Minutes July 6, 2015 8-04-15

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Monday, July 6, 2015
Mayor Burnett called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Council Members Beach, Dallas, and Theis, Mayor Pro-Tem

Talmage, and Mayor Burnett



Staff Present:

Doug Schmitz, City Administrator

Sharon Friedrichsen, Director of Budget and Contracts
Janet Bombard, Library and Community Activities Director
Mike Branson, City Forester
Rob Mullane, Community Planning and Building Director
Ashlee Wright, Deputy City Clerk


5.A City Boards and Commissions and Community Groups Proposals for the
2016 Centennial Celebration
The Mayor invited the Centennial Committee to provide an overview of plans for
activities and noted that the goal of the Committee is to have an activity or event each
month of 2016 leading up to Centennial in October.
Centennial Committee
Sue McCloud summarized events tentatively scheduled for 2016 and mentioned that
the Committee is considering options for opening the time capsule buried at the base of
the Memorial Arch. She referred community members to the Centennial Committee
webpage for further information.
Tom Brocato provided an update on the parade, including themes, and passed around
an example of the complimentary flags that will be handed out for spectators at the

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Merv Sutton stated that there will be food trucks and food provided by local restaurants,
which David Fink is working on organizing, for the Centennial block/dance party to be
held in front of Sunset Center. He reported that the Committee is also working on
designing canvas shopping bags to sell. Design ideas include the Centennial logo and
the Bill Bates mural.
Barbara Livingston reported that the Carmel Residents Association will be holding a four
lecture series and publishing a book on Carmel personages for the Centennial. She
reported some of the events planned for October 2016 include: Young Jeffers weekend
at Tor House October 1, Pac Rep productions, Art and Film Festival, Forest Theater
production, Sand Castle Contest, and ecumenical service at the Carmel Mission.
Sue McCloud stated that the sub-theme of the Centennial celebration is A Century of
Mayor Burnett invited the Board and Commission representatives present to share their
proposals for Centennial activities and events, and invited members of the public
representing other community groups to do the same when related topics were being
Planning Commission
Don Goodhue stated that the Planning Commission would like to produce a booklet on
Quirky Carmel to be handed out at the Building counter in the future to new residents,
which would feature a timeline of Council decisions that have resulted in the quality and
character of Carmel.
Ian Martin suggested that the Memorial Arch bell be rung at the start of the parade. He
added that efforts continue to locate the bowl that once sat beneath the Memorial Arch
and explained that if it is located it could be put on display.
Richard Kreitman suggested displaying the Memorial Arch bell elsewhere in town and
having a Centennial replacement cast. He stated that he has been in communication
with the American Legion about this potential project.
Forest and Beach Commission
Mike Branson, City Forester, stated that the Forest and Beach Commission is proposing
to: 1) Plant 100 Trees in 100 Days which would be Monterey Pines, 2) Replace the
holiday tree on Ocean Avenue, 3) Landscape and spotlight certain areas of Scenic
Drive, 4) Beautify Ocean Avenue north of Carpenter Street and 5) Hold a large-scale
city-sponsored beach clean-up and barbecue event.

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Sue McCloud stated that the Centennial Committee intends to bury a new time capsule
at the end of the Centennial festivities.
Skip Lloyd suggested sprucing up the landscaping in Devendorf Park and making the
bust of J.F. Devendorf more visible. He also suggested a picnic on Carmel Beach to
celebrate the return of the sands.
Maria Sutherland, Friends of Carmel Forest (FOCF), stated that FOCF will be offering
5-6 pine trees, from MEarth, to private property owners which would have a historical
marker attached and their placement noted on an interactive map. She stated that top
donors or first one hundred people to purchase a tree will be commemorated She
reported that the FOCF are interested in participating in the Centennial parade.
Community Activities and Cultural Commission
Donna Jett stated that the Community Activities and Cultural Commission is proposing:
1) A float for the Centennial parade that incorporates all of the City events 2) Monthly
cultural events in Devendorf Park, such as an art contest, 3) Tours of Carmel,
4) Events at Vista Lobos and First Murphy House, and 5.) Horse-drawn carriage rides.
She also reported that the Carmel Womans Club will be celebrating their 90th Birthday
by hosting 3-4 days of exhibits in December 2015 and that they propose to recreate
their birthday celebration in October 2016. She also stated the Womans Club will make
space available for planning Centennial events.
Christine Sandin, Sunset Center, stated that the Sunset Center is planning a Centennial
community event in September or November that would potentially feature a military
band and that the Sunset Center would be tying the Centennial into all of their
marketing. She reported that the Sunset Center was also planning to tie-in the following
events/activities to the Centennial: 1) Annual gala honoring the 100th birthday of Frank
Sinatra, 2) Meet the new Council, 3) Acquiring new banners, 4) Performances at the
Farmers Market with portable equipment and 5) A fundraising event where donors
could sponsor a seat in the Theater.
Debbie Chin, Carmel Bach Festival, stated that the Festival will be held July 16-30,
2016 and that they will incorporate Carmel history lectures into their program. She
added they also plan to include Centennial information on the April 30, 2016 Carmel
Cottages tours and they would like to be included in the parade.
Lee Rosen, Monterey Symphony, stated that the Symphony is celebrating its 70th year
and will be featuring the Centennial logo in all of their marketing materials in 2016. He
reported that the following events are planned: 1) Concerts October 22 at 8:00pm and
October 23 at 3:00pm, Youth Concert Series October 23 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

