CV II Minutes 2007.03

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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday March 21, 2007

Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Chris Cahill, Communications
Bob Somers, Secretary
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others Present: One Resident of CVII

I. Meeting Call to Order: President Linda Slagle called meeting to order at 7:12 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of all five Board members.

Check out CVII’s new website!

Be Advised: The Board would like to remind residents that bulk trash items, such as the bathtub and
vanity recently left in the trash room at 1741 N. Troy, continue to contribute to the enormous bulk trash
bill at CVII - $1,400 of your condominium fees went towards bulk trash removal in February alone!
Please contact management if you have bulk items to remove.

III. Resident Forum

A resident in attendance asked the Board to look into the uneven walkway in front of 1713 N. Troy where
water pools/freeze in the rain and snow. This is a very dangerous area, and the resident slipped on March
6. Mr. McPherson told the Board and the resident that Hix & Son’s has been asked to submit an estimate
for fixing this area, either by filling in the sidewalk or adding a french drain. Once management receives
an estimate, they will share it with the Board and work can commence immediately.

The resident also wanted to inform the Board about his treatment by management regarding this matter.
He did not feel his call to management was returned in a timely manner and that the staff was
unprofessional when he went to the office. Mr. McPherson responded that he had in fact called the
resident back and cited the fact that he had been out of the office a number of days for training, as the
reason for not getting back to him immediately. Regarding the office staff, Ms. Slagle reminded the
resident that it is not the Board’s responsibility to admonish the office staff directly, but rather to refer
such matters to Mr. McPherson so that management can deal with them appropriately.

A resident asked Mr. McPherson to look into the cover over the crawlspace by the bike storage at 1859
Wilson, which has been dislodged.

There is a sinkhole on the street just outside 1731 N. Troy, which needs to be fixed and appears to be
spreading. Mr. McPherson has been in touch with Arlington County and is trying to get it dealt with.
Ms. Slagle suggested having Hix & Sons look at it and assess what is causing the problem. The Board
could present this assessment to the members of the Arlington County Board and make this a matter of
public record. Ms. Slagle reminded the Board and Mr. McPherson that when dealing with the county,
CVII needs to keep a timeline of progress, when contacts are made and any changes to the hole.
IV. Reading &Approval of Minutes
Motion by Ms. Slagle to accept the minutes from the January 17, 2007 and February 28, 2007 meetings as
written. Second by Mr. Bostwick, For: all.

V. Management Report
Financial Report: Mr. Surbey met with the financial manager, Debbie Miller, who said she would like the
Board to give her a standing order regarding what she should do with the association’s money as different
accounts mature. The Board would like to have one investment mature every 3-4 months and at least
$75,000 in a money market at all times. Mr. Surbey suggested opening a second money market account
and when enough money builds up in one account ($100,000) that the money be transferred to a CD. Ms.
Slagle and Mr. McPherson agreed that this is a good strategy.

Motion by Ms. Slagle that the Treasurer follow the Board guidelines and work with the CMI financial
manager to reinvest the money as it comes due. The treasurer should report on any actions at the
following board meeting. Seconded by Mr. Cahill, For: All.

Letters to the President: The Board President has received a number of calls about a dog that is allowed
to run around the courtyards along Troy street off leash. Mr. McPherson stated to the Board that he has
written a number of strongly worded letters to the owner. The Board agrees that it is time for mediation
in this matter CVII is presently developing a complete policy that can be followed. Mr. McPherson told
the Board that another community has a policy that CVII can use as a starting point. Mr. Cahill would
like to see a copy of this policy and Mr. McPherson said he could get it to the Board by Friday (3/23/07).
Mr. Surbey asked if this policy could be used for other matters that may come up and Mr. McPherson
confirmed that the procedure is generic for all matters that may require mediation and that any violation
of the association rules is actionable by the Board. The Board agrees it is necessary to have a policy of
this nature at their disposal should a problem arise.

