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Suma Christal Mary / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 2(7), 2010, 3213-3217

S.Suma Christal Mary ME (Ph.D)
PSN College of Engg & Technology
Melathediyoor, Tirunelveli Dist
Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract- Vulnerability is very essential in cyber security related mechanisms. The usage of this vulnerability
is to identify the attacks over the cyber space system. This term become increased the challenges in cyber
space system in large areas. Interdependencies between computer communication system and the physical
infrastructure also become more complex as information technologies are further integrated into devices and
networks. Vulnerability causes due to ethical hacking, Trojan attacks, logical bombing. In the recent days
firewalls are eliminate the various cyber attacks. The usage of filtering algorithm prevent from E-mail
bombing. To secure the server system we can avoid hacking. The above countermeasures are identifying the
attacks and improve the efficiency.
Keywords-, Cyber Security, Cyber Space, Vulnerability, Ethical hacking, Logical Bombing, Web Hijacking, Trojan
The term of Cyber security deals with protecting the information from attackers and unauthorized persons.It can be
protect the information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attackers problems. It measures the problems of
systems and unauthorized attacks. Cyber security is determine with cyberspace safe from threats, it is called cyberthreats. Cyber-threats was applied the malicious use of information and communication technologies (ICT) or the
behaviour of attackers.
In cyber security, vulnerability means the weak points and reduced the effectiveness of the systems
standard and quality. The attacker used the set of rules and applications to break the security and create the weak
points in networks. Vulnerabilities are caused by programming errors in software. Attackers may be create the
unwanted data between the network and easy to modify the original data or information.
a. Need for cyber security
1) Identify Hackers. Hackers are simply made any changes in any place. He easy to identify the software
loopholes and hijacks the computer through network, using cracking software.
Identify Internet scams and fraud. Attackers make several fraud activities. These include phishing, it should
be make many alternatives in personal information.
Identify Cyber theft. Cyber theft is not a individual work its the group activity. It can be done by criminals
and various type of attackers.
Identify Virus attacks. Virus attacks are make system crashes and reduced the efficiency. It should be make
unknown websites and download files and program and tools.
Identify Spyware. The spyware means automatically installed on your computer, spyware tracks personal
information you entered and sends it to its creator.
The previous research widely used firewall and the Intrusion detection system (IDS), network monitoring based
rules in every system. But the output is less that means security is breakable. In the above are didnt identify the
other attacks such as Ethical hacking, Logical Bombing, Web Hijacking, Trojan Attacks.

ISSN: 0975-5462


S. Suma Christal Mary / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 2(7), 2010, 3213-3217
The proposed method is dealt the previous approaches such as Firewall, Intrusion Detection system (IDS),
Policy Based Rules and combining three techniques high security can be maintained. It can be used in SCADA
system.. In our approach we used network monitoring IDS, that should be check the IP address and port numbers
whenever visit the network in certain period of time.

Fig 1: Architecture for Cyber Network Environment of a control center

IDS- Intrusion Detection System

RTU-Remote Terminal Unit
PLC-Programmable Logic Controller
HMI-Human Machine Interface
The architecture of cyber net environment, represent in Figure 1 explains the connection of networks, all
the networks are protected by the firewalls. The work of control center network is connected to other networks and
maintained the workstation. The Intrusion Detection System and policy based rules are protect that networks highly
secured because the usage of firewalls. The control center network is improbable to be attacked directly.
In the intrusion to control center networks can be communicated other networks through the workstations.
Through an intranet, each of the geographically dispersed substations is set up with a dial-up network for
maintenance purposes. In addition, wireless networks may be installed for local communication. Virtual private
network (VPN) is a cyber security technology used to connect with other corporate networks.

