CV II Minutes 2007.10

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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday October 24, 2007

Attendees: Mark Bostwick, President

Linda Slagle, Vice-President
Chris Cahill, Communications
Robert Somers, Secretary
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others Present: 10-15 Residents

14, 2007 AT 7:00 PM. November monthly meeting will follow immediately.
I. Meeting Call to Order: President Mark Bostwick called meeting to order at 7:19 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of all five Board members.

Annual Meeting Notice

Due to a lack of proxy votes returned to management prior to the October 24 meeting, the annual meeting
was postponed until November 14, 2007. Only 20.7% of proxy’s were returned and 25% are needed in
order to hold the annual meeting.

The Board is looking for volunteers to serve on a landscape committee and a security committee. Please
email Sarah Schwartz, if you are interested in helping out. Please see New
Business for details.

III. Resident Forum

One resident in attendance asked about the streetlights along Wilson (between Wachovia and Rhodes)
which are currently out. As these lights are on county property, the Board advised the resident to call
Arlington County Public Works-- the number can be found in the blue pages section of the phone book.

A resident was concerned about the mold/mildew issue at 1752 N. Rhodes St. mentioned in previous
minutes, as he is a resident of that building and had not been made aware of this issue. Mr. McPherson
stated the problem was in a specific unit and has been solved due to the Board’s new mold/mildew
remediation policy and the diligence of the owner.

Another resident mentioned an area of mold in the basement of 1800 Key Blvd. Mr. McPherson said he
would have the new engineer, Zhoubaire, look into it. Due to the type of construction of many CVII
buildings, it may be necessary to get dehumidifiers in certain problem areas.

A number of residents complained of overcrowded & messy storage areas. Mr. McPherson stated that
management will post notice in the next few weeks that all items outside of designated storage bins will
be removed by a certain date (TBD). Due to the high move in/out rate at CVII, many items that have
accumulated over the years and it is time to get rid of it all.

A number of residents mentioned lights that are out, building numbers missing from buildings, etc. Mr.
McPherson stated that Zhoubaire will look into all those issues this week. Mr. McPherson also restated
his desire to continue basic maintenance around the property such as painting fences and fixing broken
windows around entry doorways, all of which will improve the look of the property without costing a lot
of money.

IV. Reading & Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Bostwick to accept the September 5, 2007 minutes as written. Second by Mr. Cahill, For:

V. Management Report
Mr. McPherson stated that as of August 30 CVII had $625,000 in reserves/interest bearing accounts.
YTD income remains negative due to large disbursements for mold/mildew remediation and higher water
bills due to the county’s new regulations.

Action List
Mr. McPherson reported that many of the items on his action list have been completed since the
September meeting. The panel box survey and replacement at 1774 N. Troy will take place in November.

Mr. McPherson expects to have a draft of the CVII handbook to the Board by the next meeting with a
goal of having it approved for distribution by the beginning of the year.

The audit report has been reviewed by Mr. Surbey and will be finalized for resale packages in the next
few weeks; copies will be available to the Board via email and hardcopy. If any residents have questions
about CVII’s financials, they should feel free to contact Board treasurer, Blake Surbey at

Mr. McPherson would like to put a discussion of the hot water heater survey and replacement on the
agenda for next month as Zhoubaire, has already identified a number that he believes should be replaced.
The cost for each new water heater is approx. $6,500; CVII has approximately 20 water heaters.

Mr. McPherson would like to survey the concrete pathways and steps around the property to identify
areas that need to be fixed up and will have a cost estimate by the next meeting. As this is a safety issue,
the Board agreed the survey is good idea and would like management to go ahead with the survey.

V. Old Business
Mr. McPherson reported that he has reached an impasse with Verizon regarding the “incentive” program
for allowing 100% access. He also informed the Board that the association’s attorney has informed
management that the Board has the legal right to allow Verizon access as the cables could be considered a
“utility” (as long as reasonable notice is given to owner). This is known as “Right of Way” authority.
Mr. Somers asked Mr. McPherson to share the letter from the attorney, which explains this right with the
Board before they make a decision. Ms. Slagle stated that the Board needs to recognize the increasing
obsolescence of copper wire while maintaining the buildings’ historical features. She believes it is a good
thing that the Board has this right but Verizon still needs to offer an incentive to owners who may not see
its value at this point. Mr. Cahill asked Mr. McPherson to go to Verizon and get some hard numbers on
cost of turning on the service at a later date – the Board wants an expiration date on the free installation
offer. The Board wants to know what subscription discounts Colonial Village residents would get from
Verizon in exchange for the Board’s facilitating 100% access for infrastructure installation. Mr. Cahill
would also like Mr. McPherson to have Didier look at the critical path plan for his opinion as a structural

Mr. McPherson shared the new recycling signs with Arlington County and they have suggested he go
back to Thompson Hauling to discuss what they are capable of doing - the county believes that CVII can
do more and management needs to find out why the hauler is not providing this level of service. Mr.
Cahill offered to attend that meeting.

VI. New Business

The issue of security at CVII has recently become an issue after a number of residents have encountered
vagrants around the property and the Board is ready to consider the possibility of locking outside doors.
However, a number of issues surround this issue, including (but not limited to): access for delivery,
emergency services & visitors, 24 hour control vs. evening control, key system vs. electronic key card
system, and the issue of constant move in/out associated with CVII. The design of CVII makes
implementing a security system more complicated than at a high-rise complex. Mr. McPherson wanted
the Board to aware that the association’s legal responsibilities change once a building has been locked

Motion by Mr. Surbey that the Board solicit members for a committee to review safety at CVII by
looking into how other communities handle security and report their findings to the Board by the January
Board meeting. Second by Mr. Cahill, For: Mr. Bostwick and Mr. Somers. Abstain: Ms. Slagle.

One resident offered to organize a committee to look into the safety issue with other interested residents
to come up with some possible solutions for the Board to review. Mr. McPherson suggested making it a
multi-community committee as CVI has been discussing similar issues. Please see top of minutes for
contact information.

Mr. McPherson recently submitted RFP’s to a number of local landscaping companies for their services
and was shocked by the high estimates that were returned. Management would love to see major
improvements in landscaping but does not think the association has the money. CVII currently spends
about $200 per door for landscaping. This may require management to stick with the current company,
T&J for basic maintenance (watering, grass, etc) and go to other companies for smaller, specific projects.

Mr. McPherson would be happy to look at the suggestions of residents for improvements around the
property and welcomes the addition of a landscape committee as well.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

The next board meeting and the rescheduled annual meeting will be held on
Wednesday, November 14, 2007.
VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 9:31pm

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler
Recording Secretary
October 29, 2007

Approved: _______________________________
Robert B. Somers, Secretary
Contact Information:
For electronic copies of the minutes and/or website concerns: Chris Cahill at
Minutes can also be obtained from CVII’s website:
Property Manager: David McPherson at
Board President: Mark Bostwick at

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