Account of The Horsburgh Lighthouse

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(Annex 61 )

25 MARCH 2004

Annex 61

Thomson J.T., Account of the Horsburgh Lighthouse, 6
Journal ofthe Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia 376
( 1852)

Page No.



Edited by
J. R . LOGAN, F.



btember of the Asiatic Society, Corresponding Member of the Ethnological Bociety

of London, and of the Batavian Society of .4rts and Sciences.







orcrnment Survcyor at Singapore.

THEfollowinq nccorrrit of the I I o ~ . s b i i r~~ght-Ikorisc,

has becn
drawn up st the clpcirn. of the 13onorahle Coloncl Bl~tte~*wortl~,
C. B.? Gorcrnor of the Straits Settlements, as esprcsced before he
left his Government to proceed to the Austl~nlianColorlies for the
benefit of his 'health. I n laying the same bcfbre the Govei.nmcnt,
I must apologize for tlic iml~c~afcct
manner in which the task has
becn accornpli.;hcrl, ns I am h u t Iittlc aec~~stometl
to express m y
ifleas in writing, and c o n s r q ~ ~ c n tcannot
pretend to illnstrate the
t0pic.c and h ~ b j ~ nrllich
~ t ~ ,have bccn tllonght wortbv of'
recording, with the conciscnrss and pcrspicuity of more cxpericnced
KT1.i tc1.c.

Tllc towcr and ligllt, nnqv pl:~ced on Pct1l.a Bran(

. and
Vr~nringt11c name of' t , h ~eminent I ~ y ~ 1 1 ~ o g r aJamcs
~ ~ l ~ eI-Iorsbusgh,
F. R. E., has not ~inappropriatplv brcn cl.cctcd in the half-way
distnnci., on the irnol~fe
P ~ ~ ~ h~y ~ ~~l iri p( pl i 'ncarrying
on thc
cornrncl7cc of Intlia arl(l Cl~in:,,anri ~ J ~ i litc
vnLb V J . ~ U T , V &: , ~ T ~ - ~ ~ I ~ If3ij2
: ~ - .
? 2

I R ~cornm~rccat R plncc whcre the narrow and intricate

passages of thc Straits of &Ialaeca are first cnterecl upon irl
earning fi-om China, it will at the same timc stand in the midst of
the scene of his 11pdrnsl.nphicbnl lnhours, healing tcqrimnny to the
high est,iniation in nllicl~ihesc Iaho~tware helrl Lv the government
of Britisll India, and hia countrymen sojourning i l l tl;eac enstcl-n

On tho s u c c e s ~ f ~completion
of the andertahinq int~*o.trdto
me, \vhich hns been honor*eclwiih the al,prol):ttion of' m y sope~~iol.~,
I ]nust gratcf'nlly aclinowlcdgc tlic great favor confcrrccl on m c
by Colonel Botter~vortl~,
in selecting me as tlle A~*chitcctto ( I C P ~ ~ I I
m d carry out this important wol.k, cnlculntcd to l ~ eof benefif
the mariner. Tlle <Icep ni~dsolicitoas interegt which 11ccvinc~d
all that concerned tile pi'ogress of o ~ i roperation$, I trust I
nave responded to in a satisf'iictory manner. b r leaving no mean9
untried to render t h ~work wortlly of
~bjectto rrhich i t is
To the Honoral~leT.Church, Esquire, Residcnt Co~irlsillorat
Singapore, tlls Light-hoasc opcrationg, as wcll as myself pel.sonsllr,
are much indebted. To him I mas througl~ootdire'ctlv lesponribie,
and the co..rtcoas end concleeccnding attention 1;vlliFh he gave to
every matter brongl~tto liis notice, homevcr min~lteor troltblsome,
and the promptness with which hc sanctioned or caused to be
carried out all necessary requisitions, trnded greatly to the rapid
progress of the worlis. F ~ ~ r t h c rthe
, kinrl assurances of his
firm sdpport and assictance \vllen the dificalties that were first
encot~nterccl almost ~ocnclercd the success of the uncle~-tal<in~
problematical, and thc undeviating confidence nnder thcse circumz
stances wit11 mhic!l 11c l~onoredmc, wclBeof' too great value not
to be most thankft~llyacknomletlged 1lol.e.
I n thc! account of our operations, thc position of the Pharos is
scribedI, and tile motlc of its constrnction and other mattel*.;
tkerewitli cletailed. I will only a ~ kperm icsion to
remark here, that as f'ar as I am info]-med, I believe it is the oulv
Light-house in India occopying a position on a small eo1ital.r mck
out to sea, the ncarcst prornonto~yof land bei~ro*
bT nine Gggli~h
11es distant and tile nearest port thirty-seven : also, that tllerc i i
only one other constrncted in the snmc sobit:tntinl manner o t'
anit e.
I n tlle genelaally calln~ser1s of tl:le East Lncii:~n Arcl~ipcla?
;o, thc
no m c n w
difficulties enconnterccl uy reason of the c~erncntsa1.e
so great as in hig!~er latitadcs, thooc~l~
tlls 11c:i.t of >be c!im;.lc
mnkcs wch works, in which constnnt and 11ni8cmit:ing cspornrc is
cessory, most trying to the Eurol~canconstitiltion, ~ c i rtl n novel
like this, there are otllc~disnrlvantno.~~
P C C ~ I ~to~ the
I'licse are mninir
a an try, which may not be lightly conside~~c~l.
he lack of encrkv ant1 ris n n i ? ~ , , ccornbinccl n.ill~tllc
to bc fort

' i t

rirJc!:csa 2nd ~~~.rsl;iifillnc~.;

of tlir pt:op!r ota v-l~ornIT?P h:tvc to
~ C ~ P I for
! I ~lr11~011v. nn(B i n 1 1 1 ~:kb-cnrt. of rnrrl~nnicnlnpplinnces
u llic!~in Ea1.opr all clii'lictiltirs in coil~f~.iactinla
arc so easily and
quic'tlv oyercra?np. O i r ~ : ' ~ I I CC l ~ i i i ~rsprci:-111~*,
who 11r.c n self~ ~ ~ i l i c ~ iyncr
c ~ m tant1 o l l ! ~ . 2 I ~ c ) r t s o j o l ; i . ~ ~i tc1~t-11c
- ~ qnlnll seftlcrnrnts
of I:~lrnl)c:"::. i n tllc i
t hrcl~ijri~l;tgo,
the Al*cllitcctc:lnoo:

I]:, Y C t h i ~ t 1nor;r1 i l i f l ~ ~ o ~ 1l1c1(t i>t JIC wu11d

wit11 l i i ~
( r ~ v n corlntl'\vn?rn, 01' wiih 11:)tivcs horn in British tcrritnrv, nor
cr 1 1 i l r c~ l,c;ll lhcrn to 6 1 c ~tliiffc~~ltioc
01- h ~ : i lI~IIIISIIR!I~.
a I
t i
9 1 I
P C .
( 111 illis i+n,c~,nq
will I I P S(.~(>IIi n illr Ibllorvi~l: pages, n'c nrcl*e~iltire1
r dcpcndeut 1i.,r
f l l c l c lrrvitlq 011. an!\ c o m ~ l l ~ t i oof'
r l tllc 11CII'JIS 011 tllc rnck, n n f l it.
I I ~ C !to
a colistn~~
of i~rl'iictyan(1 f!*~~ll)le
to forcscc and
pin!i our nr.r~i~g$-cn~cnr!:s
ill s~aclia ~ I : I ~ ~ J I ( RS
? I *t o avoicl tcs~ixlqtheir.
cn1lit1,,t1ivc,fol* when t l l i ~11np;~enecit l w r were snre most recklcsslg
and n n r ~ o ~ ~ s c i o n :to
~ l ~nba~lcton
clrltr. r l 1h c s c cir*ctunstances
rcr~til.~.cdthe r:ivor;il)lc l)l.c,grcsr~o f tllc nrorlts re snrlrcc of f'cn.r*anit
unciln.!ai~lty a t 311 tirnr~,until s ~ ~ c c e ptiTac
s put beyolad a doubt 1)).
the ~ c c o n ~ r r l i ~ F a mofc ~1116
~ ! n-lioXe.
C X ~ , O Ct ~(3


r ,)i P1~1roB I * ~ I ) L C .-P
9f' the roc?<.--Chl7ntzrl.t irz its
i f !/,--TiJ(8 (znd C ~ ~ I ' ? ' C ~ ~ ~ : ~ . - ~ C
/ ? )ruin
] ) G.frill.?'O~~
C ~ C and
?t.i~athrr1l7lr.inn tl/o su/rth-?cc.;t~ I / o / ~ , v Q O. ~~~~C, I ) Z(ll(ri))q
flte ~~n),t/
~non, ~ ~ n ? > . - I ) ~ , ~ , . r i ~ of
~ r i afhr
r ~ ro{*lr nnd fltr: f i ? t y f i ~ ci ~
f ])rr,~rnfs
.for t h C~O U .?tr,trbtion qf n IJlurr,ns OI? it.---4?lchot.n!re it? t ? t ~pro.i*intity q f tlr(*rock.Dlrrtgc,,,c t o ?tt~r';:~l~lion
i ? ~ t c I li:?! of ~C,CSIJT.~I v s ~ , . < t r a ) t r f ~
l i l0 d r z m r r p ~ ~sinr6

I P2 4.

Thc rock on 1~1liclltllc Goucrnmcn t rlctcrrnin~flon ],lacing tIlc

Tc.tirno~ii:t1, to be erccfcd in cornnlcn~nrntionof ~ I I P
~.:-il\rnGlli 'sci*vic(~srcn(lerod to tlrc I):] v i g i ~ f i o nof t l E:i<t~l*n
Ilr the late r l n i l ~ e r ~I~y(11~o:l~nplIc~
.f:~nIr~si ~ o ~ . ; h ~ t l * ri sl l called
PI:Jra Rmnci~ b y ].:n~-op(:;~llq 311(1 fi:ttll k'(tfi11 1 1 ~ . t l ~ ( ;>&ila,y9*
both tcrln.; .;ignif).in; white 1.0 !k. El'n (P~TIIcould I;~IVP brcn mo1.p
nppl*opriulc, :IS !lie rock I
! to olu ojr~rntionqon it pl.r&c~~tp,-J
all aspect of' I K J I ~ ~ ; :i ~ ~ ,
c o ~ r i n lto i t i r c i ~ by
t h r k (lung of' tlrc nu111cl-ouss(l:lp-llilt(lq)l l l i ~ f fi.~q11~11tt:(J
i f a~ 3

.jF flip nc::?+oct ~ o i ? ?of

' ?n?-~r?,
9 F:~;~liilt
PI,,.!: ?:-omS j n y n ~ n r r ,
tho n r n r r c * f ~ x ~ : ~ : , 3'7 j:,~lglirl~
I7r.cttn mil,; i t n = i c ! ~ ? ot' t . 1 2 ~
fnrmpr p l a c ~ ,\-:on4 :,nri i v : ~ t cqrc
~ i,~nso?*:thl;., n,ntl f ' y n r n IF i n . l t ~ ~


pro~7iqinn.iant1 oi,hil*n r c r c z : ~ ~ $can

i i . ~Q T I ~ \ - 1~ II:I<', a 5 f , ! ~ ( >co:?qtq
Pcdya .lw,?zncn : l r - t t l $i~,c,.npol*c', ' , ~ i h l k t.11~?y.:rclltj+rl~ 3 f , : ~
nisernhlc fisllillg vill;~crjc.
n o ~ l cof' \r.l,i(:li :IIY: x * ; ; i ~ l ~ i n20 r l ~ i l c sof i!
and wl~opc ilrl~gl,iianrs :~rc~ r c l l];,l tn 1 . r ~:l(l(liclor? f n pirzcy,
l ~ ~ ~ c l l l g~n i~ ~lcovc~*~?tl
~ ~ f , vi
~ ~t , l l~~ I ~ ~ I I I ( ; Tf: oI S~ ~ s t~~111icb,
being inli:utctl wif.!l ~ril(lnrlin~:~lc,
criclr nq t l l r . t ig(->r,Ijrnr, r.11inocrrng
and clcplinnt, i s almost. inrl)cno~~.n!~lc
to i n 2 n , l ~ yri:asl>n of thick
onclcl.\rootl tl1ol.n~ ant1 CI.SI!!ICI~P. Rc~sic!c:s f . 1 1 ~~ n f i i nrocl;, w!lir,h
r>ccllpics tllc most, ~ ~ o njot-I?
i i t l ~ i l r c a r c c c r c ~ . ln othrr
rlnngclp witllin t l ~ ncompass of'2 ~ i : r i ~ t i r : n . mil,!s.
t h n t (:nct~~n!)rl.
1"" of the Straits of Si?lytl.)nrc,s~vcl*nl
siriik(in rock9
and ot11cx.s onlv g l ~ c w i ~ l:t.~ fciv
f(xt :r.l~ovr?!!lo w n Per. Ect n'r)en
Pcdm Rratlcn -and t l ~ cLll:~lny
sl~orn: ~ n dlying clo;o to the inttrr
are the Itornnnin Jclnnds, which c o n ~ i of
~ t 4 ' ~ m a l li,n.;lir i ~ l c t s2nd
several rocks: t,hcge nFo~,rl no ~ h e l t c r I ) I I ~nine to i;c n~rnidntl,
owing to the ~ e v e r n l out-lying s~rtllicnrnefi nit11 rrlricl~ihrv arp
suri~oonded. Tlle~tearc tl~rcecllnnnrls icnding in to tllc ~t1.4
t s of
Singapore :fi*om tho Cllinn sea. That on tllc north of Pcllra
Brancn, and hctrrcen it and the Rorn:mia 8110n1, i s t h one
~ pl.incipally used and is termer1 tlre Middle Cllannel. Thoclgh the
soandings are dccpcr in thin cllnrlnci tb9.n the otl~erq,bdnv
> fyOm
25 to 40 fi~thoma,r e t it poscsses the 9rlvnntng~of !leing
all dangers, and on this side tile Lipllt-honse cnn hc apprQoclled
close-to; thus ~.llC!n a veW?l is pawing throlrrll tlrc mic]dIc
channel slle 112s o n l y to shape hC!r Colll'Sl? direct, FO lllC .3 rind
~vllen past it, an attcr bearing will lead hcr ritller oat or in, as

her course may be, clcn18of' all dangers.'

The channel lending

mn T incchofen Itis di.zcnnr9 of rnyazw into yc EnPte 3nc!

r In C L ,Jol~nIT11i~11cn
West Indile j " the t.Ilircl 1,ook consi9fs of " the navizatinn of tllc J'nrtug,.nle3 into t I l ~
East Illdies,' containing nmong,.st otlier t l i i n p "a11 the course;, li;tr-cnp, i:andr,
r]~:ptllcs, sltallowes, snntls, tlron::llte;l, rifi!;.; n11!1cliikks anti their. sito:ltin~!~;~'
20tl1 chapter c o l l t ~ i n s" 'j'he ri!dlt collr.i;f!from >Tnlaccn to l l n c a u in (:],inn v i f h
thrt stretchinys of t . 1 coasts."
~ ~
m l ~ i c hYVXs p r ~ h t ? w
i t t e n sor.nr1~n., tllp hpginninrr
of tile lGtIl cent,ul?-. 111 this cllapter tllr: clla,i~nelsu~ctlfy tllc: sJ;ipl,inSof tlloa&
timey, arc so mi~rutclgdcsc~.ibetl,na to
incontc~tnl)ly,th2t : j l r rc,llte tllr*n
knolyn nnrl ~?-iatleI I X of, !tvfis tllr011~11
thf: Sili~t.
Fnmlral:~n:md S e w ?[nrhony, \y!licll
latter is tenner1 " V C Stmifflitof'~incn.~)nr:t."ril'rer contluctinS tile ~na!.in~!rfrom
tl~ereoto t l ~"end
;if the 1:mtl of .J:lntilns7' ( Z ? o n ~ l : ~ n ~ ~
t lnwlt~r ;)~ n + ! a t i po r~o c ~ ~ i ] r ,
" f'r(~1,mthe points of' I:~nd n.l'orcsnitl lying at tilt? rbntl ol'tlle Itlncl 06' , l : ~ n t : ! ~t!1ere
" rn~lnethn rifii: ('Elo~nilnias l ~ n r ~east.
l ) north enst into the sca. .crvc.Il tn.o rrcnt n:ilt.g
(Spanish), 2nd when it is c:tlln l~cl:ltlltiryou cnllllnt see the \vtvtet- I ) ~ . r ~llpnll
i k if,
"c: only
tlrnt it hath 8 cel.kIi11 white sitin ovc?r it, whicl~i* prpicnt!y Eye11
discerned and when it ie ron$i weather then tllc water brcnketll :tll over. .Bt~tt~~1,116
L' this riffe ar.d tJlc! islnnrls (Z<onlaltin 1slnntl.r) ~.unnetltu crcnt cllnnne! 311 rtony
" ground, and the sl~:~llomestplilcc! tl~:\tI fbnntl t!~ercinrr:rg 5 fltr!onlrallti 1, ~ l n d
& ' then ta 7 fado~k~c,
and .!,.
then :ig:%ira! fimnd 6 or s d i i t l o l ~;lll(!
~~ :
j;i in
hreadtl~about tlit? ~ l l o of
t 8, g r ~ ! l piece
ri::I~t over ; if ynll nrillpnr.; tilis cIlnnnt.ll
l g you must runnc: I ~ n I f a
nkylt! olrii.ot~atfrc?i.ln1lc39 nlirl cbotne110 nt?;irer to it, f>r i T
4 r yo11 lihonld ':011. ~ 0 ! l ! ( 3
011 ~ I W l l n d; i t \vr1.rr>g o ~ c ithnt yrr'$\t r \ I ) i t > ~-.h()1114\ nut


b c t ~ ~ c xPe!!rg
Rt.n.ncn a n d tlw Bi~lfntlg t ~ r n ~ ctllc
d Soilt,l:
Cl?nnncI,i e of mut irnp01.!.~nre: ~ J I C s~t\:?(lirli_'s
!*:~I'Y- finm XO to 1.5
f2t.?t)rljms on(l ronsi.q,~~\rltiy
rhc 1
i.; nroro Crvor.n,l~lofor
an&ol*inc:, I!,lt lhc no?llc!lgoi!sd:.~ngcl.r;flT1 flitllcr. siilc, hot.h in
r 1
l ! ' ~ Tight-!lott~i~,
=rlnmto rlclrr vesse13
from neiny tliis i~oulc,ns iln!.;ny 011,: tr70scnwrv' opcr:tl.ion': on the
rock, ~p f o ~ l n dt l l n t rccsi.1~ seldom c h ~ t ch i s cllnnllcl \illcn t,llev
bct,\r-e(lnthc ~ , o I n ; m h
cosl(l rnnlir for tllc middle onc. I l ~ elinl~ncl
Pjlont ant1 islpnrl., tc~.mcdt,l~c?N O I Chiinn~bl,
is also :IS littlc cntc!
29 tile coutll onr, t11on~hB ~ I Pnncllorngc gl.011nc1is m o w filvorablc,
bping bet,\l:~cn 9 to I 0 61tl~nrns, rho namcronc dnnfcrs o~ltlrilif
. >
fi.*m tile Romnlais Telsn(?,srrnderirin. tllc nnvig:it.ion intric;ltc, partlc n l n r l ~ tlurinc the night. Another nslSrowc!~n~lrirl
lcadv I,et,rr.een
Romanid I ~ I ; , n d sand the Mn1a-y Coast, Irrit t ~ r i p~Iloulrlncvcr
,pntcycd by rcc~cls~ I . R I V ~ I I ( Irn01.c ~ l l a n9 feet, R S a rock lately
~iscoycrcdI?\- the Arnf:oon .Al,cnr'.q ~tl.iliing a p n l l i t lies in micl
chnnne], witl; onlj. 11 feet on i t a t !onr w:lter spring tidcs.
Tile tidal c ~ ~ s r r n set
t a thi.onrrh the 3Tiddle Chiinncl in n X.E. ~k
fi.TT. rjirection : t.lrrnl~ghtile Sout.11 Channel in a n E.N.E. k Ir.S.
dilcclion, an(! thro~lglltllc No19tlk Chnnacl in 3. K.X.E. E; S.Y.
dirccti,on. Tllc orrrlrnts are much affkcted hv rllc pl*cvailing

r 7


pnF3 thro!lqh i t nnlesc? tiley n7crr, compcl'lc:l tl~ercunto,n i it hnppcncct to Frnn~ i a ~ 1)pqinar
r )
t l ~ x tlicrr,
runnp on gro~rnd:tn!l n7a?in !Inll$er lo'hnre cact rtn7ay
6~ his Fihi~jpp,
hecnuse he ralrne too rleer the r i f k anti t l ~ a ttlrti wintl s(:nnft!rl : t.r;.o
# ( ~~1~~
frctnl tj~eqeislan(If:$: so11t11S O I I ~ ~ - ~ : ; I S(qn(:ry
E.S. I<. ? j lyt?t,!il' Brni~cn,
t)lat is n?llite >'one, \rl~icli IS n n ilnncl of whit(; R ~ O I I C ~: o c I < ~ s ;?nd ciifZ;f,q, 011 t i l ~
south ~ i ~ttlsrcof'o~l
whic?~sic?(?liltc~viwlyeth t l ~ cilnnd of niilton ~ v h i , ; is
l ~ yerje
:0179, ill the middle vllcreof' t.llorc js a Iiigh Iloirel, whelvenponthere I.J tlc:el)cground,
bu;, not goof1 to ;url:e~ f i r ~ 1 1 ~ 31 91 colll(: f r ~ ~Cllina;
round ahout 1I'c.dr.a l-!ra~lcn.
~ n dclo.c? by i t there nrc26 ! ~ ~ d o mc!i:ep
s gootl jirollntl, l)iit, yo11 milst tnl:e Ilcc?tl of
I 11a.ven1re:ltly told you, that. in p:wsing tlil.ouglt
fi t,llr:cliff?$ and ritt;:s lyillr: hy it.
t"lle straiqht, n'lten you ;trc? o w r the santles ill thc m:!nncr ahresnid, a t 1s f ; l d ~ n ~ l e
(6 you must, sagle e:?~twnrcl
tonta.rdcs the islands, w7iiic.hyol! shall p1.c~entliew e ~s
" soon RY yo11are j ) ~ tfl ~ eriver of J a n t a r ~ n ;(.loltnrt: river) and w11r:n y01t begin to
; netire t l ~ c m tllen
yo11 s11~lJ
k ~ e ptow:)'t:rIr;>.lIri~ncn,;~ntl
1c:ol:~t!~:~tY O U kt'trptf
1 half n miie from it, t:litinr:
hcrtrli: go11 come 11ct rlrt:rc: the ::ytle of' tile i5lnntles
1 (liomnnin Islitncls) f;)r t w o CRllce9, 1.I1e0 1 1 ~I I ~ ~ C ~111q
I I Strfitl~1eg
:\t tlrt~t.rim(? wlwn
c y,,l1 5 8 ~ I c : t o (.:i,in:~doe ~ l r \ . : ~ i Ir111n.
e + of1 tltc ~!:rli! of ljitlt, 111, (I!intriy~z)tvllicll is
".he monsoon tlt:lt conl!!!c*t!i n u t of't.lre aoufil S O ~ I ~ ~ I - W C:trltl
S ~ , ii'tllc wind shc\ulrl
fc:tnt and till1 illto th(: .;o~l;~i-cnst,
8.4 offal1tyrlle3 ill t,!lo.<ccountrir,r it. It:tppencth,
' being on the .c~tleoi' I l ~ eisl:?nds:you co1111lnot J E I S . ~ ~ :l)y i 11erifl23, wllf:reIy \-()a
t"llotlld I)ee compullcll to I!:IGW
tlrrnugll tlle channvll tllnt I*nnnot11 I,et~yt:ellcl'r:til*rr
c c Bmnca arid thr: islartrlr, o!.c:lsego11 t~ho11ldS ~ ~ ! J I I !SO ~nucEtt i ~ n t ill
t yt:~yjlrq-t!rerp,
nrrtl !)!at t11e i8lonsuoit, that is, 111f:t y ~ n col'yollr vO~:lfyi?t o C:II~IIH woul~k spttrlt;
6' t]le o:i~r:r
i3 t11;1.t,if'yoil charl~t:to hec t11er.o witlr :L s l o i ~wirl(l tinti tyde, (,r \vit)t
' fen- ~ ~ i l e~prc:tl,
fj14<11 t h e stV!!111if3 IVOU!!!
(11-ivf:~ O L ~I I I I O I Itht: rif\:.!srjt:fi)rp you
?IV i t !t:t.pp+!~~t:d
t o t.11~
sliij):t(: of ~ ~ P iJi(:;;o
11r 3lt:11i*>t!:: ~ y l l o v ,
111) vit:r:~,,\ Y ~ I U I t ? tfic? ~\%t(?r
I ~ I . ~ I ~ ~!:II]I~ O X10
I t:t,ioll\t!, ~ y ] ~ v ~ - ~ ?
[ pil(~t
nr1l:eretl a n d then nftt!r !tc c:ilne t,o 7 fi~(lo~~tt!,
Irc q)r.r1t :!tl;ryc~n 1,). nllkerilrg
6 4 t o get. out nquin : fbr t h e ~ r l r i o two
l ~ c:rurPs, I :~tlviscon^, t o 1;cc:j) on bl~~.:
::id,: of
(1 tl~(!ra
J S r n l l ~01.
; ~ t11f:white e?iff;!q afore5:tirl.''
PrOlrl t11e :tl)o~(?
~ x t r : i ~ : it.
t . n t o ~ ~ l:q~pf,:j.r?
tl~n.t,f11(: oh1 l'orftiyt~(!!:c pi!ot3 r ~ ~ c rnqq
~ ~ f i1~ q1t ~ ~ i r ~wit?i
f . e i !tit(: c i r ; ~ ~ . t nnq
~ c l ~ : I ~ F:tt
: t l v ~ ~ I . > J C Id::!.,
- I ~ ;!FIT!
~T,-,,?T.~~<-tior19 nrr. s { l ~ ) 1115 1IrP HOW f;?untl ? c k iW t!l+> <!I!: c l f 0 f!Ill'<\lf'.
'i':\61 ?'i,ii1[+3 f 'ii:\,hT:t~T
~ ,.rnv i i : r a ? i oi~l l~ t i , r a
r , t 15.. :I,,
R : ~ Q ?,)tnsq, q r J y dnys of' : < ~ r r ~ , p ~ r. n


t ? ! f b i r


p ~ , , l l pT<I.qr\vq
-,*. ; ~ , q it^

j ~ t : ! r ' i ~ ~ ; n3 ;~

1 . tI,,!:,.




O r TI1 T: ITOR3RT.'RC; IT T,TG T I T - T T O I T S J ~ .

w i ~ ~ r:l st11cv 5rt st1.0iigl v illto tlic $h,:)ils d l l l - i l ~ tllc

~ o o ~n ,l ~, r l i ~ tn cnnrrnry !Ii~,~c'tinn
r l t ~ i * i r tl!c
~ j ~ S.W.
thr? K.1'
is I
I 1
It, is
hiell w n t c r ; t i 1,111 a ~ i r lc r h : t l ~ g t : : k t I'cf11.n.I$r:~.t~rn
at, IC)lr. SZm. A . X .
floor1 r l ~ n into
s tllr $1 tits : ~ n dtlic c l ) l l o ~ ~ t w a rhut,
~ l tllc
~ , cnrlScnt
rlocn IIO! g r ~ ~ r m l flni.11
r I f
or*Il:rlf' flonrl, t11at i ~ i, f ' Ion*
1 . ~ : ;it, i;A . X . tllc c111-rcnt.
will I ~ I I I I (:I)h t i l l 9 ,~.x,,: ~ , I ~ I I O I I ~ I L
tllc nntcil 1,c i~isingon thc rock. A t 12 !loon it uonld iln iiial,
uatcr nftcr ~vllirll tlir tide fL\ll,ijnt ~~nt~rritllrtnn,ling
the cu~.l~c?rlt
would ilrlll 30i.,ll1.i;l 3 P.N. I,,-.folg~
tuining ; R u i ~tllc~*r!
are fl.cqurnt cscrl~lionsto i s 1
o r 1 oh.;ol*rctl r11.1r.ir1~ tllc
montlls of' I I n v , Jrine and July, .cr.hcn tl:e rnortiinc ohl) ti,loa fhll

much lo~s(~1t l i n n tho i

t e b l ) ~ ,that tllr c l ~ ~ ~ ~roi:l(l
i ~ ~ n].tin
s t r o n ~nut till 1 1 1 1 ' ~11011r9
nftrlr 111ctide hrgnn to riec on the rocks
anll illen continlie slack ~l*atnrall d a y'. mllili: in tllc months of
October and Noveml)er, nvllf:n i11c evcrling obl) falls rnucll lo~vcr.
than t l ~ emoi-11ing onr, thr tidal ctlt1~*cnt
~ v o l ~ set
l d strong ollt 211.
mt! contirl~ics1:1ck in~v:ll~da
t11c next d a v . A t f1,111
moon in Augl~st, 1.851, I folln(1 that tllc pei:pcndicnj:~.~*
rieo a n d
frill of tide Ira,.; only 2 fcr:t 9 incl~eq,l)nt 3 days afier~~~a!*lls
t l ~ rrisr
and f i l l was (5 fert 7 inchc~,\vllich nras the grcatrst during tl~csc
pp~*ings. I n Joly of the snlnc ymr, I fo?li~dthe gr,?atest rizn and
fall of spiing tides to be on tJlr 3rd day after the chnngc of
moon, nhm the tide I1oec'7 feet 9 inches : ~ b o v elow water mark.
111 bI:ly and .Time I found the t,ides to fill1 loncr and rise h i ~ h e r
than in the other months that we mere on the rock, by filllr 18
incheg. I, of conrsc, had no oppnlat~ulityt,o rnnkr! tidal ohscrvaiions
d n r i n ~111e north-east rnonGoon,which continnes fiboin N o v e m b ~ rto
April. The ncap tides have only n perpendicular rise arid fit11 of
1 foot '7 incllcs.
Du~,ingthe Innnth of Angust, 1851, the tl~crmomcterin the
shade ~r.ooda t 7s"to 820 at 6 1 1 . x . a.nd at noon 830 to 850. I n
the open air, when rxposcd to the sun's rnyr, t h thermornctcr
a t noon to 114O. Observations on the thcr~nomctcrIln.~.enot rct
been had f'or one f~111ycn'r, hat it nlav bc stated that t h o tcml,Gl-ntnre can diffcr 1itt.k 'at any timc f:uom the abore if rye r n n r be
allurvcct to jlidge from observations tpken in Singapore. It h a y
nverage in Dccetnher ZU l o ~ e rand cl~wing J t l n ( . 2 V 1 i g h ~ r .
The rain fall at Pedrn Bmnm apprared riot to be so col~ioos
as on the a t l j a c ~ n t coasts, f o ~i~ was 5cq11~nrlvseen to be
showery on thc Bintnng and l\hlay Coasts, \r her; the r n o i ~ t n ~ ~ r
i~ attracted hp Biiltnrlg and Barhrlcit ililla, v h c n none rcachcd
the rock."

* 8ince the 1st of Koremher, 1851, t o the present time, (July lW?)the i n c ~ i c s ~ ~ o n s
~f thc t h e r m o ~ n e t t !hnvc
hrcv rc1gi~tc1'cd
t wicc R day.
'file f u i l o i v i n ~t ~ t b ~l ~l i o w ~
thc 3vcrsf;~rcqillts :-

JJ:P,- t o ~ . ~ c : t t ~ l st211t
~ c r II~~YIJ11-i1lf.l~

p 1 ~ f t vils

tl~is hc;iv~~
$11 I
- I
. At, :.he col)lnnc!tlcerncrl
2!,:? ! c ~ * t ~ ~ i ~oe
~ ;f !?, ~? 5~:;st.)r1
oi o ~ ~ $1 S ~ I I Q O I , ~FP~..,
lighf v-in(l9 : I I I ( ~ c:iln~(
J , w ~ ~ v : I C~ !S.P C ; ) ~ ~ ~ IITI~($I!
w ! . y ~ i o ; ~S:~~. ~l.~ ( . IS.IJT.
I ~ O * ::c!~I:I ]IS? t

F ~ C
$:isai!5 0 ' I

bI01a7 I




Cnrllf? 011.

r 1



: TOT :I

01, .1. 0 1 , : ~ f t ~1r. v i l i ~ l l t I ~ { , i rfib~-c,c.1,viIl

n c t i - ~ ) t1 ~, 1~* ~ r w.T'llic!t
z ~ ~ , T I I ~ V1 2 ~ 1 . 01'2 (1~;x:s'.
mor!l~: of' ,Tnl!-, ,ia~:.r~st. :~r:ci S c p t ~ ~ : ~ b:IIT
r ~ - ~, l o t ; l . l i i cfor t!leir
F ~ V O , c~:iiIl(l!
, ~
; ) t i t , :is l:'(:(]r:~ J 3 i m 2 i l ~ : )i ,s S ' I ! ! ~ ~ , C ~ : C C
i i~ - o ~ ~ i
~ J I InP ~i . ? l eisI:~n(.lot' 13;1-1f3;1q,t l ~ ( > if~i *- 1 1 ~i~ ~ r~~ o tP I I I C ~$:It, ti111cts-1
v - h ~ ~t i l nt + wr.i;ltl dl*an-s3 littlc r:t?tcl-l\.,111. w l ~ i c b lt ~ i ~ nn consi:l~~l::l~l~:
fi'oltl I ~ I Csoll!ll-r.t;lst: 11-ill I.,(: 411-ivcm on t : i o roc!;, 2nd ~ v h i c ti::
~ n . . r ~ . ~ : l to
~ n t I ~ ~ * ! : V P I I ~l;inrlii~: on t l ~ c ! so11t.h atlcl east citlc
occasiorl:tll\. O I I tl:c :lonut11 :111rl west :11.;o.
Thc nn:.tll-~nst !not:cnon p i - ~ ~ a if'l-om
l s thr) mon tll of NovemT,er
to 3 I o r c h , n ~ i drl11ri115!?!>cenlh~r*,,T;?TIII~I*I.
,711~1Pchrr~ar-vitt blows
t o n . i i t t!!k ~1!:1~011: 2 s 1?(-1(11*;1 l31s:il)ca is situa!oll at, the 5.
77'. cs:x.c?n~it,vof the Cllirr:~cen, i t c x p ~ r i c ~ ~ the
c c sfi.111. cfL,cts o f t l i ~
wa,rrc C I ' C ~ ~ ~ PhC r? ? i
; R SWCII ln01.1: @I. l e ~ sI1citvy
b e : cn the '~%nc!i:ll D I O S ~ d.itllo~:.t i n t e ~ - ~ ~ ~ i cnnrl
s i o ni~t is con.
a t most t i m m (1:-ffi~ait o f R ~ ~ F O R C I I : at. el,h ti(!c,
~ when t l l ?~wind eels gins: a st190n: cni8rent, in t i l t
~ ~ * c x i r nofi i ~thr; rock, R ! ? I * o ~Eea
c : ~ gets u p 6 1 1 ~ l las 110 !)oat C;III
I .
The sn.c:ll h o r n t,!ic Chili2 sea first seas d o w n almnt; tilt3.5ri1 of October*, and n.c ~ ~ . I I I I I (OH
. ~ tnro srn.sons 6:xndirltr to bc
ciiEcu!t on the 20th of' tllc crime montll, 11111; t!lc sn-ol.1 crops
last long a~!~cl
pci.iocl.c o f conlp:t~-;~
ti vuly ~lnouttrn.ntcl* a1.c fbr!nl]
ti![ :Ire beginnin;,. of I)rccrnber,~~~r.hcn
pcriods f i ~ ~ o r a bfor
l e landir~g



6 A.?P.
Yo~errbt?r . . . . RI .rb2
I?ec~~u~F.:r. . . . 79.9G

I:ebri~a1.y . . . . . .



12 Soon




. . . . . . en no
. . . . . . RI .(I0
I . . . . . . . . F2 ijq



12 Xoon


tllc rtkfl ol' I:(

t l ~ rstretlgth of tIlS X ~ V Cill,
~ Jl!lt, w c ! n 1 0 the n , i t l d ! ~ of Ap".! f , l ~ , ?monsoon
will l)lo\v 90 5tronc foi. pc:t-iotls of' povr:~.:il !I:I!,P, as to I - P I I ~ J CtllS
r *
t o ;
1 ~ I CI I'OCIC ~ O S S C ~ Wno
S i r ~ l ~ ! .or ~ho1tct.r.~~.
pln.ct?.iso tl~xt, the wnvc>q h s w k ~ I if.
I cqn811v Ilcavv on a l l uideg ;
:r sliglit .(?:I (:o~ls~:qu~ntly
p r e c l l ~ d ~n sc l o v al~l~.oncl;
to it. X mnv
h c r i filst111:1*obse~.v(:tIi:lt o~*irlgto 1 1 1 ~1.11qgcdnatl1t.c of' the ~ ~ , l ~ . j l
;tpppct of' tllo mck, : ~ n dthr nurnrmos otitlring roclis close to tlla
l:jrldi~)gpl:ic~,B eligJlt SIYDII is s i ~ f i c i r r ~tot CI-eatcbroken J V ~ ~ C I .
nri. 1(!w !i-tlf-l~tl>nt.I!r

~ l apn. ~ c r o tto~ si)on?r. Tllc nos111 aqpcct of the ]lock is mol-e per~)(:~~ilicular,
and tlls rr:~tcr (lr[:l)c!r,su tliet cl~iringthe sorltl~-tveut
Inonwon tliere is scltln~r~rnrlcll difficul!? in Innding, but of'conlvl;ic
S I I C R V ~ ~ Jagairl~t
rl~lt-itlghle N.E. morlsonn the wind :111d I I ~ ~ V Psrt
this part o f t l ~ croclc, so that it cnnnot 1)c npproaclled at any

fcdra Bsancn, 3.i will bc sccn hy rcfcrence to the nccompat~ying

plans, consiils of a I-pet' of rocks, nleaaal*ingat low water spring
tidcs 460 feet in a N.E. & S.W. direction, which is its g~~ratest
le11gt11; its average htcaJt11 is 200 fcct. Thc norlli cxposllre will
be observctl to consict of 1:il-gc masscs of rocl:, while on the
sollthern side stnnll hlock~,yencmlly of 2 to 5 tons ia weight, lie
~cattererlover the nlol*e slieltered places ; tliesc bnre evidentlv
been rollcd from tile rocli to their present positionc, as was proveh
when ~*crnoving
a part of tliorn to form n landing place under tho
r;ontB pier, for s l l c n these wetc rcniovcd, 1found at tlie level of
low water spring tidcr;, the f o r n ~ e t i onot
~ ~ to be prnnite like tlls
rest of the rock, b u t to consist of coral, which ex~~osccl
R plain
~ ~ u f a cas
c if' ground By the attrition of masecs r611ing over it.
The coral woulcl appear to me to have grown i n aitu before the
decomposition or disintcgsntion of the granite mass to which it
clings had talcen place, and consequently before pieces had fallen
fiom their original positions and been snbmitted to the action of
the sea, whose effect would be to crush tllc liviny coral and prevent
its further growth, by rolling tho snpcrincnmbent block3 to and
fro. I will be excrlsc?dthis cl~zression,as it serves to prove that
blocks of so lnrgc n size had Got originally occllpied the position
in which t,hey are now found, ant1 ~vhicllfict, beirrg admitted, will
enable as to judgc of the d r g ~ ~ of'
e e force that the waves of the
nort11-cast monsoon occasionally excrt. A t low water several
detachrcl rocks will be seen to lie off the main sock at clistances
of 70 to 100 feet. At high ~ \ ~ a t Pedl*a
Brnncs has the appearance of a rncre heap of '-l)ooldrn looselv piled together, and in
their disposition taking the form of a rh6m!mid, whose length is
stated, is
140 feet and hrcatlth 90 feet. T'tlc rock, as ~lreacl~r
granite of light g r e ~coloer and considerable sizccl irain, emall
pataticlrs of' 1lorr1l)lenrlcare mther spnl*inclr n ~ i v r dv i t h the other
cornl'onent parts princip:~llyo i quartz ;in;; iildsrar. J n tho l ~ d n r
F >

~ ! l ~ r tn?rc
nnlv tnV,s n*neks 1;7n!?~l, : r m o n p t those that attain thc
qrlln:c5t i
wllicll p n q v a q ,safliciellt s111;fAcc to bear a Pharos
t l ~ corlc wlriclr Yrac t'l1.c j;~r*$rrnf f.hc two W R S fou?~d
merely $0
n hoaltlcr, for a inret? open cl~ink,~ 1 1 i c h
is at nome
fimt ill widtll? divides it '-fiwn tire rock5 on nldcll it lieg,
2nd t11c KVIVPS OF the N.E. monsoon make their way throa$z
b c l o ~it. The otlier rock, on carcfi~land attentive cxarninatian,
w : , ~fcl~lritlto hc n pe,.fcct$ solid mass, fol~rningan. integral portion
of' the solit1 roc!< beneath ; ~IIGI-cwere neither chinks nor reins in it,
ci ther pcrpcndicnlnrly or iloriaontnll v ; and though it had barely
yoom on i t s surthcs IC~ICTIrnenserctl N.'IV. tk S.E. to carry a foundation 12 h c t in diameter, I dctcrrnincil on fixinq upon it to bear the
proposed striictare. On i t s N.E. eidc it i s tl~videdfrom n~inther
solid ~.ockof smaller clirnensions by a chink, and as 1 found that
t l ! ~rock in this direction r i z . N.E. $ S.W. only mcarared 20 feet,
1 determined to rest part, of tllc s f r l l c t ~ ~on~ ethis smaller one also.
Tlrc south-wcst side of avl~ntm a r now be termed the house rock,
risce perpcndicala~lroat of the sen,. and on t l ~ e8.E. side it overh ; ~ n y sabout 2 fcct : th!a appears sorne\vhat bold when looki
the section in the accompanying plan (see plan of Pedra R
st hiell n7xters p i n g t i d e ) bat I~-ract,icailyit is not noticeable, nor
clocsit ~ ~ h rie~ved
c n
from any direction appear disagreeable to the
e1.e. On the N.XT. side of' tllc Ilouee rock there is a ally
c A r n p o ~ ~of'
d looso mnsscs macll decomposed, and on wllich n o
firm founcl2tion could be obtaincrl without a 11e:~vyoutlay. This
mll11- IIRS
~ i n c lew ~ nvl-ailed u p and filled wit11 oartll'in tllc hope that
:! t;:\r.
Itnrdv plant3 n:n.y be fo~inrlto grow i n it.:' The highest point
o n Pcrlra Iiranca a~tainsthe h i ,4 1 t of 2G feet 11 inches above
I-J.W. ~ r c l i f l ~ rspring
tidea, t h e hlglrest point on the hoitsc rock
7 , r ; l q 2;
feet :3 inclics, b111; t l ~ ctop of' this 1.oc1i was cut off to the
11r~ic;htof '22 fcet 3 itlcllea hcfore commcncirll,r the buil(1ing : this is
f ! ~ c l r ? \ ~ ~ i lo f t l ? ~
vn~llt floor. rb7 l~recof' t l ~ vtrzrc:stc:rn
rocks are 22,
23 :~n(.l24 feet above the same Icvcl, an(l the rest of the groitp
011117 3,~rr;igc:
G to 7 fcct. Tlie sul*facc!of' J'ccira Dranca i s e x t r ~ m e l y
~clividml l)y cllnsln.;, and :~tfordinglittle room k--L L rtl>y ,- erecr ion o f t ~ r ln~ c ; r l - a cl~vcllings.
~*~~ , -


The anchorage thl. tlrc ucsscls in 3ttcnrlnncr: at t,llr? J,ight-h

i~ dr~ringthc r;ou.t.l~-u.cst. mortmon fit. 2l30l1.t t . ~4, a ~uileto tlle
north-cnst, oi' it, in 21. to 13 tjtho1n5, a,nd (lnrir1g r . l ~ enostln-eart
nt. thr, Gnnlc, di.;t;incc 6 0 f h c scant.Ia-~r.cslira 12 t,a If;
l o . Ira tlloxr, ))oqitiorls uoscl.; cnn riclc l r - i t h o r ~bcitl:
anrlcr t-hc. infl.ncncc ole tlrc stt-ong titlo.; tll:lt licrc pl.crail: tllcir
')l:,nts c:ur :tPco :ipl~r"o:tc!l~the ~*ocll; wit \ l o t i t ; pnssinq t.111.oal;);l1t l ~ t :
! ! l d i e . a.nd I~~.(>!icn
?~.:ttc.j. tl~al,cxtenl. :I lolrg w;kv on e i t l ~ ~~ ?
i i .l r t,;lf


and which are extremely dangerous to mall boats when

any E;ca on. I had no means of taking accurate obseron the: strength of the tidal currents. This i s a subject
erlerilly irruch over-estimated by mariners.
On one occasidn I
~ n n dthat I could not pass the rock, or make any i~eaflrvny
gainst the tide, in a ship's gig prdlinq six pafldler. T l k would
low that the current had not heen lcss than four miles an hour,
od probably nearly fivr, but it was an unusual circumstance and
to 3 knots may be stated :VJ the usual strength of current, at
rdinary spring tides, tho~cgllmuch variation was observed in t11e
pparent force of the tides during different months. Strong ebb
des prevailed during the mornings of the months of 3la,y, .June
nd J u ly, anc1 during the months of October and N,ovem-b8
er ebb
des wt?re velleystrong, when they occurred during t;he evenings.
I.luring &bllt;
mvrlth-westmonsoon the floods do not run 3-" ~~ron
re ebbs.
The proximity of Pednr Branca has long been noted for its
danger to shipping, and as the commerce of the Eistern
ments has encreased, so have the losses become more num
The follorving list of casualties, extracted fivorn the Sing:pore
~urnals, will serve to show the extent of these losses. I t IS not
ffered as being at all complete in its notice of minor accidents,
tur in many of' there cases there was probably no report mode to
the editors. I n the cases of stranding or total loss, I believe
none have escaped my attention, as I carcfiilly examined all the
Singapore joulbnals published since 1824 with refert~nce to this
subject. Between the years 1824 and 1839 inclusive, 5 total
wrecks occurred; one vessel lvas stranded and 3 minor accidents
took place; while between the years 1841 and 1&51 inclusive, 11
total wrecks occurred, if we include the Metropolis, m!licb was
rnater-logged and abandoned by tho crew, thus averaging one
vessel per annum ; during this period 1 vrssel wils stranded and
4 minor accident^ also took place. I t would be impossible at
this time to estimate the amount of property lost in theqe v
I n the Dourado alone there wel8e 500.000'Spnnish do1lal.c
to the bottom ; while there mas on boatsd the S\?lpl~,
lag stranded, opium to the value of 337;203 S'panish dollars,
l d although most mas saved, tho acciclent to her must have created
l i s q e loss to the owners of the cargo in paring for salvaue,
and by the low of time, market, &c. ; most of the other vesGlg
in the list will be seer1 to have been large, and to have con~ained
aluablt: cargo





1835 Sylph.


Zvne 18301

Nov. X826,nIalabar




.. JUI


1: I


. . ..

tded opposite :Red C1iffs, and became a total wrec

rgo partly sa,,,,A
Uut in a damaged state. T
acrew robbed the owners of some opium, and
luable articles, and made off with them.
Ran on a reef of rocks on the Bintang shore, Dur ant
off having received little apparent damage.
Ran on the Pan shoal, and was assisted off by the H.c
-- f--ships Duneira and Lady Melville, ahich saved L11rr
becoming a total wreck. P u t into Rhio in a leaky state.
'Ran on rocks to the east of Point Romania, during the
evening, had 5 0 0 . 0 dollars
u.d-she got off
Portuguese* 300 but Was abandonec
iking state. One
man dromned.
375 Ran on rocks near Pedra Branca, and became atotal wreck.
Ran on the north-east point of Bintang, at night, and
was got off at the end of the N.E.monsoon and floated
back to Singapore ;liad 995 cheats of opium on board,
valued at557,200 Sp. dollars, 9934 of which weresaved,
by vessels sent to her assistance. The Resident of Rhio,
Mr De Groot, quickly visited the wreck, and in a most
handsome manner gave great assistance and protection.

D~iscm'p- Nation.
































g *z 2

g z .z

nr a

- 0 0

g 557

--2% -

$ $@)
"'S ;




* E e
5 C









g.E + 2

0 - Q









. Junk







-I.-' .I .

...- ....


. Barque . British




. Junk

zme of Vessel.


itruck during the night of the 11th of August on Poatillon rock and lay all the 12t11, got off in tlle ercning
and nearly ran aground on rhe middle roclis near Pedra
Branca, but was warned OR by ilre norkirq
lamps. Same vessel was sccn agronnci on tl
reef next morning but she got off (luring the day.
ltruck on a reef on the Bintang shore, got OKhut bf
came water-logged, and was abandoned by the cren
She w:as after
towed into S i n ~ a p o ~ he H.C.
steamer Hoo;
Her cargo of tea
y damaged.

3t of Bintang and w::

Vent c)n silo:re on the N.1
' emigrants cIn boar
totally mrec! ced,-she
_--T. _ wno mere all saved.
Struck during the night on the N.E.Point of Bintanp
and bilged, cargo mostly saved.--Was got off when ?i.
E. monsoon ceased and towed into harb10111'.
---Struck on Stork rock during the day and, becarrke a tot:11
wreck, small part of her cargo saved.
?en to strike on
A barque, apparently Amerhan,
;she struck at
Stork rock, but got off during t h ~



Drterminntiott qf the G o i * ~ r n r ! t ~ton m

t e t thc Hor.chz~rgitTcCdinron inl on Prtlrn
Brnncn, insfend of on Pcnh Rock, Romnnin-Prrratltion fnkert hqforcfixinp
on a plnn-Econcrm!y .sftrdird, orrting to antnl/ncs.~qf the f?tnd.~-IIcigilt qf
Phlr)-os nn,? d17sign.t rr</trlntrrl by thc circzonstnnc~sof if,qposition-Surfacc
qf rn,-K (if tk: tI~~cotn]?o.?c~~?~'/?ic?r:?flss
of .tr*nl!s qf to10cr nl?d dinmetw of r o o m
r , pfrrnnrvl and ?ohnt C I L P ~ Ca/lnptcd for thc Batlm
-EzLrl-iar ?f f o ~ c , ~hnro
q f ~c.r?1-~cpfr~:fi~~cntid?l~4
nf c o ~ z s t r ~ ~ c ~ i o r t - P t . ~ ~ cInBen
n ? ~ t ihcforc
o f z ~ ~f i ~ n m i r an
cstintrrtr q f thc cgst o f ~I*O~~R--C/N.Q.S
qf ?onrltnu?n cnpnhkr: qfcnrrgitrg out the
nnd rrn.w??s,for hltrittg n cotzlmrtor hound to its cnny>?ctionI\7c~~s~if,?/
qf h/rr*ing cri/ fnnr!rrs n~?c]:
IigAtcrr n r t n f ( ~ou:i/y fothcgrccnlt
pircrc~y-Clnss of mil or,^ c o t d [heir d~ctics.

I received official i~itimntionfrom the Hon'blc T. Ch11rc11,Ecq.,

Resident Councillor at Sinpilporc, in a letter dated 31st Jane,1$47,
that the Covern~ncnt11ad detvrmincd on e~~ectin:the H o r s l ) n ~ * ~ I ~
Light-house on Pcdl-a Bl.nnca, instcacl of on Peak I-ock, w l ~ i c l ~
belonqs to the R.omania group; for which position I llacl furnislled
plnnsknd estimates in Souember, 1844. Thc alterdtion of the po~
sition of the light hid been suggested by t . 1 Lolads
of thc Admiralty; owing to Pcnlt ~ ~ o cbeing
consiclered by tlleir
Lordsl~ipsto be situ~tecltoo frqr within the St.ri~it.c,which prevented
i:s being a good le;ldit!g mark to vcssels, whilo Pcdra Brancn from
its advanced position was the first object th:;t vessc!g run for, and
which being clear of all dangers on ils nortl1el.n p~.oxi~nitr,
can be
approached by a direct conlase and c l o s c l ~passed. peal; rock has
the fiu.ther clisadvnntnge of haying sc!ver;ll milt-lying reefs, which
would render it nccessnry for ships i n making for n light on it, to
alter their coursc as they nc:l~mr!(lit,, wllilc owing to the uncertainty
i n jodging their distance from it (ll~rinpdark iligllts, tliey might in
passing tilmugh tlie ;t(ljil~crrtcli;~~lnel
ren thcmsclrea on Rornnnia
shoal on the one h:~r~f.l,by kcepi~rgtoo (lifrt.arlt, or on the o ~ l t - l ~ ~ i ~ c g
danger3 to Ycalr rock on lhc other, hy I;c,cl)ing too now.
Peak rock being 03 fbct nbovc tlie lavcl of' s p r i q tides, is
somen.llnt hiqIier than Ped1.a BI.R~CR,
and being close inshore,
cffccts of thc sea cluring the nlonsoor~ are not
FO I ~ C B V
~ it. 1 ]lad, corlseq~lcntly,:~ftc?r.
ohsclvvinl,rthe action
of tllc waves at tlie worst scnco~t,c.l(lcimorlit sirflicicnt for tlie former,
to have merely the lowcr part of t l ~ c JJizllt-l~onsc?towcr to tile
hcigllt of eixtccr, feet o f nil(. a ~ l l l i l ~an(]
~ , tlie lacstof brick tyr.o&,
but on Ircing cnllctl 11po11
fbr 1)l;lns mil o ~ t i n ~ n l cofs n tluiltlinma o n
j'cc!l.a Branca, it m.; nc?cclss:~~.y
f o /~:lrcsc I)cfol.e tlccicli~lg-,as it
might he fiiirly anticipntcd t h :t ~the : r c ~ i ~of'
) r ~tlw trxvcs 1~(.)111(1
Ileavier on its l o l r c ~S ~ I I ' ~ ~ I:111(1
C P nlol.r>c~s~~osc:cl
positio~~.1 the1.cfalse: rccon~n-rentlerl1.i) tllc? :~r~rllol-itir+,
Ilrfb~.i!tlnc comin.),~
.. oaj of
the cns~ringN.Fl. ~ ~ l o r l ~ i oI)riclc
u ~ ~ , ~ ) i ! l , i ~cnl~qt?lrl
hc !:l*r)ctCCf 0,)
various ~)nlatsof Pc(1l.o Eranc:~,in 01-rlc1. T O ~ C Q Itllc
tibycr; of'
2nd this was accorcli~a;~l~
~loucon !Ii.c Izt. 'v'cnr':~rn!~~!., 19

tllo 1 s t 3Ixrcll o f the followitlg ycnr, I procccdcd to Pcdrn Bwnca

to rxnrri-- tlicsc pillars and found all tllosc on tlic north
oidc, so1
rhicll wcrc 3 :3 feet ahovc tile level of the sea, cntircly
Tliose on the lliglrcst part of t l ~ crock and fully
swept :
rxposed? I forind lind tlicir plnstcr knocked off on their north
exposure and the mortar ~raslletl out of t,lieir joints to the cleptb
of an inch, whilst those that wcrc placccl in sheltcrerl positions on
the south of the rocli ~Scmninedpcl.fkct1y entire. From t h c ~ efact5
I concloded that daring this one season no brcacli of the sea had
gonc over tlie rock, but that a considerably lleavy spray most have
fillert on tlie higllest part of it, with srtficient force to in,jore any
brick building that coolcl be constrocte(1, and as we had only tho
experience of one season on a subject mhicll it wollld reqni1.e obscrvations for marly years to elucidate, as there ma,v only be one
heavy season in the course of 20 or 30, I deemed'fi.omwthe facts
already gathered that it would not be p ~ ~ d e ntot crcct in this
position i n y edifice, ~vhose outer walls were of less substantial
materials than granite, set ill tlie best h~rdraoliccement. This
necessarily involved much greater outla!; than what would liave
been required for a brick building on Peak rock, and, as I was
lrvare that the funds at the disposal of the authorities at that time
vere by no means sufficient-in
designing tlie plans I found it
lecessary to exercise the most ivigid economy, both in regard to the
extent and altitucle of the builtling and thc nature of materials,
when these were not essential to stability, in the hope that the
estimates might not present so grcat an excess, as to prevent the
rork meeting the sanction of the Govcrnmcnt.
The altitude of the building was cletermincd by tllc distance of
the dangers for the avoidance of which it was to serve as a guide,
and to have milcie it exceed this, however clcsirable on other
accounts it might liave been, \vonld have riskcd incurring such an
outlay as to dcbnl tlie works being undertaken. To seaward the
most clistant are the Postillons rock, which is 104 nautical miles,
and Xorth Patch clistant 102, and, towards the Straits, the Crocodile
hoal, distant 112 nautical miles. If the light could be seen fiom
he deck of t l ~ corclinary claes of n~ercatltilevessels 3 miles
,urther than the most distant of these, ciz. 15 nautical miles, I
considrrecl tliat all the ~.equi~-erncnts
of nnviga tors would be satisfied. The height of tlie masonry above his11 water spring tides was
consequently fixccl a t 92 fcct, mliicll ~vouldlnakc tlie centre of thc
light aboui 95 feet.* This poiut being deto1~mincd,the next consitleration was the form of builditig or builclings to be adopted for
the position, ~rliichir~c!udcs nut onlv tlie etl*uctur*eto bear the light,
but dwellings f'or the lig!lt-liccpcrs nud estilblisl~mc?nt,wit11 r o o ~ n
for stores. water n ~ i dnrov~siotis. It is tllc most al~nrovcdpractice
'the ligb

01 ! I ~ I I J C ? T PJ , i ~ l ~ t - I ~ ~ i iSi I! I?F ~ I ~ C P ~ . ~ ItIo: ~erect nccomnlod;~t.ionfor the

;: lir~nlt , l ~ nt
o or pillar i,hnt carries thr
~ : l ~ t r o ~ + r , i, i, y 9 r ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ i ~ ! ~
t l ~~ oty :~ ~: >. : ~. ~~sprecmltio~is
tc. l i ~ ~ g arc a,dopted.
ot' rl11.t tll:l,i,always irn r)orccptn.bly fly aholrt
!ct ;I./! bthcr
t l i ~ r ( t L ) ~ 1 1 . L)l*
E ) c ! I I ( : I I ~ ~ . t~oc n l
1 ' 1
c ; , ~ ! I P i ~ ~ 1l' i l ~ t atld
~ ~ l Ip ,
tic1 covcririg r::
:;!-:iclt1 ( ! : ) l ~ l b ~ t l l ~ l t ,i l ~ t I
011 I,~IL. ~elic:itj(:~ . ] ) [ ) B I ~ ~ ~ L I I *
li(,n. I1+il fbr T,ini~:-hou$(:iilnnli ilntiorl, Tllis re~ldarsi I, ded~*ahlc
r ! l ; t t t 1 l c . b tn\rtl~$
61- 1)ii!:31* ~ l l o u l dl ~ dcvofcrl
to the oirc prlrposc: ol'
1:11ir1 1 i
R u t i n the pcrsiF ivlk oi' ? C , ~ I . R Jj;t;!~lcn,;r rl ol)jcct molbc ill1 i~ol't,;lntIllan t,his scctncc!.
t o ~ o i i - i s in
t tltr snfi3tr oc tllc ~;~Ilt-~i(:~~cli
Li o m htti~,c?i
hy ~)irntc;:md
0 1 ll{lr- evil-disjw-cd ' l ~ ~ r m n $ Its
. rolit;l~.jr1)oiition R I I ~grea;
. I
, n~ig!it, I S C I . ~tl~i;yoir~t11olattl:
t o , II:IYC ~ulrjccterltllc estal,lisllsnent to molcsti~.tion,~ i o only
. . . t y , are notorioust for 1their
t l ~ r ; .s e : ~tribe; of' tile iln~rredi;ttt:v ~ c ~ r l ~vllo
t ~!r~o~;cnsit,ics,
but. the Cl~iliosej ~ t ~ i k~vllic11
in 1:unli?t.:nts 2111111:iII~ cumniit clel)~~etIntio~r!:
on :dl they thirlk tlley cart
Tlli~ will 1)o !~c.ttcronrlerstood by reference to the
;:cconiperi~in~cxtttncts hlonr tlle 6i Si~igaporc Free Preps'' IT:
i I
(see a~)lwnliis11). It
bc rlotcd tlra,t probably
orily I?aif' tl~c?act< of piracy come to ligllt, for the 31al:l.y pirates
l : rln cvnlp~~rlctiorl
ill ntu~*do.inq
all tlreir victirus to destroy dl
tr.;icfi; o f c1~it1i~nc.c
against them. Unt'ler tlltse circnmut.i~nces1 CONsi!lo~~ccl
t l l ; t t a. tom-cr I1;~~irtg
a,cconntnoflntion for the ligirt-keepers,
XY i l l 1 r-i!on~
for +t,i!yi7.<, p~a(.)visionsII[I \ I ~ ; L ~ ~ibr
I * 6 r~iorlt,liq9
t 1 ~ n~c:!st
fbr tllc ,t:~r.)sition;
t h i s tower to be cnterecl bv strong
tF( )c?ts;:
!.cs;cllc;brl I)v 3. I t r (ltlitr, wllicll corll(i I)c cl~.;~\vni r n inside
, 3 o
r .:
c This plan, it nppe
~;!r:~lilalnpT~-suKicc to dctor
cl:~c(;o1'1l;~tivesi i ' o ~
!Ill; l)l!il(.?ing,:r~~tl
:is ! l ~ c
llow consist,.: of'o r r r w nritls
:Ir.nls tbr vacI1 611(!t'~ car1 1 ~ : no f ( : ~ of
r tlieir noi beiricr.' n,blc tct
t i t I
a t e a
n 1 1 1 1 . 11s :hl~.e:l(lyn~c:nt,~onecI
:I'~J.I.~,J. iirc o n l ~ 'pcl*l'c!c~;lvst;~.l)lc1*0(:1il)~lc~rlgir~g
t.o tile
' 1
:illo\vi:d ;a. c!llaclc
01' I L ! ) ~ . tllorc? t.llali 22 k t i r r tlianlc!tc:~*to ix! t,r:tcccS
7~ l!o~l it.; lo t l ~ i sclirrrorlsio~l,t.l,r:refor.c, \\.;I$ conlincd tllc diitmelcr oi'
[ I t t : f t . j n r t !;it,
~ +i1.5 f i ) ~ . ~ r ~ , l : ! ~ . i \ j ~ ~ .
T t I I I ; I J !~nrcI,(,: ~ ~ o t i c : ( ! c t;12;1t
~ l l croclr s11on.s no y i p s of c1cc:omj j + i i . i o r ~ I)(,VCIII(I:III i11c1i f i . i ) ~iis
~ ~ slrri~~c;~.~,
( f ~ cn~~ot~c:
e x l ~ o ~ ( ;; I( Il I ~
j l i ~ j ~ t s~ x f i ji;tf
l i t ) ? : , I I ( ~fltllit~gofI' qt tl~is,I~SI:~.II(;(!1i01ii [,IIC
01' tIlr: rock ~'ot.tltl I
; 1 bi!
' 1
f.i:kc)) : I , ( , V ; I I I ~ of,
: ~ ~
s(;tt ill: t11e [i,ce"1' tll(: : L ~ l l l i L~l I*I ; ~ , S O J ~ ! *I!-if
V llit.7,
: I . I ~ i i i v l i : b C [ I L ~ ! ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ l ) ~ ~iil(hs.
~ , ~ ~ ~ ; ( : ~ ~ l ; ~ . ~ ~
.I::I\+ \TI: t l ~ ~ t ~ ! i ~ r {,!I(!
) ~ i : ~~ ~l ~c i ~[ ~~ , lt of
l t ; [llc 1'~ ~ g l h t , ~ ~ ~ ; I . ~ I I PufI C1.11f:
r I:
12 ( : ; ~ i t i ~ : t l r ~ : i
~ l ~ t ! i l , 'l'!:<;
1 ii)ot, i l l l~,;i
t t ; ~ , ~ ) i ~ : ~ l