Fig 2: Proposed model and model with OS vulnerability

ISSN: 0975-5462


S. Suma Christal Mary / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 2(7), 2010, 3213-3217
a. Firewall Model
A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server that protects the resources of a
private network from users from other networks. A firewall also includes or works with a proxy server that makes
network requests on behalf of workstation users. A firewall is often installed in a specially designated computer
separate from the rest of the network
The policy based rules are writing with the following criteria for the acceptance.
1) Type of protocols
2) Incoming and outgoing traffic
3) The range of Specific port service or a
4) The range of Specific IP address or an
IP address range.

port service

b. Password Model
The mechanism for storing these failed logon trials, or other security-relevant events, is embedded in the
computer system for analysis, e.g., security logs from event viewer in the Windows platform. The password model
is used to evaluate penetration attempts based on repeatedly failed logons without establishing authentication
credentials. This model includes two components: failed logon probability and the response rate. The probability is
evaluated by the number of failed logons. The response rate is the central processing unit (CPU) clock rate, which
represents the performance of a computer system that validates the credentials of a user. These two components
provide a means for evaluating intrusion attempt behavior with respect to how fast each attempt can be made on
each machine.
c. Vulnerabilities
Hackers are retrieve the original data and modify that data scrampled format. In this paper we dealt with
some of the hackers activity. Due to hackers following vulnerabilities can occur.
Logical Bombing
The logic bomb is an unauthorized program that is inserted into an computer so that when it is started it affects the
operation of the computer.
Web Hijacking
Hijacking is a type of network security attack in which the attacker takes control of a communication - just as an
airplane hijacker takes control of a flight - between two entities and masquerades as one of them. In one type of
hijacking the perpetrator takes control of an established connection while it is in progress. The attacker intercepts
messages in a public key exchange and then retransmits them, substituting their own for the requested one, so that
the two original parties still appear to be communicating with each other directly.
Trojan Attacks
Trojan horse, or Trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to run or
install but instead facilitates unauthorized access of the user's computer system. It is a harmful piece of software that
looks legitimate. Users are typically tricked into loading and executing it on their systems.
This proposed IDS the malicious code and Trojans can be identify easily. Hacking can be prevented by
using Firewall, Intrusion Detection System, Authorization and Authentication, Virus Protection, Assessment and
Auditing. In this paper we used firewall for port scanning and probing. Stenography, Cryptography is the types of
preventive measure from hackers. Stenography is used to transmit the data securely in the form of picture or
video. Hacker can not be able to detect the data.

ISSN: 0975-5462


S. Suma Christal Mary / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 2(7), 2010, 3213-3217
a. Detection Rate:

Fig 4: Period vs Number of new threats

This figure 4 shows the comparison result between each and every threats. In cyber crimes and
cyber attacks are happen more nowadays. We can understand from the detection chart, number of new
threats to be detected every year. In this project detection rate will be more because we combine three
security methods. So we can identify the preventive measures.
b) Prevention Rate
The figure 5 shows the comparison result of combination of firewall, IDS, Policy based prevention system with
firewall model and IDS model. In Firewall model accuracy of prevention is only 70%, in IDS model is 50%,
where in our proposed model accuracy of prevention is 100%.

Fig. 5: Comparison analysis of Our model (combination of firewall, IDS, Policy based

rules) with Firewall model and IDS model.


In this research paper explained the vulnerable points in cyber security. This vulnerabilities attack the
system very easily. It is a criteria for evaluating the web application infrastructure in cyber security. The proposed
system used to identify the quantify of the system. The module of this research is classified into three levels. A
lower password model represents the intruder attempts. The drawback of a low level may result in a user account
lockout, it may be occur by typographical errors from authorized users. In this research we can explained the
attackers from insider and outside effectiveness of a countermeasure. The proposed system can be used as method
that assume security analysts to identify the bottleneck of the system and improvements are most effective in cyber
system. In future we can implement IDS monitoring system and scanning.

ISSN: 0975-5462


S. Suma Christal Mary / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Vol. 2(7), 2010, 3213-3217
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I am presently working as a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at PSN College of
Engg &Technology, Tirunelveli Tamilnadu State.I have guided more than 20 UG and PG Projects. I have published
International Journals and presented more than 15 papers in national and international conferences. My area of
interest cyber security, network security.

ISSN: 0975-5462


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