Business Plan: 2009 Update

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Business Plan
2009 Update

Business Plan 2009 Update

4 Introduction

7 About our Council

11 Our shared ambition

12 Our planning framework

14 Developing our priorities

18 Our corporate priorities

46 Being a well managed authority

50 How we fund our priorities

53 Our expenditure

56 Monitoring our progress

60 Appendices

Appendix one – Summary of our corporate priorities and LAA

Priority Outcomes

Appendix two – How we manage risk

Appendix three – How decisions are made

Appendix four – Our principal strategies

Appendix five – Senior management structure

72 Further information

East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 3

Welcome to our Business Plan
We are pleased to present the first update of the 2008-11 Council Business
Plan. The purpose of this document is to review the 3 year plan we launched last
year to ensure that our objectives and targets accurately reflect our priorities
and those of our residents.

Our Business Plan links closely to our three year financial strategy which sets
out how we will use resources to deliver the work of the Council and ensure
we have the money to deliver our priorities. Our priorities are developed in
the context of a shared ambition that we and our partners hold for the area
reflecting the priorities and aspirations of people living in the East Riding.

The plan sets out in broad terms how we will deliver our 7 corporate priorities
that have been developed to reflect the needs and aspirations of local people
and deliver wider priorities we have agreed with our partners working in the
East Riding. These are;

Safer communities - a safe place to work, rest and play

Valuing our environment - a green and sustainable future

Local problem solving - local solutions to local problems

Reducing inequalities - better life chances and choices for all

Councillor Stephen Parnaby OBE
Leader of the Council
Revitalising our communities - regeneration for a bright future
Nigel Pearson
Chief Executive Retaining the East Riding character - building on what makes our area a great place to live

Supporting vulnerable people - protecting from harm, promoting independence

In 2008, the Audit Commission, the Government’s independent watchdog,

To improve the QUALITY of life awarded the Council the maximum four stars following its assessment of our
performance and concluded that we are improving strongly. We also performed
for our community; earn the
strongly in the Joint Area Review of Children’s Services with a score of three out
RESPECT of the people we serve of a possible four.
and build PRIDE in belonging to
Over the forthcoming year we will aim to build on this performance and ensure
the East Riding of Yorkshire. that we are strongly placed to minimise the impact of the economic downturn
locally and, in doing so, maintain an environment for sustainable business growth
and a good quality of life for our residents.

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Welcome to Our Business Plan

The East Riding covers 930 square miles and makes up around 17% of
the whole of the Yorkshire region by area. Much of this area is very rural,
supported by the main towns of Beverley, Goole and Bridlington and a
number of smaller market towns. This geography has given the Council
specific challenges in delivering services and involving local people.
Throughout the year, we will continue to monitor the local economy with
an understanding that a flexible approach is required at this time and that
adjustments may need to be made to the plan and budget over the coming
year to ensure continued prudent financial management and effective service

Later this year we will publish our performance and financial report for
About our Council
2008/09. This will show how we are performing against national indicators
and our local priorities. This will help our planning process next year. The culture of our organisation shapes the way we do things. Corporate
working has been critical to that sense of purpose, an approach so strong
Our Business Plan directs the planning of all the services in the Council. and consistent that it drives everything we do. This approach is exceptional
Detailed information on the actions we are taking to deliver our priorities can in local government where traditionally a more departmental culture has
be found in the specific plan for each Council service. existed. Being a corporate organisation has instilled good business practices
across the Council, provided more resources to our ‘front–line’ services
In the plan we refer to a number of other documents or websites that you
and enabled us to do ‘more with less’ in the delivery of services for our
may find helpful. If you have any problems with accessing any of these please
Working relationships between councillors and officers are
Simon Lowe, Policy and Partnerships Manager, East Riding of Yorkshire
excellent with a clear understanding of each others’ roles and
Council, County Hall, Beverley HU17 9BA, Tel: (01482) 391422 or
responsibilities. This relationship was effective from
day one and has gone from strength to strength
through the many challenges that we have faced
over the years.

Our councillors provide strong political

leadership which ensures we have a clear and
sustained view of the direction we need to
take; this is complemented by a strong
corporate management team that directs
the delivery of our plans and aspirations.

These core strengths have enabled us to tackle major issues and develop and
deliver high quality services, despite being relatively poorly funded.

Right from the start we have not had the level of resources enjoyed by other
councils of a similar size and character. This means we have had to become
excellent at seeking other sources of funding to fulfil our ambitions for the
area. We have a strong track record in delivering what we promise. This
reputation has brought a considerable amount of new money into the area
to undertake major building and infrastructure projects to regenerate our
towns and villages, supported by a programme of investment now exceeding

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Worklink, Cottingham
About Our Council About Our Council

Our approach is to tackle complex challenging issues head on - such as those This partnership is not just about the delivery of services, but also the
affecting the area due to the current economic climate - and we are not establishment of a business centre in the East Riding and the creation of new
afraid to make and stand by difficult decisions, especially when resources are investment and jobs. We have established a Joint Venture Company with
scarce. This can only be done with the strong leadership and clear direction arvato to bring new investment and jobs into the area by winning public and
our corporate culture brings. private sector work elsewhere in the country. This partnership established
in 2005 has been described by the Audit Commission as exemplary and is
We have moved swiftly to counter the impact of the economic downturn on
already making an impact on service improvement and job creation.
the area through accelerating a programme of spending worth £100m over

the next three years. Schemes to be accelerated include bringing forward
highway and property maintenance work including plans to create between The challenges of delivering high quality services in a very large rural area
200 and 350 new Council homes and significant investment to refurbish are complex, but we have taken the opportunity these challenges present to
existing housing stock, fast tracking £19m of highway improvement schemes develop and deliver new innovative solutions to the problems associated with
and replacing the Leisure World complex in Bridlington with a new multi- access and isolation, for example customer access points in some of our rural
purpose attraction. Packaging the work to be deliverable by local contractors schools.
will provide in excess of 500 jobs in the next three years in the construction
From the outset we have placed our residents at the centre of all we do. We
take pride in providing a good quality of service, but when we do get things
We have high ambitions for the future of the East Riding, because this area wrong we say so and work hard to put things right for our customers and
has significant opportunities and potential. We are also highly ambitious for learn from our mistakes.
the organisation itself, and, despite the current economic downturn, strive
Our focus on the needs and expectations of residents has driven the
to be, and remain, one of the best councils in the country. This commitment
development of our award winning Customer Service Network providing
to continuous improvement was formally recognised in 2008 by the Audit
first class customer care. The network now extends to 14 Centres and 22
Commission who awarded the Council a maximum of four stars in its
CitizenLinks with direct video-conferencing linkages. This ‘industry standard’
assessment of our performance, a score that places the Council in the top
network is still developing; we are now combining customer
5% of all councils in England. As well as receiving top marks in our corporate
service centres with libraries and other services and
assessment the latest inspection of services for children and young people
have opened two new multi-purpose centres, in Brough
rated our provision as ‘good’.
and Market Weighton, with a third facility to open in
We are working closer than ever with other public sector bodies like Pocklington during 2010 to make the best use of our
Humberside Police, NHS East Riding of Yorkshire, Humberside Fire and resources and improve access. Options are being
Rescue Service, voluntary and community groups working in the heart of our considered to open further new multi-purpose centres in
communities and the private sector who make a major contribution to the other areas.
wealth and well-being of the area.
Our vision for the future of the network is to further join
Like many councils, we are working with private sector organisations to up services with those of our partners, for example we are
deliver some of our services. We have established an innovative leading edge working with the NHS East Riding of Yorkshire to combine
strategic partnership with arvato, a member of the international Bertelsmann Council services with their community health services and
group, to deliver a range of central services. This partnership requires services we are also delivering services jointly with Her Majesty’s
to deliver top 10% performance just like other functions managed by us. Revenue and Customs from our customer service centre
in Goole.

Flamborough Lighthouse

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The Green, Hedon
About Our Council
The East Riding is diverse and unique and attracts inward migration from other areas with
people seeing the area as a good place to live and work. To ensure we continue to deliver high
quality services which meet the needs of residents new and old it is vital that we have a clear
2008 saw the completion of the successful redevelopment and refurbishment
vision of how we want the East Riding to look in the future. We need to keep focused on this
of the Bridlington Spa. The refurbishment of this local landmark has enabled
vision through the difficult times caused by the economic downturn.
it to attract tourists, audiences and corporate clients at regional, national and
international levels with over 125,000 visitors attending between June 2008
and 31 January 2009. By improving access and internal services and restoring

Our Shared Ambition

the traditional rooms, the Bridlington Spa will be able to perform to the
highest standards for many years to come.

From the first days of the Council, we have continued to make the best
use of our assets and workforce by paying close attention to efficiency and
value for money. We are proud to have one of the best track records in local We firmly believe that to secure the best for the people of the East Riding,
government for the effective use of resources. we need to work closely with everyone who shares an interest in improving
the quality of life in the area. We achieve this through our role on the
We strive to improve the well-being of our employees and have a number of
East Riding Local Strategic Partnership. The Partnership brings together
policies and practices in place to meet this goal, for example, we are working
public bodies like the Council, Police, NHS East Riding of Yorkshire and
in partnership to deliver smoking cessation projects which will benefit the
Fire and Rescue Service alongside local businesses and community and
health of staff and residents. Our workforce tells us they are proud to work
voluntary groups. As a leading partner, the Council shares the Local Strategic
for a high performing council and our commitment to their training and
Partnership’s ambition reflecting what people tell us about what is important
development and well-being ensures we have the right people with the right
to their future:
skills to deliver excellent services.

