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Sants to leave FSA this summer

Financial Services Authority CEO Hector Sants announces his departure

DWP extends major network contract

Three-year extension for voice and data networks and call centre solutions

Olympics bill could go up by £160m

The bill for security during and after the games may rise but Tessa Jowell insists the event will come in on budget

FCO's estate management 'is poor'

Cost overrun since 2002 is around £57m against a total spend on capital projects of £250m, the NAO has

Strategy weak over £60bn pension hole Local Government Association admits there is great uncertainty
over how public sector pensions will be financed

Birmingham council cuts horrify unions

Unison wants Birmingham City Council to freeze plans to cut up to 2,000 jobs over the next financial year

Poor people 'die seven years earlier'

There's still much to do, admits Andy Burnham after Sir Michael Marmot releases health inequalities report

MI5 may be investigated over Mohamed

David Miliband is forced to publish previously redacted information on the alleged torture of Binyam

MPs' standards body to cost £6.6m

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority will cost around six times the amount that MPs are
paying back

UK Border Agency 'must do better'

The Parliamentary Ombudsman Ann Abraham has said that the agency still has a long way to go

DWP errors led to £800m overpayment Mistakes by Department for Work and Pensions officials are
caused by over complex system, says committee


Watch out for the data watchdog's bite

Data security breaches will soon be punishable by big fines as new legislation comes into effect. Nick Lowe
considers how you protect sensitive data against painful losses, and keep the watchdogs friendly

Can we reduce the digital gap?

As tackling digital exclusion becomes a key objective in the Brown government, UK online centres' Helen
Milner tells Mike Lowe about the Prime Minister's extra funding for the cause and how, with a little help,
departments can make a difference

DNA defence letter duplicated data

Minister guilty of 'incompetence' after supplying flawed information to MPs

Prisoners' Facebook pages removed

Thirty pages taken down as prisoners were using them to taunt their victims

EU-US data sharing deal is rejected

MEPs have voted to stop sharing finance data due to concerns over privacy

Website take-down body established

Minister reveals new body that will work on taking down terrorist websites

People want MPs to engage online

Instead of a broadcast-only relationship, they want to communicate with MPs


Coordinating our digital future

As the government's new IT strategy is formally launched, HR & Training Journal's Lauren Smith speaks to
Government Chief Information Officer John Suffolk about the significance of blogging and other informal
forms of IT communication

Building Britain's digital future

Writing in advance of's launch, the government's director of digital engagement, Andrew Stott,
outlines how the government is working towards improving digital engagement and the challenges ahead

Better data use could mean a better response

A high quality rather than high quantity of data is now recognised as key for public sector organisations to
work effectively. But once they have this high quality data, most organisations cannot use it effectively
anyway. Mike Lowe investigates the options­government

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