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Atlantis or Bust

Monday conf call 02/22/10

• MannaFest 2010 – prices change March 1

• Tuesday Night Live – Sam Caster 7:30 PM CST
• Opportunity Meeting in Austin, TX by Merri-jo Hillaker at 7:30 PM CST
at Dave and Busters, 333 Research Boulevard, Austin, TX 78759 (512) 346-

1. WIN: The 2010 Global Incentive

Package will include:
• A deluxe room for two for a 5-night vacation at the Atlantis Resort in
• One or two round trip paid economy class airfares based on Points earned
• Round-trip transfers between the airport and the resort
• Most meals and sodas while on the resort property
• On-site entertainment
• Trainings and information sessions to help take your business to the next
DATES: October 31-November 5, 2010 so BLOCK THOSE DATES on
your calendar!
2. How Many Points necessary?
Qualifying Points
100 Pts = Hotel + 1 Airfare (last year it was 120!)
125 Pts = Hotel + Airfare for 2 (last year it was 150!)
3. How to Accumulate Points
Point Accumulation:
1. Enroller Points (Minimum you must earn here is 30; no max)
A. For enrolling new associates
5 Points for All Star ($499) or upgrade to All Star
1 Point for Preferred ($99 or $109)
2. Activation Points (Minimum you must earn here is 30; no max)
A. Automatic Orders/One time product orders at least 100QV
1) 2 Points to enroller of a New Associate (as of Dec 26,
2009 so goes back to BP1) for each Period it processes
BP1-BP7 so total per New Assoc is 14 pts.
2) 1 Point to the NEW ASSOCIATE for each Qualifying
order during BP1-BP7
B. Reactivation Orders that are Qualifying (100QV)
(Maximum of 50 pts here) Must not have had a QO in
the 6 Periods prior to Period of reactivation.
1) 2 Points to enroller of an Inactive Associate or
Member who reactivates by placing a Qualifying Order
during each and every Period from BP1-BP7.
Max avail. per Inactive Assoc is 7 Periods X 2 = 14
2) 1 Point to the REACTIVATING ASSOCIATE for
each Period a Qualifying Order is placed during BP1-7.
See special rule for New Associates from BP9-13 2009.


1. Qualifying Order must ship to address of record.
2. For those with multiple positions shipping to one address, no more
than 2 Reactivations per household will count.
3. Leadership Level: Your Leadership Level at end of BP12 for
2009 must be the same or lower than the Leadership Level at the end
of BP7 2010.
4. Position Transfers: only collect Enrollment points not New
Associate Qualifying Order points.
5. Termination and bring back in: If position inactive for over 1 year,
then enroller can get Qualifying Order points for all orders BUT NO
Enroller Points for new pack.
6. New Associates from BO 9-13, 2009: These associates an
accumulate Qualifying Order points if they had no order after Pack
bought (1 point for each Qualifying Order during BP3-7)
7. Returned Packs or Qualifying Orders that are returned prior to the
Mannatech official notification of Award of Incentive will be
deducted from the total point accumulation.
There are other rules i.e. non-transferable, etc. that you should
familiarize yourself with but they do not have a play on the Strategies.

5. Strategies to Win
A. For New Associates
1. First time ever you get points for your own Auto Orders/Qual
Orders. Can earn up to 7 points depending on when enrolled.
2. Can not participate in any reactivation (except if you enrolled in
BP1, enrolled some others in BP1, and they never ordered again until
BP7 (so meet the 6 BP of no orders0
3. Strategy:
a) If enrolled in BP1-3, Enroll at least 5 All Stars (25 pts) and 8
customers (8 pts)...this will work for 33 pts in a category
requiring at least 30)
b) Get these 10 on auto order (at QO and collect 2 pts for each
one through BO7)
If start NOW, can collect 6-7 times 2 pts for each enrollment.
Enroll 3 in BP 3: 5 x 2 x 3= 30 possible points
Enroll 3 in BP 4: 4 x 2 x 3= 24 possible points
Enroll 3 in BP 5: 3 x 2 x 3= 18 possible points
Enroll 4 in BP 6: 2 x 2 x 4= 16 possible points
Add enrollment pts:
5 All Stars at 5 = 25
8 customers at 1 = 8
5 of your own Auto Orders (possible 7 if enrolled in BP1)= 5
This totals: 126
c) Variations:
Best to start NOW...Enroll as many as you can in BP3...Fast up
front to load up on Auto Orders which are the easiest points to
collect for new associates.
Need to have at least 30 pts in Auto Orders for New Assoc so
this is another reason to enroll lots of people NOW.
This is NOT a program for procrastinators since can not win
with just Pack Points.
Each month, review where you are and put in an adjusted plan
taking into account exactly where you are.
B. For Existing Associates
1. Reactivation Points
Work diligently (should have already started in BP1 and BP2) to
collect the 50 maximum points on reactivation.
Review Monday Call on reactivation for people you enrolled
2. Enrolment Points:
Still must sign up at least 5 All Stars and 5 consumers, or 1 All Star
and 25 consumers or combination thereof to add up to at least 30
points to collect the Minimum Points Required.
3. Auto Order Points for New Associates:
If accomplish the 50 Reactivation and 30 Enrollment points, then have
45 points needed in Auto Orders for Newly Enrolled Associates.
That means 23 Qualifying Auto Orders.
Enroll at least 3 in each of the next 2 Periods:
Enroll 3 in BP 3: 5 x 2 x 3= 30 possible points (24 more likely)
Enroll 3 in BP 4: 4 x 2 x 3= 24 possible points (18 more likely)
4. Determine Leadership Level at end of BP 12 2009 and be
cognizant that you must be at this level at the end of BP 7.

C. Basic other Strategies

1. Terminate and bring back in does you no good anymore.
Only collect points for the reactivation orders (not even New Assoc
2. Do you have any family members who have not ordered in 6
months, or have not renewed? Reactivate now.
3. Make sure to maximize your reactivation points for at least 2
orders being shipped to your house (use pre-existing member accounts
if need be). This strategy alone can accumulate 28 points (7 BP's x 2
pts x 2 positions).
3. Have you ever set up a position with a tax ID#? If not this can be
one of your New Associates so you can grow to Power Bonuses as
well in winning the Incentive.
4. Have you set up your spouse as of yet? Again, a New Associate
with greater point collection and Power Bonus potential.
5. Consider a Blitz in BP 3: Instead of enrolling three, enroll ten new
All Stars or consumers and just watch those Auto Order points collect.
6. Prefer consumer Associates to All Stars? Consumers might be
more likely to get on Auto Order for additional products whereas All
Stars may not be as likely to get on Auto Order.
7. Or any combination of the above…
REMEMBER: Don’t go alone…GO with others!

D. Final Analysis
1. This is not a Program that is better for New Associates than pre-
existing as was the last one (due to Power Bonus Points). Why? The
incredible value of Reactivation Points.
2. This is not a Program that works better as a Team. Why? Because
all points are only accumulated on the people you enroll, so what
others do is not critical or supportive of what points you accumulate.
3. HOWEVER, your first goal is to get as many people in your
organization committed to WIN the trip as possible. Why? Because
you are a Leader and you want your business to grow!!
You Lead by Example!

I'm in....Are you?

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