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Prayer Diary

Believers This is the time to be Praying

Evangelist Miller
Christian Institute for Law, Peace and Justice


I am writing this prayer diary E-book, for Christians here in America

and around the world to download for free and put it on their
refridgerator to let it remind you to pray for the our persecuted
Christian brothers and sisters around the world, as we see their
persecution reaching biblical proportions and getting out of hand
from the Muslim land, North Africa, Asia and North Korea.
1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
Luke 6:22 - Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they
shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you],
and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Matthew 5:10 - Blessed [are] they which are persecuted for
righteousness' sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

North Korea

The people of North Korea are suffering this includes Christians

under the Athiestic communist regime of Kim Jong-un, I ask all
Christians in America and around the world who are free to
kneel and pray and ask the Lord to soften Kim Jong-un and
open the eye's of his heart so that he can do what is right, pray
for the improvement of conditions in which the majority of North
Koreans live. Pray for the North Korean government, military
and secret police especially those directly involved in
persecuting Christians and others. In your prayers ask God to
reveal himself to them so that like the Apostle Paul so that the
persecutors of the church and the innocent will become the
helpers and the servants.

Christians we are human beings to

What the world don't understand is nothing can

seperate us from the Truth and the Love of Christ
we love him and he love's us

In Novemeber 2014 the UN human rights commitee

called for the North Korean regime to face the
international criminal court over crimes against
humanity on the North Korean people and christians
now I know the UN is worthless, cowardice and run by
a spirit that's not of God but a world spirit but that
should still not discourage you from praying for the
UN to continue on speaking about the human rights
abuses in North Korea and for them to do the right
thing, pray for them to be convicted by the holy spirit
and do not think for one second prayer does not help
because it does, true prayer our God is an awesome
Also remember the millions of North Korean Christians
who suffer in gulags and prison camps where many
are beaten tortured and worked to death Ask God to
supernaturally help them to endure and to be his

Matthew 18:6 - But who so shall offend one of these little ones which
believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about
his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Our Women Are Not Weak

For Christ There will Endure

Pray for christians in closed villages in North Korea, ask God to

strengthen them through the power of the holy spirit that same
power that raised him from dead, is always at work, pray for
their power to endure the pressure of starvation and hard
Pray for the secret church leaders in North Korea, they lead the
underground church and it is risky to do so, to meet together
and praise and worship.
Ask the Lord to minister to them, protect them and encourage
North Korean Women who escape to China are often sold into
prostitution or abusive marriages, pray for this women that
there will be rescued out of this evil and most important pray
that the Gospel of Salvation will be shared to them.

Christians Attacked
Suspects: The Religion of Peace

Persecution of Christians is on the rise in Kenya with

more than 100 Christians killed in 2014, The us
government a government that is owned by the
Muslim brotherhood cannot do anything so everybody
and every Christian in America pray for the Christians
in Kenya. On 11 January 2015 George Karidhimba
Muriki a 25 year old believer was shot dead as he was
leaving his church ask God to sustain their family and
the other believers to give them strength to presevere.

St Andrew's Anglican Church in Mandera

northeast Kenya closed down after the
congration lost 11 members in two Al-shabaab
attacks on non muslims were nine members
were killed in a quarry massacre on 2
december 2014 and two others died on a
traveller bus on 23 november 2014. Believers
in America the church in America two words
Wake up!

Why American Pulpits never speak

about this? Is beyond me

The Religion of Peace or Pieces

I don't know I am Confused

Religion of peace spreading the

love of Allah again

Is Islam Wicked and Evil now


North Africa

We Need Christians in America to help out, to pray,

the first baptist dallas church just spent $150 million
dollars rebuilding its downtown campus, our fellow
brothers and sisters world wide need little things like
soap, blankets, tents, shelter, coats, shoes, bibles but
most importantly there need our prayers, we need to
pray for the church in Algeria that has been growing in
this islamic country even in the midst of perscution,
pray for the believers in Morrocco, Tunisia and Libya
pray for the Holy Spirit to sweep through in this hostile
lands, pray for the believers aswell as the none
believers to be saved by the gospel which is the
power of salvation for all men and women.


In Egypt the coptic Christians are under heavy
persecution from the Muslims, to the church in
America and around the world pray for political
and economic staility in Egypt where there has
been great turmoil, pray for the terrorist
government of Egypt the Muslim brotherhood
will do what is right and prioritise basic human
rights including religious freedom.

In Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Maldives,
China, Vietnam and Bangladesh
Christistians are suffering in this Muslim
and none Christian lands, and also
because of social media and technology
Islamic State fighters have managed to
garner recruits in places like Indonesia
and Malaysia and the ones who are
suffering the most are women, children
and Christians and none muslims.

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