3 - Functional English

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1- a) Write Synonyms of any FIVE of the following and make a Sentence with the new word.
Celebrated, Divert, Diminish, Eager, Credible, Docile
b) Give ONE-WORD for any FIVE of the following:
i) Which cannot be conquered?
ii) One who looks at the bright side of things.
iii) Person who spends too much money.
iv) Who cannot be corrected?
v) Whose name is not known?
vi) Which cannot be listened?
vii) Someone who works with you.


2- Attempt any FIVE parts:
i) What is a Reflexive Pronoun?
What are indefinite Pronouns?
What is Indicative Mood?
What are Possessive Adjectives?
ix) What are Indefinite Articles?



What is an Abstract Noun?

What are demonstrative Pronouns?
What are Adjectives of Quality?
What are Adverbs of Frequency?
What are Neuter Nouns?

3- Do as directed:
i) Form Abstract Nouns from... Live, Excel
ii) Form Singulars from.Shelves, Geese
iii) Form Plural from.. Analysis, Genius
iv) Form Feminine from.... Bachelor, Master
v) Form Masculine from.. Vixen, Lass
vi) Form Adjectives from .. Price, Dearness
vii) Form Verbs from . Soft, Sad
viii) Form Comparative and Superlative Degrees of .. Lively, Late
ix) Write Collective Nouns to describe a number of Birds, Cattle
x) Fill in the blanks with suitable similes:
Example: As cool as cucumber
a) As quick as..
b) As slow as.
4- a) Pick out Possessives from the following:
i) Its leg is broken.
ii) Saleema took her work to the teacher.
iii) One should love ones country
iv) This look is the property of your college.
v) That is our new car.
b) Pick out Adverbs from the following:
i) Birds fly high.
ii) He received his rival coldly.
iii) They debated the issue hotly.
iv) It took us ages to get there.
v) He looked at his saviour gratefully.



5- Attempt the following:

i) Tigers are on the list of endangered speciespoint out subject
ii) Write Comparative and Superlative degrees of ..Far, Thin
iii) Write Two sentences using each Patrol, Petrol
iv) Distinguish betweenGreat, Big
v) What is the difference between ..Who, Which
vi) Make sentence using each.. Thief, Theft
vii) Use Expire to show its two different meanings.
viii) He is on the committeeWhat part of speech is on?
ix) What does Feb stand for?
i) Use Articles before. Utensil, Island.
(Continued Overleaf)

6- Convert the following into Negative and Interrogative:
i) She tried to raise the lid.
ii) The poor boy wore out his jacket.
iii) Charity begins at home.
iv) Jealousy caused him to strike his friend.
v) The patient lay on the bed.


7- a) Rewrite after supplying the correct tense of the verb given in bracket:
i) Samina said she (see) a ghost.
ii) I wish I (was, were) a millionaire.
iii) He (frighten) as he had seen a ghost.
iv) Every little girl (desire) a nice doll.
v) We were sorry when we (hear) you were going
b) Change the Narration of the following:
i) I said to my teacher Where can I find you if I need you?
ii) My uncle asked me not to argue with him.
iii) He said to his friend let us not waste our time.
iv) The old man said, God bless you!
v) He asked his friend why he had damaged his computer.



8- Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end:
Industry is the life-blood of a country. An industrially well-developed country is always rich and
prosperous. In order to be a home of plenty and prosperity, Pakistan must be industrially developed.
Industrialization is essential for several reasons: If Pakistan does not progress industrially; it will have to
import many products of its requirement from abroad. If the foreign supply of our requirements stops in
times of emergency like war and famine, our whole economy will suffer. Our valuable foreign exchange is
wasted on importing our requirements from abroad. Industrial development will quickly solve the problem
of unemployment by creating new job opportunities. Industrial development helps the countrys agriculture
by raising its output. Industrialization raises the per capita income of the people, helps them to consume
more goods and thus raise their standard of living. In addition to all these, we should remember that
industrially backward countries cannot defend even their sovereignty against aggression.

Why industrially backward countries cannot defend even the sovereignty of their own country?
Give three reasons to prove that industrialization is most important for the development of a country.
How can industrialization raise the living standard of people?
Make a prcis of the passage and give it a suitable title.

9- Make an outline and write an essay of about 200 words on one of the following:
***B.Com I (11/A) iii ***


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