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Review_31/07/15 - ( Rating - 7/15 ) Positive - High Risk - Rupee is Depreciating / Nifty on verge of Breaking out into Bull Market / AD is +ve / TRIN is -ve / Net 52 WK Hi/Low is
+ve / Bonds is -Ve (--) Big Picture is Positive.
| 0 is extreme -ve | 1 is -ve | 2 is Neutral | 3 is +ve | 4 is extreme +ve |

Indian Rupee - ( 3/4 ) Rupee Breakout from Symmetrical triangle Pattern. $ is in a

Bull Maket v/s Rupee Depreciation.Rupee had Retracement from Top to 61.37 on 0308-2014. Rupee is consolidating into a Range at Demand Level from Weekly
Timeframe.A Breakout from Range is awaited

Supply Zone at 1) 69.228 (68.860) 68.578 2) 64.074 (63.669) 63.206

Demand Zone are at 1) 61.154 (60.720) 60.373 & 2) 59.368 (59.044) 58.688

It is notable Breakout of the entire activity of previous 4 Months is contained into the
range of August Huge Candle & it is unable to takeout the lows of that August
candle.On Daily TF the price has broken on Upside. It is Notable that $ Index has Given
a Breakout from Weekly Demand Zone & $ is expected to Raise against all Currencies
(Trouble for Rupee) Also With Growing Crises senerio Green Buck (has been
considered to be the Hedge (Preferred Vehicle For Cash).

Nifty - ( 3/4 ) Daily Chart is in Uptrend - Highest Low is 7980.

This was a Normal Range Week.The Bears won the week as prices closed in bottom
third of the Range below the Previous week close & exposed the inability of Bulls to
Retest the Supply Zone on Weekly Timeframe.
The Higher High, Higher Low Bar Range has been broken on Daily Weekly & Monthly
Timeframe - Weekly | DZ - 8160 - 7961 + 7831 - 7723 | SZ 8626 - 8588

Monthly Chart's Engulfing bar action could mean deep correction. The Demand Zone
on Monthly is near 7721 - 7422 & Below it 6730 - 6650

Demand Levels are (8513 - 8451) + (8257 - 8236) + (8118 - 8084) + FZ 7890 + (7906 7857) + SHFZ (7840 - 7817) + (7731 - 7695) + (7676 - 7654) + (7625 - 7598) + (7564 7532) + (7420 - 7360) + (7130 - 7080) + RN 7000 + (6860 - 6820) + (6690 6640) + 6354
(6228.45) 6187.80 + 6133 (6100) 6102 + 5807 (5791) 5780 + 5755.28 to 5714.63 +
5550.13 (5506.50) 5474.97 + 5276.86 - 5211.20 + 5128.09 (5079.67) 5032.70 +
4842.27 4770.73

Supply Levels - 9117 - 9042 + 8985 - (8950) - 8914

Price Major Trend line break from Historic Pivot Highs of 6154 - 6134 is broken on
the Up side & retesting the Trendline break from above,Measured up move of Break
of Ascending Triangle is Very high at 10043.
Volume Volumes are in increasing Trend.In Aug series Nifty future added 39.87
lakh position in Open Interest and this accounts to 24.01 % of Total Open Interest in
Aug series.The Nifty Aug series is trading at 39.95 Rs premium to Underlying . In
derivative cumulatively for all series contract Nifty future net added 14.29 lakh
position in open interest and this accounts to 5.5 % of Total Open Interest in all series
and cumulatively trading in average premium of 40.1 Rs to Underlying.
Open Intrest (OI) Record updated for-.Aug/01/2015-NIFTY FUTURECMP(8461.75) is currently in SLIGHTLY BEAR trend.The open interest is also increasing
with trend and discount of share is also increasing indicating down move.
In options activity mainly confined to lower puts even though put/call ratio is high At
current price strike the activity is tilted to put side and ratio is still strong but addition
of call is slightly increasing at 8400 level Yesterday Nifty Put option has added 847.52
lakh position and Nifty call option has added 846.7 lakh position in open interest on
cumulative basis Moneyflow wise Nifty Put option has added Rs 232.09 crore in value
and Nifty call option has added Rs 432.53 crore in value on cumulative basis.
NIFTY PCR (Position Wise) - 1.00 & (Money Wise) - 0.35

Sentiments Sentiments are now Caustious as current Breakout into Life time High
has retraced, Due to Sharp retracement in Upmove Traders are forced to cut their
Long Position,A Break on Upside from Weekly Inverse H&S & Monthly Ascending
Triangle Indicates Supreme Power for Bulls.Risk Reward would be favourable on Bear
Side upto Retest. Earnings expectations are mostly -ve
TIme After Previous F&O expiry (@ 8398.00 ) Nifty could now build Long Position
due to Sharp Pullback ..
Nifty's 56 Day Cycle (2806-2015 was a Gapdown Bullish Bar Up Day) (Next Date 23-08-2015 Expect Uptrend )->
Mid month Reversal ( 15-072015 was a Normal Range Bull Day )(Next Date 14-08-2015) Quaterlies Settlement is
on 3rd Friday (19-06-2015 was Normal Range Bull bar Day) (Next Date 19-09-2015)
P & F Chart Double Top Breakdown Pattern occurred on 26-06-2015. 1) Rare
Double top & H&S Neckline Breakout @ 8000
Breadth Charts - ( 0/3 ) (Rating 1 for Each +ve)
Advance Decline Line (0/1) If the Nifty is rising but the number of stocks
advancing is dropping, then the trend is in trouble and may pause soon or even
AD Line is Now falling with increase in Nifty, indicates decreased strength in Up trend
& But Line is still Low on the Curve hence it is Positive for Uptrend.
Midcaps are Raising with declining Momentum ( After Recovery from Over Sold Levels
) But some Large caps & All Index Heavy Weights are Declining with Little Momentum.

