Year Indian Freedom Struggle: Important Events

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Indian Freedom Struggle: Important Events

Mutiny against the British
Indian National Congress is founded by A.O. Hume


Partition of Bengal announced

Muslim League was founded at Decca on 31st December.


Khudiram Bose was executed on 30th April.

Tilak was sentenced to six years on charges of sedition on
22nd July.
Minto-Morley Reforms of Indian Councils Act - 21st May.






Delhi durbar held. Partition of Bengal is cancelled.

New Delhi established as the new capital of India
A Bomb was thrown on Lord Hardinge on his state entry
into Delhi on 23rd December.
The Ghadar Party was formed at San Francisco on 1st
Tilak was released from jail on 16th June.
Outbreak of the 1st World War 4th August
Komagatamaru ship reaches Budge Budge (Calcutta port)
on 29the September.
Mahatma Gandhi arrived in India on 9th Jan
Gopal Krishna Gokhale died on 19th February.
Tilak founded Indian Home Rule League with its
headquarters at Poona on 28th April.
Annie Besant started another Home Rule League on 25th
Mahatma Gandhi launches the Champaran campaign in
Bihar to focus attention on the grievances of indigo
planters in April
The Secretary of State for India, Montague, declares that
the goal of the British government in India is introduction
of Responsible Government on 20th August.
Beginning of trade union movement in India.
Rowlatt Bill introduced on Feb 16, 1919.
The Jallianwala Bagh tragedy took place on 13th April in
The House of Commons passes the Montague Chelmsford
Reforms or the Government of India Act, 1919 on 5th
December. The new reforms under this Act came into
operation in 1921.
First meeting of the All India Trade Union Congress, (under
Narain Malhar Joshi).
The Indian National Congress (INC) adopts the Non-Cooperation Resolution in December.
Mahatma Gandhi suspends Non-Co-operation Movement
on Feb 12 after the violent incidents at Chauri Chaura.
Moplah rebellion on the Malabar coast in August.
Swaraj Party was formed by Motilal Nehru and others on
1st January.












The Communist Party of India starts its activities at

The Kakori Train Conspiracy case in August
The British Prime Minister appoints Simon Commission to
suggest future constitutional reforms in India.
Simon Commission arrives in Bombay on Feb 3. An allIndia hartal is called. Lala Lajpat Rai assaulted by police at
Nehru Report recommends principles for the new
Constitution of India. All parties conference considers the
Nehru Report, Aug 28-31, 1928.
Lala Lajpat Rai died on 17th November due to injuries.
Sarda Act passed: prohibs marriage of girls below 14 and
boys below 18 years of age.
All Parties Muslim Conference formulates the 'Fourteen
Points' under the leadership of Jinnah on 9th March.
Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwari Dutt throw a bomb in the
Central Legislative Assen on 8th April.
Lord Irwin's announced that the goal of British policy in
India was the grant of the Dominion status on 31st
The Lahore session of the INC adopts the goal of complete
independence (poorna swarajya) for India; Jawaharlal
Nehru hoists the tricolour on the banks of the Ravi at
Lahore on 31st December.
First Independence Day observed on 26th January.
The Working Committee of the INC meets at Sabarmati
and passes the Civil Disobedience resolution on 14th
Mahatma Gandhi launches the Civil Disobedience
movement with his epic Dandi Mar (Mar 12 to Apr 6). First
phase of the Civil Disobedience movement: Mar 12, 1930
to Mar 5, 1931.
First Round Table Conference begins in London to consider
the report of the Simon Commission on 30th November.
On 5th March, the Gandhi lrwin pact was signed and the
Civil Disobedience movement was suspended.
Bhagat Singh, Sukh Dev and Rajguru were executed on
23rd March.
Second Round Table Conference took place on 7th
Gandhiji returns from London after the deadlock in llnd
RTC on 28th December. Launches Civil Disobedience
Movement. The INC declared illegal.
Gandhiji was arrested and imprisoned without trial on 4th
British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announced the
infamous "Communal Award" on 16th August.
Gandhiji in jail, begins his epic "fast unto death" against
the Communal Award on 20th September and ends the
fast on 26th of the same month after the Poona Pact.









