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2014/15 Annual Recruitment Exercise

for Resident Trainees in Hospital Authority (HA)

Information Sheet


HA aims to maximise specialist training opportunities to eligible applicants according to

service needs and availability of resources. The 2014/15 Annual Recruitment Exercise is a
centrally coordinated exercise organised for intake of both batches of Resident Trainee in
July 2014 and January 2015. All doctors as well as serving interns who will be completing
their internship from June to December 2014 and wish to pursue specialist training in HA are
required to submit on-line application through HA website at
[click Careers] for the post of Resident Trainee on or before 12 February 2014.
It is anticipated that Resident Trainee posts in various specialties will be open for
recruitment for the year of 2014/15. Details of the posts available in each specialty will be
announced in early April 2014 through HA website at
Opening of Service Resident posts is according to the service needs. At the present
stage, no central recruitment plan for Service Residents is made. Please note the following
information about the post of Service Resident:

All doctors applying for Service Resident posts should have at least 1 year
post-internship working experience in hospital (as set out in the post requirement).
No Service Resident posts will be offered to applicants who have declined the
Resident Trainee post offered in the previous 12 months from the date of
No Service Resident post will be offered to applicants who are also applying for
Resident Trainee posts in the Annual Recruitment Exercise for Resident Trainees.
Clusters will only offer Service Resident posts to doctors who apply for the
specialties or departments specified in the Vacancy Notification Circulars /
recruitment advertisement issued. Applicants for Resident Trainee posts are
required to submit separate applications for Service Resident posts concerned.




Application period (8 January 2014 to 12 February 2014)


Advertisement will be posted in HA website at [click

Please submit the application on-line.
Please keep to the application deadline (12 February 2014) strictly as the
recruitment advertisement and e-application form will be removed after the
deadline. Late applications will not normally be accepted.
Applicants who wish to pursue specialist training in Psychiatry are required to
indicate Psychiatry as their 1st preference and answer designated questions for
consideration by the Education Appointment Committee (EAC). Applicants for
the posts in Psychiatry will be invited to the EAC Selection Board in late March
2014. For other applicants, 1st preference (preliminary) is also required to be

January 2014

2) Announcement of posts and indication of preferences (Early April 2014)




Details of the posts available in each specialty will be announced in early April
2014 through HA website at
Once the details of the posts available in each specialty is announced, applicants
(except those who have been selected by the EAC of Psychiatry) will be informed
individually by email to do the following: Indicate their preferences for posts; and
Provide a statement of career aspiration in no more than 100 words.
For indication of preferences for posts in your e-application, applicants will be
informed individually by email on the period (2 23 April 2014 tentatively).
Applicants are advised to maximize the number of the preferences (up to three)
based on the career aspirations, and also indicate interest to undergo training in
any specialties / clusters. After indication of preferences, change of preferences in
your e-application can be made for a maximum of two times. No change of
preference can be made after the deadline (23 April 2014 tentatively).
Arrangements to return the statement of career aspiration and other necessary
documents will be emailed to applicants individually.

3) Selection interview will be conducted around early to mid May 2014.

4) Selection results will be announced in early June 2014 but a definitive appointment
offer will be conditional upon satisfactory completion of the internship training, as well
as obtaining registration and valid practicing certificate with the Medical Council of
Hong Kong. Once the Human Resources Department of the HA Head Office (HAHO) /
respective clusters / hospitals has given an official verbal / written offer of appointment
to the applicants who are successfully selected by the specialty and cluster of their 1st
preference, other Resident Trainee or Service Resident post will not be offered to
applicants who declined the Resident Trainee posts offered in the previous 12 months
from the date of appointment. Resident Trainees who are newly appointed in 2014/15
can only be laterally transferred to another department (both within-specialty and
cross-specialty) one year after appointment.
III Special Notes for Serving Interns who will be completing their internship in June
Serving interns who will be completing their internship in June 2014 are required to
complete and return the following documents to Staffing Team, Human Resources Division,
4/F, Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong on or before
23 April 2014:
Authorization Form authorizing the Hospital Authority to collect the Certificate of
Experience from the University of Hong Kong / the Chinese University of Hong
ii) Copy of all intern assessment reports.

IV Enquiries
For enquiries, please contact the Staffing Team at 2300 6950.

January 2014

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