Despite our success and immense pride in what we do, we are not Our shared ambition is for an East Riding where:
complacent and we still need to improve. We know where things could be
better and have actions in place to drive that improvement. We continually • Children and young people have a brighter future
measure ourselves against the best in all sectors through benchmarking and • Older people enjoy a healthy independent life
are keen to learn from others providing excellent services. Standards across
• Communities are thriving, prosperous and safe
the local government sector nationally are high and rising and we need
to keep pace to stay ahead. • Regeneration transforms deprived areas and reduces health and other inequalities

We have become one of England’s leading councils through • We value and care for the diverse character of the area.
sustained performance. To keep us at the top we have
adopted ‘Striding Ahead’ our change management strategy
In this coming year we will review our Sustainable Community
(more detail on which can be found on page 46), which is
Plan to ensure it continues to reflect what is important in the
designed to inspire and drive us to maintaining top 10%
East Riding and, in particular, ensure it takes account of the
performance for all our services.
economic downturn and its impact on our priorities.
To focus on this aspiration, we established in
1996 simple and powerful new values which still
continue to this day and are captured in our vision
for the East Riding:

To improve the quality of life for our community; earn the respect of
the people we serve and build pride in belonging to the East Riding of

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Our Planning Framework

Our planning framework ensures we use resources effectively

and take into account how we are performing and the views and

Our Planning Framework

This plan also links directly into our financial plan and informs councillors’
priorities of service users, residents and the wider priorities of decisions when they are setting the budget for the coming years. Resources
national Government when developing our services. are limited and our financial management systems are designed to ensure
that we can respond rapidly to changing events and issues whilst minimising
risk. Our financial plan can be seen at:


Linked closely to our Business Plan are more detailed strategies and plans

Planning Framework
often focused on specific groups of people or functions to drive the delivery
of our priorities. A list of our key strategies and plans can be seen at
Appendix four. Many of these strategies are jointly developed and monitored
with our partners.
The diagram overleaf shows how this business plan links to the Sustainable Service plans are our day to day working tools enabling each of our services
Community Plan – Our East Riding 2006-2016, a plan for the whole of the to turn plans into action, monitor performance and effectively manage their
East Riding shared by all those working together to improve the quality of business. Service plans can be viewed at:
life in the area and driving what we do in each of our organisations. The
Sustainable Community Plan, which was adopted in 2006, was updated
in 2008 to reflect new challenges and outlines how we will achieve our
ambition for the area. The Sustainable Community Plan can be viewed at: This diagram brings the elements of our framework together to demonstrate
the strong linkages between each step and the key planning documents.

Since 2006 we have had a Local Area Agreement with our partners and
Government to ensure we can deliver on the most challenging issues
outlined in the Sustainable Community Plan. The Local Area Agreement
was completely revised in 2008 to reflect the Government’s new national Community Plan
priorities and those specific issues that will have a direct effect on residents’
quality of life and are the hardest to tackle in the East Riding. It was refreshed
in 2009 and laid the basis for the calculation of the performance reward grant Local Area
(of approximately £2m) that will be paid should all the targets be achieved in
full by the end of the agreement’s three year life.

The issues addressed in the Local Area Agreement are so challenging that
the Council alone cannot make sufficient impact. Working in partnership Council Medium Term
with those who hold the same ambition makes success easier to achieve. Business Plan Financial Strategy
Performance against the Local Area Agreement is closely monitored and
supported not just by us and our partners, but also by the Government
Office for Yorkshire and the Humber on behalf of Government Departments. Council and Partnership Strategies and Action Plans
The Local Area Agreement priorities, developed and agreed in partnership,
have shaped our business plan for 2008/11. Appendix one shows how these
Service and Performance Plans
link together and how we align our priorities to the Agreement. The East
Riding Local Area Agreement can be viewed at:
Individual and team objectives set through Employee Development Reviews

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Developing Our Priorities

It is important that we focus our effort and resources on the The views of local people
things that matter most in the area. Resources are limited and
It is our policy to consult local people about the services we provide and
we cannot address everything at once so we have to prioritise.
information about their needs and the needs of their communities. We have a
number of key consultation activities which provide us with information as well as
gathering regular feedback from users of our services. We take particular care to

Developing involve people from hard to reach groups in our consultation including children
and young people, the very old, people with disabilities and residents from our
small ethnic minority population.

Our Priorities
Feedback from our Budget Setting Conferences, including a youth conference,
which were held between August and November 2008, has helped us allocate
funding to support our priorities.

We have an area on our website which provides more information on

Some things, whilst important, are not a high enough priority to be effectively resourced consultation and feedback from local people:
from our budget. If we are to provide these services, we have to find funding from elsewhere,
for example we have established 8 business centres in the East Riding and have plans to
open others. Funding for these developments has come from Yorkshire Forward, Single
We also feedback regularly in East Riding News about how residents’ views
Regeneration Budget funding, European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) and some
shape what we do in our ‘Have Your Say’ column.
funding from the Rural Development Commission. The refurbishment of the Bridlington Spa,
described earlier in this plan, was supported by funding from Yorkshire Forward and ERDF.
The views of our partners
Priorities in the local area are determined by a number of factors including:
We have regular meetings with key partners working in the East Riding. These
• The views of local people meetings help us understand their key priorities and pressures and plan the use
of resources to address issues which need all of our efforts to be resolved. This
• The views of our partners working in the East Riding
is particularly important when we work with these organisations to develop and
• How well our services are currently performing deliver services.

• What we know about our communities Our key areas for action during 2009/10 were identified and developed at
a priority setting workshop attended by members of the Local Strategic
• External influences
Partnership, Elected Members and senior council staff, which was held in
• Regional and sub- regional priorities September 2008. This process was informed by a series of inputs on key issues
facing the East Riding.
• National priorities set by Central Government
We have a website which focuses on our partners which has information
about how we work together:
We also work with partners on the development and delivery of our Local Area
Agreement. Local Area Agreements are a three year agreement between a local
area and Central Government and describe how local priorities will be met by
delivering local solutions.

You can view a copy of our local area agreement at:

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Developing Our Priorities Developing Our Priorities

How well our services are performing To better understand the needs of the area we will incorporate findings from
the development, in conjunction with our partners, of the Joint Strategic Needs
We monitor the performance of all our services very closely and use this
Assessment and the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment which will enable us
information to improve the quality of the services we provide. Some services
to target resources more effectively when tackling health care issues and crime
provided in the area are delivered by working with other organisations and we
and disorder, respectively.
monitor their performance with our partners on the Local Strategic Partnership.
If services are under performing we need to take action to turn this around and
this can include moving resources around to get things back on track. External influences

This year, the feedback received from the Audit Commission’s Comprehensive The impact of the recent economic downturn on the East Riding has influenced
Performance Assessment, the Joint Area Review and the Annual Performance our priorities for the coming year. An Economic Downturn Working Group,
Assessments of Adult and Children’s services has helped to shape our priorities comprising senior council officers, was initially established to ensure that there is
for 2009/10. a co-ordinated approach to issues arising from the current economic downturn.
Their work will be carried forward by the Sustainable Communities and
Further information on the Audit Commission and Ofsted judgements can be Transport Action Group, a sub-group of the Local Strategic Partnership. We are
found at: also working more widely with partners through the Local Strategic Partnership
to improve the prospects of people working and living in the East Riding, for
example we quickly provided additional resources for debt advice to support
residents in financial difficulties.
Further information on our performance can be found on our website at: Regional and Sub-regional priorities

We also work closely with other local councils across Yorkshire and the Humber
What we know about our communities area. In particular, we are working with others to address those big issues which
we can only plan effectively on a regional scale, for example issues related to
We hold a wealth of local data about the East Riding taken from a range of
housing needs, transport, climate change, emergency planning and the economy.
national and local sources including the National Census and specific research
In particular, we need to work with those organisations who share with us an
findings. We share this information with our partners to help understand the
interest in the economy based around the River Humber. Progress has been
profile of our communities.
made in promoting economic development for key sectors, rural development
You can access this information through the East Riding Data Observatory at: and investment in the transport infrastructure through working with the
Humber Economic Partnership on the development of the emerging Multi-Area
Agreement (MAA) for Enterprise, Employment and Skills. The MAA will build on
the targeted partnership approaches we have already put in place to improve
the skills needs and competitiveness of the sub-region. You can access information
about this on:

National priorities set by Central Government

The Government set its priorities in the Comprehensive Spending Review in
2007. These priorities are filtered down to local public services to deliver. These
are supported and measured through 188 National Performance indicators
against which every council and its partners have to report. A summary of the
Government’s priorities can be found at:

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The Spa, Bridlington
Our Corporate Priorities

To make sure we are best placed to help deliver our ambition for the East
Riding within the Sustainable Community Plan, Our East Riding 2006 – 2016, we
recognise that as an organisation we need a strong sense of purpose and a clear
plan of action. In developing this plan we need to provide clear leadership, and be
strong, flexible, innovative and challenging.

Corporate Priorities
Having listened to what the people of the East Riding say, considered the To give focus to the delivery of our 7 corporate priorities, key areas for action for
national and regional issues and decided which services we need to improve, 2009/10 have been identified. These have been developed using the established
we agreed 7 corporate priorities for 2008/2011 to ensure we continue to be processes that are detailed in the previous section.
a responsive top performing council able to deliver our obligations within the
Examples of the work that we are going to undertake over the coming year to
Local Area Agreement and longer term ambition for the East Riding in the
deliver these key areas for action are highlighted in the following pages.
Sustainable Community Plan.

