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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting
Wednesday October 18, 2006

Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Alassane Nguer, Treasurer
Chris Cahill, Secretary
David McPherson, Property Manager

Not Present: Bob Somers, Member at Large

Others Present: 2 residents were in attendance

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 8:08 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of four Board members.

Check out CVII’s new website!

Please note that copies of the Minutes are available upon request. If you would like a copy of draft
minutes please email Board President, Linda Slagle at to be placed on the mailing list.

Be Advised:
As of October 15, 2006 over $3,400 dollars of your condo fees have been used to pay for special pickups
(large items such as mattresses, old appliances and large boxes). These special pickups are a growing
financial burden on the community. Please contact the Management office to discuss options for pickups
if you have large items to discard or are renovating your unit and anticipate large amounts of trash.

The Board would like to remind residents that they are not allowed to repair vehicles on the street. This is
an enforcement issue for Arlington County, if you see someone working on their car you should call the
police or parking enforcement. CVII is in the Chesapeake Bay watershed area and no one should be
changing oil or anti-freeze on the property.

The Board would like to remind CVII residents of the rules regarding carpeting in units. All residents are
required to cover 80% of their floors with carpeting to reduce the transmission of noise between units.

III. Resident Forum

One of the residents in attendance asked the Board about the water shut-off in 1741 N. Troy one morning
this week. This shut-off was unannounced and the resident was wondering what the procedure is for
notifying residents in the future. Mr. McPherson informed the resident this shut-off was unplanned due to
a water main break in the courtyard outside this building. For a scheduled shut-off, residents are given 72
hour notice.

IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes

Minutes from August 9, 2006: Motion by Mr. Cahill to approve the minutes as written. Second by Mr.
Bostwick, For: All.

V. Management Report
Financial Report: Ms. Slagle asked Mr. McPherson about the maturation date of the Acacia account that
is listed as 8/15/06. Mr. McPherson stated that this was a typo as the account has been reinvested for
another year. Reserves are at $630,000.00.

Landscaping: Mr. McPherson told the Board that $3,427 has been spent on special garbage pickups this
year. The Board is frustrated with the amount of large items that are being left in trash rooms and needs
to figure out a solution. Mr. McPherson stated that CVI is thinking about charging owners who rent their
units a monthly surcharge. Ms. Slagle thinks the idea is worth considering, Mr. McPherson said it would
be easy to implement as you would just charge all owners with an offsite address listed as primary. Mr.
Cahill stated that renters are not the only ones responsible for the excessive trash, as appliances and
materials left by contractors who are renovating units for onsite owners. Mr. McPherson has run this by
the association’s lawyer and would like to charge absentee owners. Mr. Bostwick likes the idea of
charging these owners and asked that Mr. McPherson share more information about how CVI is
proceeding at the next meeting.

Mr. McPherson gave the Board a Bartlett proposal for some basic tree maintenance around the property
and asked the Board if they would like to approve at the meeting or roll it into a larger systematic
approach to the whole property that is forthcoming. Mr. Cahill says Board should go ahead as the plan
for tree maintenance is continually changing. Mr. McPherson recommends that the Board approve as

Motion by Mr. Cahill to accept proposal as written, 2nd by Mr. Bostwick, For: all. The proposal was
signed by Ms. Slagle.

Ms. Slagle asked about the status of the tree stumps around property, which are reaching an all time high.
Mr. McPherson would like to ask Somerset to submit a proposal for the stumps as he believes their rates
are more competitive. Mr. Cahill asked Mr. McPherson to get a proposal from Somerset for next

Mr. McPherson reported on the status of the large oak tree on the sidewalk on Troy that has been
discussed at the last few meetings. Since the last meeting, he has discovered that CVII actually owns the
tree as the property goes to the curb. Mr. McPherson has called Dominion Power and told them this tree
is a hazard as it has grown into the power lines and the tree is now on their list. Although there is no time
table, once Dominion cuts the tree down/away from the power lines, Mr. McPherson will have Bartlett
remove the rest of the tree.

The revelation that CVII is responsible for all the trees past the sidewalk, previously believed to belong to
the county, Mr. McPherson needs to have Bartlett re-evaluate the whole property and figure out potential
liabilities, specifically regarding branches that hang over cars.

Verizon Proposal for Fiber optic/Broadband: Mr. McPherson reported that the licensing agreement that
Verizon has submitted has some problems as it treats condos like rentals, meaning they expect
management to let them run the lines into all units. This does not work as in a condo association; the
owners have the choice of whether or not to use Verizon. For CVII to be able to accept, Verizon must
change the language. Mr. Cahill stated that it is not worth having them come out if the language does not
change; Mr. McPherson would like to leave Verizon on the agenda for November at the moment, but
reserves the right to remove them. CVIII is currently dealing with this issue and Mr. McPherson will
keep the Board informed.

Parking Petition: The petition recently submitted by CVI to restrict parking on Troy from Wilson to Key
Blvd was thrown out by Arlington County due to deficiencies. CVI and CVIII both have a point person
for this project and Mr. McPherson would like to see someone from CVII agree to work on this with the
CVI and CVIII representatives and go back to the county. If all three associations work together, they
stand a better chance of getting Arlington County to honor future petitions.

If you are interested in helping out the community in this way, please contact Board President Linda
Slagle or Property Manager David McPherson.

Hallway Renovation: Mr. McPherson has received an estimate for repainting the hallways from
Renaissance painting for $4,000. This is a good company, who just did some work over at CVIII. This
estimate is just for discussion purposes at this point as the Board is planning a full overhaul to start
sometime in the next half-year.

Coinmach Contract: Mr. McPherson did not bring it with him to the meeting but will get it to Ms. Slagle
and have her sign it in the next week.

Website/Message Board: Ms. Slagle is concerned about the message board that has been created by a
community resident and the potential for it to become slanderous or inappropriate. Mr. Cahill reassured
her that the message board has a moderator and everyone who posts must register. He has been on the
site and it has been very positive: with people selling items, sharing recipes and discussing parking within
the community. There is not a significant amount of traffic. Mr. Cahill believes that the message board is
a tool that can build community. Ms. Slagle wants to remain cautious and place a disclaimer before
linking the message board to the official community website. Mr. Cahill has offered to keep an eye on it
and reminded that Board that they have no real authority to stop it.

VI. New Business

As quorum was not met at the annual board meeting, Ms. Slagle asked Mr. McPherson what he is going
to do to make sure enough votes are received before the next meeting in order to adjourn the annual
meeting in November. Ms. Slagle would like him to convey the importance of their involvement in the
community to residents and remind them that their vote is important. Mr. McPherson will send a new
letter out to residents along with a new proxy.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

November 8, 2006

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 9:32

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler, Recording Secretary, October 23, 2006

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