I ~ B





de~ignrd and constrtlctccl under rhc: saperintendxnce of Alan

Stevenson, Esq., the Enginccr to the Sorthcrn Light-house board.
From the 1 s t COUI~PC, which was on x level with the highest point
of the rock, to the neck of the tomer tlle~ewere 56 fect, brlt as the
top of the rock was cut. off 3 feet helow this point there mere 3
nnder conwes, which made in all 51) coulBsesfor the shaft of the
pillar or tower, cxclnsive of' for~nflationcouriies, that wore stepped
into the rockc hut none of which were carried round the n711ole circle.
The lowest, bed of the foundation is 1G fcet 9 inches above high water
ordinary ~ p r j n gtidc9, and 5 fcet Ci inches bclom the fiwt complete
course. The diameter at the top of'thc shaft I determined should
be 16 feet, this gives a batter to thc ~vallof 3 fect between the 1 s t
course and thc 56th. The rooms have a diameter of 11 feet, which
is found to be quite large enou*, though a less diameter than this
would cramp the accommoda~ions; this made tile walls 24 feet
thick at the top, and 54 fket at the 1st course. The structure
might no doubt have been strong enough with less thickness of
~rall,bound together asit is by strong bands of iron, but in a rvork
of this kind, which is intended to last for ages, it, in common with
other public buildings devoted to purposes essential to the \vat-its
and well being of society, should not be confined to the point
being barely strong enough, but should have all the character
of stability and permanence, as typical of the extensive beneficial
purpose to which it is devoted.
The next subject requiring attention was the exterior of the
shaft of the tower. I f the slope of t l ~ eface had been ill rr straight
line from top to bottom, the shaft would 11ai.e formed a truncated cone, but the plan of' this, on being drawn to a scale, presented
a stunted appearance, by no means pleasing to the eve, and as I was
constrained, by circomstances nlreadv stated, to cekain dimensions
wl~ichcould not be deparled from i i thoot infringing yrejrtdiciallv
on the internal economy of the building or increasing thk
size and COSL of the building itself, it appeared to me that a
clilsve should be adopted, applied convexly towards the axis of the
shaft, \~rhosclower portion sllould fall inwards somerv!lat rapidly
at the base and less so at the top. Tliitll the view of selecting a
curve Ailfilling tliese conditions, I cxamined tlie three conic
~ectionsancl cii*clcto see n71licl~of them woulcl answer best. The
adol~tionof a curve, ml~osecleinents could be accurately cnlct,lated
fiom qivcn data, would also be of the greatest service [O tho works
in sctting off tlic dimensions of the courses to the stone-cotten and
i l l constntcring the models for their guidance. On refelqence to tile
accompanying tables (see Appendix 1.) it will be seen, that the
Pnml,ola applied with its axis on a 1clrel nit11 thc top of the shaft
at riglit angles to the axis of the tower, at the given rlistnnce, is
the best ;i(inlrtcrl fooln our ~ J U ~ * ~ I O S CI. at once rejected the same
cortic ~cctioi1, : i ~ applicrl with its asiq parallel to the axis of the
towerJ oaing to its too r:~pidlycarving at the base. The samc

ttt :\!,? .3<l\ill<t>, ;).I\ 31-ccji 3 ~ i y f ; ] , ? , crivpg F. C ~ I Y Y ~ ,
~ c : l : c ~ l ~ -3 1.8 i
I CI,OIJI i l l p c : I ~ ~ ~ Bof
( : tile
l3:ir:)F~ol:lr,OIIt t . 1 1 ~ i:xtt t ~ ii,
lTc owin;? te it.; (!as\- and s l ~ o r t
n l o ( 1 ~01.' ~::llculntion. :Tlir: vct:lngrrlrrr T Iyju~.,l~ol;c
1.cvo1ving on its
nsvrxlfotc). will 1 ~ 2scrn to ~c?nrr:ltc!n. collcmn ton ncar t11c rcw-nof n,
cone to t'c ;ido;)to(.j\ I C ) T .I110 wlslc covic ~ e ci o
t n npplictf. with its
%xi.; ~nirior pat,:11!e1 10 rlln :r xis of t,llc tnwcr. :it tile given di~tnncc,
ha5 ~ c > . r c nrl
~ l ~:! i ) j ~ ~ - ( ~ r i ndif?'.,~*rne~
!i.nnl tlrcPnr,aboia. J-J3.ving dcri(lcr2 011 the f~.)~.rn
of the, tower 2nd the na,t.urc of t,he
to bc lxserl i n it, l,llc mode of p~rttiokt l i ~ ~togetl~cr
next to he trnr~sitlt!~-ctl. This may Ilc srlortly stated as


fullow+. :IS est.ractcc1 f1*on1 n.he .pr:cifi.c:ttions clra~vn out hefort..

the 1)111ltlirlgnra-ns com~ln~encecl,laaticing at the S ~ I I I F ! time ench
~ l t c ~ r n t i o n:n~,d
m l ~ \ i l . i o3is~ IIXWC J~ccT), mac7~t,Ilel*ctn:-Tlie c1.1tirc
F7t1ilciinq \sa.s to Elc fhcct? with grnnite n.slll;rr work, cqr~:~~*ed
z ~ n o o r l l ' i dresccrl,
tllc i m l ~and joinf.5 l , x ! i l l ~ ~ e i ltl C C I I I P ~ ~ . T h e
rock VTS tcr IDc st~ppe11.v I ~ c ? : ~ II(:CCSSW~ to Y C G C ~ V fj~l~ldittion
cour.Ge3. Tllc?hig?lt of thc co~lrscstr.n.5 t.o he one foot c:~ch,a n d their
d c p t l ~inward3 not, X ~ S R tl13.n 1.0nncl 14 illcl~csnltcrnn~rly; every
tllirtl FIOI~CI was to he 3, II~II(~cI-, reaching tllrongl~the ~ra11.
All bc!ds c.c-Ire to I)c cut wjunt*c?nnc\ Icvc?l, or l ~ n l l o ~ v ~
I llc b:tlco~iyfloor sto1i.s lwlscto 1 ) ~five Get long ant1 olic fool broad
P : ~ c J ~ at: t l l c i r . outer crldg? and tn.l)cl-inq1.0the of tho tower,
The trvillls o f t l w ligll)f-~-(:)o~n
~ I I Cthct
I h;tlc011y 11a.rapet werr to be
r o r s l t ~ l c t , ant.irel!r
o ?gl,;,ilitr:, rmoot,Illv c~l.csse;l,caclr wall was to 1 ) ~
9 i t ~ s l ~ ein
s t llicli~lc~s,b~rt the 1i:hCronrn 1Gl1 w a s cventtl:~lly
constl*uc:tr,ll ~ trlai n tllicknc%sof 15 incllos, nut1 thc j>nrxpct. wit11 a
illic kn(:cs o f i'i iracl~cs. Out-otficcs we1.c t.o be c:onstt~llc,tc!rl o f
~ c j u a s ~ cy-i~nitc
orrtsitlc the t,on.or, on collrcnic?nt plrtccs on t h ~
~'ocli. All ~ t o n c s w c ~ ~ rto
? Ilc 3 to 4 f'cct in I c ~ i z t h and to joint n.1ol.c ~.I!;I.II 011c foot. Tlrc illncr part of t l ~ rw;tlls of
tlrc light tcb\.vcr, c ~ n dt,lir? \r:ialts nverc!to he of' t~ricl;, srt i l l cornlnotl
mortal*, co!~~l)o;cd
of' 2 p:~rt.; linir, 2 l):ults s ~ r ~ tarid
l , 1 part lnteritr
enrtl,, b r ~ tt h e vault. 1
nillrc i,mn eori.troc(ed wit11 I.)ricIiq,
131ltil*clvI:~icl in f . l ~ r :1)est 'li'o~*tlnnd rcrncnt, ill wlliclr ccjilal pnrt,s of
ce~ncntn.(:rc i ~ c r l . Tl~on11:lndi u-rrc to 1.w l:~itl,rn(:ii-rling
t l ~ cirancr par[, of' t,hc .rr;tll, rrc:ii~lr ira the cer~ti~c
of' !lac
I . I . I
I s
t of J
Tlie I~andgwere 1.0
hc of' i!l{!h : t l l ( ! 3, 1,;iIf' FqIl:t.lY! 1):lr i!:oll, i f ) ?'II.I~PP lf?llgtl~s,
1 1i i i;
F b n ~ i i l sof 1 I)\.. 2?,
. inchcq
I l i i , ~ !.P?P!I
i i ? l t~b f ~. itlfn [c~7:)O11f?~
~ 1 1 1it~ft)(lie ~j9thCOlll'?CF
P . ! I ~I.!I(?S I O I I ( Y o f 1 1 j . 1 : I ~ : I ~ ( : ~ I I I V \ j o o r I.III,I~:I* flicl liqllt-room I *:xI!.
r *
L l i i s r I I : I I ~ I ~ C II~CI.C ? I - O ~ I T C , I
f i - i t l i 11111~1. 0 0 1 b i ! ; . l 1 1 d
( * ~ ; I ' I P ! , ~ . 'Phr
! o(~I, - ~ ~ I I , r~vI i~t l l i r * o y ~ j n ~ < ~ ; ! r ~YP~I.
: , ;;I ?!!t! ~ f > t > f
?,::)':I ) I C ~ 1v;lL: ] ~ O I I I ~

i ~ s r r r r



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'.I.:. ib;.,:-fi,,L,;?

rnonls ntlrl t,hr sfnir-c:,s,., t l ~ rlnr.11

l ~ ~lTor,rn w n c tq I,(# n~:,flc
Ko ~voo{l-r~ork
1 ~ 3 qto lw ! ) l ~ ti n t o the l , t ~ i I ~ i i l ~ qc - ,x c ( ~ ~('or
~ tI I iI P ~ ~ ~
~ O O I ' F , wirrilo~vsanll ln(ldc!~..;,~ l ~ c l v ran(l
s lilrnit~lrc. 1 I I ( ~l ) ; l i \ ~ l i ~ ~ <
ir tl~crcforcfi~.c-~woof'. Ail woorl-n-c~rk 1vn.1 to
ot' 111,:
m:ir11011?, n sl~ccicso f wootl nr11t:n nsc*(l /;,I. h o i ~ ~ r . l ~ o~ IlI (I Il cq~lnl to tllc I ~ r s tl i n ~ l i s l onl;.
Tl~n~ti~il.-i.:~iiin::c 11:t1 r. 1 1 1 - 1 , 1 1
I 3 l ~ n ~ ~ - p I iI~I :tIcV~~ns: l ~ oh r ~ r sc,r.on.rtl
to :!
P X C C I I ~ Cof
~ brass.
ant1 (loor-sillc, f11011g11 1101 I I ) c I I ~ ~ ~ I iI n( ~ t(i l~( 1 E
ficntions. All the room floo1.q nrCrr: to 11c P;LV(YIv'itll < ( ~ , ~ , L I I :
rlq cct in ccrncnt.
13c>f'orc traminm
tho o s t i ~ n n t c of the rxprncr: of thc worl;~,T
tool< the prccautlon to Ir:lvc! s o m l,locl<* of gl.:~i~itc
cut, a t I llr?
and wrnnght 11nilcr my 0n.n r r c . This w;~cI I ( ~ C C - ~ : I ~ V:?n
tllcre was no cxprriencr in prior 01- r;irnil:tr wo~~l<.:
to ~riirlcI I I O ,
thc1.c bcing no edifice in ~ h Strait4
of w11ich e~*:ini
tc? 113s 1 , ( ~ : 1 1 t IIC
principal material uscd ; wllcrr illis m:ltcrinl lrns 1)rro cni j)lovi:tl it,
has .been confincd to tomb stonas, (loor sill., flily,nnll tbr'otlI(1r
minor pllrposes. TI
.sbnrg11 TAi~llt-llousc1s t I I ~ I ~ P ~ O I ' CI lie
only csample of ern
in tlicse parts. Tl~r,eup"n<e
of' cutting and drepsirlz granite will hc giocn ircwnf'tcr.
The o111yclass of nn rises capnl)lc of carrying out an orl(lcrt;lkil~q
of this k i d are the Cl~inere,who arc :~lrnostthc orllr artificers in
the Straits, to them therefore I was to looli for the r;llS1rilrg ont.
of the design. Compared with otller c l n w s of llciotics in Yinmpore, they are of more indrpendant healirl~.,and tlicir EII pe~.iol-itv
to thcm induces a self-suficiency whicl~ In cornin= under the,
qnidance of Europeans b c g ~ t s:, stul~bnrnrssnot ensilr at all time<

io he overcome. .'
* 1 s l i o ~ ~ lhare

t o linve qiven somr accni~ntof :II(. diflrrnut kinrlq o r

nrtificcrs c>mplo$rd a t the 1,igtit-hou-e. ant1 their toolq, Iwt ? I I C -111!jc*rt \~nllIr!I ~ O quire too mncli space and too Inany i l ~ n ~ t r ~ t i otonhe
u i'tilly clicr~~>sec!
1ii.rc. 1 111n:i
tllesefore c*nntcnt ~ r l g ~ ewit11
s1rol.t extracts froin my notes, and tllv ~ l l ~ t ~ t r a t i n r i s ,
of \vllich I have a co1lsitlernl)lc collt~ction,inrtst i ~ eIcft o ~ t :r\. the litl~oqrnplricilrt
in Singxporc i.; uot pet crln;r.l to the tahk of cop) inq tllcm.
C a r p ~ n t e r a ,Rriclilayers,
Tllr: j~rincipi~l exnplogcscl \vt:rc Sro~~e-cwttt~rs,
RI:lckqn~itl~s,l ' l t u ~ ~ l ~nix1
~ r r J:r;b-s-1blmtlt.l.i; t11t.y \\cJrr3:ill C 11i11c-r.. r~ctsl~ti!ic
~ <:\it1of t:rc~ n-i~rbieof'
I a ~ tn, l ~ owetee diivane.;e ~ 1 1 t l;Ilnl:?ys. J t m:lg \v~tlr t r ~ u t lI)c.
to the arti;.:tns nt' 1711ro11r',lrllf t l ~ eL ' ~ I ~ ~ I ~ E ~ : I I I ~ I ~ P P
t l ~ r s c t, h a t tllcy 8se in no nrayr>q11:11
tuition and trni~iinc;mag 11en~oclc~
quit(: c(111aI to tlltl l r < e(lttca?(~!
oi t l ~ v i r\ ~ ( ~ . t r r l l
brctjlren. '1'0 dcscrilx t l l r n ~2.; w r f i ~ l (tlh c n ~ it
, lhln)
olr-;t~r\c3rlg ~ r r t ~ i l l lnf'
t11;lt nrllile t11c:y nil1 iinislr qrr~ni~tl~ly
nnd nclnl I?, ill n rrl:illlier to s;:ti.i) t ) l v Ili:prnc*level or . t r : ~ i ~ l(1ci:,~.r, t
tiqed (lye, yc.t their norlr will ]lot 1)t ;II* the tpst 01' the plu~atnlc>t,
lint1 llrltil n.rlll tlrillctl, t 1 1 r 3 C:l~il~c,sc>
I1:1ve a rron6 t1i.t
to tllc: 11-+- 01' !l~c~,r
~YOIII t11tl l)l~i!(Iil~g
of n f t ~ i i ~ pto
l ct 1 1 ~
mcnt.s. 111 fill tI,(>i~nlakinq of ;I (loor-lntclll, tl~i.;nl)sc.rrcc~of con.octac1.s 17 ill Ije 1011i1tl
to 11(>r\
nlit. tll+*
nr!lole, tl~tbirjoinir~p;..: ni~tlfit tin:;. :lrc I I I : ~ ( ~CPI ~ S C . It+$ 11y ~ r t ' o i ~ric.:tl
~ e t r~llt*
:inti cborr(:ct w o ~ l < ~ ~ ~ : ~ f11:~rr
r i ~ l ~ i p 11:1i
, itslit, tr1:11+. 11.11111 w t , iil(lqrl o f t11eir work> 111 1 1 1 ~
ol';trt I)y t ! ~ c sf;~~,tl:rrcl
of 1:ul.t !W:III t;;stc., thvy irlny Ile -:tit1 to he
c l ~ y o i t l ot' xwthc>tir krhlit~g. l n tl~c#ir
c - o t ~ \ l ~ o ~t11q
i t i ~ (1,
~ ~liclit
t ~ iilor{siir f'nrni-l~i~lq
~ I I ~ ~ Oand
I I ~q ~ o t r q ~ ~
~ t~ !I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ for
~ s I t11c
I I ~ (I *~ n~ ~~ \ I~ ~p ~o li:~rtq,
n t ~ ~ ~~II:ITI
ill ])I?)daring n Iln1.11jo11iouhavl~o!~..'L'llc ir p111,lic.l)l~ilrl:nq\;11.tS11ot to
\ i1.n
()lltqi,l,>, 01. ii'o~)l:L Oisttl~~c(b,
l;)r jrol~it IIPIICI' 11i l l only 1~ irvn low ~;111s.
n ~ o f q , :ill#! prtiilft~Ilyl ~ ~ r ~ erlii(~l ~ ~
p ~ t ~r111el
~ ~ i1e:lft~r~
t f i ( ~ ~; ~tlitly
* 11111qt INS v ~ e ~ ~~t ~ ~( l i ~ ~ ~ ~ l y
; ~ - t c b


c b r l

1r1 ?)? pir~cr-~11c~nl.

if thc. ohct~rrcrwnnlrl wi+lt to undcrstnntl the spirit of tllc~ir
1 Tn t!lr s:Ilnrb ~IlilllI1~'r
tl~rriri ' ~ ~ l ' l l i f ! ~ lI' eI ~ ~ I I ~~ I I . ~ ~ ~ I I :il*r:
~ ~ I I ~I (I ~- :~I \~ . ~~ I * ~ ~
;(! ( > I I I I I I ~ . ~ I I O I I ~i l~l I ~ I I : ! T I ~ etj~(*s
l ~ i x l ~ ~l yI H 1~;1rt~i'111ly
; li~llfr~i:~$
c2<.;ulc.r;ire nnt to It(! f i ~ ~ ~ inl l c
tlwi~:.nror \ ~ o r l i ~ ~ ~ ; ~ i ~ . r l t i p .
Ilrlt 10 ]~~.occ~c:tl
~ r i t l0111.
~ srll!icbc*t, the c ~ r l l ~ i l ) ~ l of'tl~t:
l t I I I I I ~ I ~ I . :11iel
I ~. I P ~ I !is +OIII(: flii!i?rt!~~c(:
in till: f i ~ 1 1 (;ft.Il(:
1 o(.bls of t 1 1 ilijii~lv-~tt
4 , I
it I
r;liffict>hthrc to P I ) I I T ~ I ~ ~tlloc~:
~ : I ~ ~ol'tllt:
Ji3.y tril~t!. 'J'~I(:I I I ; I / ! , : ~ jy
a ~ . n r ~ n cpioec
of' iron, \vei:llin~ i'roll~5 to 7 11)s. (acco~*tli~~!q
to 111c1 strenrftll 01' t11tl
ownrr) wi t11 :I I I ~ ~ t11r011~11
t 1 1ct111tr(2
i ~ 1~11iclt
t111:sIr:~fti3 ~ t t 1 ~ 1 i 'l.'11(: c!l~i~sc~l
oct:~cc*nnl~bitsrr!of'iron. nlv111t 10 inc.flcbs l o i ~ garltl I !,il~cllc:.rcli;r~r~c!tctr,
11t f t ~ f :
to11 ;i11(1l~)inteclnt t h e I)ottn111,s t l ~ ! e a~tl(!itllf?ln
(?11(1. I'~I(+
is :llong W I . ) ~ ( ] ~ ? I ~
hns !~:ivii~g
a t c>it!lcls
t>rlcl,ill \YIIICII a I I ~ S ~ O Inrc);.lis
nnll iblun.:.irds,
on Iwir~g~~,llsIicd
niicl 1111111~d; nil. ~ ~ i l ~
c ~ sI)oil~c,rltls 1r:ttl irlfo a com~r~on
pointill:, illto a llollon' t~elotv IIII? 1il.c:. Srott~wlrelrclt! rht: air t'sc.:llrtts n~~\val.ri.r,
tltl-nnyll :I $mall iron c r n t l n ~ ' .a1111t11c11tltroug11 tllc i~rtc!rstict~s
of cli~,y1);1lls:;kid
Over tlie yr;~tinq,tlirc.ctl;\. n~ltlcrtile cllnrconl. 'I'llc! :rr~vilis R sn1;111cr~l,t!ot iron IcAt
into n stolic 3111111 i l l tli~afloor. 'J'IIc li:~~nni(?r
for ii141ioni11: t11e t.ooIs I I F ~ Sits s11:~ft
fiscd into thc :~ppr!rend of'tllc: iron ?/to71i1nt1riot i l l the! ~nitltllr~
it3 is t,l~c:ca.;c:nfjf11t ) ~ t ?
J4.11rnpcnn on(!. 'Tl~creseems to IN? :l.n ol?lcct lu this, for o11~ingto the pt:culinr mode
of sitririg at t fle wo1.k over the nnvil, wlricll, as stalr'cl I)cforc, i.s on 21. It<vt>J
n?itll the
fioor. Icss stoopiilz is ~.t?qnil~td
1 ~ 1 tRh Ii:1111rnc3rof t.his tlrccription Illan 1v11;>.t
i)c nclce-+ay t ~ i t l tonrs. 'l'lie ton1 lnrnrler sits on a stone :lnd sc:ltlorn Illoves from
tltitn~c,I r i y ;~siist;lntp111lstlle 1)crllnrvs.
rit'tt'r tl~t:1001s II;IYC br:cn got rt!ntly, tllc! first ope! atinn is t o split t l ~ erock, from
\vl~enccstoner arcb to he procr~l.r!!l 'l'l~isis c!ili.ctell h?; C I I ~ ~ illq
O I I i~t I.O\V ofttole.; ilrt,o
( ! ~ ~ I)? :I, l;41-gc
n.lri(-l1thick sho~.t.wtrrl?~; of iron are fit.ttvl. ' ~ ' ~ I C S C: I ~ C ~ ~ l r i v(lotj11)
I I ~ I I ~ I I I C I ' ,\~.liose~ l ~ n f ' tis
, :11s0 inv:rt(-d a t t,l~etop ot' t l ~ ciran ) r , c l ! / in
t!lr: manncr of' t11e tool !lallln~er.On :L I)locIi of slane heinz ]l?rocuretl of' the
proper din~t~nsiorrs,it is r,*;trrit:d t.o tile slteti and r011c:hly I)loclce~lo r ~ tto the
rec!lii~,c:rl ~ i z e ;it is then set 011 its edge ml(I at. citller end nl,i~ullmetisnppli*:rl, I)? tilt! irrtl~cati~insor \vIlich marlis are nlade :~1:top t ~ n t lbottoln i l l tile
11oints nmrl;rti tlren jointirl by t i st, liae
~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ : n t l iline.
c n l : ~ 'I'11e
(1rnn.n hy n strinc: so:ilieO in Clrina ink, or sorrletillles cl~arconl1nisc:tl in .rrntc:r.
7'1~ct ~ v ocntls arc tl~lrr rendered ouf of' ?ait.rling, anti are rently to 1)eco!nrnrl~ce~lupon Ivy Il~.rin:. dra11g11t linw cut hy the: ~ ~ o i n tci~issel.
On tile
rlrnnght linca nt the cnil hein: di.ecse(l 2nd p~.oreclby the .vt?.ni~~hled!lc!,tilt! sidcy
nre conimc~nce(lupon, b f ~ i r ~rl~;trlietl
hy t l ~ r :string as helbrc?. 0 1 1 all th(: aitltrs irl?illq
sp:~c!: js n1)w co~rllnc*llccfl
011, and t % r r l ~ ut ~
l ol~~vt t~oti l 11lai11
~111'tlrec.ei. t11e ~~I~.:II(.!I.~I, tl1i.i is r l r ~ : ~ +i :~ ytllc, l1s11rlnc:r :~ntlpc1intt.d cl~is.;.iel,
ill 110 systr?~~lntic
Ill:lnrler, tllc
:II tnc.kinr: :kt randol~rall p r o t u l ~ e ~ . : ~ fill
n c ~hrougllt
to a lc.vt,l, wit 11 the ellP ~ ( . ) ? ~ I I ; (ir:~~~:.kit.
Iiir(+; f;)r 111is] I I I I * ~ J C I + 111: sits 0 1 1 tl~c?topoi
tiit: sirle on ~vllich
is ~ . v n ~ - !11~ir1::
i i ~ i ~III:IP~:(I r ~ ~ ; r ~ ) ~ ~ n ( l i ( ~011i ~t11is
l : ~ fie
r l yalivnys
\vorl;s d ~ t v ~ l i ~ a r d g .
J f $Ilc .;to:?(: is 1.r:r1~k).c:tlt o 1~, a. c:l~i$iclis ll*c>tlt ~ i t l :li j.l:cttened
j) ; i t ~ o ,7~
Ot~ ' : Iint.11
I I in I~l.l::t~ltl~ i ~ l c i!l ~
l tiliclc~~c:>s,
11l11'1-r c ' t ~ t l i s fixed
f l ~nvc:tilt<l ~ c : i ~ i u i \-,l!icl~
servc?3 a I~:un(lle; this
j l ~ ! , ~ 111ic.l; rart:~n t)c!nt, l - o u ~ ~
j~ 1 1 , ~ ~ l j11
f I t~ot!jI I : ~ I I: I~I III .~ ~
t11v ::i(do of' t11e: > t o ~ i ( !t o I)(! SO t~o:.l<fxii3 IIOIV 1 : j i t i 11ol.i~i)nt;lil?,
; ~ wllivl~
t.tlc ~tv~irt-c:ultt~r
po('li3 t i l l 11c i.4 snti.4rtl with tl~r>
job; fi)r this
S 1 ; p
i t i t r 1 1 tI
: I
t I i 1 1I
lolo~vs. ~JII t l ~ e
!;!.,it sit],: Ir,!i~lgfi11i~11r:d
?11(: n~~lrositc
c ~ c :is ( . o ~ ~ ~ ~ n e 111
n c~. cI ~;I ltlii.; is Inid off by
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ s t ;I~:I-U.Y
~ r ~ : rt111;
~ t (l~io(:l<
+ n t ~ ' ~ O I I Lf l i t : ~ I I - ; I I I , ~ ~ IOS
~ S the sielt: : I ~ I . I ? : I . I ~(~ I ~ ~ ~ . ~ s t ~ ( l .
~ , I I I ( B I I nr:lt~+ri;~l
~'e:(luir(!1 0 01: !)~OI<(;II
o!Y, this i 3 tlo~rc?
11yc v ~ : . ts111:ilI
i ~ ~ ~111~1(:.9
I]I,? ] j l l c : trr
into Ivllich stnull wc:~lgcd ::11~t.:
drivc~ilnt~til;l rtil~tnre
to I ) I ~ t:11ct:111111; i11is i q (:li:,~it!~l11y( , 1 1 j j ) ~ ) i 1 1 ~
?:I];(,<p l i i ~ f ; . I f only :I. I~tilt!~~t;(l~~i~.e?s
tlicj ~)ic.c.c:.<
nfl I)? t11c F I ~ J ~ I C S11;1111111cr.'1'11~' c.liipl)er
piizcher ~~~c!
:IV(:IIIITI~,01' SIu!rr:,-vorr! l - ; ~ l ~i~o~.tct>~
t . - ! I : I ~ 123)
{ ? is I I O ~ICIIOYVIIt o t11em.
pc1c,!<llf:ir~qt1111q~ ~ I I I : : I I I ~fi)r~~twI,
1111: 3t011t: .cutter ~ ) ~ O ( ; I Y ~ I Iwit11
tl~i:sitl~!ill tlhe
9;Lrn,: rl,;l.nll~.y
; + q ( ~ ~ ~ , c ( ! ~lte~fort:,
j l ~ t ~ ~\rl~ic11
t11e t ~ i ( I 5: I I I (i':~(~f>
~ :tl*th C O I I I ~ l l ~ : , l ~ t : ,I ]I ~ Q I I h
, ( ~ i ~ Ii q
I I ; I ~ ~ In11.1.
~ I ~ 1)y ,wf , V ~ I I / ~ I Yor
S / ( I ? I ! I / ~ . ~ ~;IS
, T I I I i I ? bfb, :t(x!ording
to t ? r p j'o1.1~1rd*rlt~i~~(,fi.
tltc : - f r ~ r ~ c * - 1c.r
r ~ ~ ~nr~c~ont~~~r~rlaft~q
10 11 i - v.-trrl:,
1 1 ~1 1 1 t - W I ~ . : ~ I I :



3',is the fi~vol-it~

p o ~ i t i o n , nnrl the o114. wl~i(:liC ~ I I I ~ : moat.
p3.y l o him,
h11t n t timc~slie sitq
t 1 1 floor,
:it, ot11f:r~
11t: ~vorkqn9itli t tre left 1ja.1rdunder t11e
thig11, sor~~c;t
ilnc,q lie crc 11:llr~.i SO :iq n l n ~ o ~tot , 1~ cloi~lrlrvlI I ~ .
l'hc Cllinc?.;t: stcl~lr:-(~~ltlcrs
01' Si~lqaporr!zrr: n:lr~~ll,v
mith the MaInynn I:~II~II;I$c;(~,
:in11t h ('I~itlt!s(:
~ I T I ~ < ~$r
I I ? I I to 1nyw1f 01' ~ ~ s s i ~ t : ~
manngemcint of' nhout. 100 rwn of so riirlf: n cl:t~.1~
lrlny he iinn$nc(l to IIRI~: hcen
anything but easy. \T7c were f;)rcetl to rt:ject, I I I I I C ~ Iof tlieir worli t ~ ~ ~tliey
t i l fijand
nrit t l ~ a none
bnt\t nl~icltwns corrc+ct,wonlrl he pri4sc:tl. T l ~ c i ~iietlrod
of getting tile first s11rfac.e of'tlrc?stont: o?li-qf'?oi,?rlitt~g,as ahovt: descril)ed, is hy no means
no correct as tlmt of thi? J<ngli.-illworlcbn;~n,iir\vIric?r two pn,i.allrl 9idr:rl rnl(?sare laid
a t eitlier end ol'tlre I)lock, tlltrs en:~l)lingtllc rye oftllr? ~vo~*l<rri:~n
tci tltrtect any depnrt.tirrt t'rom a true pl:tne. In a. work wlticli was to r:rrrl)loy t,hc: Chint:se SO ternporarily,
it n7nsusele~st.o attelnpt. :lny rnntcrinl :tltei-a.tio~~sor
atltlitions to the tools ~natleuse
of from t,irtle ilnmemo~~inl
1)y tl~crn,intlecd tlle~etri:!l3 slioultl aln7a,yshr: c:tutiously
madc, 3s experience often slrow5 that, tlri! n ~ t i v Ici n q cliosen tlloae hest guited to the
cli~nnteand Iris c o ~ ~ s ution
t i t ; t,l~eIreavy tools of Englisli vvorkmc:n mic1rt in the
torrid zone be \viel(lerl fbr ri sliort.time I)nt rot continnoirsly. One $irnple instrument
Tons introtlnced wit11 great success, viz. n guage, callcd tecl~nicallgn grippers, which
1 Irarl 111tlde after thc: description givt~n1)2; Stc:rt:nson, (see Rccuurlt of' Skerryvore
Liglit-house, page 12 1)-the value ofthis infitrllment, ttic:Cl~ineseat, once as~entedto,
sntl though formerly unknon.11 to tllenr, reuclily adopted it. A good stone-cuttcr earns in Singapore 9 Spanish dollars a rnontl~,or 15 pence a day of English
The Carpenters and thctir tools come next to Be rle~crihed. I n this branch of industry. tlie observer will not filil to rcm:~rk 1)y m~hat opposite means tlie same ends are
aciomplishetl. In no respect (lo thc Chinese nicc1i:inics differ more from tliose of Eilrope, still in this they esc:el so nsnei~rlyto cq11a1thetn, 1x111~~s
in the higher hmnches
of catjinet vork. Tlie carpenter's hencli is a long narrow form havingn considerable:
inclination from on(? end to the ot.11cr. 0 1 1 this form he places his work and either
sits on the work 01-the forin a s is most convenient to him. His p l n ~ t c i stlistinguished
from tlie European one by bcing smaller, having no handle on the top and no
covering blncle to the cutting tool. I-Tc! lrolds tlre instrument with both Iianda, and
pushes it directly before Irim, wit.11 liis hands applied to a small horizontal crow
piece, wliich serves as a handle, and prqject~on eitlrer side about 3 inclres. The
axe is wedge-sli:~petl, short in tlie Ijlacte nnd 'I'he saw is a narrow
band of steel tootl~ed on one side ; this is fastoned at either end into a light
wooden fraine composed of :i ~vooclenstretcher, into either estrenlit,y of wiiich t k o
end pieces are, ~nortisecl,the saw is secured to these on one side of the stretcher,
wlrile a twisted rattan, or str9p of iron is tied t o tlie other, whicli either 1,y twisting
or wedging hold the saw rigi~llyextentled. Tilt? blade of the .saw is Ileld at an
angle oblique t.o the plilnr: of' the frame. TIIF: large saw tor cutting up timber ia
on tlie same plan, and I~loclisof 2 feet in scantling are s ~ ~ rby
i i it held by only one
man, wlro is mountetl on the top of'the block. They have no pit and tlre racks are not raised more than 3 to 61. fl:ct.ahove t h e surfiace of the ground. \There the saw
cuts tlreg kecp a clip of nrati31.,whicl~const:~ntly drops x little of its contentson
that spot,, hy nle;+iisof' R pitm of overhanging cotton. Smaller pieces of timber they
cut up by securing tliern in a stc~utsquare fiitrne, by menus of a hn tten held fist
against two cleats. H!ocks of 3 feet scaiitlinq they saw hy placing them on end, in
wlricll position tsvo men s a w the wooti dolm\vnrds a t riglit nogles to tlie grain. For
boring small lrvles they me. neithc.1- pricker nor gimhlet, but invariably a drill
turned by the ~ t r i n gand bow; tlijs is an escellent method, as the wood is nerer
~ p l i tin the operation and a clean round hole is bored out. I11 drawing a line they
use a ~ t r i n gsoaked in water h1:ickenerl with China. ink. Thc string is r o u n d
round a she:lve. tnrnifiz ~ I sI small box. which nlso contnir~?the pigment in n 9rn:~ll
coulpartment. filled with cotton ; t l l i ~cotton prevents the losv of tlie liquid by absorbing it. 'l'hrough tlie c o c t ~ ~tht:
i i strill:: is tlrawn n.1icr1 a st.roizht line haa to he
mnrked. In thr: n1nnnyt:lncrrrt of fllis instrumc.nt the Chinese is veiny
expert ;-~ittintf nn the top nl the hot~rtl ho clnrps ant? end o f t h e strinq mith his
tops w11irhl Irr stretr1)rs 0111 to rlir pc~init l f ~ i s d ? c twlrilc!
:lt the snirltt t i ~ u b ,hie Irft
hrritl tnktv the otl~vrto t.hP (>1,po9itth j l t ~ i ~ I~~xr.iil(~
hi:, r i z l ~ h
t i ~ ~ i:l ~l libttr!~
to ~ I A U

n ~ ~otf . tllc w t ~ c r l C1aini.w

pt?g,nl:~tic.r~t. -4.: t.hc Clh;nc)sctl
t.llch~s(:lvospick 11p :Llit r It-! o:' ~ I I V~:W:II;I.<Y 0.t' f ~ P S Pp ; ~
1.t S, viz.? t l ~
3I:il:lv:ln. i t t)c,eo~nrs sc;~~*c.t.!l\r
tlie tronl>le ['or IIZr11.ol)~nrls
to cn;lcnroltr to ncqairc : I I I ~01' th; C l l i ~ ~ o di oi ; ~ l n ( : t o;fs
~ rlrc littlc


the nlicitllt? of tllr 9tl'inrl 2nd. 1r:t it, f:1:1or1 t h r !~l:t.rlk. lTir !ow n1.c rnncir: of est,f:ns,;yri(:f; ill t 1 1 i . ~1llnnii~!r,:]A ~ ~ t b ;13
i l I ~ I I !ioIcii~t<
t:15t. on t11e ! I ( : ~ C / I ally lit.t,lt!i~rt.ic]es on ~ y ! ; i r llie
~ II~:I,I.
lic i)pt:r:[iii~:. !II I : : I I , \ . ~ I I < 111: sill rc:n~;tin l~t;r(:itc;(lon hi3
n~rl.oIvthrm all (lay, ? i t t i i ~ : or? Itis l l ( ~ i : l . + .nt11111ol(li11~
11-it11 I1i3 t o w :it, :\I1 a n ~ l e ~
f]le hoia, f1on.1.r o r ot Elcr m.n:irt~c:nt I I I U H I wlticl~111, is hl~<iccl.1II9 ( b l l i + ~ l ~ ; ~ . ?laortt:r
t!in~; ff~~lsd!
( > f t 1 1Ei~<li..Il,
t111.ytlik\;~:r t'~trtl~t.:r
iii 11ein:: t:)i~:~~t:(l
to t11c !:tl;l:c from
oitltrar sir,]? of' tile blitdt:. 111.1f i.n $irll.:li.)oI'c: tl~ostrof 171t1.011!:I I I : ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I (nrc
: ~ : Iin
S :tl;+oI ) ! : ~ I, ~I ~t ~ p p I : ~ .by
r ~ ttilost?
c ~ l of J{tiropc,
~ L I C ~~CI( ! I I P ~ ! I)! 11in1. Tftt~ir: I I I ~ - W
nil(! t ! i ~z~tly,cI I S ~ 11.v
! ~ ~iIt(!1111 I I ~ I !t, :tl\~.:iysnofic~,clt,o l i 1
t ~ l ~rnost
tliatin111 cotnl,;tl.iny tiicil. ir~otit: o f rse)rliin~with t1t:~t of .:<\~l'ol,t~al~i.
~ u i s l ~ i ncch:trwtc~t.i.itic
i j in t,l~eirsitting :it thcir n.o~Ii,insttcatl of standing to it.,
ail(l ill their suirinr ~ ~ I C I I I S ~ > ~to
V Itltt?
\ S 1)osi:io11$ of' work incte;~tlot'tndiin!; the
v o r k co~li',brrttto tl~c~i!.~.
I t is i!of. c\ifiicl~lt1 o s1.1: that thcrc: art: fioo11rc:;trons for
tht-e :trlo!11aii~3. 'I'ltrb pii:tnt lilnlrs a1111 lig1tti.v clntlitrtl nntl hr11t'-n;tkr?tlI)o(lic$ of
the Cliinc~.zc?nlfilie tilt? 111o:le\vJ~i(-llv7(:!it~fitl~(!i!>to f;~l!orvtit(: hc:st n.(l:~l)t~!tl
to tlicir
'I'Ilr: ~ l ~ , l ~ i l i t n t 1tt:;lt;
i ~ i ; ctf lhe!
31-o 1itrc:ei tltc!trr to i t s i l l l l t t :
prlch pnqt~li-(:q:I+
nto.;t e:c~yto ri11:ir plrysic;~ist:\frl. 1:ncler tllc:! t:qn;ltor, tlli.' is
i t
1 i
t t
i n . 'I'lte.?e pobitior~sno tlout~t.wouleI )I(! Itiqlilg
conytraiited rtnd tirr.;;or~rt:to thc s t ~ ~ t ~ d p - l i n ~tl~ickl.;
i ~ c ~ t la~i ~ dtiglitly clot.iic~lXllror~iod~c
tio oat suital~leto his
pe:tn. nncl ciicia hiling thc: caw, en(-It 1133 :~floptc:!lt11;~t.
condition ; n.lrvnce tlir tlifl;:rl~ncc?.. X good rnr~~c:rl
tc:r in Singapore earns 9 Spanisla
d0llar5 :t lrtontl~or 15 per1c.e ciity.
O f Bi.i~Frlityt~1,~
little nc:ctl iv: snit1 ; their tool? arc: f e n and they differ littlc frorn
those of otlir!~.cotrntt*ir,r;. Ilei'c: !II+: ttr~fdr:scri' pl;tsterer :111(1tiler ;\re alJvays com1)incd
with tll:tt of bri~lililyer. Tht: trow(:l i~ c?sirctly t l ~ csnmt! a s the T.>t~xliuh,also thc
Ir?!.cl an4 pluminc??. hnt in carrying G)rnri)i.tit,llr:iis\ v o ~ I c , tl~rtl-e:xn:con+itleriJ?ledifn~l
with rattans,
ference?. 'Tlrr+ sc:d:i)lrti~~qi s coil-trnctod with 9p:lr.s. I ~ n ~ l tog;.rtllc!r
: j i nliillc
nc:itlv?r n:ti!s nor ropes l~eirr.,rput i r a rcrluisition. I:or tlte/)oll: i ; ~ ~ ~ o 1 ~ v ( t,llt:
they b ; i w n sul~stitutein a ?7111;111 I)askc?t.,n.l1ic11is clr:l.\\*nr t j d ~ y;I st,ring ~vitlln hook
at its Icj\r.r!r end. 111t: Iwick.: a.1.c: got, 1111 to the work 1)y tl~rnwiil; two at. :I tirne
from one to t h e otllcdr, thi! inthn 11cinc pl:~c.c~la t dift;!rc:nt 1ii:iylits till t h e to11 is
12 Sp:~nisIi11nllar.i:I, ~rio~ttli
o r 20 ~)CIIC:I: a (1;1y.
~ C R C I I ~ I I . 'll!c 1~rickI;i.yi~r
Of I!lack~rui?l~.;thr:r(: js not n~tlcltto olisc:rv~.!d,i'tu.blir?r tlinn when c,tnl~lo~-etl
in t.lie neat
daily n.nCc:s, tlley (::III tltrll out guocl rotly11 n-ol.k, I~rltthe!. do ~ i o fillis11
and carr!'nl style o f t hc: Iluropc:~rr. 'I'11r:ir lilrn;tcc: a, I(! I?t~llo\~s
:Ire tlie game as
those of the stone-crltt(:rs, ortly 11lacerd:t littlc Itig111:r. 'I'liey nln?:{?-sstand to their
ro1.k an11 in Singapore ti;e I,c:tt+tl3 C J R ~ Q :ll\vays I~nvc:in u.;e J<ltgliyl~
:~nrils,11a1arnw-5, fi!rs :r~ld o:llc:r i~nl)lcn~(:llts,
tltr:? l1;tvr: :t1w ;ill 1,li;'~c ot' :lcotl*truction pecu1i:rr to tlic!tn~r:lje+,w l ~ i c lo~i ~ l y11iH;:r so fti~., iri Iwirty rjinm rt1,1(?and inefic.ictnt. Two ~ n e n:rye c?~i~l)loyc,(l
at. onc ih~.n:lctr,viz., thir 1tl;~r.ltsmith:tntl hie
~ ~ ; ~ i s t ; i :th(l
t t ) I:tt.t(:I' J ~ I I I I S t.1~:ltt:ll~\v~
nntl st~il<c:inritll tlle sletlxe hamlrter. Tile
v:i,qes of' :L g w ~ d.!31:~~li~1~~itl1
in Si~ig:iposc:.Ls(: 13Sp:t11i41 (Ioll:\rs a nloiltll o r 25
pc.rlce :t (lay.
I'lnrnhcra :ire princip~lly c:~np!oyc:tl in fiirnisl~inr: otnnll ho~iscl~old
nrtic1r;r in
u~ ;lnionpt tlrr:ir coi11~t~'yrtlc:11,
strc:l~ ns tc,:rl)ot.s, toi~:~('(!i~
l)osc.~,tcit cnnni4ter.g.
~ l ~ t i i l ~ l i\ vt l~i t~~ ~( !,211ttcrs ill-t~l11i;)t!~
; i i ~ *iat!(1t~ir~!d,
t11cy :Irc t1.1t:tIly
kc.. I n 11ot131?
I t o I~ t i
i ~ c p I o ! r ~ it ~l to . l i t I
'l'j~trir\.r.agt.~sarc: tile
8a1r1e :is c:!1~pt.:1ttt:r.3.
Jlalny :LII~I .IZY.;IIIF:~ ' : l r ; ~ ; - f i ~ l ~ ~ t l oTIIC
r ~ . i11-1jllc~t11c.nf3
of t11i.ic..l:~;s a r c r11111,in
t 1 1 ~c x t r c : ~ t ~l )~~ ,t t ,are J ~ J I I I I ~ fI i ~ t i t f ! sr~fIi(!i(mt: t ~ i , l t : I I : ~ ( ~ t i v ~fi.)r
: :dl t l ~ :~ I L ~ I I ( I . < ! ! S t,o
1~11ic:h I I I . ~i?5 ~;~;>])lic(l!)?* t.111: I I ; I . ~ ~ V ~~: ~ o ~ t ~ ~ I ; t t i o l)i.;i,ss
f i ~ t ~ l ~ ~i*l rg, vt b ~ ~ ~ ; r a l l y
ol':'tt:\l) (:LI';\lll~itc!), ~ n c l ~ s ~ ~ r i t i g t ' n
ur~d(:r.t i slil~6,rooli:rl ~ v i t iIta;t\.c:s
i i ~ ~ I : I (I .III.
I . If'~rrn;!tl~:
~ ~ l t i cisl tC O I ~ ~ I O . C L I Y I
f k t srltlarf: :I lit t:c: lnorc! 01' IC:'E<, 011 ~ I I I ~sitlc:
uf;l hob: ;l to 4 1i.r.t ncltlnl'c: arrrl 2 t o :?fi:r.t : i l ~ ~ ~f )ti;
l r , i-.r11e1t'l~~ : t s ~ I-OIIII~I
wit !I t ) r i ( : l ~ ~ ,
~(:t,in c!:ty ?LS :t r~IOl*t:tr. 4 ) t ~C J ~ I b, ~i , l t * 01' t
~ ' I I I ~ I I : ~ :!rlb
( * , ~ t n~.)
11,fr:yI)oxc!~, l)l;~(~~f!.
I I ~ rip}it.3 divi111~d
fro111 t l ~ ~ : ~ l ~ ~ r t t ~ l SIII.II:I~:~*
~ ( ~ ~ ~ o1))~! ' ;I~ i l i~i i t( r\vit/101' l)ri(:k. 'riit*+: l > o x e ~ ~
p + r s @ *f 1 1 ~~ \ I Y ~ ) O S I11s
: II~:~~oI?!s 3 t i 1 i ;IYI> J , I ! I .sitr11111~it\
f ! ~ ~ \ i y ~ c ) : j ~ f y ~ ~ f : t'i'l~t,;:
i n r ~ ,r ~ r ~
O ~ I P I I:it T I I ( ~ ~ ;O 3.
~ I ~ ~ I I / ~\ i ~
I t*o t~I ~
~ ~,: ~ ( ~nt'
I ~ ~
. V + , ;II !~
) , ?I !~ v l ~ ; ~~ p
~ ~ I~ ~
I I~
II Y! .~
<~ +\ ~
! I c!o:~r+f,


5 .

! . , , i l l


I.'.).. . *l-lli,+;.

1'r:1~1t'l$tllc air. into the! f~~rn:)c-r~,

tl)l.n~t::.i~n .rlllnll I I O ~ I :~.t
: tile hottntn of tllr? I,.rs,2
~ I I I - I I , ill
* ~ ( l i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
I : (~ I~v !)top110.ite
t ~ r , : I I I O I I I1101~:
+ ! ~ 11ic:rI:lbtl IIII.OII:/I
tlic: 1l1i11 l)ri(:l<\v:tlJ,
~ I ~ I I ~ I ! IiIt i.j fli<f;lnt,; I ~ I ~ I I I.t~ . i111:1!(!4. 'I'hf? 11i+tor1II;I.. 110 v:~lvc:i11 it., I ~ I Itlrt:;~ir
j ~ 4 I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I iV1 1I :I o t t ~ c !V ~ L ( * ~ I
~ 'II Y
I II III II , S:!IIIC ? I O ~ { ! tlir~t.11irr:rtst111:~ I I I ~ : Y ; I Ii~~ j t ot11t: f.11~.
'1'11,: c.t,rl11)l:llli;.;lti4>ll I r c : t ~ \ - c ~ r : ~ r111c: l ) ( ! l l o ~ ;; I I I I ~ 1111~
~ ' I I I ' I I 11ot
: I ~ I~I ~: :~I( * o ~ l t i 111io11ql)i1:1:. 1 ~ 1:III
t ol)c;r~sj):t(:(!o f $ c ) t r ~ t ! i r l c l ~ t ~: ~I I ~ I , I ~ \ ~ I I~ )I II :I ~
~ +\ V I~: III~
I ;Il I~ ~ ! l l o i;I.I!II
t : ~ 1111;
t 111; l)!:!st, is C ~ I I . ~ I * I , I Ilv
~ ~ 1101;
I I ~ S ~ I . O I I' I~' ~ .I I * 1 ' 1 1 t ~ i I 11:1f i~ I I S ~ Yi t 1~ t . 1 1 ~!.III.II;I(V:
to t I I ~fits(:
: is ~rtctltc:(li l l 11o!s ol'c-o;~t.-.(:
t > ; r l q tl~t!r!l::;~rc!,
rlrt~:.cct:~l 'I'lrc. ln1~1;11
C ~ I I ~ ] ~of> ~f i l (l ( $I (*lity, t l ~ t ! . ( : 110ts: I : * I ~ e ~ ~ ~ i l l ~( I i] I l~ . ~: ~ I:ii
i ~tItc!toi)
~ : ~ ~: ,I T ; ( ]ro11!111e?,i f.111;
h o t t o ~ ~a
l . $inill1 I I I O I I ~ I I pif;c(; i,i I I I ; I ~ I ( ; : ~ !!I(
t I i i ) . ~ti)r t,Ilc: c o ~ ~ t ~ c ~ : ~ot'~lot.~ril~;r
i l ~ ~ ~ ( ! tO: I I ~ ,
tllc! licluid ~ n o i ; ~ l ~i ti l;I ~I IiI I~~ ! .,~ : in~lc.nttll.c*olit l r ~ci~~r~~~rr~f;:t.c!~~cc:
o t ' t l t ~ I: . ~ Ior
I I tlr
pots I : I I ~ : I S I I I ~ ( ; (; 11) 7 int;!l(:* ill (11q)t11~ I . I I (4~ to : J ~ I I ~ ! ~ I ~i l; lS I I I ~ . ~ ~(li
111i: I I I C : ~ : )i y~ ( l ~ ~ ~
i tr~l (: ~ l tI 11t~ac:
~ ~ l ,pots :LIV I i h i t I I I O ~ of
I ~ by i1.o11torlgs : L I I ( ~ (:I
~ I t11t;
I ~ O I I ~~I I! I~; ~ ! ~ Jt-o
: \ Ir(-(*c~i~c.!
* I ~ I ~ t l ~ clic~~~icl.
111 li1,r;lr: c,;t~t111:* tilt: r.o~~tr:t~t*
of 111;tnyof tllcl.;c!pot5 art: pol~rc?!linto thc nlo1llil.i.
?'he: moiilel~nrr! tllc: i ; ) l l o n . i ~ r ~ ~ r ~ ::-:\
~ n ~ t11r01ie1
c ~ ~ . of't.11~
o!ib!ct t o 111:,
is cnn.itruclI.*tlof W:IS; i l l sl:i;~ll c:tstin,gs I V ; I S : I ~ O ~ I is
~ ust:rl, hut. i l l I:~ryr:(:35ti11*,
or(1f:r to mve t11ig n~:itt:ri:~l:111elst i f i ; , ~t ~
l ~ erno(le!l so ;t3 t o pre::ervt: it3 fort11, rot13 of
n i h o ~ l g(:L 11:11111)(ire illt~'oilrle-~:(l
illto t / I + ? r-f:l~trt:,90 t hiit, f.111:e:ir(:~lr~lfi:r!~n~f:
:111(lprtljectil~g parts ;II'I: only chollli)t).-cI o f i n s . I n flat. nlorlels t.ltt: fvax iri hoatcl.11 otlt On n
a n t his:lrtl, anel ill ~.oulttlorlcls r !I(: rr~orlclof' wirs is t ~ ~ r n con
t l n rr~rleIat hr! i:ithr:y l y
the 11ar1ti 01. I)? i~ic::~nsof ;L rope : ~t:~cl~ecl
t o a Ion: sl)n,
ns a.wpl*inc. .\kur
the nlodtl is 111.r?~):t1.crl
ill w : ~ it
, is first c:lrc3tl rollnll ~ v i t :Li ~thin (.o:nl>~,yi~ior~
nn(I c ;IF, I)e:iterl to 1)owtler:111rl~nisc*tl
wit11 \~atr:~.,ot of an iilc:i.~ ill tl~ic:lici~nrco:~.l
nc3si, nnothcl (.;tit: i~ ;~cltl~:(l
of' (:lay nlisctl wit11 sand .], :in i11c:ir i l l t.irickrlr?*s, t.ilr:rl
etripsof h o n ~ ) i i l :II.~:
~ . Iiritl iiloll< t , l ~ ecircamference of't,lrt: sec:o~rtlc;isitl~,nllrich are
i~onntlwit11 wire: o r 110o;)rc; this finis!lc:tl, nnotll(>rCoat of'cl;~;-anil s:iiil~01': ; ~ I I i!lr:h
to 1 illt!!r cores5 t.i~c:~rhoii:,tilt! rnonl~lis t11r.11 laill
to (Is?. h f i c : i s i t is y~~lfic~c?nt
ly (lri~(1,it i* j)lil(:eel C)YC?I- :L slo\v fir(!, c l l ~ r i ~wl~i(!i~
tl~t!W ; I Y i* r11t1O I I ~ ,
illto a v(.srcsl l,l;icccl to it. \';!tc,11 tltc w o s i s :ti1 o l ~ tt11a I'O !s ofnit, III:: at.,!
also ~vitl~clrawrr,;~11d t . 1 1 ~1no111tli* r1tnvl.c:atl.v toreceive tlrc rtlcllteci;s. ..ti'tt:r
ti118 1)r:tss Ilas I I ( : ~ I I ~ ~ e c r i v eillto
tile-: rrlrtlris i111r1cooletl, the lnould i.i h r o i i e ~ ~
ofi'nlld rliscn:~:~~~i:rl
frcirn the ari-icle, :liter wliicll i t is ~Seady for t
br;~zi!:r to I)(: !~olisl~c~tl.
I n the i-irlisl~i~~<
of their brass work tho 3I:~lngsand ,Ta,vanese
St ~ . ; ~ i y surlltces
tl~yv111crely file, a s (lircctc(l Iry tllc;,, \:,lrrrlllll
f;rces are t,urric:~lit1 ;L sl); Inrltc! rllsivt:il 1)y tlrc: I:)ot of'tl~c:ar.ti%:ill or 1)y t , l ~ eIl;tl~(i.i OC
a n e3sistwnr. '1'11t: ai'tivlt~s ~ ~ r o r l l i ~ :~~crr cisorl~c?ti~nc:s
ill nl)l)cnl.:ttlce, r~rrrl
alnVngs rl~tlein,.~
;ultl fir~i<lliligs. 'l'11011gl1eo~~si(l~!r:il~le
cert*is e x ~ ) e l ~ t ] ~ : r l
c111 ol.r1:411rentir1g tl~t-:1 o!~..;c:l~olcl
:r.rticles, il~ttrnt!e(l1i.r wealtl~yfl~~nilies
of'tlreac t r ~ l ) e l
po~se;i:,11n symnlt:try no), : ~ f ?tltey foundctl on g::ornc;[.l.icnl fizure.~.
(who arc: i ' e . ~ ) they
'I'ho h1n;a-j anti Javal1t.5u ~ J I . ; L S S - ~ ~art:
) U cousitle~*nl~ly
I I ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ill atlvnnct: ot' t11t: c~tller
nntivr: n~tiz:inrl of thcir tl,iI)es. Tllcy casl; :~nll pl.13parc? I'or the m:~.rlic?t1neri:im
( ( - : I T ~ ~ I JI(.:Iit
I I ) , (>11i:iI1ci111r1011).1)>~111flr:t+
( ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ( : ~ljrio11
~ ~ I I(pots),
~ ~ I : s c!l~f:rt~lt
) ,
( i.;r!t~ l c * ) l, ~ r l t ililin (eitntl lc:$t ic:ltsj, ~:lr;rl)! :urcl c.11alnl)ol (sercc: host:s :trltl
t;lc:ir rbom))%*.l,t~~2~tt.;),
l l i l ~ ~ i(lI I ~ I I X I : t:lllll):lt
I11tiii ( ~1)ittoonb).kanti;lllg .ia.~i
(l-;tils), ( a : ~ . l(~III*:LYI~S;,
&I:. 'l'l~f!ir l a ~ ~ g e (!:l+tincs
(10 not, t:xct~r~(l
1; pivtrisor lfl
c:\vt. Tile I)I.;I?;~ lnatlr: ust: of is ]~rinc~ip:~IIy
~ I ) i i ~ i r ~ t : t nlisilll-:
oltl copper t ; l t e ; i t l ~ i ~ ~
wit11 l~i: 11::1i1. ( . ' ~ ~ I I I I ~t I1I 1 ; ~ i : ~l ~i ~l wit11
~ t r l ~ t : 111;11ct:r'.*n:trnr! u11o11 t l ~ c t n srlI
, :It
1 1 1 ~~ ~ woS.1.;
t e Sl);~ni.;lltlo1l:~r.spc:r picul (I:tl: Ills), i t ' ~ v i t ) ~ otllt?
l ~ t nil.llte at tile r:tte of
27 F11n11isliclo!l;i~...;; tilest: li15t arc! ot' i~~ti:i~ior'cl~:sc:~-il~tion
11111 fill(]a ~ . ~ ; i t5nlt*
l y to tllc
J)!,;tl<s of'J ~ ! ) ~ I I ~\VIIO
- O , :it (,(:1*ti~i11
tilt: p r ~ r to f $ j r l p p o r ~ : . L j l l jarsc
~ ~ : 3 0 ~ l ~ ~ ~ (loll:ir3
l i 5 ~ l
fbr wit / I ( : I L ~ finishil~g:t11(i l ) o I i ~ l l i l(;(,st
! i l t i ~ i ~ ~ ;111tl
~ c I j)~)li.<l~t!(l
:tt 70 ct?llrs a clslt,ty (1; 1 1 , ~ ) ~
pictll. $II~:LII:~rti(*l(:+
~ ~ t ~ : :tr~i(*lt!3
t l l ~ ~ St ~ I I ::IS
I I (:IIOIII~~OI s:II i;)i#2 S l ) i t ~ ~ i . qIIoII:L~.+
:L ~ i i t t y .
'1'11t: ('lii~~rlst?
1 l';~.;s-ti~~ll~~lr?rs
o r ) r ! l ' ; ~ t r ? i l l ;I, tlijli:l.(:~~t
1llg.il11r:rt(j t}lll ,\I;ll~p ,1:1v,7I
. t
i '
is 6 1 1 1 I s t
IIII-I.+JI,Y 111;1i-t>t,111:v;lrtI1~,11
p0f5 ( > ~ I ~ ~ . ; I?~ 111r*
I I ~ I 11r:lqI I ~
! o 1 ~ I :~ I I . I ~ I : I I or1 ;I iirt, ~ l ' ~ )lI;,'l ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~
' . l : l ' l ~ ~'111t
~ + fc; 15 11::h; Clr Ill? ;~11t.*~k~;
111 flicir I'\ILJI;I(:!>,
t ~ ? ~ ~ I ~ i l f t -~
i ~ , ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ i

n lnrqo onc, t l ~ e gimprint

f ltc rno(l!:ls to I J cart

nlScnintlr of'\voo!I. 1 t'tltc>cr7stin~I)(:

r T

tlrc fijnlr of tlts wootltv~ ~noclrlon tittt-: cl:ty \v(.Il Ile:itct~tlo\r.n, it! t.lle ti.)llo\vinq Inann~:r:-~\ hos i s p r ~ l ) : t l ' ( of'
~ l :I. sixo f.0 I~oltlt,lle I I I O I ~ aC l~ ~ dill tlria finf: c1;t.y is placed
even \ v i l . l ~ tlln Itsirn ; t11c.g flier1 p1:lc:tr thc nlc)tltll I I ~ O T Iit, ant1 pre.;.; it irkto tile clay
n:: litr as i t a mi~ltllc,d.l~rlyn e s t ranr thc clii?. vcll clonrn :111(1 scsa.!)~it quitc stnootl~
~ l ) r i ~ ~ ltill(:
i l < ~-111tl
o w r tit( cliiy YO R L ~tc.1 crr!:t.te R plane of
ari(l erert, titi.; tJnl!r! tl~i*?.
divi5idlt I, tlte upj)t:r r?nrl I ~ I I I I V I - p;~.rtof tltr: 1110111(i. C ~ this
I I~c!itlg:t.ccc>mpli~lrcd, t l ~ r ylit a, 1fi.a.tuc !)03r(1 ;tllovc? aritl all somlrl t IIC tlntler past of' tiit? moul(l,
t h e model.
trilic.11 tltey :llro fill nit11 c l i ~ yn.litl lV:tlnt l o ~ r nwit11 :seat. Itanlnessovc:~~
After it is su:liciently I)l:;lt,en to I)(-! c!~litt-l:
firm :I ~ t consi..itertt,
tlie upper fixlnc wit,h
tllc cart11 cc~ntiriiicdin it, is scl~lnvt:d fro111 oi1! t,ltc: n11(1erOII(!, fkon~ Y ; I ~ ~ C I I it ~livirl(3~
a.t t11c ~ + ; iot'salitl.
1 ' 2 1 ~ wooclcn ~ t ~ o t l ci.5l now ra.c.~rtorct:tnd tllc: upper half'c?S tllf.:
rnorllrl is 1.c.iisccl. upon tilt? untlcr hnlt'alltl tllc ~ u a . t r i st1111sibrmetl h c t ~ ~ r cthcln
c l ~ is
d y to r ~ c c : i ~the
c nlcltetl mc:t:il.
n small cr~stiltgs~onsidera.1~1~:
ingenuit.y ie di.c;pln.ycd. T esa.mincrl scvcrnl
l~lrlsfijr custitlg cI1~3t.Iia11(!16?$, in each ot' ~vllicl: tltc matrice3 of 3 Ita~ltiles,1
shc:rs and 8 sc:rcnrs \~.crc containctl, t l l e ~ c~noi.l.ltix
wtrt: nhout 1 incl~c:,.iby .', ailti
n-lJrcpsepnrc(1 i l l t l ~ efollow in^ ~ ~ ~ : i ~ l ~ i c r : - ' lnioul!l!:
' l ~ c nrcre fis5t filler1 11alf full.
wit21 line c1:l.v n~ltic:l~n7ns prrsscrl t l o ~ v teven,
t h inorlr?ls
of fllc: n.rticles to be cnst,
were t!~eli l a i d in tlifii:setit parts of tltc ~nor~lcl
distsihutc.d. ill t l ~ cmost, convi:!~lent
i ~ bcatcll down
niallntil-, xvl~ic~l~
tlr:inx i!o~ic t1tc~-were covc~,etlover \!.it11 ~1;1y,t l ~was
orcr tllcw ~ t - 1 . I~l n l - r l ti:] t11e TYIIOIC11;td l~11cr)nlrr
ql~itr:firlti :ln(l cnnsistc:nt,. T11eclily
mor~l(lc.otlt:linin< tltt! nvticl(!s \ ~ . Z S thcn remnvc?cl from tllc? h o s n l ~ t split
in two 1). n
knit;: ill.;t:r~~.:llinto tltc: rnitftllc ot'onc: of' thcr t:tl:ci, t i ~ u sclivitling the ntoill(1 ill t.1~0,
very nc:nr.l\- i n n ~ ) i : l r l r : ,biwc~ti~~;:
tit(: c~!ntr(:;til'tlll: rtlatricc; of'tilc :rrticl~:.<to 1 ~ cast,
sucfr. little lqorlcltnc!+;J;;o r iissc!;nl:~~~itir!s
tjt:lt tltctvtr x~rt,rcin tllc I)i>c:ctiou:~st;istedi r ~
fitti112 t11c ~rl;rt~.icci;
(~1'111(:1 r t o 1 t l r l tc,:,ychlt~csn2::nitt col-r-c!c:tIy. ;
1 1 0 1 1 ~ : in tlto cct~troot'
~ : t ( : l ~ . I I I ~ ~ L II:IIJ
I ( ~ I ) C ~ ~ ~I II I~ L 'l>y
~ il~-;(:l-tir~g
:L s.1.1:111
11it:ce 01' \r.G)o(l, s:)a* t~.)
( j ~ ~ i t et!tlbo~~:!,Il
il., I ~ Y I I I f~ 1 1 i i
C I I ~ ~ T I IIY(!I*~:
~ I + cttl: 011; 1.0 t:;1(!11 oi't,ilt: i~~:xtsic~:s,
to ( : : i i ~ ?!)I:
y )i~t:lt(!(l
ii1111i(l ;o t1t01n011 l>t:i:~g
])oitrt;11(10\-:1i. J 11 t l t i i t11:11111(!1* 20
os i,v(;n4 0 I ~ I ~ I I ! ( G~ I;I -I , lit: ~ I I ; I ! ~ ( !~ : ( I I I ~ : tIi t ,i , :~~Il ~I. ~l i ~I*~i t :~rt-~* t ' v : j ~ . i loi ~
t t~l+~:t~ti(!it!$:irlc!
2~ i1tf;y ;I?v:
:,]I. ! ~ ) I ~ I I I ( Y ~ of'tl~t, S ? I I I ( ~ l ~ oro i ~: s : ~ i ~ si~~tilztr
I)I:IXI-tltlsy fit 1':tit-ly
b l i v '~'II(:,.P:I~C: C ; I I . I * ~ I t: ~o~ t , : ~~' L I I * I I : I ( VI;~ ~ I : J ~: :kI ~ ~ ~ i l j iO'IrL~! ;dO I L t.!~t>
wit11 f11i~i1~
:! C O ) I ~ I I I C I ~ ~
I ~ ~ : I ~ ? I ! ! JrI (C!I,!II;I~.J
! ~ I : I I ?ii)ls
: I ti111lifltii~lI I ~ : L + s
to: (:~jlt:rl!1rbl~t:!t~.iccs
i l i I.:!(*!I
~ f ' i l ~ 111o;l!il.~,
t !
fi!*%t,flrc lo!v('?.r i.)111:, I I I ~ C I It111,~ i c x Lt I I I I ~
SQ o n :I+
( * I ' ~ I ? I * < > ]I:I.-;~~;.I:
li l t , t l t t .~ ,) , fo i i t r : ! i i ~ l ~ ~ . : . t ~ ,
li:tZit I
- I
~ 1 1I . I
~ I :
. 1-Ti<
nntivf! : I I , : ~ ~ :I!.I,
: ~ I ,f +~ ~ : * o t ~;,>!II~ : ~c~i?.i,-i~t,:,
~ l : ~ t :! j t ~ l ~ I ! O I I .+Z! ), ~! ~~t t ~ t i ! ~ ~~ ~cI!J iI , / J:lilt1
worl<(:d7t!~+::- ili~l,)i:~y
110 ~ ; ~ , * t ~ ! ~ i . ; ~ ! ! '~+ ~' I l~, ~. ! ~ , ~ r.oi,~~~~t.t
\ I , I ) I .t ~i ~; t t ~ ~ t011! ~ : ~; ~! ~ I ) ~ I ~ I : ~ ~ * ~ I : ; ~ ~
. ,
t!,t:-: 01. p!.i~!i.i,;!~,.
; : : I ~ . J : I !~( I
~ I C ! (!?:!m:,:~:~
l i t : j:i t o ! ; ~ . i l ~
~ . I I , : ~ ~ , I Itt)~ [lit;
i. !
I !
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: '/';It: <:ili!1(',(:
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It*::, ' ~ t!Il:!).;?t,?
I : I . ~ f l l : l i l r \ l f b * ' . ! : l I : l ~ ( $ 1 ' .r:).\.:lIi(~:.r:.l'oi':l\l O!.~~d8l's
A . , s i ~ ~ i ~ * t : ~ : ! 111o(!l8i
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~~ l
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~ t t . ~ .
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-!?I:(, hi- ,, ~ ) ~ . : ~ ~ ~ ~ - i -, v; Io, l.,.,:
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- - --



beneficin1 to tllr Govcrnmrnt, and of lcsc difficelty to all parties,

collld tllc .crot~kI,(? contrnctcd for hy n Chillcsc, who Iiavinq a f i l l 1
knowlrdge of thc h:~.bits of his c o a l ~ t r ~ m cand
n tlloir
confitlcncc, ~vould the nol-c: cnsily plmoctl~'c
thorn tiw t11i.q I I ~ I I Y I I ' ; ~ ~
~indrrtokinp,and 1~1lo1~011l(l nln) in case9 of ilifficcllty or misunclcrstan(ling with the worlinicn t l i n m ~ e l v e ~11;rvr:
that. influence
over them, nliicli a forcigncr coldtl not rtxl~cct to possess. A
Chincsc house contractor, who h:i(l c~xccntcfls:ttisfictot~ilv srver:rl
Govcrnmrnt buildings under my si~pr~*i~~tendrncc,
was con.cq~lcnt]y
recon~mcnrlecl for the con tract for the I l ~ r s l ) i u *Light-house
Pcdl-a Brancn, in t l ~ csame mnnltcr he had been for the Limhthouse on Peak rock. It will hc peen by the s1qer.1, thnGhe
contractor at an early pcriod of the opcl-ations nbaridoned his
contract and left Singa~)o~.c
for his native cotlntry, afior procuring
a largo qlmntitv of goods from tllc n~crchante, with whic:r he ahsconrled. Tlie kdvan tagcs p~*opo~e(l
by having a ~ont!~actor
to the undertaking 1vel.e thus r~nderc.tlnngntorv, and I now rn~lch
question, if the ol)clations mool(1 l~nveheen at :ill henefitetl b y Iris
prcsmce, even tliol~phhe 11:i(1Iwen willing to st:ril(l to his
ments ; still thc reasonings in fibrror of' thc arraligenlent before
tlic comrncncemcnt of tlie wol.k aypc;lred to be, to say the least
of them, plansible.
For the pllrpose of c a ~ * r ~out
i ~ l mntcridq,
I pl-oposed that decked
lighters (called hrrc " t o n b i ~ n ~ s ".j1101ll(l
111, attitcl~edto the X V O ~ ~ < P ,
also two gun-boats for tlie corive~n~ice
of i n ~ s ~ lt1r01~1;rncn
and ligllt
C C:I' stc;lrn~'t~
for towirq was also
materialf ; thc occ.asionn1 ~ S S ~ S I ~ I I of
asked fir. The n~cessit~y
of' beit15itr11i~11,
\rill t)(: wen f'rom the extracts reznrdinp Piracy in the irnniclii;rtc ricigliho~u~l~ood.(See
Appen(lix 11.) The krlo\vlcdgc of our bcinq ;)rcpa~*ed,it was
thought wonlil be sufficicll~tto ])lncvcntlnol~~tittioll,
all(! s u h s e q ~ ~ ~ n t l ~ ,
during tho whole time t1i:lt nfe nerc on Ped1.n B~.nnc;~,
no ~ o a p i c i o ~ ~ s
verse1 was seen citlier from the rock or t l ~ cliglitet*or potl-bo;~t~.
During the same pcriotl, stnnllcr boats tr7c~-(?
our Chinese stonc-cnttcr.s of Pula Ul)in, in which :3 of tl~ernIYT'(?~C
killed. Informnrion was qivcr~mc of 8 rnen Lolongirlg to the
the same district being Icillctl, bctn.crn Sirigi~j)orctown and Pulo
Ubin, which coml)t.ises n distance of o111.y fiftcct~ nlile~. In
September, 1851, tllc prlr~-l)o:~
t's s:lnlpntl trlret~proceeding
P c d r s Br;inca to Singa~)oi.c,wit11 5 nlcn in Ilet*, rv;ts tbllo~vedby
piratical Loitt, llnving 9 men, hut they t.rcnpcd by ~)tilling. It is
curioes t11:lt on thi* occasion the Gllnnr.1 in cll:l~*gc,
ivhile giving the
men muslicts, ncglcctcfl to give tllelli p o w ( l c ~allti
~ b;tll. As the
Chinese rnostly go ~li~n~.nictl,
i l l hnritls of 3 or 4 only, thcv thus
ea>iIy bccomo vitatims to t l ~ epil.a~icnlsea-trillre, ~vliocor~etanrl~
I l ~ r kabout tlic nnrrow iulctq, :11i(1 1 ~ 1 1 0 looli 1ipon tlie killing of a
Chinaman fov thc?sitkc of' the littl(1 tlicct or motley 110 may hnvc in
his possession with no other lbelings t l l i r l l i l l & ~ v o i ~ lhave
sparing a turtle. Thc searncn crnplo~~cdin' thcsc parts arc


of II:11:1.1-.:anrl ,T;~v:rt?cc. Tf pl-opcr.?~~
t.rcn,twl, they

I ; ,

- s

to I

'ro 1:11osmi!or.:i


:~c<ign(:iit,111,\ t.l~lf,iob: o f r , ~ ~ t . t i r ) <~ ( I D I ? :~.rt(!
~ I Y W Ir I- i r q \v;~t,cr*~
also of lnntlirrg in.rt.c!rro.,>:a 1 1 t l ;;rG ;.I ~ I I ; L Y011
~ tlac ~ o c l i .

