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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Linda Slagle, President
Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Chris Cahill, Secretary
Robert Somers, Member at Large
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others Present: Three residents were present.

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence all Board members.

Ms. Slagle began the meeting by stating that any residents who wish to receive the official Arlington
County emails regarding the county’s plans for development, county news, etc. should email her at to be added to the list.

III. Resident Forum

Three residents attended the meeting; each of them had questions and concerns regarding the landscaping
at CVII, which is crucial to property values. The residents addressed problems in the following areas:

• The continued lack of ground cover under the tree in the courtyard at 1758 N. Rhodes that was
discussed at April meeting. The resident reported that nothing has been done.
• A resident mentioned that some of the benches on the property appear weathered. Mr.
McPherson stated that they are going to be power washed, stained, and shellacked in the next
• The top step just beyond the archway on Rhodes St. is in terrible disrepair and needs to be
repaired so no one gets hurt (Mgt. will look at and repair ASAP, if it can’t be repaired quickly,
Mr. Somer’s suggested blocking it off for safety until it can be fixed).
• There is a dead tree by the circle at the center of the courtyard near the door to 1746.
• There is also a cherry tree that is dying due to encroachment by a nearby Bradford Pear; the
resident requests that the pear tree be trimmed back so the Cherry tree does not die.

After the initial remarks made by the residents in attendance, an extensive landscaping discussion
followed regarding the lack of progress that has been made in tree and stump removal & groundcover this
spring. Mr. Cahill mentioned a large Bartlett proposal from a few months ago was split in half due to
high cost and that some items under discussion may fall under that contract, Mr. McPherson will compare
the issues brought up at the meeting with previously signed contracts that have not yet been fulfilled.

It was resolved that the best way to address the landscape problems that are not already under contract is
to discuss specific needs on a property walk-through with management, residents, a representative for
T&J (ground cover) and a representative from Bartlett (trees). The three residents in attendance agreed to
take part in this walkthrough. These walk throughs will serve as the basis for new proposals that can
address specific concerns and problem areas. Mr. McPherson will set these meetings up in the next few
IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes

Minutes from May 10, 2006: Motion by Ms. Slagle to approve minutes as written; Second by Mr.
Bostwick, For: All.

V. Management Report

Financial Report: Mr. McPherson reported that CVII’s financial position improved last month and that
income exceeded projections; this was mainly the result of increased collection of delinquency income.
For the month, net income was $480.23; year-to-date net income is negative $18,750.16.

Action List:

Mr. Somers asked about when the stone path at 1774 N. Troy is going to be fixed. Mr. McPherson is
going to get a proposal from Somerset for the cost of digging a trench & resetting the stones. If this does
not secure the stones in the walk, the Board will look into replacing this stone path with concrete.

Ms. Slagle has found another brand of dog repellent and brought the information to the Board for their
review and approval. This item, Liquid Fence, is all natural and advertised as a training device for dogs
and cats. The effect is to neutralize the scent markings of other pets and thus reduce the attraction to pets
to add their own scents. It also remains potent longer. Management will post information on this product
in the areas where the repellent will be used. The first test areas will be the current problem areas at the
corner of Wilson and Rhodes and at the base of the three Ballard lights at the corner of Troy and Key.
Mr. Somers stated that while he understands the need for a product like this he is concerned about the
potentially harmful effects if an animal was to lick a leaf after application. Motion by Mr. Bostwick to
buy one gallon of liquid fence for trial. Second by Mr. Cahill. For: Ms. Slagle, Mr. Bostwick & Mr.
Cahill; Against: Mr. Somers.

Management has installed the dog pooper station and it has already seen a lot of use. The initial bag
supply has been depleted and more bags are going to be ordered.

Mr. McPherson reported that Valcourt (window cleaning company) has come back with a proposal for
$6.50 per window and asked the Board how they would like to proceed. Board says to sign the contract
and set up the cleaning.

Mr. McPherson also presented three proposals by Somerset for reseeding some areas of property that are
currently bare. Motion by Mr. Bostwick to retain Somerset landscaping for proposals on table. Second:
Mr. Somers, For: All.

The doors in CVII continue to be a problem due to heavy use and stress of weather on the wooden frames.
Precision Doors has submitted a proposal for installing steel doorframes throughout property. By only
replacing the doorframes (as opposed to the whole door), management can retain the historic look of the
property while alleviating the problems that exist with the wood frames. Mr. Somers asked that the door
at 1800 Key Blvd be added to current proposal. Ms. Slagle stated that the board approves this proposal as
long as cost does not exceed $7500 once the door at 1800 Key is added. Mr. McPherson will call
Precision and secure a date for installation; he hopes to have it taken care of within two weeks.

Mr. McPherson submitted a proposal to the Board from Clean Machine for cleaning carpets in all the
public areas. Cost is about $2600 and Mr. McPherson believes that the cleaning can be scheduled within
the next two weeks. Board approved and told Management to go ahead.
Mr. McPherson asked the Board for the authority to take action on lower cost proposals for urgent or
necessary projects without Board approval, the Board agreed that Mr. McPherson can act when costs are
below $1000. However, the Board requested that Management keep them informed of these activities by
email so that they are aware of what is being done throughout the community.

Mr. Somers asked Mr. McPherson to place memo on the corkboard regarding Arlington County’s new
parking rules as a courtesy. The new parking plan requires residents to fill out a form and return it to the
county in order to receive their parking sticker.

VI. Old Business


VII. New Business

Ms. Slagle informed the Board of her desire to create a comprehensive Mold/Mildew policy for CVII.
The creation of this policy is a response to the recent problems with black mold and water incursion on
the property. The proposal suggests that the Board hire a reputable company to test for and find the
source of mold when a problem is reported. Once the source of problem has been discovered,
responsibility will fall to the tenant or management. The Board’s proactive stance on this could save in
remediation later on.

In response to the initial proposal from the company Environmental Solutions, Inc. and after a discussion
on the logistics of creating this type of policy, the Board told Mr. McPherson that they would like to see
the following three items included in a final proposal from a company. The testing must determine:

Where did the mold come from? How much is there? Who is responsible for clean up?

The Board also discussed how to manage a policy of this nature including the possibility of paying for the
cost of testing – regardless of who is ultimately responsible for the clean up. The Board realizes that this
is the cost of business and that offering to pay for the testing could save the Board money in the long run
as well as protect the property. It is hoped that having a company on retainer will streamline the
diagnostic aspect of problem solving when water incursion occurs. Once problem is established,
responsible party will be able to secure their own company for clean up.

Mr. McPherson agreed to search for other companies that could perform these functions and will secure
competing bids to present to Board at a future meeting.

In response to Ms. Slagle’s request to create a mold/mildew policy, Mr. McPherson also wrote a draft
maintenance policy for CVII as well as a job description for the engineer. Ms Slagle commended Mr.
McPherson for taking the initiative and urged the Board to read these documents carefully for discussion
at the next meeting. Once a maintenance policy is finalized, it will be shared with the community.

VIII. Next Board Meeting:

July 12, 2006
IX. Executive Session
No Executive Session
X. Meeting Adjourned at 9:05

Respectfully Submitted: Keri A. Towler, Recording Secretary, June 18, 2006

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