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Getting Started


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Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................... 6
About this Guide ..................................................................................................................... 6
Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 6
What is Visual WebGui? ........................................................................................................... 7
VWG Integration with Visual Studio ......................................................................................... 10
Integration Tabs .............................................................................................................. 10
Project Templates ............................................................................................................ 12
Item Templates ............................................................................................................... 14
Designer Support ............................................................................................................ 15
Help Resources ..................................................................................................................... 16
The Developers Companion Kit .......................................................................................... 16
The Knowledge Base ........................................................................................................ 20
The Developer Forum ....................................................................................................... 21
Documentation ................................................................................................................ 22
Support .......................................................................................................................... 22

Chapter 2: Starting to Work with VWG ........................................................................... 23

Working with VWG Application Projects .................................................................................... 23
Creating a New VWG Application Project ............................................................................. 23
Enabling Un-integrated Projects ........................................................................................ 27
Exploring the VWG Project Structure .................................................................................. 29
Working with VWG Forms ....................................................................................................... 32
Adding a New Form to VWG Project ................................................................................... 32
Defining a Form as the Entry Point of the Application ........................................................... 34
Working with VWG Controls .................................................................................................... 36
Displaying VWG Control Set .............................................................................................. 36
Adding VWG Control to a Form .......................................................................................... 38
Setting Control Properties ................................................................................................. 40
Creating VWG User Control and Adding It to a Form ............................................................ 42
Working with VWG Libraries ................................................................................................... 46
Creating a New VWG Library ............................................................................................. 47
Using VWG Libraries in Solutions ....................................................................................... 50
Adding VWG Library to a Solution ................................................................................ 50
Referencing VWG Library to a Solution.......................................................................... 52
Extending VWG Project .......................................................................................................... 57
Adding References ........................................................................................................... 57
Registering New Controls .................................................................................................. 59
Registering Namespaces and Controls Using the Property Pages ...................................... 60

VWG Getting Started Guide

Table of Contents

Registering Namespaces and Controls Using the Web.config File ...................................... 64

Manually Adding Controls to the Toolbox ............................................................................ 66
Compiling and Running VWG Application .................................................................................. 68

Chapter 3: Creating a Simple VWG Application ............................................................ 70

VWG Application Creation Workflow ......................................................................................... 70
Creating VWG Application ....................................................................................................... 71
Creating Your First VWG Application ........................................................................................ 78

Chapter 4: Working with Images and Other Resources................................................ 87

Understanding Images and Resources Use in VWG .................................................................... 87
Static Images Use Workflow ................................................................................................... 88
Defining the Default Location of Images and Other Resources ..................................................... 89
Using the Default Location of Static Images ........................................................................ 89
Changing the Default Location of Images ............................................................................ 91
Adding a Custom Folder for Resources ............................................................................... 96
Adding Static Images to VWG Controls .................................................................................... 98
Adding Images from the Default Storage Folder .................................................................. 98
Adding Images from an External Location .......................................................................... 101

Chapter 5: Working with Databases ............................................................................. 104

Using Data Binding to Connect Databases to VWG Controls ....................................................... 104
Bind Data to a Control .......................................................................................................... 105
Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls ............................................................ 118
Connecting a ComboBox and TextBox Controls in Master/Detail Relationship.......................... 118
Connecting Two DataGridView Controls in Master/Detail Relationship .................................... 131

Chapter 6: Deploying VWG Applications on IIS .......................................................... 147

General Deployment Requirements and Guidelines ................................................................... 147
IIS Server Installation ..................................................................................................... 147
IIS 5.1 Installation Requirements ................................................................................ 147
IIS 6 Installation Requirements .................................................................................. 148
IIS 7.5 Installation Requirements ................................................................................ 148
IIS Server and VWG SDK Framework ................................................................................ 149
ASP.NET Framework Version ............................................................................................ 149
Deployment Method ........................................................................................................ 150
Deployment Location on IIS ............................................................................................. 150
Deployment Contents ...................................................................................................... 151
Using *.wgx as an Extension ............................................................................................ 151
VWG Application Deployment Workflow ................................................................................... 152
Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server ........................................ 152
Installing IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server.................................................................... 153
Creating a Web Application for VWG Project on IIS ............................................................. 156

VWG Getting Started Guide

Table of Contents

Creating an Application Pool for VWG Applications .............................................................. 158

Configuring Handler Mappings on IIS ................................................................................ 162
Handler Mapping Guidelines ....................................................................................... 162
Setting Handler Mapping for VWG Applications on IIS .................................................... 164
Enabling 32Bit Applications .............................................................................................. 171
Converting your VWG Folder into a Web Application ............................................................ 173
Running VWG Application from IIS .................................................................................... 176

Chapter 7: Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 178

Clearing the Cache of VWG Applications .................................................................................. 178
Clearing the Cache on the Development Workstation .......................................................... 178
Clearing the Cache on the Deployment Web Server ............................................................ 182
Clearing the Cache on the Clients ..................................................................................... 183
Running VWG Application ...................................................................................................... 187
Error: Directory Listing appears instead of a Form .............................................................. 187
Error: Could not resolve skin resource of type 'ImageResource' ............................................ 188
Error: The resource cannot be found ................................................................................. 190
Error: The Control is not registered ................................................................................... 191
Deploying VWG Application.................................................................................................... 192
Error: The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable ................................................................................................... 192
Unexpected JavaScript Errors ........................................................................................... 193

VWG Getting Started Guide


Chapter 1: Introduction

About this Guide

This Guide contains basic information for developing and deploying
Visual WebGui applications.
Note: Some of the material in this Guide is based on MSDN

To develop VWG applications, you need to have some theoretical and
practical knowledge of .NET Framework and Visual Studio.

VWG Getting Started Guide

What is Visual WebGui?

What is Visual WebGui?

Visual WebGui (VWG) is a platform for rapid development, quality &
secured deployment of Web applications based on standard AJAX Web
2.0 methodologies. VWG offers the visual development simplicity and
functional richness of desktop applications for Web and Mobile.
VWG combines in one comprehensive solution two different paradigms
and technologies, and takes the best of both worlds. On the designtime level, VWG uses the model of Windows Forms visual development
method, while on the run-time level, VWG uses ASP.NET technology
stack for forming and running pure Web applications.
From the development side, VWG provides a design-time environment
that resembles Windows Forms environment, thus turning the design
task into an easy and quick procedure. VWG users are presented with
a development environment that is integrated with Visual Studio IDE,
where controls can be dragged from Visual Studio toolbox and dropped
onto the design area, and where event handlers can be easily
registered and programmed in C# or VB.Net code. VWG design-time
environment is so similar to Windows Forms environment, that
existing Windows Forms knowledge can be largely leveraged and
applied to the development of web applications.
From the infrastructure side, VWG is an extension of ASP.NET Web
server for application development and deployment. Using a patented
optimized protocol, VWG provides a plain (plug-in-free) and rich
browser-based accessibility to the UI (User Interface), which is the
native-rich Ajax Web 2.0.
VWG Ajax approach differs from existing approaches in the role the
client and server are playing in the application run. Just like other Ajax
practices, VWG uses XML over HTTP to deliver messages from the
client to the server and vice versa. However, the browser (client) is
responsible only for rendering the UI and for capturing user-inputs,
whereas the server runs the entire application code. The client does
not use ASP.NET UI elements, like tables and buttons, only HTML. The
XML messages instruct the HTML what to draw on the browser.
VWG thus presents the Empty Client model, a paradigm shift in
which: 1. no installation is required on the browser, except for a kernel
of plain and static code that is responsible for further communication
with the server, and which is automatically loaded into the client
browser when the first request arrives to the server; 2. the entire
application is running on the server except for the rendering part. This
concept is secured by design as the client code cannot control the
server behavior under any circumstances.



Visual Development

ASP.NET Infrastructure

Web Server


VWG Getting Started Guide

Web Browser

What is Visual WebGui?

The end result of VWG development process is a pure and rich Web
application, which is efficient, fast, scalable, and secured. The
architecture of the VWG application ensures that no data, business
logic or Web services are either running or exposed on the client side,
since all the data processing is done on the server side.

For more information about VWG you can refer to the following white

Visual WebGui Technology:

How to Make Your ASP.NET Third Party Component 10x Faster:

Visual WebGui 6.4 really changes the rules of AJAX/Web 2.0


Enterprise Mobile Apps Using the .NET Framework:

Getting From .NET to HTML5:

Visual WebGui Enterprise Mobile Solution:



VWG Integration with Visual Studio

VWG is integrated with Visual Studio. This integration consists of four
different groups:

Integration Tabs, see the section below.

Project Templates, see page 12.

Item Templates, see page 14.

Designer Support, see page 14.

Integration Tabs
The Integration tabs General, Registration, and Deployment appear in the Property pages of VWG project, as follows:


The main purpose of the integration tabs is to provide an easy

interface to the various Web.config settings that you may need to set
for your VWG application. Each of the setting that can be defined in
the integration tabs can also be defined manually in the Web.config
Note: Starting with Visual WebGui version 6.3, the integration tabs
are only available in the Professional Studio.


VWG Getting Started Guide

VWG Integration with Visual Studio

To open the Property pages and the integration tabs:

1. To open the Property pages, on the Solution Explorer, right-click
your project and select Properties:


To open the Property pages of your project, you can also

perform the following:

C# - Double-click the Properties folder in your project.