I rcecivcc? inforrnn.tion from Chz~crnmcnt,,i y n Ictter from the

11on'l)le T . Cl~rtrcl~,
E q . ,
:it t;(irlg:rporc,rlntcri
14t11 L)(:cc.~r~l)cr,
18-1!),~,II:LI. t l i c cor~r-.t.~'~rctio~l
of III.~:.IIorsl)uri;'l~TAiKlltI I O ~ I C:ICCOIYI
ill: t,o nlJrp l ; : . ~: ]~ ~
r i ( l s])w:ific:iti~~n~,
11:ulrnct. t . 1 1 sit
~ 11f:f;ion
of tile TIonot~~~;rl.~lc
tllc Co111.tof J_)ir.c:cior.~of t,11(~I ~ L SIr~rlin
I ; C0111pan?. Tiic j ' : ~ . t of' thct year n.:t-; c:ol~qc:c-~~ot
kt1vv ( I c v c ) ~ c ( ~to
mnkinf tllct ~.c~clitisit,c:
~ ) I . ~ : ~fi.)r*
o Ic!on~ingsc?:~.-;on,
w11c:rl tI1c
I l i k ~ r ( ! :iI~a,t,~fI~
SO ;IS t , ~
~ t r ( ! t ~ ~~
t I lt ,il ~ t': rirk~%t,i~-,::~<t,
en:~l,lcus to I : L T I ~(>)I l'c(I~.a, I:i.;~l~c:t
; t,hi<, fi.ona.p tlrtl!
forrncr ntonr;oons, wct csj? mou.ld I,c ill tlic: otrrl of' .JI;~rclior
tIlc I.)efiinnir~c
of' A prif .

II,,.~1 l ~ ~ i ~ ~ : . : : : y 1: , ~- ~ . t ~ ; j ~ - ~ ~ ~ : ~ > ? ~ ; ~ ~

T : ? c ~ . : i ~ ~ v ' ,~(>111111(.!tbt~;iiiI


; ?,I
I(' !ila,<t

I ~ : I +i
l,i of'
1 i 1
. rJ, Ilesp,
. I
illtd I
, 1
: I ligl,tnlnq
;\TI* I
~rri*r:l,sol,,ti,.: cmillpn t
l ! J ~ ~ g ~ t.0
~ ~ t~1>1 ~cXO!~I,:IPI~I
I T , i ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~1~02,1-i?,
; - l ~ oIY:IS
~ ~ :I~~c ~ ~ 11 ) ~~ ~ ~ ; ~ s
Icttc;.. :~coo~np:jnii.rl.
I I Y rl::trii of' thr?Sfr:rifc, ilrnl:Il.j<< on r!liinn.t,r, a&l
OI,IICI~ i11~ ; ) I * I ! I : I !I~I ~oY I: ~I+~: : I I * \ - t.o IN? TII:~.,'I: I< I , ~ ~ , I T I I f ' q ~l ~ i <conqic1erOIL 3.11(1 .~'VOIIIv;!iic11 / I C \I-;I~ ~ P C ; : I ~ ~ Sto[ P (]C:{;~I::>
1 !!<?
. ~~
~ K O \ > C I -l i i l l ( 1 of li211t :I({:? l ~ t . ~ f l . l:l\c ~ N I . . ~ ~ , I ~~~i:i.!;c
. J. ~ , t l i c ~v-!t~isitc
~ I : ) I I Fall(! llnrc? i l ~ o ~cscc:~!f
,.!(I I I I ~ ~ hi:;
~ ~ 511
~ J ~ -K ~ J - V ! - : I ~ I I .
I ! I C c o ~ i ! ~ * ; ~ r :1;)1.
. t ~ l 1.110
s!or~!>n111l l ! l b I c I ; ?):!;.{; of' "kc 1)rlilrling wag
alcxt co11111l11.llir:nt:cr.l
n~itll, a.il11:III a~y*~r>inr.rkt,
c;ntc'~-r,lillto for t!lcir
~ o i l i l ) ! cion.
Tho C O I I ~ . ! * : I ~ : I I II:IIII~,!
~ ~ * S \I*:!< ~ ~ ' l ~ o : ~ - : ~ ::, lC
~!-l 'i ~ ~, :( ~>
ofs~c~ i ,
t'kc . ~ < l ~ t l ! t h-iiv. 111 i !I(: I ; - I - ~ I . ~ PCI OI : I ~ Y ; ? ~c~ ~, i t ~ i:~to,
~ ~ cI){!~ l
t , ~ cn~:?!:rc!
to (lo l.!lc;ir jmi't i o n nT n!lo !.c-r?!.l: 1;:- t i l n P I ~ I of'
] ~
: !t
i 1
:!']I I 11,: pc~.f'ol-n-!:~ilr:i
o!' f!rc ~ 0 1 . 1 ; I l ~ o vwere
1;.)on11!1t o OIISCI'T'C c(~rt:li:l~:o!!!lili ~ ! i c ; :I' 1.c n-o1*1<
! ~ \ t q ! ::t)11 ? t ~ ; ~ l , c ~ * i ; ~ l s ?
O n t.llo ~):ll*t, of
i t i';s c n ~ c c l rn-o11lll~ \ r ! . l i l ( ? 11cl.e to
Gc?~.crnn!cntit nns c;~gngiltl.tll:~~:
t.3-ir ~ n ~ - ~ - l - , o
n t ; n l ~ v > he
in attca(.ln.ncc a t thc ~:.ol.!;a an(l t11:tt n. ctc:!lncsr n.!lcu rlcccssary
be f i ~ r ~ l i s flo~r ~th(:
d p11r1)oscof' to~~.i~~s
Ilovio: ssittlctl tlic ~ ~ ~ * ( : l i ~ ~ i i T-LIV
i ~ : ~. f. i~r ,ci~~21*i:,
( : ~ ~ ,(11.11*in?1 1 1 ~1.Ilree
n ~ o ~ l r l li,llat
int:crrcni?d 111 ii)1*1, n-c 1
1 to (bll;!ct ; i i:~lnling
Ill?ncJccfcnry tool-:
nrld commcncc opc~:nliolt~,nns to 131\~l);11*c
2 n d tr~ckle,t h ~ tI r,o11!,1 nnf.icij):~,tc
Ilc rcrl~iirl*lll
:,'i f i l r ~ 'I ' O C ~ .
0x1the I-tr.11of .Ta.n11n1.1-i.!lc;c, IT'CI'C! C O I I I I I I : ' I I C ( ? ~ ~at tho IbJig-i~t-l~o~lsc
,.&rl co~~sist,c(l
oi' i l l ~!bllo~rin!;:-~\. rlnr~liak
crnnc, st:onc lificr;, nlasou's Icvcls, plt~rnlnot<,n l l f l I):~!tcrtemi'letq,
iron mld c o p l ) c ~crallll),;, copper I i i ~ l ~ onlo(.lo!s
for tllc C O I I I ~ S Oof~
tllo building, jr~mpcrs,hn11imr:rsnilll ot,llcr bol~ilrqnilr! l)l:l.;tinc. ttnol.;,
ring bolts, ~ c srl~rnyc.;,
str:ligllt ~ i l g c !wor!.;rrle~l's
tool.: for cultin%
gl*nnitc, iron bats, buoys, wntcl* tanks, kc., an1.1mn.t)v o!l~crs~ n i n o r
t l l i n g ~ ,~ v l ~ i c wcrc
cqaiillv ~ ' ~ q ~ l a11d
i s i tt ~. 1 1 ~n-:?nt ot' which n-mild
l~n,vestopl~cdt,llc pnrtictllnr depnrtmmlt to wlliclr tllcy I)clonge(lfbr
week^, before Ire could liave procnretl t l ~ i mat the rocli l'rorn Ringnpo1.e. For this ~-cnsotltoo mi~lntc:attenlion co1.11~1
not bc givcn
t o cncll (lctail. 3'11.Jol111Bennett, n, practical cngincer, wns engnvcid as forcmnn to assist, 111e ill the works, 2nd 3150 to I : I ~ C m y
place at the ~'ocli,rnllcll T w a s nt?ccss:~.~*il,v
n!)scrlt tiworn it on the
bnsinc~s of tllc Ligllt-llollic. Cv t1:c rnll oi bIn~*cll
all t11c n~:l.teri:tl.i ~llorltio~led R ~ O I T C :\I.CPCp~-ri) l(l wc only lva itc(l the
c o r ~ l i nof~ tllc IT. C . Slc:ul~o.I l o 0 ~ 1 1to
l ~tow t11c li:lrtos.;
oat to
t11r: ,-ocli, nn(l a t l~llrs:1111,,: tilllo COIIVC\. n l ~ s ~nli(l
l i . ~vorI(~n(?n
tl~oii-tools :t11(1 sac11 othr:~*
licllt n~.tirlcs'tlr:lr:a i ~ ecot~l(l
ston. on (leclc.
1 t. 11a.(lh c ~ nT I I o~ r i ~[,:(I
i i~ii:m~!.ion
to C I I ~0111- st01.1(~
h l * the !~1iil(1i11g
f i ~ ~ if lnj c 1,ncl; i i c c l t ; nrllc~y~ ~ : g r o ~l:!,y;yc
~ : ~ l
I I S O ~ ~ ~' )SI O
SC ' ~ S , s u f i \ ,~i(!~!f
t ( b /.illisll :ill ?]),* :\<llI:i]' \v(IJ'];.
j l : l ~ k ~~(, l~ Z ( ? ? ~ I P3I s* . ~ \ ! ' ~ ! ~ t ~ ~

I (
of 1 T I
collflI I C ~ O I * . For t,lliz I

j ) ? a ( , c , : ~ t



i . ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~TI~ ' >T'F,?,~,

~ , l . 1 . 3 I I ~ I1


]l;l(! ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~111> : ?,!Io

I ~ ! ,t,t31'n)5


i)o hcpt 011 t?~!?

0 1 Y
1):1(, !
1- I
~ ( 0 1 tr;t,(:tor
( ~ C ~ T I I ? I I ( ~ VTI:I~:C
~ T ~ ~ ~llis~ ~ ~( III * O ~ ) : I I ~ : ~ : ~ ~ I II ~~ , I I I I : gi.e:~,t
~ I I ? o ! I ~ s ! , ?)is C I ~ I ~t I~I * \ - i l 1.0
l ~ ~~I ~
T O~ C~ : < ~ O ~FII.~~!I
I I I I I I > ~ ~ ! >t(>
IY ~ J I O I~OC~C,
o1.1 ~ P ~ O U I I2 s~ , t l ~ o v mi(1, of' [ I I P ~ I P ; or
I ~1 1 1 ~c?i1~1:1!,(?
to i t , glso to ,.llc CXO.-'(~I\' ;):j::i;cltl Innrnnrtl* ill w l l i i : ? ~t l l . 1 ~\vo:~ld
to i
, !:I)(:
nt of' rrr:~tcl*1-0 h:r t l ~ i : in (~(~;i.-w:lter
.is ! I ( . > Y O I * nsp(1. S>l*t.?~is
~ ) t i . ~ ~ 311(1
~ ) o I~PI~P:~I:CVI,
(1:liIv imt,lling is a , i ) ~ I
- I
to th:. r ! : I tioc.).. t!l!l\. p ~ * o f c s : ~woltltl
: ~ l . s!?oil ail:l;en
~ I I P J ? ~ . T!!CYd!v:1:11~~1
to T I I P . (111 tlic ~ n ~ l t r : ~ ( ; tl>l*iiiqi~lg
o ~ ~ ' s 111orr1
I~c!'c,r~.rnr, 'hlnf t ! l t ~ 1
not ),oqril,lv C O I I S ~ ; ; :o
I~ o
;: to ;L ~ I I I C R
tl1<1\. n.otl!(l bv ;I-1 SII(:]I I ~ I ~ I I ~ !3':
) O111i;v
I T ? 1101 i 7 1 i 1l ~ t lPSI,)I~(ICS\~
? t
, c
I ! [
< I
I n.;Is mticll
i :t.t this C ~~ : * C I ~ ~ I S I ~ ~ I 111lt
I P C ' ?011 :)(t(.)~*
i.(:fleci:iori and on
1 t t!lc II,IOIIt , l ~ ; t
~ llligllt ire
n t~scd'i~lly

cto;~,: I

f l , ~

~ ~ l o ~ - t : d . d~*o.:si~~z
f h c C O I I I > < ( ~a,~:
~ , the: Si11gi1
p o ~ ~glxnite
. I P n l n t?l,i!~,
: I I I ( ~ (list:~rt~;
S i t ~ y : ~ p o:rIe~ I ~ I 15
I ~ . ~nilm
of; f i ? ~ ,011t of 1 1 1 ~clit*c!
to~r:!l'cls P C ~ ~I?I~:\IIc;~.,
I conof' otlr ]\I:111.; n~lcic,l~n:ri:?c(l
thc colwnlmrence
s c ~ l t ~io
d tlli': ~1:(;'1':3,t,iotl
of thc nut:lio~:ilieq. I n t l ~ cca,rly )):I 1-1. 01' I ~ c ~ I I - ~ sheds
I ~ I * Twere
c~*cc:tc(I: ~ ta convcnicnt ~,l;lccon 1.\~1oUl)i~a,c1o.w to the shore
orlr J.i?htrrs ci~~llfl
sarely rlcn thornac!ves on to the beach
.> &'~1)1'11;1ry ancl JI:.trch,
a t IliqI, n.;i.t(:l3
nl1c.l lie t,iil Io:r.tlctl. Dnl*in(r
1.!1(1 ::~'ani te stonoc n,clxe c( tl:~rl*ierlm i l (1~*ossctl,
but tile operations
I r r m t on rt!yy sl.~rrl!r foil 11e:rsons to be 11crcnfil:r rnc~~t~ionecl.
Pula I7l;iri is ;I, f i l l ( ; woorlotl ir;li~nd, ill the Old Straits
cil* f5il:i.f: T:lrnI), nlid its h:t~.l,ou~as
:lnrl s l l o ~ ~:11'(:
r s p r ~ . t ~ : o lpro.l~
tectctl from all wca t.lrct~s. The f'nrrnni,ion is cl*w.nitic, its colnpo-

me ibr JAigl~1;-h( ~ru~poscs

)~ocscsscsa. g r : ~ r ~ i conipact
in $.rain
axrrt oi' a lizlit
ololtr, am1 1 1 3 s 1.11~
of' gincatd ~ l r a i t . ~ l l e roclc
is fuontl ill i:rl~gr srlan,l*rhlocl<a, isolated and
prqjcclirq :thore thc sllrfi~ccof' ill(! gl*o~lt~(l.Tile su~*filcc
of the
ctonc displavs no t1ocompo:;ition cxccptin,q in n thin brown rllind,
of nn inch i n tl~ickncss,n~ldi~nderncntllmllich the rock is
pcrfilctlv sound and tlninjtlred hy the ntlmosphcre. T h e rock of
Pulo G'lIin is rnore,fi<rilc illan tllnt of Pcdra Br:inca, and i s therefore i,noJ8r:en~ilyv ; o I . ~ <illto
( > ~any ~-crlnil.ctl~1inl)C. Blocks at the
Ib!~tnerplnco, mcns~.l~*ir~g
:3C) f c ~ tI O I I ~ , a11(120 feet in breadth
nr~cl I t , n-cSse split (lorvn f11c ini(l(lle ant1 i)rokcn 111) to s~nnller
pic!ces I
~ J I C J)I-O~I.(:PS of ~ I I CIVOI~I~S?wl~ilcI fbt~rldat P P ~ I - ~ L
tllnt i)lorlcs of' not n CIIIRJ.~(:.L*
tile (lillli:nsi011~of tllis were witla
t l ~ cI
t o dif!j ~ . ; I I . ~ I . vI I I : I . ( ~ Cto r?icbl(l to t,lw wc~lqc~s
of t!~cC1linr:sr.
; ~ l \ r : ~ a sr'nlr,ll;,tn on t l ~ c pl:tnc of I . I I ~ ~ I I iI n~ Ct l ~ cJ.'IIIo
: i n cionc, t i , i n t l l ~i ; : i t~l . l n l l o ~ u at, l % ~ l l *In
: tll;if. were
i r k :I, rnr,nnr;r ~ l ~ ~ t . i ~ * , :,.lij\;!~,c)~j.,
1 0O I : r~ x p ! ~ c f . ; ~ l i o ~ ~ ~ +
. - 1 : G!l, of 3
Ii ~ , ~ c ~ ~ ~to
~ iI'cllr*:,
l , l , l 3 : . I a 1 1.1.



C. Stc.:~rnt.rc 4 T l o n g l ~ l ~:~clrnrnp:lnicll
1 ) ~tltc c ~ r l t r ~ n r t owit71
n1;lsous n.nd 1 c1;rl.j~cr1[c31*,
to i 1 1 4 j 4~ 1~1 t~I'OCII prior to r'~)rnrncr~cing
~ I I ~1;tn I P ~w i t 1 1
0i1ct.i~ti011.i.TTc ;kr~siv(vl:~l)out,H ~ I It11c ~ I I O Y ~ I an,l
son~r:lirtl{: tliflicr~ltvo r 1 1 1 1 0 sorltlr(!r~rsitlc. l'irtz forrnd 4 o f tho brick
pi1l:lrn hllilt, i l l ~ h r o n l l ) r . ~
sfill t
i nnc! ir~ctllcF a r n o

condi~ionnq ~'cy~ot.ti~(l
i l l 3'Iitrcll of t l i ~f~
' o l l o - ~ r - iy~w~r~, w l ~ i c h
l ~ 1 i ~ vy
n s r ~ l11:1(1cone
psovcd thn t illil-ing thc i t ~ t ( ~ r v ( : r ~ i)tc~rgi o (no
over sncli I):, rf.s of t lie rock as ;tri: rno.;t. clev:rtcd ant1 ~llc?ltc~rc~l.
A s11-el1 nTns still coming i l l fi'om tht* nor*th-rnsl, n l i r l w l ~ c r I~
ir~tcclout t11c bight, on tlre I I O I * I . ~sirlo
of' t l l ~rock, mlirre 1 i~itrnrlcd
I:tnrl tlic ni:ltc~*i;ils,w l ~ i ~ ' 1W1: L ~n o w t l ~ cr:sl,n=c(lsi(lc, tllo~l<hit

help ~*clnn~-liir~n_.
tllr-1 looks nf'i~~cr.vlalit~v
wit11 wl~iclit l ~ ecor~trncror
mrt my as~n~.;trlc(.!s
t,h;t,t the wit won111 soon I,e calm, a n d b ~ i ~ t . ~
easily h r o r ~ gtl ~i l l to it; Jlc sccmrvl to prc?t'cs ocl~l:~,r
to : i r ~ y of rny :isslll*nucc!s. 'l' a t rhc i.ilnc: ;I< ornt:r~i~r<
ill of his f u t r ~ ~ slcaili~.~c.~s
to l l i ~c,ne;l.ql;cmc~~t.Thc sli::.)~~
se(.)lned qnire t,o llavc fi~ighteneill ~ o t llilil
! ~ ilnll 11is men, f;r it i ~ i l s
with rni~cllreluct,:lncc they we1.e p::rs~ialle(lto i r : i t , ~ et l l c . ~ t o : l r n ~ ~ *
'tll me i l l the boat to 1;tncl 011 tilt:, rocli, 2nfl t h e n n-c arrived
witll t11e 1ielple;sness of most lanll;m~:? ;tl scn t!lev llnd
1cl1difficulty in icnpilig fisotn rllc boat on to tlic psojoctirlg rocks.
The monsoon hacl eviclcntlv not ent,isely sltbsirlcd, for when we
reached the stearner, at nl)or~t10 A . sr. & prettv brisk b11eeze ~ v a s
ft*om the Nol~tll E:lst. TVa returr~crl-toSing:lpore with
a,.; to the contractor's future
somewl~at tlo~thtfr~lantici 11a.tions,-I
conduct, he a,s to the probobla pl-ofirs of the vrntnrc.
By the end of %lai*ch e~.rt*stl~ing
liaving been got ren,dy for
our settlement 011 tlre *lock, Xi Bennett was recalled from th(
Pula Ubin qtlnrl*ies, whcl~clle had bccn overlooking the cutting o;
the courses, aricl \vliel.e he was succcoded 1 . 3 ~ a Chinese underforeman, who was taught tlle mwle of ct,ttihS the stones to t l ~ c
~deis,sand nia~lkinlr
and naml)el~ingeach for the place it F T ~ Jto
:upy i n tlle build~ng. For this ynrpose mould3 hnd been
?pared at Singiipoi*e of the section of c;lch course, and t,lle plan
each bed. Ettcll class of' stone-cr~ttcrahad their various heat!?n,to \vhom were g i v ~ nt l ~ cmoulds app(:rt:~,inincto the courses
1ic1-1 they had urlllertnlien ; on encll 1,eing finirhed it wag
cl on n level floor, corlstrnctell with s ~ n o o t hboartls, tongued
d groovetl into cnch other; on this floor ;r,m marked off, by a
trainer ~rllich hail the rndiris of each ccarse ~n:zrl;cdu1)on it, the
circumference of the lower betZ of the corwsc t,l~atwas reatly to be
lrticl. The stones wcrc laid to this circlimfcrcnce ;tnrl carcfr~lly
COIII'SCJ, :tbove and
joii~cd, SO as to brcnlr ,joint wit11 tll
belolv. As each cir~c~zmfi?rcnce
d to~rnrtlstlle top of tile
towcr slr:tft, marks at thr? joioinp or cncll stone in the vnrions
colu*srAscould i*c:~,(lil\r
bl: I:ct,:~irlc(l on tlie Hoor, \vithoot c:~llsirig
any conf'usio~~,
so tl1;;t tllough :r courac m t a rctnovcd. t!lc pusi~ionj

i t l i tho cent-ro~of t . 1 1 ~clon~,:::rn(l I T - ~ I ~ ~ ~ of'

O I Vt l, l~o J , i g l ~ t - l ~ o
;~ ~ s ~ con!.sc bclonl?;ctl to nnc: of tho.(: 11n.vinga, tlool* or n.
wirltlon., thon t.he ni~~,ls\r
or tloo~. j:rinlis \rtlrc: I:~i,l a t ::~(11;11
distnl-lccs 011 c?itl~crsicle of tll(r d i : i ~ ~ i ~ t o rAll
the st.on(>stv(!rc
n.itli t l ~ cnulr11,c'r of fllc? C O I I ~ . ~a.n(l
c;~clljoint in tllc!
COIII-S~.was a190 n ~ t t ~ ~ l~ornrl~oncinq
~ r ~ i l ~ ft.o:n one oi th:: ~ n ( lof
t l ~ ccliarnct,cr ; tllc, riortl~-tl:i~terl(l \ 1 ' ~ 9f i ~ ~ 1111101.1
1 . :I,S t,llc C O I I I I I ~ C I ~ cing j~oint nnfl n.dhc~.r!, till 3.11 tlrc courses I V ~ ~ J -fi~li~hi!cl.
first we 11:1cl
onlv OII{? f l o o ~; ) I - P . I ~fi)lg
~ ~fIi~
i tci iI~~zt l ~ cC O I I I * ~ ~h11t
. ~ , ~vhc?n
I ~ 3 i'O~-cc?d
to C ; ~ ~ I *0 V1 1 t.he work3 on c,rovcl~.nrnc!nt:wco~~rlt,
t l l c ? cont,~*:~(;tn~~'s
1 t;)1111(li t rlc~~c~ssai-v
t o 11;ivc3 floor^,
PO t , l l ~3
t ctrltl*sos1.11ig11t1)c liii(1 a t tho salnc fitno, a s tllc storlrs J V ~ ? I ' ~
ill st,c~*
tlri111 corlltl t>rl:~.iclt1on.n (311o11ct flool*. I h;~.(l
doul~t.; nt fi~'st,ns to 1 1 1 ~ : Cllinc*w r~rtrlcn.-f'o~~cn~m ah](:to 1;l.y
3 ( ! O ~ ~ I ' S Cl ~) c ? I o t ~ ~1.0, i ~diff;:ia(.lnt
d o v n nnfl joirlt. pl*oi)(:~'ly
of tllc l)llil;lilla : ~ tllc
t cnlnc time, bnt. I,(? &lrri(,tl t l l ~wol-l<on \I-ithei~t,colrtii~ion, nr~cl all th(: con~.scs11~c~rc.
f011ntlw i i c ~ r llait1 to 1)rcbnk
n, ctrtllssc!I V ; ~t ~ l i ~ fi'o~n
g l off' the
, it 1,rol)cr rn:inr~c~r. Ec.f'olmc?
floor, mnr-ks w r r r hor* :I. gin]hl(:t.i l l to tbrb j 1 1 : l l l l i ~ at each of the
j o i ~ ~ t nricl
s , a s t l ~ cn11rn1)r:r of t . 1 1 ~c o i ~ ~ * to
s ( !1vlric11 thosr? rn:lrka be1on;;ccl conlcl a.lwn.?.s I)c f b n ~ ~ t ll,o r ~ gnfii:r l l ~t.oncs
~ ~ hn(.l bc.en
re~nc,vc(l,I,.= nl)pl~.ingtllc t.l.;l.i~ro~*,
~ v l l i i a l:IS
~ ~st;~fec.l
hr!forc, ll:~d3.11
tllr nllrnij(1l-.;an(] I
oc tilt: ooilrir:s t - ~ ~ : i r ~oni cit,
( ~ i)r ilitcl onlv to
oIf':~n(lI . I ' ; ~ I I ~ ~ ~i.11osc
~ t l ; l r k s~ J I c :
flo\rrn an i~nrnediato ovrbr-lrirlg or ~arl{lcl.l!.ing ,~oIII's(>
or1 ; ~ r l o t l t f100r.
All tile
m a l - k ~on t l ~ cK~.;-t.~~itx
nlitdc will) r : o ; ~ l t,:rr, antl or1 the plar~ks,
whcrc I ~ C 1101*~r:,
I ~
wit11 Cllit~:~
il11i ; tllosc f ) i g ~ ~ ~
\ V~
C I ~t Clpo~.fcctly
cff'cc+tivcar~rlrlc:viJ1*l ) ~ ( *111(!
: t ohli tc'r:! t ( ~ 1 .
I'll(; yu~i-I)o,tt.
u C ] J ~ ; ~ r l ~ fa.: fvcuscbl
~ ~ , " of 23 ~ . ~ I I Pnnrl
6 ~ ! o I I I L ~ \ , . ~ Iivit.11
* s , :I, C I Y : o
~ f~2 7 I I I ( ~ I I ,11;tvi112IIPPII i*i?j~:~i!*c(l
I v i e:
1 1 I I
o ': 1 1 a n 1
S t c . ~ : i ~ n c ~ r ~ ~1l;lvillg
~ J - ~ ~:I.ISO
o ~ l;trri
~ i vc~el
~ ~ "i l l Siirg;~po!*o,tvc now ninrle
I I I ~ I I ~D ~
. t r i ~ -the
l g whole
I ~ I O I ~ ~ I tI , l ~~c:tr.llcr
1 1 : t ( / l.)(!(?t~ c;t1111
: I I J I ~s l ~ o ~ v ~
110! ~i~~tIica,tionq
2. I
: o r I
Y O .
I I l~c:r~'f;)rc:~ o : ~ t ; i c l c . l ' c * ,it.l s;tIi: to ~ I * O C C C I ~
at. otlcc wit11 111,; rorjuisit.o IYC)I.I;IT~~:~I, I Y ~ I!I \\.IIOIII 1 i111c1 11.1..13(111~1(:t,t
l(.!(l 1 ; ~ r ron
~ ~ I. l ~ e~-o(;lc
:LII(I j)I:i.c,! o111-si:;j.(!s ~ I I ) ( I ( !t ~( s n ~ p ~ ~ * : ~ ~ n ~ r
~Ilclt(;r, 1111t,il IS(! lt;t(l 1 ~ 1 7 1 1 ~ : 1 1 ~ : 1 1 O I L I * I I O I ~ . : ~ , : , ~ ; 1)y t ! ~ i s ; I I - ~ ; I I I < C ; I I I ( ~ ill[ I ~ I ( : ~.(~([~li~.c?r~l(:llt"l
I I I S I ~ Iko
0 . 01' l i ~ l l ( c o
f b l - O I I ~ , ~ ~ t , t l ( [;)I*
~ ~ ~t11(!
~ ~ sc!;~soi~
~ t ~ t C O I I I ( \ IN! : t t t . i ~ ~ t,o
~ ( [l~tl-ir~g
tikc ti11.1i: t11(: S ~ ( : : ~ T I ~ OIII*, ; I ~011 111o st;t,t,io~~,
T Y ~ I ~ ( !IT;!?
~ I O I ~ ~to
V I)(?
1;s :L ~ 1 1 0 t . r : lil!~.ior!.
1:111tli11g ;if, ~:,IA(:,!
i !, ;vt b 1 1 1 1 1 I)(: ~tt~;io~:c,~s:~.ry
f,o t.lt2t;tir~~ j ~ av(:w:I
tbr thr: ~ I ~ I I - ~ Oo~f 'V~ :l t : ~ ~ p i r ~ I:w~. ~ ? , ~:~!,
? . ~ :;!I.&:

~ v o u l dt1111s1)0 :1f,
I ~
i o n1


111,: ~.~)c:li



l'iritJ~ tlli.: J
1 r IS, I I I
AII*J3(bl111(btt, in c:l~;vgc01' 1 1 co~rvlvts :u,(l. 3 Cllill(3;~;
thr fo~-n~rtll
c/ll:ll-19yltlchrr, wlro W ~ Tto
Y 1~) ~ l . c1,.1t l~olc.,
;111cl tile 1;lifcr lbc:i~ly I ) I ; I C I ~ S I I I ~ I I I S ~nolrrlinqtool1 intot~(l{:(l
to fi,llo~\- in tlrc: "l Joog11Iy n it11 fhc: I : I Y ~ c ~ I)orlr of' r n s r l irnn~cdiatolv, so : to 1 - 1 vc ; ~ 1'odl.a
!51*:tI K : ~ h(lfo1.c*iI I C g~~li-ho:rt,.
1 ho g r ~ l ~ l l m s:lilctl
011 t 11v 'Lz(tl1 of' 37:t 1 . ~ 1 1 , i , n t \vr: co~lldn ~ r:t,l!
/ ) r b i r ~ ! ;


f i b 1 3

the various I V O I1c111cn111:tt ~rcl-eto tbrirl,:11.k on I ~ o ; l r * rtl l ~ ".l

c Jooq11I:-,"
bcforc the cvcllillg OS tI11:3 1 s ~ . \\'e tlrc~~hfi~~.,:
difl ,lot SI;II-I, ti-on1PinqapolQchnl~bor11-till 3 ,\.a[. of' illc 1.;t, of dl-l)
\\Tc Ilnd ti:o
ligllters i n tun., fi llocl with rnaior-i:~
li: f i ~ l *I l l c b ckls(~ct
io11 of' t a n ~ O I ~ R I . ~
clnrellings and sh(vls, nl~cl~ v c:rlco c;ti*i-ir:d 10 CIri11c-x st ol~r~-ratli
and On tllc ~ o m tlnv
c ~ v c )tol~(.hctl:if P11lo TJTl,in 2nd
took 0x1 1)0ill*d othcr 15 ilicn, r~l,illcij)iillv i t o r ~ r ~ - ~ : n t t o ~l ~i ~~. e
cont~act.orc;inlc with 11s 911d J was so1.1.?~to ol~scl-vcthat Z l i ~ men
accoin1)nrli~dl l i m w i ~ l l t l r r t 21.oatc.t , - c l ~ ~ r : t : ~mrrtl
\Yil,S llot C I ~ ~ C till
~ C ;~ftc~l'
C ~ [\TO 11ot11'i~ v I ~ : I ~ J ~ ! ill
) ~V !' ,I ~ C ~ I
c o n ~ i l ~l ug I~lo\vs. So~irr?of' his ii1s11he cot~ltlriot: ] ) c ~ + - ~ nt,.r
corllth, SO \vC Ivt 1'C f'Ol'~c'(l10 ; , ' ~ T Ct11( I r , ?,c~llii1,1. \\'i:)lol[f 3 Ii11~111'ledge 04' 111cirI ~ I I I ~ I I ~ 1
~ Cc:o~iltl
L , 1):lt l i t t l c n1ltlcrstnn~?rllc ~ l n c l ~ * i t . ;of'
t I l 0 C 3 W 01' t 1 1 0 ll'tlt: UiLIlGCS ( ~1?1P
f ~ ~ i i i ~ l ~ ~ all{'.
~ ) : i ~~: ?l ~l !~ ~ ~ j 1
1- ~ l l t ~ ~
0 1 1:i
i ~ i i i to t I t
0 ' fit 1 1 ~ ~ i ~ o c : ~ e c c
l irll~~g~-l ( l
not hilt o c t ~ : ~ s i o ~ l ; :~ri-.c.
111(~113 % !IL o l ) t : ~ i ~ ~1~
ccr((l ~.<
~ )
i ~
~ oi -t ~ ~


( I

~ I I 1111i1I)le
~ I


I ; I I ~ ! T I I ;1~ 11:!(:
c+-l:r~ti;ilp o i ~ ~to
t 11avrb n li\yv ctf Ijlc ?){:oj>I~
: ~ c c ~ u , i i r ~\l.'ith


t I 1 { 1

tl!~lt l1li21tf @In;! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ 1 .L.11

ti l Il IIC'111
~ i ~ ;~) 1 '1 ~i1 i1t ~
I I I ' ~ C ( I 011 tlic c o ~ l t r ; ~ c t11c
t o ~I ~
I ( J C C ~ P So~f 'It l~l i - , C Y ( J ~ Ifi)r Ili': OIT-11 ~ I I ~ ( : I ' esls, Lrit Ire d i s . r l ~ l ) o i ~ i t nrc."
I coul(1 ll;l~-colrl;tiilc~Ione 01- tn-i)
f i J ; l l i l ~, ,


1 1 ~ hll:ll,
~ 1 (~:01!1:1 ~ p ( ~ ; tiIlc1
J < I:\JI<<II:I<~>,i r l ~ ~ o i , ~ 3 ~O~~~' ~l L
c ~; ~I I tI !,t3!ii11:

tllein 011 t l ~ e i ron71i! ( $ I 1115, i j l l i :li tllis ,hi:!;<. f I

,irlg- i
t h o u g l ~ tit incsl>c(li(fiiltI O i!ltcrii>t.c ~ P I I I . ( YI: lI Ii a n l i t l hi. n.n:~!;111c~:1,
as I ~~roilltl
I 1 1 1 1 ~~ I : I V Cdc!'o(IIli:; 1 0 ~ i : i ! l 1 : 1 f i : ~ I ~ L : I I ( ~ ~ I C C ! O V C ~I ~ I C - 1 ,
11 llich J T ~ L ) ~ L I CI~ I ; I V C
x ~\ i . i o 1 1 h itt,j~~rt*(l
< ~ ( ~ i ~ ! i IJ~ i it!^
2 ~ ~ I I P I I I I)I, r~-(~:)*I
t I
: to I
t I ? o r 1 to 1 1 I
ii1~:.:~- t'
at l'uint l i o a l l i i l ~ i i1110
S L L ~ I r~2C v c ~ ~ l: ~
I IlIg~: I~I I C ' I ~ O ~ ~ibr
C I ~ b 1 1 t 111:- 11.
7 .


f9lm.l ll1.3 gnn-!.)cat rl~n~:.:n j ~ a

zf ancl~o;n ~ d c rthe ihc!tcr nf%yiloc2 bl 4':t-\c
PTi-?119.Cc1rr3 :II!~: 1i~~il:ccl.
31r 2i~cnnett'~,
coming on board


te yeport. yr.oneci!in,y wit11 consi!:lernblo anxiety, as T rrpcctcd hc

f.-orr!d, FJv t h i s time Ivixlc bccn out: at tile I'oc!~. It that
hr: arrirc'cf st. Pcdrn Er:?nc;t, on tlrc aAcrn,om o f ttac 29th A1n1*cll,
m-l~cn11e fi~unrlt,llc sc:t tolerably smootla rind v x s a.ble to land on
? ! i n nortll-cant side of' tllc ~ o c k
wit11 s m l e 2ifi.c~lty. I-Ie lanclccl 4.
convicls rind coma~cnccd.nrnking their huts that night, and ncxt

m o ~ n i n gIxe trier1 to !and again but. could not accon~p!ishit until

noon, n t ~Xlich time i t w.'n3( ~ I tide,
t+heil hc lanclcd on the southr:ist c i l _ B ~of the rock. 7:Tc then sent the Rl Co~ivictsand 3 Chinese
nn ~ h o r,ia t ? ~ c i !t-~ o s c rice
~ , and t,n*oc2slcs of vater axlcl set them
to v'or-1.;. C)n t ! 3~1 s ~
lie proccc~rlrdwith thc 1:aiatling of nrorc water
in n.!~ic!a S C ~ W ~ CTICC t?ncuu~rfc~~ed
gwnt di.3c:1!r.r, thc
swcl! 2lri.i h~.en!i~t.r
l ~ n ~increr!sctl
i n ~
durinz t ! rlifillt
; about noon
t i l n~inrl
si.t itr stlnnl~g
froin tht, ~lortll-cast,\!,lli~hSO qnicldy c2rove
a hr:lrv s~l~f'ora
thc rock tllrtt cornn~ilrlic;~tion
*,he pz:*t.v on
board a r d t!~osc on tbc rock cotlltl no longcr bi! atienlprcd, :lntl f n y thcr i n t n r c o r ~ ~TWZ:
~ e ~;I)uE c11t02'. Tile g~ul-hontl a y : ~allcl~or
tl1t.Y.T;.o!'tllr: rock i q 12 5!3orns vntcr, rnllicll urns &.t11~,? tilno t l ~
only :~nr:ho~-ing
grcrud known t o u,: she thus Ilad tbhc lec!ge of rociiz
$irectl,v n5tcrn at n 2ktxnce of little more &Ilan 8 of a mile,
TR this pcriious position t l ~ c gun-bo.t rode till 4 past 12
ll:!len. t i l e ~ ~ r n r n : l n d c
t3 3ir 3ennet.t t h a t the vcssclcouli2
cn ro longer. The T t r ~ , r ewave
now making a breach
fore and aft ancl had the anclaw not he16 or the cable snapped
on the tlrrn of tide to flood, tho clestruction of !.he vessel could
rcarccly hare hccn avt:r*ted; they thcreforc wcigl~ednnd ran for
al~elter under Point, Eomxnia wl~ere thcv arrived at 2 P. BZ.
They pmccded to fill water and cut fih-tvood ~ v i t hthe inten-.
tion of rct~trtlirlg next day, but the e~mmnnlfc:'of tlle gun-boat
deemed the s m too JICL\:(~ to risk pti~ting out. Tlie gun-boat
tborrfore rcmnincr?. andrr shelter of Point Itomanin, daring t!le 1st
of A.pril. \Ire weiglred at an early llour next morning and cast
~ n c h o ofrthe
rock nt, 8 A.M., be gan-lmst follan-ing us and arriv?ng about n i n ~ . I V i l s n n.e nrrivcd OR the rock t,he m n that hat?
h ~ e nleft thercl did not sccm, to fec.1 their situation at all ngrcenblt:, .fur
t ' l r ~pnrcl~crlt l ~ s n ~ ~ lon
r etbc
s tops of t!le ~+oclig
and waved 1i;md.
nt, t l l r end of ticks i)y w3.v of wiling our attentioil. On
f5is ?
ern (lid not rcn;n to 'be hr:tvicr tllntl ~vlicnI lnnilnd
in 'Larch, so I. ~~roccwlcd
to tlln rock r i t h t l ~ eintention of landing
~ ~ - i~ fI Il P~t'r'ut nr t,!~(?C!-inew. rL1his I could In:rvr:e:~si!yc6:ctetl. I ~ J
Isnpirrg n,.!inrc, i,~ltthe C!rinese !)rirlg !r:ps s~i!lillgmad hnrillg boxr~:
fn Ian6- t
i rl;wnb:~~-!;~tionc o ~ ~ tnot
d have I.)ecn ::cr:orJl-~,!;cIlr;lc~? . ~ i t l ~ ~i~n .j l!t!,~ ~ +, Q
~ y<)TilC of'f ! l P l l 2 :LI,c!, t.!,,r1 !OY< 0". (?~?:nl:i~;f:
-., , ,
nf I>?,?*+ of tltcir F.'~.Q~'cI;'. [:
I : ~ : c ~ ! ~ A? ;~l ,.~~: 1~ j ~ p . -~ ,!,laif
~ z j t..i.81::2:;~.

n r r . : $ f l > o j p hn:lcr:z
w , % t p p? q f *






:,I, , - , . 2 -t:vryp





c 3 r v , i ; ~ t p x r p , T :.a

P P P ! > ? P; , 7 * l , , ! :


! v < l : , * p a :+,.-;

leakern were too heavy to allow t11e a t t ~ r n p t o be n t all wfe. 7%

C ~ C ~ Oretl~l*n~d
~ G
to the St~amer,'PPII~cI~Bay nt a n c h o ~till 10 A.M.;
hen finding the ligll~.crsastorn n l l i p l ) i n i ~ v ~ t cnnd
r otherwise
~mnnagcnblc,Captain S t c ~ r a r (lccrnr:rl
it nrcewary for their snfcthat vrr: ~ l ~ n n lreturn
for shcl t ~ r .Afior comman;cat,ing with the
mplo on the rock, fivm wllo~n1 nreertninecl t h a t they ii'sd 2 days
nupply of w t e r xncl also with 3Tr Ecnrlctt, whom I 'instrncted on
the fill of tide to tnlic tlic proplc off, s r ~ dwhich he asinred me,
judging from his fo~*rnererpcricncc, therc wo~ll(lhe no diffici~lty
in doing, I proceeded to Point Ronlania. With the fir11 of tide,
tlie era did not abatc as was expcctcd and tho11g11311.Bennett
llimself landcd once or twicc he could not pcrsnacle the people
on tlie mck to follow him in leaping into thc boats. As they were
all nnaccnstomed to tllc sco, they yo~sessed no agility on that
elcmcnt, so cordd not take a.dvantnge oftlle ~nomcntfor leaping,
whcn the barit war;i llauleil close to the rock after the brcakcr had
Pat secl; of the number only 3 rventaally got on board the boat,
one Chinaman and two Convicts. I n the attempts to get the
pcople off one of the boats qot much damaged against the rocks
and was barcly kept from sinking hefore thev reached the ,arm-boat.
As nirllt come on the wind and waves 'incl~cnsedFO liuch that
the c o h m a ~ l d ercpo~~tsd
be could l*irlca t anchor no lorlger as the
water was making a breach ovcr the vcsscl ;tlle arlchor mas consequently weighed, but canlo np with one of it$ flolces broken off.
They arrived at Point. Romania at 9 F. ar. and communicated
witlr thc Steamer ncxt mollling.
The aE:(tirsecrned now to have as~umcc?a marc clerious asnect
than I was at first disposed to look upon it, for t l ~ cwind lladnot
abated during the nigltt, and i t was abeolotely ncccssary to rescue
the people on the rock as tl~pirclrintiing water woll!d bc veil irigh
finished. We therefore lefl the two tor~gltnrlys(ligl~ters)i n charge
of' the gun-boat and the " I I o o ~ h l v " .;teamed out to Petlra Branca.
We ar~chorcdat tlre distance? of Ilaltb a mile to the north of the
rock, instead of tllc nortli-east, as close to the edge o f the Lank as
possible, so as to cnallle us to prcll back to the steamer wit11
gmater ease, for the \rind \\*as blo\vinp briskly the tide being
flood was also against our rcturn.
proccetlecl in the cotter
and the jolly boat attended in caw of' accidcntr. TYo went
provided \r.iih g!oapncls to anchor the cotter, and a. bnor and line
t o efl'ect cornrnorllcntion wit11 the shore. O n closing with thc rock
we foond the serf to be very hcary. V T c therefbrr anchored outside and one of'tlle crew of tlie caitcr, mlio w x i of the Orang Laut
tribe (mcn of the sen) and an cxpri-t swimmer, tied a line round
his ~ v : i i $ t a11d warn tbr thc sl~ore. 011 tw*oor tllraee occnsious Ile
m;w im rnc~*~ctcl
uutlcr 1.11~br*eal;eths for a con~iderablctimc, brl t
s Isndirlg- on n sshclvi~l~
roclr with onlv a fcw broizcs.
?lition t1lnt l ~ cV i 1 4 a lad o f 10 V P B ~of ;rge, and h
f b r m ~ r l ycornlmsrd n ~ r tn f tlw ctcm of k piratical boat tlrar

t ~ l i ~hnr thr Tnfc Cnptnin Co~ignlton in the vicinity o f

P i n n n ~ : l w i q nf, +ho rim(: 11nq1rr 12 ?pars of &fiey h i s yo1
~ n r r c !him, from thr qalln~vs, fn w11icl1 his cl(lcr fellows nrc
s c n t ~ n r r d , nnd Cn ;)fain * C o n p l ton, wllo fol*~ncl-lvcommand.. .
to had
t?lc Strnl~~cr*
'~FXonrl~lv, to 9:lrr thr 1 1 0 7 from ~~cverting
hehitq, took him I I U ~ ~ ; Iris
caw nnrl bl*ooil~t
him np on hoard his
v e ~ d . A.njoot (the cast-away) f o r sr~cliw a s llis n ~ t vname
whnt~verhi; former one ~ n i q h tI1:itrc been, now dren on shore a
1 ~ r p line
r to v-liich the buoy 1vr.n~artacl~e?jod by which he hauled i t on sliore, then tying the men by turns to it they wet*esel)aratrly hauler1 on bon~vl the ctutrr tl~ronqhthe gurf, ant1 after all
had bpcn ~ a f r . r1~~s c a e dhc follorvcd. The convicts behaved very
well under t h e t r ~ i n r circumstnnces.
Notv~ithctandingtho brltiz~s
ngai~tstthe I ' O C ~ ~ S they
chcol-filllv ass~u-edme
wllich t h ~ receivcd
t h a t tllpy <rott1,1 gln.fIly ~ ~ c t l uwith
~ n mc to tile rock afkr the northeast, nrincl. ha.d ahatec~l, b ~ a t t.hc Chincse betrnyc~d the greatest
in a vpr!; do~n-llea~.t(?d
2nd mnlnncholp disposition
returnecl. to the ste;~rnzr*. I n,ttelnpled to enc.:ntsage them a little
before 1,hcir rlct,ulan0.0 ttl19 r~weP,hnt to no purpose. I was therefore q o r ~ ~ !la2
v t it was I o i l b e they s1101tlfI meet thcir
c o w tl-vrner~,W!IO \VPYC, I I C C C ~ ~ RI ~i ~~p~t on
,V hoarrl in inacti vitjr, and
nvhorn' t l 1 ( \ \ 7 might irnlkre;~ witl; all their f i l i ~ ran11
~ terrors a t tlle
-iltl disco& fol.r< rll(bp h:)(1 soffi.~*eilon B;ltrc P utih. The approach
thc rocli we foiinll cv(311in a .ilizht sea to be attenrled with great
anger to small boat<, fi+ornthc eddies occ~sionedby the rapid and
bqtructed tide way. The sea h~-caksand rolls where these eddies
xiat anc1 they cxtend fov a qnnrtev of a mile on either side of the
rock, h11t :ifrer exper-icncs t a ~ ~ g h11s
t , how to avoid tl~crn. As alrendv mentioned ir P a r t IT, the rock bcingsmall affords no slielter
&to,' the ryaves on anv side; it ha. no creelis nor galleys, ~v11erea ,
t tle ~!lelterrnav
- be ha(], SO that the waves fieom whatever direction
ley come, rvash ey~wllyheavily all 1-oltnd and meet unabated in
for& on the lee. VThcn w e anchorctl off the rock and, had extended a line fiom the cutter's stcrn to the ehol*e, at each time a man
threw l~imselfinto the bre;l,ke~*~
we hauler1 the boat as close to
ie shore RS P O Q Jble
RO as to dmw him in qtlickly;
this nsccssaribroag!lt the boat'^ tide to the comirig rrr:lvcs the (litngcr of being
cdpsized and filled by a bl9cakercliancing to bn 11envicr than the rest
mas much greater than ifwc! conld hnvc had her llcad to the waves.
The h:rnlirig of the boat close to the bn::rliers wag requisite as the
men attnclic~dto the buoy \rere rnostlv much exhnustc!cl I>cfol*ereaching the ho;lt, when thcy were lifich in and laid on thr bottom to
mcover tl~ern.c?lveq. 1 1v:is info]-~nedon rnjr rettunn to tlic Steamer
by Captain Stewart that he had rvntcl~cfloltr operations with much
~ i l x i e t v , for each wave as it carno breaking and bounding over
the o;tlyinna roclcq hid us for a time fi-om the fit~amvessel and
seemed 'to have overwhelmed aq, tlntil we were again scntl to
r i s ~an thp. C Y W ~ . One I > r ~ a k ~hri -~ h o rthat1 the Y C Q ~~ I ' R ~owr
~ 2 . l

?niE hnlf'fi110rI b l r ~ honf. F):it_ tl10 mrn hv ~rnn.rtlvhqilling nn*

r l honk
~ ~ on fllrir ayprnncl~anoidnrl any arGrlcnt. ? will qcnrcr!
PVI. fwgct the I001iq o f tcrrnr d ~ p i c f c f iln the connt,~:nnnccq
the CliirY~~e
at the moment of thril* t l l r o u i n ~t,hernc~lvr>s
into tlln
L ? I z ~ ~T: h e clotlaec: o
pow me11 t n k r ~of?,
~ vrcrs ncrcsrarilv
left behind, and fcn
tom when ta k c ~ )O I I I,onl-(l h:,~Z more
than a rag on their lo..,-. \Ir.: rn:wlc shift to rovcr thrir n;~li(lilnt.sq
but thc Chinc
I*C ~tnconsolal)Ieaxlil I~rntlntc[l
tlwir conc:ition
in a most unxr
nnnner, hy giving fill1 vent to thcbir incryrnoee


After we wen*?all ~ a f eon board we w e i ~ h e danchor a n d $teamed
for Point,,$her(?$0 lie ~t ~ n c h s s~xntilthe north-cnct wind
should abate. The contractor a ~ h o~ ~ T t ton
I)onrc? 311 this time
1 ~,onsidcredit U ~ ~ C C P P ~ : ~to
I ' Yrlctnin, auil R R tllc gun-hont had 'lost
tier anclior anrl be~idccEprliny IICP f O ~ - c r n n s t ?it. was neccPqaPr she
should return not only to rflect theer: repairs hut also to pr6cul*e
provisions and opi~rrn for the Chinecr. He therefore embarked
on board the gun-boat 2nd vc!tarne(l to Singapore, and the Chinese
and t v o Convicts wllo hail remained on boa~*d
the gun-boat were
brought on hoard the rtcnrncr. Thc contractor seemed heartily
tired of the job and 90 did hi3 men, for they flocked towards tl;e
cutter which waa to carry him to the gun-lmat and several leapcd
into her. All begged to Sc allowed to retarn to Singapore, they
uttered many protestations that tliep would comc hack when we
wanted them, and a clearance v a s orllv efixted b r a ropo's end
heartily applied by the lascars of the ~ t e a m e to
r make <hem fill1 back
For eight dsvs wc, l3y w i n d bor~rlcl~~nrler
tlie shelter ot' Poin
Romania, and the id ineren~edi n fbr,mc daily for five days whelr
an apparent ch~ngebepnn to take phce. T l ~ err7nscs by clwhing 11p
against Peal.: rock and c o v ~ r i n ri l wit11 6 l ) ~ i ar=p m. r , was a ~ i ~ f f i c i c n i
p o o f sf what was goiug on at the mow exl~nscdposition sf F'~tir
B1.ancp. \ I T h i l ~ we 131. 1lel-c it as I I C ? ~ C S * R Pto~ fieep n shnrl
100k out orl 011r C h i n f i y~a~s ~ e n7r r m 2- ~9 t!tev now evi(lcnl;lv w-.o!alt
have eacn;;c~J if o p 1,or:nni ty c ) f f i : ~ ~ d . 1?7!1'ile TTC dni' y 1:ir;dcd th,
convicts to c i ~ firmG.nod
nnil synrs, thc Cliincsn W P I * onl?~
to land and bntl~ei n no~nber?;of:! ant1 4 at i l timc. Thic vi[ilnqco
mas reclu~ri[o, for l l n d thev ai; thic tilnc cscape~lto Pin<al>o~-r
exnggct.ated an account of the ila1*rlships o!' Rnta Pot; h wo,~!rl
hnvc bccn spr*eacl amongst their co~lntryrnen, that \re worllc
on fiu~crr!ocn:lsiotw hnvc l ~ n dgreat c!iWcnltjr in obtaining wol*lrmcn
Tllc slone c n t t r r s and Innsonq cs\!eci:~llp, Iwing fclw in nun~bel*,hnc
it, in t11r:ir power to III:II<C their own terms, ~ i l dit i"as t1i~~cfi~1.e
muck moment tl13t nothing ~~nfitvornblctn thc sc~viccplloalld
rcncll tllc cars of tlln.;r in Sinppot-r. On this nccoutlt I npa
fhrccd to rlctoin one of thc th~*ec
Chines?, wllo llnd beel
attacked nritll dpaentrp \vllilc on thc rocli,-his c ~ s cfor Porcra
days did not apprxr dancc~*ons,bn? o r i n g to his heinc nn opil~n
smoker., he aftawards wnlr 11:tpi(llv v h e n IT^! had no opportunit:

of .encling him svny, nnrl he died jrwt ~ . qthe " HooghIj~"dropped

--&or on her retn1.n to Singapore rofi.~Istc;l"i.
7IThile r~rnn.inir,za.F n?icl~oro f Poixrt. R,ornani~,t.he interm&
ongh clcndetl h v ~?nxictics2.y to the sr1ccc:ss of the nnrlerkink, wr.s not ivithor~t it,$ recreations. The shorn of this
at11 Pnstrm point of the Malayan Peninsula, caller1 by
+lte J I a l a r r U i o n ~Tnnnnh (TAnn(l's End), possesses bcoiltifi~l
n d r hmclrw,' wllicll ~ 1 . eo v e r h a n ~by dcnrc and almost imInitrPble ~ O I * P G ~ , S . TIICPB
for~stacontain. magnificent t r e e o f

.rions kinds of tirnt~er, whicll with their bra.nches shade the

onnd, the ~ioon-davTnTs of tllo rrln seldom penetrating throogh
rir t,hick f n l i ~ ~ r-T!IF
middle of the (lay vTasgene<dly spent
t h e forests in srl0r:ting zpar5 and in overlookinp the convicts,
ho vTere cmploretl in cn:tilig clorrn the proper species of timber
r the vnriolis pltrpoqes of tile L i ~ l ~ t - h o ~ iand
r e , the la,sca,rswere
g n z ~ din watering from the little streams that are occasionally
be found rnnking their \iTa.v to the beach. I n the evening when
he hours of inhonr h ~ dcea~ed,pigeon shooting on the Water
glands afordecl considcl.ahlc sport, until our repeated visits scared
.he birds 3 1 v a ~ . Tllere are various Icinds of pigeons to be found
in the forprta o f the Peninnala, s,nd they seek refuge at night in
great. nltm hrrr on the islands of tho coast. They rea,cla their roosting places nhont 5 in t.ho evening and leave again at 6 in th
morning ; tJili~in the cool of the evening, thc sportsman withou
much fatigue, intlced no fi'atigue at all, may sit and fire as the,,
~ p p ~ v a e hh, u t otilcm fonfl of' exercise may itare e n o of~ hof i t in
~lirnbingnp anrl rlown the stoep rocky sides of t l ~ nlslnnds, in
pnr,sni!~p tllc ?)i rde or1 tlleis c l ~ a n gt~p:
i tlrrir positions. I have folln+
threc species of pizcong on thrse islnn~ls,-the Pcrgnin, a 1a1.g-cblu
on?, not unlikc t,he c ~ ~ s l i 9r7t- wild pigeon of our mother country
t s flesh i s cnnr~c?a n d toucll; the i?.n~vmg,a beautiful whhe
~ i g ~ ov7it.h
! ~ ~ a c tipped
m i n g ~ , and tlle I'oonic, s small green
byeon, wllicll, with tllc Rawan$, I1:ts tenclcr ant1 well t,nsted flesh.
11s drawhack to t ! p~l c n ~ ~ l r on f fi*cqncntinc tl~csejnnglcs is ii
c prrscncc of fi,qcr. and bonrc, snakns and scol*pionn, but th
~ i r n r c rof mct.t,itrg trl~crnic gener:~llyeungqerated and was seldon
of by 1.1..
1 ho l ~ . t ~ d ~ ~ * r vbeing
n o d . clense rmrlcrs the t i ~ e
mark (lan?;cro~lcthan i n tho morc oprn jungles of India, he ncvc
finrinqs h ~ whcn
ilr! is ccrtnin of b i g rnxrk, and is ricver or very
s e l d o ~ nsprn until t1rnt tnfccs plnre. F I l r n t i n ~ him on tlls backs of
clephantc is rcnflcrerl impo~rihlehy tlrc tlliclrly cat:tnglcd and rank
vegdtation;tllc searrlliny fbr him on foot in t hr n{ i~npenctr::b l
m?ze, though attempted hr. 3 few, I 1r:lvc :lever lit101vr.l; to hare cndc!
hp bnnrri??q
,,./ . one.
Lrrnd irrches arc nnmerons ~ n t,ror~l~lecornr!
t ) j c c ~, i i ~ r l c $ r b q , tl~cy cli ilg to the perason ant! inflict smnl! w o t c ~ l u .
whicI? t,l~or~q,.h
witllol~tpain at firqt, l,ccormc irritnhle nnd wmcti~nfie
4Ecult to Ilrtal.
<h t l l p I O f h o f A?IY~?,
t,hp y?L
w:on~p(I t.0 1 1 n . y ~P Q ~ ~ I ( : . P1-IT
T > WI?>