Verizon: The Verizon representatives were unable to attend this meeting and the Board is still not
satisfied with the contract. Assuming a new contract is received, the Board will discuss the Verizon
proposal at the next meeting. An example of the Verizon board that would be installed in units was
delivered and is available for viewing at the condo management office at 1903 N. Key Blvd..

Mold/Mildew Remediation: Mr. McPherson reported on a mold/water problem at 1904 Key Blvd, which
he has been dealing with since January. After the initial report of water by the owner, MASLabs went in
but the wall was dry and the moisture was believed to be condensation as the room was very warm and
the condensation was only around the electrical panel. Recently, the owner said there was mold around
the panel, but there was no evidence of extensive water infiltration and Management still felt this was
owner responsibility. The owner got a second opinion from an outside consultant who conducted an
invasive investigation involving opening the wall. Finding water in the wall cavity the company
discovered the source of the problem to be an uncapped old standpipe, which allowed water to come up
from the crawlspace below the building. Mr. McPherson has found a solution for capping this opening
that will solve the recurrence of the problem in this particular unit. Once the standpipe has been capped,
MASLabs will come back to check the safety of the building & make sure there are no existing
mold/mildew issues.

Ms. Slagle asked Mr. McPherson if the Board should bring someone in to look at similar standpipes in the
crawlspaces throughout the property to see if this is a widespread problem. Mr. Surbey suggested the
possibility of conducting a survey similar to the electrical panel survey previously approved by the
Board.. Mr. McPherson warned the Board that if might not be possible to visually inspect all possible
residual stand pipes (left over from radiator heating before conversion.) However, Ms. Slagle
recommended that a visual survey should take place; and that the Board should follow a proactive policy
for dealing with problems as the Board becomes aware of them.

Motion by Mr. Surbey to have Didier conduct a diagnostic review of the crawlspaces around the property,
looking for standpipes that are uncapped and give the Board an estimate on the extent of this problem.
Second by Ms. Slagle; For: all.

Recycling Efforts: Mr. Cahill would like to know if the trash company used by CVII is capable of
handling recycling and what their policy is. Mr. McPherson stated that CVII currently recycles
newspaper and broken down cardboard, but is not currently recycling plastic or metal. Mr. Surbey asked
when the current contract is up and if management could look for other companies who might have better
recycling capabilities. Mr. McPherson informed the Board that due to the nature of CVII’s indoor trash
rooms (vs. curbside dumpsters), there are very few trash companies equipped for this arrangement. Mr.
Cahill is not looking to find a new company, and was only asking if the current company has the
infrastructure to handle increased recycling efforts before moving forward with a recycling plan of action.

Bulk Trash: In an effort to address the problem with bulk trash removal, the Board would like Mr.
McPherson to place new warning signs on the trash room door. These new signs should make the rules
regarding trash removal very clear. Mr. McPherson said he would take care of it.

Contract Calendar: The Board would like Mr. McPherson to create a calendar of contracts to help keep
track of the renewal dates for services such as trash & snow removal. Mr. Somers suggested that it
should include info on when the contracts are up, when to receive bids and contact information for the
companies. Ms. Slagle would also like Mr. McPherson to create an overall calendar for the community
that includes information on long-term projects.

Mold/Mildew Policy & Electrical Panel Survey: Mr. McPherson will have the Mold/Mildew Policy for
the Board to review next month. The Electrical Panel Survey will be conducted in April.

VI. New Business

Common Area Renovations: Mr. Surbey suggested tabling this discussion to another meeting, due to the
late hour and the numerous, potentially expensive, maintenance projects that the Board is currently
working on.

Website: Ms. Slagle would like Mr. Cahill to create text for the website that clarifies the different
associations that make up “colonial village” as there are actually six different organizations that all fit
under the general designation “colonial village.” This has created some confusion among the general
public. Ms. Slagle asked Mr. Cahill to work with Mr. Edwards from CVI on this as he has already been
active and effective in creating CVI’s website.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

April 18, 2007
*whenever possible the Board will have meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month.

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 9:31

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler,
Recording Secretary
March 26, 2007
Approved: _______________________________
Robert Somers, Secretary

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