VB.NET Double-click the My Project folder in your

When using Visual WebGui Express Studio for Visual Studio

Express and Visual Web Developer Express, Visual WebGui
Integration tabs are not available on the Property pages. For
these versions, you should use the Web.config file.

The Property pages appear, including the integration tabs.




Project Templates
Project templates are designed for the various types of VWG C# and
VB.NET projects you can create.
There are two VWG project templates:

Visual WebGui Library - enables you to create a new VWG class

library. See page 46.

Visual WebGui Application enables you to create a new VWG

application. See page 23.
VWG project templates

Note: Starting with Visual WebGui version 6.3, the project templates
are only available in the Professional Studio.
VWG project templates contain VWG infrastructures, such as compiler
management, and XML protocol structure.


VWG Getting Started Guide

VWG Integration with Visual Studio

To open VWG project templates:

1. Open Visual Studio.
2. Open the File menu, and select New Project.
The New Project dialog box opens:

3. From the Installed Templates left pane, select Visual WebGui.

Note: If two languages are installed in your Visual Studio, each of
them contains Visual WebGui templates. In this case, verify that
are selecting the Visual WebGui template in the language with
which you want to work.
VWG project templates appear in the middle pane.

To use Visual WebGui Library template, see page 46.

To use Visual WebGui Application, see page 23.




Item Templates
Item templates are intended to enable you to extend your VWG
project, by adding to it additional forms, Custom and User controls,
and Themes.

VWG item templates

VWG Skinable


Visual WebGui Custom Control - enables you to develop and

implement a new control from scratch. The Custom Control
provides all of the basic functionality required by controls, including
mouse and keyboard handling events, but no control-specific
functionality or graphical interface. In addition to creating a
Custom Control from scratch, meaning, a Custom Control that
inherits from the Control class, you can also create a Custom
Control that inherits from one of the standard controls. By
inheriting from a standard control, the Custom Control has the
appearance and all existing functionalities of the base control,
which you can either extend or modify. It is recommended to
create a Custom Control if you want to provide a custom graphical
representation to a control, or you need to implement custom
functionality that is not available through standard controls.

Visual WebGui Form enables you to create a new VWG form.

Visual WebGui Theme enables you to create a new Theme for

your application.

VWG Getting Started Guide

VWG Integration with Visual Studio

Visual WebGui User Control - enables you to develop and

implement a new composite control. The composite control acts as
a container for several other controls, and holds all of the inherent
functionality associated with each of the contained controls. You
can re-use the User Control across different forms in an application
and across different applications. It is recommended to create a
User Control if you want to combine the functionality of several
controls into a single reusable unit. To learn how to create a User
Control, see page 42.

Skinable Controls - enables you to change the look of the control

without changing its underlying code. The Skinable Control is
actually a new control, which inherits its functionality from one of
the standard VWG controls. By customizing the standard control
using a Skinable Control, you can easily create a control that is
tailored to your needs, and re-use it across your applications.

Designer Support
The VWG Designer provides a Windows Forms like GUI for the editing
of Forms and other types of controls.
Note: Starting with VWG version 6.3, the Designer is available in
Professional Studio and Express Studio, but not in the SDK version.




Help Resources
VWG provides you with several resources that can help you to easily
and efficiently create VWG applications. These Help resources include:

The Developers Companion Kit, see below.

The Knowledge Base, see page 20.

The Developer Forum, see page 21.

Documentation, see page 22.

Support, see page 22.

The Developers Companion Kit

The CompanionKit provides you with an extensive set of descriptions
and examples of available controls. The examples demonstrate the
appearance, behavior and features of VWG controls. You can browse
the examples online to explore the different features and
functionalities of each control. You can also copy or download the code
and snippets of the examples, and incorporate them in your VWG
projects for further usage and customization.
The example snippets are available in both C# and VB.NET languages,
and they were created based on the best practices of VWG platform.
To learn more about the CompanionKit, see the following video


VWG Getting Started Guide

Help Resources

Adding a CompanionKit example to your project:

1. Open the CompanionKit from:

2. Select from the Control list on the left the control you want to use
in your project,
- or
Use the Search box

to find the required




3. When the section of the selected control is opened, on the Code

Sample pane, click the Download button to download the Zip files
that contain the displayed example:

Download example snippets

4. Save the Zip files, extract, and copy them.

5. Open VWG application.
6. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and select Paste
to paste the downloaded files in your project.
The sample files are added to your project:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Help Resources

7. To add the example into a form, open the form in Designer View.
Then, from the Toolbox, locate the added component and drag it
onto the form:

The CompanionKit sample is now included in your project, and you

can customize it according to your needs:




The Knowledge Base

VWG Knowledge Base provides you with numerous articles, best
practices, tutorials, code snippets, videos, and other VWG
development and design resources:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Help Resources

The Developer Forum

VWG Developer Forums enable you to communicate and consult with
other people who use VWG, and to post questions about different
aspects, procedures, and issues of VWG:

VWG is an open source product, so sharing information and issues with

the community of developers is very valuable. Therefore, it is highly
recommended to use the Developer Forum for technical discussions.




VWG documentation provides you with a set of Guides that describes
and explains how to use VWG. You can download the Guide from the
Downloads page:

If you have information that you do not want to share with other users
in the Developer Forum, or if you want to send further material, such
as code samples, docs, images, and apps, you can contact Gizmox
Support at:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Application Projects

Chapter 2: Starting to Work with VWG

This chapter describes how to perform the basic procedures required
for starting working with VWG, and provides step-by-step instructions
for the following: creating a new VWG project, adding a new form to
VWG project, defining a form as the entry point of the application,
working with VWG controls, adding VWG User Control to a form,
working with VWG libraries, extending VWG projects, and compiling
and running VWG application.

Working with VWG Application Projects

Creating a New VWG Application Project
The first step in developing VWG application is creating VWG
application project. When you create a new VWG application project, a
solution is automatically generated to contain it, unless you define the
project as a part of an existing solution.
Visual Studio uses project templates to generate new projects. Each
template represents a different project type. During VWG installation,
VWG templates are installed and integrated into Visual Studio.
Creating a new VWG application project is based on the selection of
VWG template.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

To create a new VWG project

1. Open Visual Studio.
Note: VWG fully supports Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010.
2. Open the File menu, and select New Project.

- or
On the Start Page of Visual Studio, click the New Project link.
The New Project dialog box appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Application Projects

3. From the Installed Templates left pane, select Visual WebGui.

Note: If two languages are installed in your Visual Studio, each of
them contains Visual WebGui template. In this case, verify that you
are selecting the Visual WebGui template in the language with
which you want to work:

4. From the middle pane, select Visual WebGui Application.

5. [For Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 only] In the .NET Framework
drop-down list above the middle pane, the latest possible .NET
Framework version is displayed by default for the version of Visual
Studio you are using.

For Visual Studio 2008 - you can select any Framework version
between 2.0 and 3.5.
For Visual Studio 2010 - you can only use Framework version
4.0 while working with VWG applications.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

If you change the .NET Framework version to a non-supported

version, your VWG application will not be able to run.
Note: Visual Studio 2005 uses .NET Framework version 2.0 by
default, and you cannot change it.
6. In the Name box, type a name for the new project, or accept the
default name.
7. In the Location box, select a save location.
8. In the Solution Name box, type a name for the new solution, or
accept the default name.

To add the new project to an existing solution, type here the

name of the solution.
If you open the New Project dialog box when an existing
solution is already opened in Visual Studio, a Solution dropdown list appears in the dialog box as well. Select from the
Solution drop-down list whether to create a new solution for
the new project, or whether to add the new project to the
existing solution:

9. Verify that the Create directory for solution checkbox is

10. Click OK.
Note: The project you create here is basically ASP.NET Web
Application project configured for VWG.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Application Projects

A new VWG application project is created:

Enabling Un-integrated Projects

If you have a project that has references to Gizmox assemblies,
but which was not created with VWG, or was created in VWG
version without integrations, once you open it in Visual Studio, the
following message appears on the Designer View - You must
enable Visual WebGui to use the designer in this project:

In this case, you need activate VWG integrations by enabling VWG,

as described below.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

To enable VWG:
1. To enable VWG, on the Solution Explorer, right-click the project
and select Enable Visual WebGui from the context menu:

The following message appears:

2. To integrate your project into Visual Studio and to work with VWG
Integration options, click the Reload button.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Application Projects

Exploring the VWG Project Structure

VWG application project is just like any other type of project in that it
consists of a grouping of source code files, a list of references to
required .NET assemblies, and an appropriate configuration of
compilation and debugging options. When you use Visual Studio to
create a project from a template, it sets all of this up for you,
providing a base structure appropriate to the template you have
selected. In the case of VWG projects, this consists of the following:


Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

The default folders of VWG project are:

Properties (C#)/My Project (VB.NET) opens the Property

pages, which contain the properties of your VWG
application/project. The Property pages are the same as the
Property pages of ASP.NET project, with the addition of VWG
integration tabs (see page 10). Most of the configuration settings
that appear in the Property pages also appear in the Web.config
file. Therefore, you cannot work with the Property pages while the
Web.config file is opened in Edit mode.