. 3

~ i d r d . X thrreforc j ~ r n c ~ r n ~ t i n t,l~r!ynn-lmqt, which !lad

ret.tlri~cdft.0111 Sill::: I I ) o * ~to~ . cr:.tn1i!2~(111: /:I rrrling i:nd f;,,~nrii.t
i I j i i t , r t - ( : t ~ ir~
~~n zf l! ~ ; ~ v. cof,
* .i n ~
fllc ]ightpy3
I + C I I I ~ ~ H , Y ~

n\ongsitlc: t 1 1 ~ S ~ P : > I Iw-t;

I ( , ~II.T ~ ~ . ! ~ I ; ~1-0
, I *~; V
t i~ ~ rnext,
t n t l l ! a 1.1111 ol';\lr:.i!.
li:llir:l s 2 n d gu~.l-ho:itarrived
off tllr: ~*ocIco:~rIv in tllc niot'nillg; wr: irr! commenced.

lnntlirlg tl~rx m:ttcjri:lis f'or nrtr to1n!)n1.:11.1-tlwollinq~,th!: a-ection of

thc h ~ t il , n i ~ i n~ t 1 . 1 1 .:,n~c
t i l l l o L:il*ri&l on. ~ j a
ihc cveninp ten
days' \~~stc!~*
w i i ~storc~d 011 lllc ~-oclcin harltls and onc month'a
On the morning of t l ~ c12il1, a.ll tile wo~~lrrncn
w r o landed and
3 m:,de p18epnrati.011~
fhr rcrn:~irtit~_rr
w i t h t l l r n ~: ~ s cJrnd i,l*o~p!lta
nn~nl.)crof I;aj:l~lgywit11 I
to a9;)1d ri tcnl po~-n.r\.nhcllnl. fi-om
the ~\.entl~cr
1 0 1 . the f;:nr tlavs t11:lt n - c ~ ~ ~ l t1 l. ~ 2r ~ q ~ i l *in
c drna.liinq
thc ilwr!lling.lp, which were to last ont ti!(> wason. Tllcsc knjnngs
are irrilde of the 1nr1g 1ca.rrs of a slnall i~nlnlite sowed togetlwr 1vit11 ~ l ~ lrat
i t tang, t,llry a1.e in sin? 2bol1t 6 f ~ 1 )t 8
~ fret and 2s
t h e y lo stifrineil wirli nil)ong li1111e.~
(nnotllr~rl>alln),111- bending
t h e m in the mi(ldlo to n right angle, when inid \x7i!htllcir ends on
tlie pl~orlnrl,t,hry nppcar not tullilie the gipav's coscr to Ce seen on
the roild sides of' Engli~nd. S u c h n wig\ruin nf;,rtls insic!e n space
of G fket hy 5 nncl 3 fie! i l l htliylit, nod in such n domicile 3fr
Bennett and I lircd togerhc~f:-)rsome d;~vs,till 11-e got more comfol t ~blt:q~l:~rtcra
cted of plank nlltl. at r:t ~1 (Icaf of a palmite used
in thatching). The cstabliihn~pnt1:rnrlcd on the rocli conqisted of
the fol lowil~a l)csitlei mrsclt' :tnd 311. Bennett,-2 Chineye stnne
breakers, 11 Chincsc st,ollr cnttci.~,5 C l ~ i ~ ~ cca~*p~ntws",
coolie^, 3 hlackqnli~:?~c,
X Cl~inr>secwol;, 11 quarl.rmrn.
(II:lldoo nor! JInssnlmari Collvirts fisorn Inllio), (i lascnr*~,(Lilori
fkom the gun-hon t, Cl~arlottn), 1 Hin:loo (loo'k and 1 AJ. nesr~lman
tahle serv;int, rota1 40 pcraons. Brfcb~*e
pl*oc(lcding I mill pause to
give a descl~iptiono f ' t l ~ er o ~ l :~.ocl
tllc mot.lcv acsr~nhlagc011 it.
The Clli~lescaftel* tllc~r !on$ and tiresornc stav on hoard the
Steamer, rntrny of nrholn vvelle. etthjr\ct drlrir~gthat t h e to cen-sicknesP, on arriving a t thc ~*oclc
scerned not dis;,leased to exchange
it for t,he unsta,l)le tlc~clc; they a t I)e$t, loolied upon theSteamer
as a pison and in exchanging one for the other, tllc rock posscrsed
the advantnze of' being firm, tliel*c was no pitclling or rolling
abollt to prevent tl~ernfrom Ilnving a comfort;il~ledraw a t the
opitlrn pipe.
On1 COIItlW:.ct
01. seen~cdto I I ~ V C pickecl n p the d~.enn
of tile l~opi~latio!l,most of tllc stone cutter3 s(?emcd erp~cially
so rvitll t!leit. e~n:lcint.ednnll (1ebilit;rted looks, wl~iclit.llt!ir 1or.g
stay on 11o:irtl had 11ot~iin~,rnu(~d.T:wy wctBo:rll invctcrnte opiorn
smok!~r,c,nn(l a9 tl:cv liu~dnd froin t l ~ aboats t llev took t,lleii kajancr n l ~ dslicltrrcd rll(~m~clv[:s
from thc ~ v i ~ iin( l tlic val~ionsnooks
and c o l . ~ ~ , ~lit
~ ; ,tlicir li;tle lan~pc, a n d lnr down to smoke.
S i l c ] ~I
:lo([ nl,:~t,liy:rt n t.i~lit?
t l ~ i l t(;tiln p l * ~ i ~
e xt ~~r ~
t i ot n ~
callcci f ~ r ~?: I J ,tc2 sit thc 1c:l~t of i t , mast disgnstiag. hut an


oycrhunl~ning lethargy ~ v h i c lh:iir

~ orercnmc them, owing to the
want of thc mnch :thu5rct ill~.?ulgcncc~,
a n d \\~it.Ilhrlrl:ill
lllpir cne~yies; t h ~ vwore nttrl:ly n?rlile~s
aa to thr:ir c!atien. 1 werlt
as cacli altel*i~ntelvto cnclc~,avo~~r
to ronw tllctn, hut to no purpose;
until tiler 'had obtninerl a. si~fficicntq n a n t i ~ yof' t,ltc escitil~gdnlg,
it was df no avail to meddle v ~ i t lillrrn.
I:Teedless and h n g ~ a r d ,
t l ~ ~now
v nl)pcarccl to be tllr most r111fit and linlilirly people i n the
wn;-ld t,o;e nnd complete tllc worli, f o \~~ h i c ht h ~ yhad
becil enqngetl; ille ntts!mpt to m r r s it oat with sncli a class at
best s c e k r d a drsprrnte one. By {he aft.erlloon their torpor had
left t.11em and t h w comn~cnco(l.e~acctingtheir shed to
corer them at night, but. 50 irca.~*~lless
wcla tbev o t h c r ~ ~ ~ ithat
their rice and provlsio~lswould liave been lpft to*rot in the da,mp,
had I not got the J1:rl:tys to secure it. Onc net they did not
nrglect, in ol-drr. as tllry*mid to propitiate t1.x spirit of the rock ;
this was b ~ v n i n q pieces of gilt p;lpc18 i n vai~ioasparts, and also
~ecoringa portion of tllrm on the liigb~-stpoint of it. They
'PO h1'1r.nt jo.9 sticks a~irlbefore sticking tllrrn into crevices oftho
~ e l howetf
Notrrill~stnnrling tile hard csl.,osrtlVeand many annornnces, I
could not help coi-1tcrn1)lating w i t l l curiosity the,
p(~r.sonalappearance of' tl1o.c who II~CI-e
to he s1.1ch close companions for t w o yc:~~*!:
to conlr, nnri n~hoscbehaviour nrol~ldsa
i n t i m ~ t c l p:~A;!ct fiw I~rttc.11
or ibr 1110 n n ( l c r t a k i l ~to~ ~rEaich
I was bound. TIE fig111.c~of the C l ~ i i ~ e s\vo.n
iulicju~in the
~ x t r e m c , tllcir loo.<(: I ~ : ~ nl-:c
z -i ~.?J'CCIF,tlla t onlv ~i*nclat:dto
the ];nee, ilteir e-ickc~i~rnl)l~ella
!)at4 corrlring thcir'rr!llow tawny
conntcnancc!: nnrl tllcix. ~ h n v c . 1 1hradq, f>om t h ~hacli of which
d e p e ~ ~ d etlieir
l o ~ l spl;ji tr!rl i:~il!:. rl1llc corlvictr, oa tivcs of' 1Iinrloost3 n, p~.e~cntcd
a n eel ~ t n l l ~
ant1 more parti-coloured
pr-oup. rI I I C ~llnd now prit. on t!i(:ir (l~.csil-?s
that hod l)et>r~
lcft in
tbeil cl~c.ts '~r,?rcnt1le.v n.c,r: ~.c.icr~r,l
li.0111 thn roclc, and of \vvl~icIi
thov hat1 nor!- 0 1 j t i ) i ; l ~ l l rcpoisc,:~ion. L:i ygc: red and ivhite
tn!.!.)ans covc~*rbclt11oi I. l~r:ttls,m;tntIcs and n.lSapl,c>rs
of v:r rious gaudy
colo~arscorn l>lcte(l t11ci1.!)oil,v I1 I * O P ~ C S , zinc1 t i k t ~ dn1.k
i ~
I ) ~ * o ~ lcornze
n7itj-I ~ P ~ ? . I J Ir,l'tllc
~ I : s C : l n r * n s i n l ~tci)r!aolll ~.:!itc(lst~*o~:gl?
1.,11~round. f a t .l!orrpoli:~n T ) l ~ ~ ~ i o o - of
n ~ tlre
n i CII~II(:S(:.Th(:se
consicls nTolSt:
mo : t l \ ~ IIi ~t(!ooi,ol IVIIOI;, orlo wnu n 731~;~11ni:i11,
onr or. t n o uerc 31I I . . ; I ~ lntrln. All 1lnl.l i,cf:ll tl*:rr~slrortr~rd
fi*om Iriilia., for I J ~ J ~ Y cl*ir!>c.s
o f v:rl*iolas do~~*ec;s,--!woor 1;111.clc? ~ ; t c ~vord
~ a ~
t' I I
l o . '~'IIO Z I irltloo., :is t.11cir crtstom
i c , cccrnrd m03t ca.1~cfii1
not to I(!?. a l l.y ~,.::l.~on
scbc tllc11.1COO^ or cat,
ztnd o~c11wti1*~(1.
10 1 . 1 1 ~1110st511( It:( I Y ~ ! ! :111(1 ~ ~ r ~ . ~ c s; +; ~
l ttt:l i~; ~\, t110
cot1141 iiri(J, t,o t:t]:e
s o ! i f : ; . v i r T-OI,:IS~,
l ~ : ; i , : ~ ;f l ~ ( !l i i l ~ ~,.pfb) ~1 1~ 1: da,y
~~ ~
.k I I-P mJ d
~ .~ ~ : ~ tt:is
~ I ~F I!I O~, . ~: ~ I ! ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ :, \ *I ) Ct ~j I iI ~?~i,s
~, i { ( i r i t l k i n c n'ntclr, ~ t 1 ( 1 ~ ~ . o l l J c :117o\v
l r o o : I t ! t c P I):rrt:~l;c?r ? l ~ tr ? " f!k,t
c?.;!~2 ~ :hinlrclf. Ort ?c;)Y L ; ~I 3 , . ) ; j l f , ~ ~ , ~ ~ T ~ 6
~ i!:,zd
~ I .~ , JI w~C :~ I ~ C ,


l)imsei<, DII(I










x ~ : : ~ . ~ i,q



if,, as he said hc colild not t:&t.c of i t nftcr~vard.;withalt losin::

enalr:, an. object a3 much ~:rlncdi)y 11im ns life. It. ~ p p e a r e ~ !
that when left on tllc ~ o c I ~3 3, 110 hn,cI fil'cil Ilis casl; for l~irnsclf
alone, ;lnd t1lr.r~ \rcrlc orrlv 2 casks bc!sic!rs for tllc ot.hcr 13 men
wlro had landed rril?~him, his as wall p l c n i ~ h dvllil? theirs mcre
empty, hut as tlcccrsity has no l n r ~ ,i l c \rns forced b r till: wet to
give up thc monol~olv,1lle Clrincsc sh:l~*ing:t,liIio nritl; the o t h c ~ ,
hilt t l ~ cB~*alimnn
(lcaling the mntrv o11t t,o tllnrn vith his orvr. hand?.
Tllr 3Inl;ly lascars,,l~on(~l)
in p l ~ ~ ~ i o y n o m
notv unlike the
Chincsc, :lrc altogrtlier of'a. dlffcrcnt c.h:~r;ictc~*.Thcy arc of more
slender 'nlnlic, tl;cit* wligion i s tllc M:jl~omeclan, hut hirotry or
tllc trnn~lnclsof caste h:tvc no holrl on their minds. V7llile thry
mfr;lin fiaorn intoxic;)ting liqriora a n d tllc flcA of swinc, they make
little dificultv about thcir food in other rcspccts; tllcv t ~ k vell
Europeans, to whom i)y th(:ir honcgty and pluck when occasion requires it, tllejr :Ire most uscfill tho:iph ilnn~l,lonllics. Wl~iIe
they ablror a11 lnrcllanicol or confitrcd l;~t)on~-,
tlrcs nre w e h l and
actire assistante in desrrltol-y cmployn~cnt*and rrill'work liar(! and
spiritedly, if not continned too lnng. TTl lchli;~phas a copper
coloured colnplcxion, Ilc is quiet
in h i s mannew, of 9cnr;itivc tcinp!riment, ligl;ts hearted, cai-eless of moncy, rcspectfill to ,superiors
nlthout an: cringing ;tlle kria, gllhich is always woi*n otlt of' Brifish
pcttlements, esta!:)liehca a politeness of clemcanot~r, which being
dcr~nrted fi*orn is t(3o apt to occasion its readv use: his most p ~ o m h n t vice is tlic little value or rcg:irc' which he Eets on life, - e t
he is trusty when well and temperately used, and to onr JIa!ays
therefore we lookecl as thc snp1)ol.t of' our authorits in the little
scttlc?rncnt, to them was e n t l ~ ~ ~the
s t ~care
d of the water, the most
imjmrtant article, and alsmY, and they slept next to us on the rock
until onr house was hnilt, after which a room was prepared for
tl~crriin it.
We crcctcd 011s temporary wigwam on a small ledge to the
east of ?he main rock. This ledge is 2.5 feet long and 15 feet broad
and is about 7 feet above the level of the sea at high tmtcr. Upon
the same ledge s placr was prej)arcd next us for the 3laIars, and
beyond them for the Convicts. The C h i o c x J set apart horn us
on the western sidc of the rock. l'hc filthinegs of this clrzqs wag disagreroble and the fumes of opium created an unpleasant r r n ~ l lin
their vicinity; tllcir co~latnt~t
qnar~.sls a~ltlrmle g e s t w e s often
callcd for irlterfbrcnce. Olr our landing on the rocli w e found
that the spa had W ~ ~ P
I I Cthe
ts that we now t ~ m l ~ ~ r a r i l y
occripied, R S 'IYRS I ) I . O V ~ ~ t l l ~state i l l ~11ic:lthe efftsctq of t h Clli~
nesc arid Convicts 1:nd lwcn founcl. I tl~c.rcfc,remade the Chinese
bliilcl thcir howe for the sc:~uon bct\.r.cen tlir n~irlclleallcZ \v;.cstern
high rock^, nrl~ile w e commcnccd to build our hoare b c t ~ t t~l ~c e~ ~
rnidtllo a ~ d castcrn
; this was fittcnc\cd \\?it11 the inconvenicnco oc
hzving the I hinew close to us, our l t o ~ l s ~bring
th11s ~iotmore
~!i~it,!xvtt b r l 10 51~1. ;'cl. 11!lki! 1~'ek ~ l c flow
l ~ : 1 1 ~s ~ : 1l ~ r g ' <011
~ tile


F consitlered it unaafc to
rocl;~, c-llel.e w e ~ ~ r o uhave
! ~ ~ . ilnd more
Tlrc exp-rirince o f tha gemon slxolred
P molqr
~ n f e l rIP.TID I ; I C C ~ olxr IIOIISCS h~lo1vuntil the coming

:hc =n~~t!~-n;n.t .

crcllpr tlJc inwrr ledqc?

room -;llll:

tllnt w p rolllc!

T rifirl.wn1d q c'id lodge many of the

(:l,il?ye on the cactr:,v r*ock, :kg w e found t!~cir upper house too
rro\rdcrl; in this hot climnrc people callnot bc i)nckcd in the
marplrr t l ~ : ~its dnnr in cc,ldor intitu,lcc, A l f . plrird~rnn~f thf: f i r s t
d 3 r o f otlr Fanding ws had nlnttc ourselvcs ~ r snng
our sc:inty
rn&as wnn!ll nt!rni: of.
~ftcir x busy day I went to tbc Lop
~f t ! ~ cyovl; to look 31*~:1n(d
m c Il)~f'oreda~*lcncss
came on.
all^ c o n ~ tnf rJlc ?I;L~;,v
Pcnirls~xlaInv i l a n westerly direction, 9
(?ictnllr RIit' 11cal'~stpoint, nn(f "*mlk i t 4 o u t l i n ~P 0 V t!'?
G I ~ A ~j~ojntef!
~ J
lii1IL,-more di<t~rbt~ J ~ P Y,TO!IOR?
P21c,1 Blr!rr~!:it: to the coltth
thc Ijiritnng slloi*c, a lit,tle
c?j;rnn$ tllnl, t l l - i t of t , ~ ~
betlirrst11:t and out of r~11osc
ton:str!:?,",.zaro;,. t h e (lolible 'pc;rlc~~~l
Bint;\ng hill, \ ~ l known
l r on c~itllol*coast co~tldjast hc seen. A s
mn~.ini.ri.. T4c s ~ n ~!)each
f~xvlincjwm r n r on Irb ~ r ~ int.0
p t on- miqr~am.TIIE position scerned
ctr:ancp :ln(l r , t i r ~ ~ s t ~to
' j l all of tls, :?TI(\ ~ ~ r ) t ~ l ~
~ ~r f: l~ercdt i ocoldd
t ~ s not
be .pqven!ct! finm i : ~ t r i t ~ ! i ~ l q .Ollr llIiilay 1as~a1.s
s1111g in r a t l ? ~
nolr.: colr -impln pn.ntnns n ! ~ o 'L~ Batn
Purib (le t i n ~ z h
y t
n t t l t i t l l ( , r l ~ i s ?of t!li? ytrnvr.r nr:lsl~ingu p
tr? our* I,rl?c?~,ns VC jay r1o~r.not.crcorne bv tlae fi>tigncsand t~
w r -r a t
'lent of tlis 1 ,
soon fkll i n l o r. s o u n d sleep w11ich ilrelxlred
rrs f;)r c I I R ~ ~ ~ ~ I . z of'
~ - ' L ~ I Conqiljnc_l.orrp,
1 2
1311 \re wore e n ~ n g ~ rin! innding tile rnateri:i?s
CQJ* oltr ~'rt~lli11;
i r o ~ ar r ~ i in
l~ ~
er*cc!ltrg tllc ilo~rsr: fir^ tllc Chinenc.
/ I t ; . W;I.
t ? n ~ ~icl lt ;I.w i t : < l ! In:j.rlnolqI I V i:~scr.lirig:,osts into the f r s ~ ~ i . e ~
nf $ 1 2 ~ rnclrc arlrl 1!11iili!rg
d~c)cross : ) i ~ ( ; i ! q; > I I ~rn!f,cr*~
to tlrcrn. 1
~ ~ I ) ~ I ~ : ; ~ i~t P:ln
I * ohjecf.
to x c t tlbcrn ~ ~ r n r l op140]rcr
covcr, $0 tll:r\ n o
r l n c T'I"''~C:lk~ ~ j i a c ci n tlrcfr c n ~ n r n e n c i n yt!lc
~ cattin% : I ? I ~stepi n0 , I
Por t'~i-. In tt cl* pti~~posc
I again tIlorollgllly
c u : ~ r n i ~ l ~t hr yl rock nnll litl-bllv s~:ttl(~I
ilr:rt till: L i ~ l l i . - h o t ~ sllouhl
.+zl,d rrpo? the one on n-llich 1 11;itI fiscll a t my former visit.;.
J 3 1 u . j t~J ~l c 3 ~+ W O ( 1 0 ~ 4f?lc:1.~fbl*r),
T c:~~*rfirlly
t l r w level contours : ~ t
lne Eirot, ~ ~ ~ - l j r ~ t ~ rl(:v;,tiorra,
? i c ~ l l z ~one above 'Ilr? O~IICP, all rot~~lct
r .
roc!\'. J hi0 w:rr rluickly qfj;?r:t~~I. 1 1 f~l l o 't'heotlolitc 2 n d St,:lfT,
r 1
.,nc?. f11c cnrlto111*?~7:~rl;l~rl
wit!) co;il t:~!*. I IIC I ~ O obje(:t
X ~
was ic4
find nrIrrsr f . 1 1 ~c r n i ~ ~ofa r IIO b t ~ i l t l i r gr rt-ottld comn ; tlli; was :luct!r# l i n e d k J r p l ~ ~ r~i nic ~
i l ~~
n Ig
~ I : rwl i~ivrl.nsl-o<s !he nnn.,?rwt
l'OCk* : l ? l l ! ~ ~ ! ' O ] ) ~ ~ !l Ib[ l; ~ ~ ~ ] ~ t ' l o:if'f ~ Oif.!)py
Q [ I , ) + w b ;,L- t~ (iilc[
tllr ytVrnt ~ c f ,i~t.;ii?;l:'!E,: E);)rlf 11 f r i t i . 7111~

ir of the







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of n.hicii Tyrr yrna*fcrt l ~ a nthe iligl~cstp : ~ ro f tlla rocli, and which

eg %(>rvedtv ~t11)1)01-t a large nl;lcorl'.; lcvcl ~ ~ ~ lBeam
i ~ s tras
fonger t l ~ i ~t l l ~lillbg~~t
i . i l d i t ( ~ of' t l t ~
httildinq tlrat we rcqaired to
mark off. T11e r;lclii o f ' t l ~ esevcr:ll conrsc.; were now ina~*kcclon
the rock fiwm t h i s C P I I ~ I Y : by means oi'a tape line and plummet,
nnd thc hvight of their beds n~~curntcly
ohtnitlecl by the lal-ge level
and pmdanrcd staff. The places wllci-c the incomplete courses
would e i d bv being joilled to s t e p cut into the rock, were
markrd, and 'the rock W:IS now ready to he cornmcnced upor1 by
the ~ o s k m m . Bcfol-c t11e stoiltr c ~ ~ t t owere
i . ~ employed, thc cnnvicts wclScfir-t set to morlc to bore holos of ;In inch diiltncter along
the v ~ r i o ~ ipsi l r t ~ 111:~rk~d
otit fbr oui ting ; tlioso llolcs ~vcrcbored
to the (Iepth of the bells of the c o u ~ ~ ~att 9
s ,inchos apart, in order to
assist n11d l~:istc~l
the oocration of c ~ t t l i ~ out
t g f l i p rock, J)ut I f o w ~ d
that thry itfio~~dod
litrlo n.sistnrlce aod miqht have been diapetised
wilh, as tlic stolie clitter4 v-oold hare got on as fist without thig
oyerntion. A11 marks mere rn;tdc on the rock fiwt with coal tar and
then by a. qliqhtSZroove cut wit11 a cl~isselalong tllrf~n; in laying
off the marks fbr the founclatioii great care v n s required to be
exercised, as tllrrc wss not aborc 2 iriches to s;)are between the
breadth of tlie rocli: ancl the diameter of tlie tower.
On the 111it.dday afirr landing, tlle "Hoogl~ly" left for Singapore,
at 211. 30m. P.x.' We WCIT thus for the first time left to oorselv~a;
and as t l ~ e twro days experience of tllc inconveniences of the rock
had not reconciled the Chinese to its n;lrllow prccinct~?on the lost
boat ploceedi~lg to the Ste;!mer many of them carried down their
boxes and l i t ~ l eprope~btie::to pliice thkm in is, and hcggcd hard to
be allovcd to rc2turn. llre fotancl t l ~ a t none of the stone cutters
col~ldtalk a. sii;gle rvorrl of XIalar, and the coi~tvactoi~,
regardless of
my dil~cctiona and of his own irittn:sts, llnd s a l t tlicm \;-ithout an
i~~terpreterto ma!x knonn their \r:ll~ts; it is ti9ueillat th11ce of the
Chillrsc carpenters could 91:enk the l;~ngnnge,hut they were of a
different tsibe and thouqlr communication conlrl be llad through
them wit11 some difficulty, still there being l i ~ t l ei~ltercousseor
rympatlry between tl~csetwo parties, the stone cutters set)med little
to trust ~ v l ~ awas
t said to them tlii*ougl)this channel. They now
looked upon t l ~ erock a s n prison and from what was gathered
the contractor obtail~eduo hlessixags from t llcrn for h : ~ v i n gentrapped
them iuto sucli a placa. 1 1 1 jiath e to these Clrineee :lnd hv w a r of
apology for tlleir past ;111(1f'otol.r ill col~dnct,I moqt
had one of t11cir nl~rnbci*
bccn able to spe:tli the
tlrrougl~wllicll l ~ ccould lliive frcclv n,:~deknown hk wonts and I
could as clcni-ly 11:ive stated to lrilnnot only lily orders and directions, but poilltccl out the \~ot.litlint \\.:I4 required to be fillirlicd, the
m c n s u r c s intclltlcd fir). thcir co~nfbrt:~ndtho ljcriod tl~cvwould reql~ircto renloili, I onr c c ~ t a i nI aoold llnrc ilnd i l ~ u c l lI(;SS ditfic~tlty
wit11 illcnl : but in i$nor;tnce of all, thvv ililtarallp looke~lupon the
Il:~rdsllip*. not t110 icasl. ol' which nnq illc want o f sl~llicirntwater,

na likcls to be continitons nnd not mrwlp temporary-to he rrmcdied when wc ha11 go! fi1ir17 e s t ; ~ ~ ~ ? i s hicn( ~011
! I* qu;trfc:fl and ?1:1(1
ercl*r tiling pat, into illre roiltine. B e ~ i d c q:ill this, t:lcsc. Clli~lrse
were the wo~*st
of i:,hei?+c1:r.w mllom tllc contr;ictor had piclted out
1 tlw junks at tho 101vcst i . n t r ~ . 111 clcs(:i*il~inc
tllern hlcr rnwt
eqllc6tlrr be llcld ;is a n cxccl)tion. fbr ,,rior and ~ a b & ~ o e n t

expr~.icncebit11 C1linc.c labourers has tallght me to app~scciatc

their grcat ralnc. T h c r arc iianl x ~ t rvilli~lg
wo~-kers,and might be
made capable of executing t l ~ emost dificult : ~ n darduous undertakings in t l ~ eJlott~stclimilteq. In the present case the evident
a p a t l ~of
r the con tractor ant1 his p~*cmellitatcd
disn pp~arancc,cor~l~lcd
nrith >bc fact o f t11eis wages from II~ITI, ~vithl~eld
shonld always be
the due infltiencr: over the ~ ~ o r k r n e that
posc:psqpd hv tile sape~-intendent,it in tl~erefblar?not to be wondered
i t tl ,at ipn6rant men o t' ~vllntevercllaracter would prove dissatisfied
in tl~ispositiioi. As the steamer weighed
and ~ ~ n r i i l yplaced
+'lre~vdown their tools and sat
hor and dep:lrted, tlley
vt for the work, nor for want of
ing ~t 11~r-tl1e.v 11nd n
1 inspire them with a will to do
ct o~-alcomm~zr~icntion
their datv.* The a tiai~noon of the thin1 day was thus s p m t in
idleness 6x7 the Chinese, \!rho l l s v i n p abnndoncd their*tools, crept
the$ b d s , closed the clwi;uos and lay down to smoke
l a r LL
opilLtm. It i~ trlle t h o t this 1 ~ : ~ snominillly at the lops of the
con actor, occ;isioned b ~ rme11 paid by him, hut it was highly
ntio,ls to t lrc palmt rey~onsibleto Government for tlln completion
tile works. TI~P cc)ilvicts were srnplnped in boring holes and
7nn ,l.l;ilavs in crecting 0or ~ O I I S P .
-1owe;er o n ~ i n o ~ laErirs
nl~i)enred, when the quiet of the
ninp had given us lime for rcflcction on cseel~inginto our
little wigwam ; next morning when 1 anrolte I had a proof that
v o r k mas nrort'f~vof our most earncst exertions. At: three
in tho morning a ' heavy Sumatra ~ q ~ ~ carne
a l l on, and at
five i t nras$!ill blowing hard, when o n creeping out
1 couid jtat dcscry tllrougli the haze a li\rge ship c~ndertrysail
* After having done all that it mas po,csihl~for me t o do, ~ h o r of
t t,aking coercive
v .



?Rsures, I rclict~ntly~ l l o m e dthem to 1)scs the af'terl-roon in itllertess; being peraded tliat: 11lt.imately it \ ~ ~ o u !be
t best for the interests of t.lw 11ildel.taking that
the?:.e FIZOIIICI he in the ~rieanrime avoitled. I'unislling the Illen, by striking or
necessary in certain services, where long eng~.qemcnta
flo:.gin:, however u ~ e f u ailti
art: entered into, n~ould~ i o tw i t Itcre, where: f'rel!llieli were e11~;tgedfbr terms not
----. ferling one or t~;lT, ~nnnrhs. I 11ad reso1vc.d to t d ! l e ~ -teh r o ~ ~ ~ lto
~ othis
u t line of
flncttovarils the workn1e11,dep;trt~lr(:Ii'0111 n'lricl~would 0111$ he made on arairs
)in: ,+to estremitie3 ; fi~rlunntely this nc3vt!r h?l),~~tnetl,
o t h v r t ~ r i ~the
~ e operatiljne
~ l r l ]lave earned an cril i*el)rttcrn r n o n p t , the (;I~inew,,on ~ v h o l nnlone, 11sstated
brti>re, we Ilnd to d t b ~ ) f ! i ~ dfol* t,l~esu!.crs.-f~~l
rn(>rnplct ion of O I I ~l. ; ~ h o ~;~ aiit1
r s tI1e
practical effPrts mould 11ave b~tr?n,that, instrtnd ot' l)c?in;y :~.bletr.) p~.oc.n~.c
!:onrl nlcn
nm~nahlet o re%-on on inod~r;~tc?
wnger, 1t~hic.11we we1.c: t~,St.e~.n~:u.tls
n l ~ ~ al,le
a y to
procure, nre wn~lldIlarc llacl to pny 11i:'Il \vlireg to such I)n4 clla~.:~ctc~ra
nq could
get no other einl~loymcrlf. 3liieli e s t r r ~duty nrorlldalso haw: been thrunn on our
~ n l n l lparty of JInlnys t,o \vlioln nlour! mrt! could ti.ust, nndn.hc/ in cnw of an open
rupture wit11 the CIIE~PQC
\voulrl h9.w t)er-.n fi)rct?cl to keep wiiteh st night, beeider
om ,
g rnilc*l~
h:lr.~rr*sin:.!lu!wln.r I:tal*ir)tj ~ I I P1.1.

,o j !a





'I-.y.2 ? . > ? ~



!Ir*??:'i\T:jl( 1:;


and forcsta,y-snil on r : h ~~ l o r t hside of tl:c rock, riot n-iorc dict;r,nt

than a. o f 3 milt S l ~ rn.:).; t ! ~ o nhc;~.ting;clnn,t~rlircct ~ o \ v a r ~ I ~
hnt thc tln.mnin= Iigiit. 1-i:~(!a i r i vnrl i : l films to m:ilcr 11rran-31-r: o f hcr
danger when she i11st:l11l.1~i)Of.C 1 1 1 ) : I ~ J(:~aj-)cfi.
o n ~ o i r l gu p tn thc
Chinese, 1 h u n t 1 tl-ic storirn h : 3 d cn~crcrlt i t c i r IIOIIY.~?: t ~ i ! l d~*r'nclrcrl
thnm tllt*o11gl1: t h i s ~r.:~,snminp 1.0 tl~eirnot h : r~r i r l?~ .11;l
if! srn:i,l l 5par9
over their ~*oot;
SO a4 to k ~ tl~c:#l,tn.l)~
~ p
or tl~:~.t(.:h
from hoing h l n w ~
tlp\~a,rds.thur allomi~lf tllc i * : r i ~ l 1)olcr in. Ibis mol.nir~q,thr.
14th o f . the Cliincsr l1a.l-ing oovnrcorne tlloil- Ir:!ll;i~yy, no t v
s c ~ n t e dto pllt tnolo ilcnrt in tho affair n,n(l taltc hcft(3r tltoughts
of it, for after brcakfi~st tl~cy collilnenm d to. ~ p l i t the stoncs
that requil-cd to be re~novcdand i,o step tIrc: roclc Cr,r tlrc fonl:d:tions. Our h o ~ u sof ~.rorlcwere from ! past 6 to 11, and from
1 to 4 past 5. By thc 1'7th oar house l l T i , scosercrl in a n d p ~ r r l v
planked round, so that n c left o a r k:~jnngm-igmnm arid too$ o i j
onr quarters in it. It was 1.9 fi:ct ldng anrl 11 f'cet hroad, anti
eontaiiled two slceping rooms, each 8 by 4:\, and one tli!ring-room.
12 by 9, 1 closet 4 by 3 and a passage, also 4 51.3; Selony, a small
apartment was made for the PiI;~l;i,y lascars, close to the ;fresh
Gatcr, which nras their principal cha.rge. This was eto~vedin
barrels placed on racks. Thc hoow suppol*tedon 19 posts
fixed to wrought iron bats driven into holes in tbr rock.
On the 17th of April tho atcanlo. arrived off the roct at 711.
30m. A . with two tongkangs in tom, i)nt ofier iving too for a
short time, she mas f o ~ o e d to pv.t back for shc'lter to Point
Romania, s heavy sq:~allhaving c o n ~ eon i n the rnol~ninyan2 continuing to blow fresh all day. Now that tlie stone crlttms had wet
set to work, mo h a n d it necessaq to p~*otcct
thcm from tllc w n d
on so exposed a place as the Light-lic:lse rock, ~s!lere they were so
closely packctl together :v!lile worlriug. 'rile men cxierienced
much inconvenience finom the d u s t nnc! smell pieces of granite
blown into their eyes, nncl \re therefore cornrnencctl sunounrling the
foundations by a temporary screen made of at.tnpc, al)out 5 ftwt
high. This efi'cctuallp rcrnediecl the evil and imrnetli:ltely ~ f t ctlre
steamer arrived next day with lier carpo-hoat~.containinr more
building materials, and t b ( y had been landed, v e comrnmccrftn roof
over the place to shnclc the wwlimen fi-o~nrile snn. Thin covcring
over the ~vor1;rncn llad lwcn C D I ~ Ircqnire{l,
for (Ilil*inqthe cill!!~
that nolr p~evnilcd, esccpting the prr*iods o f bccncional
squalls, the heat was intcnsc ; illdeed du15i11gt!ltl first 6 01. 5 davs
hen cverv pcrson was nrrc.s$n?ilp cxposrd to the till[ infllqmsc
the sun's ilnys from nl)ovc, and t!lr almost c.qo:lliy intcnsc rcflcction
of then1 from tlic nrliitc surlftce of'the rock, which had a cll;tik.y.
nppe;ir:mce, owing to its covering of dnng of sm fo~vls.tllc hr:k
-=--q ~1n10stI J C ~ O I I C ~cndtl~*:lrlce,t h e ski11 pccled nfF tinom the face
other cxposetl parts of' tllc hodp, t,hc lips cracketl, and r 119 ilc:,t
nccd a cot~stantflow of prwpil*ation,crcnting n t l l i ~ r tthar l~,rge
draugh~q o f water - could ordy ; ~ l l : t r r . IBl: cnlil{l nor offird :-!v?


r 7


lil,i.r.;il ill, this cillt.rn~r~t:IS we 11;lrl O I I a~ p~*r)cal*io~ls

tile p n - 0 0 " ' r
w*llosc CIIJt?- i t was t.o f'urnisll us, nnrl
F ? I ~ne:ip :rl,~enttbr ~-cl~:tir.s
in Sinqn.1)ol.r: ;mtl t . 1 other
one that
I 11;lcI ;tl)plit!d f i l l * to Gorcrntncnt 1lntL not yet n~*rived. The
i l l of !11e n.ol.kmen nff'o~.rlcdgreat rclicffiom this Ilardship,
:tnr! on ils accompli;llniur~t wc procccldcxl to erect a n-o~*kshop
smi tliv.
;\. ;ier~v;is the next. ol?jcct t,l~ntdernaridc(1 nttcntion and me now
+ct to \ ~ n r I iupon one to be coristt.uctcc1 of i ~ ~ ~ oint l ,the srnall
big11t on tllc nortli exl,oslll*r: of t h e roi:li. This bight urns encambered with rocks a11d was litt,Ie morc: tllati 3 feet deep at low
water, h u t I nnticipatecl that there would bc more shelter 11e1-e
illan :lt anv other part of' the rock. rI 1l i e pier was ~ n a d cof strong
pilca bl-acid towtirer
and fnsterleil to the rock by wrought iron
bnts: on the p e r v e fised a rnn~t,turning on a pivot, lit into a
socket, cut in the ~.ock. The mast was furtlier held bv a collar in
tile floorinr of the piel* at half its height ; fiaarn the to; of this mast
extc-ndccl ,c horizontal hoom. upheld by struts f l - o x n which depe~lcled

tackle a t i t s extretr
T l ~ e boom was sw
over the ligllter, when
the materials were to be
raised, and when hoisted
the mast tl.aversed on its
pivot and 111toaght them
over tllc platlbrrn of the
p i ~ r , whc~.r: they were
tleposiiled. I n front of the
pier t1lel.i. was rufficier~t
space tr?allow s Iiglltrs
of 2.5 tons burden to lie
between it arlrt two o t ~ t i
n rocks. The pier erected did not answer our expectation, for
<?;.hen the sea was at 811 heavy the great influx and reflux ot'the
wnves drove : I ~ J O U ~the liyllielb SO rnucll, th:lt none of our
\ could hold hcl; tlley almngs s~lnppecl and left 1-lcr to
c!rir{: against tllc jicr a n d rock^, ul~tilwc coul(1 haul hci- out.The
pier was OIIIJT il;tc!nded to Iart throu.nlr tlla Rir monsoon, ctuling
tile 111o11tl1st.l~;itol~elxtionswcrc I.)cing c:ir~.ictlon.
On thc 1'3111 of'April the " I ~ o o g l ~ l yret.ul.npr1
to Singapore,
and a ~cquisit~ion
was s( 1 1 ~tor tiit? E01lt1~ac1,or
for MOI'C stonec u t t ~ l *i~i S, ve. \vere not ~rogrcs.cingsafficicntiy I-opidly. It was
at t,lre sarne time rcq~iesttrd,tllat 11e ivo111rlsend ,z Cl~incseforernn~l
convers:lnt with the Malayan Iangllage for t l l ~~ U I ' ~ ) O C ' Cof, intcr~ w ~ t i ~onlc!*.s
i g to thc mrrl. We were forcetl 11itIlcrt.o to have
rccuu~.scto sigrls in ol*dcl8to direct hie men, SO 111
~ndcrstandin29 WOI'C C O ~ I S ~ : I ~ Itnkinx
g?v t j t c c;tn\r, ~>pl,nl.ttirait.v
. v . t t c ~ ~ ihack
nnr? I r r i . r r t l ojilck~rnitlrs

% ,

sharpen the convicts horiny too!s, as 11,

who had hcrn cnc[ngcd
h i s ffi-i:llt wllrcn left on tllr rock st th
had. ncvcs* sccovcrctl
cornrnencrtrt~nt of oprrs~ionq. Dul-inq tlic wliole time of th
*' Hooglll \+'q" lvinc off Poitit Rom;~nia,rvir~ll-hoenfl,notwit l~qtand
itlp I I I S ; . ~ cvcrv mo(ln to c11rar.r liinl, fo!* I collI(l commonicate
with him as he' spokn the A l a l : ~ y i lanqnagr,
1)s sat pullen
and quict, cclclo~n speiihir~gto any om, htlt moping over hi
distl-OS~PSOn litndil~g wit11 11s a g ~ i non ibc rock no nnil-~ntie
would stimul:itc l~irnto r:xcrtion, he ci!her s a t a.11 day lool~ingo;
vacnnc.rr or he lay strctnl~cd i n Ilia bed smokinq opium. IIe a
last b&nmo really un\vell and could t a c t r no fnorl for several dnyr
60 I w;iq cor~stt*ait~e~l
to scnd him l);~cl<,
I fearer1 tllc liar111
he might do to our oprrntions, lrv (lc~tailin: in n much exnzgcrated
form tho 11:1:-dships thnt llc a n d hi.1colupnnionq had al~ffelerl. I
c o n ~ e q t ~ c n t lsent.
r him on hoard, a n d a s usual rnanv othcl*sruqhed

to the hoak to accompany him, till driven b:rcli by our ;\Inl;tyg,

and little work was clone ~intilthe Stcan-na* \ > < I .s out. of richt agnir
The Ste:lmor ~*etllrnrltlon the evening o f the 28i t 11, bringing.- instea
of 10 stom clitt(lrs t h i ~ tnurnbcr o f iguora nt: coolic~. It no1
became evident tl~attlic contraclor was rnel.c?y puttin: off time;
1 the~*efore(leterminerl, now that things bad been 1)at i n coowe,
to retarn by the ~ t ~ a m ctor ~ i n ~ a p o to
~ ~ encage
men myse!t
ehould the conttBactor fizil again in psocnri~~g
them. rPY
i o tect on
of the men that 11e had s e ~ ~ It *put
, a chissol ant1 hnmmer into 11:
h a ~ ~ dbat
s , he fell a-crying, telling rnc tll~.on:h the inferpmter, th:
he s a s only a cooly. IIe and his'companionq n7rrethen fore rcshil
ped on board the steamer. The convicts h a v i n g finished bot in
the gai(1e holes for the stepping of the rock, were employed i
blasting awTay the rocks on :IIQ soutll aspect of Pedm Branc
to low water mark, so as to form a landing place st high matt
dm~inpthc calmer pel-iods of the N. E. monsoon.
I embarked on board the stcarn~rat 11 A. nr. of the 2'3st 'reavin
r Bcnr
charge of the work during my absent:e, and r e t u ~ r
P. nx. on the 24th on board tl& s:lme vessel, havin
procured w r u 1 groat difficulty 10 stone cutters through the modiu~
of the contractor. As his men at tile rock Iliid hitherto workc
so lazily, I ilionght it an object that he should llimielf come t
the rock and urge them to .renter persere, snce and if possibl
engage them to contltact fur ilie finidling of' the 5tcpping of t h
folindations ; he conscqoentlv accornpa~tie(lme atid slel~tfor onu
night in my houw on tlte r i c k ~vliicli as now nearly comp:ctcd.
The next rnorllill~ it :~ppcared that tllc contractor could
effect no enpsgemor~twith his men, blrr his prescocc iwtpad c
cloing goor1 llad c r c a t ~ ~grcnt
among them. T11
conricts being nmrly finished wit11 their \vot-k, I .hil,pcil 7 of tllc~Y.
on board t l ~ cstcn~ncrc:wly in thc rnor~~irlg.There now rcrunined
on t l ~ cror!c 3 stoue
I 4toiie cntter~.,m4 c a r ~ ~ ~ n Qt ~ m ,
,lies. 1 ' - I - " - P I u ~ ~:~rit;I
~ I 1 cook, tntnl Cllincsn?3.4, 4 P



JIalar~,1 cook nnd 1 servant, mvself and J I r Bennett,-altogether

48 pe'rsons. Before t l ~ ccontr:<ctor departed 11o came wit11 ilia
men in a body, with a, long list of g~aieoancesin rr~hichhe seemed

to side with them, n~hetllerco~lstrninedto clo so from fear of then1

or not I do not ~ I I O I V; the principal tllirrg thc?~?
complained of
was the snlnll supplr of \~.ater. I had zllo~ved2' gallons to each
man, wllich is clo~bieof a ship's allo~vancc,but they demanded 4
gallon., besides water to bathe in daily, wl~ichwould'havn required
8 gallons far each nian a day. ?his demand being prepo~terin our position, I of coltrse decidedly r ~ j e c t r d; L was willing
ndulge thcm as much as our circumstances \roulrl admit of, as
A \van well aware that the natives of these parts are accustomed to
copioas ablulions in fresh watermdaily, and that they avoid salt
water as too hcating and iwet'reehing. Seeing I r\-oald not c o ~ n p l g
with their clemautls they retired in a verv bad humour. I may
mention hcrc that on furtlier experience I i a w a greater allowance
v:ts nbeolntely necessn~i and increased it to 3 gallons, and dnrinq
the progress of the building tl1e-y 1l;ld baths pretty reglllarly with
the water that was to be mised nit11 the mo,ntarnnh ccmcnt.
The contractor now preparcd to enlbark ancl I went up
to the house to write mv letters to .qo by the Steamer; it appeal3
that as he got into th; boat the ehinese as tlstlal rushed to it,
and two leapcd into it wit11 so great a determination to get
away tliat blows would not drive tlletn off, bat tlicy crept under
the seats and held fast to them ; a strnqgle now commenced with
the boats clmenr,cornposed of 5 Bfal:r):s, In orrler to dislodge them.
The boat was lvinrr close utider the iock at a place where a ledqe
hangs at a hcigl;t o?'i feet perpendiculsr!y over the sea ; uljon t h ~ s
rock the C h i ~ ~ e hail
s e asscmhlc(1, standing upon a heap of hricks with
which tllev liad armed tliemsclve~,and welee about to fling at the
boat's cre& below. Tllcse beingirritatrd at the two cont~~rnsceous
fcllorva ill the boat, who struck at thcm several times with their
feet, pl-epwee'l to take harsher measures t l ~ a nmerely pitching
tllem orel.-board. Tile r~oisc now attracted tny attention and on
seeing the disturbsrlce I ran to the spot and mnnaqed to get
between the Chinest! and the boat, and arl~estc~d
several hancla that
were just ~ o i ~ to
r g throw the hricks at the heads of the Malays,
n-110 would in their position have been easily mastercd ifnot mordcrecl. The Ibonts crew were still enga~eclit;! ineffectual en(lcavo~\r.~~
to gct tlle fellows out, and this they would not hi~v(?succccdell in
without s t u n ~ ~ i ntllern
g by blows. 1I;tving srl*estcd the Chinese for
a moment, I at the sitme time with gw:lt diffic11lt.y ciilled OR the
hIalajs, W ~ O Wblood was np anlt w l ~ on.el.c t~c:t~-ly
r 7
ancl or*tlcrecltlwm to p l ~ loutside.
l l r c t contractor all this tirnc uTas
scatcd in tlie boat b111 rlicl rlot vcliture to ir~terfitrc,\vhctl)cl*from fear
of' or conclirrence wit11 his rnell, I callnot jitdgy, but I IIBVC 110 doubt
that the c!iater.hancc ~ ~ ; . : b~*ouglrt
on by 111s ~vmp:~tbixing
them. The fkllows might llave been fihced obt of the boat by

in ihr aid ofour six arnwl Malays, who were too ready


he at t h ~ m ,and disappointr(1 in not. being allo~ved,h u t thi; mould.

the cutiing down or ~lioot~ing
of orlc or t ~ ofothe Chinese7
no doubt \r.ool(l 11nve qtlrlle(1 the disturbance ar~dprevented
fi1rther rcsistnnca, yct would this hnvc heen a proper course towny& nn ignorant and helpless crowd complef(?l~rin olir power,
whom we corlld not orally communicate ? * ~ h par:irnoant
object was to prevent accident 01- f,ttnl injnry to any of the mrn,
for if such had occrwrt,tl it wor~ldhave detorrerl Chinme wnrkrnen
in $i~lcrapo~*e
fiom eny:jqing thcmsclvcs for t.hc qervicc, and cnuqed
a total ~ ~ ~ p n r i s iof
o nhpmitions for a tinie, if not altoyether. I
prrferlacd u n d e r tho cit~c~imstances
to take t11n temperate collrVsr,so
I sent the boat t.o the Stc:lnler nr1lel.e tlicre was a, trusttvorthv interpreter who cotilrl communicate without l~rrv:~rication
n-!lat I had
to say and I f o l l o ~ ~ ~i t c, danother boat. When I arrived otl hoard
tile two riotols \rere called aft nnd it was expl;iincd to them,
:hrough the C h i n e ~ eengine-drivrr, that ac they ha(l engaged
,hemselves to rcrnain n t PetIra Rrnncn until the 'fo~~ndntion
rere finished they c ~ ~ non
l d no account bc a!lo~r?cdto leave, and tl~st
if they dirl not nowf readily retnrn t,o the rock it ~voaldbe necessary
an exao~plcto their c o r u i t ~ ~ y mto~ nhind them n p and flog !he&
and compel them to I-ett 1 1 ~ 1 lllg force. This brought them to rclason
and after some FVOIYISwit11 the contractor thev q u i ~ t l vx-ett~rnerl
and no such a t t ~ ~ n p ttos get away were ever rnncle nqain.
After t h ~ ywere ln~l(lcdthe s t e a ~ n e rrcttirned to S i ~ ~ g ~ p obut
r . ea~s
nsil:+l, as long as she was in eight. none of the Chincse weald set to
~vork. The operations of the forenoon vTeres r o ~ p e dby this incident, but they comrncnccd more heartily to t hei; task in the nfiernoon. The gun-boat w2licIi had b ~ o u ~water
l ~ t wci(r.l~edarichor at
'le same tinle a s t l ~ eSteamer arid proceecled to Point Romania
Thils wc were again left to olurselv~son tlle rock.
)I. tnorle.
Up to the 1 s t of May the TYOI-ks
p~ogressedfi~vorablv,thr stonecritters working at thc foui~dat.ioilsand tile carlrellteri at the j r t , ~ ~
gnngIrrav kc.. The 4 Convict$ were emplored burlling :.down thk
rock with fil*cv~oorl
; Ihis Fvns [lone
c r ~ a t i ;aI ~fire on 111esurface
of the rock till wc.11 11c:itcil, which expands the material anc! cauocs
it to split off. The fire is thcn put 0111, a n d cold water thrown
over it to allow of tlie romoval of the Balccs det:lchcd; but 1
found, aftel* p ~ i w ~ i i nt lgi i q method for a i'cm dars, :bat it IWS apt
inje~aetllc foi~ncl:~iio~~s
b~ det:ic;iing tnnch m i r e t l ~ n nwas expec,>- 1
cd ; t 11s process \tV:19 t i l e r ~ f o ~abandoned,
nnll t l ~ cstlpcrfluoas
rock was rrtoovc(l hy blasting with ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ) O ~ F L ~r1C1l 1I1'.s. rnorr~ir~q
a t 6, the Malnccn gun-boat cnl!c(i t11c a Arancy, a vessel of
eame size as the "Charlotte," arrived to take hcr station as a
tenrlcr to our opcmtions. Doring tllc r~iphtn heavy sqiiall i ~ l e l r r
*om the S O I I ~ ~ - T T ~ Cand
in the rnorrlin> it w a s ' i t ~ ~ ~ o s s i btol c
Kict a c ~ ~ r n r n n n i ~ : ~till
f i onbcrl~t
l ~ 10 A. .:n
The rnrnn~ixncle~*
..,revr pf : h ~ " .?Bp~:-,
XI-1)0 \r.rrC
02' InrJo-P(,t~tiiSllr-n.

?!lfl l o ~ : t ~ : l - lfo
l Sitlg:q~c~rr.


T l ~ rcn~nnrandcrcerr~rzl:r~ccd ~vitla 2, lotar1 Ianacntation on the

c.T?!rgrv.q !IP Ilad ixicurr~II 3n(l tllc land cnrccr of clutics t.hat were
3llorrt to be c ~ n c t e dfrom him, to he c x e c ~ ~ t catd tlrc risk sf his life,
w l ~ i c l ire
~ not 11ntraly sairl if' oncr lost ~ ~ o u ncrcr
Ile rrtgninorl !
Ilc cnlld. to sllamc for ~tsingsuch nrgumcnts
11.. p~l*r.icto(lin h i p to d o any fil:.tllcr dnty. X wag rnllcll
nild nnnnverl a t this condltct, sccing ill:and h i s crenr had
ta,lcn irlf~~.rnetl
11cf'o;e thev came out a 9 to tllc nnt,ure of tllcil*duties,
c o tllnt they rniglit I I R ohtnincd
their cliscllnrgc lrnd they had
s!,jrcriow to tl~crn. I'hcil* ct!.il;c? was the nlnrc annoying as wc now
c!r'ncndcrl on tlrcrn f o r on^ n r n I e i and fil*e~vood. I rensuned yith
com~nnnderon the a!sardit.v of his and their fi:ars, but t6 no
eG.irct, SO X orllcrrd him t.o nnclldr off the rock a ~ l dnot c*:, TY~!~Iit, till I c;),'XC~ 1.lirra. 1 fcnrci(l that contact ~ i t l his
l crew
n a i ~ l l tdisxF'r)ct t17e 6 i\l[:).lays t l ~ t
310.~1 with us out; of the
"Ci~nrlotta", and T ohj~ctrdto send llinl to Singapore it1 command
of the rrcscl, after l)cl-rnviny in sucla a m:lnner. I t,lrcrefol*ekept llirn
a!, rnchor otf the 1
t ~ l lt!io ~ ~ c tof~ tllc
~ r 4LI-Tooghly"
when I
rcql~cctc!?.C'apt. S!c?n.n.l.t to take the gi1~1-1~0:tt
in totv, and place his
cltt,ncr' nnfl conic of his cl-cw i n cl~a~*z,rc
of E-ecr., until the orclcrs o f the
j<csir!mt Conncillor rncl1c obtained/ to thb disposal of the mutinwr.;. 0 1 1 their n ~ * r i r oat
l Singapo~ethe c o l n ~ ~ ~ a n d
e i *c r c ~ vmere
t!r cliccllnrgec'l fi-otn the scrvicc of G.ovcrr~
rnc:~t,and. a riclv
crc~v placcc.1 in hnr. %'he tindal af t l ~ ca CCllnt.lot.tc7'I placed in
chnrgc' of her as strong, and be V O ~ V satisfil~torilvcnilcd tllc
" Y:t~lcy" until R ncmr ( \ ( r l n ~ ~ l i i nhnd
, l ~ ~G
. e n obt;iinecl tor llcr.
T!7e ~norrlil~g
:ifi;;~1*~ I I C
N;:lncy's7' ercnr ,st.~.uclcwo~.l<,nnotllcr


C I~~ ITHJT - I T Q U S E ~

accompar~icdby 7 Chincw cnrpcntclVs,1 hlnckcmiih 2nd 4 coolica

who 11;id iinisilcd the wol-k rcrli~irc(lof illr~n. I rct~lrnerlto t l ~ t
rock on tlic 21st of iIIa.1-, thooglr not quite rccnvnl*cd, brinqing
with me 2 coolics and 1 carpcr~t~cr.0 1 1 t!~cday of m y arrrva
sevcntccn stone-cutt~rs wcrc ~ c n tn w y from the rock on hoari
Cliarlottc" \vhicll was proccctling t o Singapore, 3s the)
mere no longer reqnilwl, most of rhc stcppiilq ot'tha roeli bein:
now finislictl. T1)t;re now rarnninctl on thc rock 5 stoue-cutters, f
carpenters, 1 hlncksrnitl~, 2 h~*icklnyc~*~,
1 cook, 5 coolics, 4
Convicts, nnd 6 JTala.~s. Doring my absence 311-Ronnctt ha(
got the derrick crane, that had heen p*cpnrnd in Sinqaporc, act i r
its place, to be rencly for ihc hoi~tinqof the coollses. Thc dcrricll
may mcl-it n ~ h o r tdescription. It ~ v a qc o m l ~ o ~ cofd a11 iipriirh
beam of lis,*d wood, 25 feet long by 12 and 9 inclres i n scantliig
A t t l ~ cbottom and top wcrc two mroligl~tiron pivots, thc botton
one to turn in a hole bored in the rock and tllc top onn to turl
in an iron bush, to which were attaclled 4 lmingg. To thces ring,
guys were fastened, TI-hich extended t o \ ~ a r d sthe cardinal points
and were made fast to the roclcs g t their lowcr cnrlc, h v means
of de;d eyes, thus tllc eprigl~tbeam was li~?Idp ~ ~ p ~ n i l i ~ l ;and
turned to i l l Azimuths on it3 l o ~ r c rpivot.. To the 1011-er end of the
upright was fised a jib or dcri.icli, 15 fket long ant1 8 by 6 inches
in scantling, being drcsscd off' to 8 sirlcs in its mi(lc1lc i n d tapering dotvn to 6 incbrs near its cnds, wl~creit wnq sqllare. At its
lotrrer end, two cvc bolts, were fixccl on eitllcr side, to fit close to
other t \ ~ ?eye
o bolh fixed in the npr-ig!lt beam. The eyes of tllese
were lleld togetlier on the same a ~ l s means of 3 pin driven
through them-; on this pin the jib llntl motion npwsrrls and d o ~ n
~ ~ a r d o At
. tllc jib's i1I)pcr end tvc1'c slicnvea on citllcr sidp? ther
were also eye boltsonc 011 the upper and ane on the lower side. TVith
in two ant1 a i~alf'f'eetof'tlle Soot of the upright bcnrn, \\-as nttnche,
a I ~ a n dn~inch and at tllc sama height ft-%rnthc grorind anothe
was attnchccl to the undc.~*
sitlc of tllc jib. F1.orn the .rvi~lcllon th
npigllt ),cam a iBope n7as extcrlci~(jto a shmve half ~ a uvp
beam, and fiorn fllcnce to tlic head of'the jib b r a clonbie tscljlt
this tackle and wiocll 11aisd oil lowcrcd 'the jib. A tackle fa
hunuF. from t l ~ eericl of'ille jib, to ~~'11ic11
WIS nt~acI1cc1
the stone t
be rawrd. T l ~ craisin< was rfl'ec!cd bv OIIO rbnd o!'t,hc tacl;le beinl:
wotuld round the drutn of tllo winch,-fixed a t tllc loner end of th
jib. The jil, and tackle load cool(1 thus t r n ~ c r s eall round th
1val1.i of t,l~ebuilcling n11d rlcposit tl~eirlontl at any pot ootwnrd
or inwalads. T ! I ~dcl-l-ick crane was founcl to IIC a, verv cffectiv
machine and qrtitc ansn crcd all our parljoscs. T l ~
diagram \rill makc tllc Jcscription more easily nntlc~~stood.
During tllc first seaso~l'soperations it rnineil all tllc mntcrinls up t
the 3311co~u*ccand ~i-a. lcfi rt;~ndirig for next ~ c a g o n ' gopera

tiow. B!. i t s nwlnq zcn(l'~ldixlfi o~it,sidcthc boilding xvas di~penscd

with, GO t h 2 t all f , l ~ c ,
building oppssat.ion~,
mere ca.rrietl on 11p,n ~c:lffOldirIji in- I
:ide. It rcqui1.cc1 six
nien to wo~-li the
crane, fo11.r a t the at: tlle
11 !
end of the I-OPP, n~rtk
one to cuiclc ahe cntl
of the 'i'ib and antch
the tncl<le falls wit,b
theis loacl. It wonld
be con~itl~~aociR
nlde machine hy the
Engineera of Euro@, bnt I am r1.i~posed to think that ., .
Wi ';i\\\\id
z~ndes tlic circom.,i ,
stances it was on
goocl n plmn as con111 be clcrisr!cl.
I n India the J3nqii7cctr iq constr*ainerl to ~vorlcwith rude inctl*nrnents orring to t l : E n1,ccncc of skillhl n r t i z n n to c o ~ l s t ~ abetter.
The clical~nes:: of lnal~ual l:ll)ou~*,at t.hc same tinlc, ~ ~ e n t l cthe
want of pl1opcr meclinnicnl npp1i:lncr.; of 1c.s coliscqu~+rlcc,
as little
t11pi1i t i t ~ ~ o ( I ~ ~ ctlrc
t i n ro!-iqinnl
,rreatcr ootlav tlw n
and ~ntese-t tliercon in most caws occ:tsionin~
is con;u med by the emnlovmcnt
. .
o f t,hc S01-1,ier. The ~l~r.ikilfiilncss of nativcs in Ilan,lliilq macliinerp is iil.0 -1no1IierI3,~rt,o its
~ucces3fill introduction, TVhen tlie builtlinc l ~ a t lbeen ciirl~ietlup
8 feet, it bccame nccecsnrp to raiv the jib ; for this p ~ ~ r * p oit< e\rn&
detachc(1 fi-om tlic ~ipright,~ " h i c hrvns now to be held i)v 4 beams
fixed i l l the mall, two of rvllicll lvcre firqt lair1 pnr:illel,
to the
~lpriglltor1 either side of it, at~clupon which tlic 01 her t ~ v owere
laid in the same manner transversely, thus iollming a collar
round the upisigl~t. T l ~ e s ecrow bc?ams mpre notclred tnToover the
other two, and nxilcrl firmly ~ r i t hspi1ic.q. On the upright were
nailed segrncnts of ~voorlto form n g u t l ~ e o nwhich
in the
y u w e collar formed hp the ~1'044bcarn~. Tllc eye bolts were
then det;iclicd from iljc lorn~l.end of the oprigllt nncl ng:in refixcd
at a point ~ b o v cthc CI'OCS I ~ c a n l which
now scrved to snpport a
platform. Tile guys nrci*e next rcmovcd I ) c i n ~no longer rcquired, ~ 1 . 1 4 1 then t l ~ cjih wns atl:~ch(ldto its llic,rhc~*
position on 1110
upright. A rlolll,ic 1,loclc urns Gstcnod to tllc ~ ~ l . o o g liron
l t pivot,
on the top of the ~ ~ p r i ~thro11r;h
w l l i c l ~the tneldc tll:lt ::uppo~.ted
the jitr was to run. TIICtacklc frills bcinq again f xetl to thr jib
89 dforp, the i~erric~coanr
n7n. rcadv for nw, ntlli oo111i1 dcpoait


it. I
, of ~ J I E
h i ~ i l f l i l ~29q ~ F ~ G I . C ill
? ~ ? I Pr
ill t11c ~ I I I I ~ P ~ : ( !(?i:t~I
gram. W h e n otllr?~.9

coulnscs were built ntltl.

the. machine ~ * U ( ~ I I ~ I * ( - I
to l.)c ~anisctl t l ~ cji

n ; ~ sm c r c b d,>tnol;c(r
fi*om tllc uprig11t a n d
by means of tncklt?
fib st either side o f
the aprigllt, 5.:.lstcne(l
to the under pivot, it.
nTas raised 10 tlic 1.cquired l l r i ~ h and
t ilcltl
there, until n cllosc
beam 1:dd t8l~rong1l
centre of the bmldinp
I~ndbeen fixed. l'his
bean1 held on i t s
upper side a bras3
socket, into wliicl~the
lower pivot of the
ulwight vTas plnccd,
and on \vhicll it turned.
The 24th dav of
May beins the 'birth
clay of Her Most
kci ions
Queen Victori;l, wa.9 fired upon ns the day on m?~icl: tllc
foundation $tone W:IR to bc laid. 1-Ier J r ~,i c ~.t , r 'Stcam
~ ' F I I Pa?*rivod
off the rock at 11 ksr. on thn t d n r , lrn vir~yi ~ tro r r
t)le 1 1 . ~ Ste:ilncr
and the rnc~*cha.nt
rc;.zcl ((,i.i-rqhire,"
carrying the IJon'hlc ~ o l & e l11'. .T. I 3 t l t t ~ ~ w o r tC.h 71.; tllc 00vernor of the Siraits Scttlemcnt$? ~ h had
o invitrtl his Escellcncy
Admiral Anstin the Xa,val Cornanantler-in-Cl~iefof tllc East India
Station, and the I-Ion'ble T. Church, Esqnirr, Rcqidcnt Cortrlcillor
at Singapore, to accompany him : also 31. F. Daridson. Erq.
Master of the Lodge Zetl:~ndin tllc Enst, No. ,74S, who n-it11tlie
officc-bearers of tbe 'Lodge nncl otl~ermcrnbcri of that Lodge, 11ad
been rccloestcd
to l)crfoi*mtllc ceremony of l:~yingtlia foundation
stone with RIaaorlic Ironors. Barions otllcr civil anti milirnry nnlemb ~ r sof the Singapore community, togctller with tlie foreign Consuls had come I)y illvitation to mitneqs t!~e ceremony. The fo~unclntion ptone was laid n t 1 r. TI. and the fi~llowingarticles wcrc de,


1n t 1 1 ~13th Ycor nf tlic T l c i ~ n n

Q Y E I : of
~ Gasrnt Rritnin nncl Ti.rlnnrr,
Tltc \lost Kohle
.Tj\rr,s ~ ~ Y ' T ~ R T : \31nnr)rrrs
Iof D . ~ ~ , r r o ~ ! sK.
r ~T.
hc~iny(;orcrnor-(;:rnc>rnl o f h i t i q l l Intl ia,
Polinflntion Stone
of t l J .~i q l l t - l ~ o ~ lt~onhr erectrd on Pcdra Rrnncct.
ynrl tlrt?ic*:~fr~l,
to tlte bremory o f the C'c~1~:br:ltetl
J l ~ d r o q ~ ~ n l,T~klV~Ecs~~r ~ o ~ s T I u n c F.
: l rR, . s.
mnq lnid c~
f l ~ .21tll dny of JTny, tlle :~nnivcl.qnry
nt' t l ~ Ir $ i ~ * t l ~ - tOF
l : ~IIes
y ;\lost C ; m t * i c ~ 3lqjr9ty.
t,y tllf?
lVor;!~ipful 3Inct.r 31. 1'. D , k v x n s o ~ Esq.
nntl t11c
T3i.rtlrrt.n nf
Loclgc Zrtlnntl in tlrc E a ~ t
S o . 5 18.