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2) Music inspired by Shakespeare at every concert, 3) A commissioned work for the

Centennial by John Wineglass, in partnership with the Big Sur Land Trust, taking
inspiration from three poems by Robinson Jeffers, and 4) Participation in the October
22-23 planned by the Forest Theater Foundation.
Ann Cole, Carmel Music Society, stated that the Society will be celebrating its 90th
season and that for the Citys Centennial it will play Happy Birthday at the October 29,
2016 evening Concert and serve cake. She reported that the Society will be unable to
participate in the Centennial parade.
Walt DeFaria stated that the Forest Theater Foundation will be working with the
Monterey Symphony, Bach Festival, Carmel Ballet Academy, and SODA to present a
history of Carmel through the arts.
Stephen Moorer, Pacific Repertory Theater, stated that plans are in progress for the
2015-2016 Season and that the Wizard of Oz and Twelfth Night will be performed at
the Forest Theater in 2016.
Richard Kreitman suggested including the schools in the Centennial celebration and
that the Boy Scouts Troop 127 and Cub Scouts are willing to help with the Centennial.
Emma Vetter stated that the Girls Scouts are willing to help the Centennial Committee
and will be wearing vintage costumes for the parade.
Mayor Burnett suggested that the Centennial Committee and City reach out to the
School District, once school resumes.
E. Griffin Ortiz, Carmel Youth Center, offered the Youth Center for Centennial-related
meetings, stated that the Youth Center would like to participate in the parade, and is
proposing to have an ice cream social, a historically-themed poster contest and
Centennial quilts to be auctioned off.
Donna Pribble, Carmel Heritage Society, is planning to: 1) Make the House Tours and
Inn Tours Centennial themed, 2) Have an exhibit at the First Murphy starting in
February, 3) Continue efforts with its endowment campaign in honor of the Centennial,
4) Display the Mayors Project in the Marjorie Evans Gallery in October. She noted that
the Heritage Society is planning to participate in the parade.
Historic Resources Review Board
Rob Mullane, Community Planning and Building Director, reported that the Historic
Resources Review Board is proposing: 1) to nominate the Forest Theater as a State

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Historic Landmark, 2) That businesses display historic photographs of their buildings in

the windows, 3) Historic photo display in City Hall, and 4) Historic Home of the Month
featured in the Pine Cone for 2016.
Harrison Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Richard Flower stated that the Library Board will have two themes: 1) Celebrating the
Carmel Free Library Association and the Harrison Memorial Library and 2) Carmel
authors and their contributions to the community. The Board is proposing to: 1) develop
a series of related bookmarks, 2) Create exhibits at the Main library featuring Carmel
authors, 3) Create displays at the Main Library and Park Branch about the history of
library and popular books, 4) Lecture on the history of the Library, 5) Lists for youth of
age appropriate Carmel literature, 6) Historypin walking Tours, and 7) Teen photo
contest of historically significant sites in Carmel.
Sue McCloud stated that historical photographs of Carmel will be on display the last two
weeks of October 2016 in the Marjorie Evans Gallery.
Susan Murphy, Friends of the Harrison Memorial Library, stated that the Friends would
have their annual book sale in August.
Fran Vardamis stated that the Tor House Festival theme will be the Jeffers family and
will be held September 20-Ocatober 1, 2016, and that the Garden party to be held May
1, will be Centennial themed. She also reported that the Tor House has a number of
historical photographs that could be used for displays.
Lee Larew, Carmel Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber will be using the
Centennial logo in all of its promotional material in 2016. She reported that the Chamber
is planning: 1) A display of old guides to Carmel and photo, 2) Centennial themed
annual membership luncheon, 3) Centennial tie-in to the Food and Wine event in
October, and 4) To distribute old Carmel lanterns to businesses. She also stated that
the Chamber is interested in participating in the parade.
Skip Lloyd, Friends of Mission Trail Nature Preserve, stated that the Friends are
planning to: 1) Implement the Master Plan, 2) Lead walks and field trips emphasizing
Carmels natural mystique, 3) Have a lecture on Lester Rowntree, 4) Create new
brochures with a history of the Preserve, 5) Complete the Mountain View entrance, 6)
create a trail map for Carmel, and 7.) Plant a pine grove in the Preserve to be called the
Devendorf Grove.
Lisa Bryan, Carmel Treasures, asked if the City had considered creating posters to sell
to raise funds.

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Merv Sutton stated that the Centennial Committee was considering reproductions of old
Forest Theater posters and working on a Post Office cancellation using a Father Serra
E. Griffin Ortiz suggested a Centennial toolkit for use by community groups.
Council Member Beach suggested that a piece of public art be commissioned for the
Centennial and that a registry of public art be created.
Vice Mayor Talmage suggested re-running the Centennial mailing list to solicit further
ideas from groups that were not represented at the meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mayor Burnett adjourned the
meeting at approximately 7:00 p.m.



Jason Burnett, Mayor

Ashlee Wright
Deputy City Clerk

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