Mech ANL 16.0 L06 Advanced Models

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Lecture 6:

Advanced Models
16.0 Release

ANSYS Mechanical
Advanced Nonlinear Materials
1 © 2011 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015 Release 14.0
Advanced Material Models
In this lecture we will discuss more advanced nonlinear material options
A. Mullins Effect
B. Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
C. Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
D. Shape Memory Alloy

2 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

A. Mullins Effect
Mullins effect is a stretch softening phenomenon
observed in elastomeric materials undergoing
cyclic loading.

When an elastomer is loaded in simple tension

from its virgin state, unloaded and then reloaded,
the stress required on reloading is less then that
on the initial loading for stretches up to the
maximum stretch achieved on the initial loading.

During reloading, as the reloading strain

approaches the maximum strain seen in its prior
strain history, the stress-strain behavior begins to
stiffen and rejoin the reference virgin curve; upon
reaching the reference virgin curve, the stress-
strain behavior follows that of the virgin stress-
strain behavior.

3 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Mullins Effect
• Phenomenon typically observed in compliant filled polymers.
• Characterized by a decrease in material stiffness during loading
• Readily observed during cyclic loading as the material response along the
unloading path differs noticeably from the response that along the loading path.

• Although the details about the mechanisms responsible for the Mullins
effect have not yet been settled, they might include:
– Debonding of the polymer from the filler particles
– Separation of particle clusters
– Rearrangement of the polymer chains and particles.

4 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

…Mullins Effect
The Ogden Roxburgh pseudo-elastic model of the Mullins effect is a modification
of the standard thermodynamic formulation for hyperelastic* materials and is
given by:

W ( Fij, )  Wo( Fij )   ( )


WO( Fij ) is the virgin strain energy potential

without Mullins effect
 is an evolving scalar damage variable

 ( ) is the damage function

* The virgin material is modeled using one of the available hyperelastic potentials, and
the Mullins effect modifications to the constitutive response are proportional to the
maximum load in the material history.

5 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

…Mullins Effect

The arbitrary limits 0    1.0 are imposed with   1 defined as the

state of the material without any changes due to the Mullins effect.

Then along with equilibrium, the damage function is defined by:

 (1)  0
 ( )  WO( Fij )

Which implicitly defines the Ogden Roxburgh parameter 

6 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

…Mullins Effect
The 2nd Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor is:

W WO
Sij  2 2
Cij Cij
The modified Ogden-Roxburgh damage function available in ANSYS has the
following functional form of the damage variable

1 Wm  WO 
  1  erf  
r  m  b Lm 
Where: r, m and b are user defined material damage parameters
Wm  maxWo(t ) is the maximum virgin potential over the time
interval t  0, t 0

7 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

…Mullins Effect
The parameters used in the Ogden-Roxburgh damage can be defined in
Engineering Data provided a hyperelastic material model is first defined.
• Supports all hyperelastic models except foam

8 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

…Mullins Effect

Effect can be plotted via Chart Tool…




LS01 LS08

LS02 LS06

9 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

…Mullins Effect

References on Mullins Theory:

1. Section 4.8 of ANSYS 14.0 Theory Manual

2. Ogden & Roxburgh; Pseudo-elastic model for Mullins effect in filled rubber, 1999
3. H.J.Qi,MC Boyce; Constitutive Model for stretch-induced softening of the stress-strain
behavior of elastomeric materials, 2004

10 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

Workshop Exercise
Please refer to your Workshop Supplement:
Workshop 6A: Mullins Effect

11 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

B. Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
Anisotropic Hyperelasticity can be used to model
materials that exhibit direction-dependent large
elastic strains, such as biomaterials or reinforced
elastomer composites.
One way to view anisotropic hyperelasticity is that
there may be “fibers” (or “reinforcements”) in an
elastomer-like “matrix”.
Up to two preferred fiber directions A and B, with
corresponding material parameters, can be


12 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
Recall that there are several isotropic hyperelastic
constitutive models available in ANSYS. Many of
I1  trC

 
these (e.g., Mooney-Rivlin, Yeoh, Arruda-Boyce, 1 2
Gent, Blatz-Ko) are based on the first three strain I 2  tr C  trC 2
invariants, as shown on the left 2
• The Cauchy-Green tensor C is used here, although the
invariants can also be expressed as a function of the
I 3  det C  J 2
principal stretch ratios li.
• The second strain invariant is neglected in some
hyperelastic strain energy functions, such as Arruda-
Boyce, Gent, and Yeoh
• The third strain invariant provides a measure of the
volume change J of the element. If the material is fully
incompressible, I3=J2=1.