Thcrc wrrc

dcpoeitcrl comc ~ i l v c rrnoncy, rongisting of n.

n9own,!,:(If crorrn, slrilling, six-pence, I,rnny, I~nlf'pcnny,fhrtliing, :r
~ ~ i ~ p21:tl.fnnd
qnnrtcr rnpcc, bcsiclcs copprr coins ~ l i i c hconsisted
o f a pcnn!-, halfj~cnnv,Eil*tlri)~g,eight and six tccnt,ll of n, penny ; nla
nnrln, ilnli'and n j l l a ~ k e l *A; cant, half rind n q~tn,rtetcclit; ~ t a t c i n c n t s
of t!lc Tradr of tllc S1r:lita S r t t l ( ~ m m ttogetlicr
with Statcmer~tsof
the Rarcnnc nncl C!~nrgcs;nncl fiirthcr n copy of llle origi~la)cilitiorl
of T - l n ~ ~ ~ l ~ u rDircctnry,
copies of tlic " Prcc J'rc;s",
" St,-:~iti: Timcs" S c : v ~ p ~ p w ' as n d of tllc '' ,Jo~u*ri:l.lof'tlle Tncli;i~i
~ r c l l i ~ r l l nrtnd
~ o JSn~twnAsia," also R plnn of tlic Tomr, of' Si11g:~31.0


1 nccompnnierl tlls

' s on I l k rctnrn to Sinsxpotr,
h a v i t ~ mbeen invited to Govr:r~r~nr:nt.
Ilouec to I)e p~~rsi!nt
at t h c b:tll

l ~ o n o rof !lor ~ ~ .R ~.( : IIjirhi-dnv.

S I ~ Y ' s I was glad
to rr1tlll*nfor mcdicnl d v i c c , as mir sickn(?sq had
again attacked rnc ; in Sirlgnl)o~,ct h e n f i t i r s of tlie Ligllt-llooer
1.0 dcmnn(1ed immr(liatr nttcntion. C:tptrrin Sfrwnrt : ~ all
t carlp
wiod of' the opcmtions had rcportefl. the ilifIic1l1t.rof m:~nngitig
ro tonkangs (iig11t~1.c)in tllc llearv ~ruriatr*:iftllnt hr: \r.;tu
forrc(1 conut<rttls to ~ n c o ~ . l n t a in
, , ~vlli;.lt t l ~ ctollqk:lrl;% bcirdcs
plunging ~lrirlrrtlrc ctc1.n of 1 . 1 1 ~vcs~ol,fbrtlctl ng;linst. e:lcl~nt11c.1;

E I I ~ P C Pgive11 in

o f this

11?kn11c_rrind I)(: ~rn~rlrl

t:~l;c on ))o3rrl. s11fTir:icntfill. snot?t(?rIo:ttl ira
i c C O ; ~~ I ( ~ ? aCn d !~-11c1, wliicll n.c~v!nor; ?-cyni?*crl
to hr -fii!,.~i

a r r a n g ~ m c tnIIP s~::ccit~~rlmurh more mntcrinlq woirlrl bc convcr

out, and hc a t t,ll(? snmc tinlc SXCCIIIP? wit11 ICES J P O I I ~ ~toC llimfelt;
111 pnrsrtnncc of C:ipt:lin Stcw:?rt7sql~go.~stion.,1 hnd r~qaestcd
d i m c n ~ i o n ~but
tlle contl-actor to pi-rpnro x li~lltcrof' tllc ~~irltlircd
leallned that so far finm il:rvi~tgtnlicn nltv ~trrpr;ro that cnr1,lle 11ad
tho contract t l r n t I had ~ n l & w l into for onr, tho 1ast
time tl~ntI 1i:td lrccn ill Si~igapo~*o.
llto confrnctor's (lcsire now ht
came more apparent tlla11 crcr to cvnde a1-11~
cxpcnrlitarr, for re:
sons 1~11ichso011become apparbcnt,vix, t11:lt. 11; might c s r r r off to hi
coantrv as lnuoll as pocsiblo of thc :~dv:luccs that I had pg;'dhim out
of t h e ~ i ~ l ~ t - h o ~f icl t. l;dc~ .1 t l l e r ~ f od~tc~*rni~lerJ,
a~ rmponrercd by
the te~*msof the conli*act, on my ~ - c ( n r nto $ingaporc to pnrc1la.e
a lighter ant1 rig nod tlccl< Itcr in n manner fit f'or t!lo servic~,as
much delay in the tmnsporting o f tllc ma tcrinls f1m-n Binqapore
and P a l o Uhin to the ~ocli, have occrlr~*cd.
The laying of thc incomplctc conil~esof tllc foundations nf
commenced and werc nca1*1yfinichcd by tho end of JIa,y; it tllcrefore became of math rndrncnt that t!~ccoarws p~cl,nrecIat PuIo
Ubin shoald bc r~eicklvtrnnrportterl, hut on visiting rlle qrlnrries for
the f i r s t time tll:~t I had a n opport~~nit~y
pince thc colnrnencrrnent
of operations, I was disnppointctl to find that onlo 3 or 6 llncl hecn
prepared. r1 he stone-cutters had becn doin? jbr oltl telv notllinq.
Their head men cornplnined of not getting a n r adranccs from the
contractor whicll lendcrcd tllcrn anal,lo to piocced with thcir rcepective agreements. They had already ]lad 4 months to prepare
had dona a n d as only otllcr*4months rernaincti of' our
~ ~ r h athey
working season it appearctl evident t h a t were t hc
to proceed
at this slow rate the building n~ooldbc barelr above thc foandations at the c i ~ dof the season. I was snticfiecl khat I hncl nc!vanced
more than sufficient to covei.;~11work done, so th:tt it' the contractor
were really unable for want of money to meet his cnpngements,
h e mast have bccn using the nclmnccs for his private p i ~ r p o ~ c ~1 .
therefore now made u p my mind a t nrr early opportilnit~to take
the contract ont of his hands, being fillly ernporrerecl* to do so
by the terms of tile ngreen~cnt; this step, although it ~ r o u l dgive a
great deal more trouble, \voald nt all crents prevent any of
the public money cntrustcd 10 m r chnltcr, bcing expended
in any other manner than in tllE bllilding of the Lighthouse tower. Tile mcn that he setit out to thc Light-house
constantly complnincd o f his not paying tllem; thcy wcro tlicrn~ e l v c sof the worst description and wel-e extrcmelr nni-nly and
idlc; and as ho ftlr~~isllctlthem wit11 food, the i;i~dnms of it
was R constant sorwcc ot' cornplaint n11c1 nnnoyance at t l ~ erock.
O n tllc 2Rtli of Bray the hooy that we had *oolml otf tllc rock
disnppmrcd ; it i l n t i lwcn laid down for the ynrpose of making
fist the gun-boats to it, so tll:lt it ~ r o n l dbc unt1rccsq:lry for them
to cast nncl\oia, bitt the co~nrnnnrlersfound that the buoy mna dn a y s iwxkninc foul, of t h ~ i rrcsqrls in t l l ~prlditas ~ n controlay
? 1


--- -




o r TIIF:




IIO113T1;L+R(ilfl T,IUII'I'-IToZiSP;.


z.ent~ tlmt prcvnilctl. so t l ~ n tho!.

prcfrrrctl tli*oppingt,hcir anchors
to moo,.ing st, it, nnrl it!: low ;:ns conscq11cn1l.v rlnt rclpnirf:cl.
I returncii to the rock on 111c 211~1of'.T11~10,1iaving in a mcasurc
got rid sf rnv attack ot'illl~nsc,nncl the P t ~ l oUljin quarrics

in the way.* O n tlic same clay h i s llighne~stlir of

Johore \~isitctclthc! rock, sccompnr~ieclby GO of his followers. I-le is
tlls most powerful nntirc chicf in t11e.c parts, nllicd to British
ii~terests. H e rernaincd at m y lio~isef u r t.wo dnys, employing his
leisrlre in fisliing, to n?l~icllsport lie is gi.ent,ly rll?votecl; 11e and his
followers \rere vcry snccc~sf~il
rvith the Iloolc ant1 line. He wonld
h w e matle a longer stay Iiad not the mosquitoes heen so numerous,
a singulat- circumstance, sceing that thc rock is so exposed to all
winds. At first we mcre unnhle to :lccount for tllc tl-oublesome
pl~enomrnon, but poon fonntl t h ~ tllcr
bred i11 immense numbers
in our water bal.rcl9. Thc fiwt w:itdr that we llarl obtained had
not b ~ e n~ p r i n gwater, but was ohtnincd from a running stream,
\rhick had contrrineci thr! gelnnls of' the insect.; thcv now iissuecl
from thew barrels in millions nntl infcst,ed erelny aook and corner
of the honscs and cllir~lis of 111c rock, neither night nor day
brought any 11elicf from tl-~cm,it. was a.lmo~timpossible to sit, and
the o i l r i*efiige,jf lest I\-cre n-q~ti~*e(l,
was nrlrler t l ~ ~nosqilito
curtail-ls. Tliece his higlinces llntl not l)ronfillt, so h e ditl not stop to
expcrir;ncc the tortures of nrlotl~rrnight. At first flies bred in
~ I - c ' Rn
~ ~ i r n h e r ~this
, I n~e~.ibcd
to thc filthv hallits of the stoneand 11alftlecnyed p1.cscrrcltl vegetables
cl~ttersand to the ~nltfizl~
r.llat thev v c r e constnntlp 1n~i11g
out, to f l y , but they disapl~mmed
stone-cattcr~. r4.0
alleviate the
w~fferiny of t11c mcn from mocrl~tirohitcs, for t l l r ~ ,being without cal~tnirir,coiild not obtain slcep a t night, I cnl~sedall the bungholes of'thc? bal*~*cls
to bc, constatltly kept s l ~ u nncl
t,l~ewcltcl*w l ~ e n
\ranter1 to bc sl~*an.n1)y n s~nall plug holc bciow; in tirue this
pel-ccptibly clt!c~cascdtll(1i1-nonihei~nh u t not cntir(:ly. Thc strong
~vincls of' tl~c!S. 11'. moltsoon n.11icl1\V:IG now ~ctt,ingin 3130 blew
o w torrnentol*~nrv:;y : ) I A only
011 cnlnl clays \rcm tlleir irl0it;ititlg
bltcs nfi.cmards n111ell f .It. On tllc e r c l ~ of'
i ~t,hc
~ 31iI
~ of J I I : ; ~ ,
the T o r n u n g ~ n gtool, his dcl>ari.u~.c. I - 1 'clnlne
irl a. bo:latifrll fast
sailing s:imj)nn I.tclon~ingto t l ~ G
c O V C ~ ~ofI Ithe
O I -S tritit~Set.t.le~n~uts
l:ittcrt11wils. Ahout t,cll~other snlzlll
nl-lich w a s riyg~clnfitll g~*:tccfi~l
ParnInns cornposctl h i 5 flcct, nllich ~:.if,lk t.lteil. mat s:liIs as
rtl.elclle(I or.clBto tllc co:lst of Bil~tony, i
r i
I i ~ oS i n g 11o1.csn111p:ttiis f:~~i1(!,1O V V I * th(? ~vorld
tbr i l p citllcl- 1)111liny
or P:I i l i ~ i sI I I ; I I I I ~ P wit,l~
tllc ollang
h o t ( I ~ . I ( n of I
s o : f IICV II:IV(~ c ~ ~ c ( ~ wlv: i con11)rtctI
.ivitli tile
fltst.r:~tgiqs 01. ~rllel.l.i(~.i
b l - o ~ i ~ ol l~t i 011
t IIurposc fbr
tllc eonrcs~..
t.hc 10th of .Trlnr 1 9ct cnil ork l r o : ~ l ~ t1.h~
for~ ~ t l c ' *
g'l~e SI:I('I<YIOSS 01' ol)~*l-"
tior19;it P11lo r; !)in rlon: !,plZrj.rl
pcriouslrr to ~II~CI.I'CI*C
:,.I ! O I . v.0~1;


s s 112tl 1 . ~ [1I I . ; . ~ Cg4.~c; l.,;j.d a 3 C>VCI*, 1 . h ~

:j.t t,vrlf.ion. 31:; i l l r ~ ~ a,lso
rock now sr:crncyl i 11i1nic:1.1
t o rlir, Iril t, d t~rir~g
rn K? r ~ f t c src~i(lcnr,r!
i t tlla siclincss did not ng:,.in 1.cttlrl1, :).nd t1.1~
illrics* wns p~*nl~nl,)!y
ciillscfl i y tll(: g~+c:;~t
i , l l n t lvc cspcricncr:d dnring tllc first
fi,l,trlig'ht's opf,~-:i~ion~,
wlrcn Ire 7 , ~ n . crxpoco(1 from morning to
tllo ntllolr ol' tlli4 month lit.t,lc
zlirlit to t!,c S I I ~ I-RYE.
(lonc a t 1
rock, tl~is17~2s rnostlr. o
r l o t!lc :rbsoticc of the
'. T:Ton~.l~l~"
on oihw dltticn which ~ e t t i l ~illiy
stone.; finrn ' 1 0 i
For R C O I I S ~ ~ ~ C 1)iil.t
I ~ : ~of
, ~the
~ ~ ~
~ n o th
the nun~hei-of Cl~incscdid not cxcecl 10, ~ r l ~ w
o i,f 11 4 conricj.3
and 6 n l : ~ l a ~made
~ s 20 ~ ~ t ~ l i nOlY Ictlie
~ l imock, dririnq April ; ~ n d
I!iIa,y t,he n
011 thi: P O C ~some ~:itnr:sc x ~ ~ ~20,
d iI I~C Bl I * 4-9
of' ~vllom ~vc1.r:Cl~inc~sc?.1Vha.t w i t h the misl)c.!l~xviourof t l ~ o
commandor and crew of t l ~ c" S a n c p * ? nnd tlic n h ~ c n c cof tllr
Chai*lot.te" for rrpnirs, we nclac fi.crl[lcnt,ll. on el~ortallov-nmce
of water; t ~ ~ i wc
c e had only 3 r!nv.; in stc,lSc,:lnd wlmt ~ddedto our
nnxirtics was 1 . h ~u ~ ~ r i iln11
~ l yh:ld tornpcl- o!' t!lc Chincso ~ h werc
b u t ill nffcctc!ci tonralds tllr!ir sit~~ation.As tllcrc was rooln lo
stow boats, by which, in the cvcnt of n n r sclaions nccirlcnt.: happening to o a r Ocnder~, n.o rnigllt s ~ n df'nr sllccollr, I had long
c:orlsidwerl it a d c s i ( l e ~ . a t ~to~ 1r:t.v~
n ~ r l ~ r s cl ~ o n t 3to convcy thc mc!n
in cape of F I I C ~ I ~ C C ~ ~ ~ C niid
I I I S 110 succollr :rrl.i~iiig;I ~ n SO
t long
as the Cllinese ~ernnined tllo-r ng;:inst, tlicil* vill, :ind were k ~ ? ) t
close pl-isoncrs, tlic plnrinlr of boats on t!rc i.ocli Tvnc not 1.0 1 1 ~
thoilght of. T h e pe~biorl of t!.c jilrl!cs I * F I I I ~ T ~toI ~ C
~ l ~ i n n":IS
drn~iugthcso rno~~tlrs
2nd t l ~ c r9.1il closc p n ~ t,!lr
t t*ocL; 511~11311
easy comrnt~nicationwit11 t l w s E jnrl ]is, ns r~onr; v-oulci iin.rc o.Kordc(i
rnollld nntlel. tlw circu~n;t:rnci~e,
have l,rkctl :oo to~s~ptirrg
not to bo
availetl o f v r l ~ e t l l e r l ~f oy~ - c cor Ibv stcalrh. Now t l ~ a t t l l cn~.~rn!)cr
~f 1:11c! Chinesc hncl hccn ~.crlncctl1 wns ctc?tolmiile(l011 my ret111.n
to Einpj)orc to ~)Iaccour n-ot~liingoppcl*i~tion~
on n n1o1.o sntisfitctory footing by cng:~pitig ;lntl p : ~ \ i l i q1l1c mc11 illr.aelf, n.llcr( h r I
~ r o u l do l ~ t n ~tllnt
n in!luerrcc o ~ , ~cilcrll
c r rll:lt I fonnil n.:~nbcolat(,ly
. of' :MI ~ ~ n i l e ~ t ; ~ . l c i ~ ~ g
neccsqnrv the rrs11o11sil)lcofHcrr in I
Iilw tlrin'sho~~lclpnescss: t.l~ist.o ho ol)t:ti~ic~ll
if' l,o*iljle 1 . 1 ~nnlicnl)le
nrrnngcmcrlt>wit11 t l ~ c(:ooti3:~ctor
or witl~onttllat, if rcqnisite. A f i ~ r W ~ I I ' C ~or1
S t h ~
n-r~lirf)c?;ng cliq:l~(!tlI.,\. ~ ~ l r . , + c b l f ' Zlwoaght out boats
to bc al\~il.:i: 1cel)t i l l n:adil~css 0 1 1 ;lic;*or:k; this step nl:?(.Iotlw
poeitibn of t l ~ cl
r 01-1 I I
I ~ I O S ~S UP C I I ~ Cn i l ( { dill n r1-a.
wit11 t l ~ co
r i
t 1
jrnlpr nlld i ) r ~ y j i i lrcC;tn;
snnrcr, 3.; to t h o l)o.;.;il,ilil:r of'Ilcil~gI~~(i.
f u stn,ryo.
o n inrv I
: i t ] S i ~ i y i l l ) oI~ ~(1?iltlltll1i~:ttd
wit11 f l lcot~tra(!~
1 0 k t . 1 1 : i tI
. T 11:)d :I ll.(.:~(!y~ (vnnccd
? ~ ~ i l l l i ~ (1011:11*.;
I x J ~ o ; I ( I !v11:1t,I s1101iI~II I : ~ V[ ~CO I I Cacc!or~Ii~~g
t,o thi?
l ( l ~ * r n aof' t I 1 ~rontr;~cti r i l r l 111;;r~~l
hi; i11:lbilitj. to :ttlvnncc
?,lit: \\.olsk..::IT:?
! ~ I I ~ L . ~ I ( \ ~ *-. , I s \ , ( % 1I 1 1 ]~\rvpsl
oi' t.11~:' \ ~ \ l i ~ ~ ~? il xl i~l q
J tl~t?l.iefi,~~(.:
s ~ ~ ( * , ~l l .vi f] \~
~~ r~j l ] ~ ( a ~ t l 1 r3:lc!i~)!. :.I I c n, v l l ~ I
O I I t l l ~I:;:!{.
r l ~ ; c:ly~q~riuj::cbn


?he srorlc!: on thrir rcsponsihility. With this view the nccounts

of the varions snll-contrgcfq T.T-P~-Pto P1:l.v~been fi~rnishedme, but
on the 14th tllc contrnctor nbqenndpd. It was i t ) a, few dnys foond
mtf t h a t undcr pretence o f jioinz to Pulo Ubin hc had
proc~rdocito the JSnctwartl in 9 palankeen, hnt in5tend of goinz
;o tllc plncr indicntrc?, Be 911ippcll 1,irngrlf on bonrtl an American
vctlscl bound to China.: it filrtl~rrq ~ ~ i c l i lcame
to 1li;;ht t1mt
R few davs ~ ~ r e ~ i o11e
l ~Ilncl
~ l Fought
coocis to tllc cstrnt of several
thorl~nntls j m n i ~ hdoUnrs fronl vmrin!l.: Sin~.aporc~nerchantc,1~11ich
he h2tl dispatcl~edon baal-(1tli2tpv c s ~ c lI~t~doi*e
proceeding himself.
On c ~ t i m a t i n qthe vnlnc of thr v-orka C~OIIC 2nd t l advance3
rnncle to hinl I found that I 11nd a(1vnncerl the Film of 2,6.20
Ypanisll rlolln~s,anti allat what wit11 the courses ready to be
cllipper'l at Prllo rbin and the worlring tooh, also the extent
of work done 3t the rock, with houses, sheds, Rc., they
m u ~ thare cost him the st1111 of2,5O!) Sl~anishclollors, so that
he could hare taken 1 ~ 1little
awnp with him of the Light-house
bilncls. On makinc cnq~~iries
a3 to the canscs wliich llacl actaatr:d
him, 1 fonncl that hc 1md the pPar before, at a period h e
was unconnected wit11 the Liqht,-house oprrntiong, made nta
sttempt to get a7wv wit11 ;I, qrlantitv of goorls lie held on cimeclit,
but hnrinq informr;~ his wife of l ~ i * ' ~ o r ~ oFIE
s e hq c1 c1'tsuaded or
prevented him; this time he left with@ut leaving a clue to his
motions with nnv one, and it v a s x month or two before onv tllillg
ccrmin mns he&*d of birn. Xi appwrs to me t h a t from the first
he intenclcd to take advantage of'tllc crcilit with the mcrcllantr
w h i c l ~I ~ i cconnection lsith the gorcrnment gave him, 2nd this mill
s c c o ~ ~ n1'01.t the lax and off-putt~ng lirle of col~dr~ot
\vI~ich he
pn~.cuctlin carrving o l ~ tthe contrlact and for the npathr and indifercncc with nhich he looltcd ilpon tlie miscon(1uct nnd'dilatoriness
of' his men anci tllc locs tllcv thcrchy occac;ionc(l to him. The calvrrinq forwarcl of' the worlcs i n all t llcilwtlotails rvc~*cnow
tIlrorm cniil.ei?y on my hands. Tlie contractor's srcnl*itp, being a.
cspr~cccrlhis inability to ilqcist rnc with regiu-d to procorirr~
npo;li~neraor rr~i-ttc~.ial~,
hc! could tl~c~.ef'ora
onlv ;tl)icle tlie issrle
of the operations, rtnd it 7%-onltldrpcnd on the government whether
or not hc ~ro11lrl1)c 11cltl rcq~onc;il)lc~11oi11(1
the cost C X C C C ~the srlm
o f the contract. T110l1gllX cot~ldnot, expect. lo get things donc so
cheaply 2s the? con!ilncror ditl, particuli~~.lp
ill cl~l,v:,?;ingwo~~kmen,
vet J anticipnrc(1 !hat I coul(1 parch,~sexnatc>t~inls
on as fnrol~thlc?
;clrmc, lrrlt irr this T \mq mlctnbpn. On cnllil~gnll tllc stonr contractor. togctl~cr I fo111zrlthcy 11ndcnmbinrd, ;inti they knew nom
t h a t ns th[:qo;lcon h;xd qo F;IP ;ltlv:lnceci that, I murt cir llcr give into
tlleir t~lsrnq, on stop t l w \vorka fiw 1110 season. TJrl]ilc i l ~ h:\d
7 ) ~ l l n cnnt~ntcztlwiil, C; dollnl-s p ~ 10
r c111,ic fket for rl)''i~nito
10 tloll:~l*<
fi0om jrnlo, b r a f
from thr cantt,:,r:tcr**,fhcv nonr dcrn~r1~1~rl
2 f f f y 2 l V ~ ~ I <ty,-;,tv
-~-llcrl? ~ ~ l l ?lot,
! ( ~ y11t off' ?be lvc,~*l;<
3 l b T V h&<t>?

f n n.otril:lc:t

at, fir0 ~ . ; t t rnf'S!

1 2


t l l ~ t c -i t ,

t l l r~] i o r : a

important orticlc a n nddi tion o f rxl'cnw lvm- nnnroidahls incurre(

of 41 per cent. On tllc othw prin(:ip;a! i t ~ m ljri.ciiq,
tlie contract0
hncl procnre~lrlicrn at 13 (lolln'r. pcr 10,003, tlre c:rlna pwmn fron
whom hc ohtn,ined thrnl rlnw rvo~~l(l
not ch:irgc?l c ~ to
s me tha:
25 dollars. 15Tll~ilcI ~.c:llxct; s!rfssc~*ihccllto >ont.rnr,t~,at thcs
prices, 1 a f t c r ~ a ~ v fbund
1 . 1 1 ~'gooll J
wcre of service i the vo1.k IIV ntt~.;~r:ting
large !)odic o f worlirnen, part!
Iarly to t,hr. P u l o U b i n qunrrics. Thcse rncn now and till th
1 of thc Penson c o t ~ ~ i ~ l n ch lx1l . 4 1 ~rml)lore(l on the 59 coarst
wllich compnzi: the s!raR of' tllc towcr nnfl 9 of w l ~ i c or~ly
l ~ were
fully rcndr for sllilbpii~gI)? tlu: n-~id(lic
of'J!.lnc, a t which time the
con tracto; n,l,scoridcrl. rI l l i r q ~rrllile tile cnrltr?:ctor had only 20
mcn at most employerl at. tllc qnnl-ric~,80 to 100 lncn were now
conl;tnntlr at work, and tl~oagh they s l l o ~ r c dgrant ~ r ~ n r i n e and
a t first, t l l e i ~confidence rv:tn soon pained by fair dealing
and p~,ornl-ap:tvniei~ts. I n thr? 6 rnontlis t,liat 11;id el:jpsed since t lie
signilrg cf' tlle contll~ctwhile 9 coursw llat! onlv 132-n fillly complctetl and G n ~ o r epartia,lly so, during t,hc remaining 3: montl?s of
the ~ o r l i i n gsoasan we propred at Polo ULin 44 nnd"boilt 59 on
the tower.
m to a .pa
Though I had also to enpa,ge Chinese ~ ~ o ~ l t rton yo
that had now ~? a i n e da bad reputation amongst them, ci~*cam~tanct
on aiteretl for the bctrer, SO t h ~ before
one was oyer., the
st rrwn off'orecl their scrvices to qo out to the rock. Incleecl at
',,is yeriod the most wretched an4 miserable lookil.!? beings would
onlv be inclucetl to 2c o and with their help we made but ~ o r r y
nn a day 01- tvo's 1ea~l.eto
moik of it, yrt, wllc~n they retl~m~cl
Singapore at tlie en;.] of the month, the accortnts of good tla.atment
and high wages which tlie improvement in their appeainnce amply
testified to t1lc.i~countlaymen, soon induced others to apply and we
had no tro~iFI(-!
on this score aftcl*n.;~rds.
Tile llsunl mages fbr good coolitla (Inho~lrern)in Sinsapore are
4 dollars n mootll. I never requil*cd to engngc them at ah07
6 clollars, t l l findin?
~ ~
tl1cm3elves it1 fijotl, l ~ u tI msdc this ft~rthc
proviso, tllst on their proving to lte well bcliavetl and otl~erwi~.,
good workmec, tlloy E ! ; ! ) I I ~ ~ he paill a t the rate of G dollars a
month. The mnsors *[ rllg !get1 a t l O lo 13 dollars a, month, carspenters at 9 to 11 d.o!lnr~,stonc cot!e:n at 12 to 1.7 d o l l a ~ . all
~ , providing thoil- orr~,food. This aI.r.:lngcmrtitavoit!cd constant disputes
as to q ~ ~ d iwt yl i 11 n*onld incviinbly hnvr tnlicn p!ncc. Thev nem
only e~lgngcdfhr 21, nlom.!l, aftel* whicl! pe~.iodtllpv could cGmand
their cliecll~r*gc. Eiich a n n car18icd out wit11 him one nlontll's
prorisioriu. r11licv rcceivr~l a month's ndrnnce in money at sing:11')01'fi
thvy wcrc hnt poor pco;,le of
C ~ ~ S Sall,1
r~linorrn to mc or to the ilcoplc in my cgtablisllmenc i t r l i l i~rouglt tllcjr might haye ab~contletl hcfore proceeding ollt to the ~ o c kvir!lol~t tllc possibility of m~ being
V~ their knpgeable to f i ~ dihcrn, ~ 7 . t t h .Yrrro
; I Y ;o

nras l o ~ td u r i n ~tl;e proves? of the work9 hy

tllc d islloi~~~<t\.
n f t!~rllfiliou:+~!'~.
* r1 l ~ Ce O ~tIr ; ~ c f ofor
r ~ stone dre+
n-110 wc1.r :\I1 l)ool* pcol~lc, n'ei*r :)I-o 5tl.ict to their c n ~ a q e rnc2n:q. I nr;rs ffj~-c:c?cito :it l ir:inrc t i , tllcjlr 100 and 200 dollars
at a time, nIrl~ong!l tltoir cl~nl.;ictcr.~
n-crc c,~tiroly to
me, y ~ in
t n o case did tlicy al)s~oridor fiil i ~ rtllcir cng:tqrrnent~.
Of rht.s(! there rrcrc. p~nc~r;~ll!r
13 01- 14 pcr..iorls eilhcr of the Kheh
o r Ayn T1.ihc of Cllinccc. Tliw ~vllilethe f i l s , c t , arr;i!lgernc)llt,4 were
mat!,? \t.itll a good c!cbnl of i l or~bleand at co~rsitlernhles:tcrifice, the
after pa*n:rcw of thc n.ol.l;s went 011 as rapi( and satiefactnl-ilv
ar;l I could w i ~ l ~ .
Oil the
ofJitne, tllc "13ooyhly" nn-ivecl at. Peclra B
with a tongknng in tow n l u l she rcmairled 0x1 fhe service for ~ I L ' H I . I J
2 rnor~thgat this time.
The absence of n contrartol* now required that I shoiilrl pay
more ~ttentionto th7 car~*;l'i!~j_r
out of nr~rangementgin Singnporc,
as \re11 a9 looliing ;~f'tcrthe ~ t o n ccuttrlr a t Pula Ubin. I was
necessarily n ~ u c h n1)wnt from the rock on bncines.: at these
places during thc! 3 snccectling months of J n l r , h n p s t and September. I proceerletl out to the r*orlc on tlie 30th o f dun. and
r c m n i n d there till the 6th of J u l y . On tl-be 29th o f J u n e t!ze first
entire coursc had been loid, anfl d t e r this the buildin: of the tower
became our msqt irnpor-ta~ltoperation. On the end of Junc, 2
entire courses Iiad been laid. On the 5th of J u l y the wina blew
st;-on? at S. TIT. creatiiag a heavy sea, so thqt when the Steamer
wil h the tongkang in ton. arrived off the rock, tllrj~
were forced to
put back t i Romania for shelter. On the 9th of J u l y the wind
blew strilnq fi*om the south so as to rentlel*the landing of rnnterinls:
a matter of glScat difficulty. On the 12th a conqideral)ie s i r e l l
broke on the rorli, making the rock unapproachable exct~ptingon
one part of tlre nortll side. E y t l i ~end of J u l y v e hod h ~ l i 11
ftet of the t o w ~ ral)ovc, the founrlation. I was nq;lin :it the roc;.
from the 20th of J u l y to chc 4 t h of August. During this ~ t a yI
founcl thttt the bight on tllc north qitle o f the I-ock nfforclecl no
shelter to the tongkilng ;tloiigsic1e the wooden pior that \re had
built; the waves cauqecl her to stj.ike hcxvilp against either*the
pier or adjacent rocks, and the wnl.pq by ml-ricl~shc was on all
sides fastcr~ctlcontinoally gave m:ty, wllcn strainccl by the illflux

menh and nothinc

* During tlie propcss of tlie vorks, as I lrnd direct ncrc>elnentsnnd necessarily

much r,c:rjonal intescol~rrewith i ~ ~ d i v i d uot
~ lnclnriy
10 rliffcrrllt tribpy or niltio:*~,
I cogld not he!p rem;krl;ing 11~)\v!1~1:eutt 1 1 l~n l ? $ ) ~ i ~ pour
i n z are; mhstrver be their
case, colour, r e l i ~ i o nor the place of their nati\ity, their virtues in this respect
etand equally out in hold releif.
It nns only on misty days t h a t they ~11owedsymptoms of disobedience, or
The cold air they cnrlld
when they ha6 tn \vosl; in ~ ~ t u n t i oexposed
to t 1 1wind.
not endure, t l i i ~nraq110 (1011bfon in: to tlrr porcq of tlirir skin being kept open by the
constitnt copious flow o f per-l~il.ritior~
(luring their mol-king hours. It' thc thermompter sr~nl;to 7,;G oor 71i1t h ~ g.crc~rnc-:l~ni.;r~.nhlr
nrlit!li ~ ? i l ) o s ~tot lthe wind. True,
this circtunktaqce v:.,.nq on^ of cli.;wivnnt.~rc~q,
twt of lwlt t l l r y ncver complained,--csyo.f rl t o t tie fill1 intluc.rtce of 8 tropicill M ~ Itlley
id>ouredvigourously where
ears. European would ]la!#: hunk.

and refltlx of the maicr at each wavr. I thcreforo fixer! upan 3

spot ont of tlis ba.. in mtllor rlecprr matw ~ h c m
I Pnrv that thr
moticln o f tbr sen tlloliqb g r ~ a t c rpcrpcn(1icolnrlv mas not FC
]lorizonta!l~, 2nd wit11 w l ~ a i ,fcw ' ~ ~ rwr:
s had on t h e rock,
e ~ * c c ~ ca,d,lctty slll)~)ort~(I
J)y SIIODPS. On 11ic~e~ I I C ~ Ya Sc t a g e x.nq
fixcd n t 11nlf tllcir I~~izl~t,,
a11d the S ~ O I I Cw~ r e Ian~lcdhv ~BCICIF
attached to n Ppnr, thmst ont~.nrils over the intc~rectionof t h r
shear poles. This anwcrctl our pnrpow for s few (lava until the
arrival of the gun-honh cna bled us to procrlrc more s D a l ~~, vt h
which I instrnrtcd Mr Bcnnctt to mnlin n pier on the game plan
~;uficientlysubstantial to last out the wason.
By tlrE end of Au~ust, 21 fcrt o f the t o w r hail only hern
built and ilp to tlie 23rd course only inndcrl; tllis vns orrinl to our
not having the means of conveying tho matcrinls fast enough
fi-om P a l o Uhin, w l ~ c r ethe works -\x7erc now cnrriccl on hg the
Chincse rapidly and with jil*cot spirit. On tho 15th of Ang~lst:
w c lost the asiistanco of tlic Stcamcr, she being rey1lirc4 on other
uticg, and cl~~r*ing
the rest of the season she mnde onlv one or twc
rips to the rock. F o r the conveying of thc rest o f the rnatcrinl!
therefore we had to depend on the 2 gnn-boats and one lighter; thi!
duty the fresh nnrl steady southerly breezes of September enahlei
u s to accomplish more mpidly than we exprcted. . I n exception tc
this favoi~ableweather took plncc on the 16th of that niontii whcr
strong rresterly millds blew all dav, commenced h v a, h ~ a v vS r t m a
+-1. Both qnn-boats had arrivkcl off the rock b i t corlld hot corn.
lnicate nnh were forcccl to run under the JIalav coast fol
elter. By the lattcr end o f September the sen becirne srnoott
and winds light, south atul eonth-ea~t ~ e n ~ r ~ l lii
y .p a t deal
r e
of tllonder and liglltning prev~iled. R v the end of S n p t ~ m h e m
]lad built 47 feet of tlio tower nborc'thc foonrlntion courses and
had lanclcd 52 courses. T went out on tlac 211th of the month and
remained till the 4th of October. P rcturnecl aqain to the rock on
tho 14th, and remained till it was deswtccl on tlie 21st of the snmr
month; when TVC had built 59 fect of the ton-cr abovr the foondntior
combscs; this cornplcted the dlaf't as far as the capitnl of the tolrer
D ~ l r i n pthe rnontlls of Aognst, Srptemhei ant1 Octohcl; tlie
nurnhcr of w o r k m ~ nemployed on tlic rock numbered 30 to 35.
T1lt.v were as follows-2
to 4 brick la ye^.^, I stone cnttcr., I carp n k r , 20 coolies, all Chinese, and G 3Lalny lascars. No material
accident irnppened t o any of tllc ~rrorl;mcn. One (In17 R proridentid escnl)c n7aq e ~ p e r i ~ n c ehp
d scvel-nl men ; while hoiqting
fro n p s i ~ l l t!,cam of tlrc dcrriclc cmmlc ; the t ~ c l i l cfnlls gnvc ~ y g p
and tlic ahole foil ilor~~.n
sevc.1*:11feet, !~rccipitnti~lg
a t the same
time scvcra1 of the lascn~ss who werp standing a~*oumll
it. The
system of ])aping dl the workmen my.;elf poescssed grent advan
4--lcr;,and me now found t hcm ns ohrdicl~t3 nd trnctnl)le ;atllcr hn(l
arnerly been fi.actioa*. Prt,sonnl cllns tiscmcnt. vns never in&ctpd
d in fact npver c:~llcdfor, a n occa~ional,threat of cnttitlz t l ~ g i s

on the ~ymptomsof idlenrc.; bring ~ffrctoalin all cases. Therr

nbont !rr
ring the progress of
the huiltlinc. the mc.n conld always 1
batl~e,in the fresh
water I:,ef~)x.c,it ~vtras mixctl in the rnol
lis a1~pe;w~tl
a great
relief' to tliern. Thc natives of tl~esepgrt.; srcm to be acutely sensible to rhc want of l*egulnrand copior~sablutions. The cordnct of
tile commendc~r<and crcnTsof the $an-boats and lightcr (the latter
Failctl by a 3I:llny) w n pcrfcctly
;tpl)car;trrce of mutiny or dir~ntiefactionaroqe at any tim
~gstthem ; their respective da.tics ~ ~ c lahonrions
and rcqnlrra constant and severe
espoeure to the snn, the great enemy to exerrion in this climate,
and though they could by no means be considcrecl so effective
8s Europcnn~,'they accomplished the ends required perfectly
well in their own modes ancl ways. BV the encl of the season the
4tSancy" hncl become so crazy a n d leaky that the serang (a
Mala:) ~ ~ l was
i o ihpn in c l ~ a i *good
~ e hornouredly told me, that
he wonl(1 patch the holes in h a 8 sidcs with China paper, till rve
had finisllcd the oljcrxtions of the season. The planks of her stern
were so rotten that the jolly-boat attachcd had ran her stern
throtrgh them. Tlle tongkaaq was in a still morSr;estate, not being
phenth~d, tlle sea worm ha(\ rrddlcd holes t111~0ttgha11 parts of her
bottom, $0 that rvhcn deeply loaded constant billing rvns reqoisito
to keep her afloat. J was forced to bay t l ~ clishter ill Singapore,
bar1 ae she 1 r - a ~as~the contasnctor had annullet1 the contract I ]lad
made for n ncw otle, a5 :~lreadymentioned. The urgency with
which a lightcr was reqni~scd constrnitl~d me to iboy an ofcl one,
~vhicliI n.o~tlt1have avoitlcd doing, had it bccn possil~le.
When the buihling operations had been put i ~ t oi.egrllar routine
and after cacli man had heen accustomctl to his dutics, we found
the Chinese to pcrfolam their respective asks sntisfacto~~il~;
regular hahits of industry wllich tlley bring fiom their own
country does not make laziness one of tl~eil*
viccs. Their mode of
carrying weights differs from {hat of tlw Eng!ish, so n short notice
of dlis may be interesting. When one rnarl 1s emplopcd in carrying, he 11sen two wickel baskets ~!onstruetedwith rattans. Tlrcse
are sIl111gon Istretchci~belnncetl and borne on one of hi3 shonlclcrs.
I n this mnnner an Rvcrage Chinaman will carry for long distances
50 to PO cattirs (93 to 120 1119.) and for short distances 120 cattics (100 ll~c.) going at tlie rate cf 2 f milcs an hour. The sLones
that we required for the bailclin~avcraged 4 cnl~icfcet of granite
mei&bing OGO lbs., thrsc required to be carriecl up a sloping gnngn7ay at an inclination of 15 degrees, to tbe hciwht
of PO feet;
four Chincce nrcre cmploycd to do this, each rnail therefore bore
1G.5 ll)s whicl! he dicl writhout any appen19ance of uneasiness.
The I:trgest stonc that four nicn car-rieti contained 6 cubic fcct
or 990 Ills., that is 247 lbs. per man; this they performed with
considernLle difficulty. Four men cnrricd 11p the i~wlinctlplain to
a hcigt-ht of 20 f ~ e t . r)np l)roacl. af011r4: of thc h \ l i l d i ~ ~i ng .t h o l t ~ .

nd dificnlti~gmade

containing !IS cill~ic.f(~~~t

and ~vcigllingI-5,675 Ihs,: this q i v ~ s13,913
lbs. r;tisc(l 20 f i v t i l l 4 ? I O I I ~ Sto c : t ~rntln
~ l ~ ;i,rt!I .)2~1
!IF. raiq-yl 1
foot 11c1*
minut 0 ; I 1 1 , ~ itq , 9, Cltin:~n,:lncx(:~*tsi7 colt t innn11s ~(Fective
' , of 32!i n l i i f s pr.1- I ~ I ~ I I ~ I \~.w*ki~lg
9 11011rxa, d : t y at,tliiu
epccicn of I ; l b o ~ l r I : 1
clap; :trill : b t other
IR~)OIIP d ~ l r i ~ q
tile rcbst of' it 3 I)rlt, t h i s Ilr: (lifl n o t :~IIv:Iv; (!o, f o r 1 h:/ve O ~ S C I ' I * V C ~
on sonlo occa.ior~., that tllc lollolcc. clonn-~rr;lq:jc loiv 2.'; 1lnit; per
minnrc. T-T;lrl 1 1 1 ~ C l ~ i n r v I ) o ~rrnplo~.c(l
or: contr:lct, T hYjvc nt,
d o ~ h tthat they wool(1 lmve gone tllroafrh doltble ihc work, tlrotc~h
I am convinceci t h a t r l l ~ \ .coulcl I);] vc 0111sc o t ~ ! i n : ~ tllo
c ~ l cxzr~ion
f o r n fi?rv (lavs, no0 not f b l n ~ ~ ~ l ~ o ! o s o : ~ sAn
o n .E ~ i m p c : ~v~i.inq
metcri;~lon' t,he bncli 2nd rcht nl+ninqr r r ~ p f v2nd worliin~G hours
in thc [lay, l ~ w f ' o ~ 1,126
~ r n ~ units per ralinntc, 01- virh a wllecl-barrow on ramps arorking 10 Ilonl*s per* ~I:L\-,720 1 1 n i t ~per minute.
(Tai t's BIecl~ani~s).Tllis T T O L I I ~ prove 11;~ I;, b o ~ of
r a Chinaman
that of
\vo~*lcin=~ ~ n r l etlin
r l1rat of the orjriiltor, not to (.qnnl 11:1!f
an Earopcan ~vorltingin tllc t e n ~ j ~ c l ~ :zorio;
Ijut i t will ha seen
that he can exert for :L short tinlr a ncnr1.v cq11nl, for he can
bcar a burthen of 2.17 lhs, tvhicll is thr: w e i ~ h cnrrii_liI
on the b . 1 ~ 1 ~
of an average Enropean, sncll as a 5nclC of wheat, containing 3
bolls m ~ i p h i n g240 lbs ; i t must tl~creforoho conceded that tliough
the Chinrse does not pcrfbrrn in the Torrid Zone h ~ l the
f labour
f the European, this must not be asc~*ibedto his pocsessing ler
hysical ponrcrf, bot m the clinlntc in which 11e Inhunrs.
The Chinese in raising thc stone9 to the top of the builiiin~
." b
the vinch and tackle, ant1 working nine hbiirs a cln!:, on or
occasion of which notc was takcn, pc;*forn~eda ui;!aful efftlct c
ooly 127 n n i t ~ sper man per ininlite, 2nd on another of 210 unil
per man per minute ; this small resr~ltwas evidcntlr owing to th
great friction in the hlozlis, pulleys and r o l ~ c ;nn:l conld wt? hnv
proc111,cd a windl;tss, driven by a p r v ~ ~ ~ hanll
c e l pinion, h r vhicll
tllc ropes aacl pulleys ~ r o o l dh:l,ve hee!~ di;l~rrlsecl wr-itj~, their
l ~ b o u r\rould have hcen much rnolle ndvantsgeoosly applied
lie onsequentlv more e f i c i c i ~ l .
Tilt: mohe that Chincsc inv;lrial~lv nsn i n cnl.ryin*3 heavy
weigl~tsis by st,retchcrs hel(! on the s l l o ~ ~ l i l eone
r ~ , stretcher beini
borne by 2 men, in this rn;~nnrr:--n t,lis
stone, bjj sling9, cc sti.ctcliers, dd rvllrr*r?thc
koulders nre fi,pplic(l; five mt?n occnsio nnllv
lace tllernselres to 3 st~.ctcllcrstlj~xs-~t i the
r7 t, l l ~
!one, bjj tile slings, ce the strctolii:rs, (I!.,.,
oints mhcre the s h a ~ l i ~ e rarc
s n,pp!.ird, e
~c point where t,he C y O E i s t . l ~ t ~ hi~
i >npplicd,
cxt~*aonc h~)r11;?
1)y t.11~oclrl par-:on.
n cal$rying wcighta t,he ;ulrnhcr of' 4): or
-vcn 100 nlcn may hc nttnclrcd. I)v r n ~ ~ ! : : ; ) l ~ * ing the nllmhcy of ~tlmetc!~(?lr,
as in t 1 ~ !ijiirre
annoxrd, sllol~inqn. hey*Cento ~lrllich40 Inen
~ u l dbe yoltccl, and wlro ~~ocrld
rill apply


1 1 1 1 8 1 1




A < 7 t , : ( l ~ 7 ? l ~(:IF




,.~-..~ -

'rl? 7; ~ T O l ~ ! : l ! ~ ~ R f1,fO
. ~ l ~~KT-l!OTJ5K.




their shol~ltlcrqnt, tlw Icvcl ;.,lwvc r.lac! rrnl~ntl. 'rhe
$tone t,hat I h:tvc. 401711 lifted
~ . n dremnvcrl in f.l~irr l ) 9 n u r l B ,
mcnsnrerl 12 fi>rt, long, -2. f;lcbt,
broarl, r~nd2 feet c l r t ~~.vcigli~~,
i n 1 - 3 0 1 ; Ijrlt I 112r c n n
rloubt, t l i t~q.clailv 11cnvicr 31.t i c l ~ s ,providecl t . 1 1 ~n'ci-c
p:>mlclopipcrls or r!'lillflrl.~ cor~ld he moved in this 1 ~ ~ 1 ~I n.
boring granite, two Cllinrre llorctt a holc of two inches diameter
and nine inchcs (lccll? in :IR 111:!11y hor~)'s,tl-rnt is, a n inch per hour;
one mnn stril;ir~r: n i ~ t lthe ntl1c.1. Iloltling nnil tonlir?g t1:c jrimpcr;
3 n3tives of' Hintlon~tanpcrfi~l.rnrclthe sil.IIlc n'o~'k,2 men st.riliing
and onc holtling arl(1 t u ~ * ~ ~tthr
i n ctool. of the latter class
gcncrallv Borer1 a holr., o w i:icli di:~mctcra n d two fcct dcep in a
dnv's knrk of nine 1io111.s; !his i~ a pool- ~.esllltIT h ~ compared
given by Sir J o h n
with Ellplish i : ~ h o ~ l irl l Eu~*opr,if t I 1 dat:~
B a r z q n e (Weale's series) Ilc col.l.rct, u.1lct.c it is stated, that two
Englkhmen hore 4 to 7' f'eet of 2 inch holes in a dnv, and that 8
feet of 1inch hore is ~ccoml~liohe(l
by one man per di'cm.*
Dnring l,llc pcriocl of our opcmtions we I ~ a dsome opportunities
of nb~erringthe manhers of t l ~ rChinecc! l o w r clwse~,t.11ongh not
FO intimately as to enablc ng to form a ~ h o r o e g hconception of the
genius of thnr; people. Tlwy a1)pc;l.r to be devoid of religious
; in their foocl they are not pa~*ticalnr,eating w11atever
is 1)818tal)Ic, and sometimes what Eru~opeann wonld. think sufficientlr d i e q ~ ~ s t i n;grice, salt-fish, sour crnr~t,and occasionally
pork formed their diet. Frequent apl~licniiune were made by
;.hem for our medicines. P l a s t ~ r gand salves for the ulcem, that
thcv are rnr~alisubject to, \rrcre held in great request. The taste
of castor oil they highly rrlished. 1 cnLnsay little of their healing
arts, furtl?cl* than that when they at,tempted this themselves they
~eernellro put much more fait11 in cxtei.n:il npplica~iaristhan intcrnal remcdicj~. On one of our carl~entcrsbeing afflicted nit11 headache, an old man having P O I I I ~ j ) ~ - ~ t e r ~ to
s i ~mc?dicel
skill, first distended tllc rcinn of rile iemllle, hy rohl)ing the fingcr agninst them,
and then I)llncturcd
in scvrtrnl places with
nccdle, this scc?m. . aoOf"lw
ed to nffOrd some relic.!f; on occasions of gr11)111g
wo~llcl thlmom thc pntknt on Ilia bnct, n l ~ dc ; ~ t c l ~ hold
i n ~ of tlie
skin of'thc abdomen, by rn!,nns of tn-o sm:rll picci:s of money, hcld
bctwecn hi^ finger and tbuml), he woultl twitch at the part till

* In tlre nccollnt or tile Skerryvol-eIAi:)lt-J~o~l.qf3,

pnry 116, 3Ir Stevenson informs US, '-111 1 1 c ) r i n1ioIt.q
of 1 to I ; illc11 dj:i111(
t t ~ it, 111:iyI)(? oI qenccl that tiley are
*' gellcsl;~llytlvne \! i f h Imnd n~:rll11yctnp :~ncl t l ~ a<nmr Iqrl'.;)irstriliing with + h e
d c 111;tll 1rjtJ1 OIII' 11nnrlnntl ~ I I rI r i ~ tl l~~ c
I)nlmin:ttr~olfilr I~iutft:Ifwit11 tlle 01 her nntl in
'' mo-t c:~sc+n man will l ) o c.~ !J 01. I 0 Itoi~r111 gr:rnit-: rock. If'tlle Itore
1 ~ :1: inr,)i tiiqlnr*tp1',ns for plr~::., hrec 1 1 1 ~ 1 1will c~nrrallyI ) ~ K ct \ ~ plug
Ilole9 in
Jlc~ilr,onc}l Jlolr h ~ i n q!I inc-ltc*-I I P P ~ .If' t l v l)ore lie t'or 1~1:c;tinq nil(! ot'
a5ncli di;i~r~catc:r,tl~recme0 will I~orca t tlre rats nt'o~rc:font ptr lro~lrto t.lle
<' of C or 7 f i x ~ t . " T ~ Q V .h c f l k i ~ v !i q !h<:SO~tth; : i l $ f + ' r A4:ttic
n tliiy ( I P ~ I I L ~ ~


. ..

it was perfectly r 1 ; othrr parh of the body were thcn trpated

in the snlnc manner. princijxtlly in tlir rrrck, shoulder b!ar!es, and

spine ; to us the rnnc(ly appearctl xr~:atXymarc eevnrc: than the
discacre, and t,ho parson 01~cr~to11
i11)on, bv his ~vir~cinqs
contortions undcr the process cvi~lcntlyheld thc same opinion as
~nreelvcs. IVhen fi(~1lting
they clo not uqr! the fist in the manner
of tllc labouring cl:.ezcs of England, nor do tllcy stand u p to the
contest. Thcv tear and scratch with tllt*ir Ion6 fingcr nails, and
if ru-ged to urkovern 11)lr: fi1ry they will (1 ie tllei~*t ~ v olore-fi n g e r ~
under the ril~s, an(i sorn~timcsoccnsion instant cleat11 by the
rapture of the sp'ccn. T l ~ c ya7.c not,orious g a m b l r ~ and
amusements are moitlp of s scdenta~ynatrtre, thc climate lloltls
out no inilllcement to activc sllorts, PO they seldorn indulge in
thcm. I n their trial3 of st,renytll their most common test is bv the
two perecins holdinc ihe oppoqite ends of a stout pole, wilich tl;ev
push against each othcr until onc g i w s vay. Tliej well understand the power tliat cornhillation giver tliprn, and are adepts in
tohe r n i n ~ ~ t iof
x rc:l;lnting thoir inlcrcourqe nrith each otl~cr,when
carrying out nnder:aliingq in which each has a common intevest.
F o r the cst imating of thc moral qanlit ics of the labouring claqses
of Chineer, it sc1ilor.l falls to thc lot of thc Zuroyenn to bc placed
in ;I position to ,j~~i!gr:
fiirly, as llc comes in c o ~ ~ t nfor
c t the most
part with those belonging to en-port towns, n.110 it m a r safcly be
acsomed do not colnc u p to the ~ t i ~ n ( l : uof'
t l the nation generallr.
Thc aqricoltrval clac3ee, of nllorn little ir l i ~ ~ o n . nwill
, no d o u h t be
I."-eatly more eatin~:.l)le tlli:n tllose. 1 had freqoo~rtlrobserver1
mars of small ~vonncls ucar the navel ancl F I I ~ P ~ S L ' Cthat
had been occnsionctl bv prlrtctal*ing the ~ ; I J * Iin
, thc mnnrrer of ihe
Japanese as drscr.brii by I<narnpfcr, but I waq ilrfornred thv>tthe
scars hi8d bces made hs their p a ~ ~ e ~I)p
~ tburlling
d o r i ~ l ginfancy,
but for what reason fhrv col~ldnot tell nlc.
The Chiricse are noisr and tnlk long b ~ f o l ~ther
c come to blcrm,
but in tllc laitel part of our opcrntione this trottbic was easily put
a stop to.
As the buillling rose we could the further sec into the ~vmtere
that sun-onndect ue. Dnrinq neap tides the water was l ~ e r f e c t : ~
clear and di~pii~yeil
in its horom nnnleroos fish of rnriolip spcci&
plnvii~g ahout tire rocks and cor:tls. A heantifill green s l ) c c i ~ ~ ,
yn~ticolal.lvattvaclctl our attention finom t!lc ~~rlrndorfi*
of its tints ;
the co1onl.a ol' otllel*s were vnl*io~ic,~ ) ~ ~ i )Lluc,
l c , ant1 veliow,
and ot11c.r bril innt Ili~cs,weve not oncon~monlywen to ndbrtl tllc
finny tribcs, ot'1c1.s ~vcrcsj~ottcilant1 stril~ed. Tllc gignni ic sl;ate
ciill&l 1)v snilrl~silic drlril fish, a o n l f l so~nctimc.appronch close
to t lie rhck, and migllt occasionally bc noticcd to leap out o f the
watcr, and m: Ice n 2 s a m m c r s ~ 20
t fect n l ~ o r cits ~lntiveclcrnrnt ;
turtles 011 twrc occasions ~voulcll ~ eseen movinr nlonq the bottom
or. lying ql~~qcishly
on t h c ru~*facc
o f the rrrntbrs. I I o r & l u ~ l ,in
his Dirr)ctorv nnticcs rhc nutncrnlts n!-~tc~ra
ah2t arc tc Ije i s a n d

on Pctlra Br~nncn,hut c c r m ilnys nfter otrr Innclinc; it was rlifFicult

fo fintf. n s i n c l r nuc; tllr C l ~ i n c ~
Dn cnl-lv finis11 of thcrn.
V T c fou~1(?
nl*o olac or two of t l ~ lnrzc
birnlvcs cnilccl tllc Gebang
on the mali, tliis sprcics i.:sou~eti~ocs
to be sccn 4 fcct in length
in Singapore. 3rnny sl~onlsof porpoises mcre to be seen at all
times, and the 112117 and ferocious shn.rIi mas sclclom nbrcnt: 1
bnve oftcn watchctl his rnovcmcntc ns he stealthily moved along
he bottom : I l i ~I)PPI'O:?CII. was bcllelt2 with cconstrrna.tion and
onfr~sion bv mnnv s f the smrtll tribes of fisl~es,I I ~ ~wolild
~n all dircciions i n d hidc tliemselvcs t~ndcrthe stoncs ancl in thr,
creviccs of the snrrkcn rocks, 2nd yet by others he was reccived

nitla the greatest no~achalance, and in the midst of whom he

v o ~ i l dnnconcerneclly move without ~ttcmptingtlieir molcstntion.
The svorci-fish was also a constant visitor to the watcrs of Pcclra
Bmn ca.
On the 15th of October a consicierable swcll get in from the
north-cast, this continuccl till the 20tl1, when it set in fitill heavier;
on the 21st we Itlad. finishecl all the work that could be done at the
tower, so me made preparation9 to depart. The srrcll mas nom so
heavv as to break over the East rocli about 7 feet above thc levell
of the sen at high water ancl the approach was difiicnlt for o w
~rnallboats ; I tliercfore sent all the Cliincse on bonril one of the
gun-boat? at noon, lest bv their hclplcssiiess on the ~vater,we
~rouldnot be able to
them of& should tlre afternoon bring a
heavicr sea with it. I remained with the crows of the gun-boats
to stop away all u~cfulmaterials in tlic tower, also to take down
our honce, and that of the Chinese, lest by catching firc or being
~ e on
t fire by the natives in our ;tbsence, it should scorcll and
plintcr the fhce of the .i~ralls. \Ire left the boat-sl~crl,bleclisrnitli's
bed, and coolies-shed rrtanding, as their materials nrcm of no
dne, though we did not expect them to stnncl the force of the
cominy Y. E. mongoon. Wc also took rtp and stowed on the top
of tllc roclr to leeward such partsof tlw flier as coulcl bc rcnloved,
thc rcst of it ~ V Cleft to its fate. A clay or two previor~slywe
built brick pillars on varioos parts of the rock to test thc force of'
t)Ie Travc. and t l ~ c
hci2ht to mlricll their iollncnce might c t c n d ltp
the rock. At 5 p . 3 ~cvcrpthing mas accornplishcd, so nrc sl~ovcd
fi*om the rock 2nd took onr clcpnrtrwc fox. t11c season. TIE
H. C. ~tcamcrcc Ncrncsis" pnsacd tho rock n clay or tnro Lntcr,
2nd llcr cornmnnrlcr rcport~rPa licavy PS;L to IIC ? ~ r ~ i t k ion
) l ~111';
rock, $0 ~9 to render 1:llltlin: impo~sibln.


Rock visitrtl n! cnriotra i i m r . ~cl?lrtnry the ~?~orl'?t-rnst

monsoon.-Stnfc q7 thr!
rock, crnd 1cork.7 qftcr tho ,1rtm?soon..-Rc-/c1n(1 o??, !Ihc roch t o ~n,n.,npnce

jlrnle ?i?rcckc(lOn S fark, Z%r~f-- CON?
mmce 0 2 ) . ~ o ? ~ pifir
clnd descriptio~z the.~.rqf:--ilfo/lcof ronocinfl ston~.c?)?/aflor~tir~y7cith
-Rain c7tanne7~,for collccfivy/ vcnfrr --JIp. (Il,?trclt,1.ixif.q f h c rncJr.--&t-lre,vs tits olstsicle qf thc h~sil~ling.-AZargr?hrtrqsle srw, on Po.vfil?o?t,shoal.-Awivnl qf light rtppnrat?c.r n??.dhoist in!/ f hc?-e?f:-S/le/~rs d ~ s c rhie r d . - , S m ton's nccoun.t qj' hoi~ti.nqthe rlome qf' t E ~ ? I . T ? ~ - ~ ~ o ~ ~ . -"J~lfctr0p02is''
qcrechcd nnd ?r:r~tcr-7oggcd.-Col. BufiFcr?corfhc~nrllport?/ visit the rocit to its lighting ,for thr?,fir?ct tl~r?fi~:-Do.~.ccri!,tion
qf lifghf nnd cqpnrn fus,
also qf Inntern.-ligltt ,I;I-.I'~
pcrmf~nen.f?yslirti:n, on 15th 0cfobr~r.- ;r/l?~trcccssf~cl n t t e ~ ~ s pt to Innd on 1st iVni;e~?/h~!r.-,~lo'~-/+?~
qf' roch nnrl vicinii?y.Leave for tlie .senson.-Atmsphericnl dLst t ~bnnccs.-IVntcr
spv71ts and

oqualls dtscrilied.

