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he, un oO THE ORIGAMI OF q | STEPHEN PALMER ) 4 eS 8.00) 4 D.Petty. Ska, ey THE ORIGAMI OF TE, << STEPHEN PALMER ( a D Petty. © David Pty ‘pa 1908 Fist Published Ap 1904 ‘BOSS. Booklet Noa No pat of tis publication maybe repreducod, stored i a eteval system, of tranomied, ary form or oy any means, slate,” mecharic, photocopying. or recoded otherwise, wihout te wien permission of ho Bish Gram Sooty. Prod inthe United Kingdom INTRODUCTION ‘Stephen was a kesn momber ofthe Manchester min-reetings 2s wall asa convention contibutor and attender, Shorty Dore Unowpeced death he had spoken fo me ung one auch meotng shout producing BOS booklet o hs models 3 whon Ne ora tateriae wero handod ove othe BOS, I eadiy agreed to tll Stephon’ wish and pede "hs boc. The modo more aeady <éagrammed, but Some cases the page layout hs been fo “rested fo ad the bookie formal. Ihave supplemented the Inatuctens, such as added cour Wxation, whore necessary. Convention pack reador il easy be Yara wth Stephen's logo: Origraly ts was onal hss agar shoal that string met would make = good cover design and, tortore, ‘lec orator rom te India nsnacon shes tam {alt to Lita Pety, my wre, or al her hard workin roping ‘The models slectad lr this booklet are vated and span sever gone "fam gla © havo has the opperunty o present hem to yous David Pet, CONTENTS Monet BUTTERFLY. (CLIP-ON HEART. ovarrs. ENVELOPE, a0 Fist = FLAPPING BUTTERFLY. GGRANDOAD, MESSAGE CRACKER. PORKY PI. purpy. : ROLLER FLOATER, sana, SIMPLE FLAPPING BIRD. SIMPLE SPAGE SHUTTLE, TELEPHONE. TURTLE, war's uP Doe, WINGED HELMET \WRAP AROUND DECORATION... Other 80S Book DIGITS eye yee . BEE een ne 9, 10 ‘ateer cet kena ENVELOPE FLAPPING BUTTERFLY 10 Pes sae kel ¢ Ka 3 1 WY a. ms ? + GRANDDAD ipa | @ EBS © % oD 3 / . : Ly py wo paca i : / 7 7 \ > Sa He DPW VVANAY A a i SPACE SHUTTLE TELEPHONE ree a tlk 7 UU og 34 18 [AMT Tre aR PEP] EE) Raa bie ae Nagy aS WINGED HELMET WRAP AROUND DECORATION OTHER B.0.S. BOOKLETS Nor Noa Nos Noe No? Noo Noo No 10 Nott No 12 Now Nets No 16 Not? Nota No19 No 20 No2t No 23 No2a No 25 No26 No 29 No30 Noat Nox Noss oot Notos on th History of Orga John S. Sint Notas on Ongar’ ana Matiomatce -Jonn 5. Smith History athe iin Orgami Sooty and Paneling in Bain “asi Lister ‘an Origami Instruction Language John S. Smith Teaching Origami = John 5 Sih CGeomate Dvsion - Mick Guy (Choco Ste of Martin Wal, Max Hullo & Neal as Mek Guy & Dave Venaties Nain fos - Joba Cane Chigamy ana Mage - Ray Bot ‘Neal Ela. sclactod Works (1964-1973) - Dave Venables Flxagons- Paul Jackson Manin Wal Eary Werks (1870-1970) - Marin Wa Orta ~ Troe Yenn PPurelnd Ongar = oho 8. Smith ‘Max Hulme: Selecta Works (1973-1070) - Dave Venabios 1 of my Papor Folds - Pau Jackson Crigami Games Mick Guy and Pau! Jackson Pip Shen Select Geomsic Papers "Paul ackson ‘Anthony O'Hare: Creators - Dae! Mason Cngami Ches tras Tree Decorations = Pau! Jackson ‘Tho Sivor Rectangle = John Cue Index 10100 tn Cut Index 101 10 120 Jan Curie Enilopo & Loter Fong de Curio ‘imal Orga = Ewin Core (Ongami Jt Baynon ‘weld Origami 2 John 8. Smith Paper peopl and oer Poirirs- Dav Paty ‘More igi Jet Boynon. Patlems in Paper = ohn Sith ‘nal Onigam 2 - Eau Corie ‘Noo! Blase Mscelanooue Folds + - Et by Dave Venables 29 ‘No 35. Neat Etas's Misclloneaous Folds 2 Ete by Dave Venabies ‘No.26. Neal Elar's Faces and Buse - Edad by Dave Venables ‘No a7 Jef Ov 3 Jt Beynon "No 38. Four gam Jef Beynon No 39. Animal Ongami 3 = Edwin Cone ‘No 40_The Geni of van Witom Derkson -O Pety Nb 41. Convention Packs Index 19791991 - D Pety "No 2 Lary Mart Selected Works (1973-1093) - Ly Han No.3. Purgand 3 ~ John § Smith No 44 Multoteaion “Jet Beynon No 45_ The Orgam' of Sten Palmer ~0 Paty No 48. Modular Constucton & Twists 0 Petly No 98-10 Simpl Papor lds: Ongam for Segoners Pvt Jackson| {All Publications available trom 8.0.8. Supplies Oticers ‘ite e General Seerctary FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT ORIGAM WRITE TO CGoneral Secretary - Peter Fos, 11 Yamingale Road, Kings Heath, ‘Bimingham, B14 LT. “Membership Secretary - Mrs Penny Groom, 2a The Chestnuts, (Countashorpe, Lovester, LEB IL. 2»

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