Our 7 corporate priorities are:

Safer communities
a safe place to work, rest and play

Valuing our environment

a green and sustainable future

Local problem solving

local solutions to local problems

Reducing inequalities
better life chances and choices for all

Revitalising our communities

regeneration for a bright future

Retaining the East Riding character

building on what makes our area a great place to live

Supporting vulnerable people

protecting from harm, promoting independence
Saturday Market, Beverley

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Safer communities
a safe place to work, rest and play

Everyone has a right to feel safe

on the streets and in their homes.
In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against
That is why deterring criminal and
this corporate priority, particular areas identified for action
antisocial behaviour and tackling during 2009/10 include:
substance misuse (especially
alcohol), road traffic accidents, the • Addressing the causes of antisocial behaviour
night time economy and violent • Reducing re-offending
crime, are top priorities. The East • Reducing the number of those killed or seriously injured on
Riding is a very safe place to live our roads
as crime is relatively low, but we
• Supporting services to vulnerable young people and victims
need to do more to reduce the
which assist in reducing youth crime
fear of crime held by local people
so they feel confident and safe • Supporting schools in tackling bullying and provide a greater
support to victims
in their homes, communities and
when travelling around the area. • Tackling vehicle crime

A focus on 2009/10
Addressing the causes of Reducing re-offending Reducing the number of those Supporting services to
antisocial behaviour killed or seriously injured on vulnerable young people
We will continue to work with
our roads and victims which assist in
We have increased the numbers of The Drug Interventions team partner agencies to develop and
reducing youth crime
drug users in effective treatment continues to work closely with implement a common approach To improve road safety for all
over the last year by five per cent partners, particularly the Probation to supporting ex-offenders into road users, particularly vulnerable The Youth Offending Team will be
and we are working with the NHS Service and the Prolific and Priority employment and therefore reduce user groups, we will work in increasing its capacity to ensure
East Riding of Yorkshire to increase Offenders team to engage drug re-offending. This will include partnership with Humberside Police, that all young people who receive
the availability of treatment for users within the criminal justice promoting appropriate training and Humberside Fire and Rescue and a Final Warning from the Police are
dependent alcohol users. system in treatment. Crime work experience opportunities to Safer Roads Humber to deliver assessed and where appropriate
prevention initiatives include re- ex-offenders. We will also work with a comprehensive programme of offered help to stop them offending.
launching the drugs hot line and other agencies to identify and provide engineering, education, training, We will also involve more victims of
supporting the Police in high profile a package of support to address publicity and enforcement measures youth crime in dealing with young
operations against drug dealers. the multiple needs of this group over the coming year. offenders to ensure young people
of people in assisting them to gain make amends for the harm they
employment. have done and the public has more
confidence in the criminal justice

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Safer Communities

Valuing our environment

a green and sustainable future

Supporting schools in tackling Tackling vehicle crime Safeguarding our environment for now and the future covers many aspects of everyday life. Tackling the
bullying and provide a greater growing problem of waste is a major challenge and people in the East Riding want more opportunities
Council efforts to tackle vehicle
support to victims to recycle. Well maintained roads and footpaths are important for our everyday business of getting
crime are closely linked with our
around and the cleanliness of our streets and open spaces impact on how we feel about our area. A
The Youth Assembly has been Within the Healthy Schools partners in Humberside Police.
initiative all schools have to be able
major challenge for us all is responding to the consequences of climate change including events like the
instrumental in devising policies Alongside police enforcement activity,
and shaping information on how to to demonstrate clearly that they the Safe Communities team will storms which severely affected this area in 2007. We also have a duty to protect the biodiversity of the
beat bullying and the impact of peer safeguard children from bullying; focus messages to residents on the area which contributes so much to the quality of life we experience in the East Riding.
led initiatives has long been proven 92% of East Riding Schools have importance of:
as effective. For example, we have the National Healthy School status
• not leaving valuables and other In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against
worked with young people to put and 100% of schools are involved
items on display in their vehicles this corporate priority, particular areas identified for action
together the ‘Speak, Solve, Stop’ Anti- in the scheme. Work with schools
during 2009/10 include:
Bullying DVD and pack which will be delivered in partnership by the • where possible, parking in well
highlighted as positive work at the Healthy Schools’ team and the Youth lit streets or securely garaging • Maintaining and improving the highway network
regional Cyberbullying Conference. A Assembly will form the centre of our vehicles
• Improving recycling
request has been made for the DVD ongoing strategy to keep schools
• making appropriate checks when
and pack to be rolled out nationally free from bullying. Furthermore, the • Establishing a framework for reducing risks from coastal erosion
buying used cars
for schools to download on the Bus Wise Scheme, which will be and flooding
Yorkshire and Humber Grid for rolled out during 2009, will provide We will work with police,
• Enhancing the natural environment
Learning Website. a consistent and uniform method for neighbourhood watch and media
pupils, bus companies and schools partners on encouraging vehicle • Increasing focus on climate change
to report bullying incidents owners to be more careful about
and their possessions and offering
anti- simple crime prevention advice. The
social Community Support Bus is also
behaviour making visits throughout the area to
on bus journeys to highlight the best ways that people
and from school. can protect themselves against this
and other crimes.

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Valuing Our Environment

We are working closely with residents to reach the recycling target set
within the Joint Sustainable Waste Management Strategy – Target 45+.
We are on track to achieve 45% recycling and composting by 2010.

A focus on 2009/10
Maintaining and improving the • maintain the current good Improving recycling Establishing a framework for Enhancing the natural Increasing focus on climate
highway network condition of the main road reducing risks from coastal environment change
We are working closely with
network, as these roads provide erosion and flooding
Being a rural authority, we have to residents to reach the recycling We are completing the Phase 1 In June 2007 we signed the East
the distribution routes around
manage over 3,500km of road and target set within the Joint Sustainable The review of the Shoreline Habitat Survey for the whole of the Riding Environmental Footprint
the area, supporting the bus
3,600km of footpaths for the benefit Waste Management Strategy – Management Plan is currently under East Riding area. This will allow us to Pledge, based on the Nottingham
and freight networks as well as
of a wide-spread population. The Target 45+. We are on track way and scheduled for completion make informed decisions on how Declaration on Climate Change.
industry and tourism;
maintenance and improvement of to achieve 45% recycling and by January 2010. The Plan helps best to enhance the East Riding’s The Footprint Pledge commits
the highway network has to focus • repair and improve the highway composting by 2010. The strategy is to establish a framework for natural environment and review the Council to produce plans
on making routes to the diverse drainage systems and restore supporting the delivery of a green reducing risks from coastal erosion the Local Biodiversity Action Plan and strategies to address climate
settlements around the East Riding footways and carriageways waste collection rollout following a and flooding to people and the and Local Wildlife Sites. We will be change. One of these strategies,
accessible, safe and sustainable. In damaged by the flooding in successful trial of 20,000 households, developed, historic and natural consulting on the new Biodiversity The East Riding Climate Change
2009/10 we intend to: 2007 and the winter conditions the introduction of a kerbside environment. The Integrated Coastal Action Plan with the East Riding of Adaptation Strategy, is currently in its
experienced this year. This collection of cardboard, a renewed Zone Management Plan will also be Yorkshire Biodiversity Partnership, development stage. Its key objective
work will be funded by Central focus on waste minimisation, review reviewed. Both of these plans will which was recently successfully is to outline how we are going to
Government and European Union and subsequent improvements to ensure that the management of the launched. introduce measures to address the
Grant monies; the Household Waste Recycling East Riding coastline is appropriate negative effects of climate change
Sites, improved sustainable waste and sustainable in terms of the (e.g. flooding, coastal erosion, dry
• maintain our primary
management education in schools local economy, communities and summers, etc.).
pedestrian routes in good
and support of businesses to manage environment.
condition, and
their waste more sustainably.
• in consultation
with local people,
improve the
walking and cycling
throughout the

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Local problem solving
local solutions to local problems

We know that when communities face really difficult challenges they pull together with the
Council and its partners and find solutions; this was seen very clearly after the storms in
June 2007 left many families and businesses struggling with the consequences of flooding.
We are building on this energy to involve local people and Town and Parish Councils more
effectively in solving local problems and deciding what their local priorities are. We want to
encourage everyone in the East Riding to feel valued, part of their community and to take an
active interest in improving the quality of life in the area where they live. We also recognise
that we have a strong tradition of volunteering in the East Riding, many people commit their
own time to support others and improve life in the area but we can do more to harness this
commitment by increasing the capacity of the voluntary sector.

In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against this

corporate priority, particular areas identified for action during
A focus on 2009/10
2009/10 include:
Delivering real outcomes
• Delivering real outcomes which make a difference to people’s lives
which make a difference to
• Local Action Teams will develop the ‘picture of place’ for each people’s lives
Six multi-agency Local Action from the local area. Each LAT works
• Helping local communities attract external funding Teams (LAT) have been established with local people to understand
during 2008/09. Chaired by a their communities’ key issues and
• Helping to build capacity in the voluntary and community sector improve quality of life and well-being.
ward councillor each team has a
• Developing effective relationships with Town and Parish Councils membership comprising of the key LATs will continue to work with
strategic partners. To ensure that the public service organisations to help
• Improving local involvement in decision making views of children and young people shape services to the needs of the
• Enabling people from different backgrounds to get on better are taken into account, each LAT communities that they serve and, for
together includes representative members the start of 2009/10, each will have
of the Youth Assembly and a young action plans and a ‘Picture of Place’
person to help drive the work forward.

We want to encourage everyone in the East Riding to feel

valued, part of their community and to take an active interest
in improving the quality of life in the area where they live.