The Third Round Table Conference begins in London (Nov

17 to Dec 24)
Gandhiji released from prison as he begins fast for selfpurification on 9th May. INC suspends Civil Disobedience
movement but authorizes Satyagraha by individuals.
Gandhiji withdraws from active politics and devotes himself
to constructive programmes (1934-39).
The Government of India Act 1935 was passed on 4th
Elections held in India under the Act of 1935 (Feb 1937).
The INC contests election and forms ministries in several
provinces (Jul 1937).
Haripura session of INC was held on 19th February.
Subhash Chandra Boss was elected Congress president on
the 20th of February.
Tripuri session of the INC was conducted from the 10th to
the 12th of March.
Subhash Chandra Bose resigns as the president of the INC
in April.
Second World War (Sep 1). Great Britain declares war on
Germany on 3rd September; the Viceroy declares that
India too is at war.
Between 27th October to 5th November, the Congress
ministries in the provinces resign in protest against the war
policy of the British government.
The Muslim League observes the resignation of the
Congress ministries as Deliverance Day on 22nd
Lahore session of ihe Muslim League passes the Pakistan
Resolution in March
Viceroy Linlithgow announces-August Offer on 10th of
Congress Working Committee rejects the 'August Offer'
between 18th to the 22nd of August.
Congress launches Individual Satyagraha movement on
17th October.
Subhash Chandra Bose escapes from India on 17 January;
arrives in Berlin (Mar 28).
Churchill announces the Cripps Mission on 11th of March
The INC meets in Bombay; adopts 'Quit India' resolution
on 7th & 8th August.
Gandhiji and other Congress leaders were arrested on 9th
Quit India movement begins on 11th of August; the Great
Aug Uprising.
Subhash Chandra Bose established the Indian National
Army 'Azad Hind Fauj' on 1st September.
Subhash Chandra Bose proclaims the formation of the
Provisonal Government of Free India on 21st October.
Karachi session of the Muslim League adopts the slogan
Divide arc in December.






Wavell calls Simla Conference in a bid to form the

Executive Council at Indian political leaders on 25th
Mutiny of the Indian naval ratings in Bombay.
Cabinet Mission arrives in New Delhi (Mar 14);British Prime
Minister Attlee announces Cabinet Mission ro propose new
solution to the Indian deadlock on 15th March; ; issues
proposal (May 16).
Jawaharlal Nehru takes over as Congress president on 6th
Wavell invites Nehru to form an interim government on 6th
August; Interim Government takes office (Sep 2).
First session of the Constituent Assembly of India starts on
9th December. Muslim League boycotts it.
On 20th February, British Prime Minister Attlee declares
that the British government would leave India not later
than Jun 1948.
Lord Mountbatten, the last British Viceroy and Governor
General of India, sworn in on 24th March
Mountbatten Plan was made on 3rd June for the partition
of India and the announcement was made on June 4th that
transfer to power will take place on August 15th

Indian National movement

Timeline :
Birth of Indian National Congress -> 1885
Phases of Indian National Movement
Moderate Nationalism-> 1885 to 1905
Extremist Nationalism -> 1905 to 1919
partition of Bengal-> 1905
Surat Split-> 1907
Minto Morley reforms or Indian councils act of 1909
-> 1909
Montague Chelmsford reforms or Govt of india Act
1919 -> 1919
Home rule movement-> 1915 - 1916
Rowlatt act and Jallianwala bagh Massacre-> 1919
Non Cooperation movement -> 1920 to 1922
Gandhian Era -> 1919 to 1947
Khilafat movement-> 1919 to 1924
Simon commission -> 1927
Nehru committee report -> 1928
First round table conf -> 1930 Nov to Jan 1931

