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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting
Monday September 18, 2006
Linda Slagle, President
Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Alassane Nguer, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Not Present: Chris Cahill, Secretary & Bob Somers, Member at Large

Others Present: Two Colonial Village Members

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 7:12 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of three Board members.

Please note that copies of the Minutes are available upon request. If you would like a copy of draft
minutes, please email Board President, Linda Slagle at to be placed on the mailing list.

The Board would like to remind residents who give access to maid or cleaning services when they are not
home to make sure the service is aware of and has access to trash rooms. It is not acceptable for these
services to leave trash along the curbs. Management will go through the garbage in an attempt to find out
which residents are having trash left on the streets.

The Board urges residents to place all suggestions/complaints about property in writing so that they can
begin a written file, having files with documentation helps get big issues taken care of faster.

III. Resident Forum

A resident in attendance inquired about the status of the tree at 1745 N. Troy between the street and the
sidewalk, which has no leaves and discussed at last months meeting. Mr. McPherson reported to the
Board that the cost for removing this tree will be approx. $3,000. As this tree is technically on county
property, the Board does not think they should have to absorb this cost and asked Mr. McPherson to
discuss its removal with the county arborist.

The status of the damaged tree in the courtyard on N. Troy was discussed; the Board told the residents
that it was not removed in the past due to resident concerns. Previously, a damaged limb was removed
and the tree rebounded slightly but the residents are again wondering about its status as it is no longer
healthy. Ms. Slagle stated that the property is over planted and that the board is committed to tree
management in 2007 when these issues can be addressed.

Ms. Slagle thanked one of the residents in attendance for the water management tips they shared with the
Board, noting that residents are the “first responders” in their homes in the event of a water damage event.
This resident attended the meeting to voice concerns over Terry Hix’s water management proposal
discussed at last month’s meeting. The specific concern was regarding whether the catch basins that will
be placed along sidewalk along N. Troy will have an outlet – otherwise water can still overflow. Mr.
McPherson agreed to discuss this with Mr. Hix and make sure the work is done right. Another area of
concern was the flat area behind the retainer wall to the laundry room along the backside of 1741 N. Troy.
Mr. McPherson assured the resident that all the downspouts currently along that building will be
connected and sent towards the ravine. In the event of water running down the side of the building (due
to clogged gutters) the Board urges residents to contact the Board and Management via email
immediately. Should there be water incursion into buildings, management should be contacted
immediately by phone (703 525 5557). This number will connect with the emergency answering service
after hours and weekends. Again, a detailed email follow-up will be most helpful.

Ms. Slagle asked the resident in attendance if she would be willing to walk the property with Mr. Hix and
Mr. McPherson to address areas of concern directly. The start date for the water management project is
slated for mid-October.

IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes

Minutes from August 9, 2006: Motion by Ms. Slagle to approve the minutes with a note as to spelling of
residents name; Second by Mr. Nguer, For: All.

V. Management Report

Financial Report: Mr. McPherson stated that CVII had an expensive month, mainly due to the bills for
window cleaning, building maintenance and a bill from Somerset that belonged to CVIII – this money
will be refunded.

Ms. Slagle asked Mr. McPherson look into options for CVII’s Acacia account which has matured. She
would like him to discuss the best options for reinvesting this money with the accountant. Mr.
McPherson stated he is meeting with her this week.

Coinmach Contract: Mr. McPherson reported to the Board that their contract with Coinmach (laundry
machines) is expiring. Coinmach would like the Board to approve a new lease (July 2006 – June 2009)
that includes a $20,000 bonus for the Board over the three-year period. Mr. McPherson informed the
Board that their laundry income for the year was $18,000, which is $2,000 over budget, prompting the
Board to refrain from increasing fee for the time being. Ms. Slagle and Mr. Bostwick inquired as to why
this was necessary as they thought the contract had been renewed last year when the new machines were

Motion by Mr. Bostwick: before signing a new contract, Mr. McPherson should check with the former
property manager as well as making sure there is not an existing contract. Once it has been confirmed
that there is no longer a valid contract, the Board will sign off on the contract that has been submitted.
Second by Ms. Slagle, For: All.

Budget: The budget for 2007 was discussed by the Board at a meeting on September 12, 2006. A copy of
the budget will be distributed to residents for review and issues can be addressed at the upcoming annual

Environmental Engineer Retainer Report: Mr. McPherson was unable to have a copy of the MAS Labs
proposal prior to the meeting. Mr. McPherson asked for the Board’s permission to email them a copy this
week, for review and vote over email. The MAS Labs proposal includes a $500 fee per occurrence,
which includes a full report, testing and analysis. Once this report is received, CVII will have the
opportunity to go back to MAS Labs for a remediation plan or will have the option going to another
company. The Board agreed to review the proposal and decide via email.
Verizon Proposal for Fiber optic/Broadband: Mr. McPherson has received a letter from a Verizon
engineer who would like to make a presentation to the Board regarding the installation of Fiber
optics/Broadband on the property; Mr. McPherson thinks the Board should hear them out, as CVIII is
moving forward with this plan. Mr. Nguer suggested that CVII wait and see what happens with CVIII.
Ms. Slagle asked that we table this discussion until the November meeting. There should be some
feedback from CVIII by then and the Board will offer Verizon 15 minutes during resident forum. At the
meeting, Mr. Bostwick would like information from the Verizon marketing people regarding what they
will offer the residents as well was the engineering aspects – where will the work be done and how do
they plan to do it. The Board wants details of the proposal.

Bench Cleaning: The bench cleaning will take place the week of 9/18. Management has a power washer
and has done research on the proper way to treat the wood. The benches will be gently power washed
with a deck/wood cleaner and then shellacked with a polyurethane sealer. Management assures the Board
that the benches will be properly prepped and that they will leave 48 hours for benches/sealers to dry
before adding successive coats.

VI. New Business

Mr. McPherson discussed his preventative maintenance goals over the next 60 days – including power
washing some of the retaining walls, opening up drains and using Molly bolts to secure walls that are
bulging. He would also like to paint sections of the ornamental fence and fix signage and bollard lights
around the property.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

Annual Meeting on October 18, 2006
Don’t’t forget to get your proxy into the office for the meeting. It can be faxed (703 525 5558)

VIII. Executive Session

IX. Meeting Adjourned at 9:00

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler,
Recording Secretary
September 26, 2006

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