The Link Between Lucis Trust and Intelligence

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Thomas 'Pop' Watson

The American Family Foundation (AFF), founded and bankrolled by Wall Street banker
John Irwin III, the grandson of IBM founder "Pop" Watson, has launched a thought-
police campaign of intimidation against supporters of LaRouche on university
campuses across the country. So, just who IS 'Pop' Watson??
Thomas Watson was a leading figure in organizing public/private intelligence
networks tasked to conduct Gestapo-style dirty tricks against the political
enemies of the Anglo-American establishment. A pro-Mussolini ideologue, Watson was
brought into IBM in 1911, becoming its President in 1924 with the backing of the
Morgan financial interests. In 1937, as head of the International Chamber of
Commerce, Watson traveled to Europe for meetings with Adolph Hitler and Benito
Mussolini, where he received the German Eagle from Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmer
Schacht. At the same time, Watson's IBM was being built up through U.S. government
contracts for typewriters and business machines. During World War II, IBM played a
major role in the espionage efforts run by Sir William Stephenson, director of the
British Special Operations Executive (SOE) in the United States during WWII.In a
1944 speech to the graduating class of the FBI academy, Watson called for the
creation of an international police force to hunt down war criminals. Formation of
such an agency began in 1946, when Watson and a former official of the OSS began
to organize a private international intelligence agency based around IBM. This
later became integrated with official government intelligence agencies, through
direct contracts, and a revolving door through which IBM security and R&D
executives switched places with officials from such agencies as Naval
Intelligence, the National Security Agency and the Department of Justice."Pop"
Watson's intelligence apparatus was deployed against LaRouche no later than 1974.
In June of that year, the head of IBM security, Joe Rossetti, conducted a series
of seminars and joint operations against LaRouche, in coordination with the
International Association of Chiefs of Police. These became highly publicized
after internal documents from the operation were leaked to various news
organizations, including the New York Times and Associated Press. This joint
IBM/IACP operation, against LaRouche, coincided with the now infamous efforts by
the FBI's New York City office to assist the Communist Party U.S.A. attempts to
target LaRouche for assassination.

The Bodman and Achelis Foundations

The single largest financial promoters of the American Family Foundation for the
past decade have been the Bodman and Achellis Foundations. These two separate
foundations have overlapping trustees and officers and are both housed in the New
York City law offices of Morris and McVeigh, which also acts as general counsel
for both foundations.Both the Bodman and Achellis Foundations and the Morris and
McVeigh law firm are chock full of New York-based intelligence and banking
families who generally avoid the political limelight, preferring to shape
national, political, and cultural policy through private foundation grants.George
Bodman, who established the Bodman foundation with his wife, was the senior
partner in one of the oldest Anglo-American Wall Street investment houses, Cyrus
J. Lawrence and Sons, founded in 1854. Bodman was active in intelligence circles
and ran the Intelligence Service of the War Trade Board of New York during World
War I.Of the founding partners in Morris and McVeigh, the former was a trustee of
the Bank of New York with George Bodman, while the latter was the president and
trustee of the Bodman and Achellis Foundations.Among its many projects, the Bodman
Foundation funded the International Rescue Committee, while former CIA director
William J. Casey was its president.The board of trustees of the Bodman Foundation
includes former Ambassador Walter J. P. Curley, an associate of Casey's; Peter
Frelinghuysen, whose family is married into the family of former CIA officer Cord
Meyer; and John N. Irwin III, the son of the under secretary of state to Henry
Kissinger.The Bodman and Achellis foundations combined to grant over a half
million dollars to the American Family Foundation during the first decade of its
existence.A close inspection of the grant-making activity of these foundations
discloses support for institutions that have been seminal to the erosion of Judeo-
Christian culture. In 1969, the Bodman foundation financed the Temple of
Understanding, which established itself as the only religious chapel housed in the
United Nations in New York. Antropologist Margaret Meade, the grande dame of the
New Age, was was an active supporter.The Temple is the creation of the Lucis
Trust, a leading Satanic cult, founded in London in 1922 as the Lucifer Trust. The
name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis, to make the nature of the
organization less conspicuous.American sponsors of the Lucis Trust include Henry
Clausen, former supreme grand commander of Scottish Rite Freemasons; the
Rockefeller Foundation; former secretary of defense Robert S. McNamara;, Rabbi
Marc Tannenbaum of the American Jewish Committee; and Thomas Watson, Jr. of IBM.
Watson is the uncle of John N. Irwin, III.Offices of the Temple of Understanding
are located at the Anglican Church of St. John the Divine in New York City, which
is also funded by the Bodman Foundation. The church is well known as a key sponsor
of New Age activity.

From EIR

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