Gandhi Irwin Pact -> 1931

Civil Disobidience movement -> 1930 to 1934
Communal award and Poona pact -> 1932
Third round table conf -> 1932
White paper of March 1933
Govt of india act 1935
Reserve bank of india -> 1935
August Offer -> 1940
Cripps Mission -> 1942
Quit India movement -> 1942
CR Formula -> 1944
Simla Conf -> 1945
Cabinet mission plan -> 1946
Indian Independence and partition -> 1947



Early years


325 A.D.- 540 A.D.

Kadambas of Banavasi

325 A.D.- 999 A.D.

Gangas of Talkad

500 A.D. - 757 A.D.

Chalukyas of Badami

757 A.D. - 973 A.D.


973 A.D. - 1198 A.D. Chalukyas of Kalyan

1198 A.D. - 1312 A.D. Yadavas of Devagiri
1000 A.D. - 1346 A.D. Hoysalas
1336 A.D. - 1565 A.D. Vijayanagar Kings
1347 A.D. - 1527 A.D. Bahamani Kings
1490 A.D. - 1686 A.D. Sultans of Bijapur
1500 A.D. - 1763 A.D. Nayakas of Keladi
1399 A.D. - 1761 A.D. Wodeyars of Mysore
1761 A.D. - 1799 A.D. Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan

Important Kings
Pulakeshi II
Krishna I
Govinda III
Nripatunga I
Vikramaditya VI
Singahana II
Ballala II
Devaraya II
Mohammed Shah I
Modammed Shah II
Yusuf Adil Khan
Ibrahim Adil Shah II
Shivappa Nayaka
Queen Chennamma
Ranadheera Kanthirava
Hyder Ali
Tipu Sultan

Division of Karnataka: But for

old Mysore, Karnataka was
share among the Bombay and
Madras presidencies
belonging to the British, The
Marathas and the Nizam of
1800 A.D.
1800 A.D. - 1831 A.D. Wodeyars of Mysore
Krishnaraj Wodeyar III
1831 A.D. - 1881 A.D. British Empire
British Commissioners
Krishnaraj Wodeyar IV
1881 A.D. - 1950 A.D. Wodeyars of Mysore
Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar
1956 Present day Karnataka is formed.

Major Events in Revolt of 1857

Summarized View of Major Events in the Revolt of 1857
22 Jan, 1857

Major Events
New cartridges cause concern amongst sepoys at Dum Dum

Jan- Mar, 1857

Greased cartridges cause unrest. Berhampore and Barrackpore see outbreaks.

Chapaties and lotus passed from village to village as a symbollic message.

11 May, 1857

Rebels reach Delhi and proclaim Bahadur Shah Zafar as Emperor and their leader.

6 Jun, 1857
8 Jun, 1857

Khan Bahadur Khan, a government pensioner takes the lead, and is proclaimed
ruler under the King of Delhi. Moradabad and Shahjahanpur see a revolt and
rebels attack Christians at the latter. The native regiments are disarmed in Agra
Abbas Ali proclaims himself the ruler in Moradabad.
Nana Sahib joins the rebels and is proclaimed Peshwa. Revolt at Jhansi,
Europeans massacred. Revolt in Azamgarh.
Battle of Badle ki serai in Delhi.

11 Jun, 1857

Brigadier General James Neill arrives at Allahabad. Jhansi rebels leave for Delhi.

12 Jun, 1857
15 Jun, 1857
16 Jun, 1857
27 Jun, 1857
30 Jun, 1857
2 Jul, 1857

Nana Sahib massacres over Europeans fugitives from Fatehgarh at Bithur.

Wajid Ali Shah of Awadh imprisoned in Fort William, Calcutta.
Maulvi Liaqat Ali flees Allahabad. Nawabs rule proclaimed at Fatehgarh.
Massacre at Satichaura Ghat, Kanpur.
British defeated at Chinhat ; Bulandshahr captured by Walidad Khan.
Bakht Khan arrives in Delhi with the Bareilly brigade
European fugitives from Fatehgarh and Farrukhabad masacred at Rampore. Sir
Henry Lawrence dies in the Lucknow Residency.
Fatehpur occupied by Havelock.
Bibighar massacre at Kanpur.

