Final Portfolio Essay

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Shareeza Kamal

Final Portfolio Essay

July 28, 2015

I would be lying if I told you that I did not have a mini panic attack whenever I saw
UWRT 1101 on my schedule. I thought I left all writing classes in high school. I hated writing
and felt that it was simply a waste of my time. However, after completing the Literacy Narrative
my entire perspective changed. I learned how to take control of my own work, which was
something I was not used to in high school. This made it quite easy for me to share my ideas and
thoughts, which is one of my struggles I talked about in my Literacy Narrative. College writing
and high school writing are completely opposites. In college you are given the freedom to make
your own decisions, which allows you to freely express your thoughts. In high school you are
forced to follow guidelines, restricting you from sharing your honest opinions. Throughout the
past five weeks, my writing skills has dramatically improved and I hope you can see that through
my portfolio.

My background is a watercolor painting of vibrant blue flowers. I chose this pattern
because it symbolized a fresh start. Starting fresh is exactly what I am doing here at UNCC. I
tried to keep my e-portfolio as organized as possible. Throughout my portfolio, the format is

consistent, which makes it easier for the reader to navigate through. The menu consists of tabs
that organizes all of my artifacts and essays. My artifacts are located under the final draft that it
corresponds with. Hopefully, this setup is easy to follow and clearly reflects my writing process
on each assignment. I incorporated multi-modality modes by using multiple titles, subtitles,
captions and images throughout my e-portfolio. This made my portfolio very organized and easy
to follow, while displaying my growth as a writer.

On the very first page of my portfolio, you are directed to the about me tab. I added a
few details about myself so the reader could get the chance to know me before looking through
my portfolio. I added a picture with my sister and
cousin because they are very influential and helped me
overcome many obstacles over the past few years. I also
added a picture of my best friends because I wanted my
readers to know that I have a great support system!
Since I do not get the chance to hangout with my family
and friends as frequently as I once did, I truly cherish
the time I get to spend with them.
Once again, I experienced another mini panic attack when Ms. Ingram told us that we had
to blog. I had never read a blog, so how was I expected to write one? After looking at numerous
examples, I began to write my first blog and it was surprisingly fun! During the first few blogs, I

feared that I was not doing it right but I quickly learned that there was not a right way to
blog. Blogs allow writers to be free in their content, layout, and style. My blog consists of
weekly assignments that allowed me to state my opinions, questions or ideas. My favorite blog
post is definitely Shitty Drafts by Anne Lammot, it made me realize that your first draft does not
have to be perfect. In my blog I stated, If a writer does not have a shitty first draft, then I think
they are not challenging themselves. I think the whole point behind having multiple drafts is to
challenge yourself and take risks as a writer. Therefore, if your first draft is not shitty you are not
stepping out of your comfort zone.

My literacy narrative is probably my favorite paper I have written thus far. I was so proud
of my first draft until I walked into class and realized that I did not even follow the prompt!
Luckily, Ms. Ingram was already planning on changing the prompt! At first, I hated the thought
that we had to elaborate on a five minute event for three pages! I knew it was going to be a little
harder for me, considering I did not have a basic first draft, however, I did not let this hold me
back. After writing several drafts and going through peer review I became very confident in my
final essay. I enjoyed writing this paper because it allowed me to give vivid details, while
experimenting with my creative side. This was definitely the turning point for me as a writer
because I was finally exposed to a new style that I actually liked. The result of this, caused me to
change my entire perspective on writing.
Underneath my Literacy Narrative you will find my first process artifact, which is a free
write exercise we did in class. During free write Ms. Ingram set a timer for two minutes and we

were restricted from lifting our pencil off the paper. I thought this exercise was going to be
difficult but instead, it was surprisingly easy and very beneficial. Participating in this activity
really helped me brainstorm ideas and put my thoughts onto paper. Right below my free write,
you will find my second process artifact, a timeline that outlined our high schools english
classes. Brainstorming beforehand made it really easy for me to choose my topic for the second
draft, since I already had everything mapped out. When we all found out that we had to write a
second draft we immediately started to complain and fuss, without giving it a chance. To help
ease everyones mind, once again, Ms. Ingram told us to close our eyes and focus on the
environment and our thoughts during the event we chose to write about. Once we opened our
eyes we quickly wrote down everything that we pictured, which is my third process artifact. This
exercise helped me remember tiny details that I would normally forget.
The room was at least ten degrees cooler than the hallway and it reeked with the aroma
of coffee and dry erase board cleaner.
Adding numerous tiny details like the one above, really enhanced my paper by making it easier
for the reader to connect with my thoughts.
Another artifact you will find on this page are one of my Wild Card artifact. These notes
were very helpful because it allowed me to reflect on my high school years and gave me an
insight on how I should approach the paper. The Rhetorical Triad was crucial in my writing
development because I would never really think about my audience, I would just assume that the
audience was my teacher, therefore I would only write for my teacher. Realizing that my
audience is broader than my teacher helped me intensify my writing by adding details and
anecdotes that my audience can easily relate to.

