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July 24, 2015
To all Rotarians and Rotaractors concerned:
Greetings in Rotarian service!
The Pilipinas Rotaract Convention is a highly anticipated event for all the Rotaractors in the
Philippines. And with great pride, RID 3850 is happy to host the 5th Pilipinas Rotaract
Convention with the theme Pilipinas Rotaractors, A gift to the World on February 19-21,
2015 at LFisher Hotel.
We are writing this letter in response to the queries made on our FB page. This letter will contain
detailed explanations on the concerns made and we do hope that we would be able to answer
your queries. We humbly thank you for your support for the success of this event.
Below are the concerns with their corresponding responses made by the PROCON Team. In any
ways do we fail to give you a satisfactory answer, you can contact the PROCON Chair Ronald
Villanueva or the RID3850s DRR Joy Ann Ardiente.
1. Registration Fee of P3200.00 is quite expensive.
We opt to give you the best experience for PROCON as we planned it in a way that there would
be sufficiency of food for delegates (organizer anticipated a larger crowd this year), strict
implementation of time for every activities, manpower is enough since every club in Negros
Occidental has their own assignment, transport service will be organized well and participants
will be staying in a comfortable accommodation on Bacolods best hotel Lfisher. The District
will have insufficiency on the budget and we will have larger deficits if we will lower down the
registration. The registration fee is enough to give them comfortable and unforgettable stay in
Bacolod City. We will not venture to go on a lower price coz it will give them mediocre kind of
accommodation. Yes, we do understand that they will be booking their flights to reach Bacolod,
but if they want to save they can do it in an earlier time.

2. Early Bird is set on a month basis only. Why is there no early bird promo for
Our early bird promo which amounts to P2800.00 is only set for a month basis which
started on July 1, 2015 and will end on July 31, 2015. The early bird promo was only
made to entice the rotaractors to register ahead. There has never been an early bird rate
not until Cebu came up with it last year. We cannot further extend this promo as it will
entail a greater deficit on the organizers part or it will increase the regular rate if we will
adjust the coverage date of the promo. There is no early bird promo for the Rotarians
because we are prioritizing the Rotaractors. Yes, Rotarians are very much welcome to
attend but we will give priority to Rotaractors.
3. Why is the registration fee for Rotarians so expensive and it doesnt include the

Rotarians final rate is P3200 without accommodation. We have to rectify that we have
lowered their registration rate from P3800 to P3200 because of the consideration that we
want them to be present on our event also. The registration fee will include the food, kits,
fellowship and tour. We have decided not to give them accommodation because we have
booked the whole hotel entirely for the rotaractors. All remaining room in the venue
amounts from 5000 to 8000 a night. With that fact in our mind, we do not want to post an
expensive rate for our Rotarians. One consideration also is that we cant join in several
Rotarians in a room unlike the rotaractors. Some Rotarians might have their own
preferred hotel to stay at. Also, the P3200 rate was based on one of the DISCON event of
our district. We have also asked the opinion of some Rotarians with regards to the rate
and they stated that it was just ok.
Though we are firm with our decision not to give them accommodation we will do our
part to assist them as much as we can. We will be posting hotel rates from different hotels
so that they can choose personally. With that, they can ask our team to book for them.
4. Alumni Rate.
Alumni Rotaractor who later became a Rotarian will be regarded as Rotarian and will pay
the same registration rate just like the Rotarians. However, if you are an alumni rotaractor
but did not continue as a Rotarian, you will be regarded as Rotaractor who can avail the
early bird and will have the same registration fee just like the Rotaractors.
5. Interactors joining the PROCON.
Some Interactors are asking if they can join the event. Unfortunately we cant let them
join the event. There are things that the Rotaractors and Rotarians do (e.g Drinking on
fellowship) that in our view is not yet suitable for an interactor to witness.

We do hope that we have answered you questions.

Thank you very much and God bless.
Service above self,


Rotary International District 3850



Rotary International District 3850

PROCON16 Chairperson

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