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1. DSM-IV employed a multiaxial diagnostic system. Which of the following statements best describes the
multiaxial system in DSM-5?
A. There is a different multiaxial system in DSM-5.
B. The multiaxial system in DSM-IV has been retained in DSM-5.
C. DSM-5 has moved to a nonaxial documentation of diagnosis.
D. Axis I (Clinical Disorders) and Axis II (Personality Disorders) have been retained in DSM-5.
E. Axis IV (Psychosocial and Environmental Problems) and Axis V (Global Assessment of
Functioning) have been retained in DSM-5.
2. To enhance diagnostic specificity, DSM-5 replaced the previous not otherwise specified (NOS) designation
with two options for clinical use: Other Specified [disorder] and Unspecified [disorder]. Which of the following
about use of the Unspecified designation is true?
A. The Unspecified designation is used when the clinician chooses not to specify the reason that
criteria for a specific disorder were not met.
B. The Unspecified designation is used when there is no recognized Other Specified disorder
(e.g., recurrent brief depression, sexual aversion).
C. The Unspecified designation is used when the individual has fewer than three symptoms of any
of the recognized disorders within the diagnostic class.
D. The Unspecified designation is used when the individual presents with symptomatology of
disorders in two or more diagnostic classes.
E. The Unspecified designation is used when the clinician believes the condition is of a temporary
3. Criterion A for schizoaffective disorder requires an uninterrupted period of illness during which Criterion A for
schizophrenia is met. Which of the following additional symptoms must be present to fulfill diagnostic criteria
for schizoaffective disorder?
A. An anxiety episodeeither panic or general anxiety.
B. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder.
C. A major depressive or manic episode.
D. Hypomania.
E. Cyclothymia.
4. There is a requirement for a major depressive episode or a manic episode to be part of the symptom picture
for a DSM-5 diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. In order to separate schizoaffective disorder from depressive
or bipolar disorder
with psychotic features, which of the following symptoms must be present for at least 2 weeks in the absence
of a major mood episode at some point during the lifetime duration of the illness?
A. Delusions or hallucinations.
D. Projective identification.
B. Delusions or paranoia.
E. Binge eating
C. Regressed behavior.
5. A 27-year-old unmarried truck driver has a 5-year history of active and residual symptoms of schizophrenia.
He develops symptoms of depression, including depressed mood and anhedonia, that last 4 months and
resolve with
treatment but do not meet criteria for major depression. Which diagnosis best fits this clinical presentation?
A. Schizoaffective disorder.
B. Unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder.
C. Unspecified depressive disorder.
D. Schizophrenia and unspecified depressive disorder.
E. Unspecified bipolar and related disorder.
6. Which of the following patient presentations would not be classified as psychotic for the purpose of
diagnosing schizophrenia?
A. A patient is hearing a voice that tells him he is a special person.
B. A patient believes he is being followed by a secret police organization that is focused exclusively on him.
C. A patient has a flashback to a war experience that feels like it is happening again.
D. A patient cannot organize his thoughts and stops responding in the middle of an interview.
E. A patient presents wearing an automobile tire around his waist and gives no explanation.
7. Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders are defined by abnormalities in one or more of five
domains, four of which are also considered psychotic symptoms. Which of the following is not considered a
psychotic symptom?
A. Delusions.
D. Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior.
B. Hallucinations.
E. Avolition.
C. Disorganized thinking.
8. Which of the following statements about catatonic motor behaviors is false?
A. Catatonic motor behavior is a type of grossly disorganized behavior that has historically been associated
with schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders.

B. Catatonic motor behaviors may occur in many mental disorders (such as mood disorders) and in other
medical conditions.
C. A behavior is considered catatonic only if it involves motoric slowing or rigidity, such as mutism,
posturing, or waxy flexibility.
D. Catatonia can be diagnosed independently of another psychiatric disorder.
E. Catatonic behaviors involve markedly reduced reactivity to the environment.
9. Which of the following DSM-IV personality disorder diagnoses is no longer present in DSM-5?
A. Antisocial personality disorder.
D. Personality disorder not otherwise specified (NOS).
B. Avoidant personality disorder.
E. Schizotypal personality disorder.
C. Borderline personality disorder.
10. While collaborating on a presentation to their customers, the members of a sales team become
increasingly frustrated with their team leader. The leader insists that the members of the team adhere to his
strict rules for developing the project. This involves approaching the task in sequential manner such that no
new task can be begun until the prior one is perfected. When other members suggest alternative approaches,
the leader becomes frustrated and insists that the team stick to his approach. Although the results are
inarguably of high quality, the team is convinced that they will not finish in time for the scheduled presentation.
When voicing these concerns to the leader, he suggests that the
real problem is that the other members of the team simply dont share his high standards. Which of the
following disorders would best explain the behavior of this team leader?
A. Narcissistic personality disorder.
B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
C. Avoidant personality disorder.
D. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD).
E. Unspecified personality disorder.
11. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are primarily motivated by a need for which of
the following?
A. Efficiency.
B. Admiration. C. Control. D. Intimacy.
12. A 36-year-old woman is approached by her new boss, who has noticed that despite working for her
employer for many years, she has not advanced beyond an entry level position. The boss hears that she is a
good employee who works long hours. The woman explains that she has not asked for a promotion because
she knows shes not as good as other employees and doesnt think she deserves it. She explains her long
hours by saying that she is not very smart and has to check over all her work, because shes afraid that people
will laugh at her if she makes any mistakes. On reviewing her past evaluations, her boss notes that there are
only minor critiques and her overall evaluations have been very positive. Which of the following personality
disorders would best explain this womans lack of job advancement?
A. Narcissistic personality disorder.
D. Schizoid personality disorder.
B. Avoidant personality disorder.
E. Borderline personality disorder.
C. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
13. man, because even though he is adherent to treatment, she is concerned that he seems crazy. On
evaluation, the patient makes poor eye contact, tends to ramble, and makes unusual word choices. He is
modestly disheveled and wears clothes with mismatched colors. He expresses odd beliefs about supernatural
phenomena, but these beliefs do not seem to be of delusional intensity.
Collateral information from his sister elicits the observation that Hes always been like thisweird. He keeps
to himself, and likes it that way. Which of the following conditions best explains this mans odd behaviors and
A. Schizoid personality disorder.
D. Delusional disorder.
B. Schizotypal personality disorder.
E. Schizophrenia.
C. Paranoid personality disorder.

14. Which of the following statements about the development, course, and prognosis of borderline personality
disorder (BPD) is true?
A. The risk of suicide in individuals with BPD increases with age.
B. A childhood history of neglect, rather than abuse, is unusual in individuals with BPD.
C. Follow-up studies of individuals with BPD identified in outpatient clinics have shown that 10 years later,
as many as half of these individuals no longer meet full criteria for the disorder.
D. Individuals with BPD have relatively low rates of improvement in social or occupational functioning.
E. There is little variability in the course of BPD.
15. Which of the following is not a characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)?
A. Excessive reference to others for self-definition and self-esteem regulation.
B. Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
C. Excessive attempts to attract and be the focus of the attention of others.
D. Persistence at tasks long after the behavior has ceased to be functional or effective.
E. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success or power.

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