13 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
Two material directions (vectors A and B) in the I 4  A  CA
undeformed configuration characterize the
anisotropy of the material. I5  A  C A2

• In order to represent anisotropic behavior, an

additional six strain invariants are required I4-I9. I 6  B  CB
• The ninth strain invariant does not depend on the
deformation I 7  B  C2B
I 8  A  B A  CB
I 9  A  B 

14 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
In the case of fibers in a matrix that produce
anisotropy in two directions A and B, one can
I1  trC

 
ascribe some meaning to the various strain 1 2
invariants: I 2  tr C  trC 2
• The first two strain invariants describe the behavior 2
I 3  det C  J 2
of the “matrix” material
• The third strain invariant is related to the degree of
incompressibility of the material
• The fourth and sixth strain invariants represent the
I 4  A  CA
“fiber” characteristics
• The fifth and seventh strain invariants are associated
I 5  A  C2 A
with “fiber-matrix interactions”
I 6  B  CB
• The eighth strain invariant can be thought of as being
related to “fiber-fiber interaction” I 7  B  C2B
I 8  A  B A  CB
I 9  A  B 

15 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
The strain energy density function for anisotropic hyperelasticity can be
decomposed into two parts – deviatoric Wd and volumetric Wv. Moreover,
the deviatoric term can be separated into both isotropic and anisotropic
 Wd ,iso  Wd ,aniso  Wv

The volumetric term Wv is a familiar equation arising in other nearly-/fully-

incompressible strain energy density functions and is a function of J (third
strain invariant) only:

Wv  J  1
1 2

16 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015
… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
The anisotropic hyperelastic material model can be defined via APDL
commands only (TB,AHYPER, TBTEMP and TBDATA):
•Can also be combined with viscoelasticity (TB,PRONY)
•Viscoelastic behavior is assumed to be isotropic

The volumetric term Wv is a familiar equation arising in other nearly-/fully-

incompressible strain energy density functions and is a function of J (third strain
invariant) only

Wv  J  1
1 2

The material compressibility parameter d is input via:

• One can estimate d=2/ko, where ko is the initial bulk modulus of the material.
• For fully-incompressible behavior, d=0.

17 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
Two expresssions are available for characterizing the isochoric part of the
strain energy potential
Polynomial (Defined with TB,AHYPER,,,Poly):

Exponential: (Defined with TB,AHYPER,,,Expo):

18 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
Note: The first two terms of the expressions on previous slide represent the
deviatoric component related to isotropic behavior Wd,iso This is very similar
to the general polynomial form without cij cross-terms:

Wd ,iso   ai I1  3   b j I 2  3
3 3
i j

i 1 j 1

• The six constants ai and bi are via TB,AHYPER,,,POLY or TB,AHYPER,,,EXPO and

• If bi=0, the isotropic term becomes the 3rd order Yeoh model. If only a1 is present,
it is like the neo-Hookean model.

The remaining terms of the expressions on previous slide represent the

deviatoric component related to the anisotropic behavior, Wd,aniso using
the fourth through ninth strain invariants.

19 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
• The A material direction constants (AX, AY, AZ) are input via TB,AHYPER,,,3,AVEC and
• The B material direction constants (BX, BY, BZ) are input via TB,AHYPER,,,3,BVEC and
– The material anisotropy is defined with these two vectors A and B, not with the
element coordinate system ESYS
– Vectors A and B can have arbitrary directions and need not be orthogonal
– The magnitude of the vectors |A| and |B| will be scaled internally to be equal to 1.
• For the case when the hyperelastic material is orthotropic:
– Constants go are not required because I8=I9=0
• If the hyperelastic material is transversely isotropic:
– Constants em, fn, and go are not required because I6=I7=I8=I9=0
– Constants (BX, BY, BZ) are not required
The anisotropic hyperelastic constants may also be temperature-dependent
• Use the TBTEMP command to define temperature-dependent data

