Syllabus/Common - Dr. Juan R. Céspedes, Ph.D.

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SYLLABUS for Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.


1. Instructor Information: Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.
2. Course Raison d'Etre:

History and the social sciences provide an unparalleled framework for understanding
modern society. But understanding present-day society is not the only reason to study
past events. The social sciences present us with the record not only of human
achievement but also of human failure, cruelty, and barbarism. An understanding of
the social sciences is the basis for understanding the human condition and grappling
with moral issues.


Note: While a hard copy of this syllabus may be distributed during the first class
session, the on- line version of the syllabus is the official document of record and will
be updated periodically.

3. Course Objectives:

Meeting or exceeding the aims, objectives, and requirements of Miami-Dade County

Public Schools, Division of Social Sciences


Prepare students for the academically rigorous history examinations of the

International Baccalaureate Organization and that of the College Board, which
emphasize critical thinking, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the validity of
historical information.


Meeting or exceeding the aims, objectives, and requirements of the aforementioned



Encouraging the systematic and critical study of human experience, behavior, and the
history and development of social and cultural institutions.


Developing awareness that human attitudes and opinions are widely diverse and that a
study of society requires an appreciation of such diversity. Developing a sense of
citizenship, cooperation, fairness, honesty and integrity. These are essential traits for
responsible members of a democratic society and a humane world.


Strive to make students more effective learners,

Ready students for emerging roles as ethical and productive members of society, and


Have students learn to accept challenging and changing responsibilities at school and
in their lives.

4. Course Requirements for Honors, International Baccalaureate and Advanced

Placement Courses:

SYLLABUS for Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.


An advanced level of proficiency in reading comprehension, writing, and critical

thinking skills applied to the development of essays using appropriate rhetorical


An advanced level of proficiency in assessing the reliability of historical information

from multiple sources.


The ability to organize and carry out weekly, monthly, and semester-long assignments.


Access to a computer and an advanced level of proficiency with computer applications

such as word-processing, Internet, multi-media presentations and information systems
that are typically used in academic research and written expression.

5. Asking Questions/Contacting the Instructor:


You have multiple opportunities to have your questions answered:


During class, simply raise your hand. This is your very best choice. This
instructor provides ample time for questions during each class.


E-mail from 07:15 to 14:45. In the subject area

include your full name, student I.D., and period for a reply. Please observe the email time constraints.


Phone the school from 07:15 to 14:45. Please leave a local reachable telephone
number. No voice mail, please. If it happens that this instructor is unavailable
when you call or e-mail, a response will be forthcoming within 24 hours.

6. Text books:

Please refer to the electronic written sources provided in your student portal at http://

7. Intellectual Freedom, Late Assignments, Course Policies, & Special Physical


You are encouraged to ask questions, comment, or disagree with ideas presented in
class. Scholarly participation is not only welcomed, but it is part of your overall grade.


In order to have intelligent and fruitful discussions all course work (including readings,
assignments, quizzes, tests, etc.) must be completed or turned in no later than the date
designated on the "Assignment Due Dates list posted in the class room and/or the


Changes, if any, will be announced at least one class session in advance.

SYLLABUS for Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.


Students must submit said course work due on the date of an excused absence upon
their return to class. Late assignments or assignments e-mailed to the instructor are not


This instructor will try to the utmost to accommodate any student with a properly
documented special physical need.

8. Attendance and Punctuality:


Lateness and absenteeism is unprofessional, discourteous, interrupts classes, and

usually results in markedly lower academic performance. Students will be asked to
properly document excuses.

9. Networking:

Conscientious and responsible students network with others, so that if they are ill, on a
field trip, or absent from class for any reason they can ameliorate the amount of
information they have missed.


A networking list is part of your notebook requirements. See the Notebook

Requirements section.

10.Code of Conduct:
10.1. Adherence to the Code of Conduct and all other policies of Miami-Dade County
Public Schools, the International Baccalaureate Organization and the College Board is
10.2. Violations of academic honesty or malpractice will result in a -100% (negative 100
points, or -4/4) on the assessment in question, the loss of any extra credit, as well as
possible disciplinary action by the school.
11.Miami-Dade County Public Schools Grading Policy:
Recorded: A

Recorded: B

Recroded: C

Recorded: D

Recorded: F


Above Average


Below Average


Points: 3.5- 4.0

Points: 2.5- 3.0

Points: 1.5- 2.0

Points: 1.0

Points: 0

Scale: 90% 100%

Scale: 80% 89%

Scale: 70% 79%

Scale: 60% 69%

Scale: 0 59%

SYLLABUS for Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.

12.Course Credit Weight:


Homework Questions-Synopsis

Notebook Checks & Other Work





Oral Exams/Presentations


End of Grading Period Exams


13.Notebook Requirements:
13.1. Three-ring, 1.5 inch, clear-view front cover binder capable of holding a minimum of
150 pages. In the front cover insert securely a label with the following information:
13.1.1. First line: The tile of the course, IB [or AP] History, Economics, etc.
13.1.2. Second line: Your last name, then your first name.
13.1.3. Third line: Period number
13.1.4. All writing is to be fifty point font (or larger), New Times Roman or Arial.
13.2. Inside the notebook:
13.2.1. A copy of the syllabus
13.2.2. A networking list with the names of five classmates (last name, first name), their
phone numbers, and/or their e-mail address. Conscientious and responsible
student achievers network with others, so that if they are ill, on a field trip, or
absent from class for any reason they can catch up on what theyve missed. You
will want to update and improve your networking list as time goes on.
13.2.3. Empty tabs ready to be made for each section as the material is covered throughout the
course (example: WWI, WWII, Cold War, etc.)
13.2.4. As you write your notes, at the tope of each page on the left-hand side write the
date, followed by the information which you have written.

SYLLABUS for Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.

14.Writing Requirements:
14.1. All assignments and work completed away from the classroom, unless otherwise stated,
will be typed/word-processed as follows:
14.1.1. Eleven or twelve point font (headings may be bold); New Times-Roman or Arial
in black ink.
14.1.2. One and one-half or double spaced.
14.1.3. Once inch margins, pages numbered
14.1.4. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and composition count (it is an indication of
14.2. Use the APA writing style cite in-text and parenthetically.
15.Readings in the Social Sciences:
15.1. The MDCPS program of silent readingwhere students read independentlyis
intended to improve student vocabulary development, literacy skills, and background
15.2. Credit will be given during the said activity for reading books or assigned material
about history, economics, politics, geography, government, and biographies related to
the referenced course examinations.
15.3. No credit will be given for fiction, magazines, text books, books used in other classes,
or study guides such as Cliffs Notes.
16.Historical Scholarship:
16.1. Each class segment makes use of discussions of and writing about related
historiography: how our understanding of events have changed over time, how the
issues of one time period have had an impact on the experiences and decisions of
subsequent generations, and how such reevaluations of the past continue to shape the
way historians see the world today. These discussions will be entwined throughout the

Return the section on the following page to the instructor.

SYLLABUS for Dr. Juan R. Cspedes, Ph.D.

17.Student-Parent Acknowledgement:
I as the undersigned have read, understood, and hereby agree to abide by all the terms and
conditions of the above course syllabus.
Student signature: _____________________________________________ Period: ______
Print name: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________
Parent signature: ____________________________________________
Print name: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________
Parent signature: ____________________________________________
Print name: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________

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