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Feb 23, 2010

Team Building: Brainstorming

Team Building @ Banks D. Kerr YMCA

Brainstorming & Observations

Objective: Brain storm ideas to create peer counseling/leading to implement to aquatics staff
Goals: Safety, Motivation (Self & Management), Job Satisfaction, Peer Accountability

Application from “Who Moved My Cheese?”

“Hem & Haw awoke each day later & later, because they knew where the cheese was”
“Hem & Haw threw away running their shoes, they assumed cheese would always be there.”
“The more important cheese is to you, the more you want to hang on to it”
“If you do not change, you can become extinct”
“Smell the cheese often so to know when it is getting old”
“Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese”
“Old beliefs do not move you to new cheese”
Lay Observations
Current Attitude of Lifeguards
Apathetic, Non Caring, Non Appreciative, No Responsibility, Lazy
Relationship between Guards & Management
-Separate, Distant, 2 Departments (in same department), No Accountability, Little, Mis- or No
Communication…The guards are left to function on their own (shifts, rotations, patrons etc.) not to say these
shouldn’t be expected (they should) but produces a schism between management & guards and teenagers
AUTOMATICALLY says “what can I get away with, no boss over me, how far can I go?”
Past Motivators
Inservices (Information)- Used to equip & train in the knowledge& experience needed but due to current
attitudes of guards (see above) they rarely come, attend, or participate. Information alone will not change the
minds of teenagers, guards who see working as a right INSTEAD of privilege.

Fear-Fear was implemented by way of stories, drop drills, personal experience, and threats to fire if
expectations not met, but ran into issues. First, fear is a good motivator but only temporarily. Eventually
“out of sight, out of mind” settles in and the stories of drowning & accidents at other pools are forgotten.
Second, the threats to terminate employment became just that…threats. Once credibility is lost, teenagers
continue to push buttons and see how little they can get by with.
What Do You Do (2 Options)
Terminate Employment-This is the easiest solution but if the SYSTEM doesn’t change then the new guards will be
just like the old ones, having the same feelings toward their job. While this is the easiest to do (by way of time &
efforts) the other approach is preferred but this SHOULD ALWAYS BE AN OPTION. As a pool and literally
guardians of life, a HIGH EXPECTATION MUST BE SET and if expectations continue to not be met, then
termination is REQUIRED.

Motivate-This is the harder of the two for it involves time, energy, resources and dedication but has chance to
produce the employee needed. Systems must be in place to motivate the employee from management, those they (in
this case) are guarding, and from themselves by way of finding purpose in their job.
Brainstorms/ Concepts/ Principles/Applications
From Management
Set Standard High & Keep It High-There should ALWAYS be expectation that if you are not fulfilling your job
then you can no long work for us. Lives are at stake. As leaders, you need to draw the line (and make it known) and
say if he or she does this or continues to do this (after you have informed them) then THEY MUST GO!!
Feb 23, 2010
Team Building: Brainstorming

Give Guards Purpose-Align Guard’s Goals w/ Goal of YMCA-Figure out way to implement YMCA core
principles in work of lifeguard (how can it be expressed, shown). If the guards realize they are serving more than just
a pool & sitting n a chair every 15 min then they will take pride because an entire organization counts on them.
Example. Safety-Lifeguards are 1st ones called when accident happens throughout the Y. Allow
time/physical practice to know how to implement safety when going to wellness center (where is first aid,
AED, etc etc.

Motivate Using Organization Systems (Annual Eval.)-Use system that you already use to mark & grade for pay
raises (which is a poor motivator) to motivate them. I got a really good eval this time but had NO IDEA it was even
coming up. I know it is a lot of man hours but what if it was twice a year and the grade categories were clearly given
(emphasis on clear, testing on broad categories wont help, teenagers need application) and the result was a reward.
Example. Have evaluations twice a year (one for branch & raises & other for a reward). Display categories,
give expectations, give constant reminders that you (maybe could assign random guards, which will delegate
& give purpose) and give each a point value. As management set a number total (don’t make it too easy) and
reward according to how all the guards performed. (Pool party, water games, pizza etc etc.)
Puppy Complex
From Members
Invent a vehicle that will allow members to express their feelings to the guards. This was kinda done for
Valentine’s Day & receive emails every so often but this would need to be SPECIFIC to the guard and
CONSISTENT. This will produce 1 of 3 responses: Encourage for job they are doing, rebuke for the job they should
be doing, or produce a response that will be overboard & qualify them of not being able to keep to the high standard.
From Guards
Have Guards Serve Other Guards- Teamwork will only happen when the guards care for and appreciate who they
are working for. I want to show the love of Christ to the guards I am working with so sometimes I try to ascertain
is a sin. Scripture says “deny oneself & follow Christ”. Key people could serve their fellow guards by bringing:
Couple 2 liter drinks, bake cookies, take an extra rotation so someone could eat etc..use imagination and it could catch
on with the others. But will take a few key people to be encouraged to start if off.

Let Guards Evaluate Management/Program- I know this sounds like it should never happen (employee should do
what employers say) but teenagers don’t think that way. If once or twice a year the management said “please take this
& evaluate me and how you think I do my job” and allow for this honestly it will go a long way. Part of our problems
is lack of respect for you (Lawrie, Shannon, Andy) and this will allow them to write honestly what you think and will
be a ground for you to evaluate youself when you ask “is this true” and if something is way off or disrespectful, one
on one time is needed anyways. This idea would help with the schism between management & lifeguards with
possible one on one meeting and will let them voice their opinions.

Other Elements/Issues/Thoughts/Concepts
-Develop a List of What You Have As Resources to Reward…Now
-See the Need for One on One or Personal Connection w/ Guards
-Set One Person in Charge of Certain Tasks
-One person taking care of “Frank the Tank” would eliminate him breaking from rough handling
-Specific people to start serving the guards & encourage them to serve back
-Telling things to be done and say “someone do it” does not work with teenagers
-Specific person/ppl to keep consistency when change happens…Don’t fall off..Lose Credibility
-Don’t make so high (5 drop drills a/day) that no one wants to work but reasonable and enforce
-Fine balance so guards don’t replace looking for kids with just looking for red flags
-Delegate When Possible & Necessary
-Giving responsibility to certain things empowers employees
-Let me or someone else make evaluation for staff & program…Making of it should impartial.

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