20 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
Sample input script for
Anisotropic Hyperelasticity:

To combine with viscoelasticity,

add prony series definition:

21 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

C. Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
When rubber material is compressed for extended period of time, sometimes it
loses its ability to return to its undeformed state. This loss of elasticity may
reduce the efficiency of an elastomeric gasket, seal or cushioning pad to perform
over its operating life. The resulting permanent set that a gasket/seals may cause
a leak or reduce cushioning effect of a pad.
Bergstrom-Boyce material model can be used for predicting permanent set. The
time dependent material properties (C5, C7,C8) of BB model can be adjusted such
that the viscoelastic strains can be treated as “Pseudo” plastic strains.



True Stress

-1 Permanent
-0.8 set




0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1
True Strain

22 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
The Bergstrom-Boyce material model is a phenomenological-based, highly
nonlinear material model used to model typical elastomers and biological
It allows for a nonlinear stress-strain relationship, creep, and rate-dependence.
It assumes an inelastic response only for shear distortional behavior. The
response for volumetric is still purely elastic

The model is based on a spring (A) in parallel

with a spring and damper (B) in series.
All components (springs and damper) are highly

23 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
The stress state in A can be found in the tensor form of the deformation
gradient tensor (F = dxi / dXj) and material parameters, as follows:

24 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
L-1(X) is the inverse Langevin function given by:

This approximation will differ from the polynomial approximation used for
the Arruda-Boyce model.

25 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
• The stress in the viscoelastic component of the material (B) is a function of
the deformation and the rate of deformation.

- Of the total deformation in B, a portion takes place in the elastic component while
the rest of the deformation takes place in the viscous component.

- Because the stress in the elastic portion is equal to the stress plastic portion, the
total stress can be written merely as a function of the elastic deformation

- All variables in this equation are analogous to the variables for s A

• The stress tensor from component B is added to the stress tensor from
component A to find the total stress

26 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
The Bergstrom-Boyce (or ‘BB’) material model can be defined via APDL
commands only (TB,AHYPER, TBTEMP and TBDATA):

•Issue the TBDATA data table command to input the constant values in the
order shown:

27 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Bergstrom-Boyce Hyperelasticity
• Sample input script for BB model

• BB cannot be combined with any other material models

28 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

… Permanent set in Elastomers
General Tips:
1.Smaller the value of C5, the more significant is the hysteresis and hence higher
the “Pseudo” plastic strains.
2.As the value of C6 increases, the amount of hysteresis decreases and hence less
“Pseudo” plastic strains.
3.As the value of C7 increases, hysteresis also increases and thus high “Pseudo”
plastic strains.
-2 0.4
-1.8 C1_b = 5

Pseudo Plastic Strain

-1.6 C1_b = 1
C1_b = 0.5
Ture Stress (MPa)

-1 C1_b = 0.1 0.2
-0.8 C1_b = 0.05 0.15
-0.6 0.1
-0.4 0.05
-0.2 0
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0.00 -0.20 -0.40 -0.60 -0.80 -1.00 C1_b (material constant C5)
True Strain

Sensitivity with respect to material constant C5

29 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015
… Permanent set in Elastomers
-1.6 0.14
C = -2.5
-1.4 C = -2 0.12

Pseudo Plastic Strain

True Stress (MPa)

-1.2 C = -1.5 0.1

-1 C = -1 0.08
-0.8 C = -0.8 0.06
-0.6 0.04
C = -0.6
C = -0.4 0.02
C = -0.2 0
0 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3
0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1
C (Material Constant C6)
True Strain

Sensitivity with respect to material constant C6

-1.6 0.09

Pseudo Plastic Strain

-1.4 m=2
True Stress (Mpa)

m = 2.5
-1 0.05
m = 3.5 0.03
-0.4 m=4 0.01
-0.2 m = 4.5
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1
m (Material Constant C7)
True Strain

30 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

Sensitivity with respect to material constant C7
… Permanent set in Elastomers

References on Bergstrom Boyce Model:

