Freeboard Calculations

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Anil Kumar
2/4 B.E (NAME)
(As per International Convention on Load Lines, 1966)

Ship considered


Type of ship

Oil Tanker


162.16 m


155.00 m

Breadth (moulded)

27.00 m

Depth (moulded)

12.00 m


8.5 m

For the purposes of freeboard calculations, ships shall be divided into Type A
and Type B.
Type A ships
A Type A ship is one which is designed to carry only liquid cargoes in bulk,
and in which cargo tanks have only small access openings closed by
watertight gasketed covers of steel or equivalent material.

Hence the ship we considered comes under Type A, as it carries oil in bulk.
1. Freeboard length
The freeboard length shall be taken as 96% of total length on a waterline at
85 % of the least moulded depth measured from the top of keel or as length
from foreside of stem to axis of rudder stock on that water line ,whichever is
85% of moulded depth = 0.85 12
= 10.2
LWL at D=10.2 m = 160.43
96% of LWL= 0.96 160.43
= 154.01
Length from foreside of stem to centerline of rudderstock on the same
waterline = 155 + 0.283
= 155.283
From above two whichever is greater is taken as freeboard length
Freeboard Length =

2. Freeboard breadth
Freeboard breadth is maximum breadth of ship
Freeboard Breadth=

3. Freeboard depth
The freeboard depth is the moulded depth amidships, plus the thickness of the
freeboard deck stringer plate.
Freeboard depth =moulded depth + assumed thickness of plating
= 12 + 0.02
= 12.02
Freeboard depth=

4. Block Coefficient CB (at 85% of moulded depth)

Volume of displacement at 10.2 m = 34568.46 tonnes
L= 155.28
B= 27
T= 10.2


= 0.80
CB= .

Now the tabular freeboard for type A ship

Freeboard for ship of 155m in length = 2048
Freeboard for ship of 156m in length = 2064

By interpolation, required freeboard is f


1. Length
If L>100m no correction is required.
As the ship length is 155.28m no correction is required.

2. Block coefficient CB
Where the block coefficient (CB) exceeds 0.68, the tabular freeboard

shall be multiplied by the factor

Corrected freeboard = 2052.48[



= 2052.48[1.0941]
= 2245.65

3. Depth
Where D exceeds

the freeboard shall be increased by {D

millimeters, where R is =
length and above.


at length less than 120 m and 250 at 120 m

Corrected freeboard = 2245.65 + (12


= 2245.65 + (1.668)250
= 2245.65 + 417
= 2662.65

4. Superstructure correction
Length of superstructure = 24
LS = 24
Breadth of superstructure = 20
LS = 24
B=breadth of ship at middle of superstructure = 27
b= breadth of superstructure in between bulkheads = 20
Effective length of superstructure =LS
= 24
= 17.78

% of Effective length =

= 0.114%

Length of forecastle deck =0.07L from FP

Total effective length of superstructure =0.114+0.07
= 0.184%

Correction for % deduction at 0.184L is


0.1 L



By interpolation, at 0.184L= 12.88

Deduction for 100% effective Superstructure

= 137.816

Corrected freeboard = 2662.65 137.816

= 2524.83
f4 =

5. Sheer correction
Considering the ship is according to standard sheer .So, no correction is

Final Free board = 2524.83

= 2.52
f = .

Maximum Draught in summer is

T =Df
= 12.02 2.52
= 9.5

Hence maximum draught in summer is 9.5 m

Tmoulded = .

Minimum Bow Height

For ships below 250 m in length, the minimum bow height is given by

= 56 162.16 (1


= 9080.96 0.67568 0.918918

= 5638.31

Minimum bow height = 5638.31

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