Before I knew it, it was time for midterms! In my midterm page you will find my
feedback artifact from Ms. Ingram. I really appreciated the time she took to respond to
everyones midterm which is why I used it as my first feedback artifact.
I am glad you are feeling more comfortable with the writing process now
I can tell it wont take you long to start thinking in those ways
These two quotes, motivated me to keep writing because I knew I was on the right track.
My writing process for my midterm was very beneficial to my learning because it was strictly
based off of reflections, this really helped me open my eyes to all the challenges I was facing.
Below is a chart that summarizes my understanding of the Key Concepts:



Writing process and revision

Critical thinking skills

Forming connections

Multi modality and digital texts

Responsibility of own learning

Providing feedback

Receiving feedback

Getting out of your comfort zone

Intellectual growth and maturity

Independent inquiry and curiosity
Rhetorical awareness

Being able to receive feedback is a crucial concept in my writing process. Coming into
college, I had no idea what peer review was. However, I am so thankful that I was introduced to
it because it really helped me improve my work by giving me new ideas. I became very nervous

when I was told that we had to read our writing aloud to our peer groups. Being shy, did not help
the situation. Writing about my feelings and letting my peers analyze it was already hard enough
for me. Now, I completely understand why it is important for the writer to read their essay. It
allows the readers to see exactly how the writer wants to portray their message. After the first
peer review, I became very comfortable with my group because I realized that we were all going
through similar struggles as we were tackling our first college writing course. I value my peers
feedback because they are willing to give their honest opinion!
The dialogue really lets us know how the person held themselves
The second draft was much better because it has a lot of sensory details in a way that
appealed to me in a broader aspect
This was Dontes feedback on the second draft of my literacy narrative. Receiving positive
feedback is just as important because it gives you confidence and it motivates you to keep trying,
which is very important.
My peer group constantly encourages me to step out of my comfort zone, which was
very intimidating and uncomfortable. Donald MacAndrew stated, without risks there is little
important learning. This quote meant a lot to me during this semester because it motivated me
to not only take risks in writing but also in my everyday life. In writing, I started to step out of
my comfort zone and tried to experiment with different writing style. Improving my style really
enhanced my writing flow, which helps the reader make connections and not lose interest.
I believe that having responsibility of your own learning is based on your character. To
have responsibility in your own learning, one should be willing to take the extra step to help
them succeed. Throughout this semester I made sure my drafts, Reader Response Letters, and

blogs were completed and submitted on time, which is the main part of having responsibility. In
high school, teachers often babysat their students, nagging them to turn in their assignments or
not to fall asleep during class. In college, teachers simply do not care, instead of nagging they
will just give you a grade that reflects your character in class. I plan on continuing to take
responsibility for my own learning throughout the next four years because I know that it will all
pay off in the end.

This assignment was the most frustrating and challenging assignment yet! I was clueless
on where to start and had no idea who I was as writer or who I wanted to be. After doing a lot of
soul searching, I created my first draft. I remember walking into class embarrassed to show my
peer group because it was absolutely horrible! (Which is completely okay) After going through a
few peer workshops and a conference with Ms. Ingram, I made several changes that drastically
transformed my paper into one of my best papers!
Right below my Portrait of a Writer essay you will find my second feedback artifact.

Maybe you could work with spatial and visual mode

including a personal scenario would help connect with your readers
be confident in your writing!
Brees feedback really helped me move my paper forward. She gave me great ideas that
made my essay more appealing, instead of having a traditional five paragraph essay.

The next thing you will come across to is my brainstorming process, which is one
of my process artifacts. This is where I quickly took notes beside each of the questions, to
assure that I answered all of the questions. Brainstorming became a very important step
in my writing process because it gave me a basic platform to work with when I am
creating my paper.
The next artifact you will approach is my Writers Notebook artifact. I chose the
feedback Ms.Ingram gave me during peer review because she also helped me step out of
my comfort zone.
Add subtitles
Show us your planning? Add an image?
Adding pictures and subtitles to my essay felt very weird because it did not really feel
like an essay, instead it felt like an article. Even though I had my doubts I forced myself
to try it, and surprisingly I absolutely loved it! It is easily considered my favorite writing
style. Adding subtitles made my essay organized and easy to follow. The few pictures I
added, really enhanced my Portrait of a Writer essay because it kept the reader interested
while providing examples and portraying my thoughts.

In this tab you will find two artifacts that did not correspond with any of our
assignments. However these artifacts were very important in my development as a writer.
The first artifact, you see is my second Writers Notebook artifact, which is a Reader

Response Letter I did on Chapter 19. This reading assignment really helped me
understand the purpose behind peer review and what I should and should not do as a peer.
Youre not an editor. Youre not a teacher. Youre not a cruise missile. And do not
rewrite any parts of the paper. Youre not the writer; youre a reader. One of many.
The paper is not yours; its the writers. She writes, you read. She is in charge of
what she does to her writing. That does not me you can not offer a few rewrites
here and there, as models.
This quote really helped me with the revision process. I would typically mark everything
that did not make sense or things I did not like. Now, I simply suggest ideas instead of
making them for the writer; the writer has the freedom to do whatever they want to with
my feedback. Every writer has a different approach that is why it is important to accept
different writing styles.
The next artifact is a Wild Card, which are notes about multi-modality. I chose this
as an artifact because it opened my eyes to how much you could really do to strengthen
your paper. I always thought papers were supposed to have five paragraphs with an
introduction and conclusion. However, multi-modality showed me that you can do so
much more by adding different modes to help your reader gain a better understanding.
Modes are also useful when it comes to organization and clearly expressing your
thoughts. It definitely took me awhile to get accustomed to but it really helped me move
my writing forward.

UWRT, has taught me so much about the writing process and also about myself. Writing
this essay was very interesting since I had to evaluate my progress as a writer. Considering that I
have always struggled with writing and was not a big fan of it, I am very pleased with my
performance in this class. Over the past semester I have spent several hours and sleepless nights
writing, revising and creating some of my best work. If I had to self-assist my performance I
would give myself a solid A. I think my work is worthy of an A because all of my writing
demonstrates improvement, which is the ultimate goal for this class. I have truly tried my best in
all of the essays and the design of my portfolio. I have gained so much knowledge within these
past five weeks that I could only imagine how much I would have gained in a full semester.



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