References a list of all assemblies that are available for the

project. The References folder includes by default standard .Net
assemblies and several VWG assemblies:

Note: In VB.NET the References folder is not displayed by

default. To display the References folder on the Solution Explorer,
click the Show All Files


VWG Getting Started Guide


Form1.cs (C#)/Form1.vb (VB.NET) a blank form that serves

as the starting point for developing VWG application.

Working with VWG Application Projects

The Form1 folder includes three files:

Note: In VB.NET the files that are included in the Form1 folder are
not displayed by default. To display the files on the Solution
Explorer, click the Show All Files


Form1.cs/Form1.vb enables you to work in the Designer

View, and to view the code that the Designer generates while
you design your form.
Note: It is generally not recommended to manually edit the
files that are generated automatically by the Designer, unless
you are fully aware of their meaning and implications.
Modifying these files incorrectly can cause inconsistencies and
problems, which may damage the form and prevent you from
opening it in the Designer.

Form1.Designer.cs/Form1.Designer.vb enables you to

add code to the form.
Form1.resx XML based file, which enables you to create and
manipulate resources in your forms. This file is useful for
customization of resources for different languages or
Readme.txt a text file that provides you with some basic
information about creating VWG applications.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Web.config a standard ASP.NET configuration file, which

contains settings that control and manage the behavior of your
VWG application. The VWG Integration suite adds additional
configuration settings to the standard file, which are required
for running your VWG application.
Note: It is recommended not to change the default values of
the Web.config file, unless you are fully aware of the meaning
and implications of the different configuration settings.

Working with VWG Forms

Adding a New Form to VWG Project
When you create a new VWG project, one default form is automatically
created. You can add to VWG project as many forms as you wish.
Adding a new form to VWG project:
1. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the target project, and select
Add Form from the context menu:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Forms

The Add New Item dialog box opens:

2. Verify that the Visual WebGui Form item is selected in the middle
pane, and click the Add button.
A new VWG form is added to the project:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Defining a Form as the Entry Point of the Application

In each application, you need to define at least one of the forms as a
Start Form, meaning the form that will be an entry point to the
application. Without defining a Start Form, a running application
cannot be opened.
To define a form as a Start Form:

On the Solution Explorer, right-click the form you want to set as an

entry point for your application. Then, select Set As Start Form
from the context menu:

The form you defined as a Start Form will be the form that will
appear once you start your application from within Visual Studio.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Forms


Once you define the Start Form, it is registered in the following


Property pages - Web tab, Start Action section, Specific

Page box. This setting is used by Visual Studio IDE only,
when you run your application from within Visual Studio:

Web.config - Applications section. This setting is used by

Visual Studio as well as your Web server.

All the forms you define as Start Forms using the Set As Start
Form option, will be entry points to your application, unless
you later remove them. The last form you define as a Start
Form, will be the form Visual Studio IDE loads when running
your application from within the IDE.
If you rename a form that you previously defined as a Start
Form, you need to define it again as a Start Form after the
renaming. Alternatively, after the renaming you can change the
name of the Start Form in the Property pages or Web.config

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Working with VWG Controls

Displaying VWG Control Set
VWG controls are located in Visual Studio Toolbox in a separate section
called Visual WebGUI Controls:

By default, the Toolbox window is set to Auto Hide. It appears as a tab

on the left margin of your solution when the Designer editor is open.
However, you can pin the Toolbox window into position by clicking the
Auto Hide button in the upper right corner of the window. If the
Toolbox is not displayed, you can open it manually.
To open the Toolbox:

Open the View menu, and select the Toolbox option.

The Toolbox appears.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Controls

To start working with VWG controls, open Visual WebGUI Controls

section on the Toolbox, and drag the desired controls onto the form.
If the controls on the Visual WebGUI Controls section are not sorted
in alphabetical order, you can sort them.
To sort VWG controls in alphabetical order:

On the Toolbox, right-click the Visual WebGUI Controls section,

and select Sort Items Alphabetically from the context menu:

VWG control set is sorted alphabetically.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Adding VWG Control to a Form

The fastest way to add controls to a form, or reposition existing
controls, is to use the drag-and-drop method. When you add a control
to a form with the drag-and-drop method, the control is given a
standard height appropriate to that type of control.
To add VWG control to a form:
1. Open the target form in a Design View.
2. Open the Toolbox, and expand the All Visual WebGui controls
3. From the All Visual WebGui section on the Toolbox, drag the
control you want to add and drop it onto the form:

Alternatively, you can select the control in the Toolbox, and then
draw it on the form:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Controls

The control is displayed on the form:

Note: In the background, Visual Studio automatically adds code to

the From1.Designer.cs/Form1Designer.vb for the new control.
Every time you make a change in a control on the form, the codebehind is automatically changed accordingly. It is generally not
recommended to manually edit the files that are generated
automatically by the Designer, unless you are fully aware of their
meaning and implications.
4. Save your work by clicking the Save

button on the Standard

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Setting Control Properties

After adding controls to the form, the next step is to set the properties
of these controls. The Properties window provides an easy way to set
the properties of all the controls on a form:

The Properties window may be already opened in Visual Studio. When

you select a control on the form, the Properties windows automatically
displays its properties:

If the Properties window is not already opened, you can manually open


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Controls

To open the Properties window of a control:

1. On the Design View, select the control whose properties you want
to set.
2. Perform one of the following:

Open the View menu, and select the Properties Window

Click the Properties Window

button on the Standard

Right-click the control, and select Properties from the context


The Properties window appears.

To set a control property:

Select the desired property on the Property window, and change its

Note: You can select multiple controls and change their common
properties all at once.
The new property value you entered is applied to the selected

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Creating VWG User Control and Adding It to a Form

To add a new User Control:
1. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Add
New Item:

The Add New Item dialog box appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Controls

2. From the Installed Templates left pane, select Visual WebGui.

3. From the middle pane, select Visual WebGui UserControl.
4. In the Name box, type a name for the new UserControl, or accept
the default name.
5. Click the Add button to create a new UserControl.
A new UserControl is created, and it appears on the Solution

6. Open the UserControl in the Designer. Then, add to it controls and

customize it:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

7. Save the UserControl by clicking the Save button on the Standard

8. Build your solution or project by right-clicking it and selecting
Build from the context menu.
9. Open a form in the Designer, and then open the Toolbox.
The UserControl you created appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Controls

10. Drag the UserControl onto the form:

When you start the application, the UserControl you created

appears in the forms that include it:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Working with VWG Libraries

A VWG library is a storage unit for capabilities, functionalities, and
designs that you want to add to your application, and re-use across
different projects and applications. For example, if you created a User
Control or a Custom Control, which you would like to use in different
applications, it is best practice to create them in a library.
VWG library consists of the Properties/My Project and References
folders, and an empty UserControl, which you can either use or not
according to your needs.



VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Libraries

Creating a New VWG Library

Note: The instructions below describe how to create VWG library in a
separate solution. However, you can also create VWG library as part of
an existing solution.
To create a new VWG library:
1. Open Visual Studio.
2. Open the File menu, and select New Project.

- or
On the Start Page of Visual Studio, click the New Project link.
The New Project dialog box opens:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Note: To create a library in an existing solution, on the Solution

Explorer, right-click the solution, and select Add New Project.
The Add New Project dialog box appears.
3. From the Installed Templates left pane, select Visual WebGui.
Note: If two languages are installed in your Visual Studio, each of
them contains Visual WebGui template. Verify that you are
selecting the Visual WebGui template in the language with which
you want to work.
4. From the middle pane, select Visual WebGui Library.
5. In the Name box, type a name for the new library, or accept the
default name.
6. In the Location box, select a save location.
7. In the Solution Name box, type a name for the new solution, or
accept the default name.


VWG Getting Started Guide

To add the new library to an existing solution, type here the

name of the solution.
If you open the New Project dialog box when an existing
solution is already opened in Visual Studio, a Solution dropdown list appears in the dialog box as well. Select from the
Solution drop-down list whether to create a new solution for
the new library, or whether to add the new library to an
existing solution:

Working with VWG Libraries

8. Verify that the Create directory for solution checkbox is

9. Click OK.
A new VWG library is created:

You can now start creating the content of the new VWG library.
Note: It is recommended not to store resources, such as images
and other external files, in a library. It is best to store resources
directly in the application. If needed, you can store resources in a
library, but this requires a more advanced setting.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Using VWG Libraries in Solutions

Before you can start using VWG library in a certain solution, you need
to do the following steps:
1. [Optional] Add VWG library to the solution. (See below)
2. Reference VWG library to the solution. (See page 52)
Adding VWG Library to a Solution
To add VWG library to a solution:
1. Open the existing solution in Visual Studio.
2. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the solution, and select Add
Existing Project:

The Add Existing Project dialog box appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Libraries

3. Locate the library you want to add to the solution, and click the
Open button.
The library is added to the solution:

Before you can start using the library, you need to reference it to
the solution, as described in the following section.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Referencing VWG Library to a Solution

You can reference VWG library to a solution with or without adding the
entire library to the solution.

To reference VWG library after adding the library to the solution,

see the section below.

To reference VWG library as an assembly without adding the library

to the solution, see page 54.