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Local Problem Solving Local Problem Solving

We will continue to encourage residents from all backgrounds to be Developing effective Improving local engagement in Enabling people from different
involved in our community events and local decision making so that relationships with Town and decision making backgrounds to get on better
Parish Councils together
they feel part of the community as well as having their say on the Local Action Teams are working
The work of Local Action Teams with communities to understand We will implement our Single
services that we provide.
varies from one area to another. To local priorities, and then help to Equality Scheme which will be
fully reflect local needs and priorities, develop local solutions to these monitored by councillors, senior
they work closely with existing multi- problems. They also work to officers and residents and, in
Local Action Teams will Helping local communities Helping to build capacity in agency and community partnerships promote and support opportunities doing so, will ensure that all our
develop the ‘picture of place’ attract external funding the voluntary and community and bodies established in each area for the involvement of local people services promote equal access
for each locality sector including, most importantly, Town by co-ordinating the delivery of and opportunities for all. Working
Our external funding strategy
and Parish Councils. Local Action local events, taking information jointly with the NHS East Riding
The Local Strategic Partnership’s recognises the importance of the We have effective relationships
Teams will visit Parish Councils with to communities and giving them of Yorkshire, we will continue
Local Action Teams (LATs) have voluntary and community sector with the voluntary and community
the intention of addressing issues opportunities to discuss local service to encourage residents from all
been developing a document called in optimising the use of grant sector and are building on the
that they have. In addition, we have delivery and development with a backgrounds to be involved in our
the Picture of Place. The Picture of funding in the East Riding. We success of partnership work
developed and produced a monthly range of partners. community events and local decision
Place combines social, demographic, support community groups to established in the first Local Area
newsletter, Parish News, to provide making so that they feel part of the
economic and service performance access information about potential Agreement. We are creating a new
information to them. community as well as having their say
data together with headline findings sources of funding by offering free team to ensure wider investment
on the services that we provide.
from consultations and supports access through our website to the in voluntary and community sector
LATs to focus on the issues that are ‘GRANTnet’ funding search facility delivery, better value-for-money and
of greatest relevance to their area. ( increased performance. Through
This will support the identification We work in partnership with local the transformation programme, our
of key local issues so that targeted development agencies such as East services will be looking into how
work can be carried out to address Riding Voluntary Action Service they can support the voluntary and
them. and Humber and Wolds Rural community sector. Furthermore,
Community Council through the the introduction of the Voluntary
Humber Funding Advice Workers’ Sector Network will help to build
Network to offer funding fairs, capacity and remove barriers to
training sessions and other events. accelerate growth in the voluntary
We offer specific expertise to and community sector.
help local partners in all sectors to
access funding from the Regional
Development Agency (Yorkshire
Forward) and European Union
funding streams.

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Reducing inequalities
better life chances and choices for all

Many of us living in the East Riding enjoy a high quality of life, have
fulfilling employment, good health, access to warm homes, good
educational opportunities and social and leisure activities. However,
we know that in some areas life can be very different, for example in
some areas of Bridlington the life expectancy of an adult female can be
9 years less and an adult male 7 years less than in other more affluent
areas of the East Riding. Access to healthy lifestyles can be hampered
by poverty and poor educational attainment and many families living in
poverty experience poor housing. These inequalities limit the choices
and opportunities open to people and ultimately their chances for a
happy, healthy life.

In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against A focus on 2009/10

this corporate priority, particular areas identified for action
Reducing the prevalence of Increasing physical activity and Reducing the level of
• Reducing the prevalence of smoking smoking promoting healthy weight hazardous and harmful alcohol
• Increasing physical activity and promoting healthy weight
We will be working with partners to We will work with partners on the
develop a Tobacco Control Strategy development of a healthy weight Through the introduction of the ‘Best
• Reducing the level of hazardous and harmful alcohol
which outlines our joint approach strategy for the East Riding and work Bar None Awards’ scheme, we will
from raising awareness of hazards closely with the NHS East Riding of work in partnership with licensees
• Reducing the level of fuel poverty and preventing young people starting Yorkshire to develop interventions to have systems and procedures in
to smoke to supporting smoking to tackle childhood overweight and place to assist in raising awareness
• Increasing employment among people with a learning disability
cessation services. We will also obesity. Successful programmes, of the potential problems associated
or mental illness
be working closely with the Local such as Walking the Way to Health with alcohol misuse. We will also
• Improving men’s health, concentrating on people in deprived Strategic Partnership on a project and Healthy Lifestyles, will provide a work with our partners to finalise
areas which aims to promote the smoking more targeted approach to helping the East Riding Alcohol Strategy
cessation service to employees and children and families who need the which will effectively plan a joint
• Reducing the number of teenage conceptions
service users of all agencies involved greatest support. We will work hard approach to tackling alcohol
in the partnership. to support families in making healthy misuse and will build on the
choices about diet and lifestyle. recommendations of the recent
Review of Alcohol Misuse for Adults,
undertaken by the NHS Overview
and Scrutiny committee.

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Reducing Inequalities

Revitalising our communities

regeneration for a brighter future

Our key towns and settlements are the busy hubs of our communities,
Reducing the level of fuel providing employment, access to key services and supplies, social and
poverty cultural activities and good quality housing. Given their importance,
Fuel poverty is a significant issue in We plan to share a our principal towns in particular need a vision for the future to
large parts of the East Riding and training pack with enable them to respond to the challenges posed by the economic
we are keen to ensure that available partners which downturn, meet the needs of their changing populations and overcome
funding is directed towards meeting will explain how issues around access and transport. The infrastructure, public spaces,
those households in greatest need. A ‘job carving’ can be commercial mix and affordable housing options within the key
new Affordable Warmth Strategy is done and share settlements of Bridlington, Goole, Beverley and Driffield in particular
due to be produced in the summer the benefits of need transforming to assure a bright future for the area.
and this will set out how we and undertaking this
our partners intend to deal with type of review of
this matter. Opportunities are being the workforce. In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against
explored to bring forward further this corporate priority, particular areas identified for action
Improving men’s health, Reducing the number of include:
funds to increase the number of
concentrating on people in teenage conceptions
properties improved to address both
deprived areas • Providing high quality public space, support for business
fuel poverty and to make a positive We are committed to improving growth and help people into training and work in Bridlington
contribution towards protecting We are working hard with our young people’s access to good and Goole
and enhancing employment partners to reduce the growing quality sexual health information, sex
opportunities in the area. health inequalities gap between male education, relationship education • Progressing key cultural projects and focus on enterprise
routine and manual workers and and services and support for young development, town centres and the heritage of our market
Increasing employment
other groups. A major cause of male parents. We will be involving young towns
among people with a learning
premature death is smoking, and as people in the development of both
disability or mental illness • Developing an integrated approach to revitalising South East
well as including this in the Local the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy
We have developed an action Area Agreement, work is under way and Young People’s Sexual Health
plan, with partners, to increase using LSP partners to both target Strategy Action Plan and sexual • Supporting residents and businesses through the current
employment among people with a employees who smoke and promote health service provision. Through the economic downturn and build confidence in the area
learning disability or mental illness. the Stop Smoking Service. creation of a new outreach sexual
• Providing more leisure time opportunities for young people in
This includes making application health post, we are aiming to provide
Other issues such as excessive their communities
forms and interviews more a sexual health service for ‘hard to
weight and alcohol consumption will
accessible for those with a disability. reach’ young people. • Establishing and delivering the Multi-Area Agreement on skills
be tackled through the emerging
We are also investigating ‘job carving’, and training
East Riding Healthy Weight Strategy
which is a method of splitting jobs
and East Riding Alcohol Strategy,
to ensure employers utilise staff skills
both of which will be completed in
in the most productive way whilst
enabling disabled people to make a
valuable contribution to the world
of work.

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Revitalising Our Communities

Cultural facilities are vital in supporting the regeneration

of local areas and invigorating community spirit.

A focus on 2009/10
Providing high quality public We aim to bring to fruition plans to Goole Renaissance strategy - Goole Progressing key cultural Developing an integrated Supporting residents and
space, support for business provide high quality public space in Renaissance will produce the town’s projects and focus on approach to revitalising South businesses through the
growth and help people the area surrounding the Spa. The first full Strategic Development enterprise development, town East Holderness current economic downturn
into training and work in Bridlington park and ride scheme Framework with the support of centres and the heritage of and build confidence in the
Several local projects, particularly
Bridlington and Goole is due to open in spring 2010 Yorkshire Forward. This process our market towns area
related to health and well-being, will
and planning work for the town will build on Goole’s strategic
Bridlington Renaissance strategy Strategic Renaissance Plans, with a be delivered through partnership Our business advisers based at
centre development and harbour/ economic importance by supporting
- We will continue to deliver the focus on enterprise development, working. The Withernsea sea Business Centres in Beverley,
marina will continue, with developer new business growth and offering
Bridlington Renaissance Strategy town centres and heritage and front re-development project, Goole, Bridlington, Driffield, Market
interest likely to be confirmed in improved cultural, shopping, leisure
and secure the adoption of an culture are now in place for public woodland and town centre Weighton and Brough are available
2010. Measures to support business facilities and services. It will establish
Area Action Plan as the planning Driffield, Hornsea and Howden improvements will continue to be to offer free and confidential advice
growth and help people into the means of securing additional
framework to achieve it. The re- with Beverley’s in preparation. developed with appropriate funding to any East Riding business. The
work and training will be further value and encouraging high quality
development of the Spa was Cultural studies have recently been packages being sought. Options advisers can share the issues and
developed through a partnership development of individual sites and
completed in June 2008, and has completed for Howden, Hornsea for the use of the old Keyingham problems being faced and, where
approach. public spaces in the town. Involving
already had a significant impact. and Withernsea and we will look primary school as a business skills realistic, direct the business to
and consulting residents, businesses
to progress key projects, including and community resource centre will Business Link Yorkshire which acts as
and local organisations from the
a replacement for the Hornsea be finalised and a development plan the contact for Government support.
outset will build confidence that
Floral Hall. We will also look to take for Spurn Point will be progressed. Where intervention is likely to be
the plan will be delivered. Existing
forward the recommendations of These projects are linked to the of little use, advice on managing the
partnership activity in housing
the East Riding Town Centre and finalisation of a long-term vision creditors and scheduling debts can
renewal, the rebuild of
Retail Study, with each market town’s and action plan for South East be offered or guidance on business
Vermuyden School and
partnership having its own prioritised Holderness which will be completed closure.
linking local people to job
action. in 2009.
opportunities will continue. In cases of 20+ employee businesses
downsizing, advice and support for
the company and the staff being
threatened by redundancy can be
provided by the Council led ‘rapid
response team’, which continues to

