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How to use small-sided games as a pre-season

conditioning tool?
updates training
If you want to utilize SSG as a conditioning tool, the following might help you to ensure progression and
consistency in your approach.
First of all if you have not read my separate section on ALL about SSG it would be recommended to do
so CLICK HERE to get to the page.
If you have done it, you will recognize some of the rules and restriction that can be applied to alter the
physical/physiological demands of the game.
Therefore you will also be aware that depending on the game different players might receive a
lower/greater stimulus and it might be hard to a) prescribe the optimal load to each and individual
players and b) to actually receive the desired load (disregarding internal vs. external load if these two
definitions dont tell you anything you might want to read HERE).
I am assuming that the majority of teams have no access to heart rate and/or GPS units to monitor
players and measure the load. As a result, this is going to be a very practical example on how to prescribe
(external) training (load) via SSG disregarding its limitation.

Having the end in mind

I believe as a coach you have an idea of how much the players can train in a neutral (48-72 hours of
game) training session in a usual mid-season week. What I mean here is that I am sure every coach has
played some form of 4 vs. 4, 6 vs. 6 and so on for a certain amount of time on a certain pitch-size
including several rules.
From these games you should know (at least you have an idea) where to go in terms of your target load
(for example 6 x 5 minutes for a 6 vs. 6) that can be handled by the players without getting injuries or too
much fatigue the following days. Furthermore I am also (relatively) confident that coaches have similar
experience with a 2 vs. 2 (for example 4 x 2 minutes).
This is important as I tend to categorize relatively low amount of players per team (<4) as anaerobic type
session and relatively great(er) amount of players per team (4) as a more aerobic type session. In the
beginning of your pre-season it seems easier and safer to prescribe a greater amount of bigger SSG
compared to smaller SSG. That does not mean that you cannot use a 2 vs. 2 in pre-season, however, in
my opinion utilizing big SS in the initial stage makes more sense.

How to plan
I always like to see the players perform more and/or faster. Therefore it seems easier to progress
duration per game and number of games for one session compared to manipulating rules and regulations
(restriction of touches, off-side, manmarking etc) to alter the intensity and the total load. Consequently,
whatever rules you take, whatever pitch size you take keep it for (4-5 sessions or ~2 weeks) to be
consistent and be able to see progress.
From a players perspective it might be more boring to have the same game again, again, and again.
However, it seems also plausible to build up their confidence in their physical ability throughout the
progression of the pre-season. Sooner or later the players will realize they have come a certain way (from
3 x 4 minutes to 5 x 6 minutes for example) and know they can perform the tasks. This comparison is
harder to achieve if the coach alters rules and regulations every session/to soon. Nevertheless I switch up
games after two sets slightly anyway.
From strength and conditioning principles it seems more common to increase duration (of a single set)
first, then the number of sets and decrease the duration of the rest-periods within a progression as the
last parameter. Furthermore, an increase of these two first parameters over 2-3 weeks seemed plausible
concluding with a one week unloading micro-cycle at the end. Depending on the length of the preseason the procedure will then be repeated.
Consequently, coaches can use these limited amounts of information to set their plan and span-out a
possible pre-season scenario/progression. Depending on pre-season length, base-line fitness levels of
players, aerobic based SSG can be performed 2-3 times per week. In the later stages of a pre-season (for
example week 4 and 5) the number of anaerobic type SSG can/should outweigh the aerobic types.

Where to start and how to progress

In combination with the two factor mentioned in previous paragraph (pre-season length and baseline
levels) coach could start with a 2 x 4 minutes bouts (in relatively unfit teams and enough time in preseason) increasing the total amount of SSG by 1-1.5 minutes (and therefore 0.5 minutes per set or ~
10%) per session. In this scenario (which might be unrealistic for some teams) the chronic load (load over
multiple sessions, and weeks) is consistently increased which may reduce injury risks.
However, if you have a look at the table below you might see that in order to derive from 2 x 4 minutes up
to 5 x 6 minutes (from example above) you need up to 15 session and therefore a total of ~ 6 weeks,
which might not be feasible for some teams.

