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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting – Executive Minutes

Wednesday February 28, 2007

Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Chris Cahill, Communications
Bob Somers, Secretary
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others Present: Three Members of Verizon Fiber Optic Proposal Team

Eight residents from various villages.

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 7:07 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of all five Board members.

Check out CVII’s new website!

Be Advised: The Board would like to remind CVII residents of the rules regarding carpeting in units. All
residents are required to cover 80% of their floors with carpeting to reduce the transmission of noise
between units.

III. Resident Forum

Landscaping Issue: Resident brought up the issue of landscaping under the large tree in the 1758 N.
Rhodes courtyard now that spring is approaching. Requests for plantings in this area have been placed in
previous contracts with the landscapers and nothing has survived. Mr. Cahill suggested charging a new
company with trying to find something for this area. The resident shared with the Board that Ivy had
been planted there in the past with some success. Mr. McPherson will bring proposals for planting some
perennials in this area to the next meeting.

Tree Stump Removal: Another resident brought up the issue of tree stumps in the 1701 N. Troy
Courtyard and would like to see them removed. Mr. McPherson stated that it will be taken care of in the
next couple of weeks. The huge stump on the sidewalk at 1741 N. Troy will take more time as it will cost
a lot more money. Board would like an estimate of cost and Mr. McPherson will bring a proposal for
removal to the next meeting.

Updates on Nearby Development Projects: Mr. Cahill reported on the status of the development
projects at 1800 Wilson Blvd. and 2000 Wilson (Elm Street) after having attended the Arlington County
Board Meeting earlier in the month. Mr. Cahill was happy to report that all of CVII’s demands regarding
parking at 2000 Wilson have been met. Once the building is completed, there will be 90 commercial
spaces in the building that CVII will have first right of refusal on for overnight parking and 12 spaces that
can be leased by CVII residents. The Board will have to work out a plan for how to coordinate with the
management of 2000 Wilson and the process of announcing the availability of the spaces to Colonial
Village residents as the buildings completion gets closer. This is a real victory for CVII as it shows that
the county realizes the parking issues faced by CVII and is working to alleviate that problem. Mrs. Slagle
reiterated that this result was the culmination of many hours of work by members of all Villages,
including a large town hall meeting with the developer, several focus meetings, meetings with 3 Board
members, and countless hours testifying before the Arlington County Board. Many thanks to all

The development at 1800 Wilson is a bit more of a challenge; this building has already been built and did
not have comprehensive parking plan in place before construction. Now they are having trouble securing
parking for their retail/potential restaurant units from surrounding buildings. The building consists of 10
live/work units and two retail units; there are plans for an eyeglass store, nail salon, jewelry store, and a
passport photo agency. There is also a space for a restaurant but potential restaurateurs are having a hard
time securing a loan due to the parking situation. The developers are under no obligation to put in a

Verizon Presentation
A large part of the Resident Forum for the February meeting was the presentation from Tracy King of
Verizon about Verizon’s proposed installation of a fiber optic network throughout Colonial Villages I, II,
III, the Commons, and the rental villages. This fiber optic network would enable Verizon to provide
broadband service (high speed Internet), telephone service, and its new television service called Fios. Jim
Venturino of Shifflette & Associates (Engineers) and a representative from the construction company that
would do the actual network installation were present as well.

Verizon is seeking approval from Colonial Village to install fiber network. If Colonial Village allows
Verizon to come in and place the network capability, there will be no obligation for residents to purchase
this service. Residents will still be able to choose whatever phone/television /internet service they wish
from Verizon or from another provider. The prices and conditions for Verizon services will be determined
solely by Verizon. For residents who choose to subscribe to any of Verizon’s service, there will be a
dedicated cable from their unit to Verizon central, which is intended to allow for connections to be faster
than over existing copper and coaxial networks.

If Colonial Village agrees to the proposal, all costs of the installation will be covered by Verizon. They
will bring the lines from the street to every building on the property; ideally, they would also gain access
to each unit to install the NID (network interface device). However, if an owner does not allow entry,
Verizon will bring the line as close as possible to the unit. This box is approx. 2’ x 2’ (5” deep) and is
generally installed in a closet. Verizon and their contractors take every precaution to make sure all wires
are covered and that the architectural integrity of the buildings remains intact. All maintenance of the
wires inside the building, up to the NID in the unit will be Verizon’s responsibility, as they own the lines.
All outside lines will be underground, approx. 36” under the sidewalks/roads and 24” under grass. It is
expected that the new cables would be laid alongside the existing copper wires.

