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Newsletter Update: as yet no new Editor

July 2015
Update on Editor situation by Linda Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Confirmation of venue and date:
2016 Eurokit Reunion, which we have re-named

Toucan 2016 by Linda, Eunice + Maris . . . . . 3

Rogers Book possible reprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Address Changes (new list enclosed) Margot Purcell

Roger Allains book: The Community that Failed

There have been several requests for a reprint of this book. I
offered to look in to this, and it can be done for about 250 - 300
to produce a master copy from the original book, or from the
original loose pages I have, then printed to order at 8 - 10, with
an annual payment of 10 to have the master available at the
printers. It may be possible to get this price down with more
research. I have all the necessary permissions and copyright
checks, and have orders for 8 copies. I do not have sponsorship for
the funding needed, nor do I feel able to administer this. If anyone
is interested in taking this on, please let me know.
Linda Jackson (see contacts)

Newsletter Update: as yet no new Editor

July 2015
Dear Readers,
I said I would keep everyone informed of progress, should there not
be a new editor available for the newsletter.
So far no one has come forward. IF the newsletter is to continue in
whatever format, at whatever interval, with whatever name, we
need an editor. I am not an editor, nor do I intend to be. If no one
steps up, I will do one more information mailing, which would be the
final one, in a few weeks time.
I am including an up-to-date list of addresses of all friends who
want to share their details, to give you all the opportunity to discuss
this with each other. Maybe together we can encourage a willing
individual or group to move this forward.
When Erdmuthe resigned, there was an attempt to get a group
together to try out some ideas that had come out of a Friendly
Crossways meeting two years previously. This was strongly resisted
by some Hummer participants (Hummer is a chat group of a small
number of the readership) but perhaps the matter could be
discussed again at the gathering in August, where the readership
might be more fully represented, and this time any ideas facilitated.
Personally I think anyone taking on the position of editor should
put their own mark on the newsletter, so do not worry about
whether you can recreate what we had before. Think about what
you would like it to be, and how you or several of you may be able
to achieve this.
The set up for emailing, printing and posting already exists, and
would be available to continue distribution at least initially.
Linda Jackson
If you can think of a solution to this dilemma, or want to volunteer
as editor, or suggest someone else (with their permission of
course) please let me, or any contact listed here know asap.
Thank you.


Newsletter Update: as yet no new Editor

July 2015

July 13, 2015

Dear Friends
We are very happy to confirm that a fantastic venue has been found for our
2016 Eurokit Reunion, which we have re-named Toucan 2016.
Toucan 2016 will take place in June 2016, from Friday 24th to Monday 27th.
The venue is Abingworth Hall, in the stunning South Downs here in England.
Abingworth Hall is part of the international Holiday Fellowship hf group of
country houses. See:
It is handy for London airports (Heathrow and especially Gatwick), and the port
of Dover / Eurotunnel ; and there are good train and bus links to nearby
Pulborough. Abingworth can accommodate 46 guests, and we can have sole
use of it if at least 34 of us book by the end of September. This excellent
country house has beautiful grounds, including a croquet lawn and swimming
pool. It is in the heart of most gorgeous English countryside, with a lovely pub
within easy strolling distance. It is wheelchair friendly and has a variety of
room types all ensuite.
The cost of this three night, full board Toucan 2016 break, will be
approximately 270 per person. A deposit of 75 per person will secure your
This is another opportunity to remember our community life of long ago;
where we can share memories of this unique experience in a fun celebration of
our present day lives. Lets grab it ! ???
Remember: we need bookings and deposits by the end of September to
secure the venue and our sole use of it.
Linda, Eunice + Maris
For more information please contact us at:
Damaris Vigar, 84c The Broadway, Stourbridge, DY8 3HT, UK


Newsletter Update: as yet no new Editor

July 2015

Newsletter Editor/s volunteer/s
needed or we lose it.
Contact Us
Charles Lamar - Copy Editor. +1-415-386-6072
c/o SFCR, 755 Frederick St. 1st floor, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA.
Linda Jackson - Email and Circulation Worldwide.
+44(0)1772-784473 or (mobile) +44(0)7703-133369
7 Severn Street, Longridge, Lancashire, PR3 3ND, UK.
Mark Trapnell - Circulation USA/Canada. Cell +1-434-942-1386
7774 Level Run Rd, Long Island, VA 24569, USA.
Margot Purcell - Address Lists. +1-219-324-8068
2095 South Emmas Lane, LaPorte, IN 46350, USA.
Donations: Depending on which currency you use, please send your donation:
North America: US$, Cash or Check payable to Tim Johnson
+1-404-373-0633 155 Garden Lane, Decatur, GA 30030, USA.
Europe (Euro Zone Euro only): Bank Transfer or Eurocheque payable to Anthony Lord
+49(0)21 57 3109
Johann-Finken-Str. 35, 41334 Nettetal, GERMANY.
Bank transfer: VOBA KREFELD. Ref: KIT !New! Euro only please.
IBAN: DE66 3206 0362 2201 0520 10 BIC: GENODED1HTK.
from other countries: !New! See UK for other currencies.
UK: PayPal, Bank Transfer or Cheque payable to Raphael Vowles Reading, Berks, UK
+44(0)777 391 0044
Bank transfer: Sort code: 40-47-58 Account: 85757290
First Direct Bank, 40 Wakefield Road, Leeds, LS98 1FD, UK.
From other countries: Currency converted to UK can be deposited in to the account using:
IBAN: GB75MIDL 404758 8575 7290 BIC: MIDLGB2172O (field 57) or
Swift Code: MIDLGB22XXX HSBC International (First Direct) (field 56)
Scribd: Open archive - KITexBruderhofCCI Anyone can view - its free, anonymous & easy.
Yahoo: KIT-exBruderhof-CCI A members only archive.

Address list included - - - Address Correction: Please advise Margot Purcell. see UCC Geneva 1952


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