC)
4. Existence of an ER-EE relationship
(Ysmael v. CIR)
C. Question of Fact
GEN RULE: findings of fact of AA, if
supported by substantial evidence, is
conclusive on the courts

1. not supported by evidence presented

2. not supported by substantial evidence
1. WON thing exists
2. WON event took place
3. Which of 2 conflicting versions is correct

D. Questions of Discretion
If there is GAD, subject to certiorari

SC may not accept AAs findings of fact

when the decision was rendered by an
almost evenly divided court and that the
decision was precisely on the facts as borne
out by the evidence. (Gonzales v. Victory
Labor Union)
When there is grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack of jurisdiction, there is a
justification for the courts to set aside the
(Banco Filipino v. Monetary Board)
Sir Carlota says there is substantial
evidence when there is a semblance of
reasonableness in your conclusion

GAD - Capricious, whimsical, arbitrary,


How are agency actions going to be

Examine the pertinent provisions of the
enabling statute
Examples: issue permits, fix wages,
summary actions without notice and hearing,
ex parte order to cease and desist
Does res judicata apply to administrative
Yes, if it is exercising it's QUASI-JUDICIAL
FUNCTIONS (Ipekdjian Merchandising v.
Res judicata is a judicial concept.

Substantial evidence does not require you to

be sure but merely REASONABLE
Court must review the ENTIRE records.
Substantial evidence must be taken as a
whole - should not be selective in reviewing
the case. (Universal Camera Corporation v.

It does not apply if the exercise is purely

Res judicata may not be invoked in purely
administrative proceedings. (Nasipit Lumber
v. NLRC)
Decisions and orders of AAs rendered
pursuant to their quasi-judicial authority
have, upon their finality, the force and effect
of a final judgment within the purview of the
doctrine of res judicata. (Dulay v. Minister of
Natural Resources)

Requisites of res judicata:

1. previous final judgment
2. rendered by court with jurisdiction
3. must be a judgment on the merits

4. identity of parties, subject matter and

cause of action
Agencies performing quasi-judicial functions
have the implied power to issue writs of
If the enabling law expressly provides otherwise

If the law is silent, presume that the agency

has the power to enforce its decisions
emanating from its quasi-judicial powers.
(Apolega v. Hizon)
If the writ of execution is refused to be
implemented, the proper remedy is
MANDAMUS because by virtue of the writ of
execution, the duty has become ministerial.
(Vda. de Corpuz v. the Commanding
General of the Philippine Army)
CFI and the NLRC are co-equal such that an
order even if not directed against the NLRC
when it's effect would be to freeze it's
executory decision should be nullified.
(Ambrosio v. Salvador)
The authority to decide cases (quasi-judicial
powers) should normally and logically begin
to include the grant of authority to enforce
and execute the judgment it thus renders,
unless the law otherwise provides. (GSIS v.

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