31 May, 1857
3 Jun, 1857

4 Jul, 1857

7 Jul 31 Jul,
5 Aug, 1857
17 Aug, 1857
14 Sept, 1857
20 Sept, 1857
21 Sept, 1857
22 Sept, 1857
17 Nov, 1857
24 Nov, 1857
27 Nov, 1857

Nana Sahib defeated by Havelock at Fatehpur, and First Battle of Kanpur.

Havelock enters Kanpur and Nana Sahib retreats to Bithur.
Siege of Arrah House.
Parade Ground Massacre at Farruckhabad (Fatehpur).
Havelock defeats rebels at Unnao.
A large rebel force from Mhow and Indore arrives at Gwalior
Havelock defeats the rebels at Bashiratganj. Kunwar Singh proclaims himself as
King of Shahbad.
Sir Colin Campbell becomes British Commander-in- Chief.
British assaults on Delhi start
Delhi conqured by British
Bahadur Shah Zafar captured at Humayuns Tomb by Captain Hodson.
Hodson murders Mughal Princes.
Lucknow Residency releived by Campbell. Outram at the Alambagh; rebels see his
withdrawal from Awadh as a great victory.
Havelock dies of dysentery
Gwalior Contingent attacks Nawabganj (Unnao). British retreat

3 Dec, 1857
6 Dec, 1857

6 Jan 14 Jan,
17 Mar, 1858
21 Mar, 1858
1 Apr, 1858
3 Apr, 1858
5 Apr, 1858
17 Apr, 1858
18 Apr, 1858
26 Apr, 1858
6 May, 1858
8 May, 1858
11 May, 1858
22 May, 1858
25 May, 1858
1 Jun, 1858



20 Jun, 1858
5 Jul, 1858
1 Nov, 1858
25 Nov, 1858
Dec, 1858
7 Jan, 1859
7 Apr, 1859
8 Apr, 1859
18 Apr, 1859
20 Apr, 1859
8 Jul, 1859
24 Sept, 1859
Dec, 1859
9 Dec, 1859
24 Feb, 1860
3 May, 1860

Campbell sends rescued women and sick from Lucknow Residency to Allahabad.
Tatya Tope defeated in the third battle of Kanpur by Campbell
Fatehgarh reclaimed by British. Sir Hugh Rose launches the operation in Central
Bahadur Shah Zafar is tried at The Red Fort in Delhi.
Laxmi Bai issues a proclamation against the British
Brigadier Stuart attacks Chanderi. Kunwar Singh wins Battle of Atraulia.
Rose reaches Jhansi.
Tatya Tope loses Battle of Betwa
Jhansi captured by British
Jhansi fort taken by the British. Rani, with her step-son, reaches Kunch.
British forces attack Kunwar Singh near Azamgarh.
Battle of Banda.
Kunwar Singh dies
Battle of Bareilly, included the famous change of the Ghazis of whom 133 were
bayonettled. Bareilly taken but rebel leaders escaped.
Tatya Tope defeated in Battle of Kunch by Rose
Amar Singh defeated but manages to escape. Battle of Shahjahpur.
Battle of Kalpi, armory captured by British under Rose
Hamirpur falls to the British
Rani of Jhansi, Rao Sahib and Tatya Tope capture Gwalior, occupy Lushkar and
Gwalior fort. Madho Singh captured by Rose.
Battle of Nawabganj; Sir Hope Grant wins Awadh. Amar Singh returns to Buxar.
Khan Bahadur Khan attacks Shahjanpur.
Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah is killed while attacking
Battle of Morar
Battle of Kota-Ki- Serai; Rani of Jhansi dies in the battle-field
Gwalior falls to British
Gwalior fort captured by Rose. Battle of Jaora. Scindia returns to Gwalior.
Banpur Raja surrenders
Queen Victorias abolishes the rule of the East India Company in India.
Raja of Gonda defeated by Sir Patrick Grant, Gonda occupied.
Bihar rebels finally dispersed.
Awadh rebellion ends
Khan Bahadur Khan, Begum of Awadh, Nana Sahib and Birjis Qadr flee to fort of
Niacote in Nepal.
Tatya Tope captured by British.
Tatya Tope hanged.
Nana Sahib sends 'Ishtiharnama' to Queen Victoria
British declare State of peace.
Nana Sahib dies
Amar Singh captured in the Terai by Jung Bahadurs troops.
Khan Bahadur Khan captured
Khan Bahadur Khan hanged.
Jwala Prasad hanged at Satichaura Ghat, the massacre site.

