Research Methodology: Decriminalizing Cannabis

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Chapter One

Background to Study
In an article dated Wednesday February 12, 2014 in the Gleaner, entitled Much to Gain
From Legalizing Ganja, - stated that there are several advantages to legalizing marijuana in
Jamaica; this would give the economy a major boost. Many new jobs would be created to
appease our high unemployment rates, the Government tax revenues would increase, tourists
arrival and foreign currency inflow to the island would also increase. Fundamentally, the
countrys economy will grow beyond the average one per cent we have been experiencing for the
last 40 years, if we take advantage of legalizing marijuana.
Marijuana otherwise called cannabis, ganja, weed or pot is one of the most beneficial and
therapeutically active substances known to man. Cannabis is an annual plant that grows wild in
warm and tropical climates throughout the world and is cultivated commercially. The leaves and
buds of the plant have been used in herbal remedies. It is a plant that is known worldwide for its
medicinal benefits. Medical cannabis refers to the use of the drug as a physician-recommended
herbal therapy, most notably as an antiemetic. In comparison to tobacco and alcohol, marijuana
is a very mild substance (Marijuana, 2012). Medical usages can be dated back as far as the 7th
century where the Chinese and Persians used it to reduce complications in pregnancy. Dozens of
peer-reviewed studies and prominent medical organizations reports have recommended that
marijuana should be legal for its medicinal properties. It has been revealed that medical
marijuana is a safe non-toxic medicine that is extremely useful for treating medical
complications (Marijuana as a medicine 2007).

Cannabis can be used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions and symptoms, as well
as the side-effects of pharmaceutical medications. Some symptoms cannabis is used to treat
include nausea, loss of appetite, chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia and inflammation. There are
many medical conditions that cannabis is used to treat, some of the most common ones are
arthritis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, depression, epilepsy and migraines. (Medical use of
Cannabis, 2009)
Individuals in Jamaica are criminalized for the cultivation, use, possession and
distribution of marijuana, but there are several benefits that can be accrued from the use of this
plant. Growing and processing, and exporting marijuana for medicinal uses would stimulate the
economy, creating a multi-billion dollar industry in Jamaica and providing thousands of jobs.
The government would save millions on prohibition enforcement costs and tax revenues by
legalizing marijuana. (Irani, S. 2009)

Research Objectives
The area of study was conducted with the aim of supplying both the researchers and the
readers with an analysis on the topic of legalizing marijuana in Jamaica, how beneficial it can be
to the country, highlighting its medicinal uses and economic benefits that can be gained. The
major objectives of the study were to:

Review the most admissible information on the relevance of marijuana being legalized in

To collect and analyse data which provide related information on the medicinal uses and
economic benefits of legalizing marijuana.

Expose areas that needed improvement and make the appropriate recommendations
where those are concerned.

To determine if marijuana would lead to harder drugs and if it would cause serious health

To investigate if marijuana is more dangerous than tobacco.
To analyse whether or not marijuana is useless or unnecessary for medicinal purposes.
To examine if marijuana is a contributing factor to cancer.
Israel is considered one of the most advanced countries in the world with regards to the

use of medical marijuana. Steven Vago in his book Law and Society, (2009) mentioned that
marijuana has been legalized in a number of States in the United States of America.
On the other side, legalization would save the considerable economic and social costs of
the current criminal prohibition system. Current federal drug enforcement programs run at
millions of dollars per year. Legalization of cannabis would divert demand from other drugs,
resulting in further savings. Our jails and prisons will be less crowded, reducing government
expenditure on these expenses as it is very costly for the country to maintain marijuana
prohibition laws (Economics of Legalization, 1994). Marijuana legalization offers an important
advantage over decriminalization in that it allows for legal distribution and taxation of cannabis.
Sales taxes would be proportional to final retail price. Legalization would also create numerous
revenue-generating spinoff industries such as coffee houses and garden equipment. (Economics
of Legalization, 1994)
Purpose of Study

The analysis is centred on evaluating the health benefits and economic growth Jamaica
can gain by legalizing the use of marijuana. Moreover, the analysis is also geared towards
examining the current discussions from both the government ministers and the opposition as it
relates to the use of marijuana. In addition, recommendations will be made where it is realized
that there is a window for great commercial, medicinal and economic potential in the plant.
Research Problem Statement
An evaluation into the many benefits of marijuana, by assessing the commercial, medical
and economic growth that can be accomplished by legalizing it.
Significance of the study
An awareness of the many benefits of marijuana will show how useful it is for treating
most disabling medical conditions including multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, cancer, chronic pain
among others. This drug can help terminally ill people to lead an improved and quality life and
its use is associated with the lowest withdrawal symptoms.
It will also be beneficial to the countrys economy, creating a multi-billion dollar industry in
Jamaica with a substance that can be taxed by the government thereby generating more money to
fund government programs, and having marijuana processing factories will create a lot of job

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