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Revitalising Our Communities

Retaining the East Riding character

building on what makes the East Riding a great place to live

work in partnership with Yorkshire Providing more leisure time Establishing and delivering Public opinion makes clear that our residents consider that the East
Forward, Jobcentre Plus, Hull City opportunities for young the Multi-Area Agreement on Riding is a special and unique place to live. People are proud to come
Council, Business Link Yorkshire, the people in their communities skills and training from the East Riding and value its way of life both in our towns and
Learning and Skills Council and the in the rural countryside and villages. We feel it is important to retain
We have increased the resources Multi-Area Agreements bring
unions to respond to any large scale this special character but recognise we need to build on what is best
available to the Youth Service and together key players in flexible
redundancies occurring across Hull and move forward rather then preserve the area as a museum piece.
worked closely with the voluntary ways to tackle issues that are best
and the East Riding. The support A key part of the area is its cultural heritage and the role it plays in
and community sectors, as well as addressed in partnership – at a
is directed through organising
Town and Parish Councils, in order regional and sub-regional level. recreation and providing good options for how we use our free time.
information, advice and guidance
to help young people access positive During 2009/10, task groups have It is also important how we promote tourism in the area, building on
sessions for affected employees.
leisure time activities. We have also been identified and will meet to our reputation for traditional seaside holidays but also developing new
Additionally, a confidential, free- been successful in securing significant discuss the way in which each opportunities to attract people to the area.
phone help-line, 0800 9155268, has external funding to provide 23 play local authority can develop skills
been set up to ensure that there spaces, 3 play spaces in isolated development and work opportunities
is a local link, directly to an adviser rural communities, a play park and across the whole of the Humber
for urgent help. Recognising that an adventure playground over the sub-region. Representatives from all In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against
sole traders and smaller firms are next three years. This will result in four local authorities and including our corporate priorities, particular areas identified for action
busy trying to earn a living and 2,500 more children and young staff from Jobcentre Plus, the include:
may not be aware of the wider people accessing quality play space Learning and Skills Council and
support programme available from in their local community. Securing Humber Education and Business • Mitigating the impact from flooding on areas of key
organisations like Her Majesty’s further positive leisure time activities Partnership will sit on the following development and local importance
Revenue and Customs, Business Link for young people is a key priority in task groups: • Focusing development growth in key settlements to maintain
Yorkshire and regional soft our Integrated Youth Support their sustainability
• Work Experience Placements
loan schemes (loans with Strategy which has recently
generous repayment terms), been agreed and which • Group/Public Sector • Increasing the number of affordable homes by lowering the
the advice line can assist will be implemented over Apprenticeship Scheme level of development thresholds at which they are required
in providing the necessary, the next two years.
• Graduate Internship Scheme • Managing the release of housing sites to ensure that preferred
timely signposting to the
locations are taken forward first to support sustainable
right support. • Enterprise Rehearsal Scheme development
• Young People’s Forum • Locating renewable energy developments to limit detriment
to the landscape

• Increasing the volume and value of leisure, business meetings

and visits to the East Riding

• Increasing community transport schemes to improve access

to services, education and employment

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Retaining the East Riding Character

A focus on 2009/10

Mitigating the impact from Focusing development growth

flooding on areas of key in key settlements to maintain
development and local their sustainability
We will continue to concentrate Spurn Point
We recognise that flooding is a most new development in our
significant issue affecting large market towns and main villages
parts of the East Riding. The where housing, jobs and services A key part of the area is its cultural heritage and the role
emerging Local Development and facilities are located in close
Framework will seek to ensure proximity. This will be achieved
it plays in recreation and providing good options for
that new development avoids through the determination of how we use our free time.
areas at greatest risk of flooding. planning applications and through
In certain circumstances it may the continued preparation of a
still be necessary to promote new new planning document, called Increasing the number of Managing the release of Locating renewable energy
development in high risk flooding a Core Strategy, that will identify affordable homes by lowering housing sites to ensure that developments to limit
areas and in such cases it will be those settlements where most new the level of development preferred locations are taken detriment to the landscape
necessary to manage the risk of development will occur. thresholds at which they are forward first to support
Planning guidance is being prepared
flooding for both people living in required sustainable development
on renewable energy development
the new development and in the
We are exploring opportunities to We prepare plans that identify sites that will be connected to the national
surrounding area. A key document
reduce this threshold to ensure that suitable for housing development to grid, such as wind, biomass and
that will inform such decisions will be
more affordable housing is provided meet the area’s future housing needs. solar renewable energy proposals.
the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
to meet the very high levels of We also actively manage the ‘release’ The guidance will highlight the
which we are currently producing.
need identified in parts of the East of any allocated greenfield sites until serious adverse effects that these
Riding. It is intended that a new they are needed as part of a five developments should avoid, including
Affordable Housing Supplementary year supply for the area. If allocated on such matters as important local
Development Plan will be produced sites do need to be released, then landscapes, communities and heritage
towards the end of the year which this process also considers those and archaeological features. Potential
will be used to determine future sites which are the most ‘sustainable’ developers will use these guidelines
planning applications and will be against a number of criteria. This when they are preparing renewable
incorporated in due course within exercise ensures that greenfield energy proposals for sites in the East
the Local Development Framework. land is not developed unless it is Riding as well as the Council when it
The approach being developed will necessary and that when sites are is considering planning applications.
have to reflect the current housing released they are the most suitable.
market downturn and the pressures
faced by developers.

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Retaining the East Riding Character

Supporting vulnerable people

protecting from harm, promoting independence

One of the most important roles of the Council is to support and champion the needs of vulnerable
people in our communities. Children, older people and those with disabilities and long term conditions are
Increasing the volume and Increasing community
value of leisure, business transport schemes to improve particularly vulnerable to harm and a poorer quality of life. When resources are limited we must ensure
meetings and visits to the East access to services, education services to vulnerable people are a top priority. We work closely with other public services and voluntary
Riding and employment groups to ensure those with the greatest need are well supported and protected from harm. Independence
is very important to all of us but especially so for those who are struggling with health and social problems.
Visit Hull and East Yorkshire will We have worked closely with
We believe that maintaining that independence is critical to the well-being and self-esteem of our residents
lead on distinctive and high impact Community Transport Groups within
with special needs and work hard with our partners in all sectors to give vulnerable people good access to
marketing through electronic, paper the East Riding for a number of
advice, support and resources to allow people to manage their own lives for as long as possible.
and related media and provide a years. Working with the Community
high quality information service in Transport Groups we have agreed
a visitor friendly and contemporary to a Local Area Agreement that
In addition to ongoing work already in place to deliver against our
format. The visitor experience will exchanges capital for new buses
corporate priorities, particular areas identified for action include:
be enhanced by driving quality for extensions to the journey
improvements and product upgrades network. The extensions are being • Enabling children to achieve and maintain a healthy weight
and by developing a service culture measured in terms of new journey
• Targeting resources at young people who are at the greatest risk of
throughout the East Riding. The opportunities and already shopping
being excluded from their communities and becoming economically
redevelopment of the Bridlington trips and after school clubs have
inactive as adults
Spa as a major conference resource been targeted and new transport
will bring considerable added value journeys delivered. The agreement • Ensuring outcomes for the most vulnerable group of young children
to the area and help attract new will last 3 years and nearly 200 extra and young people match those of their peers
businesses. sustainable journey opportunities
• Developing family support services to prevent children from
will be delivered by the end of the
becoming ‘looked after’
• Promoting the well-being of older people to safely maintain their

• Implementing individual budgets in the Haltemprice and Beverley

Rural Area

• Improving the take up of direct payments

• Actively supporting people with a disability or enduring

health problems to participate in their communities
and achieve the outcomes to which they aspire

• Increasing service and support for carers

• Addressing unmet need in relation to mental health

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Supporting Vulnerable People

One of the most important roles of the council is to

support and champion the needs of vulnerable people
in our communities.