Week #

Session #


2 x 4 minutes

2 x 4.5 minutes

2 x 5 minutes

2 x 5.5 minutes

3 x 4 minutes

3 x 4.5 minutes

3 x 5 minutes

4 x 4 minutes

4 x 4.5 minutes


4 x 5 minutes


4 x 5.5 minutes


4 x 6 minutes


5 x 5 minutes


5 x 5.5. minutes


5 x 6 minutes

Therefore if you have fit(ter) players in combination with a shorter total length of pre-season (i.e. 4-6
weeks) you might want to start with an higher initial load (i.e. 3 x 4 minutes). With many players I have
experienced I was very confident they can handle even greater loads right from the beginning (3 x 5
minutes), however, in addition to the load from other parts of the training as well as the strength sessions
the fatigue will accumulate and basically catch-up on the athlete after the initial two weeks. Not only the
physical but also the mental fatigue. Therefore I always appreciate a long pre-season (~ 8 weeks) for
other reasons as well. For example, the longer the players are away, the harder it is to keep the focus on
keeping a good health and fitness. I dont want to stereotype, but I am very happy if my Brazilian comes to
pre-season on-time with only 5 kg more.

The next parameter to manipulate

I have tried to come-up with a rank-order of parameter that can be manipulated to increase the demands
slightly, but not too drastically. Consequently, and in order to make the individual session more interesting,
mentally demanding and more diverse you can use the modification below.
Pitch size
Well the pitch size I usually use is relatively small in the beginning (the actual area depends on player
numbers) to increase the technical demands and the number of touches per player per game and limit the
physical/physiological demands. Furthermore, I find this the easiest variable to manipulate (in terms of

progression for the next session) if I find the last set of a SSG was not demanding enough. If this is the
case a 5-meter distance each side will increase sufficiently. However, this is also the hardest to change
between sets within a training session, in case the coach discovers/believes that the intensity is not high
Scoring rules
Changing the scoring rules is a very simple, but highly efficient method. For example to increase the
demands the team in possession can only score if all players are in the opposition half.
Shifting game area/playing fields
Also highly efficient in terms of increasing demands on players. For example, in a game with no actual
goals, a team receive a point/goal after 10 connected passes and shifting the play into a new space.
Number of touches
This can be a tricky one. Generally lower amount of touches increases the speed of play and therefore the
game demands. However, if players are not up to the game demands regarding technical ability, focus,
peripheral vision and in combination with a small pitch size there might not be a great deal of game.
Giving a one-two touch restriction will enable a better flow of the game. Taking the ball of the opposition
can be performed in 3 touches. If there is still no game, then I increase the pitch-size. In the beginning of
each training session and sets, I use unlimited touches, hoping that the game ends up in a max. 2 touch
game anyway (and therefore 1 touch or one-two touch play is seen as a progression). However, unlimited
touches will also suit some players that need to be with the ball more like a winger that is used to dribble
to pressure the defense. The central defender will more or less take 1-2 touches and he will not dribble
anyway (most likely).
Uneven player numbers
I like to incorporate that when (particularly) a player comes back from injury and he is lacking speed,
endurance..everything. Advantages are he is always in the possession team, and the other players
usually know he should not be tackled. This also creates an over/underload and increase/decrease the
demands. In aerobic type SSG I dont have more then 2 players. My experience here is that if a team
has possession there might be some players are pacing and are not really pushing anymore, due to the
fact they are 2 anyway (so its actually +2-1, which actually results in a +1). In anaerobic type SSG an
overload of up to 3 for a certain amount of time is alright in my opinion and suits the goal. Having players
on the outside that can be used as bumper players are good for the team in possession (and can be used
as an active recovery for players outside), however, as the team out of possession will change their
approach and most likely pay more attention to tactical ability and how to regain possession.

There are many variables and different set-ups that can be used to successfully conditioning players.
Coaches experience will come to shine to set-up interesting and entertaining games for the players that
progress logically towards the game demands in a variety of ways.

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