Trader's Index (TRIN Chart) (1/1) To Incorporate Volume of Advance Decline

Analysis - TRIN is unusual in that it moves opposite to the Nifty
TRIN is a ratio where 1.0 means selling and buying pressure are equal TRIN BELOW 1.0
(More Volume in stocks that are advancing) & Above 1.0 (More Volume in stocks that
are Declining
SMA Trin is Between 0.8 & 0.7 indicated reduced Strength in Uptrend & space for
more stocks to Decline even tho Nifty is Rising,The series of Higher Lows in SMA10 of
TRIN can be Restored.

NSE Net Monthly High & Low (0/1) More Stocks in the index making new highs
versus new lows if Number is Reducing Trend is in Trouble.The Rising New Highs
indicate Markets Buying pressure is accelerating (Environment & Trend) is Positive
There is a downward slope as "Valleys of 52 week Highs" has been broken on upside
for a 2nd Time indicating weekness in Up Trend.The "Peaks of stocks Hitting 52
Week High" Should increase for strong Up Trend

India Vix Volatility Index (or Fear Index or VIX) is a weighted measure of the implied
volatility.Market Makers hedge the market Play, the Down Volume is always a factor
& used in Direct Corelation with the VIX & They Together have Indirect corelation with
Index ie Vix & DVol is Down; Market will move Up AND Vix & DVol is Up;Market will
move Down.Indirect relation between Vix & DVOL leads to Sidewise Index
VIX is below 20 indicating Complacancy. Fear/ Volitality has increased with Up Trend
indicating Possible pullback...Volume is also High....
Indian Bonds (0/4) Indirect Correlation with Stock Market; Money Flows from Bonds to Stock for Short term Maturity (Mkt Goes up) & Vice Versa. Shorter Period
= Lower Rate (Controlled by Centeral Bank & Indirect relation to Stock Market) + Longer Period = Higher Rate (Controlled by Market)
All Bonds Compleing Pullback in Uptrend. InCorrect Relation of 30Y ROI > 10Y ROI < 3Y ROI is achived (Caution Money is Moving to Short term Bond Market from
Share Market indicates Weekness in Economy & Flight to safety ) .. . Under Asset Rotation from Risk on (Equity Market) to Risk off (Bond Market - Security Backed
by Govt) & with Devalution of Rupee the Dollar Outage is gaining strength ( Increase of Returns in 100% Govt secured Bonds).Also Yield Returns in India are more than
corrosponding Bonds in Developed Markets.
10 Y
30 Y

Commodities (Negative Correlation) $CRB is in Accumulation Phase, Commodities

Crude Has Broken Down, Gold is Pushed down as $ Moved up But Copper has
regained Lost Ground ... & Geo Political Tensions are high,Now Commodities are to
Resume uptrend if $ fails to resume uptrend & continues to Decline

Group 1 - Oil + Gas -> 33% Weight

Group 2 - Natural Gas + Metal + Corn + Soya -> 42% Weight

Currency Markets (Positive Coorrelation) Dollar is inclining Currency post the

bounce from Demand Zone & Hence Some Currencies are Reaching Supply Zone.
Japan Yen Aussie $ are Depriciating & Market are trying to Rebuild (Distribution) after
Fed's Stance of Tapering in QE & Budget Deal, Hints at Liquidity Reversal is on Hold
(Market is Build Gains on Good News) ..... Hence Global markets are in Risk Off Mode
.. Currency War has Reached Phase II where Every Currency (Developed & Other
Emerging Mkt Currencies ) are depreciating against $ to take advantage of investment
in safe Govt Secured Bond

Group 3 - Others -> 25% Weight

World Markets (Positive Coorrelation) Chinese Recover is Slow with raised

concerns on liquidity & Devalued Yunan & US Markets has Fresh Break Down
(Markets are Distributing Stocks on Good News Markets are now Ferouscliously
Selling.Europe CAG are Near Resistance DAX & FTSE have given Fresh Break down
(Global Markets are Now breaking out of Resistance. Syncronisation in Breakouts is
seen after Creating consolidation Patterns.But Global Liquidity is Drying,interest Rates
are increasing ..All Equity Markets except EMs are on Risk ON Mode


NB: These notes are just personal musings on the markets, trends etc, as a sort of reminder to me on what I thought of them at a particular point in time. They are not predictions and none should rely on them for any
investment decisions. Readers Discretion Expected. Advocate to Consult Your Financial Advisor before any Investment as Investment in any market may be Lost in its Entirety. Strictly for Entertainment Purpose Only.

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