To reference VWG library to a solution when the library is

included in the solution:
1. When the library is already part of the solution, on the Solution
Explorer, right-click the References folder of the application
project, and select Add Reference from the context menu:

The Add Reference dialog box appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Libraries

2. On the Add Reference dialog box, open the Projects tab, select
the library you want to add as a reference to the project, and click
The selected library is added to the References folder of the

Now you can add the library content to the project.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

To reference VWG library to a solution without adding the

library to the solution:
1. Before you can reference an external VWG library to a solution,
you need to build the library.
To build the library, open it in Visual Studio. Then, on the Solution
Explorer, right-click the solution, and select Build Solution from
the context menu:

2. To reference the library to the project, open the project in Visual

Studio. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the References folder
of the application project, and select Add Reference from the
context menu:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Working with VWG Libraries

The Add Reference dialog box appears:

3. On the Add Reference dialog box, open the Browse tab, and
locate the library you want to add as a reference to the project.
Then, open the bin folder of the library, select the library dll file,
and click OK:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

The selected library is added to the References folder of the



VWG Getting Started Guide

Extending VWG Project

Extending VWG Project

Adding References

In the following section some distinction is made between "with

sources" and "without sources" installations. "With sources"
installation means installing with sources installation package,
and either work with the source code in that installation, or work
with VWG SVN source code. "Without sources" installation means
working with a standard VWG framework version, with no access to
its source code.

The standard set of assemblies that are required for developing

VWG projects using VWG framework "without sources" includes:






When using with sources installation, the following assemblies

are required for a standard development as well:



To use new controls and functionalities, you need to add as references

the following assemblies that contain them:



Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.Converters (for the RichTextBox only)


When using "with sources" installation, to work with new features and
functionalities in the Designer, you also need to add as references the
following assemblies:



All of the design-time assemblies are already in the GAC and therefore
you do not need to manually add them as references.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

To add a reference to VWG project:

1. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the References folder, and
select Add Reference from the context menu:

The Add Reference dialog box appears:

2. From the .NET tab or Browse tab of the Add Reference dialog
box, select the assemblies you want to add to your project, and
click OK.
The selected assemblies are added to your project.
Note: Make sure that the Copy Local property of all Gizmox
assemblies is set to True.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Extending VWG Project

Registering New Controls

Most of the standard out-of-the-box VWG controls do not require
registration. However, there are some controls that you need to
register before you can start use them.
If a control that requires registration is used in your project, and it is
not registered, once you run the application, a runtime exception is
You can either register each control separately, or you can register at
once all the controls that have the same namespace. Registering a
namespace is quicker than registering each control individually.
However, since everything you register is downloaded to the client,
and it might influence your application performance, you should
consider which method is best for you.
You can register the controls using the Property pages of your
project, which are integrated in your VWG project, or using the
Web.config file.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Registering Namespaces and Controls Using the Property Pages

To register controls and namespaces using the Property pages
of your project:
1. To open the Property pages, on the Solution Explorer, right-click
your project and select Properties:


To open the Property pages of your project, you can also

perform the following:


VWG Getting Started Guide

C# - Double-click the Properties folder in your project.

VB.NET Double-click the My Project folder in your

When using VWG Express Studio for Visual Studio Express and
Visual Web Developer Express, VWG Integration tabs are not
available on the Property pages. For these versions, you
should manually register the controls using the Web.config
file, as described on page 64.

Extending VWG Project

The Property pages appear:

2. Click the Registration tab on the left to open it, and on the
Controls section, click the Add button:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

The Choose Controls dialog box appears:

4. Perform one of the following:

Note: You can select and register multiple namespaces and

To register a namespace click the Namespace tab to open

it, select the check box of the namespace you want to register,
and click OK:

The selected namespace is now registered.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Extending VWG Project

To register a control click the Controls tab to open it,

select the check box of the control you want to register, and
click OK:

Note: To easily locate a control, enter the control name in the

Filter box.
The selected control is now registered.
The controls and namespaces you registered appear on the
Controls section of the Registration tab:

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

Registering Namespaces and Controls Using the Web.config File

To register controls and namespaces using the Web.config file:
1. To open the Web.config file, on the Solution Explorer, double-click

The Web.config file appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Extending VWG Project

2. On the Controls section, register a namespace or a control

according to the following:

To register a namespace use the following example to

register the required namespaces:
<Control Type="Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.*, Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.Professional,
PublicKeyToken=6b5c571512bede7c" />

The registration of a namespace consists of the following:

The namespace with an asterisk (meaning, every control

that is included in the namespace):

The assembly name:


The version number of the VWG assembly:


Note: The versions of the available VWG assemblies are as


MS .NET4.0 (Visual Studio 2010) Version=4.0.5701.0

MS .NET3.5 (Visual Studio 2008) Version=3.0.5701.0

MS .NET2.0 (Visual Studio 2005) Version=2.0.5701.0

The culture of the assembly in RFC-1766 format, or

"neutral" for language-independent assemblies:

String value of public key token in hexadecimal format:


To register a control use the following example to register

the required controls:
<Control Type="Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.ExpandableGroupBox,
Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.Professional, Version=4.0.5701.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=6b5c571512bede7c" />

The registration of a control consists of the following:

The name of the control along with the namespace that

contains it (full qualified name):

The assembly name:


Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

The version number of the VWG assembly:


Note: For the list of available versions, see the Note in the
above section.

The culture of the assembly in RFC-1766 format, or

"neutral" for language-independent assemblies:

String value of public key token in hexadecimal format:


Manually Adding Controls to the Toolbox

After referencing the required assemblies to your project, the controls
that are included in them should appear on your Toolbox. However,
there might be cases when some of the controls do not appear on the
Toolbox and you need to add them manually.
To manually add individual controls to the Toolbox:
1. On the Toolbox, right-click the All VisualWebGui section, and
select Choose Items from the context menu:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Extending VWG Project

The Choose Toolbox Items dialog box appears:

Note: To easily locate a control, enter the control name in the

Filter box.
2. On the .NET Framework Components tab, select the check
boxes of controls you want to add to the Toolbox, and click OK.
The selected controls are added to your Toolbox.

The new controls might be added to your Toolbox not in an

alphabetical order. To place them in the right order, right-click
the All VisualWebGui section, and select Sort Items
Alphabetically from the context menu.
In some cases, duplicate controls appear in the Toolbox. This
may happen when you manually add controls to the Toolbox,
and then upgrade VWG framework version. To remove the
redundant controls, right-click the Toolbox, and select Reset
Toolbox from the context menu. Then, close your form, and
re-open it in the Designer. This procedure clears the Toolbox,
and then adds the default controls to it. However, you may
need to manually add again the new controls that are described
in this appendix.
If you followed the necessary steps and you still do not see the
new controls, follow these steps:
1. Remove the existing references to Gizmox assemblies.
2. Add again references to the required Gizmox assemblies.

Starting to Work with VWG


Starting to Work with VWG

3. Build the project or solution, and make sure you do not

have any compilation errors.
4. Close Visual Studio.
5. Re-open Visual Studio.
6. Add again the controls to the Toolbox.

Compiling and Running VWG Application

You can compile and run your VWG application with or without

Before running the application, click the Save All

the Standard toolbar.

button on

Verify that one of the forms is set as a Start Form (see page 34).

To run the application without debugging:

Press Ctrl+F5 on your keyboard,

- or
Open the Debug menu, and select the Start Without Debugging

To run the application with debugging:

Press the F5 key on your keyboard,

- or Click the Start Debugging

button on the Standard toolbar.

To stop debugging:

Open the Debug menu, and select the Stop Debugging option.
- or
Click the Stop Debugging


VWG Getting Started Guide

button on the Debug toolbar.

Compiling and Running VWG Application

When the application starts running, it is opened in your default

browser, and the form you set as a Start Form appears:

Note: VWG does not create a new form with the wgx extension.
When the application starts, the wgx extension is automatically added
to the form that was defined as a Start Form.

Starting to Work with VWG


Creating a Simple VWG Application

Chapter 3: Creating a Simple VWG Application

This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on the creation of VWG
HTML Mobile and Web Desktop applications.

VWG Application Creation Workflow

The creation of a basic VWG application consists of the following steps:
1. Create a new VWG application project.
2. Define one or more Forms (classes derived from the Form class)
for the windows in your application.
3. Set one form as the entry point for your application.
4. Use the Designer to add controls to your forms (such as TextBoxes
and CheckBoxes), and then configure the controls by setting their
properties and attaching event handlers to them.
5. Add code to your form classes to provide functionality.
6. Build your application.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating VWG Application

Creating VWG Application

To create VWG application:
1. Open Visual Studio.
2. Open the File menu, and select New Project.
The New Project dialog box opens:

3. From the Installed Templates left pane, select Visual WebGui.

Then, from the middle pane select Visual WebGui Application.
Note: If two languages are installed in your Visual Studio, each of
them contains Visual WebGui templates. In this case, verify that
you are selecting the Visual WebGui template in the language with
which you want to work either C# or VB.NET.
4. In the Name box, enter a name for the project.
5. In the Location box, select the saving location.
6. In the Solution name, accept the default name or change it.
7. Click OK to begin the process of creating a new VWG application
Note: VWG application is basically ASP.NET project with some
unique configurations.