During the North-east tnaneoon, when oar operations at the

c k mere necessarily suspended for the season, the stones of the
,pita1 of the tower and flag9 for the floo1.s were proceeded with
Pulo Ubin I n Singapore, the dc~ors,Tvinclows, stairs, ft~rture, &c., Yvere commenced upon Iand p repared before our
turning to the ,,,I,
The rock was at various times risited rlurinm tlic North-east
onsoon, both by myself and tile Gmlners of '7ho "Charlotte"
id "Nancy." On {he 26th October the ((1Jancv" proceeded
tt. but on fetching thc rock the Gunner ill cornmind co~ll(1not
.&ture to land: however nrxt d a ~she~ vent out again and a
landing was e!fficteaI. The ~'~harTotte''procecdcc! out on the
ir and got abreast of tlic rock on the 4t11, but thc
2nd NOvembe
Gunner coold not efict a lending.
On the 5th tllc sea had
gone dowli and bccome quite smootll, so she went out again n-lien
he landed with ease. On the 11th she went out again but a
heavy swell and squally venther from N. E. prevented ianding.
I proceeded out on the 23rd of tlic same month on i~onrclthe
"Charlotte" and landed ~vithcase on tlie 24th ; tl~crewas n smell
om the North-cast. I found nothing carried anray fro111 tllc
ck, but all materials remninctl as we had left illem. Thc ebb
tide in the evcenit12 me found so strong that n jolly-boat propelled
collld not malie licnd against it. I procecdcd old
vith 6 p~adclles
~- 1- --again on uuilrd tlic s n ~ n evcsscl on the 9th Deccmhcr, and on the
10th could not get out to tlie rock, owing to tlio heesy sea anI d
strong N. E. and nortllerly minds ant1 sqnallv vcntlicr., $0 p1lt
-back; I mcnt out again ncxt day but cx<cricnccd tiic
weather. We xppronclled within 4 a, milc of tlic rock on wllicli the
sea was brealting heavily. W; obscrvcd that tllc landing picr,
boat housc, and north Grick piilnra, tllnt wc had set 1111 before
leaving, had been ~vnallcilikwny. It vTa3 remnrkcd that insitlc tlie
Btraita it blew N. N. IT.while oataide tlre vintl mag from N. F

TJICwnrcs frmz thc holI01t7 to flit creqf. wci-c! '7 feet liigh* and
crcrc short a n d t r ~ i n gto tllu nl:lsf~. 011tlir '7th of January
1 ggain procccilcrl ont s n 11onl.d file c~Cl~nrlotf,e"but (lid
not get close trp to P c c l l ~Eralicn
pnqt 9 A. M. of
the !It11 ; X went in t l i ~,joll~-110nt
a fbrv yxrcls of tlic
rock, hut conlcl not 11a-i-c lnntlctl witliont cndnc gcring thc boat.
T p.occcdc:l out spin on tlto 2Stl1 of J:~l~unry,
I~ut;ibunrl the sea
too 11ig11to,lancling. 01111lc 1.311 of I1I;~rcliit was notcd
that 111c scn in Sincpporc rontls was pcrfcctly smootli, which
pl-ovctl that tl~crccoi~ltlIIC b ~ t little
sca 011 out at. Pcdra Branca.
I proccc(1cd ont on thc 97th of tlic samc mo~itliand lnndcd on
the 28th, tlrcrc ~ ~ nn brcczc
from the Nortll-east, but only a
slizl~tsr~ell. We Iny nt anchor OK tlle rock for two days, and
cornp1"tcd n ahcd for tllc rrosktncn for thc corning season. Thc
f'ollon-i11g mas tllc state of tllc rock rvlicn I 1nnclecl:-The pier
\vas ci~ti~*el.c~
n r y - , tllc ~vroughtiron bats by ~~rlricli
it was
. .to tflc rock being citlier (lrnwn or broken ofY. Two stone9
sreig11111:640 Ibs cnch, we founcl wasllcil OKtllc rock, and clcpositecl
in ho!ldks helo~v, they had bceo placed on a spot F fcct ahove
h i ~ hw t c r spring tides at tlie tinlc wc lcft. Tlic boat-house,
coolics-shcd, nnrl lime-housc, lvcrc cntircly ~vnshetlaway, these
were G to 10 feet above higll water spring tides at tl~cirfoundations. Tlie sand ancl 11ecl cart11 wit11 enclosures werc also washed
an-nv, also all tI~cpiIlars on thc noi*tliexposuiQ of tllc rocli, placed
10 io 12 fict above lliglr ~vmtcrspring tide.. On the south side
of the rock pat.ts of the w a t e ~SXCILS and sl~edwere brolccn
dam-n, tllcsc were 15 feet above tlic scn. Tlierc was cviclencc of e
heavy spmy 11avingmasl~cclorer the Enst 11igli rock 20 to 27 feet
above hi$ water in tlie damngcd state of the bntll llou~oand rratcr
drains upon it. The pillar on tllc ~ r ~ c s ~part
c r n of tlre rock was much
TT;orn, tl~iswas at a lleiglit of 12 feet ;il)ovc: the szn. All of
Ices tlia~i of a ton ~rciclitleft on tllc No~-:llsitlc of f;hc rock were
to thc Ice.
!ither ~ a s l l e t off'il~to
tlic I ~ o l l o r ~or~ c:tl.~.iocl
i~ coiini~lc~-nl~lc
srvell got
A t this time when lying off the 1-oc1~
np ~ ~ h i crenclcrecl
landing or departing t l i f i c ~ ~ lneither
coultl be
etrectcd w-itlioat ~~vctting
np to tlic? micl(llo. T I I 9ctti11g~nnderiveigh
the CL Nancy" barely escaped ship-~vrl*cl;,1)y I~ciilgset 011 tlie rock
by the wind and cmlrcnt, A sen arocl -~vi~s
found covering the
rocks on tllc North sitlc to tllc Ircigllt o f 1 0 to 12 fcct vhich show^
11ow C O I I P ~ : L T Ltlic
~ ~ ~ \V;LVCS 11nd 1~1:tvcdon tllis quarter.
Tlie base
,f tlln Light-l~oosc2nd nmte~~inls
r;url,l it wcrc unaffected, and if
~nvtllirlq1i:ld gone over 11c1.cit 1nn.t 1i:lvc brcn only spmy.
* , D l i r i tlic
~ ~ ~l i r ~ j.car9s
opcratio~lsit S I I ' I I C ~ LI ~ that
a convenient
platfo~nlmi+ t bo c o ~ ~ ~ ~ w c 11mr
t c c l . tllc c~ltlanceof tllc L i ~ t-h
Iiorcsc, wllicll ~rronld i l e rtsclhl for lnvirig nrliclcq, on tlrcir bcl~lg

* T11i4 m7a9 n s r ~ ~ ~ t t ~f:yi ~pl:~rinc,.

l ~ i l t l ~ ecyc nf n. rtlrtnin 1inon.n hcic.11tnhorc the
mntrr line, and 1s1tt.11 t l ~ c : \,.,-<.I
\ i r i j d i l l 1111.
o!' the 5(':1 nutil~gwhen the
horizon just and no lrlvre tIir11i ili~~al~pe~tn~tl
t'ronl view.

to ?IT? ?aoiyt,cd into tllc Li~ht-Iaonsc;it ~~-.7'<)111t1

also fc)l*mR
sn~nllpromcno(lc for tllr lig:-l~t-k(~cpn~*s
anfl if p:r~*ti:tll
y covered
1~it11m ~ ~ na.i n would
s c ~ ~ vt icl l a. pitring placr, 1~hcl.r:?.i~crmight
takc tlrcir Y I C ~ I ~ R I S . Ccloiv the platform miqllt bc conqthlctcd n
vnlllt which 1~onlilbe uscfi~l for stonring l a m b c ~ ,l ~ m v garticles
or extra watcr.
The unsig?ltlp gnllv to the R C Rof~ fllc L i g l ~ t - h o t l ~aep p m ~ c dto
rnc to hc cnslly iransf6rmablo into a ~ . s ~ l l cI)y
n filling i t wit11 ~ n r t h
and in ~vllich tlrc more irnrdy
r n i f y l i t hc m ~ d to
c grow ;
thcsc it mas 11opcd wonld form n ~ n l ~ j cot
c t infcrcgt 2nd I-ecrcation
at tllc rock, ~rllcrn t l ~ cposition is so lonely 2 n d employment so
monotonoos." A t my scvcral visits to the rock clluing this north
east monsoon, I cnl*cfi~llvwatcllcd the action o f tllc lvrrvcs upon
the rock and saw that c o d d n picr be etretchcd bcyon(l tllc breokcrs n landing colild probably bc effcctcd on it a t all tirnea, cxcepting during thc worst of mcatllcr; ns tllc cape stootl, witl~natn,
pier it wan difficult to land a t anv time except when the sen was
nearly calm. These proposed additions I brought to thc notice of
govcrnmcnt and a ready sdnction was obta.ined fou thcir execution.
Tllc garden and platform walls I designed should be built of
granite, laid in rusticated courses, but I did not fix on nnv plan
for the pier until I should have had n bcttcr opportunity of'coneidering the sobject after landing on tllc rock, to commence this
y mr'a operations.
The Nancy," which had been thoroughly repaired, T sent out
with BIr Bennctt, nccom panied by the tongkang loodetl with
attaps and plnnke, on the Afll of April. TJIPVarrived at Point
Romania at 3 A. ar. of tlic Gth, here tllcy inndhd convicts, tcn in
number, \rho built a h ~ for
t tl~cmselves,as thcv were to remain to
cut wood and dig wells. The " Nancy" and ionFkang procemded
out to Pec1r.z Brancn and mriued thcre a t 6 A. 31., of the i t h ,
when l l r Bennett landed and tool< u p his quarters iri thc Lighthol~scmitli 1 blacksmith, 1cool., 3 carpenters and G lascars ; hnving landed the materials the " Kancv?' and tonglcang lcft the rock
for ltomania. It may bc llcre w 0 r t 6 ~of note that tlre blacksmith,
a Chinese, 1 ~ 1 tllc
~ 9 samc mail that had such n fright the seaeon bcfore, when left on the rock, and who t h m when brougllt off bcllarctl in FO llt~manlya mnnncr. T110ugli he was an opium smoIicr
I 11nd known him to bc n good worfimnn, so llnd ernployccl lrim on
his return to Singnporc on ral1ions work dwing tllc whole pe~iod
of the N. E. monsoon ; as time Iscars ofl' most impreseionq, ile
asked to be en~plovedngnin at the rock, bot tl~icI was ratller
doubtfi~lof nccedin.$. to, reminding him how hc bcllnr7cd the seneon
before. Ilc accmcd in carnrst ant1 promised not to be afraid, so
ma5 cngngcd. T l i o ~ i g lllc
~ lnndcd tllia scnqon at the same periotl
* If hns 1)ccn nlrrnrly nntcrl tllnt my intcntionq mrrc r~nrlm*rrlfutile hy the g r R


f l t r l X r t y t h - t . ~ s t ntnnqooll

: nn pl;~ntrrol~ltlI I P {ha114t o rrmn-.I.

'f'. '!'. JnIy,

?char nnll chi4 w i t , l l ~lcnl-lyc q ~ ~ dificltlty,

he ~ l i o w c ~n ol
of timitlit,v, 1)ilt. i m m ~ ( I i i ~ torl
ect8to worli i n I~ail,i. ,
1115~ L I I - ; s
~ ,l ~ o ~ ~ iJw
n g ])is
- awi(li~ityt,l~:~t
IN: W:IS in goof1 carrlcst,

i s I2.t


nncl Ire r'oaltillllcstl in t.lic: c ! r n l ~ l o ~ . ~tho

l ~ c lw11olc
season till all was
I Idi S i n g ~ p o mon i ~ o n l ~the
l "Cl~nrlottc" on tllc 5th, and
a1.rive3 ;rt P o j ~ ~Ro~t~ntlia
via Polo Ubin nt 5 r. M. on the 8tI1 ;
wc ~:lij(?dn m t rnorllitl~ in c:ornl)nny lVitll the l'Nnr~cy" n ~ i dtonkarlg, wliich u.clSc1)y illis t imr 1o:itlctl wit11 w n tcr atit1 spatss, calBrrint. :~lso tlic convict^, n.nd :trrivcrl on-' the rock at G A . BT. 111 tile.
enl,ly pwt of' thn mor~thf;l~r:rca w:in tol~rahlyslnootll Iltlt R consid c ~ ~ i bcu1.f
l c nftcr~~nrcls
arosc and brolic on tllc rocli: t,l~c:14tl1.
n.l~cllit sul t+i(led. Scit.llcr the lvind nor SCR, fortc~nntclp,mere any
w a r nearly so bnrl, n y at t . 1 1 ~Panic pcriod of' last yca.l*.
.Ihe conyicts on ln~i(lingwere sot to Glast away hy n n p o ~ ~ r r . d ~ r
some roclis at tlic norlli landing place, and illc C l ~ i n e and
c 31alaJs
n.clSc busiecl al3011t t,lle houses and ~ l i c d sfor oul.sclves anil workmen. O n the 32th n Chinese junk struclc on Stork rock and
imlncdintclv Bilgcd ancl filled, ilie crew were taken off by an
junk, who assisted in saving as much out of t h
\vycck ;IS they could, appc~l.cntlvfor tlieir own l~cnefitfor they
mndc 011' v i t 6 the spoil lasvini tlircc of the owners of the car60
clinging to the I I ~ ~ c c ? ~ Tliese
were rescued by n Malav sampan
ITIIO pro~i~isedto taltc them to the gun-boat which was lying at
Dim%core, but instead of which, thev carried tllcm to a barren
rock vhel~ethcy landed them ant1 then brocceded to rifle from tile
rcmaindcr of' thc cargo what they conld c a r ~ ~away.
On the wreck
being perceived fiom tlio ('Nancy" her gunner sent his boat and
found tlic 3 Cllinese on the rock, rvhorn tllcy took on board and
h~otlght to Pedra Brnnca. They rernaincd on the rock with us
that night, but seemccl very uneasy in their minds, and one threatened to destroy Iiimsclf. Next clap on the arrival of'the "Charlotte"
I sent thcnl on boarcl, as I ~ v a sabout to embark in that vessel for
Sinzapore vih Pulo ULin. Tlley appcnre(1 to have great distrust of
our ~ntentions,so that when we dl.oppeil nriclior at P u i o Ubin one of
them jumped overbonrcl, cryin? out at the snme time that he weald
dro& himself, but on plongmg into the water he kept his hcad
verv buoyantly abovc tlrc surbce, till tile boat was sent to bring
hi& back. T l ~ ccirclunstancc of our touching at Pillo Ubin before
to Singapore 11ad most likcly, also, stimulntcd their
~ \ tthe village in Pltlo Uhin a countryman of thci~*s
was found,
~ y i t hn.llom theg i)cggctl to be allowed to dcpart. This rvas glatlly
acccilcd to, as t,licy sllorrctl thcmsclvcn so little gr:ltcfitl for our
nrsietn~~cr,and otllcrwisc rendcred tl~cmselvcsso i~~onblc,son~c
tlicir uilfij~~liilerlf;la.l.s: as to our intentions towai~cls tlie~n. Ola
Innvinq, 3 q tliry I Y P ~ Td ~ ~ f i tI ~gavn
l t ~tlicn~el~fEcicntto carry them
to i,r!gnj,mr,?n l v l to rn:tilltain !Iictneclvc~f i ~ r~ o l n cdilvg. Iutt at tltc

Fnnlc liinc Irt illcm ~ r n ( l ~ ~ . $ t fflint.

i ~ ~ c111cir
had been nny
r l
tliing I~litplc:~eitlg. I l ~ c y I T ~ C Y C nn t i r w of' Jl ;lin;l.n wllcre tl&
of llic co:tst nro 1~:11~l)n1*oa.,
nnfl hnvn ir(:;ttcrl in 3 rnr~tchefi
manticla F I I C ~ 1~ 1 0 ! : ~ I ' I ' C C ~ C CEI ~0 ~ l l l : l l l 2 5 ~ R V Cfiillcn into tllcir
hands, it is not, inll)l.ol)irl)I~h
that 1lir-y tool< it for gl*nntcd, t l l n t me
\yol~ltlhc as l)ad ns 111!11ricrlvcc:nnfl thflir- r:orlntrrnicn, SO C O I J I ~ rlnt
n n r act o!' liinllncis I)y wlricli I (lid rhy hest to nllcvintr
tl~cir t1istrcs~'Cs. 0 1 1 t11(? 16th g t 1'0111*a Jjrnncn, thc swell set
don11 llcnril v ngnin fieom tll(?, GO th:r t mntcl*i;ci.;colll~l
not bc 1 3 1 1 d d nlld l.llo tol~gknnqhnrl to run for slreltcl* IF t\
clays to Point I t ~ m ; l ~ l i i >0.1 1 t 1 1 ~321l(lof iZp1-il TVO Cornlnpnr(
o anrl otrtsitlc v : ~ , n l ~ , .,.
coitilq tlio fbuntl:~tioocfi)r t c t
paving tlic Liglit-l~onwf oors. 1- llcl-c rrcllo a t tllii tirnc 42 ~vsrkr
men on I hc rocl;, viz. 2 Cl~inrsc!l~l-i(*l;l;lyrl*~,
/ Chinr~c
stone-cut tnrh
2 Cliiiicae cnipcntcrs, 1 Cllincsc ]~lil~I\~lllitll,
1-1Cllinese coolics, 6
BIalny sailoits alld 10 Cor~victs.
\VP also commcnccd to cut ;1 ~ q l ~ a rhole
c in a 1 i c ~ 1 . rstone
rnci=l~ing5 tolls out of w:~tcr,~vhicllI (lcsignc(1for thc f o i t of the
~011thpicr. The picr m a ? melit eolnc (l~sci.iption,nq 011 it was to
depend tlic possil~ility of' laiirling (111ringt ! N.
~ E. mollsocn. I
had cai*cfiillvcor~sidcrcdt l ~ cmerits of t,n-o ~ ~ l a l ) o ~ i t iwllicll
o n ~ , merc,
whetl~crto uconstl.nct for tlie purl)n.o of Inndin: rllusinq tlio north
cast moilsoon, n mlnll Imrbolw of stoi~cor a llicr of' wo~ d . Tfle
former I intcndcd to linvc enclosctl froin t11c sen esceptin,rr at the
h mould Roat by
outlet by \valls or pirrs of llcavy st,oncq, ~ ~ l - t i cwe
barrels to the spot, fro111 otlicr part? of the rock, nnrl build one &I
the other by means of llcnvv shemn;, and strong tackle: hot the
objections to thi9 plan nl,pc:lrkc~to Be i n rllc cxpense, and probable
failure of thc cilclosing rvalls, d n r i n g hcarp wcnthcr; the time
required for its cxccntion ~vouldnlqo hc longer tl~onmc could afford.
A \\rooden pier was conserluc~ltly:~.tlnptcdns the cnsier in c o n s t r ~ ~ c tion and cheaper in cost, nnd as llcing nlorc cnsilv repaired in
caw of' damage. Mans ~rincil)lcsof con~trnct~ion
for thc pier presentcd thcmsclre~ns icnsil,le, and T at l ~ n g t l fixed
upon what I
considered the most si~nplc,~vllichat t l ~ cGalno f imc opporcq tlle lraqt
material possible
to tlie &tion of
thc rvnrec;. The
11 of it I\-ill 1,
n in tlic plni
thc rock, (pep
ncscd platc)
t l dlic clcva tion
Ilcre givcn. T t
m:cy sl~ortly hc
t1rwril)rtl ns hc1

~ ~ o o cgiVou-n
in Sinqnporc, csllcri tn,mpeny. Orlc Ibenn~25 fi:r:f,
long anti 14 incl~csF P ( I I ~ ~ i(q> ~lprig,'T~t
ai~(l.~ J I O ~ Gmt.
C is let, i11t.otlru
F ~ O I I C 9horc mcntionctl, to n t1cl)th of' 12 ilicltcs ; tllis storlc: is ];lid
n i t 1 1 its lipper part. on :I l(!vc*l with low w:licr S ~ I ~ti(1c~.
I I ~ T11t<
otli(:r I)cnm strctc.ltes ho~*izont:~Ily
fioni n pl.ojc>ctingrocl; to the
upright; to the fY,~.-rnori t i s fiscll I)!. do\r(:t;,ii b o e r ~ diltrthcr by
copper bolts let into thc rock, to tlio Ii~ttcr1)y n notch over wllicll
pa~cesa strong wro11(3rlltiron strap, 4 incllcs by 1 in sca,utli~ig,pccnl ~ l'r;crcTx
I ~ l t sto citlier*1)eam. That
rccl by screr:rl ~ r ~ ~ o iison
part of tlie npright irninersctl in \irn.tcr is prntec:tctl from tlic SCR
~r.ornlby coppcr On i11r liorizontnl hcam nre Inid small
b'lttens tmnsversclv, at 'I filet. distancc~,wliicl~::re boltetl tl~crcto
by nro!ight iron sclae\T bolts. rI hesc battens hear the yathrvuy,
wliich is 2; fCct bsoncl, :lnrl laid wit11 2; ilicli pla.nIi~of' tcxnpeny.
Thc planks are lait1 ;! an inch apart., so that tile water falliug on
them map cscnpe easily. 011 one side of tlzc pntli-~vnyis a nrooilcn
railing, ~npport,cclby short posls; froin the u11l~crp n ~ of
~ t thcse
posts, F~I'IIIScxtcnrl to citlicr cnd of' !lie horizontal beam tlmt bea.1.e
t11c p ~ t l i - ~ ~ and
i ~ p ,serve to 5trengillcn and render it nonelastic.
The wllolc railing is bound togrtlicr in its variolls parts by wrought
iron stlSsys and rcrew bolts, botl1 in i t s scveral joinings, xnci in its
fixture to the horizontal beam. A liglit iron railing runs along
the otlicr side of the pntli-way. From the top of the uprigl~t
beam cxtentl two wrought iron chains of 14 inch in diameter round
bar, joined togctllcr in their s c v c r ~ lpicces by short links of the
Eame mntcrial. On the \rest side of the picr one chain extends
directlv to the roclc, to wliicll it i s sccnrcd bv a wronght iron bat
driven' 14 inches into the rock, pcrpendicnlar~yto thc chain. On
the ens'. side of the pier, an out-post 10 inclies sqnnltc and 20 fcet
high is fixod into tllc rock by being lct into n llolc 12 inclres square,
and 10 dccp. Tliis post is conncctctl with tllc inner end of 1 he pier,
by a iloriaontn! bcnm 10 inches srlawc, ~vllichi-:
secured to tlic poet
and pier by wl*ougllt iron slmpq lirlcce, anrl bol:~. Thc object of
tliis out-post is to cst(;nd oat t,lic other iron chain, in passing it
rom tllo pier iicnd to tllc en.stwn rock, so that it may act more
)omcrfillly in holtling the c ? ~ of
d thc picr stcnily, when a sen breaks
rgninst it. Ib tllc end o f ' t l ~ cpier davits were fired for hoisting
a !,oat to. Tllc pa111-1v:iy of tlie pier is 11 fict d o v e lligll mntcr
rpring tides, and as tlrc sen i a cxpcctcd to come over this a t times,
the l:.~;.~o
boat belonging to tlic Light-llollsc! is not drn,~xrr~
1111 to tllc
pier, Bnt to tllc rocli at n more sccllrn position, and inetcnrl s snxrll
fishing snrnpnn is lloistcd to the davits, tlio loss ofwliicll, if waslled
qff, would bc of little conscrl~irrice." Al*ooncttlic picr all 1llcl)oulders



ant1 ston(-1s wc~.c clcnl-rcl n l r : I l v t o 1111: (Ioj,f.h o f low \v:,t,c)r mark

~pri11: t i ~ l o c . 1'11~5(: I rr>~~l(lci*~
:wtl $t,c~r)c.:v:j.~.ic(lin r?ix,!, from 1 to
3 tons in n.c,ight: o~rt,of w:tfcr-; llioit- 1*cmor:1.1wn;: c;~uilvRCCOITIplished 1 ) ntt.:~cliit~g
tllr:m to c l l ~ p tc;~sl<s
; ~ ~ and f Inn ting t,licm nnvn.v.
Pol* this ' luu0poir?l ~ o l r sJ~T - O ~ C1~,1.I:(.l.
in lllc ilppc:r sr;ilfl.~:rsof the
st,ones t,o t . 1 1 ~clclltll of (iinclwg and ot'x dinrnctcr of I ,' inch, into
tlicw holcs ring bolts of ncarlv tllc w,nic r1inrnr:ter n'r!re inc~rtcd,
~ r h i c l l I~citlgfl:lttcnell on one si(lc n.erc fixcrl in firmly
. by
* ~vcdgcs
drivc!n Jlartl down o.gairist the flntto~clrlside. 1 2 i t . 1 1onc,
~ ~ tnroor
thrcc crllpty ~ ~ ~ ~ * I ac~oi*tIi~ig
to size wort 1-ollctl to the stone to be
a ropcc, this was clone at
rcrnorrcd and lashed to tlle ring i ~ o l ~witll
lorn water, and as the water r ~ s t,llr3
c 11;11-r~'ls
rose also, until the stone
floated, nrllcn i t was cnsil~rrcmovcd ont of the way. Tllc stones
vrere sunk a t eitIler enrl df the rock ncar low wntcr rnnrli ; ~ i ~ h c n
removed to the spot where t l ~ e ywere to 1)c silnli tllc lashes wcrc

untied ~ 1 1 i c detachecl
the b a n d s so tlint thcse co~tlclhe floatcd to
high mnter mark from ml~cncet l ~ c ywere rolled 311 to a secure
place on the rock. The ring bolts ~ v c i ~obtained
at low water by
knocking oat tllc wedge. Tho boulder on ~ v l ~ i cthe
h sorrth peir
rests at ats outer encl was the larmest that wc 1ind to rcmore, this
as I mentioned before weighs 75 tons oat of ivater. It lay ncsr
high water mark so could not be flontetl away fiom its eplacc;
slide mags were therefore made of barked wood on which it
slipped easilv down to low mnter mn,rk, on bcinp hnnled along bv
2 sets of tickle. Cross spars werc then loshetl to the bonlde;,
by \vlrich six large barrels were appliccl, and it was floated by
them when the water rose, removed and sank exactly into the place
that it was to uccnpv.
The system of fioating the stones nnrny bv nttaclring them to
bal*rek, was suggcstecl to me by reading an ahiclc in the C . E. Rs
Architect's Journal, to whicll I cannot now refer ; 11-c found the
mode extjpeinelv well adapted to tlic situation, as tllc barrels wcre
so easily d c t a ~ l ~ cand
d rolled on shore, before tho coming on of
the sodden squalls that arc of frcqaent occurrence in the vicinity,
and 1vhic11, had tllc bartsels not been cletachahlc and easilv scc~ircd,
would have dashed tllcm to piece9 n.gninst the rocks. i)n tlie 1 s t
of >lay, a barque nl)parcntly Rmcrican was scen to run on Stork
reef at ;bout 5 r. ar. arid rcnlaincd tllcre till c l n r l ~when n Steamer
coming from the westward was sceri to go to her nssistnncc. On
tile next morning sllc was found to llavc qot off, and nppcared in
tllc di9tnncc bound to~rnrdsChina. A grcat tlcnl of firing
heard for somc time pnst daring tllc nights, e~tpposctlto procced
fkom t l ~ cCllilln janlcs, now passing in grcnt rromhcrs.
\Ire n o ~ vcommencccl cutting rain c1t;lnnc.l.l R P O I I I I ~3.11 the lligllcr
rocks, \vIrich wcre to gttiilc tllc rain \\-nt,clt into bnrrcls plnrcd tn
receive it. T l ~ c r cWCIT :t,ltojirthcr 1,01i!) srl1lzrc feet O ~ ' P I I ~ ; I ' ~ \ C11111.
rnclor-cd nntl wl~ocr!r'ain fit11 is guitlml in!o I,nrr-cls. TIIVnrer.a:r,
r;lil~h.11 at Sitlgnpnrc is ~lcnrsly$ lkc! r
, 1 1 ~ l t ~ ~ r r fin!?

haif tilit;. Rrnount a0 fa11 at, Pctlrn B~*nnca,

this rna11Xd affor(1 to th
e9tahlishmcnt 4,"Efli cr~bicfcct, of' lvntcr during 1 . 1 1 ~ pear, or 26,7.3>
impmi:tl pnllnr~.~.Ail!nwin(r
F tllc man to consrlrnc 2 pallone each IX
~ R V ,nn t?stablishrncnt 8 men r~*onld.
only require 5,340 gallons in
tllE V C R ~ , SO that the a~*rnngcmcnts
medc Tor collecting water, will
alloG7 of thc men hnthing also very froqaentlv if no? tlailp ; this
will ncld much to thcir rlexnlincss and comfo&. Orr the 22nd of
Mav the granite C O I I ~ F !mvinm
arrived from Pulo Uhin mc
eo&nenccd b r ~ i l d i nthe
~ capital of the tower.
On the 3rd of June me renmwed the large stone f i r the foot of
he soatll pier, 2nd- on the 4th floated it to i& place, in !he manner
de~crihedbefore. On the 9th, X for tho fikt time descried the
peak of Ptrlo Tingi, a high Island on !he Eastern Coast of t h
AIslny Peninsnlo, this ma5 from the top of the 5th light roor
-onrse. On the 13th of June ~ t r o n g southerly breezes comnenced, creating n considerable surf & the south exposore of tho
lock. On the 14th the highest course of granite was laid on the
aght-house, so that on that date the building w3s ready to receive
he lantern. Tfre now comrncnceil fitting u p the doorcr, windowe
rnd other fixtlrses of wood in the edifice. The latter end of June
car very hot, calm in the mornings, with ~ t r o n gsoutherly
Freezes i n the afternoons. W e now cornmcnced forming a road
over the rocks to icad from the Light-house to the north landing
place, mIiic2a vas done by cattin: steps, laying stones across g q ~ !
and cutting and blastins away the rocko.
At the comm~ncementof Jalp, (lead calms and a perfectly smooth

On the 8th the Hon'ble T. Church, Eeq.,

Resiclent Councillor, ll*itha party arrived off the sock, on board tho
II. C. Steamer fiHoogllly" at 11 A.M. M r Church and party landed and minutelv inspected all, the worlis, and on his departure at
noon, he was l,lehse~lto express his approval of the building and all
othcr operations. On the 9th I left tlic rock on board the gun-boat
' l Cl~ndotte" for Eidili, a place on the East Coast of the Malay
Peninruia For the purpose of obtaining qoarte to mix with the
ktncco. Tlic quartz 1r7a3 beaten and ground down to an impalpable pan-dcr, hcfore misir~v
tP it with the shell lime that mas to selhva
XI; stucco far the n.tzll~ of the rooms.
I retinrnecl on the Iltb.
Year Sirlili, to the rlortR~vardP~,large w i n s o f pure quartz wore
forrnd in grcat abunrlance. On the 17th a serious accirlent occ~lrred
to one of the stone-cutters bv thc Glling of a l~cavvstone upon hia
Icg. As he was l+olling over the stone, he lost 1;is bdance, eo as
to let the stone 911 upon and crusll his ankle. He was eel
dircctly to Singapol*cand placed in the ilospital, but w a s removc
fiom tllcnce by Iris friend^, and be did not recover during ti.term of o i operations.
~ ~
A t rlie latter en0 of J o j ! ~h e a ~ ysqualh
from the snath-lwqt w r e fcrq~tent!ycxperionc~d.The bu.ilding had
been raise.' snd l ~ i l i j lcntirciy -vit,!lollt ~ ~ i t ~s ~i z~f lf oe! $ l i n b~ ~
) l tag I
C.?l;nd nv
h ~ i n gf i n l c ' n c i + ' , ~ r thr ol::;i+c 62.8 cot v ~ * i ~~p ?l t t~op*i

rea were experienced.

F ?

hp the mor!:lr falling nrminnt

it.; rides, mc cnrnrnc.nccd raising? slight
scaffolding all round it,, ?.s i:lr as tllc top, Clr tllr converrlancr o f
having thr: cntil-r! orltsidc rc-tlrczsc(l. During the months of
Aligl~st,and Septrml,r~*1.3 qtonr cnttcrs more nrnploycd on this
duty. On tllc 4th A11611qt
w l l m 1 rsaq on thl: top of the building
a sliglit clcctric c r ; ) l o ~ ~ otool<
r l p!aco, ;li: it appcnrnd to me on the
sl~cnrsthat had bcen raked ntld q ~ up
r m l y for lifting the lantern ;
thcre was B 11~avycloild p a c q i n ~over liencl at tlre time ;--the explosion was not louder tllaa the firm= of n squib. On the 12th a largp
barque was seen lying on Postillon sh6nl all clap, but she got off
during the ovening, and came np by P e d r a Branca at 8 P. M.
when she nearly ran on the bficldle rockq ; next morning the same
barque was seen on tho Stork reef, where she lay till 8 A. M.,
when she got off and taclted into Singapore Straits.

Doring Aegust the lantern, machinery and apparatus arrived in

Singapore, and were imm cdiatel y ~~lacetl
in lighters on being got
out of the vessels that brought them. Captain Stephens, ot the
H. C. Steam Frigate Semiramis," kinclly took charge of the
lighten, and towed them out on the 27th of this month. I I e arrived
at noon of the same day and after landing all the packages
safely, departed with the empty lighters a t G 6. M. for Singapo~ve.
There as s swell corning i n from the N. E. so thnt the ?~ghters
were brought alongside the pier wit6 some difficulty; bat the
Europcan seamen belonging to the Frigate, in turns m~tliour
ln-boat's crews, soon got cvcry tliing on shore, much to mv relief,
r if any accident had occurred to the vnlllahle a rticles, thk
a of the light woulcl have been tl~erebypostponed.
On the 28th we opened tlie padages and commenced
reparing the top of the light-room wall for the sole plate of the
fantcrn, by cutting the necessary qooveii and borit~gthe hat holeo,
by which the cnpoln. is fixed tb tllc stone wall of the towar. On
the first of September, we hoisted thc machine in its pncLnpe into
the light-room, and ~ecul*ecIit well nyainst dsmp. B r i l ~ 7th
~ v cllad the astragnls and cornice of tho lanter-n, wl~ich are of
cast iron, hoisted oil :a ~ ~scl
t l-ewed to their places ;and on that day t
copper dome liarin;q. .been joined in i t s sevcrnl pieces and ribbet
together, we hoistetl ~t 11p f>om outsidc tlie builtling, and set it
its placc. The opcratiorl of hoisting the dome was cxecuterl in t
same manner, nritlr some modifi&tionp, as shown in the sol
operation descl*ibed and figll~bcd in Smeaton's nccoinnt of the
building of the Eddystoue Liglit-house, but as thnt publication,
being on a profe~sibnal snbjcct, can a c a ~ * c cbe
l ~ k~ n o r ~ nto those
not engaged in such underiskings, s short' description will be
at tempted hew.
Shears had been raised to the top of t h i)ailding,
with their feet
!~tingon the balcony floor; tbrse s1lea1-s\rcrc not of thc common
! S I ) R 33
~ ~ feet long. 5 j
ind, i)ut rrrrc. ccmpn.;e(l of' trvn I


: . I

.:. ! I . I ~ : { 7


~ * i i < ?,:!~,'i;


l)),,ni!*tc)?.,L:air 2 !JI.?
!jot /a :>TI(! I)ol!,cc!. 1

ill[!ll~-:.? <(!I!:

'7 ~ ~ :~! l ~ j,. : ~~f , * ,

VC?'C , j \ ? l i ~ i ? ( .:i.t

~ I I I 2 110fcIled. into
!I 11s C'I'O?': ~ ~ C Cn-a*:
1 1 I
. .
: :
I i i
i Tlie
. .
s!IPn!.~ T V ~ I . C I
7 - ?1
:I. !II~::CCS proccc(Ji~igf i - O I I L
. 1 7'
s1.11, L ~ ~ ~I lC fcithcr ~ l p ~ * i g l ~ t ~
r:iicid]p c( t h cynL:$
t > i t , y y f o I.!IC
where tllcr lvalc bolt ct! P,? thr joi!~ir~gs. FG1~cn.l-..1,1111sC O I ~ S ~ , P I I C ~ . P ~
cnn pnr:Grf
. .
n i n l y e ?,I-tir!c, c!.tclr ns ilic clomo o f : i L i ~ l i t - l ~ o o r r ,
close 1x1) to t l ~ ~h einrr ' . wliich ~ ~ o n l11ot
( l 1 . ~ 1tllc cnsc wilh ~ o n ~ ~ n o r t
hen^!^. con~tr~ncl?;PC"?
~1w1.sjoined. forrrt;lcr n t t,hcir tops.
T l ~ cshcxrs w ~ r c1
' I pnt t , o p t t l l . p l . ~ I 1.he
rock 8 e l 0 \ ~ ,
n nd when rcn(?v to ~.?,i..;o, a cpnr 1;cml?nr:!vil,v a p p ? i ~ rwns
l f;3stelled
a t half their heirllt. r j o n j r ~ ~ oFnI I ( ? ~ ~I.-PJ~F
# * the11 fired on the to],
o f thc buildin:,
f ~ o m~rhicl,tn,clile falls c?cl.~enc~cd,
anti n-llicJl ,Ireye
made $ s t to the tcrnpornrjr 9pn.lg fixci: across thc midcllc of tllcF
s h ~ n r a . TJie P ! I c ~ ~ : were t l ~ c n!loi~tctI n-it11 t,heir feet u y \varrla,
and on nvriving nt flri?top oC t!~cJ)!il~g
clea0liof the pnrapct, tll(?
reat were cnatetl. d o r m to t l ~ c i r placi.~, nix1 hcing accnlled
their v o s i t i n n ~ , * ? ~ !cI C R ( ~ ~f ~ . I \ c ~ I w n ~ .y. n * now nppw'mot. 'rhc
hcnd of t . 1 ~s!lcn~+.: ~ l - n , ? dr;'.n717. O V ~ . P t l j~i K ! l t - ~ o b ~ nJJy tackle
ctretChinq fr;oln + . h c ~ c nt o sm~,ll~ i l c i ~ r~tnnrling
on illc'ol,poeite
side of t!lc bnlco~l,v. !kllc S ! I P ~ Y ~~.I ~ O ~ $ I C ( ! 20 CV-t. After /la,villg
the c f ~ r ~ SECIIT'CC~
~ * p
t o the top o f t l ~ cbi~ilcling,over nrllicI1 t]lcs
now spanned, t i l e nest ol;ject VYSI
to rig them SO a3 to nmj&
them ready ibr' hsiqtit-g tllc dnmc. T l l c dnty rcc:fuired of t l l r
s'nea~.; Im; to incline so far ora. tbo side of' t ! i e / ) l ~ i l ( l i :~i s~ ~
to support n d ~ m 12
c lbct i n diameter clcnr of the ~rnlls; ntld 011
tile i!.onlc I?cin? !:~.,i~ed tile ~11earIlentl, to c2.ri-vit i nrrrn,l-cls alld
c:mp t ! ~ emn.5 qnicrlp n ~ l dcorrectly into the place prcpn~*ecI.for i t ,
For thii: nar.po,~o
strlorlg common hen.^ nTc~*c
crccted on tllc balcony, ~ n the
cictc o~jjnsi'ic:to thnt on ~llllicI1t h (10n1.c
T R ~ s c , . ~?h:r:jr.iing
t ~ c k : l ev:ns then fi.xc(?.IIC!.J~~:~CI)thr? XICR.C~S of tile t,\yo
n l - j c a l * ~cnnsist
in.,. o f 3 dcrn.ble ~ > ~ c ) zc tJ cit?.~rt~*
!~eacl, in n.hicIl wits
R V C ~R 21 inc!t rope? (1 in. Cia.) 1101:11 etllli, of t h i s rsope lvere
r~ipr-1,r.0 r;l~cscnl-f'olc!.in, whcre tllc mpn \vela to stand in hoistill*,
50 rh,;rt 2 gets of r n m co~l!d
hard nfrtibe u:l,me ti~nc. 1211nnilgtgtack&
hnlb' t l ~ r :~ O V ' C I ' of' t!~.r:ibonn n.3. ?l{.rtmxdc 1:1srto t!lc top ~l~~
m ~ i nS!IC:,VY, anr'l, r:-t(:>tl(.l
cc' t-r, ~ l n p : Tml t4 fi SCJ. i!.! the I'OC~IS helo.rv
f i r :!lo p~l!~r)oq~
n? ( ~ ! . : ~ ~ t(lo!rn
- i ! ~ ~ t'lc rn:lifl c!?r!nl*,?, so ns to ovel.llnl,g
the edge QT t . 1 1 ~?~!~iltlh:,
., nnt? to
c : ! ~09.'gil'cntly ~ y l l c nthe nlnin
45an,*~, n.!'rhtlic domr: su.l~rn(l.r:rlc ' l ~ cIr? p
t . l l c i ~I~cnd,u r e y c tlrnirrn
in >gain arc?. tbc: Iighf-w!c,~r~.Yf..'~l-o
i ! s o ~Cj ~ ~ ~ WCIT
. ~ T I 110w
n ~ ; fitst
~ ~ l ~
?c tlic ilindcr C?,C:I!T lic-:~<l,
c::tcnliinc: f'~-olntircncr to tllc rock3 belolv,
S v
of' the
. .I
' 7 . .,
y r . 2 : ) Fnl"'r t t : f?i;417.
;: ~ Q K ~~CK :L ~ - ; ; ~I W
~ P~ I*~ hrtlil.i

?>i::r:c:* ~
to ~ l r t v r a;



f , , ~



~ r ; ,



1 1
,?. ,
~ : ~ ~ : t ~ ! ~ ; , i ~ ~ ~ t -';J,~C'.;?,
: ~ " ! ~ r I~
, T ,~
I , ~.: ~:~. : ~ iIkTll


+ ~ - - - -

tp +'7~

rere tc
; oeparaln partie!, I
cnd, at thesamo time. Z:uylyq vcm $so ?tt?ci,eC to r!t'?er 9:dc elA t -, w
rnain hea am^ extentendin? to ?.ha hnck cnen?fo* tlx nnmnge o f otca.1~in: them, wc! pr~v&tinntheir h4nq ?w..igt(r(jcv 'pin? !lmId ".I







to thc tapright position. All wng now ready for hoiating the
dsrnr, which was 12 in fcct tli~tmctcr~ n d \ \ ~ i G h c15
d cwt. The
operation cmplored abcrllt 30 men at, the difirent sets of tackle
and cuy, and n ~ ~ u i rhalf
r ~ lan h o a r from the time of commencing
to hoist, to patting the dome down on its place on the lantern
top. This was accomyli~hedon the 7th of September.

Smcaton's remarks mav not be llninteresting in regard to the

pame operation at the ~ d d ~ s t o Light-house.
H e says in his account of the building of that edifice:--" This morning mas also
'' exceedinglv fine, and the "Western" being in sight which was
4' appointed io bringont the cupola, we began to set np our sheare
'' and tackle for ho~stingit. This p e r h a p m a y be accounted one
6 4 of the most difficult and hazardous operations of the whole
undertaking, not so nluch on account of its weight, being only
4d about 11cwt, as on account of the great height to which it waa
to be hoisted, clear of the building; and so as if possible, to avoid
such blows as m i ~ h brnise
it. I t was also required to be hoisted
46 a considerable helght above the balcony floor, which though the
d 6 largest base we had for the shears to stand upon, mas yet but 14
feet within the rails, and therefore narrow, in proportion to their
a height. The manner in which this was managed will in a great
4 t measure appear by the representation thereof in plate No. 14
a (see the uppermost stage); but is more minutely explained in
the technical detail of that plate. As the legs of the shears that
" had been used upon the rock, would have been in the way of the
d6 c ~ ~ p o l a
were now removed, as being done with thcre and
46 were used & a part of this machinery.
About noon the whole
a of our tackle was in readiness; and in the afternoon the ti Western"
1t wag brought into the gut; and in less than half an hour her
46 troublesome cargo was placed upon the top of the lantern without
'' the least clamage. During the whole of this operation, it pleased
t 4 God tliat not a breath of wind discomposed the surface of the
a water, ancl there lvas the least swell about the rocks I had obThis work did indced require good
4t ~ e r v c dduring the season.
weatIicr, and we had it, or otherwise we must have postponed it,
l 6 till it had at least sccrnecl promising, but yet we were prepared for
'6 something otherrvise than perfect tranquillity, for beaides that our
*' hears and tackle were so well lashed down and stayed, that
it was not a small blast of wind that ~vouldhave carried them
away, I had it in contemplation (if it had been needed,) to have
" appointed a couple of men to go up upon the cupola with staves
C L in their hatlds ~vliocould, in moclerate weather, have defended
4' it from the wall.
This evening t11e cupola was so far got fixed
" with its FCYCIVR, that the tacltle war cast off from it, bnt this mas
scarcely got dona bcfbre the wind began to blow fresh at east."
I had ordered two Malays to climb up the scaffolding, which wm
not vet taken a,uVay from the building, a9 the dome igoseand to
push-it off, so ~4 to prrvent inillrv to it ;standing on the top of the

intern, rvhcrc I could be wen by thc various n-orking parties for

ie purpose of directing tlm vhole, hat rrherc the dome was l~idden
om view, I could not seo what t h c two
men were about ;it
appenrrd that one of the fcllom~for his own convcniencc and to
save climl)ing, placcd himself on thc dome arrn~rlwith a long pole
to kecp it off and in this manner hc at lmgth arrived at the top,
wilere he circrned q t ~ i t eimconccrnc?d in h i s aerial scat, and anconacious of occupying a position moist prominent than would he
anrecable to most peoplc. IInd I known llis intention at first,
would hare prcvcnted him, as by hi3 weight Ile increased the
~bstnnce to be raiscd by ~t leapt another cwt. and more, but it
RS consoling to think that he had so much confidence in the
~tabilityof tlie apparatus and rigging, for in case t ~ af fiiilore in any
Dne part, he would havc been dashcd to i~ieceson the rocks below.
The safe placing of the dome in its scat was a subject of no small
~ngratulstion, for it mas the last of a long list of difficulties and
louble~that had engaged the services of the men during two
seasons succeesfully overcome.
On the 8th the ' L Hooghly" arrived at 7 A . M. with orrlers for
her engineers to help us in setting up the lantern and machinery ;
with their assistance all was ready, the machine sct a-going, and
the lamps ready for lighting, by illr 21st September. On the 8th
-f the snme month a wreck was deecl*iedlving off the north east
oint of Bintnng, distant from the L ~ ~ I I ~ - ~ I O U12
E Cmiles.
roved to be the '' RIetropolis" a barque loa(le(1with tea; she had
struck on a rock and become water-logged, 2nd wnq now flonrinr:
about after being abandoned by tllc crew. The Hoogllly" with
coneiderable ditliculty tolved her into Singapore, on bcing relieved
vrn Light-house duty.
Having got t11c dome, machinery end light apparatns all ready,
thing remained for us to do but complete the arrangements fbr
arrnanerltlv liql,ti~~g
tlle building, which were the honsing of
rovisione, " ~ v tcr,
oil kc., also proellring Lig!lt- keepers and
rendering t l l a n ~ comprtcrlt for their duties. The Light was advertized to be shown permanently from the 15th of October, so that
in the interval the mall ~ 1 1 0were to compoee the cstablis12ment
were exercised in t'
1rt.rol duties. On the 27tli Scpternbeb
the Honorable Colol
ttern?orth c. B., Gorernor of the Straits
consisting of' Sir Mrillinm Jeffcott,
Settlementr, with a ,.-.,
Colonel Mcssitter, commandRecorder of the Straits Settlerneilt~~
ing the troops, Captain Barker, H. JI. S. "Amazon," BIr Purvis,
and tlie principal mercl~antsof Singapore, togctller with several
military olficws, arrived off the rocli i t 1 P. X. when tllcy landed
and mi~lutclpinsljectctl the Pharos.
His Honor the Governor and party crnbnrlted again at 4 ~.zr.,ofter
expressing tl~emsclves in highly favo~mnbleterms regarding all the
works and the arrangetncnts coonacted thcrewitlr. T l ~ e"Hooghly"
started at '7 P. n. n ~ thc
~ d Light-lloosc was il1nmin:lted tempornrilr

<. earner
f ~ the
occasion until 10 o'clock P. nr. by which time the ct
d Honor's party, I had an
was out o f ~ i g h t . ARI 8 ~ ~ 0 m p a n i ehis

opportunity for t . 1 ~first time of matchiny the appearance of the

light, fir& wli( n c l o s ~to, and then gradrlally at a greater distance
as we reccded from it, nntil it was l o ~ siqlat
of nnder the horizon
at a distance of 15 nant.ical or 17 English miles. The effect was
brilliant a t 4 a mile's distance, 11e1.ethe 3 reflectors of each group
mere diginctly visible and appeared scpa1-ate, but when wc! attained
the distance .of two miles they merged into one. The light was
never invisible to the naked eye at any time until me vere beyond
9 miles from it; beyond seven rniles vessels are either well out to
pea or into the ~ t r a h thus
in the narrow passages in the vicinity,
b e a r i n ~ scan be had at anv moment. The flashes continued bright
for 15 eccol~dg,when near the Light-house, and gradually lessened
in duration as we gained a, distance from it ; when we had attained
the distance of 15 milep, the light showed 8s a star of the first
rnagnit~i(lefor a period of five s~conds,once everv minute, that is,
there were five seconds of light and 65 of darkness in each
minute. Though on the first night of lighting, many circurnstanccs combined to prevent the light being shown to the best adrantage, owing to the short notice we had of the intended trial, the
principal of' these being the inexperience of the keepers, badness
~f oil hastily procured and smolring of the lamps, which tended
very much to decrease the effect, yet the party expressed themsclres highly gratified at the result.
T o Alan Stevenson Ecquire, Engineer to the Northern Lighthouse Board, is solely dne all credit in the construction and designing of the l i ~ h ta p p a r a t ~ i ~for
, to him this important part of the
works v*as reforred and in t rusteR.
A t the date of writing this (15th December 1851) the linht
has been illumin~ite(lfor two r n o n t l ~ and
~ , conseqr~entlythere has
been ample time and opportunity to study its characteristics both
in regard to its adaptation for the pul*poses of navigation, and its
economy in management and nlaintcnance. As to the appearance
of the light commanders of vesrels have invariably spokcn of it in
the lrighest terms, The flash thongll short has great and penetrating
brilliancy, c1nration having bccn considered of less impwtnnce
than rnaznitudc, which promotee its early :tntl quiclr discernmcnt by
the distant observer, especially when running for it in hazy wcatller
irom seanrnrd.
The mnnagement of the light, after overcoming the li~tle(lifficulties that are always attendant on works of P L I C ~ Ia r~ntu~*e
to po1*9on9
having no p i o r - experience, has been folinrl to 1)s sirnGle rritlk
due care, and the sn~allnumber of brlrners (nine i n all) Ilnvt? not
onlv t h e advantage of giving out little G a t i n :In bppr$aeqivc
cli&ate, (a desideratum, wherr: they at r ncces~nrilykrpt ligbt~rlit,
a ~ r n a l lclow room i n which a keeper m u d always h~ prcsont.) l j u t
.he obvious one alw o f economy in tlir consl;rnp?in~~
of nil; w l l .
innual cost o f uphholdilig.

I n the obtaining of tl~csc favorable rmults, much m u ~ tbe

ascribed to BIr Stevcnson9n having intlofl~~ced
the holophotal
system of lights by which all the r a p emanating from the burners
are intercepted by the apparatus, and by rrflrction or refraction
bent in the direction of thc horizon. T l ~ eturning to useful account
of all or nearly all tho r a p of the lamps, had alrradv been long
accomplished by M. Fresncl in his dioptric spparato< with large
burners illuminating the whole compass of the horizon, first introduced into the Light-houses on the Coast of' F~vance,h i t the idea
of saving the rays that escape usolcssly from small la.rnp~,illuminating only a small arc of thc 1101-izon, seems first to hare been
practically carried into effcct by Xlr Thomas Stevenson, who, in
a paper laid before the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, for which
he was awarded the Keith gold medal, has pubfished several elegant
designs of lights of maximum intensity, in which ali raps from the
flame are rendered of useful effect, both by the methods of glass
lenses and silver reflectors, disposed in different manncrs, and in
combinations of the two systems.
The apparatus employed at the Horsbnrgh Light-house consists
of the common parabolic mirror of the largest, size with a portion cut
offbehind the parameter, a a, (Fig 2) for which is substituted a portion of a clpherical mirror b b. To the front of the lamp is placed a
ns L with three diacatoptric lenticular rings pppp. I n the corn-

mon psrabolic reflector (Fig 1)the rays that escape the reflector aac
diverge in all directions and are lost to the observer, and to sav~
which is the object of the new apparatus introduced. Now tLi
i a accompli~bcd mill be easily undrr~toodby reference to Fig 2

From t l l ~flnrne c, \~r?~iel.r

is in the centre o f the sphcrc nnd foc~rq
of the paraboloid, the rays IIR~IIT;IIIYdivcrg(? in rtvcrg direction;

those th;lt fill1 on the apl~rl.ical rnir.~.or b b nre rci1ectc.d back

through t l ~ c cent;.^, and fall on the lelis L and ic~lticalarrings
p p p pt hy which thcy arc brnt in rhr cli~*cctionof the horizon.
The ravs t h ~ tf,h,l! on the parabolic mirror a a a a are at once
reflected in the axme direelion, and those that proccrd to t h o lens
L a n d lenticnlar rings p p p p , a1.e refracted or bent also to the 11orizon,-thus no rays escape but all are cart-icd forward to the ohsel.ver.
I have seen it nav-llcrc stated what is t.he nctrlnl increase of
power to the light by thcse alterations and adtlitionq, b u ~it must
be conridr~~ablr,
acr nearly ths of the whole rays escape useless1y
fisorn comnaon parabolic mirrors.
Nine is the nurnhcr of holophotal reflectors that hare been
adapted to the IIo~.sbwgbLight-house; their diameter at the lips
is 25 inches, and tllev are placed on a wroug11t iron frame, whosefol rn iq that of a 116110~triang~ilarprism, having 3 reflectors disposed on each perpendicular plane. The frame with its reflecto~msis
eapported 1)y a wroeg!)t iron spindle, set in the centre of !he
light-room, ind on wh~ch it makes the revolution of thc allole
circumference of the horizon once in three minutes ; thus the
planes that bear each group of reflectors are at minute of time distances, and each group el~owsits light to the observer stationed at
any one point in the distance, once during that period, as alreadv
mentioned. The reflectors are composed of copper, plated itit it
eilver on the concave side. The burners are on the argand
principle, and each has a fountain attached wl~icli contains
sufficient oil for supplring the wicks during one i~ight'sburning.
Tile machine that Eauses the lights to revolve, is on the principle of a clock. The wheel work is contained in a cast iron case
glazed all round with plate glass, through which all the motions
of the working parts may be observed. The wlieels are of gun
metal, the larger of which turn on friction rollers. A weight
gives motion to the machinery, by means of a rope attached to it
proceeding from the drum of the machine over which the rope is
wound. The weight i s 9 inches in diameter, weighing about 100
Ibs ; slip w e i ~ h t scan be applied to it to make it heavier. The
weight travelsoin a groove cut into the wall, to this groove the rope
is led bv pulleys. The groove allows of a total rise and fall
-f 30 feet to the weight, which keeps the machine in motion for 24
ours, but the keepers wind up at tho end of every hour. To tell
le time a good clock is placed in the light-room.
The lantern that covers the light-room, consists of a dome and
window framing, the former of copper and the latter of cast iron.
The outer sheets of copper on the dome are -$ of an inch in
tickness, and the inner ,llT of an inch; these are secured to ribs
~d circles of copper by ccrervrr and rivets ; a ventilator for
49isting tbe escape of thr clrnoke and heated air of the liklt-room


G 3

top of tllc domo. 'Pllc cast iron window framing is

or a pccalinr dcsc~siption1;~tclgintrodocc(l into Light-houses by
M r Alan Stevenson. Tllia consists in tlreir having no upright
nstragnls, bv which a g~-c:itpart of the light in otller fi-amps was
intercepted. *ill the asi~nl~tlr
~ 1 1 i c htlwy sut~tended,hut in their
stcad a di;lgonnl arl.i~ngemcnthas bocn st~h~titot,crl. Tllis dilsection of the astl*ag:lls rlot or~lyhas thr effect of equalizing the
light, but a gl*e:lter fitiffnnss ant1 strength i.r givm to the frame
wol-lc, ~-enderingit safi? to use more slerltler bars and thes
ubeolutelv lrsq Jig-ht is ilitcrcej~tcd. Tl~opanes of glacs being a t
the s a m i tinlo t
n are slronger lhari inectangul:t~ones of
equal surface. This form of 1:11ltclm is ext~wnrblg light and
elegant. Tllr rlonle was painted white so ;IS to show well as a
beacon d~u*ing
the day.
Up to the 7 1 h of October me were employed in making arrangemcnts for the pwmanent sl~owingofthe licl~t,and in complc~ting(he
various little jol,s that were still ullfinished, prepara tcrrv to the
workmen leaving. Signs of the approaclling N. E. mnn&on now
began to show themrrclves. The busy traf8c of the plSor~s
lancllarlp of' the eastern coast of the Malayan Peninsula, that was
always to be scen in the vicinity of Poirit Romania, h a d now
gradually slackened. The nllmerous little niat sails could no
longer be seen, such loitcrei~s as were yct on their voyage, mere
now making their way towards the North, irl order to enter t h ~ i r
respective ports and rivers before the bars should bc closed for the
season by the surf and breakers. On the 8th of the same month
five small fishing boats visitcd the rock from Subong, a village on
the Bintang shore, they only contained m e man each, and were
managed bv a double bladed paddle. I t was a matter of surprise
to us that "they had dared to venture so far oat to sca in such
pigmy barks. T l ~ e vdrew their boats on the rock at evening,
and slept there dli;ing thc night. The next day two other boats
the same rlescription tried to make for the rock, but were blow1
c k by a squall. Tile others departed the same day. They men
the Orang Laut tribe and rude, ill feiltured and forbidding i l
spect, as these people arc. A considerable swell hw
een coming in from tho North-east for several days. On thf
1 tb the "Charlotte's" gig reported having been chasrd by pirateofl' Pangerang, ant1 being tinarmed escaped b:r palling. On tlie
ening of the 13th the surface of the scn kns remarked to bc
ry pl~osyl~orescent
and numbers of small insects wore seen swim
ing ahout and occasior~nllyapproachins thr sa~*filrc,
rcharged n l~trnillotlsliqriid. On the nlpht of the 15th the ligh
U'i1s shown as had beell aclvertised. f h c light attrsctcci nurueroa
inrrects to the g l a ~ swindows, many of r~llichseen1 to have corn,
P- I r n tho shore ; butterflies, rnotlls
dr:~gon flies werc seen
.., the number. 0 1 1 the 20th the swell isom tlze Korth-east
came very !leavy, notsitlrstoading the surface of the sea
1 ~ i . nthe


was as ~mootll as glilsg. Tllc swell was accoelitctl for h r the

rc.polgtsof veswls cornir~gill front the Chi11:r sea, n,l~rroV P I . ~l$:lvp
weather had pre~;iilc-(1. On the 'Llst tllc bl:~ckplnith col~idottly

work wit11 grc8:it dificliltv owing to t,l~osplnv cl;lsl~inginto t l ~ c

~nlithy. 0 1 1 tllc 22nd tl;c last of tile ~ l l i l l ( : & n.c~.cwrit ;!way
jroxn the rock wit11 grclat tliblicrllty. The sea w:ts I ~ O L V~ r t ; ~ k i r ~ g
breaclrcs o r c r the rock 011 wliicll our hcrnsrl stood i~ntlocciisionnlly
daslli~igthe sprav o r e s ihe roof'. Tip to tl~t:26111 the ecn ltlud(~r:itcd
a little. I had left Singapore oil thc 30th of' 0ctol)rr : L I Iitrl*ivrd
again off tlie rock at 8 A. M. on the 1st Nuvenll~cr. l3o~l1tllc
gun-boats werc in corn pa np, filled with Ligl1t-llousc stores c;tlculatcd to last till t l ~ ccncl ot'31i1rcll. Althougtl when under sail we
did not feel t11e swell, as ~norninabroke 1r.c fo1111d a llcavg surf
on the rock caused by it. I went in t l ~ cgip :ind pulled all round
the rocl;, but fbur~cllanding to be imporslblc: ; we lily at a ~ ~ c h o r
till 8 A . al. and secinp no apprarancbe of tllc sn-cll going down
weighed nnd ran tbr Yoint 1lomxni:t. On t l ~ crrro:.l~ingof the
211d Sorc~nlhcrfinding that the sir~.ll11ad golie dou-r~I got both
gnn-boats r~ncler weig-11 and PI-oceetlcclo~tt,to thc rocIi, 1v11c1.e w e
ttrl-i~etlat 8 atlcl 1lendecl at the south piw with some difficulty.
W e also managed to land the oil and provisions saf'ely during the
course the clap. The Light-keeper reported that the s~vr-cll
very heavy 011 the 27th of' October, anct (luring the night of that
clay that the north pier mas \v;.:lsllcda\v\.ar,tlie Cllinnmen's house
linocked down, snritlly washcd a w a r , &rd also tllc north part of
my lionce. He did not notice how Ggll the spray flew, but I saw
on tlre 1st of Novelnbcr that st times it went i i s high as the third
story, and the sea mas riot so lieavy then as it had bcen OII the 27th,
nor by any means so high as i~ is at tinies (lurillg the ~nontllsof
December, January and Fel~suary, wlictl tllc rnonsoon blows
cjtrong and 1.egu1a1-lp. I n landing t.he provisio~lsorle man was
severely crushcxl betnccn the boat and the pier. U p to the 4th
of' Xovember tlie sea still cont,in~~ed
runniog in at tilncs heavily,
sending the sprav over nly house so as to shalie it rat11c.r u~lcomfortably. ~ o t a 1 ~ h ; t a n d i ntlle
~ awcll was fiecrn the N. E. the wind
conti~ructl rcering fi0orn west to south east, b u t tllc fhct of vcssels
making the yacsage fimom Cliina to Singapore at this time in scvcn
days, shows that it mugt have bcen blowing strongly down the
China Sea. The to the soul 11 ot' the rock it was obscrved
scarcely &It the presbare of the pncsing I)rcakcl.s, the o111yindicrrtion b h n g a sligllt vilwation of' the iron chninc. Thc bicakesa I
judged to bc at llmcs 8 to 10 fret 1li~l1. I st~rnnine(1at thc LightHouse till the cxpc1ctec.l :xrriv:tl 01' tlle " Iloogl~ly," nncl i n the
jt~tcrvel ~ 3 crnploycll
in inating a surrey of th'c rock and its
~icinity. Until n o k I never IriuI leisure to commence tllis dcsira)le. work, arid laad g~.c;~t
difficully at this late 11criocl in getting it
owing to i l ~ ein) pl*acticability of' ];inding olr tile
~ d j n c c n f~.orks10 g ~ ol,~f:l.vutions,
and to the daticbn~:I)eirlg w i ~ s h ~ f l




ofFtl~em:ifter hcinp crcctcd, ;)lit 1 at lcngtll sricrrrr!e~l i n nbtnining

all !lint w a s nccilss:try. On thc 17th of N o v r ~ n h c rt 1 . r ~Stcamcr

Roogllly" :trri vcrl, rind, with t110 aid of llcr Engineer., ilnving
tskcn rlown, ciean~rl, ard oiled the rnncl~ino,and cuccuted otller
little I T O I - ~ S q
hcf01.c Icavinq the ~ J : I C R for the scaqon, we
dep;~rtc(lfbl* Si~lgitpol-r,on t l ~ oc r c n i r q of t!lc 14th a t 7 P. 31.
It m a y ~ ~ be
o out
t of place 11~ritto noticc t11c varioris atmasphericnl d i s t l ~ r t ~ n n ct11:t
~ s t had 21-rrsted oln a1tent ion druinr: thc past
soason. Tlic ctl~*ions
yhellomenon, pnpnlal*ly known as the wator
spout, was fi~cqr~colv
serri in tllc Straits, and on two occasionn I
\vr.:le forttinntc e n o ~ ~ itoh o h ~ c ~ . vthcm
in full action at a diatnnce of little IIosc, than s half' a nrile. On the first occasion,
when on board the qun-boat " Ch:rrlottc, " off Barhukit Point
at 4 P. H., on the29t11 of \! av, a heavy cloud wit11 rain about
to fall fi~orn it, was observed 'to he app~*oncl~ing,
driven by
the sooth-west breezc then blowing. T o the ~outhwardthe atrno;
phcre was observed to hc damp anrl hazy, while to the north it was
clcar and dry. 011the lain reaching the sea a vaporer tube nrrq
seen to protrude in tlie midst f'rorn the cloud clownwarcls, gradually lessening in its dianleter till it reaclied two thirds of the diqtancc
between the cloud and the sea, and below mt~ichpoint thc ttibe
did not descend. The altitude of the clo~tdwas jadgcd to be
about 1,000 fcet above the surface. A small attennat'ed column
of white vapour was now noticed to rise out of the sea wirh a
hissing noise, and whicli was soon s ~ u r o l ~ n d eby
d white vapotir
clisengaged therefi-om. This column quickly effected a. junction
with the large and heavy vapour tnbe tlepending fi-om above, into
the centre of which it seemed to be received. The water s p w t
played for about 5 mintites, dulling which time the depending tube
appeared alternately shortened arid elongated and the vaponr
su~.roundingit maintained a spiral motion. The dav was hot.
Again on tile 1st of duly another was seen from Pedra Emncn,
bearing eotitSh-west, and npplaaching the rock. This was at 4h.
15m. r. ar. The height of the spout seemed to be nearlv 1,000
fcet, and its diameter half way u p 50. T h e dependii4 tnbe
I n this one which mas of vcrv large
rev01 ved tllu;
columns or tubes of vaponr ee&ed to
diameter, two
be in action, -IT
onc within the other. The depending
massive and opaque rapour was derived from blio
cloud, enveloped thc otllc~r,which was
thin at~clattenuated and rose from the sea, with tlic n o i ~ eabove (legciihcd and cntrred the lo~vcrend of the ilcp(3nding tube, through
whicli it secmcd to a s c e ~ ~1i1pl to tlic cloud. T h e asccndi~lgcolumn
as usual discllgaged n l ~ ~ o lwhite
l from the snrface of'the
sen, find with wllicll its lower c11(1was snl.runntlcd. This w:\tcr
spout de11cnda.l from n uinlbus nrid rail1 was fallirrq all round it.
The nimbus was triivcllirlg north-~n.;t, :lnd the water spout wns
Qn the advanced edge of nt, At 411. %5me the deoendinp tribe

R!-ndually v:nstcd n1rn.v. !.~ri!iF it. rnniahcd, rc.11cu tllc wl-aitc rapour
6f t!lr ascending coltbnn prrqtecl f i * o ~thn
~ serfn,ce of thc senand
afccnclctl like t,bc cut*Fin~of? ~ m o l i cnp tor~nrdsthe c l o ~ ~ dat,
?he samr time t.hc lriicing noiw ccasctl :1,11dthe stcr~*onndinp;
Eprav entirily dis:ll)l?c:~~crl.." Tllr atmosl)llere was clcor and dry
to tile north-east. hut miny and threatening to the south west from
wllence the nimbus tl'a.velled.
F ~ d x t h l ytwenty others were Peen during the season, but
at too grcnt distances for satisfi~ctos~observations ; one of
~ ~ I O S Cn.?29 sccn 3: 2 xnilcs cTis!ancr, a.nd \ratched from the cornrnencnucnt to the concln&.on; !Ilk wnc on tlle 29th of Nay,
a little nftcr tile first ol~lovo describcd. was ohservcil, being at
411. 55111.J?.3c. and o f ~r'!lic:l 't11e fib110~~ing
llotcs ~vel'c!tdien :-At; 411 Cj-jm the epoat just cornn~enccd to protruc1.e from the
nlonde ; at 311 O h it pr.ojclctsd do~nwnrde,and nt $11 0I.m tooh thc
,rrn of a needle, depending onc-third. of the way to the sea, in a
iaconnl direct.inn. The ciou(1. wn.9 n. nimbns ~vit,!itorvcring ctimuli
rlsinF nborc it, ood rain fell nl: ronnd the spont, so that bv 51.1 08m
it n.3. psrtially ohscrtrccl ; by ;?h O4m t ! t e spout had l a ~ c h c dgtds
dawn to t,he ees : nt 512 0-3m t!ls ~ p o n tl~ecorne
inclistinct owing to
the rain closing ronnd it,
at 5!1OGm it>eard
I n this one no vapour n n s seen to rise ant oi'thc sca. nor any
accendinp atten~~ated
cohrnn. Tile spout npgnrently llod not fidly
f'ol*mefl. B y dh 40m a heavy ~ l i o w e rhnd fdlen, ~vhichnow bogan
to clear u'p. As tlii. repol:t i~
only for t?)e1)nrl)ose of pr~scntlng
to (;azvernrncnt. an account of the more notable occm?.c:nccs that
took p!.ace doring orir opcra.tiona, it. monld. be out of place to
p r o l o n ~it, by ~peorl:ltionn of m y own on a topic, lionretrer interesting, not pal.ticulnr1y co~ncctcd wi t,l, tile wo~*ks,
b11a 1 Inav be
perrnltted slrortly to stntc, that the phcnomcnon of sl;outs
has been rcfe~arcd by thc, p!lilosopl~ers of Enrope to the ag;!ncy
f electi.icit,y,thev hein?, as is asserted, tllc p ~ * o l e.
o n o a t iof
o ~pltotu~
prances ottel~.!ctrifi(dcioilr!s t o ~ v \ . ~ ~t .*1 d1 ~sea,
s oc~::xslnnin;~
mue~calattraction bt.t,wccn tlrc watt?rancl elortdq. Tlaat this is the
correct theorv of their fo~.mation, :11l the fdcts that I have
observed, seer; to confirm ; file 1::rge depending and. dcnse tube of
vapour 1 ) e i n ~d r a w n fiom the cloud by nttractlon towards the sea,
and the ~rnallascending and attcrittntccl colulnn, which r i w inside
of t l ~ ei:.rge (depending tuhc, heing.drarr.n from tllc sea, discngnging at the $;)me time minr~tapnrticles of rvntel* t l r r r h o n ~ ,xtfhlch
rise arnllnd its hnsc in t h o shape of mist, or minote spray. It mas
invnriably r~rnarked that ~ v tcr
n ~ p o n t sf~)nuedr.!~~~cisnlvc~
in rain
a.hout to 61.11or had
r,]orlrIs 01.laimbi at. R I i n ~ ct11;it; t!lc ~ . i ~ i l1v:ts
f.Jllen. for r. ~l,orttime ;t l ~ cstafc nf tlic to

- .