Timeline in Ancient Indian History

Timeline in Ancient Indian History - 400B.C. to 450A.D.
c.400 BC

Gautama 'Buddha' founds Buddhism

333 BC

Persian rule in the northwest ends after Darius III is defeated

by Alexander the Great. Alexander had established the Macedonian
Empire after inheriting the Persian Achaemenid Empire.

266 BC

Ambhi, king of Taxila surrenders to Alexander. Porus who ruled parts

of the Punjab, fought Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River.
Mauryan Empire is founded by Chandragupta
Maurya in Magadha after he defeats the Nanda
dynasty and Macedonian Seleucid Empire. Mauryan capital city
is Patliputra (Modern Patna in Bihar)
Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid
Seleucus gives up his territories in the subcontinent
(Afghanistan/Baluchistan) to Chandragupta in exchange for 500
elephants. Seleucus offers to marry his daughter to Chandragupta to
seal their friendship.
Ashoka the Great, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, ascends as
emperor of the Mauryan Empire.
Ashoka conquers and unifies most of South Asia, along
with Afghanistan and eastern Iran.

265 BC

Kalinga War takes place. After conquering Kalinga, Ashoka regrets

the killings in the war, leading him to adopt Buddhism, which then
became the quasi-official state religion of the Mauryan Empire.

326 BC

321 BC
305 BC

304 BC
273 BC

232 BC
230 BC
200 BC


Ashoka begins displaying religious tolerance, grants animal rights,

builds hospitals for people and animals, treats his subjects as equals
regardless of caste or creed, and promotes nonviolence and republicanism. Ashoka inscribes the Edicts of Ashoka,
written down using Brahmi script.
Ashoka dies and is succeeded by Kunala.
Simuka declares independence from Mauryan rule and establishes
the Satavahana Empire.
Kuninda Kingdom established.
Tholkappiyam describes the grammar and morphology of Tamil; it is
the oldest existing Tamil grammar (dates vary between 200 BCE and
BC 100 CE).

184 BC
180 BC
80 BC

The Mauryan Empire, which shrunk considerably, collapsed after its

emperor Brihadrata was assassinated by his general Pusyamitra
Sunga who then established the Sunga dynasty.
Establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom.
Establishment of the Indo-Scythian kingdom.

65 BC

The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands.

57 BC
10 AD
68 AD

78 AD
35 AD

Beginning of Vikram Era

Establishment of the Indo-Parthian kingdom.
Establishment of the Kushan empire by Kujula Kadphises.
Gautamiputra Satkarni becomes Satavahana emperor and
starts Shalivahana era calendar after
defeating Scythian king Vikramaditya.

240 AD
320 AD

Western Satraps formed.

Sri-Gupta starts the Gupta Empire in Magadha, with its capital
in Patliputra
Chandragupta I ascends to the Gupta throne.

335 AD

Samudragupta ascends the Gupta throne and expands the empire.

380 AD
450 AD

Chandragupta II, Samudragupta's son becomes the Gupta Emperor.

Invasions by the Huna.

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