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

A new VWG project is created:

8. [Optional] Rename the Form1.cs/ Form1.vb to a name that

represents its content and your application. To rename a file, on
the Solution Explorer right-click the file, select Rename from the
context menu, and enter a new name.
A message appears, asking you to confirm the renaming
throughout the project:

Click Yes to confirm the renaming of the file.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating VWG Application

9. Each project needs to have at least one form that is set as the
entry point for the application. To set an entry point, on the
Solution Explorer, right-click the Form1.cs/ Form1.vb, and select
the Set As Start Form option from the context menu:

Note: For more information about the Start Form, see page 34.
10. Open the Designer View by right-clicking the Start Form file, and
selecting View Designer from the context menu.
The form appears in the Designer View.

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

11. To start adding controls to your form, open the Toolbox by

selecting from the View menu the Toolbox option, and expand
the All Visual WebGui Controls section:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating VWG Application

12. Design your form by dragging and dropping the appropriate VWG
controls to it:

13. Configure the controls you added by setting their properties using
the Properties window.
14. Add events to the controls, by clicking the Events
button on
the Properties pane, and attaching the required event handlers:

Note: Double-clicking a control on the Design View registers the

default event of the control, and opens the Code Editor.

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

15. Add additional events, actions, and functions using the Code

16. Save your application, by clicking the Save button on the Standard
17. Start your application by opening the Debug menu and selecting
either the Start Debugging or Start Without Debugging option:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating VWG Application

Your VWG application appears:

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

Creating Your First VWG Application

In this section, you are provided with step-by-step instructions for
creating a simple VWG application, which allows users to enter their
first and last names. After entering the data into these two text boxes
on the Web page, the users click a Login button, and their First Name
and Last name appear in a label below the button.
The following figure shows the sample login VWG application that you
will create:



This application sample is based on a sample outlined in

The instructions below demonstrate how to create VWG application

in C#. However, VB.NET code is provided as well.

VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating Your First VWG Application

To create a sample VWG application:

1. Open Visual Studio.
2. Open the File menu, and select New Project.
The New Project dialog box opens:

3. From the Installed Templates left pane, open the Visual C#

section, and select Visual WebGui.
4. From the middle pane select Visual WebGui Application.
5. In the Name box, enter VWGApp as the project name.
6. In the Location box, select the saving location.
7. Click OK to begin the process of creating the new VWG application

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

A new VWG project is created:

8. On the Solution Explorer, in your new VWGApp project folder, there

is VWG form named Form1.cs. Right-click it, select Rename from
the context menu, and change the form name to Login.
A message appears, asking you to confirm the renaming
throughout the project:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating Your First VWG Application

9. Click Yes to confirm the renaming of the file.

10. Define the Login.cs file as the entry point of the application. To
perform this, right-click the file, and select the Set As Start Form
option from the context menu:

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

11. Open the Designer View by right-clicking the Login.cs file, and
selecting the View Designer option from the context menu.
12. Open the Toolbox, and expand the All Visual WebGui section.
13. Create the following form by dragging and dropping the
appropriate VWG controls to the form:


VWG Getting Started Guide

First Name Label control

Blank box- TextBox control

Last Name Label control

Blank box TextBox control

Login Button control

Your name will appear here! Label control

Creating Your First VWG Application

14. Set the properties of these controls according to the following

Control Type







First Name











Last Name




















Left, Top, Right,

Bottom = 10


Your name will

appear here!

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

15. Select the form, and on the Properties window of the form, change
the value of the BackColor to LightBlue:

16. At this point, you can run the application and see VWG Login form
appears in your browser. Although this page does not have any
functionality yet, this exercise is a good test to make sure
everything is running up to this point.
To run this sample application, press F5 in your keyboard.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating Your First VWG Application

You should now see the VWG form you created displayed in your
default browser:

At this stage, you can already enter data into the two text boxes.
However, if you click the Login button, nothing will happen
because you have not set the button to do anything yet. You will
next learn how to make this Login button do something.
Now you should add some code to the button. The code you add
will cause the button to post the data you entered in the text
boxes, and fill in the appropriate data in the label below the button
17. End the application by closing down the browser.
Note: If your default browser is not Internet Explorer, closing the
browser may not stop the application. If the application stays
running after closing the browser, click the Stop button in the
Standard toolbar of Visual Studio.
18. While looking at the Login page in Design View, double-click the
Login button control. The Code Editor is opened with a Click event
for the btnSubmit control.
Note: Double-clicking a control on the Design View registers the
default event of the control, and opens the Code Editor. Since the
default event of a button is a Click event, double-clicking a button
registers this event.

Creating a Simple VWG Application


Creating a Simple VWG Application

19. Now you will add code that retrieves the text property from both
the txtLast and txtFirst text boxes, and places the data into the
label control below the Login button.
20. Fill in the Click event procedure so it looks like the following code:
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.lblName.Text = this.txtFirst.Text + " " + this.txtLast.Text;

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnSubmit.Click
Me.lblName.Text = Me.txtFirst.Text & " " & Me.txtLast.Text
End Sub

21. Start the application by pressing F5 or Ctrl+F5 on your keyboard.

The application starts. When you enter text in the First Name and
Last Name boxes, and then click the Login button, the text of the
two boxes appears below the button:

You have now successfully created VWG application.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Understanding Images and Resources Use in VWG

Chapter 4: Working with Images and Other

This chapter describes how to perform the basic procedures required
for working with images and other resources.
Note: This chapter mainly focuses on adding static images to VWG
applications and controls. However, the procedures described here are
applicable to other static resources as well. These resources are all
types of files that are not composed of code or any other binary
information, such as doc and RTF files, PDFs, and XMLs.

Understanding Images and Resources Use in VWG

VWG is based on ASP.NET, and has a Web architecture and
deployment structure. Therefore, as with any Web application, images
used in VWG applications are saved on the server, not locally on the
client. When a Web page that has an image is opened in a browser,
the browser sends a request to the server, asking for the content of
the image. This type of request for content is called a Gateway
request. Upon receiving the Gateway request, the server Gateway
Handler locates the actual image stored on the server, whether it is a
physical image on disk, an image embedded in an assembly, a
database, or somewhere else. When the image is located, the Gateway
Handler sends back the image binary content as a response. The
browser is then responsible for inserting the image binary content into
the page and displaying it.
When working with Web architecture, you cannot use references to
physical addresses of images or any other files. Since the images are
actually stored on the server, if you use physical addresses for
referencing them, the client browser will look for the image on the
client machine and not on the server. To reference images that are
stored on the server and to present them on the browser, it is
necessary to use URL addresses. The URL is sent to server as a
Gateway request, and it informs the Gateway program on the server
from where it should retrieve the image.
For example, an image named "duck.gif", located in the
"Resources/Images" directory on "" has the

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

However, when you want to add static images that are located on your
production server to your VWG application, you do not need to enter
their actual URLs. To simplify the referencing of resources located on
the server, VWG has a ResourceHandle class, which converts the
addresses of images that are stored in your project to URLs.
There are different types of ResourceHandles, such as
ImageResourceHandle, IconResourceHandle,
AssemblyResourceHandle, and more. Each of them handles a
specific type of resource, but they all convert a resource reference to a
Each VWG project has a default location for storing images, and the
ResourceHandle creates URL references to images that are stored
there. All you need to do is to save your images in the default image
location of your project, and to add them to your forms using the
appropriate controls. For each image that is added to a form, an
instance of the ImageResourceHandle is automatically created in
the code, converting the image address to a URL.
You are not, however, required to place images in your project file.
The images can be in any place that can be accessed through the
internet, meaning all they need to have is a valid URL. When adding
images that are located in external locations, you need to use the
UrlResourceHandle, as described on page 101.

Static Images Use Workflow

When adding static images or other resources, such as documents, to
VWG projects, you first need to create for them default folders in your
project. After storing the resources in their default folders, you can
add them to VWG controls and applications.
Adding a static image to your VWG application consists of the following
1. Creating a default storage location for the images in your project.
2. Adding your images to the default storage location.
3. Adding to the form a control that can include an image.
4. Adding an image to the control by using the Image property in the
Properties windows.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Defining the Default Location of Images and Other Resources

Defining the Default Location of Images and Other

By default, when you add images to your application through the Form
Designer, the Designer looks for images in the Resources\Images
and Resources\Icons directories, located in the root directory of the
VWG Application project.
Note: The division between the Images and Icons directories is for
organizational purposes only. You can store images and icons in both

To use VWG default location of images, create the required folders

as described in the following section.

To change VWG default location of images, see page 91.

To create custom folders for other types of resources, see page 96.

Using the Default Location of Static Images

To use the default location of images:
1. To create a storage folder for images, on the Solution Explorer,
right-click your project, and select Add New Folder from the
context menu. Then, rename the new folder and call it Resources.
2. Create a sub-folder in the Resources folder, and name it Images:

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

3. To add your images to the project, open the Images sub-folder by

right-clicking it, and selecting the Open Folder in Windows
Explorer from the context menu.
Windows Explorer is opened:

4. Add to the Images sub-folder the images you want to incorporate

in your application. Then, close Windows Explorer and return to
Visual Studio.
Note: You can also add your images to the project by pasting
them in the Images sub-folder in the Solution Explorer.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Defining the Default Location of Images and Other Resources

Changing the Default Location of Images

For organizational purposes, VWG uses by default one folder to store
all the static resources of the application. Therefore, in the following
steps, you are first instructed to create a Resources folder within
your project, to host the new default folder.