* In +Iljs one I o h ~ ~ ~:rl19t

- - t -.:IQ
~ ~ c(,inr
~ tl,i;*; i i - ,r :rj me-viz. tliot :llr: particles of
ra1j0ur cont;~il!c(lin t 1 1 ~~ t ~ t ; cl nr~ tll c p c . n r l t ~ ~ l t+,t ~ l t r ' I w ~ . i l l ( : . i being rii-lven in the Ilelicnl
:~p-t:rn1jrlr4,tI.lcInoer or.<, : p ~ l i d i ~colclo~n

:~E*;Q sourld tbc tl~rcnds~ ?the

f helix.

their formation would thm*nfore appear to br j w t when the capability of the air to + y ) p o r tthe clorltl mas in a balanced rtate.*
The larger a~rnospherical di.;trirhanccs o f s q n n l l ~ furmed alqo
mterrsting object. of ob.;crv;rtion, tlre frcqvenry of tl~eirocc.nnence
le Straits of Mnlacc~,and the fbrce with wl~ichtllcr sometimes
s on the gait, r~n(Jertlwm o f too much convqunce to the
~requcnterc f these s(!aq to be li=l!fly c o n c i ( ~ c ~ ~The
o ~ ~ .sqilalls
may be divi(led into lopal arid gcrld:ml, tllc first forming irk the

* In Colonel Rcitl's work on tlte lzlw of storms, pgrre % TIor!ahurgll'.s rlascription

of crater spouta is given as estrncterl !?om the India Directory ~ j z . "TVlren 8
" whirlwind or nVntc:rspout,i d i.)hsc:rvecl fbrnnirll;: at a sinall cli3tance a toile m;ry
be pelsceivtd to tlesec:xirl from a r!f!nse cloittl in the form of n Ir!~mpetwith the
4 L ~ m aend
l l dow~i-wards; n t the. P:LIIIC tirr~ct11e surface of the sea unclcr i t as" cends a little way in the form of steam or white vnpoor tkom the centrc of which
a s~tlallcone proceeditlg ~np~vnl-da
rnlitt!~wit 11 that ;vl1ic11 prqjectcri from the
cloud and t.hen the water-spout is con~!)lctc.lyformed. Fr~qile~itly
J > O I V S V R ~thf?
6 6 acting cawe is not atlcquata for tlrir I); 2nd in that case alter $he waterspout is partly formcrl, i t soon proceeds to disperse.
"There is in the middle of the cone wiiic!l form3 a n7ntempouta rrhitc! trangparent
" tube or colnmn, which gives it a very dongrrong appe:srance when vie\ved at a
L 4 distance, as it seems like a stream of watea ascendinc; but when closely approach
have passed close to eereral
S t ed the dangerous appearance partly vnnidiey.
L 6 waters outs and tlrrougll t . 1 vortex
of some of them fbrming and was enabled to
a make t. e following observations.
"By the electric force or a.scending whirlwind a circular rnation is given t o n
small space of the surface of the sea in which the water break3 and rGns round
dc in a wl~ir!pool with a velocity of two, three to foiir or fire knots ; a t the pame
time a considerable portion of the 1va.terof the whirlpool is r;t.pnm,ted from the
surface in minute particles, resembling smoke or vapuur, wit11 a hissing noise
T h r ~ eparticles continue to ascend
li occasioned hy the strength of the n-hirlwind.
4 d with a spiral motion np to the impencling cloud. In fice cmtrr: o j ' t l t ,2
~~ h i r l z ~ i n d
or ?uatcrspo~cttitere ,is n .~;rccuz&~n"
'Colonel Reid notes t o thi3 pro6' which none of t.he sma.11 particles of
'#water ascend ; ant1 in this a9 well as
bably a cnlm, if it were a vacuum
the twter wonld rise and fill it."
"around the outer edges of the waterppout large drops of rain clescen(1; heTo me it appears to be the continuation of the attenuated anrl asg 6 cause in those placea t~liepower of tile
n~l~irlwindnot being able to s i ~ ~ r ~ ~ o icendin!:
current, proceeding fro111the
the ascending minil te part,iclcs t.1lt.y
sea up to tile dourl, which i.r greatly
less tiense tllnn the depending antl
"constantly deseend in tlrc fi,r!n of
4' rain.
'Fire v:tciu.~t.spncc in t l i r : cbentr.e encloqi~~zt u b e of rain or yapour
rlm.wrl from the cloud.-J.
T. T.
fl ct the waterspout sec!ms to I,e t l ~ n t
"which has n white trnnq,nsritt, np6' pearance li!.e n colunnr of' \vatc.r wl~cnviewer2 at n distance or resembling a
" hullow glas3 tul)e.
In calm n.(~:lt?trlrv-::terylr!~~its
(zcncraily have n p ~ r p e n ~ l i c~llnrdirection ; but. occ:~sionaIIyr-11c.yI ~ t v t : ail abi~cjueor curveti r!irection nccording to the progc~sivelnotioli given them by the prernilint. wii~ds. Sorne
''tinles tiley disa.ltl)ear sudtle~lly; at other times t l ~ r yluoye rn!ritlly along tlie
t g 8uij';tce of tllc sea nnd contirrue n qnnrtcr of nn 11c)uror more betore they disnppear.
b b \Vtiti:rapouts are seldom seen in the night, yet I once pa9r;~d
near a large one
Tht: diinger fiolti wntc~sspoutsis not so as nmny
6 ' in a clorld y dnrlc night.
persons art? 1i;~l)leto npprel~t?ntl; tbr it I I : heen
s:tiil Illat. fi large. bntly of water
descends when they hre;tk, enonq11 to sinlc tlic? slrip. 'I'lria does not nppe:\r to he
the case as the water desccnda in a Iieilvy rain wliere it ia broker1 from the
" ascending i~~lrirlwind.IJut tllerc is danger to snlnll vessel3 of being nrerset
'' when they have rnuch snil out.; nnd large ships if they have not tlieii topsails
clued up nnd yards secured ]nay be linhle to have them carried up to the mast
a heads by the force of the wl~irlw~ntl
antl thereby they limy lose their masts. I n
the vicinity of the wnterspont the wind is sul~jectto fly sound in ~ u d d e ngust8
it pr~arlenbfor hip* 10 take i l l ! fiqunre s ~ i i r .









; ~ o I a t ~hi114
d and i ~ l f l u c n c i ntllr
~ imrnccliate rliatrictq only, and the
latter, ternncd ''Sn~rnatt.ns as rhrv it~varinblvcame from that island,
affecting hundreds of milw 071 the samo da;~.
T h e loco1 ~ q o a l l r nrpr*eohemvecl to form on the only high hills
nitl~in ricw from Pcdrn Brsnca viz, 13intang and Barbukit.
During the calm rnontlrs of 3Iar ~ n c l.Tunr, il~ouldthe day be
more tl~nn i~*aallvhot. h r noon the noiqtore of the atmosphere
wa. invarinhly sceh to cond;:nw on ihe cool tops of these eminences,
a n d form into hiqh accumniatcd m a w s of vapolilq, by one or two
o'clock the a trnoGllere l~eingrefrigern ted and rendered dense in
the ~ P O C E S Pnrotlld i.11~11dov-n from the summits, displacing the hot
and rarified nil- of the plains, 2nd cooling mith its accon~panying
~11orne1.sthe pnrchcd soil. At the c11ar-q~of the ~ncrnsoonsbefore
either had ~ e in
t to blow reg~alnrly, the local squalls would
be seen to spread themselves olit from the localit: of thcir


" When a vliirlwind l i a p p ~ non~ land all the light substances are carried up in
a ~ p i r n lmotion by it. 1 have ob.~ervetione ~ R S Yover Canton river in which

r a t e r nsconded like R. ~ a . t e r s p o uatt sea, and s o ~ ~of

z e the h i p s th:it mere moored

' near its pitth \vere suddetilg t,urned roulid hy it3 influence. After passing over
' the river it. was observed to strip Inany trees of their leaves, which together
' wit11

the ligltt covwin: of eomr of the liousev nnd sheds it carried up a considernhle ma-y into the at~nosphere."
From the evidence collected hy Coloncl Reid regnrdina t.hiu phenomenon, it
rppcars tliat. he could only ol)tain one nccount in which the gyrations of the wind
are s:,:i~factorily explainecl, and in tlli:: ingtance i t prover1 to be at the surface
of the pea turnin!? irr a contr:lry direction to the apparent lam in great storms.
Colonel Reid sugge3ts " t h a t thin semi-transparent colnmns which stalk aa
" i t were o:1 tile surfilcr? of tlie ocean in calm \venther thougll no cloud iu to
' he seen above t.liem, a3 \I-ell 2s the srnall t-gitated circle3 w l ~ i c ha r c only ecen
' by their ~ n ~ r k i nrhe
g smooth surface of the sea in their gyrations may probably
'' ]lave the s:tme origin a s the n7nterapout.
One of I hese circles which appeared
''too insignifrc;.int t,) do l ~ n r n after
per!brmin% rn:tny gyrat.ions near a ship com:'manded t ~ yCaptain JIarqnis on tht: coast of Jlalnhar, su~ldenlyapp~.oachedher
a9 she la!. becalmed, wit11 her sails loose, and p:~ssin!: cross her bows carried
off tile flying jib and jib-l)oo:u iut.0 t t :tir
~ ?righer
t.t~nnthe mast I~eud." Colonel
eid adds " X, myself v!itnc~setl these sr~ni-triinsparent columns within the
tropics witliout. hr:inq able to c!ecide wliicl~ny:ay they t ~ l r n e dronrid."
I h a r e never ~vitneserltlre5e ser~li-tranl;lmrent coltl~i~risiu t.hese parts, hut
...a t faiti~fulobserver Dam pier rnenlions hr~vinji seen one on the coast of New
Guinea i n tlie account of' his v(.qag,.c<, vo1. iii p; 2-23. 1Ie thus ileucrihc!d it. :
bout it quartt:~' of : I I ~ I I O I ~ I atler
the S I L W
~ ~ I SI L ~ J thts1.e nfn8 tt squall to the
sudtlen on(: of our illen on 1 . 1 1forecn~tle
called o u t
" windward o i us ; mlien on
that ha saw sorn~thing;t.;tvrn hut co!lltl not tell ~vh:~t
: I looketl out for i t and
saw n ujv,r:t. b~:gi~inir~l:
to \vork \tritlrirr a quaimterof a mile li-om us
"exactly i n r.l~c? wind. \:.'e p~-csc.rrllyput riq!rt l)(?f;)r~!it. I t cnme very e\viftly
" wtlirliilq the nr;ttr:r 11p i ~ ni pillar about; G or '7 yarrls Itizl~. As y e t 1 could not see
'6 any p e ~ ~ : ! u l o ecloud
f'rr~rr~~ J I ( : I , I it
c ~~: r i i ~ l~i to n i e ; and W:IY in hopes i t m ~ u l d
" eoun lose it3 fhrcte. 111 4 or 5 minutes' ti111e it cmue within a cable's length of
U S and ptls3ed &way to Irteward ; and then I saw a lo~rgpale st.reain coming
6' down to t,lie wliil;=liirg7viitt:r. 'l'llis stream w:t.\ :il)out the bigneaa of a rainbow;
" tlie uppor end ~er:mr(lyrtsl ly high not de~centlingt'rom any dtirk cloud, and
6' therei'ore tila rriora s t , r a n ~ ets me, I never haying Been t l ~ elike before.
passeti ahout R mila to leewart1 of us and then broke. This mils but a small
lbsp911t not Ytrong nor lastin:; yet I pr~rct:ivril much wirld in it t t s it pnut u$."
I n ttie tropics it would tl~rssrjlll)wr thst rain cloud$nre not, nPt:!:s;;\r\' to tlre lormalion of w;i'er-r!)out3, Ior ~ t I\i:l~
the 2:r 111:1nyc.o~rtnin hrdot'
., ..
weight, of invisible Rta:lnl o r m o i ~ t ~ i rso
l : :t s t r n t u ~ not'iiir chargt.c! lvitli n:o .+turein
~gri:.i!,,en over 3 dly untler-etratum wo~lld
n electrical ~ t a t r
ie lunnnSee Jounlul Iadk Archipelago, vol. 5.1
-J, T.T.
I phenorr!


the dil-cction o f t . 1 prw:iilinp

~via~l,-tlirrin' thr: I;. IT'. rnc~nsoon.
toiva.rrls tlre Norf1-1a l d N. E., nrld dl~.rir)g
t l ~ cN. E. monsoon
ao-rrards thc S.a ~ l df3.
fvcn rltrrinq 11w Ilcigl~t,of the N. J i .
monsoon, ~ ~ h i c lbrl o u ~more ~ t c n d i l y?llsrl the S. \V. om, at i l i ~ h t
its untlcr current of ~vould a,lrrny,iC I!O\ cea,sc,
thougi~;is rnigl~tbr: PI:FII hy 1 1 1 ~ ' travelling c1011rl~
~ I ~ I Tt l Cl ~I~I / ) P C I
current vvas not, arrrct!d
its ~,. P O ~ I ~ C At
~ S .~ I I CPattci- end o! t l ~ i ~
monsoon, it i r : ~not p o ~ v o .to ov!:lrornn t,llc tlcncit,o of' tlir? sir
oversyr~adingtlrc l'clrirrcul:~, crcatcd ~ l l w i i ~the
g COOI of tile night,
until 10 or 12 :?nd cvcn 4 n'c!oc?; of t i 1 ~ 2 follnn-in: day. 011
allch occi~sionsif the w~:ttllca: Ile firir a n d hot,, the >: tmosphcrc will
hnve conc1ens:d its vepour on Earhl~liithill, anfl !kom ~vhcnce
heavy squalls mill procenl acroys the Ftrai t i of Singapore a~sistad
by tbe monsoon. Of' t!lia vTchnd many instnnccs, l~envy N.
E. squ;ll!s having tskc~ltllc gun-boats inqide of tllc Stlait., while
nt the same moment 10 miles d i s t a n t a n ;lgrecabl~and pcrrnnnent
N. E. breeze has hocn cxpo~isncedout at iJcdra Bnnca.
t h e ln\vs that have been ohscrscd to gcnellate and direct
the local squalls may be safely asqorncd to operate in thc same
manner, vith r~ga:'cZ to thc gcncra; sq11a11s or '6Sum:lt~*ac,"
that in the Straits come froan the clircctiol~of that island
the South-west monsoon. I n Surnixt?.;~the 1-cwrtlar
prevailing wind
may be s u p p ~ c c lto meet ohstl-uction in the high range of'rnoarttains, that intersect the island in a ion~itudixlal
dil~ection,ancl not
having strength enough at nll t i n 1 8 ~ 4 to O V C I ~ C O V ~the barrier,
is curlrecl, untll as has iven secxt t~ hc the case nyitll the locs! scjnalI~,
corl(~ensedaiC has been Rrme4 on tl~ni ~ i g l l l o t l d ~wltich
with Cts aceompan y ir,g vspoors, rasbes dorrrn t o ciii place the hentccl and raritied atrno~phercof' the vnllies and plains on tlrc lee, 2nd being at the
snnle time urged on bv the pent irp fo!.ce of tllc monsoon now let
loose, stretches itself Rir and n-idc over tho 3S:tlaccn Strait$, and
the gcr~ernlly low lying surfhcc of the 3f;~laynnPeninsula.
These 6CSurnatllas" were foi~ncl to arrire at Pccira Branca
between the hours of 3 a11d 8 A. nr,, nncl if arc bc allo~~-eci
infer with n.cra;.d to their time sf origin, that it is the same as
obtains ill 1od:rl sqonllu, viz. f r o ~ nII A , 3:. to /LP. nr. nssllrning the
distnilcc trn.vcllcd to bc nearly 3C0 miles, theii* ratc of progres.cion
will be 3 9 to 20 miles 3.1) Iloul*. This was cor~*obornted
by watching
dicir h?:!'jvaI R . ~'li~t.:t~lt
11ig11 poil~tsof ?an(!F C C ~from
the rock, an:d
noting the jntcl*va.l ol' tilxlc! con~umctli n their colrlil~gto the 140cli.
g c : l c ~ : ~c~linintr~l
b i r tn*:lvcl
A storm or y:r \c
the rat(?oi' 32
rnilcs :In liaolr1- ; !,i~t if. is orllv !>r the! fi1a.t f i ~ b *~rlinutcst !n;lt a
, .

i r n p n ~ i r qrli:~r~actori~tic
i s in fllc itnrncn~enrcll tl~ari t forms,
fitr~tc!~ingti.nrn t ! ~ c m'nith to ul)),o$itepoints of' the: Irorizon, a n d
!IC?~OI\*r11c :IIT]I,
t v h i ~ h i s of ' 1 1 ~{!;trli~st~ B ~ I tPl ,k c ~:+i ~~. o~ u s ~ ~ c r ~ d ~ d
+ark qlbrr 7131)011rs, nljolat to cltlscc.11don the P I ~ ~ ! : I C Co f 1 1 1 ~eart11.
~ i b o v cthe t l : , t - k D,!c l ~ ,w i \ \ be s(xn 1t -i ~ 1 1 1 , g~-t~:,~
f i y I ) : ~ I ~ ~ z s ,over
which a rligl~tcr nrcbh 1
he slx~tlilinr., nrbd whicl~i s again
w f l i t ~~ ~ C P C(:1011t19,
cont~.;ictillc,if' t l ~ nsqn:tll a I I ~ I !ich
at cl;zy-li;:ht, s t ~ * c r n ~ l1v~ i t . hthc bin? sky aborc and tllc dark:


Oriqinol rind .cnncfionnl c.cfinwtr?,for the fiighf-hn?r.rr.-.Totnl coxt cxclu,cice

of' c1)crr.q~, fbr G I / ,-lznnt.*
c o r d Sfcln~tt./.tw.-l):jyic~r!l!?/
qof' cstin,nfin.9 n .tcork
of ibis ?trrttrpr.-ilctrcctl. cost ?lot nlorc c)pr.:rsirc! Chnn Jmd the tcorlr been
dc,nil /)!I co1?C~.nct.-,4cl?*nntcr/r/iqt' J t f r z * i r ~ qthr: ?r*ol.Rp ~ tl~ ! ~ e f i )B!/. r ~/nbourr
er.v O?L ('(1 il!/ ? i : ( ~ ! j c ~ s . - ~ ~ . ~ l ~I I~~ 7~ ~P Il.f.i ~h, .~r l!'n;?a!/ l i ~ l h t (:osf of' ))LC.
qf I;;!/l,Z- J t o t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . - T c s tloi./h
t m . o rrqnr/l
~ ~ ~ ~ to JFr XIenn, ti.'#
ec!.?-ic( .v .--l<ff;,cfire rf?rcl h11nsty SG(!I';CCS qf' t It(!
-$ordL.v N ~ L I !/ i ~ ? ~ f c r . Erfi?;t!y of' rhc $lr.rrrncpr nf / A ( . c o n t ~ ~ t o z s c , ~qf'~ ~operal'i0n.s
s ~ ~ ~ ~ , t clrid h w (!/?or
8 ~ 7 ~ i ~ ( ~ ~ . - L i l ) ( of'
i ; tnathoritirs
oj' tlt,c Dirfch .c.ettlr~tt~e?tt.
of Rhj0.Irt.v~~-ipf
ion 07) II'u/alct.



now remains for rnr to lay b ~ f o r e the Government the particu!ars Isegarding the estimate :mil cost of tho Light-l~onseworks,
~ ? I C COP^ of t.11,~ l,errl~ancr~t
es:sblisl~rncnt erlgnged to maintain tllc
ligl~t,anrl arranpetncllts connected there\! ith.
The deiniled cstirnn~r?for tlic materials and nwrkmnnship of tllc
boilcling, will be fonnd ~ n n e x e d(see Al)pcn(lix 111) i t will thel*efore he onlv ilece~snrjhcre to particrrl;~:
e principal iterus as

. . . :-

Experirncnfs and rnotlels sanctioneu ny a r m r l * fi-om

!.he Governor of the Straits settlc~ncnte No 97
o f 1848..
Eutimatc: of nlnteria,ls ancl worknianstaip, dated 14th
of 32av IS48 accom~l:ngingmy 1cttr:n dated 20th
r;tim;;tc o:' tablo allownnoe on bo:~.~~cl
uHoogblv" as
per m y letter to Residcnt Conllcil!or dated 20th
M a y $848.
qtimate of cost of Supervi.inn viz, Snpe;:iritc11cle~lt's
depctat.ion allo~vaice $1,C,Y(i.36.
~ a l a r y,C1,090.90 as per m y lcttcr to Reside~~t
~oa;lci!ior, dntcd 20111 JIay 1848..
,st.imate of inntern, npparx tus. n rlrl lid)tnirrg conductor ,$l ,GO(ll ax 4s (;! ]










...... ....

To which ailti c s t r ; ~works and salaries 9ince wnctioned its fa1lows :

Salary for an extra Forcmnn a t I'll10 Ubin
~ ~ n c t i o n eidn a Ir:tter from the Rcsirlent
Co~lncillor,N o 639 of 18-30.
Addi tionill ~ 0 1 . l ~2
i ~nctioncrl as pw* an~lcxed
detailed statement (sw Apl)t.ri(lix 111) in
a lettcr from the Rcsitlent Corlllcillor N o
884 of 1850..
.... 906.40
Furniture kc ditto ditto.
Addition to 3Ir Berlnett's pay sallctioned in
a let.tcr fiom the Itesidcnt ~ o u n c i l l o r ,No
733 o f 1850..




... .... ....

.... ...... ......

... ....

Total expenditure sanctio~led.

The total cost of works, exclusive of the charge of maintainin1

two gun-boats and occarional services of a Steamer, lvl~ichwaborne by the Government, will he seen hv pcrusinp the annexed
abstract of' expentlitnre (see Appcndix IV') to amount to the sum
of 23,665 Spanish dollars 87 cents, which exceeds the original
anticipated outlay bv 843 Spanish dolla~=s17 cents, but is less
than the total expebditure sanctioned bv the wrn of 960 Spanish
dollars 63 cents. From the expentlituIe should he tleilucted the
small sum of 52 dollars 29 cents, which mne received for varioue
small articles sold doring the progress of works anJ a t their cornpletion when no longer required, and this stnternwt would hav
showed a still more filvorable result, were it taken into accoun
that the lighter, which cost tlie Light,-house nearly 700 Spanish
dollars, was at t l ~ eend of otir operations given orel*to the Convict
Department at a nominal value; a ship's gig, blacksmith's tools,
and othcr implements were also in the same manner eiven over to
the 3lastcr Attendant's Department. Tlre valnc of the above articles
of course r e r e mnch depreciated by ure, so nothing but a nominal value could be placcd upon thcm. The unavoidable absence
of the Steamer during our second year's operations, which were
rely carricd on without her, caulled also some additional outlay.
~d during the first part of the night and are ~ornetimeasudden and severe
-- accompanied
with loud thunder, liglktiiing and isain; the. are espel-bnced
throughout tlie Strait particularly in the vicillity o f the Pedier Convt and

" betwcit:n

Parcelar Hill and tlie Carimons. 1-Zer.e they often blow for 6 or 8
time either in a fitrong 01. moderate cnlr, the commencement beinc
"mostly s11ddt.n and serere; for in nlalaccn Rond where they generally begin
"between 7 and 8 P . M., nncl at mirlnikllt many fillip9 part their cables, and some
c' have been driven by t l i c ~ esqualls on the mud bank that lines the sl~ore." It will
be noticed by the reader that the Malaccs Strait being nearer to Sumatra by TO to
100 milev than Pedra Branca, will account tbr the Sumatra equnlls arrivin
at the fi~rmerplace at an eariies period of the night thau they are experience
at the latter.--J. T.T.

" houre at a



It will not p e r h a p be irnprspcr for me to mrntion here, that

the estimates and plans fbl- th(t Light-house were sanctioned bv the

IIon7ble the Court of Directors, as ,)er tlrcir d ~ q ~ i l tNO.^

~ h of
S e p t ~ n l b ( ~1849,
under the expr~ctationtllst the n.o~*k
would cost
the ennl ~ubrnittedto them, as being sufficient; nor if' it Ilad
cost double do I t , l ~ i n l n111c11
blame coultl he att:tcl~cclto me, for
in mv letlcl*N o 10 of lbi9, w!lich 1 plsesunle was laid before the
~ o n ' L l e Court, and which probably guidctl their ol.)inion 0x1 the
subject, I wrote as f o l l o ~ ~ s :
('For thc reasons noted in mv lctter to his Honor thc! Governor,
20th Novernl~cr 1841,rcg:~l,dingthe errction of a Light" house c11 Pcnk Roclc, the cstimrtte has been constructed with
# ( t h e anticipition, that t111; builtling of it will he given to a
" Chinese contractoi*, as that class are the only peol~lcthat could
" undertake such a n.01.k nndcr any limited sum.
1 have conselb quently given in the cstimate tl;e
nctnnl cost of materials ae
l' placei on tlle rock, and allorvccl 10 pel- cent profit to the Chi" nese wllo may undertake to finish the building.
This I trust
" will meet the approval of Government na being the cheapest
" and most expcditioils mode of completing this desirable work,
" for on the ~ r s t e mof clailv labour, I cor~ldnot promise its being
" done at dougle the arnouit now submitted.

" dated

"In undertaking a woi*k of this kind there is more than ordinary

risk to the cont~~actor
;--fi~~st, owing to its solita~*iness,there will
be difficulty in procuring 1ab0urca.s~-second, t llc exposed position
a and iifficrtlty in landin?, slihject those engaged to mxr:y acciden te,-f'urther,
the limited number of labor~rcrsof the class
dc required may raise the demand to considerably above their
present w q e s , at the time the Govel*nmcnt may sanction its
" commcncemcni,
but as I have taken those dificnlties into
ct account in {he eptimate, I havc every reason to thirrk under all
c' ordinary circumstances, thnt the actual cost will not exceed the
l6 sum statccl, hilt at t l ~ csame tirnc I n ~ u s add,
that the cost of a
f i work of tl~is kind cannot be calcr~l;itedwit11 the same precision
a as an ordir~aryb~tilditigin Singapore tor~rn."

As already hinted in Part 11, now that the works have been
completed by Chinese working as daily Iirbourers and not by
ntract itt n cost below the sum sanctionctl, I much qucs~ionif the
~rlcrnoall(1 havc been at all henefitcd by the contractor's remainr 9 had 110 hrld to his engagetncnt, the Li~ht-house~vouldnot
ve cost the Government any less t11:i11it 11:~sdone, even tllough
claim is made good a ~ a i n s his
t secol~i~,g
fbr the over cxpcnditere
aR stated below, and lj~.obablyconaidcrably more, for hc would
have charged as high as possible for addition;, extra works
~ n dFO forth, SO thnt the nnioant ~vnntl~ally
p:ri(l to him would
have much exceeded the original cont~~act.

Amount of contract enfri.(:fl i n t o bv Clloa

I f;)r hric k, gr:tnit(j, wood n ,,cl
iron work, I : ) i ~ r l ~tritnrl~oi.t.
o f nl;ltc~~.ii~lr,
k c , a9 r1l:t:iilrrl in q;)cc.ilic;itior~si i t d conC31~,d!-~.
tract, I
t 2 1'
I 1 850.
Cost of buil(lillg cxcl~~sive
of l i l l ~ t ~Dr I~) ~~I,~ I
ratus a n d l iP.~ ! ) t ~ ~ corlrluctor.
Less (hefbllowng i t e m s not ngj*ccdfor in con-




..................... 3.58.44
cop))( ..................... 42-$,3;3
C e r n ~ti....................
Fu t.nitn1.c. .................
Cost of SIIl)crv~sion............ 2,89:2.7;7

............... !J~G.40


.........: ..



P a r t of tonknng and boats..

P a r t of suncll-y ex pcnces..
Part of' m:igcls of men emplorcd
on cxtra ~vorlis.
500.00 6,631.421 11,1-17.194


JExtraa outlav l)cvond the origiunl. surn for

n~hiclltllk cliiucse conrractor i ~ q r c c dto
corn pletc llis share of the Ligh t-IIOI~PC


.......................... ~ p .~ r ; li




I t will be sufficient reason for tlic confractor's sl~arcot' the works,

amounting to ,$54'7.D-l al~ovcthc amount agreed to be paid him,
n l ~ c ~I i again ;~siiattenti011 to the fact, t h t ~ on
t my talcin? :he
F V Q I . ~ in hand, his mcxl ri~isedthcir. tlcnlantls for granite work
from $6 to $8! per ctil~ic coot. G~.icIcsfiqom ,918 to 8%and
otlier r;lntcb~*i;tlsin thc stme r:itio ; w o i ' i i ~ ~ ~tvelr8c,
e n also l~ireclunder
.tnl dis:~dvan~aycs;
tlie atlnonl scr~icerr of llis men had hnen
I - C I ~ R Sft*oin
P ~ tlro junks at $12 per annluc, he stlpplyir~gtheir
~ d ,by wllicll arrs;lacment thcy onlv stood him at most $4
rnensem, \vhile 1 was fbrced to $ve to the snme men 10 to
9 p ~ rm e t ~ ~ c m .It i4 tht>refo~.epl:~ln that h a 1 he gone on
f ~ ' i t I 1the cor~tt*nct,lie would have gainctl by it, p~*obal,l\r
as much
as, or morc thsn, was anticipated i l l t,ke cstimntc, tl~oogliowing to
t l ~ cnbovc circi~mst.ances,tllc wol*li112s not hcen so chc;~plpaccomplis:lc(l by me. At tlrc time prior to his tlisapl~cnra~lc~,
it m v i l l
have been notcrl in Patat IJI ~ v l i n tt~.onLrlehe a111111ismcn occas i n t ~ c d , n.r~tl Ilow c l i f i ~ ~ it
l t was to procnrc from h i ~ nthe neccssarir?s lot' lifi:, (even fbl* Iris onlJa p c ~ p l c ,not to spc!;rk of nti~tt~ri;l!s
t i I
1 i ! I
. It is
t i ~ ~ ~ . c fI& . ~ ~
I t l lIa l l t ' e ! ~
iil:lt he left the
co::iit.~*)*,r:v on rllc -..nlsI;-; bci~lgccs~-icdib~.wartlon G ~ ) r c r n n ~ e ~ l t
nt:colult, t11r:re reln:ti~lcd iio one corrtl(:ctr:tl with thcm whew
Entcrests were against tllc ncccsmry o y , or col~sequcntlp
zgainst tlicir pnlici :j,lrd. urexccytionxblc cot~itructio~l.

t ' nT TI! ii L ~ I I o I ~ s u U I ' ~ LTGIZT-JIOUSli.

nv tllc


rngsgcmerlt of tlic men on daily hire, iliut~glltllc

may be more cxpcnsive tllntl that of' contracting, this
Iyns gninctl, that it hecnmc their itlterest to do well
and honestly, to the satisfaction of' their employers, the portions intrusted to tllcm, instcad of dlirring ovcr and hastenin%
tlleir labours, as contractors are too apt to do, and which
cannot be gaarded against, cven by the closest aticntion to each
man's work, and this it is scarccly possible to give, where
many are employed. The circumstances ~vonld probably be
different, were there men of ca-pita1 and character to be found to
contlact for works in t h c ~ eparts, as well as n sufficient number of
them to create competition and liccp down prices to what would
be only fair remuneration, but in Singapore none such exist. I
therefore believe it was the bcst course for the interests intrusted
t o mv direction, wllether the expencc or trouble involved of either
motlk be considered, that I did not employ contractors again, but
carried forward the works on my own rcsponsibilit~;engaging
the workmen, paging their wages, and buying all the materials
rnveelf, fill1 and detailed accounts of which have been forwarded
td the authorities.
When the Light-house was about being completed I addressed
the Government regarding the requisite establishment, in a letter
to the Resiclent Conncil~os,No. 15 of 1851. I also transmitted
propow7 rules for the guidance of the light-keepers, which will be
found annexed, and all of wlliell reccived approval. Regarding
the establishment I wrote as follows :-'' Lig?ht-beepers.-On the
l4 subject of light-keepers and establishment for the Light-house,
" I made somc suggestions in my letters No. 20 of' 1848 and
' 4 No. 28 of 1860; at the period of writing the former letter,
the estimates of the building had just been made, at which time
the rock had only been once or twice visited, my remarks
6 L regarding tllc future maintenance of the light (at that time
t4 uncertain of accomplishment) were necessarily short and im4' mature, as the peculiarities of' the position had not been studied,
" there liavinq been no opportunity to do so, they were therefore
l' subject to totore correction.
At t l ~ eperiod of writing the
eecon(1, thoug1:h I had the experience of one fair seasonspent
' l in
building opcrationq, yet thc knowledge of the state of
d 6 the weather in the vicinity of Pcdra Branca, and of the action
of the waves at and sl-oond tlie rock doring the stormy scason
of thc N. E. monsoon, had not been observccl. TVhat remarks
'( I have now
to submit to your consideration, I make under
4( grcnter advantag~13
than I possessed at thew former times,
t t having on several occasions put out to thc rock during the lost
l 4 North-east monsoon in order to ascertain the facts requisite to
" be Iaiomn wit11 regnrd to conlmunicntiorl with tlle Light-house
('during illnt scnson, q i t ~ l 5s
~ the pogsibility of cllnnging i h c
l 4 liqht-keepers, frtn~i~liinq
stol-c.;, kc. W h o l 1 now hlmlblv sr1;;3 3

ge~f,rcgorrling thc cstalil,lishrncnt ncccs4nl.y to th

lman cnf,
t i showing of the light, I trust will bc Nor thy of your lavorablc
" I11 my lcttcr No. 28 of 1880, T suggested three method., of
t i kccping up an rstnhlishment for liqhtinz thc boilding
" last method proposcd in that lcttcr, lrrz. of a l ~ ~ a ymaintainin
on the ~ o c l ra pnrty consisting of one Emopenn and eight
6' natives, scerns now to mo cons~rlcringall circamstmccr, to bc
tllc best with some slight modifications. I havc found that
during crery month of thc N. E. monsoon that there nrill hc
a opportanit,ies to land t,hc kecpcr~, thortgh watcr and heavy
r c provisions may not always be possiblo to land ; at the game
t4 time acccss to the rock mill not hn closed for 4 or 5 rnontl~!
as fonncrly ~apposerl. The difficlilty of keeping 211 the esti
" blishment at tllc rock is thcreforc now not so grca.t as formerly
cr ~uppose(1, and the stationing of part of thew body at Point
R,omania is consequently unncccssary. Ry having their whole
body at thc Light-house, this advnntngc ig furtller gained i
the 'SI zfficient protection of the building, and its contents again!
-.- - the pirii~e~,
and other evil-disposed persons, which would ncr
be the casc mere only 3 or 4 men stationcd there.
The establisl~rnentthat I \vould now propo~cmill con~istc
thirteen individuals, instead o f fourteen, as proposed in rn
letter No. 28 of 1850, and I believe it would answer a
a purposes, if placed under efficient superintendence. It is a




" fbllows:

" 2 Head light-Iieeper s,

2 Assistant d ~ .
" 3 Tindals do.
" 6 Lascars, onc of whom to cook

-roc31 establishment.

rr The li!.ht-keepers I would propose to C~larrg.; monthj,

the tindajs and lascars evcry two months, tlms thcrc mould b
cr always at tlle Light-liouse :
d r 1 Head light-keeper.
gC 1 Assistant
2 Tindal~.
4 Lascars.
8 Total at the Light-house.
r c On &ore on leave at Singapore there wotlld bc
1 Head ligl~t-keeper.
1 Assistant do.
C c 2 Lascars


For assictant l i ~ h t - k c e ~ tindals

~ ~ r s ~ and lascars, I believe thc


to be bcs-i ad:ipted. 111 cnsc of difficulty in landing

of fi*eq~.tcntcmorrcncc, they arc more cxpert tllan
" eeitller Cbinesc 01: nati vcs of Indin. ;in tlie management of boats
CL t11ey arc in theil* cle~llcnt.
wllilc other na.t> quite at a loss.
" eitlier from incspcriencc or sen.-siclineos ; to be i o o d boatmei
" i s ncceesarily i ~ l ~ l i s ~ ~ c nfor
s i l light-keepers,
in s u c l ~a situation.
'' For l~eacllight-kcepcrs, I fcar Europeans will not be obtn.inable
under any nioder:~.~
e cost, bat rc~pectnbleIndo-Europeans t ~ r i l l
" wit as ~ ~ c l l .
" Pmz~i.~ioar.--Tn mnliing arrangements as to the ply of the
'gight-liecpa~e, I would llomblv propose that the provisions
" nccel:snrl7 to life, csclutling crirrk s t ~ ~ fand
f s spices, be furnished
L4 by GoGi*n~nent. The follonring I think would be a fair al*' lowance per man :
44 catties per mensern.
" Salt-fish G
1 .9 .,
l C Salt
4 9,
The 3lalavs
to be intrusted with
'L furnishing tl~emselves. It appears from Smeaton9s account of
" the Eddystone Light-house, t I ~ a ttlie keepers when t11ey filrnishecl their own p~*ovisione,were frequently reduced to eat
On thc 1st of November, Ei months' provisions,
C' the candles.
l C moocl and water sho~lclbe stored on blie rock, for, though the
" liwllt-liecpcrs may be able to land, probal~lyprovisions will be
d k c u l t to be got upon tlrc rock during. the North-east monsoon.
Ct At all other times 2 months' provisions should be placed on
" the rock in advance, SO as to prevent tlie possibility of'the men
66 being forced to leave it finom starvation."
I n accordance with tlie above suggestions, tlie following establishment was engaged and provlsionv and other necessaries
laid in for cCi months :
Statement of the ~ . ~ f n h l i ~ h m,for
e n t fencling tBe H o r s A ~ g ILight.
~ o ~ ( s?nc7udiy
the cstimnfed nn$o?cn.tof or~lir?~aqiy
~ T I I ~ C I ;i~





33s 4%

1 Heat1 light-l<ecpcr
1 Seconfl ditto..
2 Sclrangs at 2-5 32s-eech




1 3 ,, ,, ............

R~cI?,salt-fisl~, oil ant1 salt to 8 men on

duty :it r lit: J,igh t-l~onsc..




Oil fur lantern 34 pic1119..

Cotton, wicks, clot11 and ~ ~ o u g c .
Glass cliirnncys
Paint and varnish for lantern, railing,
awning for boat kc. kc.
Expcnse of ~upcrintendcnt in vis~ting



Total montlily expenses Co's

Total annnal

cdi tto



u w




20 I


Rcgading the proposed rltles I offered the following remarks

in the above quoted letter
Rules for Zigh t-fieepers.-The
" accom~anyingrules for light-kccpers ' (see Appendix V.) I
r submlt for the considcration of Government, I n drawrr ;
?m up I have been guided by those arldreswl to the
a keepers of the Northern Light-houses of Grcat Britain, bv the
Engineer to the Commissioners. I have only modified ihem
" to suit the circumstances of this climate. Shoold they be ap" proved of, I mould suggest that a copy both in Engli~liand
Malay, be hung in the ilght-roorn of the 6uilding."
Other s~tbjectsmere also brongllt to the notice of G overnrnent
in the same letter regarding journals, store books, visitor's hook,
arms and ammunition, mcteorological obaervations, kc. which
are of hardly sufficient interest to be introduced here ; it will he
sufficient to say that all these mct with the some kind and
considerate attention as all other conccimnsof the Light-house
during the past two years had received from the notl~orities;
and for ~vhicliI, who was per~onallvbound to the ~ n d e r t a l t i n ~ ,
and so intimately connected with its s ~ c c c s sor failure, cnnnot feel
too grateful.
The Light-house contains the following accommodatic
On the top is the light-room c o ~ e r e dbv the lantern, in which
the lights revolve, this room is 12 feet'in diameter. Outside
the light-room is a balcony guarded bp s stone pnrap~t,here a
tindal is nl~vays stationed on the look out during day-light.
Below the light-room is the visitor's room, which is appropriated
t o the use of pcrsons that visit the rock, or to the snl)e~*interident
in charge, 1vlie11 he may come to inspcct the boilcling. Next
is tlic Ellropean liglrt-lceepcr's room, below that again the
native light-ltccpc~'~,called tllc sprang.. One perang and t ~ - o
tindals occupy thi5 I~OO~I-It o p t h c r ; next is rlac in~cnr'por sailor's

room, o f ~ 1 1 o n 1f o i ~ rO C C l l J l ~t h i s O ~ r00n-1
; next comes the rice
nnrl pmvisinn st,orc, holo\v t,l~:~t
again 1,llc oil and liglit-room
tore,. arld 1 a ~ t . lconlcs
the ~ v a f S~ ~r O T ~Co, ~ ~ t a i ~in
l c cml vault
entered fkom tl;e oil store. T l ~ croom; are nccenlled to by
I;ld,?cr~,anti brick partitions ant1 tloors s11i1t olX' the common
passnge containing the Intl(1e1-s from all the rooms,, so f h a i
t.hcv are ~wivntc. Onfside thc tower is thc cook-house, constrlicted cntircly of gl-anitr, and C ~ O S C to tlio C O O ~ ~ - ~ ~ OisI I8S ~
mnlt partly cat oat of the rock, and cnclo~erlby granite r~mlls,
containing extra water and l u l n b e ~ ;above the vault is n paved
plat.!orm, over w11ich is stretclled an au~ning1~11erethe men
inlie thiir victllals, and pcrform m y out-door employment. A
small g3rclcn, as has alrcacly been mentioned, was also constructed
onteide the tover, but the success in i.aisin9 anJr vegetables
excepting hardv sea ~hoi-eplnnfs, is very problrma~ical,judging
from wl~nt1 nocced beforc leaving the rock, for thc scnson. Two
boats were 1cft hoistcrl u p to sheltered parts of the rock, in the
smaller of which tlre mcn arc allowed to go a fishing, after the
ciatics of the clap have been gone through. This no doubt mill
take away much of the s3nlencss and loneliness of their duties.
I n conclndin~this account of the Horsbrrrgh Lipllt-l~ousc, I
have mnch satis{action in hearing testimonv to the great value that
tho scrviccs of 31s J o h n Bennett, rvho aEted as foreman firom the
commencement to thc finishing, were t o the operations, and to the
workmanlike manner in which all w a s executed that nras er~trusted
to 11is care. l17hcn I was fi-equently absent from the site of the
Light-house, on other duties at Singapore, or Pnlo Ubin, I found
th:,t his zealous and carcfnl conduct of the ~ o r l i s ,and judicious
and tempel.ate treatment of the workmen, caused them tb ~ r o c e e d
as expcditiorrslr as I col~ldpossibly wish..
I have Ilacl little opportunity to speak of t l ~ eserviccs of tile and lighter, 1%hich acted as tenders, and t,lle~.eforemust
take this opportunity. On them devolved a very important part of
t l ~ e operations-viz.
the carryinq of wood a d water, etoncs and
materials for the works; the men, aftel. tlle first crcw of tllc "Nancv"
were discharged, performed their duties with such heartiness and
good-will, that I cannot spcnk too favorably of their exertions,
thop were of the greatest conseqrlencc to us, and they gave us tile
full benefit of their labour. 'I'hon~h the seas 11ei~edrving the
S.W. monsoon are smootll at most of timcs, vct to vessels of their
moll bnrdcn, tlic vicinit,y of Pcdra Branca, wit11 its tlcep cllannels
and ~ t r o n gtidcs is by no means agreeable or safe; during the
11earp a"they rvcre forced consta~~tlv
to enco~intei*,the
Pens washcd ovcr their low decks fore and aft; also in maki~igfbr
the mck at night the danger of being \ ~ ~ ~ : c l ion
c dthc ootljing
roclrg was oftcn eminent. As an in$tnnce, I rn? n~cntionthat orlc
morning on the occ~sionof'a IICRVY ' ' Q ~ ~ r n i ~ f ~having
corne on
at dam, the "Charlotte" was noticed to bc under a 111,csr;of .dl,

ordcr to ~~c;\tlicltliz Sout11 T,cdg,.c, on wllicl~a ctronv

t,icIc wtc:
ttillg hcr. it1 r l l ~ f i l r l i ~ ill(:
,jib prepnrntory to hoipting it, n. Inan
ns n-;lslrocl over I
: :11111 at thi4 cri!.ic:il motrlcnt t l ~ c yllnd to
w a r 1113 to sa,vdiini, I ) I I ~ to our constr~nntioirwc observed I I C to
miss stays, and drift di~*cctlp(1on.n ro\r:~rtlstllc ilangcr she llarl
hccn tltyillg to C S C B ~ C: S ~ I DIIOII~OVCI. llappily rlriftcd past witlloi~t
ochiilg, and piclod up tllc m;m at the snnre time.
~ s5
Tllc tLCllnrlotte" (li~ringthe t,wo Pcasons hall no 1 ~ than
r~lnstssl)nlng or cn~*ric(lnIvap, ant1 one l~owsprit,\vhicl~fact in
itself will,e the natllrc of tllc scrvicc i n khicll sllc mq
engaged. The gun-l~onts owing to tl~eirdraft of n7ntcrcor~ldnot
comc :~long:..idct l ~ c1)ier to discliargc, so werc forcccl to send their
lading by tlieir jolly bolts to r l ~ erock. Tl~csesn~nllboats did not
mcaeurc tnorc than 16 fcct lnl~gand 43 fcct in bcarn, yet thcy prrexcepting in one instni~ce,wh(
formed tlic \voi*!i ~ ~ ~ i t h acciilcnt
one was capsized ancl sunlr bv a brcakcr; it is also worth mentiol
ing tllnt these little boats coild cornc along.;iclc, when the liqhfer
could not app~*oachowing to the swcll. When calms prevailed
tllp service of tllc tenders Iras most laboriou~,for then the crews
had to pull :ill day, peated on a flush dccli where little shade could
be had from the great bcat of the sun's rn.vs. I n this manner the
gun-boats and lighter s e r c kept constantly brnplored day and night,
during the ~ ~ h oterm
l c of our opclations. ~ o n E
of th; gunners in
command, for one reason or another, rcmnined in ihc service d a ~ - i n g
le n l ~ o l eperiod of opc~*ations,but I must not neglect to mcntic
.vorably the name of 31s Castor, now gnnncr in cominand of tl
Charlotte ;" lle was in c l m ~ ~ gofc one of the gun-boats, durin,
le whole of the last scason, and by his smartness and diligence
!as of' great service. On the rock RISO, where anv heavy rigging
or taclile was to be s ~ up,
t or large 117eigllt.s liAed, Ile and 11crew were of much assistance.
For the presence of tlle EI. C. Stcnrner C'Hooglil~"on a r ~
occasions when she could be spared from her other clnties, I must
make my best ackno~rledgcrnentato tlie nothoritics ; at the first
commencement of the works ~ v cwould !lave done very badly \yit,hout her. The service3 of that vee~el
n7cre of the greatest rlse in
establishing us on the ~ ~ o c k Druln:
the first season ~ l l ealso
towed out cightcen courses of the builclinc, be
tlicr materials.
Thc generous and highly gratifying lil,cml
~ h autliorities
of the Dutch scttlcme~rtof I-ihio, in l ~ n v i nC I I C "1 h e i r go~r-boats
in tllc p~oxirnityof t l ~ erock, (luring the whole term of the
operations, tcndcd mncll to nsslvc rllc \ ~ o ~ , I i i npar(?
and Qicir eerviccs wcre on many occ:lsions vrrp oppoytllnc, in
sltddcn emcrgcncie~,wl~cnall our ter~dnawcye absent.
On the com1)lction of tllc Pharos, tllc Following tnl,lct wn.
ordc~*ctl to bc placcd ill n p a l l ~ ~ofl fllc wall of rl~c rigita
~ ' O O l l l:

Pllnros rgo
Cni nolrlen prnhuit,

laribus Intlo Sinicis prn3tclr ornnes ]~rxcl-*.*Anglin: 3lercntorurn nisn imprimis indol

1;s in~pcriiopil)us Anglo Indici cleniquc const ructn

Saluti n:iutnr~~minsignis viri rnemori:e



Prov. Malacc. P r ~ f .

is raised by the enierprizc of British Mercllants,

and by the libcral aid of the East India Company,

to lcsscn the dangers of Knvigntion,

a~idlikewise to hand down,

so long as it shall last,

in the scene of his useful labouw,
Tile memory of the grent Ilydrogrnpher,
whosc nn~neit bcnrs.

C O ] . W. .r. ~ U T T E T ~ W O ~ TCI
. n.

Governor in the Straits of Jfalaccn

.I. T. Thntnsora



Tables of the I h d i i of a Colzc?rbw 56 feet h k ~ h ,2 2 j

at bottom and 10 feet at top at gigen heig,
accordi~yto various c z ~ r ~ ~ e s ,

Curines of

?.[i?w 10.GSS




2 3.7!1010.7!)0
1 ?.H!'.t 1 0 . ~ 9 . ~
0 :i.OUO Il..Ol)o 11.000 X-!.l(;G11.000








These tablcs arc const.rnctcd in tllc follo\;nlallakcr

Iiz the Pumbolic Ct~?*t*c.


I.Thc colrt~nl~l
1 , tllc
~ revolution of tllc CIII'VC n & ;L?JQU~.( I c i l s ;I.U isis is.
l ' l ~ cradius cr rl ~vllicllis at tllc top of' tlic c o l l ~ r ~bcl~l
irrg 8 fkct nlld at 7, c nllich is t . 1 1 ~lcvcl of' tllc Iii~llcst
t of tllc rock being 11 feet, r l c i s tllc axis oiI-' tlie
wl~oscvertex 1.: at a. n (; is nn a1~scissaccpI:ll
to P': feet and c 0 its serni-orclinate crj~l;l.l
to 56 ti?c!t.
I hew clat,a.l ~ c i n gqivcn it is rcqitirctl to fi11c1 tl:e
ticl11;trparal)ol;~tlra t riasscs tllrongll lllc points rr :II


Lct x, cqnal Iatns rc

T l ~ cva111e of x I~cingfou~lcland tllc ~cmi-ortlinntcs. 01. hcigllts of'

t l ~ cc o l ~ ~ mbeing
to find t l ~ cnb~cissacnl)l~crmlningto any
11cights of tllc cu111nln.
JAct y erjunl any nll).;ciwn and ,- rqnnl its scmi-orlliilntc, then tllc
equation for tllcir cnlculntion will bc

. --



A r : ~ : n ~ jns
! j ~a~r E

~ n n ~ ~ n a r nr,rr:
n ~I rI

T - K T C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

fhc! Ir~iqht, nf r l l ~coli~mn crii~nl tc

fwt, thc mflins n t top or ecni-cn-crrtlinnfc r a r
8 feet, ant1 thc ra(li11sn t hottorn or F T ) ~ ~ - c o - ~
nntc d h crlllnl XI fect. It is roq~lircrlto find
thew data thr:particular hyperbola that pnwes tnrl
the points a and 71.
Let r: cqnd d r! then
11 r, = R (24-66) mrhenco
r: = 149.33+
c rl!


r x $6 + 149.33 + =149.33 x 11 = tne constant.



T o find any other mdian of col~lmn, let radius ~ o a g h tegllrrl

to y, and let z equal to tho height. appertaining to that rafJirrr

1642.6 +
wltl i
x + 149.3 -L
radii as given in table
Again in the H!/peruouc G-.?~T~Jc.,
Jar hyporhola a n d
ccntre sf a re
e its axis, let G a semi-ordinate bc tho
nth (?a
:ight o f the c
In thc
le of' its abscis3jzC = ;IS feet
column will k.
hp the
lution of the cx
rr I . V U I I ~$9
ck to t11c axis minor. Thc radi
he top o f the column f a bcing
$ feet and at the b
95 eq -

then y =

ing the

11 fefect.
Zet x

other abgcissa to tl

from vhich i s derived c c = Sf

Jand: the cc
Let y cqud c e and ,- = its semi-ordinntc c b then
- 521.16: z

- --

= ,/5",31.1G:


culnting the value of 71 at nnv otbw heiqht of' the column,
subtracting fiom which tbc semi-diarnctc1- e m = 521.16 + and
adding t f ~ cr d i a s oY tllc colitmn at top, 8 kcf. will rive !hc radios
of colitmn at S L I C ~ hcifiht, as sl~ownin 7


f i thc EllEil,so. Tizblc D.--Tdct

k i cqunl 5G fcct, bc the axis of
the column, a Iz. ant1 b i radii at tllc
top and bottom ,' 11 fcct rcspectivcly. Tht
mn will be
generated by tlre mvolutidn of tlle
curve a b round Ir. i. Let h b a
semi-ordinate to the minor axis m ~ ;
equal 56 feet, a h an abscis~aequal
to 3 feet, make c l ~also 3 fect then
the other abscissa hg mill equal 9
feet; fiom these data to find the
$emi-axis major ce.

From the known properties of the ellipse.


de = 8.663 df = 120.663 anclfe = 129.326.

Then to firtc?
d b to the axis majjor ; le'




ce O-

J V ~

120.663 x C"



eing constanl,by altering the abscissao on the axis
cpht of column rcquired, any other
0- to th e hci D
ajor ac
Ll. ---- -ni-ordinate 60- rnern
be found, now by adding the semiis minor ca at the top of the column, to the radius of column a t
e same height, and subtracting therefrom tllc semi-ordinates
t o the axes major of the other heights reqilire" &I-- remainders
will give tho radii of the column at tllesc heigl
n Table D.
In the Circle. Table B.
Let Iti be the height of the co- r
lumn equal to 56 fcet, a ?b the
,' i
radius at top equal to 8 feet and
the radius a t bottom cqua
. fect. T o find the radiu s at
arlv other part of the colu mn.
~ i o d u c ca IL to d and make
d let,
equal to 3 fect. P~*orn
I b perpenllic~ilarto tllr lirlc
nake d b cqunl to ?ti, then I:
7a : : R : Tan b from whc
he angle at n is found and the s~cleah. Protulce ad and ann
Ile line b c having tllc angle at b ecjual to the angle at a the11
lle sille~uc and h c will be rq~tnl. l?ronl c t l ~ rp o i ~ of
~ t inter.--

'/ i


~ r ~ f i onf~ ilrc
l i n w hr nllll n r 1 l ~ m r ~ i 1 .nn
c nJtnpnzcin? th1-ou~~1\
~ n f l?J, ihrn A h hcinq n1 riql~ltn n l l c s l o ro, i f will '. 1!1c '
nl, :lr,tl t l ~ c
f l l r nrlqlc h c 0. Tn 1 l ~ rr r i : , n ~ l r l rt. h c n~i,..ill(!
')ilinc I,nolrll thn sirlcs 7, r an{! r n ~r!licJ,: I I . ~r\:l~ln!I
1 I;....,..-1
zn52.t.1$6 qn(1 in t,hc t,riang'c 71 c ('f:tc ~ i ( 1 cr (? ~ v ; i ! 1)



T,rt f bc n n r point nhosc hciql~t,rf fiwm tllc to13 o f illr u v ~ n ~ ~ ~ t l

? < ~ c ~ v tl&
552A-.136 : ~f: : Q, : Sine of' r;, r f ~vJ1encc
I:, : COR6 ~ f :: 324.1?,[; : P C
I j r i n ~s~~l,fra,
c lr tlro rr>mnindor will i ~ r t, h o I - I ~ I ~ I(I C
r colr~rnnat, tlie point,Jng shown in '\'nl)!r? 13.


roc?!nf thn So7al'hern,c n t ~ * n v r qj'

n ~l l ~ Ftrn;!,~
q f 11 h 7 r t ~ c nr1,r,f;rr )~pr,~..,, ;
1846, 47, 48, 49 rrnd .70, 7)0i7?q aofi c r . ~~ n ? l l o ; p r ,i~i ?I t j ) o
.Ti,lra'wfl qf'n~cltrnVocstho/ 7tctrl C O I ) ~ Eto
: 7i!/l1f.
q ; ~ .




two s n m ~
11c2.,tg n13?111c
or Mnloys. 'rhev were bcat OF i1-y tllc Cocllin-C1li~1r.nn!!o
m e itlto* !,~wboi.~.r
on C r f.~~.~-(lay
?:)st nnd s ~ v p m of'
l n-horn \y-c~.c
~~-nllllciCtt.-?lng21)OFC P ~ * r7c~ c . 5 , 4 I;;.I >:a?,
1%fGOn Sntnrdn,y bst an a Cllincsc tonknng co
= I men w n
torninz 4-om Sinqaporc to N o n y n , on t l ~ c
4d.e of t ! ~
st?*nits, wir,h n, cni1goconsiqtin: of !0 nicl~i;rice TI(! w m c or)iiin.
i1: w n c c ~ I ~ P cabout
)~3 r. aT. whilc in ~ i g h oft'lc:
" v ? iotic., ;3y 2. J7:ilnv
. pro^^^ rnnnnc!l hv 7 rncn
~ r ? into the, hont, a,r
.Nn ln:
ot' t.31,
1i i I i ~ ( ! . f , ' ? ~~ t '
~tc?otlt5ir'c b71

7 -


I'Lllll(?~re'lof t.IK I ,cc, ',\"'

c'rolllcts ljclon:ing lo tlic Cl~insqc.- T I bit!. 2-711* T n n ~ IS-$(
QJI 2lond:ty a, ;\lalap xnn*i n:lmecl 'z'\T;,ltn~, n!>l>enr-ctl3 t t l u
oEcc nnc? 1 7 2 3 ~ 1 f ~llc S101loi~ings t a l ~ l n c r ~
r P l i ~ ~ ~ - p t l Inst
; 7 ~ ? 31I C






7 o'cldclc in t,llc c r c ~ ~ i thrv


~ n vn*
r, not fill* fimonit,hr! 7 < 1 : 1 , 1 1 ( ~ ,w11nt r c r ~c
:mt? hcm:in;; S O I I ~ Y . TIICI-C
- 7111p311'; or1 t1ic Fwnci~, 21.)
on turning n point tlrcr met t.n.1
: ho:: t-.; contginincy 1.;.:111;111
I\xa.lays, I rv fr.liom t l ~ cnvcl*c
~ il~llllc,.n!;I.{ply : ~ t t n . ~ l i c r l .r.l ,,IC
.rtrctl six limcc:
I Y ~ I I S ~anrl
C ~ ~~il'cc
onf? n1:l.n n.:
~.1..or1nclc:c.l. 0 1 1
pillat cs; coln i r l ( p 111)
t'llci* bqn.t~,



. .

Const; of $ill~:ll, ~ ~ lt il ~l ci~cig:.bonr*i~~y

r n : ~ . ; ~ ~ lnl.(:
m ~ di ) ( : g ~ ~ ~
l o b(: iliftust(!d l)r :I vcrs ciis:lg*eeal)lcd mc~*iptio~i
of risit:~i~t,s
i l l tllc
.!?a 1)" o r Cltini~sc i~iriit(,F, wllo con(1rlct t . ! l ~ i l * O I ) O I . : L L ~ O 1~ S. 1 ~iligllr.


