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Equivalence Partitioning Method

An equivalence class data is a subset of a larger class. This data is used for
technically equivalence partitioning rather than undertaking exhaustive testing of
each value in the larger set of data.
For example, a payroll program, which edits professional tax deduction limits within
Rs. 100 to Rs. 400, would have three equivalence partitions.
Less than Rs.100/- (Invalid Class)
Between Rs.100 to Rs.400/- (Valid Class)
Greater than Rs.400/- (Invalid Class)
If one test case from one equivalence class results in an error, all other test
cases in the equivalence class would be expected to result the same error. Here,
tester needs to write very few test cases, which is going to save our precious time
and resources.
Boundary Value Analysis:
Experiences show that the test cases, which explore boundary conditions,
have a higher payoff than test cases that do not. Boundary conditions are the
situations directly on, above and beneath the edges of input and output equivalence
This technique consists of generating test cases and relevant set of data that
should focus on the input and output boundaries of given function. In the above
example of professional tax limits, boundary value analysis would derive the test
cases for:
Low boundary plus or minus one (Rs.99/- and Rs.101/-)
On the boundary (Rs.100/- and Rs.400/-)
Upper boundary plus or minus one (Rs.399 and Rs.401/-)
Error Guessing:
This is based on the theory that test cases can be developed, based upon
intuition and experience of the test engineer. Some people tend to adapt very
naturally with program testing. We can say these people have a knack for Smelling
out errors without incorporating any particular methodology.
This Error Guessing quality of a tester enables him to put in practice, more
efficient and result oriented testing than a test case should be able to guide a Tester.
It is difficult to give procedure for the error guessing technique since it is largely
intuitive and ad hoc process. For example, where one of the input is the date. Test

engineer may try February 29, 2000 or 9/9/99.

Orthogonal Array:
Particularly this technique is useful in finding errors associated with region
faults. An error category associated with faulty logic within software component.
For example there are three parameters (A, B & C) each of which has one of
the three possible values. Which may require 3X3X3=27 Test cases? But because of
the way program works it is probably it is more likely that the fault will depend on
the values of only two parameters. In that case fault may occur for each of these 3
test cases.
1. A=1, B=1, C=1
2. A=1, B=1, C=2
3. A=1, B=1, C=3
Since the value of the 'C' seems to be irreverent to the occurrence of this
particular fault, any one of the three test cases will suffice. Depending upon the
above assumption, test engineer may derive only nine test cases. This will show all
possible pairs within all three variables. The array is orthogonal because of each pair
of parameters all combination of their values occurs once.
That is all possible pair wise combination between parameters A & amp;
amp; B, B & C, C & A are shown since we are thinking in terms of pairs we say this
array has strength of 2, It does not have strength of 3, because not all three way
combination occurs A=1, B=2, C=3 for example, dont appear but it covers the pair.
The Orthogonal array (OA) based testing is a systematic, statistical way of
testing. Orthogonal arrays could be applied in user interface testing, system testing,
regression testing, configuration testing and performance testing.

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