To change the default location of images:

1. To create a folder for the new storage location, on the Solution
Explorer, right-click your project, select Add New Folder, and
name the folder Resources.
Note: You can also use another name for the folder. However,
since the Resources folder is VWG default folder name for storing
resources, it is recommended to use it.
2. Open the Property pages, by right-clicking your project and
selecting Properties from the context menu.

To open the Property pages of your project, you can also

perform the following:

C# - Double-click the Properties folder in your project.

VB.NET Double-click the My Project folder in your

When using VWG Express Studio for Visual Studio Express and
Visual Web Developer Express, Visual WebGui Integration tabs
are not available on the Property pages. For these versions,
you should manually change the default image location using
the Web.config file, in the Directories section.

The Property pages appear.

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

3. On the Property pages, select the General tab on the left to open

The default location of images that can be added to the project is

defined in the Directories section.
Note: The Directories section contains the following items:

Icons - a path that defines the icon directory.

Images - a path that defines the images directory.

Generated - a path that defines the generated resources

directory and is required for using custom controls.
Data a path that defines the data directory which should
contain data related files.

4. To change the default location of images, on the Directories

section select the Images row, and click the Browse button on
the right.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Defining the Default Location of Images and Other Resources

The Browse For Folder dialog box appears:

5. Locate your project folder, and create in the Resources folder a

new default folder for the application images, by using the Make
New Folder button:

Note: Due to security constraints of web applications, this folder

must be located within the project folder, not outside of it.
6. Click OK to save your new folder.

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

You return to the General tab, where the new folder you defined
appears in the Directories section:

Note: When entering a location of a folder, it is recommended to

use a relative path within your VWG application folder. This will
prevent unnecessary problems later on, when the application will
be deployed to a Web server.
7. Save and close the Property pages.
8. On to the Solution Explorer, click the Show All Files button to
display the new folder you created:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Defining the Default Location of Images and Other Resources

9. [Optional] Right-click the new folder, and select Include In

Project from the context menu:

The new folder is now included in the project and it becomes

10. To add your images to the new folder, copy them from their
current location and past them in the new folder:

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

The images you want to add to your VWG application are now
physically located in the new default folder you created. When you
add them to controls using the Image property, they are located in
the Images sub-folder under the Directories folder:

Adding a Custom Folder for Resources

Adding a custom folder for resources that are not images, is done
similarly to the way you create a new default storage location for


Creating separate folders for storing different types of resources is

for organizational purposes only. If it better suits your needs, you
can store different types of resources solely on the Images folder.

Using a custom folder for resources requires a custom Gateway to

return the resource content to the browser. Creating a custom
Gateway is a more advanced procedure, and therefore it is not
covered in this Guide.

VWG Getting Started Guide

Defining the Default Location of Images and Other Resources

To add a custom folder for resources:

1. On the Solution Explorer, create a new sub-folder in the
Resources folder for the resources you want to add to the project:

2. Register the new Resources/Documents folder using either the

Property pages or the Web.config file, as described on steps 2-6,
pages 91-93.
3. To locate a resource that is stored in the new custom folder, use
the following:
var Path = Context.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/Documents/Sample.rtf");
// or
var Path2 = VWGContext.Current.Config.GetDirectory("Documents") + "Sample.rtf";

Dim Path As String = Context.Server.MapPath("~/Resources/Documents/Sample.rtf")
' or
Dim Path2 as string = VWGContext.Current.Config.GetDirectory("Documents") +

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

Adding Static Images to VWG Controls

You can add static images to VWG controls either from the default
Images folder or from an external location:

To add images from the default storage folder in your project, see
the section below.

To add images from an external location, see page 101.

Note: VWG also enables you to add dynamic resources to applications,

meaning resources that are code-based, and whose content is
dynamically generated on the server upon receiving a Gateway
request. However, adding dynamic resources is done using a custom
Gateway and it is a more advanced procedure, and therefore it is not
covered in this Guide.

Adding Images from the Default Storage Folder

Before adding images to VWG controls, make sure that you created for
them a default storage location in your project, and that you saved the
required images in the storage folder.
To add a static image:
1. Open in the Designer View the form to which you want to add an
image. Then, drag onto the form a control that can contain images,
such as the PictureBox control:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Adding Static Images to VWG Controls

2. On the Properties window of the control, click the Ellipsis button

next to the Image property:

The Select Resource dialog box opens:

The Images sub-folder displays the images you can add to your

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

3. Select the image you want to add to your control, and click OK.
The image is added to your form:

4. Save the form, and run your project.

The picture you added now appears in your application:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Adding Static Images to VWG Controls

Adding Images from an External Location

You can add images to VWG controls from external locations, such as
virtual directories and non-production servers, using the
UrlResourceHandle class. This procedure is done through code.

When using the UrlResourceHandle, you need to make sure that

your application has read access to the file in the remote directory.

Images located in a Database can be retrieved using the

DatabaseResourceHandle class.

To add an image from an external location:

1. Open in the Designer View the form to which you want to add an
image. Then, drag onto the form a control that can contain images,
such as the PictureBox control.
2. Now you need to add the picture location using an
InitializeComponent function. In this example, the Form_Load
event is used.
On the Designer View, select the form. Then, on the Properties
window of the form, click the Events
the Load event:

button, and double-click

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Images and Other Resources

The Code Editor is opened:

3. On the Form_Load event handler, enter the following code to add

your image to the control:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Add an image from an external location to the PictureBox control.
this.pictureBox1.Image = new

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Add an image from an external location to the PictureBox control.
Me.PictureBox1.Image = New
End Sub

Note: When adding an image from an external location using code,

the image will not be shown in the Designer View.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Adding Static Images to VWG Controls

4. Save your project and run it. The image you added appears in your

Working with Images and Other Resources


Working with Databases

Chapter 5: Working with Databases

This chapter describes how to use data binding to connect VWG
controls to databases.

Using Data Binding to Connect Databases to VWG Controls

The simplest way to connect a database to VWG control is by using
Data Binding. Data binding is the process that establishes a connection
between the application UI and its business logic. If the binding has
the correct settings and the data provides the proper notifications,
then, when the data changes its value, the elements that are bound to
the data reflect changes automatically.
For more information about data binding, see:
Binding data to VWG control is done using the DataSource property of
the control. There are several controls that have the DataSource
1. CheckedListBox
2. ComboBox
3. DataGridView
4. ErrorProvider
5. ListBox
6. ListView
7. VirtualDataGridView
When data is bound in the Designer to VWG control using the
DataSource property, a BindingSource object is automatically created.
All VWG controls can access the existing BindingSource objects in the
application, using their DataBindings property. The DataBindings
property enables to bind a property of a control to the property of
existing BindingSource object.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Bind Data to a Control


The BindingSource object implements a CurrencyManager, which is

designed to keep track of the currently active item from its
underlying DataSource. Only one item from that DataSource is
considered active at any given time. When you data bind a control
property to a property of the BindingSource object, its value will be
the value of the currently active item of the underling DataSource.

The following sections use NorthWind sample database, supplied by

Microsoft. You can download NorthWind database from here:
To work with the NorthWind sample database, you need either SQL
Server 2000, 2005, or 2008 installed.

Bind Data to a Control

The data binding in VWG is done the same way it is done in desktop
Note: In this section, a data source is bound to a DataGridView
To bind data to a control:
1. On the Solution Explorer, create a new folder called App_Data.
Then, add to it the NORTHWND.MDF database file:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

2. Open Form1 in the Designer View.

3. Drag and drop onto the form the control to which you want to bind

Note: In this example, a DataGridView control is being used.

4. Open the Properties window of the control. Then, in the
DataSource property, click the arrow on the right, and then click
the Add Project Data Source link:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Bind Data to a Control

The Data Source Configuration Wizard appears:

5. Select Database as the data source type, and click Next.

The Choose a Database Model page appears:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

6. Select Dataset as the database model, and click Next.

The Choose Your Data Connection page appears:

7. Click the New Connection button to create a connection to your

The Add Connection dialog box appears:

This dialog varies according to the Data Source you select.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Bind Data to a Control

8. To select a data source, click the Change button.

The Choose Data Source dialog Box appears:

The Choose Data Source dialog box allows you to select the data
source and provider you want to use for this connection.
9. Select the Data source and Data provider:

Data source- lists the available data sources for the

connection. Select Microsoft SQL Server Database File.
Data provider - lists the available data providers available for
the selected data source. Select .NET Framework Data
Provider for SQL Server.
Always use this selection when selected, the current
selections for data source and data provider will be the default
for future connections.

10. Click the Continue button.

You return to the Add Connection dialog box.

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

11. On the Add Connection dialog box, to add your database file,
click the Browse button to open a File dialog box:

12. Select the NORTHWND.MDF database file to add it to your

project, and click the Open button.
You return to the Add Connection dialog box.
13. [Optional] To test the data connection you added, click the Test
Connection button. A connection test is performed, and a
confirmation message appears:

To continue, close the confirmation message.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Bind Data to a Control

14. To save your setting, on the Add Connection dialog box, click OK.
You return to the Choose Your Data Connection page:

Note: If the new data connection does not appear the Choose
Your Data Connection page, select it from the drop-down list.
15. Click Next. The Save the Connection String to the Application
Configuration File page appears:

The name that appears here is the connection name that is added
to the Web.config file.