Verizon is asking the Board to sign a licensing agreement, which will allow them to review the property
specs, decide on an engineering plan and path from the street to each building. They will need access to a
few “representative” units in order to create an accurate plan. Once Verizon has conducted the site
survey, they will present their plan to the Board for approval. Nothing will be done on the property until
all phases of the project have been reviewed/approved by the Board.

Mr. McPherson believes that Verizon will do a first class job and that there is significant interest among
owners for this service. By considering Verizon’s request to install a fiber optic network, the
management of the various Colonial Villages would not be endorsing Verizon’s services or receive any
compensation, but would simply be making the technical pipeline for Verizon’s services possible. The
infrastructure to provide the availability of Verizon telephone/Internet and television service could create
some competition to Comcast.
After the presentation, the Board told Mr. McPherson and the Verizon representative that they would like
to see a license agreement that contains language appropriate for the legal status of CV associations. The
Board will not sign an agreement that gives Verizon access to all units, as that is up to individual owners.
Once the licensing agreement has been modified for CVII and submitted the Board will evaluate the

The Board would also like references from Verizon from other similar properties where this service has
been installed, such as Arlington Village. The Board expects to know which direction they would like to
take by the March meeting.

IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes

Minutes from January 17, 2007 were not read/approved as they were not submitted to Board for final
approval; they will be reviewed next month.

V. Management Report

Financial Report: Ms. Slagle asked Mr. McPherson to look at the Treasury bill that is scheduled to
mature on 3/15/07 and recommend to the Board the best investment opportunities. The Board also
discussed combining the Virginia Commerce Bank and BB&T accounts to get a better interest rate. Mr.
McPherson will send the most recent rate sheet to Mr. Surbey for review, Ms. Slagle asked him to keep in
mind that the accounts need to retain fluidity and that something should mature every 3-4 months.

Moveout Deposit: Mr. McPherson would like the Board to consider initiating a “moveout” deposit
policy regarding the storage bins at CVII. Often, people leave items in their bins when they move out,
which creates problems for the new owners. In some cases, there is stuff that has been in there for years,
through many different owners. This move-out fee would be used to cover the cost of hauling out old
items. If the owner empties the bin when they move out, they will get their deposit back. The Board
asked Mr. McPherson to write up a policy and present it to the Board at the next meeting, a fee of $250
was agreed upon as a good amount.

Electrical Box Survey: Didier Follain-Grisell has submitted a proposal to management regarding the
survey of electrical boxes to assess the need for repairs. Due to the number of boxes in CVII, the
electrician suggested, surveying a random sample of 4 for the cost of $1600. With almost 40 boxes in
CVII, Mr. Surbey does not think that a 10% sample is enough. The Board agreed that the survey should
include boxes with known problems as well as buildings that included a representative sampling,
geographically, & with different exposure from throughout the property. Ms. Slagle wants Mr.
McPherson to stress to Didier that this survey is about triage around the property, not a blank check for
maintenance. Once the Board receives the results of the survey, they will have a better idea of total cost
for replacement/maintenance throughout the property.

Motion by Mr. Cahill that Didier double the survey size to 8 buildings and submit two cost estimates to
the board: one for preventative maintenance on the 8 sample boxes and another for the complete
replacement of the 8 sample boxes. Second: Mr. Bostwick; For: all.

Snow Removal: Mr. McPherson asked the Board to start thinking about a snow removal contract for next
year; Ms. Slagle agreed and asked him to bring proposals to the Board by the April meeting. This year,
CVII has been using McFall & Berry. The Board reminded Mr. McPherson that there are three main
areas of concern: stoops/steps, the steep sidewalk along Key, and sidewalk along Wilson. Mr. Bostwick
suggested that management retain the services of McFall & Berry through this season, the Board agreed
and Ms. Slagle signed the contract.
VI. New Business
Mr. Cahill would like Recycling to be on next months agenda and Mr. Surbey would like security issues
at CVII to be on the agenda.

Spreadsheet of Service Contract Renewals: Mr. McPherson stated that by the March board meeting he
will have created a spreadsheet of all CVII service contracts setting forth renewal dates. This spreadsheet
will enable the Board to evaluate all service contracts at a glance and make timely determinations about
whether to renew existing contracts or to solicit bids for new contractors.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

March 21, 2007 The Board agreed to move the meetings to the 3rd Wednesday whenever possible.

IX. Meeting Adjourned at 9:40

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler,
Recording Secretary
March 5, 2007

Please note that copies of the Minutes are available upon request. If you would like a copy of draft
minutes, please email Board President, Linda Slagle at to be placed on the mailing list

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