A focus on 2009/10

Enabling children to achieve Targeting resources at Ensuring outcomes for the Developing family support
and maintain a healthy weight young people who are at the most vulnerable group of services to prevent children
greatest risk of being excluded young children and young from becoming ‘looked after’
Levels of overweight and obesity This, when coupled with work
from their communities people match those of their
in the East Riding are rising, and around schools and play, will act as a There are six family support teams
and becoming economically peers
our Local Area Agreement makes real focus in helping children achieve in the East Riding based in localities
inactive as adults
tackling this issue one of our key and maintain a healthy weight and Within our children’s centres we offering a range of services to
priorities. We are working closely prevent health problems from Over the coming year, we will offer a range of services for all our most vulnerable children and
with NHS East Riding of Yorkshire occurring in later life. continue to work with young people parents/carers with children under families. A key priority for the teams
through the development of a new to help them become positive the age of 5, while at the same time is to work with schools to increase
healthy weight strategy to deliver a members of their local communities. targeting those more vulnerable attendance, to reduce levels of
range of interventions from working We will target those most likely families, offering them support at offending and ensure parents have
with new parents to improve their not to continue in education and an early stage to prevent difficulties the right strategies and skills to
parenting skills around food and training or find paid employment, later. Our network of children’s deal with challenging behaviour.
physical activity through to one- to help them develop the skills for centres is growing and by 2010 In 2009/10 we are increasing our
to-one and group activities with future employment and to raise their there will be a total of 20 within the parenting services by attaching
children who have weight issues. aspirations. We will work with local East Riding, each providing outreach advisers to schools; engaging
communities to increase involvement services to communities unable to parenting experts to work with
in positive youth activities, through access their nearest centre. As the the hard to reach and targeting our
projects such as Operation Lifestyle range of opportunities and activities resources on the children on the
and Youth in Action and through available through Extended Schools edge of care.
detached youth provision. continues to increase, we will
strive to ensure that they support
the needs of our most vulnerable
children and young people and their

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Supporting Vulnerable People Supporting Vulnerable People

Promoting the well-being of Implementing individual Improving the take up of Actively supporting people Increasing service and support Addressing unmet need in
older people to safely maintain budgets in the Haltemprice direct payments with a disability or enduring for carers relation to mental health
their independence and Beverley Rural Area health problems to participate
Direct payments are cash payments Our Carers Support Service The first ever National Dementia
in their communities and
We will develop robust universal As part of the drive to increase made to individuals who have been continues to develop and expand the Strategy was launched on 3
achieve the outcomes to
information and advocacy services choice and control for individuals, we assessed as needing services, in lieu range of services available to carers. February 2009. The strategy is
which they aspire
to ensure that everyone has access will offer individual budgets to new of social service provisions. We will We continue to work in partnership the Government’s plan which
to the appropriate information and contacts within the Haltemprice and continue to promote the take up We will work with disabled children with the Carers Advisory Group and explains what needs to happen
services. We will continue to improve Beverley Rural Area from April 2009. of direct payments as these are to make sure they are able to other stakeholders to inform our to radically transform the quality
our safeguarding arrangements by We will ensure appropriate systems, an important tool in the drive to contribute to decisions that affect thinking, service design and service of life for people with dementia
establishing a safeguarding team, processes and guidance are in place personalise services for service users them, to identify their needs earlier developments. Plans for 2009 include and their carers in the next
which will provide a central point of to support this development and and carers. We will do this through so that the services they need are a new short breaks service and the five years. The strategy sets out
contact and expertise. To minimise will provide specific and intensive our direct payment champions and available to help them and increase introduction of a ‘shop and save’ 17 recommendations that the
financial exploitation of service users, training to the team to enable them by increasing the range of services the availability of short breaks to help discount card for carers who have Government wants the NHS East
we will increase instances where to work in a person centred way that can be delivered through direct families cope. had a carer’s assessment. From April Riding of Yorkshire, local authorities
we look after the affairs of those to ensure people are at the heart payment, for example by providing a 2009 a new range of information and others to take to improve
residents who are unable to do so of the service. This pilot area will be cash payment instead of a standard leaflets will be available. This will raise dementia care services. The
either through mental incapacity or monitored and results evaluated to piece of equipment, individuals will public, professional and voluntary recommendations are focused on
severe physical disability and this will inform further development and roll- be able to exercise choice as to what and community sector awareness of three key themes of:
be supported by an extensive staff out of individual budgets. they wish to purchase, provided this carers’ services.
• Raising awareness and
training programme. Issues identified meets their needs.
around dignity in care standards will
be addressed with assistance from • Early diagnosis and support
in-house staff, who will support
• Living well with dementia
providers to improve practice and
procedures. Work is taking place locally between
the Council, NHS East Riding of
Yorkshire and other stakeholders to
determine what needs to be done to
deliver the implementation plan.

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Being a Well Managed Authority

We must also continue to improve our organisation to help

deliver our new corporate priorities. We have identified key
actions to enable us to improve the way we use our resources
to deliver excellent services.
During 2009/10 we will use Striding Ahead to focus
on the following improvements to our organisation.
Being a Well Managed Develop an area approach to performance management

to prepare for the Comprehensive Area Assessment
In April 2009 the Audit Commission introduced a new national framework
We have a change strategy to drive the improvement for assessing the public sector’s performance. The CAA considers how well
of our organisation which we call Striding Ahead; this partners in an area are working together to deliver better outcomes for
reflects our aspirations to be excellent and helps us local residents. This will be known as the ‘Area Assessment’ and the result
ensure we are managing the resources of the Council will be published nationally every year. The second part to the framework
well. is an ‘Organisational Assessment’. This considers each public body, i.e. Police,
Fire Service, PCT and the Council separately and examines how well we are
Striding Ahead has 5 themes: delivering services and providing value for money to local taxpayers.
• Engaging with residents and communities
To meet the challenges of this new framework, the Council closely monitors
• Reshaping service delivery progress against a number of key national performance measures. We will be
• Developing our organisation working closely with our key partners (the Local Strategic Partnership) to
ensure that we are using resources most effectively and delivering services to
• Working together
our customers in a way that meets their needs.
• Investing in the future
Quarterly monitoring of performance is considered by the Council’s Cabinet
and challenged by the Overview and Scrutiny function. This is described in
more detail in the section ‘monitoring our progress’.

Identify and deliver efficiency savings from process and

service reviews
Through a programme of service reviews we will look for opportunities to
increase efficiency and save money and to re-invest those savings into front-
line service delivery. For example, we will look to improve the efficiency of
several internal procedures including the use of ‘drop-in’ centres which enable
work to be carried out by staff away from their base location, and a review of
agency contracts.

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Being a Well Managed Authority Being a Well Managed Authority

Bid for Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership Along with our health partners we will aim to conduct joint workforce
Funding to support partnership capacity to deliver the planning approaches. Through proactive marketing and our Local Employment
LAA and other priorities partnership with Jobcentre Plus we aim to attract a diverse workforce and
The Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership (RIEP) has published its provide a range of routes into employment. We are committed to ensuring
funding framework setting out how bids for funding are to be produced and that high quality learning and development opportunities are maintained.
what the priority areas for investment are. Service areas within the Council
and partner organisations have been encouraged to draw up funding bids for Improve performance and planning of minor applications
submission to the RIEP. A number of bids have been submitted and others for planning
will follow. We have worked closely with other councils and partners in the
To achieve better performance a range of initiatives need to be implemented
Humber sub-region, to ensure a co-ordinated approach and to maximise
including more cost effective customer consultation and the development of
collaboration and learning across the sub-region.
further pre-application discussions. We will look at restructuring to achieve
better service delivery and improve the management of workloads and take
Minimise avoidable contact maximum advantage of e-planning initiatives through increasing the level of
Customer contact is a very important aspect of our service delivery, but application consultations via e-mail, increase the share of planning applications
on occasions customers may need to clarify issues or chase progress on submitted through the Planning Portal and continuing to develop the Planning
requests that they have made. Where customers do have to contact the section website.
Council unnecessarily, through no fault of their own, this is called avoidable
contact, and we are committed to minimising it. Since October 2008 we have Promote the development of integrated sites for service
been recording avoidable contact, so that services with higher ‘rates’ can be delivery
identified and improvements implemented to minimise the avoidable contact
We will work in partnership with regional and local partners including NHS
in the future. The initial focus for detailed recording and improvement activity is
East Riding of Yorkshire, Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue
in Planning Services and Streetscene.
Service, community groups and members of the public to adopt a more co-
ordinated, efficient and customer focused approach towards the provision of
Reduce the number of working days lost to sickness services and asset management through the co-location of service facilities and
absence integrated service provision.
We will continue to take a proactive role in monitoring and overseeing
the management of continuous absence through a series of managed case
conferences. More robust control mechanisms will be introduced to improve
the monitoring and management of cumulative absences to ensure that line
managers are taking timely and appropriate action to manage absence in their
service areas. In addition to ongoing support and a programme of training
for managers, a general review of the Attendance at Work Policy will be

Develop and implement approaches to address

recruitment and retention issues
We will continue to develop and implement approaches to addressing
recruitment and retention issues through partnership working with a range of
partners and in particular the voluntary sector.

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How We Fund Our Priorities
The following section of our business plan summarises our budget for the next
three years. Each year difficult decisions have to be made to balance priorities
against the level of Council Tax. This is particularly difficult given our continuing
low funding from Government, which is some £100 per head less than the
average. We balance this difficult equation by identifying efficiencies and ensuring
that we allocate resources in line with our priorities.

How we • An additional £0.1m will be spent over the next three years to support
traffic management, with the aim of reducing the potential for traffic

fund our priorities

congestion and disruption from works to the highway network.

• Significant resources are included in the contingency budget to ensure

that existing levels of highway maintenance are sustained.