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

16. Click Next. The Choose Your Database Objects page appears:

The Choose Your Database Objects page displays the tables,

views, stored procedures, and functions that you can include in
your dataset.
17. Select the database objects you want to include in your dataset. By
default, no objects in the database are selected. In this example,
select the Tables and Views check boxes:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Bind Data to a Control

18. Click Finish to save your selection and close the wizard.
You can now view the data that you added to your project:

The DataSource property of the control now includes the

DataSet you added:

The database file you selected is now added to your project as

a new data source:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases


VWG Getting Started Guide

After you build your solution, TableAdapters for the tables and
views you selected are added to the Toolbox:

Bind Data to a Control

19. Now you need to add one of the tables to the control.
On the Properties window of the control, click the arrow next to the
DataSource property. Then, from the NORTHWNDDataSet that
appears in the DataSource property, select the table you want to

A BindingSource component is automatically created for the table

you attached to the DataSource, as well as the relevant DataSet
and TableAdapter objects:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

20. Now you need to add a Table Adapter to fill in the table with data.
On the Designer View, select the form. Then, on the Properties
window of the form, click the Events
Load event to the form:

The Code Editor appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

button, and register a

Bind Data to a Control

21. On the Code Editor, call the Fill method to fill with values the
relevant DataTables in the DataSet using Table Adapters, as
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub

22. Save the changes you made, and compile and run the application.
The table you added now appears in your VWG application:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

A Master/Detail relationship enables you to display data from related
tables in one page. The master control displays a collection of items in
the form of a table or a list. The detail control displays detailed
information about a specific item within the master collection. When
the user select an individual row or item in the master control, the
details of the selected item are presented in the detail control.
In the following sections, two examples for creating a Master/Detail
relationship are described:

Connecting a ComboBox and TextBox controls in Master/Detail

relationship, see below.

Connecting two DataGridView controls in Master/Detail

relationship, see page 131.

Note: You can also create a Master/Detail relationship between two

tables by using the Hierarchical Grid feature, as described on .NET
HTML5 and Enterprise Mobile - User Guide - Preview Version 0.2.

Connecting a ComboBox and TextBox Controls in Master/Detail Relationship

In this Master/Detail example, a ComboBox control acts as the master
control, while two TextBox controls act as the detail controls. The
master ComboBox displays a list of customer IDs, while the two
TextBoxes display the company name and country of the selected
customer ID:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

To connect a ComboBox and TextBox Controls in Master/Detail

1. On the Solution Explorer, create a new folder called App_Data.
Then, add to it the NORTHWND.MDF database file:

2. Open Form1 in the Designer View.

3. From the Toolbox, drag and drop onto the form the following:

ComboBox control

Two TextBox controls

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

4. Open the Properties window of the ComboBox control. Then, in the

DataSource property, click the arrow on the right, and then click
the Add Project Data Source link:

The Data Source Configuration Wizard appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

5. Select Database as the data source type, and click Next.

The Choose a Database Model page appears:

6. Select Dataset as the database model, and click Next.

The Choose Your Data Connection page appears:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

7. Click the New Connection button to create a connection to your

The Add Connection dialog box appears:

8. To select a data source, click the Change button.

The Choose Data Source dialog Box appears:

9. Select the Data source and Data provider:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Data source - select Microsoft SQL Server Database File.

Data provider - select .NET Framework Data Provider for
SQL Server.

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

10. Click the Continue button.

You return to the Add Connection dialog box.
11. On the Add Connection dialog box, to add your database file,
click the Browse button to open a File dialog box:

12. Select the NORTHWND.MDF database file to add it to your

project, and click the Open button.
You return to the Add Connection dialog box.

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

13. [Optional] To test the data connection you added, on the Add
Connection dialog box, click the Test Connection button.
14. To save your setting, on the Add Connection dialog box, click OK.
You return to the Choose Your Data Connection page:

15. Click Next. The Save the Connection String to the Application
Configuration File page appears:

The name that appears here is the connection name that is added
to the Web.config file.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

16. Click Next. The Choose Your Database Objects page appears:

The Choose Your Database Objects page displays the tables,

views, stored procedures, and functions that you can include in
your dataset.
17. Expand the Tables node and select the Customers table:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

18. Click Finish to save your selection and close the wizard.
A bindingSource component is automatically created for the table
you attached to the DataSource, and the value of the
DataSource is bindingSource1:

19. On the Properties window of the ComboBox control, in the

DisplayMamber property, click the arrow on the right, and select

The CustomerID data items will be displayed in the ComboBox list.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

20. Now you need to add a Table Adapter to fill in the list with data.
Open the Properties window of the form. Then, click the Events
button, and register a Load event to the form:

The Code Editor appears:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

21. On the Code Editor, call the Fill method to fill with values the
DataTable in the DataSet using a Table Adapter, as follows:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub

22. Return to the Design View, and open the Properties window of the
first TextBox control. Then, open the (DataBindings) property,
click the arrow next to its Text property, and select
bindingSource1 CompanyName:

The CompanyName data will be displayed in the first TextBox.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

23. Open the Properties window of the second TextBox control. Then,
open the (DataBindings) property, click the arrow next to its
Text property, and select bindingSource1 Country:

24. [Optional] Add Label controls above the controls as headings:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

25. On the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1, and select Set As

Start Form from the context menu.
26. Save the changes you made, and compile and run the application.
The Master/Detail application appears:

When the user selects a customer ID from the Customer ID

ComboBox, its company name and country appear in the
TextBoxes on the right.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

Connecting Two DataGridView Controls in Master/Detail Relationship

In this Master/Detail example, one DataGridView control acts as the
master control, while a second DataGridView control acts as the detail
control. The master DataGridView displays general information about
orders, while the detail DataGridView displays additional details about
these orders:

Note: In this example, another way to connect to databases is


Working with Databases


Working with Databases

To connect two DataGridView Controls in Master/Detail

1. On the Solution Explorer, create a new folder called App_Data.
Then, add to it the NORTHWND.MDF database file:

2. On the Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and select Add

New Item from the context menu.
The Add New Item dialog box appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

3. On the Installed Templates pane, select Data. Then, on the

middle pane, select DataSet.
4. On the Name box enter: NorthWind.
5. Click the Add button, to add the new DataSet to your project.
The NorthWind DataSet is added to your project:

6. Open the Server Explorer, by opening the View menu, and

selecting the Server Explorer option.
The Server Explorer appears:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

7. On the Server Explorer, right-click the Data Connections node,

and select Add Connection from the context menu:

The Add Connection dialog box appears:

8. On the Add Connection dialog box, select the following:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Data source - select Microsoft SQL Server Database File.

Database file name use the Browse button to locate and
add the NORTHWND.MDF file you stored in the App_Data

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

[Optional] Test Connection click this button to test the

connection to the database.

9. After you created the new database connection, click OK.

The NORTHWND data connection is added to the project, and it
appears on the Server Explorer:

10. On the Solution Explorer, double-click NorthWind.xsd to open its

design surface:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

11. On the Server Explorer, expand the NORTHWND\Tables node,

select all the tables, and drag them onto the NorthWind.xsd design

The tables are displayed on the NorthWind.xsd design surface:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

12. Build your solution, by opening the Build menu and selecting the
Build Solution option.
The NorthWind DataSet and TableAdapters are added to the

13. Open Form1 in the Designer View.

14. From the Toolbox, drag and drop onto the form the following:

NorthWind DataSet



Working with Databases


Working with Databases

The selected components are added at the bottom of the form:

15. Register a Load event to the form by double-clicking it.

The Code Editor is opened:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

16. On the Form_Load event handler, enter the following code:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Call the Fill method to fill with values the relevant DataTables
// in the DataSet using Table Adapters.

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles
' Call the Fill method to fill with values the relevant DataTables
' in the DataSet using Table Adapters.
End Sub

17. Save your project and return to the Design View.

18. On the Toolbox, open the Data section, and drag and drop onto
the form a BindingSource component:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

The BindingSource is added at the bottom of the form:

19. Select bindingSource1 on the form. Then, on its Properties

window, select the following:


VWG Getting Started Guide

In the DataSource property, click the arrow on the right, and

select northWind1:

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

In the DataMember property, click the arrow on the right, and

select Orders:

20. From the Toolbox, drag a second BindingSource component and

drop it onto the form:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

21. Select bindingSource2 on the form. Then, on its Properties

window, select the following:


VWG Getting Started Guide

In the DataSource property, click the arrow on the right, and

select bindingSource1:

In the DataMember property, click the arrow on the right, and

select FK_Order_Details_Order:

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

Note: The FK_Order_Details_Orders is a foreign key

relationship, which is defined between the two tables inside the
SQL NorthWind database. It was automatically added to your
DataSet when you dragged and dropped the two tables onto
the DataSet design surface.
22. From the Toolbox, drag a DataGridView control and drop it onto
the form:

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

23. On the Properties window of the DataGridView, in the DataSource

property, click the arrow on the right, and select bindingSource1:

24. On the Properties window of the DataGridView, set the value of the
IsSelectionChangeCritical property to True:
Note: The IsSelectionChangeCritical property informs the client
whether it should treat some subset of its events as critical or not.
If event is considered as not critical, it will enter into the event
queue, and will not be delivered immediately to the server when it


VWG Getting Started Guide

Creating a Master/Detail Relationship between Controls

25. From the Toolbox, drag a second DataGridView control and drop it
onto the form:

26. On the Properties window of the second DataGridView, in the

DataSource property, click the arrow on the right, and select

Working with Databases


Working with Databases

27. [Optional] Add Label controls above the two DataGridView controls
as headings:

28. On the Solution Explorer, right-click Form1, and select Set As

Start Form from the context menu.
29. Build and run the solution.
The Master/Detail application appears:

When the user selects an item or a row on the Orders table, its
details appear in the Order Details table.