1. Section 4.7 of ANSYS 14.0 Theory Manual

2. J.S. Bergstrom and M.C. Boyce. “Constitutive Modeling of the Large Strain Time-
Dependent Behavior of Elastomers”. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. Vol.
46. 931-954. 1998.
3. J.S. Bergstrom and M.C. Boyce. “Large Strain Time-Dependent Behavior of Filled
Elastomers,”. Mechanics of Materials. Vol. 32. 627-644. 2000.
4. H. Dal and M. Kaliske. “Bergstrom-Boyce Model for Nonlinear Finite Rubber
Viscoelasticity: Theoretical Aspects and Algorithmic Treatment for the FE Method”.
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 44. 809-823. 2009.

31 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

Workshop Exercise
Please refer to your Workshop Supplement:
Workshop 6B: Hysteresis under Uniaxial tension loading

32 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

Workshop Exercise
Please refer to your Workshop Supplement:
Workshop 6C: Permanent Set in O-ring

33 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

D. Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)
Shape memory alloy (SMA) "remembers" its original, cold-forged shape,
returning to the pre-deformed shape when heated.
- Can undergo large deformation without showing residual strains .
It has many applications in industries including medical and aerospace.

Nitinol (Nickel-Titanium alloy) is a type of shape memory alloy (SMA)

used in eyeglass frames, antennas, couplings, actuators, medical retrieval
devices and inserts

34 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)
Two phases, austenite and martensite, are present in Nitinol:
• Austenite is usually stable at low stress
values and high temperatures

• Martensite is generally stable at high stress

values and low temperatures

• Martensite “plates” are formed within the austenite phase. The formation of these
martensite plates generally do not involve dislocation motion or diffusional flow

• Consider the case of an elevated temperature where only austenite exists at the stress-
free state. If a material is loaded, the higher stress induces a phase change to
martensite (path ABC). Unloading will result in a reverse transformation from
martensite back to austenite with hysteresis (path CDA). This is the superelastic effect.

35 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)
Two SMA simulation options available:
• Superelasticity - Phase transformation is based on stress only.
Although constants can be temperature-dependent, superelastic
effects are usually considered in the context of an isothermal

• Shape memory effect - original shape restored after a thermal cycle.

Also due to a phase transformation between martensite and
Initial spacer Implanted in the spine

Complete implant Remove loading

elastic recovery
residual strain

36 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Superelasticity
The SMA Superelasticity model makes the following assumptions:
• Phase transformation is based on stress only. Although constants can be
temperature-dependent, superelastic effects are usually considered in the context of
an isothermal process.

• Accounts for austenite to martensite (A→S) and martensite to austenite (S→A) phase

• Isotropic, rate-independent, and without inelastic strains.

• The elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and coefficient of thermal expansion are
assumed to be the same for the fully transformed austenite and martensite phases.

37 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Superelasticity
The SMA Superelasticity material model keeps track of the
fraction of austenite xA and martensite xS present. xS  x A  1
• The sum should equal 1 (i.e., 100%) xS  xA  0
• Superscripts “AS” designate the austenite-to-martensite
transformation (and “SA” the reverse), the fraction rates can be
expressed as:
xS  xSAS  xSSA
• The first two equations reflect that fraction rate of one phase is xA  xAAS  xASA
based on the fraction rate during either transformation process x AS  x AS
(S→A or A→S).
xASA  xSSA
• Remaining equations indicate that a fraction rate of one phase must
equal the other.

38 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Superelasticity
Although the transformation is assumed to be fully recoverable, the SMA
superelasticity equations are developed similar to plasticity models
• The transformation strains are considered separately, analogous to how inelastic
strains are considered in plasticity.

The transformation function is defined as follows:

F  q  3ap
where q is the deviatoric stress, p is the hydrostatic pressure, and a is
a material parameter.
• This transformation function is used for both transformation processes (S→A or
A→S), so no superscript will be used.

• Note the similarity with Drucker-Prager FDP  q  3bp  s eqv

39 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015
... SMA Superelasticity
The evolution of the martensite phase is expressed as:

xS   H 1  x S 
F  s fAS 1  a 
for A→S transformation with HAS defined as:
 s sAS 1  a   F  s fAS 1  a 
1 if 
H AS  
F  0
0 otherwise

where sASs and sASf are both material parameters.