Further information on how we will use our resources to deliver our Local problem solving
priorities can be found in the Medium Term Financial Strategy at: - local solutions to local problems • In 2009/10, after additional funding of £0.2m over a two-year period,

the Local Action Teams will be fully resourced and operational and it is
Allocation of Resources to Priorities planned that a series of local community engagement activities will be
It is important to focus our effort and resources on the things that matter arranged.
most in the area. Resources are limited and we have to prioritise. The Council • A Community Development Fund is set up to aid capacity building with
has allocated its resources towards these priorities and the main highlights the voluntary sector.
are summarised below -

Safer communities Reducing inequalities

- a safe place to work, rest and play - better life chances and choices for all

• An additional £0.1m has been allocated to the Youth Offending Team • The new Driffield Community Leisure Centre will be funded and
to provide additional capacity to improve preventative work, quality provided with additional lifeguard cover for the new learner pool, with
assessment, victim work, reparation and mediation and to enhance additional resources of £0.2m required over the next three years.
strategic policy work.
• Extended schools services are being expanded and it is planned that 20
• A budget of £0.1m is available to contribute to local community warden children’s centres will have become operational by the end of 2009/10.
schemes and address other community safety issues and concerns as they
• We have a range of budgets in support of healthy lifestyles including
sports development, leisure and a number of services within the area of
• We play an active role in a Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership public protection.
and the partners co-ordinate their respective resources into priority areas.
• Grant funding for an education welfare officer post covering teenage
pregnancy is due to expire and this will be replaced by additional Council
Valuing our environment budget to allow this work to continue.
- a green and sustainable future

• A substantial increase of £4.5m is provided to continue with the Revitalising our communities
implementation of the waste management strategy that includes the
- regeneration for a bright future
further roll out of green waste collection throughout the area.
• An additional £0.5m will be provided to the Youth Service over the next
two years to improve the leisure time opportunities for young people in
their communities.
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How We Fund Our Priorities

We set our budget based on our priorities. The charts below

show our day to day (revenue) expenditure on our services
and our planned spend on major works and projects in our
capital investment programme in 2009/10.

• The revenue costs of major regeneration schemes, that attract significant

levels of external funding, are included within our revenue budget. The
cost of the works is within our capital investment programme.
Our Expenditure
• Refurbishment works of around £3m have been undertaken at a number
of leisure facilities that have now been re-opened and are providing
Revenue Budget Capital Budget
improved services, whilst generating income to help support other
services that we provide.
Reducing Reducing
Inequalities Safer Inequalities
Retaining the East Riding character £191m Communities £37m
- building on what makes our area a great place to live £4m
Local Problem
Solving £3m Local Problem
• Additional funding of £0.5m provided for the home to school transport
Solving £6m
budget, concessionary travel arrangements and the continuation of funding
Valuing Our
towards rural bus services.
Environment Valuing Our
£68m Environment
• As part of planning and development responsibilities site evaluations are
to be resourced to establish whether a site can be developed without
causing problems with flooding. Almost £0.2m is planned to be spent over Retaining the East Retaining the East
Riding Character Riding Character
the next three years. £36m
Revitalising Our Revitalising Our £3m
Communities Supporting Communities Supporting
Vulnerable People
Supporting vulnerable people £13m
£22m Vulnerable People
- protecting from harm, promoting independence

• Additional spend of £10.9m, of which £5.9m relates to inflationary

pressures, is planned for Adult Services over the next three years to
provide for the transformation of social care and the ever increasing

Capital Investment
demands of an ageing population.
• Savings in excess of £0.1m are to be reinvested into family support
services to reduce the need for children to become looked after.
• A budget of £0.1m is to be provided to top up disabled facilities grant
funding to allow children with very complex needs to have minor works We have a long term strategy for Capital Investment and Asset Management
and adaptations completed in their own homes as an alternative to more to reflect the long term impact of investment decisions. The strategy has
expensive residential care. identified our future investment needs and proposes a way forward to
improve access to services whilst achieving a sustainable and prudent balance
in the long term within our available budget. This strategy is fully reviewed
every five years against the framework of the Sustainable Community Plan,
the Local Development Framework, Sustainability, Risk and Value for Money
including revenue consequences.

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Our Expenditure Our Expenditure

The overall Capital Programme is of the order of £790m with over 1,000
schemes under way and includes some £116m identified for the new
incoming programme year. This significant level of investment, showing a
Council Tax
major increase on the £3m Capital Programme in 1996, is set by appraising Around a fifth of our income is collected through the Council tax. In 2008/09
bids against potential funding and the framework criteria including the an average band D Council tax bill, before parish/town council precepts or
priorities of the Sustainable Community Plan. The programme is planned on special expenses, amounted to £1,379.55. This increased to £1,433.36 for
a three year basis allowing a corporate approach for matching and combining 2009/10. The charts below show the different components of the Council tax
proposals against known priorities to achieve the best value for money bill for a band D household.
both in achievement of objectives and in use of resources through forward
planning of design and procurement.

The future programme now proposed includes significant levels of funding 2008/09
for each area of the Sustainable Community Plan and the more detailed
Local Area Agreement priorities to reflect community priorities. The future East Riding of
programme is being examined alongside discussions with local partners to Yorkshire Council
improve service access provision for the community where possible, with Humberside £156.31
improved value for money and efficiency gains through co-location and Police Authority
integrated service provision. Humberside Fire £73.78

Accelerated Capital 2009/10

Spending East Riding of

Yorkshire Council £1,194.29

We have agreed that £100m worth of council capital expenditure is brought Police Authority
forward over the next three years to provide jobs in the current economic Humberside Fire
climate. Previously the Capital Programme was between £80m to £90m Authority £76.66
a year for the next three years, the acceleration of spend, means an extra
£30m of investment for the next three years. Schemes accelerated include
major projects such as a £16m redevelopment of the Leisure World site
in Bridlington, which will create a multi-purpose centre providing a range
of community services beyond the current offering. Road-users will benefit Since the council was set up in 1996 it has gone from having the 44th highest
from £12m of works to upgrade six roundabouts and one mile of road on council tax to 252nd out of 354 councils.
the A164 between the Humber Bridge and Beverley in a plan which will
also create around four miles of footway and cycle-paths. There are also
proposals to create between 200 and 350 new council homes and significant
further investment to refurbish existing housing stock to meet decent homes
standards. Packaging the work to be deliverable by local contractors will
provide in excess of 500 jobs in the next three years in the construction

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Monitoring Our Progress

It is important that we keep people informed about how we

are doing. We will report on progress against our corporate
priorities in our Annual Performance and Financial Report,
which we will publish annually.

Our Progress
In addition to our Annual Performance and Financial Report we will also keep The Local Strategic Partnership will monitor the progress of the Local Area
people up to date with our progress in East Riding News through stories Agreement and will share that information with the Government Office for
about the real difference we are making to people in our communities. Yorkshire and the Humber.

We monitor our performance closely to ensure that councillors and officers We have developed an improvement plan to address issues raised through
are able to make informed decisions on improving service delivery. the Comprehensive Performance Assessment which was undertaken in
2008. Progress made against this improvement plan will be monitored and
The Corporate and Senior Management Team receive quarterly monitoring
reported on quarterly.
reports on progress being made against our priorities. Directorate
Management Teams hold quarterly performance review meetings to monitor Through the new Comprehensive Area Assessment, the Audit Commission
progress on critical performance indicators and undertake service plan will work with the Government in 2009 to assess how well we are
updates. performing both as an individual organisation and in partnership with local
services to improve the quality of life for local people. More information on
In addition to regular monitoring by senior officers, every three months
this assessment can be found at:
the Council’s Cabinet reviews performance against our key priorities by
considering performance against key indicators which measure how well we
are doing.
A diagram outlining in more detail the steps we take in monitoring our
Councillors who are portfolio holders have a specific responsibility for performance can be seen overleaf.
monitoring performance in the areas they lead on behalf of the Cabinet.

Our Overview and Scrutiny Committees will monitor progress and may
decide to undertake a closer review of areas that are not performing well.

Councillors act as ‘Critical Friends’ supporting and championing services

with a ‘critical’ eye on performance issues, which need to be challenged and
explored when progress is not being made.

Quarterly performance health check meetings are held between a cross-

section of relevant service managers, performance officers, relevant Portfolio
Holders and partners to discuss current performance of either a particular
indicator or a theme of indicators which have been highlighted as persistently
under performing.

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Performance Reporting Framework

Performance Key: LSP

Community Plan & LAA LSP/Members

Framework Council Business Plan


National Indicators, LAA and

EDRs - Personal Objectives Service & Performance Planning Local targets

Capital and Revenue Budget


Service Performance
Quarterly Reviews

Business Plan and

Revenue Monitoring
LAA Review Quarterly Critical PI Report

Portfolio Holder Critical Friends Performance Health

LAA Refresh Briefings Meetings Checks

LAA performance report

to LSP Board Quarterly Performance O&S Annual Work Overview and Scrutiny
Exception Report to the Plan Reviewed Committee Meetings
Overview Management and Agreed

Government Officer for

Yorkshire and the Humber Report to Cabinet
Review Community Plan Review
(including LAA Delivery Plan)

58 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 59
Appendix One
Appendices Summary of our corporate priorities

Corporate Priorities

Further information which can help you understand Safer Valuing our Local Problem Reducing Revitalising Retaining the Supporting
Communities Environment Solving Inequalities our East Riding Vulnerable
how we manage our business can be found in the Communities Character People

Anti Social Waste and Local Children and Residents have Residents enjoy Vulnerable
appendices in the next section of this plan Behaviour in the waste residuals people and young people good access a range of children and
East Riding is are minimised organisations lead active lives to service and activities in their young people
minimised are shaping local and enjoy their employment leisure time are identified
decisions free time and supported
in their

Residents feel The There is a Children and The economy Communities Children and
safe in the East environment of strong thriving young people is sustainable are cohesive young people
Riding the East Riding third sector have access with growth in and individual are safe from
is valued and supporting to a range of new investment differences are harm
improved residents in the activities and especially in respected
East Riding support to help areas where

LAA Priorities Outcomes

them prepare regeneration is
for adult life required

The number of The impact Local people Children and The local There is a range Older and
people killed of climate work with young people workforce of affordable vulnerable
and seriously change in the agencies to are healthy and has the skills accommodation people are
injured on East Riding is improve the happy required by local options supported
the road is managed well quality of life in employers available to local to live
minimised the area residents independently

