Presentation Mélisson and Tania

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Good afternoon everybody,

My name is Mlisson and Im a student in Sales in La Possession Vocational

Thank you for coming. We are happy to welcome you in La Possession and we
are going to present you our Comenius project Green Skills for a Global
Changes with 6 partners counties : Portugal, Netherlands, Slovenia,
Denmark, Spain and Turkey.
It started last year in September 2013 and will finish in july 2015 (2 years so)
and its about Sustanability.
In Reunion, the team involved into the project are : Mr Rudant, the
Principal/the Headmaster, Mr Fontaine Accountant, Mrs Galmar, our
coordinator and English teacher, Mr Lallemand Mathematics teacher, Mr Doury
French/history teacher, Mrs Gorlot sales teacher, Mr Magne Arts teacher and
Mrs Alaguiry Spanish teacher. And the students of Vocational Secondary school
in Sales, Logistics and Transport.
First we will present our school and our country.
Then we will present you what we have done so far in each country (works,
pedagogical visits, meetings, actions).
Thank you for your attention !

Hello/ Good afternoon, Im Tania. I study Logistics in La Possession Vocational School (Bac
Pro Logistics).
Lets see the different of our Comenius project Green Skills for a Global change in Reunion.
1rst : we wrote a project on e-Twinning on September 2012 (European platform where you
can find school partners to buid a project)
Then we were contacted via e-trinning by the Portuguese partner for a project about
sustainability involving several countries.
On November 2012, in Spain we wrote the Application form a Multicultural Comenius
Project with (Lettonia, Slovenia, Portugual, Netherlands and France (Reunion and Spain) ),
Then7 partners were accepted by the European Board : Denmark, Reunion for France,
Portugal, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. And we started the project on September
Each country did many activities, works about the theme of sustainable development
In Reunion, to summarize :
- On the 27th of September, we visited an organic farm "le bois de lait" in St-Leu,
- On the same day we visited a solidarity garden "les Portes du pays MAfate" an insertion site
with "Grn Koulr" association.
- On The 8th of October, we visited a waste center and a recycling center in Le Port ( TCO).
-On the 4th of March, we visited the wind farm in Ste Suzanne.
- In May we had a video conference with Turkey about wind energy.
- The first meeting took place in Portugal in January and the second meeting was in Slovenia
in May. 1 teacher and 2 students went to meet the other European teachers and students. The
purpose is to show and share our works, to visit pedagogical, thematic and cultural sites and
to know each other better.
- We also made a survey in the lyce about sorting and recycling and we made bins with
boxes to try to do better sorting and recycling in the lyce.
- And finally, in May we wrote poetry to make a song and a clip about the problem of waste
in Reunion.
With all these activities we have created a blog COMENIUS 974 with our works, a film, a
song and a clip is coming soon.
Now lets see the slideshow with pictures of our activities in Reunion. Thank you for your

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