An analogous relationship exists for S→A transformation:
xSSA  H SA x S 
f 1  a 
F  s SA

f 1  a   F  s s 1  a 
 s SA SA
1 if 
H SA  
F  0
0 otherwise

40 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015
... SMA Superelasticity
Stress-strain relationship of SMA Superelasticity :
• The first slope (green) s
is the 100% austenite phase and
is described by elastic modulus
• Transformation starts at a stress
levelsASsand ends at sASf when
100% is martensite.

• The last slope (purple)

is the 100% martensite phase eL
and is also the elastic modulus

41 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Superelasticity
The unloading response is similar: s

• At 100% martensite, the transformation

starts when the stress goes below sSAs.
• The transformation back to 100% austenite sSAs
is complete at sSAf.
• All strains are recovered for this isothermal
eL e

• The material parameter eL describes the maximum amount of transformation

– For Nitinol, this is typically between 0.07 and 0.10 (7-10%).
• The material parameter a discussed earlier affects the material response in tension
and compression.
– If tensile and compressive behaviors are the same, a=0.
– For Nitinol, this is usually taken to be around 0-0.1.

42 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Superelasticity
The SMA Superelasticity option is available from the Engineering Data

43 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Superelasticity
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio are
required for this material model
• As noted earlier, this input describes the
mechanical behavior of the austenite and
martensite phases

The SMA parameters can then be input

• The first four constants describe the starting
and final stress values of transformation
• The “epsilon” value is the maximum
transformation strain
• The “alpha” value affects the compressibility of transformation strain (i.e., degree of
which transformation strains are dependent on hydrostatic pressure)
– This parameter also produces different response in tension and compression

44 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
The SMA - Shape memory effect is based on a 3-D thermo-mechanical model
for stress-induced solid phase transformations.

The governing equations are derived from an expression for free energy
potential defined as:

45 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect

D  M aterial elastic stiffness tensor b  M aterial Parameter
e  Total Strain T  Temperature
etr  Total Transformation Strain To  Temperature which no twinning martensite
etr'  Deviatoric Transformation Strain is observed
 (T)   b (T - To) , a postive montonically
M h  material parameter related to the hardening
increasing function of the temperature of the material during phase transformation
Ietr ' (etr' )  indicator function introduced to satisfy
the constraint on transformation norm

46 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
Taking the derivative of the free potential energy wrt deviatoric
transformation strain, we arrive at an expression of the transformation
stress Xtr:


47 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
Numerous experimental tests show an asymmetric behavior of SMA in
tension and compression, and suggest describing SMA as an isotropic
material with a Prager-Lode-type limit surface.

Accordingly, the following yield criteria is assumed:

Where J2 and J3 are the second and third invariants of transformation

stress, m is a material parameter and R is the elastic domain radius.

48 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
The evolution of transformation strain is defined as:

Where: x is an internal variable (transformation strain multiplier).

x and F(Xtr) must satisfy the classical Kuhn-Tucker conditions

as follows:

49 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
Stresses, strains, and the transformation strains are then related as

The elastic stiffness tensor is a function of the transformation strain

defined as:

Where: DA is the elastic stiffness tensor of Austenite phase

DS is elastic stiffness of Martinsite phase

When the material is in its austenite phase, D = DA

When the material undergoes full transformation (martensite phase), D = DS.

50 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
Graphical illustration of Shape Memory Effect model:

The austenite phase is associated

with the horizontal region abcd.

Mixtures of phases are related to the

surface cdef.

The martensite phase is represented

by the horizontal region efgh.

Point c corresponds to the

nucleation of the martensite phase.

Phase transformations take place

only along line cf .

51 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

... SMA Shape Memory Effect
The shape memory effect option is defined by seven constants that
establish the stress-strain behavior of material in loading and unloading
cycles for the uniaxial stress-state and thermal loading.


SMA cannot be combined with other materials for the same material.

52 © 2015 ANSYS, Inc. May 27, 2015

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