Drug and Health and Resources are

alcohol abuse is social care and targeted at the
minimised other well being most vulnerable
services work
closely together
to improve
quality and

Serious violent Residents Housing

crime including choose healthy standards are
domestic life styles improved
violence is for the most
minimised vulnerable

Re-offending is

60 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 61
Appendix Two

Appendix Two
How we manage risk • Significant service failure (for example, child abuse, or failure to meet the
needs of residents) leading to increased and sustained external inspection
All complex organisations must ensure they manage risk to ensure they can or legal action
deliver their priorities effectively. Risks cannot always be removed but, through
our risk management processes, we aim to keep risk to a reasonable level. Risk • Failure to develop and implement good strategies to address our priorities
management is built into all of our corporate planning and decision making
• Significant failure or loss of ICT systems including telecoms, data, systems
processes and forms part of our project management and partnership working.
software and hardware
The risks associated with the delivery of this plan form our Strategic Risk
• Failure to attract external investment in the East Riding
Register. The risks in the Register are monitored by senior managers and the
Cabinet every three months to ensure controls continue to be effective, to • Failure to plan for and respond to major incidents or emergencies (for
consider new emerging risks and any changes to the level of risk, for example example, extreme weather, terrorism, pandemic flu)
the Register was recently updated to include the risks associated with poor
• Lack of capacity within our workforce
data quality.
• Failure to recruit and retain skilled workforce to meet service needs
Strategic risk • Increasing inadequacy and uncertainty of Government funding to enable
Strategic risks are those that could prevent us achieving our medium to long- us to deliver services and meet increased demands
term plans. These risks include some issues which apply to particular services • Failure to plan changed service strategy, policy or delivery to take account
and a number of risks that cut across all our services. Key strategic risks we of available funding
have identified include:
• Failure to manage the Council’s assets (for example, buildings, bridges,
• Failure of partnership arrangements or contractors/suppliers to deliver highways and open spaces) caused by - lack of funding, service failures,
agreed results or services poor maintenance, poor risk assessments and controls
• Changes to partners’ priorities or resources impacting on our service • Unprofessional conduct by employees leading to significant service failure,
delivery and priorities loss or legal action

• Failure to understand or meet the needs of the community

• Failure to deliver commitments or meet the rising expectations of the


• Poor data quality and timeliness of data impacting on the quality of


• Inadequate resources of change programmes and projects resulting

in failure to deliver, wasted resources or reductions in existing service
provision to implement new initiatives

• Demographic changes resulting in increasing demands for services or a

lack of community cohesion

62 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 63
Appendix Two

Appendix Three
How decisions are made
• Lack of capacity within the market and/or funding to implement the We have 67 councillors in the East Riding representing 26 Wards. Following
personalisation of social care the local elections in May 2007 the Conservative Group hold the majority
• Failure to take into account environmental and heritage issues across all of these seats. There are 46 Conservative members, 12 Liberal Democrat
areas of the Council members, 4 Independent members, 3 Labour members, 1 Conservative
member (unaffiliated) and 1 Social Democratic Party member. Our
councillors are committed to listening to the views of residents, partners
Operational risks
and businesses and responding to those views in shaping the delivery of our
Operational risks are the day-to-day risks associated with running a service. services. Councillors are democratically accountable to residents of their
They form part of our service planning process and are monitored and ward. The overriding duty of councillors is to the whole community, but they
reviewed alongside service performance. Major changes to operational risk have a special duty to their electors, including those who did not vote for
are reported through the Senior Management Team so that any potential them.
impact on the strategic risk profile can be assessed.
The Cabinet
Partnership risk
The Cabinet is the part of the Council which is responsible for most of the
We continue to work with our partners to ensure risk management decisions except for specific regularity decisions, for example about planning
arrangements within our key partnerships are effective. All the targets in the and licensing, and is made up of a Leader elected by the Council and nine
LSP’s Local Area Agreement have had a risk assessment which is monitored Cabinet Members.
regularly to account for changes impacting on their delivery, for example the
Decisions which the Cabinet has to make are in line with the Council’s
economic situation.
overall policies and budget. If it wishes to make a decision which is outside
the budget or policy framework, this must be referred to the full Council
consisting of all our councillors, to decide.

The Cabinet also advises the Council on all corporate polices, plans and

64 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 65
Appendix Three Appendix Three

The Cabinet has ten Members with specific duties, Overview and Scrutiny
known as ‘portfolios’.
One of the ways that our councillors make a difference is through the work
The portfolio holders are: they undertake on overview and scrutiny committees. Overview and scrutiny
in the East Riding is a councillor led function that is there to hold the Cabinet
Key Strategic Issues Environment, Waste,
Cllr Stephen Parnaby OBE Recycling, Strategic to account, undertake policy development, monitor our performance,
(Leader of the Council) Highways and challenge service improvements, review the work of partners and undertake
Cllr Symon Fraser in-depth reviews.

We have one co-ordinating committee (Overview Management Committee),

7 individual committees and a number of time-limited review panels that all
Policy, Performance Adult and Carer feed into our democratic process.
and Strategic Services
Partnerships Cllr Richard Harrap Since May 2008, the committees have looked at a wide range of issues
Cllr Jonathan Owen
(Deputy Leader of the including:
• alcohol misuse for adults (review panel)

Corporate Support
• postnatal depression
Services People and Schools
Cllr Margaret Chadwick Cllr Penny Peacock • car parking in the East Riding (review panel)

• domestic violence

• fuel poverty

Cultural Services, Community • healthy eating for children and young people
Housing and Public Engagement/
Protection Local Economic • the Environment Agency’s flood defence plan
Cllr Jane Evison Development
Cllr Andy Burton • the Local Strategic Partnership

• child and youth obesity

Health, Diversity and Highway • tourism

Voluntary Groups Maintenance,
Cllr Ros Jump Streetscene and • social care transformation plan
Emergency Planning
Cllr Matthew Grove

The Cabinet, which meets approximately every month, has decided that all its decision making
meetings will be open to the public, except where exempt or confidential matters are discussed.
You can read more about the Cabinet, including the dates and locations of meetings at:

66 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 67
Appendix Three

Appendix Four
Our principal strategies
Following the recent Comprehensive Performance Assessment inspection, On page 11 we explained that our priorities are supported and delivered
areas for development were identified for scrutiny. Work is being undertaken through a group of key strategies which outline where we are now, where
to increase the use of performance and value for money information by we want to be and how we are going to get there. The list below provides
our Overview Management Committee to identify key items for scrutiny. information on key Council strategies which underpin the delivery of our
In addition, recommendations made by our committees and review panels Business Plan and the key partnership strategies which are jointly developed
are monitored and reported back to ensure that the overview and scrutiny and monitored with our partners.
function is making a difference to our residents, businesses and visitors.

You can read more about the overview and scrutiny function on our website Key council strategies Where you can find it Capital Investment and Asset Management Contact Asset Strategy admin support team tel: (01482) 393908, email: property.
Customer Contact Strategy
On our web-pages you can access our agendas, minutes, annual report and
ICT Strategy
find information on how members of the public and local organisations
can be involved with overview and scrutiny. Alternatively, you can email our Medium Term Financial Strategy

Scrutiny team at Procurement and Commissioning Strategy

Issues that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be looking at over the Value For Money Strategy
coming year are being finalised and will be approved by the Council’s Cabinet Workforce Strategy
in May 2009.
Key partnership strategies Where you can find it

East Riding Sustainable Community Plan


Children and Young People’s Plan

East Riding Local Development Framework

Health Strategy

Economic Development Strategy 2007-2011


Joint Sustainable Waste Management Strategy

Local Transport Plan 2

Older People’s Strategy*

Partnership Plan for Reducing Crime and

Disorder 2008-2011

Rural Strategy


*currently under revision, due for publication at September 2009

68 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 69
Appendix Five

Appendix Five
Senior Management
Our day to day management is
Corporate Man agement and Senior Management Teams
led by a team of senior managers Chief executive
who work very closely together NIGEL PEARSON

to manage resources, develop

services and drive performance in Director of public health
accordance with the decisions and DR TIM ALLISON
policies made by councillors.

As this chart is subject to change,

an up to date version can be Director of planning
Director of corporate
Director of policy, Director of children, Director of environment
Director of energy from
and economic partnerships and family and neighbourhood
found at resources waste
regeneration improvement and adult services services


Head of performance Assistant director

Head of planning and Head of streetscene
Head of legal and and strategic (children and young
development services
democratic services partnerships people services)
PETER ASHCROFT Deputy to the director Deputy to the director
Deputy to the director

Head of economic Head of resource Head of improvement Head of housing and

development Head of finance strategy and learning public protection

Head of community Interim head of Head of asset strategy Head of child care Acting head of culture
and sustainable support and KRISTAN services and information
development procurement services LIVINGSTON JULIE JENKINS RICHARD PRIMMER

Project director Head of inclusion Acting head of

Building Schools for services infrastructure and Corporate Management Team
the Future DENISE SHAW facilities

Head of human Head of adult

resources services Senior Management
DAVID SMITH Team (heads of service)

Head of business
management Joint appointment with East Riding of
LAURAINE WALKER Yorkshire Primary Care Trust

70 | East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 East Riding of Yorkshire Council Business Plan Update 2008 - 2011 | 71
Further information
If you would like more information on this Council Business Plan
please contact:
Ann Woodward, Head of Performance and Strategic Partnerships,
County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA
Telephone: (01482) 391420 Email:

This plan is available in electronic format on the Council’s website:

East Riding of Yorkshire Council will, on request, provide this document in

Braille, audio or large print format.
If English is not your first language and you would like a translation of this
document into any other language, please telephone (01482) 393939.

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