1:'e 1~t:t1911tlmt lutcly n. band of Cllil~r?sc

:~tt:?.ckc(l,pli~ndcrccl: l r ~ l l
n!.nrct t l ~ cIinrnl(>tof' 1':1sit* G I I I I ~sit~~;t.tetl
~ ~ I , 0 1 1 tllc JSstuary of'tlir,
riv(:r7 : ~ t , ~ 0 1 1 1{.Ii+
~ t~ I I C C I)CIOIVJ<JI~ov(>
L:illli~. 0 1 1 { ~ I I O ~ I I O ~
c c ~ q i o n f1((!1- nt!nr,kccl ant1 1,ill;tgcd tllc 11rt:lllct of l'nllgcrang in
I(; ric.init\. of 3Inl.b11kit, hnt 11.llit11cr l i ; ~ \ - cburnccl it or riot
ha\-r: ?lot I)I;:~I~ i~~foiam(:d. Cot11 ~ I I I ~ En<t:iclic
were. mndc in tlio
t ~ i ~ til ~ t
L'hc i l ~ l ~ n L i t ; ~ noft gt l ~ cv:t~-ionnvillages :nl(l 11nmlcl.s
E I I rll:lt i
n, wllctl~eron t l ~ cr n n i ~ ~ l a or
~ ~ Si~tqnpol'c,
-11esc ( l i ~ l ' i l l goi~tl~;igc.:
nwl :II.P i n cxl)cctation sf being
tc1c.f cc! in tllcil. I ~ l r ~ ~ s . - l l j i ~2-211~1
J1i1v 1947.
JI'c hare j l ~ - . t Leon i~rfkrmcd of n wcnscof
n i ~ l ) c a r ~T.;lir~~s
vorc cmployc(l irl c a l . ~ . i~votlt~,
~ ~ g llc11t.11cy ~ v c ~ * c
n t tntl;c:t2
yo ~)i~*:lt.ic:il
/)oats sbor~t11-0rncn, nrrnetl witlh
.ficr t;tl;ing : L ~ I 1l)c prol)c~-tyl.)clorlgi~~;;
ti, th(t l<lings
I C pii.:~tcis woull(lct1 - t w o of tJ1(3 foil^', 01
r S C V C ~ C I ~~ , 1 1 0:LI'C
orv i l l l ~ ( ~ q ) i t , :- - ~ Il.)ill.
19th A T I ~ I IISS ~ ,
O n T11csdn-yI:~st, irr c o r ~ s c q u c ~ ~of'c ci1.1~01.111it~1011
at t,llc?
Policc Oflicc, a Co~ls~;tl,lc
: L I I ~ i.iI.o l P c n ~rcp:tit.ctl
to Sigl:tp nlrtl
Y.':inu:~h J ~ c ~ ~~ aI I l ( ~: I ,11wy
~ O I ~ I I C !;I. to11Iia11g
1vi111 t . 1 ~ 0C11i1ic:j~
if..cvt:vi;ly ~ v o l ~ t ~ t l ~It.
( lal)l)c:.~l*s
fi'oln t 1 1 st.:r.t.~~l~(:llt
of' t l l c s ~111~11,
t11:tt f(.)ur flays p1.evi0114vtl~c:: Icti Sill
: \yi111 ;L compil~lion
1 I
* of t
i I
. 1'11:
111c fbI1orvilq 11ig11t.
:I, p:11*fI- f j f > I : l l : l ~ q , I.)!.
: I ! J O ~ I ~ 1- O'CIOCJ~ f 11i'j' ~,\.c:)'c' :It.lnclccltl 1



1 ' tl,r


P I O I . ~01'
~ l ; ~ * n ~ ? i s iit~ tnont:rincvl,
of ricr,

rlrainrl A Q ~ ?CC

r l

Illo w o i ~ n ( l dm(:n
. rorn:rirtcfl in t h i s holplfb~
brlcliiiu~l'rlnt il tllc!.
discovcl*cc?, Ilnvinz notbin: to P I I ~ S
3 r 1 l i c:lvc n, srnnll pic
rli.icfl fish.-Tl)id. 2nd %pt. 1847.
T t :lpj)r)r?~.~
fi'o~111% , r , c r ,
Irttclv t h n t Sinqaporc! i
~ ) r c c ~ t n itlls
~ l gl~rarl~ r ~ n r t c ~ * s o f n s c Ian(]
n r i nI . ~
P C J < I ~ C Sn,bn(~v
2q c o n y s ~ ~ ~
at,n s1_)0lo0
t ( ~ itvlf. Somc rnor.t,lis ? ITP qnve clet~il
of nn cspltlitio~r n~l!ich Ilnd hrcn out rn the mangrov
~ h ; l ~ l o~( l ' i r c r ~at
, tllc Fwck of $hi!: i~lnnrl,in thc 01!1 9tr;tits an
nl,icll i
t i,loo(lsllctl and d c s t ~ * ~ ~nrnonqqt
t t i o ~ ~ the poprrlnt,io..
of' one ol' the D11tc1~
T~lnnrlsin tJlc nc~i~lli)on!.lioorl. ilbonf. n


I l b l i

Ilr. tlrc X7nln1.s.

~ ~

\ + r ~


From Sinraporr rivet., on a p l ~ ~ n d r l * i narpcdition,

con~istinqc P
'2 1;llgr: gambicr boats and 2 s:lmpnnc, tl~cirstl*cnqtllnltogerhe
arnonnti~lcto I00 Chincsc. Their prctcnded crrancl vns to co119t
a somc of tlzc Iglantlq ;rl tlar! $traits, nncl thrv took
Gutta P c ~ - c h on
wit11 1.11ern nothing hut tllc rice and proricions ncccwnry for their
~*zbsi~ternn'I'Jley CICRI*CCI
oltt a t t l ~ cproper ofice and receiver1 the
run1 PP
h c i t their colcrse to l\l~oa;-,in thp Peninerrla, wliero
I C J ~m:
ntt:lcli ilpon n Kanlpong b r ~ ~~-c?*r:
repulqc(?. Tbep
Icn crossccl over to Si:),k, in Snrnal~n,nnrl tried t l l e i ~I ~ ~ c l?u.~f
crc again unsncccssfr~l, hcing drivpn nnrar. Prom t,!lcncc they
_ !me down to a small Island, Falo Burn, where they a ( w i n
cxpcvicnccd discomfitnro in t.lleir attempts to plonci(:r some
somc of their body being killed ant1 conic .r~oondc~!.The
srllo vrerc in t h e ;t~ousccalso sntT(:retl, $ ~ nnot
t SO scvercly 2 9 tile
Ctlincsc. Wllilc ne:t.r this island thev 9.ttxcked a 31nln1~b o ~ ~t!let .
wenr of rvhicll, fivc in nltmbcr, tllcp put to dmtll, ;lnd takinq nut
! k c . scrlttlccl, t l ~ cboat.
i t t ' t c ~tlicir last, rcpnlw tllcv
to 11nve tl~onghtthnt tllc {ntes wcrc n~3in.t them, for 3ff&
,,nrymq their dead on a small ishnd on their ron+r, tl~c_vrct11~1rcJ
r~ Sill~?polv, as cnipty ~rnnclcd 3 q w ? ~ c ntl~cyleft. DI
ext rcml t icq tl~eyn pl)r:nr to hnvc rc~ol-sedto +ry tlwir forf
F:~~rcl,;l11(1. oia thr? rnol=rlin: of thc 22nd u l t i n ~ on I n r ~ erictacrln~ex



Last meek one of tllc CIII-istia.11(Cocl~in-Chinese) topes wag

attacked hv n JlIalny boat and eevcr:ll of' tllc pcr5011son board
wounded, &e of whom l ~ n sillce
died. Tlic attack rvas :evitnesscc\
from thk Stcarncr uIIooglllv," whose boats imnlcdiately proceeded
to the apot, but the 111nln~a on pcrrciving that the Steamer was
sending assistance to the tope, dcsistctl from the attack and aided
bv t h e dnrliness cffected tll&r cscnl)e. Some other native vessels
hive since been sttackerl, nrnonpst othc
amese junk, which
mas plundered of ~ c v e r a chcsts
of opinn
3ther valuablc propert~r: The latter piracv ia rrported to h n v ~ueen committed gy a
red-head junk in c o ~
evcml other arnall junks.-Ibid.
27th ~ ~ r i1848.
i ,
A fern nights ago an attack rvaii mnda on some gambier plantations at Tanjong Kring, on the Islaurl of Battam, by about 200
Chinese, who 'burned down the bntlgsals and mnrrlered 10 persons.
I t is supposed that the pe~*pctratorsof this o
were from
-h;n r~
A most darinq outrage was enacted on Tliurstray last :erritlllll
few miles of the Totvn, which sho~vsthe lawless natnre of our
polfillation and the little clrcad they entertain of thc power of the
' utllorities to brit~gthcm to punishinel~t. A Cl~ineseprow pukat
hicli had been at Sinfrnporc town with gambicr and pepper, left
1 Tucsdap last to return to the Bangssnl to which it belonged in
Songie Tcngeli at the west entrance of the Straits of Singapore,
havi~iga carg? of rice, fish, tobacco, &c. ancl about 25 Chinese on
board, belonging to the gambier'plantatione at the river. After entering the river the pukat groundecl, a t a point where the river makes
a bend, and at a distance of ahout 2 miles from the place to which
it mas proceeding, wllen it was soddenly attacked by G sampans
containiig 00 or 40 RIal;~ys, rvlro discliarged a ellorver of nibong
spears at the Chinese, by' which 2 wcrc killed and 20 wounded.
The Chinese hcing onnl-med could make no msistancc hut jurnycd
into the water and made their escape tllrougll the roangrove. The
Malays then pillaged the boat which they completely emptied,
destroying what they could not carry nwxy.-Ib. 1st J u n e 1848.
At Pulo Simakow, a Chincsc village :emus attached and plundered, 14 3Zalays armed with krisses ancl spcars, made a rush into
the village, but all the Chinamen succecdcd in making their
escape, except one unfortunate man, :evho was run right through
+$e bod-. - - ~ ; + l a
l spear.
The Iic---n
an-' +I-U 113L3 were
arty le
2Zth Jany. 1849.
e China junks ha1JC, we arc sor
their habits of plundering n a t'rve craft ontsldc ot the Straits of
Singapore. A short time since a Rlalay Lmat ~~rocccding
Singapore to Tringanu nraR fircd into by a Chilicse junk and one
of the cww killed, n l ~ dnficr wbicll the boi~twnq ~ I I
d and
then set adrifi rvit,ll l ~ c crew.-Ibid,
10th April, 18-11
Pirates arc still rifc botli "1' and don11 tllc Stralrs and tlic




c ~ ~ r ~ - l ~ ~j.\!,:
~ : ~,)!'I,.-,
! ,




" .



.! r, ; t ~ " rcl?




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c :p~t 1 1 l * r 1t ~ pic)t,i(l:t?

P P O , ~nnnr ~:OIII

!~),!!,~ ~ I ~ { ~ . I ~ ~ ~ , I I I!l(l
I I : ~ .~~ j( *: ~~ !. v~~ 1~7~ c : F ~ I ~ ! ~s~II:-~,II.
! .
f':,: I:?! i l l c : ~ I : T I - \ I ~ : ~ . l1:1(1
I:I.II~?~:(~.:I.II(!. !,!lair : ~ , t , t c ~ ~TtV,: i) ~o: ~: t t~t.r:~c:(:f'.
?,I, i ~ c:I f 1.c ill t h c ,jnnqlc.
E)o:lt. COII(:V:I!~~! :)1i101.1g,q1,
tilt: ? . , l . : l ! ~~ I I ( ! .t11:tt :i. p:11'1:
of' hi(!rt I I : I ( ~n~t,rrntctlillto t,llc j11r1-lc. J3cins fi:rv ill n i r l ~ , l ) l ! ~1117


c i t
? 1
r t!cc ci lqcl.n
$:I n?lcc nn wllicll n. !n~.q(rr. p:~?.l
I? I K ~ : ) S~P T It,, u-11
r j tool; p n i a p c s i o n r:
thp I
I i
:\-!~ich o
? to i ~ r :n i n r y unlljp:jn, l,r*ol~'~l~!
wl~ir:li 11:!11 i,cc;11 cl~:tsc~?
u o n l ( ! (1:)r.: ~)~.o~ri.onsir
. !,\r.tlrc
._rot k - l l ~ n
Bt Irrlr; forlr~(lto c o n t i t i l ~ 8.l ( t l : ~:!n!?. 1111111~1:0119
> ~ l n c ! l ~o!'! ~ 1 ! : t ~ l 1 1 )
. o f it.; I?,cir~y
n ~)i;.;~t:l,::spibm.=.
Ijnn l: w:!s t110 C ~ I ' C I ~ I ~ S ~ ,c!E
; ~ ~aC 111!
C 1:11)(!1'
i i ~ t ~ ~
. of'. f 2 ~ ~ l ~ i ~ ~ - 6 ~ i h:!.~
2nd. I ,
o f Cocllir~-Cllin(!'
'. ?:(I i n .
(lo~tl,t !tndc~:c:rt fiao~~rsomc cro.1
j i r ; ~ ? ~ ~ .
? 71'1:,.::1v- I d !.!I.


Thr 1

:n< ~cjo~nccl.
to 5 ingn,porr?. '1.h~ gun-boat 11:1 d scarcr:? dcp:x~?cf
~,vllc!n t l l q ~1uomcpcrcsed ;1r1(1. iirlxl npon i,v txro 7~:;!:,17 ~,:.O\TC

l ) i . ~ t! ! ~ c Cos!~iri-(Jliir~c~c~
I!nving hrfn:!ntel~~~ 0 1 1 1 ~~ n r ~ ~ : ! i c " < 01
l>on!-c! ~ * c t ~ ~ ~thci~:
r l c t lfire, on v.!~icl~t71c -.~r.:,1;71~ I;I~~?cI'cC! 0!1: 0.
f.111: 7tl1 tllo 5i,-.rrnoqt. of t.l,c Cocllin-C 11ir1e.z~
:,on t;: fhlul,? i twlf nt
I) of t l n v i!) rllc psc~cncoor n flcct of' ?.Q C!;iricqc j~lnks: ?.!II.CC
? ~ ( : i i )~
~ o ~ c F T ~nlli?,ilf,
! ~ ; I from
the otlrc~.,~,
so nq to in?crcc;,t t h -'
fJnr:ll~n-C11ivct.c: 1ro:lls II! i ; l l ~ , c.rrcnt o f
tr?~ingto cccnp'. A'
F I ~ ~ ~ ~ c 'mo\-cmr~if.
o r 1 ~ . ! Ip:~rf.
c O?
~.'II:P; ~ I ~ I I ! :~I S~ : L ~ Y I It C' ~~ ~
Cocllin-Gliinrsc w11o triotl to c.;co.l~? Ilc cl~;~n:;i~q
t!lcir cn:?wc !)I!+
I 1
i t r r 3 c too 1n.t~. I l l i : r)i!-n ti.3 cot !lo!(; of tllorn 2nd plnrldct*cd ti,(?
Iinnt nP. rri.rxlr
t.l!i.ny (~~:!i:::~vi!iS.
oII' 1n*oprl*tr
+,o!,llc a l n o ~ , ~ol'
n t .-cvcl&:~'
? !
I , I ! 1
some provi~iorl; 'o
. t I I C vorn yn I,!3 ~ ~ . ~ ( ; ( : ~ ~ i ~l ~\ '- ]~~~(4 ~I~Ii]( >~' V~~: ~: ~~- ~, * i v (t.8: , l
rtollr*+{:. Y1!kc: o! :I(:I- I I ~ ; L : GIIOI; ~ I - I O ~ C
{&*! ~ ~ ~ ~ : :,.ls(j
~ t pft.>!' , i.nt (2 1
I I : ~ ~ I Jf s' 1 . / l y : ( a t
\ ~ . l l ~ !ifn w ; , ~
or\^ f : l i ~ l ! ; o r i ~ ~ .
I , t .'a .r, !r . r r -, . . L ~ , ~ ~, : tq !q ). ' > r
[j'' ~ ~ ; , ! < j:!~:;
! r ~ ; I , ~ \ , J ] . t!rictl, ( i Y 1 b , 3d~.;::,k,


l s i l ) \ ~ , ; + ' 6

! :

fvrt.nnatclr ~l~bsistecl
thc persons on board until fl~cirarrival in
. Tllc snlnc hoat cl~lringthc course of the voyage
twice again ihll into tlie l~nndsof Chinese pirates, and on one
$0 fi.iglitcnccl wcrc pomc of' the Cochin-Chinese that
thcy threw tiiemsclvcs into the sen, but 1rrcrc taken on board
again without injrvy. Thcy reccivcd mucli ill-asage fiom the
nirat~s,who wished to compel them to discover where they had
lid tllc moncy and opium arliicll it was thought were somewhere
oncenlecl in tllc vcssol, ant1 tlie Coclii~i-Chinescmere forced to
'urn over tlic ssncl ballast of tlicir vessel three or four times, to
llow the piratcs to look for thc motley. Axany other Cochin2Ilincsc boats llnvc this season on tlicir return from Singapore
sotfered tlic sanic fktc at the liarids of both Chinese and Nalay
pirate.. Olic amongst tllc rest, capttued by JInlnys, had only
five personson bo;xrd, t1118ce men and two boys ; two of whom
were sevc~*clywoullderl nod t l ~ cmen only escaped death by
thro~rinqtlicm~clvesinto tlie sea, or1 planks, they mere picked up
two clavs afterrraivls bv Chinesc pirafe~,nncl by them landed on
he eoaEt of lower ~ocli~r~-~l~ina.-1bic1,
17th August, 1849.
We learn that intelligence has just bcen received by his
iighness the Tarnongong of a formiclable band of Lannn pirates
laving appcarecl ill the ncighbourl~oocl of Lingin and made
winus dcsccnts on its shores. A few d:~ys ago they attacked
Sin1;ip and cwrierl off 40 mcn, women ancl ch~ldrcn,who are
tatell to bc irnmc(1iatt: depenrlrznts of the Rajah. l'his formidable
i*ul)t,ionof pirates has put n stop to the trade between tl~isand
the isl:~ntls to tlic sonth of Singnpo~*c:thc boats w i ~
pcrclln, kc., not (1nri11gto vcntli~+c
to sca for fear of $1
to the
t Tiirnut~~ong
l~tnelsnof'tlic pi~nntes. \.V(l
. , ., iL1.C infbrnlcd t l ~ s tlie
o time in inalci~lbtll e ant11oriticq ncclnnintccl with the nppea ranee
if L:t ~nzn pirates in our i mrnctli;~tc vicinity, and llc sr~gg
( : ~L- f 3iu'cmo~is"should i ~ diepatclrcd
to ~1--1UVK
hat tllc 11. C. S t c n l-n -..
br tl1cm.-Tljid, 29/11 April, 18-K).
' =t bar~ r lof
Acco~lnts were ~*eccivccllicre or1 Tu
;anan pirates having apj~cal.erl in tlic ~ ~ c i ~ J ~ b o u r h oofo c the
n of Bn~lliit,I
. 1 ~ 1 1 0 il:~dnlra~tlyO I I tlic dcpnrtnre
~ftl?c mccccngcrs clonc cot~~itlo.:~l,lc
miqcl~icf. Tlley ; ~ t t ~ t c l ithe
native vill:~gc of S i ~ l k i ~wllic.11
W : I ~of' con4clcr:~blc cxtctit nncl
it to tlic groiuid ancl cnr1.ict1 ol'r' 80 111o11, women and Tllc pi~.:itc.; n.c'rc,rcsctrfc(lt;c, Il:~vc10 1:~1'gr:
well m:rn~lc11arid ai.~r~ccl.l'lic ~vnrriorsof Lingin lrnd gone ont
in boats with tlrc p~u*posc
of' criccsru~terir~g
tlielii, 1)11t t l i ~ i r
nppcarI)lr Illat tlic JAingin Ibrcc tlccnic~lit prt~tlcnt
YncP JV:I.$ SO foln~nid:~
o ~~r:!~*cnt,
;I nd mc5wn;cr.s WCI.C t.11c11tlcsl):~
Iclli!tl to S i n q pore, with
rrforrn:ttion of' tllcil* j)1.cscrrcc and t.o ct~t~.c:tt
:~ssis!nnci: fi-on1the
. l l ~ r n o n ~ o n gof, Jo1lcl.1~~.I n cornpli;uicc wit.1) t l ~ r !~ ~ c r t j l ~ cof'tlle
r l ' ~ t ~ ~ ~ o (r ~1 ~I ~Ic. ~C~. ~F IcC ;,I , I I I C I ~c ' J 7 c ~ ~ ~ ~(: l~~~pi :s~' '~ -01;
t c 'd. ~ I I I I ~ Q ~ : L Y
to l u f ~ kiLr 1,111: pir.;ltcs i l l l t l \I if.5 (011~\1.(:11011 1:rig.I;ly !.by 1 I\c


1, :1

J I ~ : IS cl~ncf?(l
ijv t . l ~ ~ pz icv n t n s n , r l . .
III!, 5~
: I I pclnior s:l.ilin:; of' Ilk ~ s o ~ l ll~n,vc
. ( l fi~,llcn inlf:c,
Itcir ;I:
in ri:itll t,hcm i.urt. nfiorn-nrrls
. .?
1 1 t~t X ~ I T I P G
GI1I ~
~ i f h1 . 1 1 ~ flrrcf: on t11e c:onct, of !",rnr!o,
~ I F ~ ~fitcc!
~ T I.f;,,lirn~
311(1 11cr1>1 of' f hc: cn p t i v ~ca1-1'i7t1
~ . \ I TvI

; , n r r on i l l c ?I)lilr n p o ~ . ?


I- r

~ 1 l).--,g.



- .

T:311,01. 1r.n v i n g S ~ I Ipn~r:
~ : I nritll ~ 1 . t ~ijl-iqknpw
t,!~;.m~on. T ( I ~Ws P P ~ 1 : hilvc. inti!iligcncc
of no ice; t l ~ n nt w
a!.t,cbmpt" iin hot11 of ~ ~ h k
~t h ~ n t i s f : 1 . ~ t 0t or ~?inom that, tlr
pir*ntes wow be:) tnn of!' ~ vrlli wrne lo,<.;. 011B'ridnv l a s t infirmr
:,ion \\?as given to tlrr Mal*ilieJTngistrntc bv ~ n c o <.T~~rnmn~!i.
jlIn,Knv t o l ~ cof tlre i)at-thcn of' 10 cornns'witlr a crew of 54 mcr
nbont n niolltll nqo sn,ilcd. horn ,_
C:nl*an-:tJ<t o ~ ~ c h i nnnd.
nt S i r l ~ ~ ~ cfi)~*
n n4 (I:~.KVP~
~ ~ I time rcnchcc!
.ol>nrn m nlncc ncnr Ratu i ? ~ ~ t .or
i h ~ r r l m aJZrnnca. T!lero the-311 in n i t ! ) n Chincse jnnli about 20 c o r ~ n ehntathen, m l ~ i c
lociog ~ v i t , i x tllc topr, lircl! i n t o her anc?.' a l p 0 tllrcw stone.
Tllc Cllit~c~e
then &me nlongsido 2nd nttrmptcd to bon,rd, !mt
thc ryrw ofi!~ctopr ofrcrml n clctc,.rnir~e~l
r ~ ~ i c t n , A c ost:tl,l,inq
them,ll qppnr., 11~7 which 5 or (.i
o f t he Chinese were killctl. :!.'he
pirates clcsi9tcd nnrl rnnclo out to ~ c a while
the ?Inlnvs contin~~ef,l
4.ireir conwc to Sirignpo~~c,
bmlring ns 2, ft*opllsof tllei; rictorv one
-1. IIC j l ~ nji 'ta(1. t v o n ~ r ) ~ t T.y72s
S ~ C : I Y t,nl;cn f~rorn i11r: pil':tt.~s.
p:lintcO. I~inclt and ! ~ n dmat sails. Tn the otlrcr cngc the K - c c ~ ~ ! I
a t t , n ~ ? i c t l IT:IS a Coc111r1 Cllinese ? , I o ; La~ , C ~ : I P ~wllicla i t d l !.lc
suf"cl*cd scvcrc1.y 1:ist T ~ Q Z Pfrom Chinecc and a h l a y
~,irn.te$. Hnving the rxp(!i~ience forlncr cenwns i n minr?., it.
kppea.l-c tlmt 2 Cocllirl Chinese I,ozts of nl)otlt -10 C O K ~ ~ cncll
I ~ S nnfd
~ i t l:I,l crcnr o f 9 or 10 rncn 1-rspcctivrlvcngnged a,n ~ln~li.11
~ciL13:xqle, fbr n ccrt;l,in sun) to give tllcrn convov bevond. the moct
ci:~nqcrol~spart o f tlleil route. (The 13,litor in tlio next i ~ r n rcnvs
-1.11n.tthc! stn.tcmcnt or tile "!~;7g1c:'s'' c r ~ c a g i ~
to~cco n r o r 1 1 1 ~jrlniig
*,I~;ISn mistnlic, slir only nllomc(i tllr inrl':ri i:o :rccompnn~:
her): One
rxns hound to Pnignn n11d tlic ;i,llr:r to t,lrt? northern c o v t of
Coclrin China. ?'l:oy ncco~*dinglvl{:i, $.in=aporc on t h o 5t5
inst,nnt nndcr c~co1.1:
of' thr l ~ n ~. ~ c ~Ibnt
~ l r .on
; S;~t~u,.ln.y
tllc \ ~ m t l i c r
ant1 tlic Frn. lligll tlicv 1 0 s ~sig?lt,of t l i ~ i rprotector.
?'11n\- I
t 1 I
J I O I T & T C Y ~i l O l ) l l l c n g i n to come rcp
~ ~ ~ i IIPI*,
t l ; f )ill. o~k" 1 1 l n l n 1 . t 1 1 S:~igon
IIO;I! w i 1 1 ~:!, t l t ~ l lwi10r V - P ~
1 i 1 1! I 1 1 o t t0 1
1 I t s i t 0 1 1 ??.olldav
T ? I C 11:itI POIIt tP:~l8v
\I inflq :IINI III:I,(I(> hut slov~I ) I * O ~ O < C:~rril(1 I I ~ T V T
rlourw of' 1 1 1 (1:1v
S ~ I libullcl
71cl*c(>li l l 111c~ ~ c i ~ ; I ~ l ~ o i ~
r .n! ~ o o r ~ ~
".:l~itlcqcjlt r l l i ]win<{ #11,!1\ ; I , ~ ~ ~:)I t1a1.r
:IFI(I, :t l ~ ; ~ l~t 'g i !-I*QRI






R,+nrlr9. in

(Ji~.rrtinnof S;l.i<yon. Tlic! C:ltincw on finding

ncnr tlic T n c l ~ i n( I J ; ~ ~ ( : E P ?J O ~ I ~ C I ~ P I IR 1jo:lt in ~vIlic11
10 ~ I C Htook ihrir ~,lncr,31-met1wit11 s~vc~)l.tla,
sl)cnw, slliclcls,
l91yc: k ~ i i ~ okcc . ~.11(1
the (!ocllirr Chittcsc vessel
r\vitlentl\r witll t.11~ilifrntion of : ~ t t . ; ~ c lit,.
i i ~ \Vllcn
tllcy I I ~ C I ~ C
C ~ O E P3 ~ G l l ~ s i tllc
d ~ ,C ~ c l l i C
l ~l l i l ~ c I~P Ie~ ~O fi)l1t,ltli3t , ~ l ymere provided
wit11 3 few r t ~ ~ i < I ;fii~c11
~ t s ~ wl)ic11 one CII~TI:I,III:~.II
wn,s liille~land
0 1 1 1 . Thc ~ i l i n c s cboat t:lrml rcI.i11*11(:dto tlleitlnk
~ n rr ll l ~1:lttor horc down ilpon tllc C o c l ~ Cl~incsc
to attack thcm,
nncl 31lotllcr iiinl< 1 ) c i n ~also sccn in t11~distance, tllc Cocliin
CI~inrac~ I ~ ~ Rit, , ,~r~;i'ic~it
, ~ I 10 nl~nnclon t.lwir voyn=cl and accorrlir~clvpnt ; ~ l . , o l ~a,lltl
lnnclc tllc I)c?gtof' tllc:ir rrav l~nckto Singapore
wli&e iI~ey;~rrivcda.itlloot ftu*tlicrndv(:nloltsh.-~~~i~~,
11t11 June
1,:lst T I I C n.
S pim
~ ~t icn
~ 1. n,ttncl:, wli icll 1 ~ 2 follo~vcd
by pillagc
~ n t l~r~l~i-clcr,
w n s committc(l on tlir: I ~ i g scns,
l ~ at n short clistance the cl~o?.c.r;
of 011.1- i9lnnct in tlie ricini tv of' Bfnta Elian near
t l ~ cllr!ll CliFs. A. h n , t n,:,,~nrnI by 4 c l ~ h c s cwas attacked by
8 J.I:~la.!-s who mannet1 two 31al;~ysan11)nns. One Chinaman
\ m s liillod with a spr:lr an11 oll~er-n?as
d~spcl*atelywounded in
the Ilcntl on two l ~ l n c e ~and
, is at prcscnt in the Iiospital in a
precarious stntc. The tnro otllcr Cllinesc c:capd l ~ yswimming
2nd rrcovcl*erl thcir hont. and the bodies of tllcir utlfortlinatc
cornrx(1cs nftcr the crimin:),ls had c1cpartccl.-Il~id, 28th June,
last Wcdncs~lay evcning 3 Cllinese hoats lcnving town were
chased lw two boats rnnn~retlwit11 39alayr;, who fired two shots at
tllc~n but from too grc;it a distancc to do any harm. T h i s happenrd :tt night l ~ e h i i dthe crcat ltccl cliff's ancl the chase lasted
iill near Cod(lolt when a b~,c&csp19ingi11gilp tlic Cllirlcqc distanced
tlreir pltrsilers Ily thc ucc of their sails an11by t,luaowing overboard
a p:>rt of thcir cargo conqioting chicfly of rice.-Ibid, 10th Jtlly

On t 11c 11th instant tllrcc Cocllin-Chincsc Icft totvn in a boat
loildcd vith nl~oot 10 piculs of rice, eolnc ol)i~lmand clothes,
~vlliclr thev i~lt-cntlcdto cnl-1.y to n pn1.t~ of' their cot~ntryrnen
wllo \rrel.e cuI,tiilg wooil ncnr R plncc callc(1 Batu Puteh, (Pedla
Brsncn). At a, sl~or-tdist:xncc fi*om t,llc shore t11cse unfbrtnnnte
men r v 6 :lttackcd
by a pa~.tyof & I i t l ; ~ iyl l~ tnro boa.ts manned each
brr p i x men wllo f rs(.:d:rt tllanr nn(1liijlad onc and rcrewly wounded t,n+oor)lcr;. Orlc got n I)ullct t . l l l . 0 l l ~ l lthr ltpl)cr part of the
lcg \r.l~ileanotllcr hullct yrasc:tl t11c: Icg of' tlrc otlier. Aftcr s
fight fi11(1illgI * C J ~ J ~ . ~ I . ~ :I! CI ~ C I C ~tlle
S two wolln~leclmen
1 ir~t~o r
2nd I
st[ocrn(l(:d iri r~~c11irig
s1101.r~\~llcrc!somc fi~liwm;lntool; tllcrn u p 2nd I I I * O I I . ~t~ them
w11c11rllc.:~' n.osc J-cccivctl illto t l ~ c 11ospit:tI.-Xbicl,
S ( ~ j ~ t ~ :20il1,
~ ; r ~13~50.
A p c I Y ~ irli
nlbl*ivccl 1lcl.c ::cucr;rl dit.ya ngo r3rport,.ithat the

fl~c4; of




!11n.t ~ ~ - 7 l r?n


o n ,I


? , : ! I ~ I I ~ p i ~ 3 .?l I~ T ~ ~:TI~ ?,IIP

~ F ?t11;1if<


or Banp:?

it, nhticrt(l f.vvr>~ ~ i . ~ , ri77~ +,110

p l 'r? jc;+nr\
:i n , I
; I
~ l ~ a c ~ )!IT'
c I .p, i r ~ . t c ~

n !<rxrimn,tt:~, pnccncc I
silo corltrivccl to (Ii-IRY
*,I 1
??!,!I. S ( : p f ~ n ~ ' 4--~0.
:212.:r ]*c!cr?n
l.P.r* ?-ot11
r r ~ m*"1101'~
G ni ~ q n pg~ b r ~ - v:n13r
rn .ro?io~*i.
c a t u n ~ vart(' f h n o I.: 1. >Tm.!r;, PIr ~ l l ' l
i~ngtllc wood cnt.to1rnnrl. r,t,lr.r-,nl pcanwnc in 11on.t.snncl ,!1:1t t,!ncv 11


~nclccclscvci*nlC,l iirr(.cn bnn~~?nls.-Il~i(?,'!7t11 Scptcm her, I'!:,

A. pnwcngcr in n ? : I I . ~ ~ s ~ I * O K V5~m1?.,Tnc:trqn~*wllicll n ~ ~ * l v e d
n c nn i;?\.c:.(;!I1
i n ~ t n n t c, f : l , t ~ st ! ~ n t:30 !)i~*n,tr:
TI-crcr c ~ ~ r t i l - i n ~ ;
;I 3ilIiton.
Tt is p~*obn,ll!ctl~.n,tt ' l c v n;*c part o f tllc flcnt of '~~r,nnan
irnfcs n-Iro h3ve b c ~ nr : ~ > i l i z i:rlrorr%
n ~ t h n t pnrt ot' thr: A.rclripclnvo
,I.* sornr? time pact, an:?. of \rr!hocrt prruerlce vn~1iouar e p o r t ~h 3 . v ~
clad. this fivm time to time.-%ic',
13th Octobc~,1840.
rv here aSl3l~rn,l:sto ljc s c v s i ~ dcqun(Iro~?c:
of' pira.tcs 3n thc Str:tits
S 3laln.ccn n,t n
n.bicJl nrk h:~r~*acqiny
t,hc notirc trntlc 1,-,8zhis, ?Vnliccn nnrl Finnny. One 'lcct o f l a hont. KYRS Iate1.v
P !!.!anjong Rimurn, x,d~icl~,nnloqRt otllcr d~~,ri.dntiork
comrnittcd h< i t 113,(1C ~ ] ~ ~ I I a,I *"rrnk
hon.1. if. nntirc h n t which
a fcm d n ~ ns y reports h n r i n q ? ~ c n ~rnncl~
* d firinz otr
3 n t n Fn1ln.t a,nd a t ?,!:?ln,cc% rcccivc[l ir~tcll;cncr: o f n prnnr I?zrinc
Ern txken. ?.'lie N:j,l<ofln,of a, T ? i ~ g i snrn.1- 1 : r t c l ~nn.i.rc(! ~ t n t c st?mt
c ljnd an encnzement with t?la pi~n~tc;or1 h i s rornqo inn-n the
tmits but ellcceeded in rndcing !I& rPc:rpc. The iirnier arc 9:
!I(, $mg,ll ;\:Tnln,v bon.ts, 2nd it: ;.;q~~plsoecd
t ! ~ ~
nivv from so,
n1.b of the p,,hio Arcllipcla.yo.-Ibid,
7.$!.11 Octo!,cr, !85O.
FInlnoca JTC i6n.13~1 that on the f!?.?*d illtinlo, n decceqt 1
17 the crcrvs of t v o pir:~tical ?>rouTs
n,t n plncc nrnr J!:~l.n,c
n.l:rtr L?~~,rlirno
v7ho ntt:,clicd an(': plandcrcc! n native b l ~ tw e
,rnnt,eg o f w l ~ i c !fled
~ in ?;rent alnrlm. 9 1 l b s ( q n c n t ! ~f ? ~ ecxme
lows pl undored R hunt :l,t' T<mnllni.~.Zronr i l ~ cpe!.sons in mli icl,
inclndir~ga, woman rnntle tlicir cscnpc to the sl16re. 11 3Xalnccn
3cotclnic 1vn.s also mennccd by tl~escprow5 which arc rcmnrknhle
4a,.n~ ~ ~ , vpnrtt
i n r o? tllei- --;lo o f cl,o+,l~,
bllt n i1l.et1z.c cominq on
7 7th S O ~ C ~ ~
C ~ ~ ,



CI ccn )*P


Cook TToiic(?.kprirv :KNl

~ ' ~ T C ~ I I C~f
J I I*(

300'. .


x 12 x 12.
1 i c l 1 .




6,449 00

B ~ * / ' c / ~~ -~?t ~Jt ~?~~ o

O .T
Wall to l)latfurm . .%.i,-'il.iO b r i c l i ~
T'Trnlls of Stair


,9470 n t ,s30
3 0,OO
Linw 87 cornns a t 8.5 ................... 435j..
Canbingc of si111dii.on~Roni:it~ia........... 200(. .
871. .
Jlolncsc~s, piculs ......................
TITixtcr b\- G I I ~ I - I ~ O R ~nntl
S Stca~ncr
.....I 580
Rric1;lnying at ,920 per lass.. ...
hIapnnry ............................. .:400 ..
Cemcnt to he n~ntlcat Singapore anclcr Govcniinent Sil,~ii.yoriiitli X conriels, osti-1 1 1%) ..
matctl time 0 rnonthr a t ,92.;per niontli.. .
J,imc, 10 coyan. ,92.j a n d wood $40. ...... 631. .



4 ft.
s x 2 ft. at $7
\ e ~ ~ c ~ ~ do.
i u l z 4 x 2 at ,f$2
4 Glass
(lo. 3 x 2 at $5
4 I'cnctian do. 3 x 2 at $2
5 do.
(lo. 2 x 2 at ,yIJ
2 x 2 at ,$I.$
3 Dead-ligl~t.
I Battened door 6; x 3:.
1. Iron
do. 6.5.
- x 3;
I Small Crane
6 JIarbow doors 6.1,
,., ft. x f),$ ft
7 JIarbow larttlers wit21 iron inlaicl steps.
G Iron railings at landings.
1Marhorn door at platform G ft. x 2.t, ft..
2 Mar11o.i~do. for Cook-room k Privy f, x 2;


Stepping rock for foundations and stain




........................... I

.................... 1






20 ..
7 50
7 50
20 ..
72 ..



9 I
. .



from sea-cliore
r iron rings to bc let into groovos b c l ~ i ~ ltllc
springinq of each vsalt, cotirnntccl weight
22 piculs.
GO iron clamps for 3 first COII~SCSestilnatc~l
weight 90 cnttics..
Lend for do. 9 cnftics.
130 irou crnmpq fbr plnrforrn, 19.3 catties.
Lead fbr do..
Ilr! do. f ~ rwall of cupola a d parapet, 177



fi,l* clo ...


8 ) .-


21 134

c:,l j i r > u .


cla:lmps for c o p ~ t o n i : ~52


cmnr, cxcl trflinz tnclilir~:: to hr fill\ ?
fiw (10

T A P ~ ~ ~ .

I ~ ~ P I I C ( I3,t t,~,,?C;OVCI~IIIIICTI~;

....... i

T c r n l ~ o r : ~Ilollsos
of' worlimen, ovcr<acl*v,I

a ~ l r r c r n rnrlll m:jtcrinls

................ $




.............. $01. .I
20 w a t ~ rrnslis ..........................
' 2 n : l (lo. for ccnzcllt ...................
3 rtclme~~t
kiln ...........................
~ i i t i n1i. 1 ~d

) i l l

of gnrl-l,o;t.t





1 wooflrl~r11csl.1~
ant1 inoi-t.a~*
~ c n f l i , l ( l i nnrid
Paint 2 1 ~ v1 ; ~ r ~ ~ i s l i
2!lowir1c[ u p rock9 ir, ibi:l~t
130:1t-lii1.eof' I ~ I : I I ; C I ~ ~ :i Il l. ~ SSitlq:t.p01*~
etl t.011
~ v i c:tl)l~s
~ h
: $ , r ~ l; i ~ ~ c l ~ o r s .





1 11,3-18.84

. 557:3.7
j 11,91n:71

Continq?xies nt 5 1,er cent. i


Dollars. .; l.3,l.llrli7R

Contractor's Profit. ; 3 ,J $11iQ7


ATo. 28 of 18
~ndinrfplace.. ....................... 100
1h:rnncls to cntch rain nrnter. ............
n south rock ..............
200 ..

-E,vt; n ? o ! ~of T v ~ p i f
1 Clocl<.. ............................ T 30 ..
A I-(;n (1 T,n m 11 .......................
.. 1 ':,,?r;inn; Lfi~npq..................... 9
i ........
1W ..





' l3(\duf





I T ~ ~ c ~ c..........................




20 7Va tcr R:IITPIP.

6 Bra.~sl \ T ; ~ sJ3nso11s
1 Doat
Davits for
8 Cllail*~
3 Tables ,



Contingcncics at 10 pcr ccllt.


at Pulo Ubin 5,474 cuG~lanite-dcliverecl dl

bic fect, av~~~ac,'t?
cost Ilcr clll)ic foot $1.05 nearly.
BI-icks-at $ingapore 187,100 in no. 16 bricks to a
cubic foot, pcr 10,000 $24.21 .
to mor~lds i n Pingnporr, 11 picr~ls '34
catties, :ivcrage cosr ,$':30 per plc11I (133 !,- 11)s). ...
. . bars in Singnlmre, 10 piculs a t JJ'e2.43)
per pic111. .
bars in Singnporc, 103 piculr 68 catties
at g2.66 per picul .
Linle-(lclivcred in Singnpo~me,ljOcojnils 134 gantol~s
at $2.50 per coynn.
.'! a n d boats inclallinq rcl)ni~*s
~\Tood-incli~cIing doors, .r.v~ndo~vsand\,
housc~,c11l)icfcct not known.
Cemcnt- clelivcred in Singapore, $1'7 barrels, cacll
6,096 cnl,ic inclic~,avclnn~~.o
.-. cost $G.$.i.G!) per ba~~rel.
Lcacl-cast in moulcl$, 4 p~cltls 23!, c:tttics, avernpc cost '4$12 por picul,
Feinil a~*e-i~rcll~dingbeds, tnblcs, chail*s, la











mats, kc.
~nintq-iacl titling all Iiintls ltocd for variol~sP ~ ~ I ' [ 3 ~ ~ ~ P I
R,opc and Tackle-incla(1ing. all uacd in lifti~igma1eri;ils into t h rock
ant1 bullding.
Sundries-ineladixlg a t t : ~ p ~r:~ttnti*,
bnskcts, boathire, ka(ljang9, cnroncs,
. . oil, rlnils, stccl, l~:rmnrc~r.,
k c . kc..
Tlr:rr,rrs of'rncn--ir~cl~~(linq
m : ~ s n n ~c,n r ~ r c ~ l t c l ~I)l:~cl<-~




45 40



I sf.-TII~ lamps ~ 1 1 n l lhc licpt hllrni~igbr*iqllt rind c1n:rr e v ( w

niplrt fiaoln s t . ~ n - ~t,o
e tgrln-~*i.;c::mrl in o ~ r lt,hat
. ~ t~l ~~oqr~atecttlrqr&
of' ligl.~tmnv hc rn:lint:li~~c(l
t l ~ onight, illn wicks must
be trimmet1 every fbur 1ion1.sor ofir:nrt*i f ncce;$ary, and the keeper
3 ~ 1 1 0 112s thc fii-st 1mtc11,s11a11 t,nlce cnrc to t ~ l ~t ~ !t loil
~ K T ~ ~ go
V C ~
:ls to let thc oil f l o w into the I-)ilrnc:i~
n srlflicicnt, t i m e I~eforcJiSliting.
liglrt-liccll~crnsllall lierp a i c g ~ ~ l nnnrc! constant watch
i n the ligllt-room t l ~ r o l ~ g h o the
u t n i ~ h t . l'lle first watch shall be
!i*om sun-set till cizht, tho llcxt fro&'cigl~tto tw(:lvc, thr nextf;morn
'.nalvc to four and the lnct fi:om f'olu. till crm-riee. Tlte licilpcr that
h i l s tllc first watch one night s11;1.11talic tlic second watch tilo next.
3rd-Tmmcdintelv nt'tcr*tun-riw i t s?1:1,11he thc henrl l i ~ l ~ t , - ! i ~ ~ c : r ' ~
d11l.y to clcnilee slid ~~oliall
tllc i*r?flecto~aand refrnckrs ti11 tllev
:IIY: br~ooglit ir11,o n p!*oj)cr S ~ R , ~c!'
C ibimi.liinnc!r,!la cll?l? carnfttll>
clc:tnse tile lamps arid rltc+t tlrc c1r:lndclicr. Ere shall sri!,rrla tlln
'3ilt*ncrs with cotton, the inmps KKritli oil. rind 5llnll h2KT rxrr:ri!line
conn~ct,cdnitll tallc a ppo?.n t i s in n c t : t~a o r rcndincs~,ns ei?, in
11:~vas poasi.ble, fbr ligllting in r.!lr: cr~riirig.
-Ith.-7-'llc :tesist:tnt ligllt-l;ccl~or s11:tl! cl(l:uncc tho g l n ~ sof the
, Lmps, glasses, copl)cr' :uld b t - n ~ q
lwrk and iltcn~iin,the
rrnlls, floors, and balconv of' dlc lig!i.t-roun~, and tllc ntlpn~~ttns
m:lcll~incry ~:hcrc~vith
corlric?ctcd. 'I'
:. hc: t.indnls ull:tll I ; c c ~
c?il~.ingt,llc: dnv, the :(i~*st
wntclt l,rii\;: f'l*o~n
fzlln-l'is~to S, t l l ~
{iom S to 13,thc, ncxt, f>om 13 to 4: nnt.7 t.he ]:,st, f i * o u -t
~ to stun-set.
(1nt.v will ijr to ol~srrren.lrnt shi~).: 01. 0+11erY C C S E ~ :~I S S OP
~pproncll'tl-le i.ocJi, :\~ldreport a n y rer~lnrk;ih!e occtct*~~~ncc
to the
I l r t n d liylit-keeprr t l ~ n t .may tnlu! pl:~rr;tho station on l:ntcl~ mill
I)c t l ~ c!~:tlconyof tllo li$llt-room ; tlncil*n.;t.tchr~~!inllc1lanr.c :,!tcr11:1tclv dr~ilvi o tli:lt hc who has 111e .first u.ntcl~one (1n.v SII:?I~~ ~ ; . L v c
f,lrr FL.(:COXI(?f:ll(: ~ C S I .
t;incl:l.l i l l n t is not on tllc vntcll shall thc Insc:l~*s
a?: ~ I ~ I I
Ican nntl \)c?lishtllc <tail*~*:lil<,
tllr 111~~llin:
I * O Q I I I ~n ~ l t l
011t c),f?icc'.=, nl.! o!' wl1ic.11. nlust hn +il~isl~r-,ct
t>rfbrc?c i ~ t l t o'ctloclc
fllc f:i11{1:!1o!!'
wit11 t ? ) IFW;IY+
~ ? ~ : t l~! : , t p ~ lQf Y? f,!~e
4,h(: h i l t ' i t ~ ! ; of'?!~os(:

a . h . ~Inn
~ v




@h.-The liSht-kccprr on i h t f r r shall on no pretence whatever

leave the lighcroorn and balcony when on watch at night. In
case of hir being fercerl to leave tllc light-room then he shall first
call the otller light-kreprr, for n~hichpurpose a lascar will sleep in
the light-room or balcony, and wllo can go and fetch the other
fight-keeper. The lightkeeper on duty ghall at his 31nriZ remain
on guard till he is relieved by the other liphtkeepcr in person,
either on F U C ~occasions or at the changing of'the watch.
case of t l ~ nsiclmesq of one of the light-keepem? then
one of the tindals rnus I tn ke charge of the dut,y, and for wllich he
will be paid extra 30 ccnts a night, which sum shall be deducted
from the pay of such light-keeper, until he be either relieved by
another light-keeper or rcwme his duties, a note of such an occurrence must be daily entered in the Light-hoaee journal as long aa
it contintlee.
8th.-The principal light-keeper is held rcspansible for the safety
and good order of the st.orer, utensils and apparatus of mhatcver
kind, and for every thing being put to its proper use, and kept in
its proper place. He hall take care that none of the stores or
materials are wasted and shall observe the strictest economy and
the most careful rnauagement, yet 60 as to obtain the best possible
9th.-The principal light-keeper shall dailv serve out tlle allowance of oil and other store3 for the use of ihe light-room. The
oil to be mcawred by the assistant at the sight of the principal
light-keeper. Tllc water shall also be claily served o11t by him at
le rato of twTopnllons per man so long as the water in the outer
ault lasts, and st the rate of one gallon per man when water is
taken from the inner vault.
10th.-Thc light-kecpcrs s h ~ l keep
a daily.jonrnal of the quantity of oil expended, the routine of duty and &ate of the weather,
ernbocl~ingany other rcmarks that may occur. These shall be
written in the journal books at the periods of the day that thy
occur and they on no account must be trusted to memory. A
copy of the journal must be ready by the errd of each month for
transmission to the ~upcrintenclent.
11th.-The principal light-kccpcr ir hcld rcsponsiblc for the
good order and condition of the household furniture bclonging to
the Light-house. This dr~tyextcnds also to the clesr~lincssof the
several apartments, p a s s a p , ~tai1.9,roofs, storc-rooms, privies and
ash pit", landing places, piers and bras? work.
12th.-N'hen stores! sf any kind are to LC landed for thc use of
the Light -honse, the light-keepcrq sllall nttcnd and give thrir
assistance. The principal light,-keeper must, upon thesc occaqinns
aatisfv himaelf as kt*:LS po?ci/)lr:d't,hc q~tnntifp2ncl a:ondibion of
tbe siorcq rcccirr:(l, wllic!~rntlrt. bd
r?ntercd rnfo lme ~forr.hook
and rnon,lllv r s s t ~ lnl Sx~ok.
!3t.!?.-Thc i
t i
monthlo ~a;sminr.!!I..

>a :r

anil orr!crlv in their

'irnilies. TCCV must conduct, themrclvcs nyith civilitv to stm,nqcr~,
71v sIlolvinq tho premises, it beinq cxprcqsly nnc~crstoE(~
that strmcrFs shell Rot. bc ~drnittedjnto +heliy!~t-room xf4.ersun-qat.
no rnoncv or ot.he~gratuity shall bc taken Cr*om$tranqers on any
mretcncr! kl~atevcr.
3-5tl1.-TVo natives of the O?*ang lnvt tribe shosM on anv
nccount hr: admittel into the honqo. Yhcir char~ctwiis pil*at.ic;l
nnr' tTlov might take o' the o~portunityto pi1 .aqe the
.it is the $ole dutv of the keepers to a,ftenc'. to tllle
?,icht-honse, the whole mast Go kept in
most n ~ ~ q e cor6er
3nrl a<nx7"Ithinew in the n?n)>licor private roomc: mil! Ile msqt
wnerr?l~;puniqhec' ?. nny spittiny on *he 'loor, tbrominq rePa~st:over
?'ie wihdonr, clean?na tlln qngers against the mall., or anv like
1J3it.i milst be carp7nl'y nvoic:e.l. .?l.err i s no exclise
;his aq
31?conveniences have r>&n 61rnished.
T" '1
1Pt?1.-Tbe .dlq~t-hoaea
door m n ~ thc barrcc! 2,t 8 p. n. and
nat. openc4 on any ~eeonnt,till 5 A. rc. next day.
Rny of tho porcyoinq roles and inatnlc?ions sha.11 subject e
ligllt-kecpera to ( ~srnyccal or pnc'] ot'lpr
pllnisllment as the nntlrr~ o f th& ofl'nae may require, on t71eir
lrcominq lcnolvn to the snperintencent. Tc not senorbd 5.17
naenc!~r, it, wi.11. bn tllc rlatv 04' t?rc otter ' i ~ l ~ t - l - c p - n cto
~ q/ o Fiv'ro nrill 5e conqiderprJ rnllaflv c a l p ~ , ?ip
~ !\':o
~ ioin :n cnnct?ali$
'6e .~F&1ncc*
lriona, clcnnlv in their V ~ l Y Q n Qant'. Yncns





~nhibitcdon the night o f tllc i5t.ll of Ortob~r,1851, and every

tlig?-ttt l~crcnflcrfronl sun-set, to ,su~~-i~jsc.
The f b l l o r r ~ i ni n 3 sprcificntion of the position o f thc T,iglltholleo ; t l ~ c(1nngcr.s wl~icll colnc. within thc inRncnce o f its lighf,
2nd t l l r nppcnmncc of the light, hy JZr J . T. Tliorn~on,Government Surrcyor :
The Limi~t-lion~e
is sif~~n.terl
nccordinq to the Admitsalty chart
in Lat. 2: 20' 20" Ir'. anc! Lonq. 1040 25' Eiist from Greenwich,
a n d b r compass benra from Bnrhlrcet Point, East distant 12)
~ n n t i E n lmilee, and from tllc N. E. point of Cintang N. \V. h i
TIT. 9 11'. ciist8nt 12 miles.
T11e f o l l o ~ ~ i nrocks
and ~lionlslying in the ~vnyo f vessels, and
corning vithin the influence of t l k light, bear from the Lighthonw :
Bea~iuys. nTa?ltic~l



E. by P.


S.E. bv J.:. 2 E.
3 . .1 ,


/Rock wllicll showa at low water spring


Rock witla h a fathom on it at ditto.

Postillorl rock with 1% fatlloms on it
at clil.lo.
8.E. rocks wllich always show.
S.S.E. <$ E,
shoal 114th 2:- fasthorns on it at
S. by E. I. E.
lorn water spring tides.
rocks which always show.
Soutll ledge dries a,t 8 ebb.
S. h r a
'. 3 Mr.
Shoal with l b fathoms on i t at low
S. b> W. 2 IT.
watei- spring tides.
Crocodile shoal with 3 fathoms on it
S.VT. jj S.
a t ditto.
TTT. $ N.
7$ Rock with 2;- fiiitlioms on it at ditto.
Stork rock dries at ~ O I Vwater fill. tides. w.
Congalton's Carr witll 14 fntliorns 011 it
T\r.N.lT. '), TIT.
at clitto.
N.N .W. 3 W. & 4!,-.k G Romania sllonl with 31 fathoms on it



t j



\IT.4 JV.

s'.by G.


at ditto.
No1.tl1 l3atcl1 with 4 fathoms on it at

clit to.

Tllr: light will i)o lcno~vnto m:nincl*s as a rcvolvir~qbright light,

rninutc:, and
wllich gr;rduxlly attains its hrightcst period once
BJ g l - ~ c l t l a \ l~ ~C C ~ ~ Iuntil
I C it
~ ~tot:dly dinrtppcaru to the distant obwrvar ; ~ l l i l s t ,~vllrn vicrr~d from a rliort di~taurc.. it is n w e r

P L ) ~ ~ ~ P irlvi:~il~J(:~

o? f,!ic FW, R+, ! ~ i g ~? m

~ t w
snriu;~4iclcq, w i ] ! 1 1 Q~ P ~ from
~ I
1t h ~
or!:: nc2, 17c~srlln t n, r~i~+~.alcrr
nf 7.7 3::111!:i(:2l milpn.
if.? R. 'wncon d i ~ r ; r ~t!ll~ cf ? n r a 1 1 ~?,iq21t-11ollcc \\*ill hr, known hv
6 Poi?ovinr; rTr~cril,f,ion
ctnnrli otl n, rook which rnrilsor&
50 feet lon'& a,nd 109 Trot broad nnrl i g 24 feet high n t i t 9 biqheqt
7o;nt .,!~nvc the Icvchof hir[!l wa,t,rr spriny tidcp. The Lla'
ir pil!nr op rlrc.scrl pn,nitr ~ n r $:!lc
l i:?ntorn i~ coveret? :r
so?~cric!?lr'ctmc! whic5 i s padntec?. vr4ite.

Governor of ?. 7v. Tslnnd,

Sinqnpore nntl ?!alac ca.

.tJ1 S ~ n t ~ a n l ~ r :




Thicr ncconnt of the FIor~burghLigl~tlloaae,havina (

%en i,ntmcie(l meselv for the information of the A ~ ~ t l r,
r ~ i .t
ave c o t l f i n e c l myself in it to giving 3,dcsc~*ipt.ion
of tho works and
rccitnl o f the. operations and occnrrcnces connected with the
onstruction thereof: hut in i n v i n ~the Pnme before the public,
nder t l ~ eIiind sanction ot' tllb 5t,reits Government, t l l i paper
~oeic! 5~ incomplete in a verv cssent,ial point, were mention bn+
lzde of what had been done v;it)l r e f k ~ n c eto the illumination
le Straits of Sinppore previonsly, a n d particulnrly the rncnsn:
iken by Gorcrnnient to B . ~ ~ V R T I C Ct!lc r i e n ~ sof'the nrornote~goY
rie pill19ic vork.
So early ns the yen,r ?.R2G, at which time the Pcttlement of
inlaposc mas vet. in i t s infl~ncv,tile placing of Light-honces to
nitie vessels tr6r.ongh C,ln intric; te pnrta of the afljncrnt Straits,
lac1 nttr~cted.ni11)lir: ~ttro!ion. Tn i'w a Sing2 po~nf:Cl~ronicle",
rulder data thb 13t11 of Al3ri.l of that. yenr, wc w e inibrmed rbn?
several ~ r o i e c t qwere in conGmrlntion fbr the improvement of tho
and ihe advanccment nfA't!le g ~ n e r n intercsts
ot the Sett
lent, ilae m o ~ tirnpor+nnt of tllcce, j.+ae Editor rcm~,rkc,in a co
~cr.cial point of o i e v i c irl the ewction oql -. r~- ~ ~ ; b t - ? ~ o lTnvo
l = ~ t~b i
r the $up~*cnle
~ n t to
, be
: n t d TO ! ~ l n r ebeen an!llox.'
~ ~ l l i cYYPS
? ~ to 1 1 ~p!n ceiI on Tree
r ~ c t c c l~ ~ i t h o i dclnv,
:land 2nd. the otlIcr 611Goyel-t1111entTTil.! still, notw~thstnndiny!'
nt;cipn t ionc: of the Tciitor, the s~tI~C(?ct.
~ ~ not
2 cn
s tc~taincr! n Y F
11 the venr 1838, nlrcn, QS wr are inh)rmetl hy thr ('F~cI.
ndcr i l ~ t ct!lc E t l l J111y 01' tlln t prrn; ?;hcerection of
oilce on one of tElc islanrls at tlic n.c:stt:rn ontrnnce of
02' $'ini_.nnorr was ~ln(lcl*
the considorn t ion of G O V C Y I I M
the cr;~ltrions of n:j.l~tica,l.cncja?o~crut;n.crc tlir:iclccl aq to tKlcn ~ o s t
pt*npc,* ~kosition bct~r.ct:n !?:<yrl, Allipfor rid Conor islnnr'g, tlie
v!13,(! c nf dli~se
s t I I ~ , I ~ !!IC
I I ~m~ : jor*i+,~~
QC i t ! . P'ilnqcr. $ I I I ~ F - C ~
n ~ n f$~IYT~P??OT,
~sit,i.nns, h ? ~
i?:c !;:c 'TI* G . -12. 6201c11lnt1, G
n(l t!l;?t ~fl;~&~.,
IT?!LO nplrCnn !O ?~:rar'>ernin, lavvr 8 ~ ' ?:?,r!l !F!.?V.(~,

rwa~*deR plans and estimates o

light-liouzre for thalt site,
with his letter to the Resident uouncillor dated 29th uctober 1838. M r Coleman having left Sinkpore and proceeded
to Etuopc, plans and estimates were requ~redfrom me for the
same position and these I furnished at the latter end of 1841 No
f ~ ~ r t h esteps
have been taken to erect a Light-house 01I this
itv., as
position thbugh no doubt it would ho a work-of great util-.,
-the grounding of ve~selsin its vicinity on the numerous Coral
reefs, is of frequent occnrenee, and which would be prevented were
this part of tllc Straits illuminated.
I n the 44 Free Press" under clate th
;ve are
informed that Messrs Jardine, Rlatheson E
of the
. -treaCanton srtbscriptiotis for a memorial to Horsburg h, had placed themselves in communication with the Government of the Straits Settlements,offering tobaod over the amount, i n the hope that a Light-llouse
on Perlra Branca, to bc named after the celebrated Hydrog~
(agreeably to the wish of the Subscribers) should be erected there.
At this period the Honorable Mr (now Sir George Bonham,. \ was
about io relinquish his governme]
he subject was necessarily
left to his snccessor. I t was at
rly period of the Government of the Honorable Colonel Butterworth c. B., that this public
work amongst the many other pressing calls on his attention met
with his full consideration. The fact of numerous shipwrecks
having occured at the eastern entrance to the Straits of Singapore
was a sufficient proof of the necessity of the work, and notwithstanding the many unavoidable delays involved in bringing the
PU bject properly before t!le Supreme Government and difficulties
encountered in making the many requisite arrangements for the
carrying out of the unzertaking, he pursued the measure to the
end with that energy and earnestness rvhicb alone could insure
success. With the view of selecting the best site his Honor
addressed Captain Sir Edward Belcher R.N,, at that time in
Singapore, who caused a special survey to be made and forwarded
a report, dated October lst, 1844, recommending Peak rock, one
of thc Romania Islande, as the most eligible pos~tion,
ns for
this position were accordingly prepared by the Gove
t Sure
veyor by order of Government which werc forwarded by ~ o l o n e l
Butterworth to the Supreme authorities for their consideratio
On the 20th November 1845, a deputation of the Sing
Chamber of Commerce waited on His Honor the Governor, to
seek information as to what had been done or was likely to be
done with reference to the Horsburgh Testimonial Light-house,
and who were readily afforded the illformation sought. On the
1 s t December following, a meeting of the Chamber mas held, when
it was resolved that the East India and China Association in
,ondon, the Calo~ttaand Bombay Chambers of Commerce, Capt.
:iden of Madms, the Silbscribcra in America (throagh Joseph
Lalestier Esq. U. S. C.) and the Subscribers in France (throegb

t d . 1 ~l.~k:llr<
O? !Trc o~,iqin:!'n

?.'hr:! sulr j w t , o f 13lnnq 8.11ti. c:stirn:ltrrs for t l v F?o~lshllrcl~

Testirnoni:ll on ? ~ , l r a 31-2nc2, Ilns 31rrtotly 1 1 ~ ~ 1C1111y
C T I ~ C ~ ( 1V 1 1 ~ ~ SO
1 , it,

t h ~ c o nk Co., who wcrr? trcnsorern to the fr;nd. Tile ~ ~ lco!ircted

in 183G n.rnottnted to 4,191- Spanicla dollnrg, hlrt lry tllc Crcat
:.i!,ernlitr o f tile nhow firm, who allotr~ed compound intcrt!st '.n
rnn, fi-om that vcar to the clatc of givinc; over tlre fund. in 1547,
the slum had. a'ccnmala,tcd to 5,4.11 Spanioll dollars 13 cent.9,
w!licll nrnnnnt v a s received into the Govbrnrnent trea~rr13y.
..,. 3.m intiebted to the courtcsy o f John Purvis, Ecrluire, for R
colnr o f t,lm rninntes tn,lcen at, tslc public rnectin.; or t. le oricinal
p~omoterq of tlle !-Torsburgh !Tw.l.imoninl, whicll w n n ilc,r! at
7 r n,117cw;c!.;'s Rotel, Canton; thev ~ r as
c fo!lows:
C C -?or
the p 1 1,,. r p o ~of tnliing. into con~idcration the proper
L6 rnensnrcs t,o be pursued to render a lac4ing trihnte of rcqi~ecr.
a the memory of the late Captain FTorsbmpl~,"'lllinm
.":cquii.c, in*the chair.-lvovdmhcr Z h d , 1535.
r!'lle meeting maa opened by Captain ?Tine, who bvieflr stated
c' it+ object an(! ~ug~gested
that if suf5cient fi~nclscould he'mised,
t h o &rpose manic. be best answered bv the erection of some
6' worli of ~.~tility,
as a TAigl~t-'ioaseon ?ed& Branca in t!lo Pt,
F L of Sinppore.
L C Ftao130sed bv BXr I n n e ~ seconded
by Cnntnin Gmnt, that tlln
" foll.o~vinqSan~lcrnon hc nppointed 2s s cokmittec to carry into
eFict t l 'Oldcct
of. the mcetiq, n-itl~
power to add to their
viz.:-Mr J : ~ d i n c ,C ~ u t a i nT-linc, N r Fox, N r Dent
??I*Van Ensil, Mr !?mrnjcc Pc~tbn~jcc,
.\!r TJ?etmore, ?:r ~ s t e i l
Capt:lin f o l ~ n g ,
c 1 . i
l That a Snb~cri~>tion
list be now


. .



:ommandcrs and Officers of Mercantile ships and other British

snbjects of Europc and Asia. The only considerable exception
to this rule was in the Chincsc Security Merchants who contributed liberally.
Besides the Canton Subscriptions, 4,209 Company's Rupees
were forwarded to Government by the Bombay Chamber of
Commerce, a~ld404 Company's Rupees by tlie Pinarrg Chamber
of Commerce.
Sir Charles Forbes with distinguished liberality forwarded, as
a personal contribution, the s ~ l mof Company's Rupees 1,632.
The remainder of the funds necessary to the completion of the
Testimo~ialwas advanced by the Government, to be repaid by a
Light-house due on shipping. There was otherwise extensive
aid afE'orded in the employment of their Steamers, gun-boats and
officers, none of the expence of which was charged against the
works. I have alreadv had the pleasure of mentioning the highly
gratifying assistance of thc Dutch Aothorities of Rliio, in placmg
gun-boats as tenders to the opcration~. The constant interest in
the work testified bv John Purvis, Esquire, of Singapore, and
the services and infohation hc rendered to Government from time
to time, were warmlv acknolvledged by his Honor the Governor
of the Strails ~ettlements,on the completion of t i e Pharos.
Gingapore, 14th August, 1862.

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