VWG Getting Started Guide

General Deployment Requirements and Guidelines

Chapter 6: Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

This chapter provides you with guidelines and instructions on how to
deploy your VWG application.

General Deployment Requirements and Guidelines

IIS Server Installation
VWG applications are basically ASP.NET applications. Therefore, to
deploy VWG applications, you need to install IIS (Internet Information
Services) with ASP.NET support on your hosting server.
Different deployment settings are required according to the Visual
Studio version you used for development, and the version of IIS
installed on the hosting server.
The following sections describe in brief how to install different versions
of IIS, and provide the requirements for each version installation.
Note: Detailed instructions on the installation of IIS 7.5 on a Windows
2008 R2 server are provided on page 153. You can use these
instructions as guidelines for installing your IIS version.
IIS 5.1 Installation Requirements
IIS 5.1 is commonly running on Windows XP machine.

To install IIS 5.1:

Select Control Panel Add or Remove Programs

Add/Remove Windows Components Internet Information
Services (IIS).

The only required component is the World Wide Web Service.

However, it is recommended to also add the Internet Information
Services Snap-In to administer it.

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

IIS 6 Installation Requirements

IIS 6 is commonly running on Windows 2003 server.

To install IIS 6:

Select Control Panel Add or Remove Programs

Add/Remove Windows components Application Server
Internet Information Services (IIS).

The only required component is the World Wide Web Service.

However, it is recommended to also add the Internet Information
Services Manager to administer it.
IIS 7.5 Installation Requirements
IIS 7.5 is commonly running on Windows 2008 R2 server or on
Windows 7 workstation.

To install IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 server:

Select Server Manager Roles Web Server (IIS).


On Windows 2008 R2 server, IIS 7.5 has a server role

For step-by-step instructions on the installation process of IIS 7.5

on Windows 2008 R2 server, see page 153.

To install IIS 7.5 on a Windows 7 workstation:

Select Control Panel Programs Programs and Features

Turn Windows features on or off Internet Information

For both of these platforms, you most likely have to change the
defaults for what will be installed.

The ASP.NET and ISAPI Extensions are required. These

extensions are located in:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Windows 2008 R2 server Web Server (IIS) Role

Services Web Server Application Development. For
more information, see step 5, page 155.
Windows 7 workstation Turn Windows features on or off Internet Information Services World Wide Web
Services Application Development Features.

Select the management tools options in the Web Management

Tools section, to administer IIS.

General Deployment Requirements and Guidelines

IIS Server and VWG SDK Framework

It is recommended NOT to install VWG framework SDK on the IIS
server. This may cause conflicts and problems if you are running more
than one VWG application on that server.

ASP.NET Framework Version

Before VWG application can be successfully deployed to IIS server, the
required framework version of ASP.NET must be installed on that
server, and to be fully registered with IIS.
The following ASP.NET frameworks are required:

For Visual Studio 2005 (which requires VWG .NET 2.0) and
Visual Studio 2008 (which requires VWG .NET 3.5) - use
ASP.NET 2.0 framework.

These VWG versions will not run on ASP.NET 4.0 framework.

ASP.NET 2.0 is included in the Microsoft .NET 2.0 framework

For Visual Studio 2010 (which requires VWG .NET 4.0) - use
ASP.NET 4.0.

VWG .NET 4.0 will not run on ASP.NET 2.0.

ASP.NET 4.0 is included in the Microsoft .NET 4.0 framework

If the required ASP.NET framework is either not installed on the

server, or is installed on the server but not correctly registered with
IIS, you will not be able to properly set your application or application
pool. In that case, you may need to install the required framework
and/or to run the aspnet_regiis.exe application to correctly register it.
For more information about your IIS and ASP.NET framework version,
consult MSDN documentation.

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Deployment Method
Visual Studio offers an automatic deployment capability. This
automatic deployment procedure copies certain folders and files from
your project folder to the application virtual folder in IIS directory.
However, this automatic deployment operation may leave out files or
folders that are required for your application, and their lack will
prevent you from successfully run your VWG application. Therefore, it
is recommended to perform the deployment steps manually as
described in this Guide, at least when you deploy your VWG
application for the first time.

Deployment Location on IIS

The default folder of IIS server is c:\inetpub.
Each IIS server has one or more Web Sites. Each Web Site has a
separate folder on c:\inetpub, and multiple virtual folders and/or
multiple Web applications can be included in it.
The default Web Site, which is installed with every new installation of
IIS, is c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder.
Before you manually deploy a Web application to the default Web Site
(or any other Web Site on your server), you need to create a new
folder inside the Web Site folder, on c:\inetpub\wwwroot.
This new folder will be the root folder of your VWG Web application, to
which you copy the required deployment contents. After your
application root folder has been created, you will convert it to a Web

To create a new folder on IIS for your VWG application, see page

To convert your VWG folder into a Web application, see page 173.

The name you give to your Web application will determine the URL you
will use when accessing it. The URL for your VWG application,
assuming you are using localhost, will be


VWG Getting Started Guide

General Deployment Requirements and Guidelines

Deployment Contents
To deploy your VWG application, you need to copy some of its
contents to the root folder of your application on IIS. This folder will be
Depending on the contents of your VWG application, you need to copy
to IIS the following:

[Mandatory for all VWG applications] bin folder (without the *.pdb
and *.xml files) and Web.config file

Resources folder

*.aspx and *.asax files

Additional folders and files


If your VWG application does not include Resource folders (images,

icons or other data), *.aspx and *.asax files, or any other unique
folders and files, all you need to copy to IIS is the bin folder and
Web.config file.

If your application uses .aspx pages or has a global application

class (Global.asax), you need to copy the aspx file to the root
folder as well. This means that you only copy the *.aspx and
*.asax files, not the designer files.

If there are any other files or folders that need to be present on

your application root folder at runtime, you need to copy those as
well. That includes any html files as well as any specific files or
folders your application requires to be present (such as the
App_Data folder).

Using *.wgx as an Extension

By default, VWG applications use the *.wgx extension. The instructions
in this Guide assume you use this extension when deploying to IIS.
However, using *.wgx as an extension is not mandatory, and you can
change it and use another extension. Since this is a more advanced
procedure, the use of a different extension is not covered in this

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

VWG Application Deployment Workflow

After creating VWG application using Visual Studio, you can deploy it
to IIS. For a successful deployment, first you need to install IIS with
ASP.NET support. Then, you need to set the following configurations
on IIS:
1. Create a Web application for VWG project on IIS, see page 156.
2. Copy required folders and files from your VWG project to the Web
application folder on IIS, see step 2, page 157
3. Create an application pool for VWG applications, see page 158.
4. Configure handler mappings, see page 162.
5. [Optional - for a deployment machine that has a 64bit operating
system] Enable 32bit applications to run from IIS, see page 171.
6. Convert your VWG folder into a Web application and set its
application pool, see page 173.

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008

R2 Server
The following instructions describe how to install IIS 7.5 on Windows
2008 R2 server, how to configure IIS 7.5, and how to perform all the
necessary steps for VWG application deployment.
These instructions assume that you have already created VWG
application using Visual Studio, and that this application includes a
Resources folder, but no other extra files or folders that need to be
deployed. The instructions also assume that you will use the *.wgx
extension for the deployed application, and that Form1.wgx is your
Start Form.
Note: You can use these instructions as guidelines for working with
other IIS versions.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

Installing IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

To install IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server:

Note: On Windows 2008 R2 server, IIS 7.5 has a server role.
1. Select Start Administrative Tools Server Manager.
2. In the Server Manager, right-click Roles, and select Add Roles.
The Add Roles Wizard appears:

3. On the Roles pane, select the Web Server (IIS) check box, and
click Next.

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

The Web Server (IIS) page appears:

4. On the Web Server (IIS) page, click the Role Services link on
the left pane.
The Select Role Services page appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

5. On the Role Services pane, open the Web Server

Application Development section, and select the ASP.NET and
ISAPI Extensions check boxes. These options are required for
VWG applications.
6. [Optional] If you want to manage IIS locally from your machine, in
the Web Management Tools section, select the IIS
Management Console check box.
Note: This Guide assumes that you are using the IIS
Management Console.
7. [Optional] Add additional Role Services according to your needs.
Note: For more information about Role Services in IIS7.5 see:
8. Click Next.
The Confirm Installation Selections page appears:

9. Click the Install button to start installing IIS 7.5, and follow the
wizard steps until the end of the installation.
After the installation is completed, you can start the VWG
deployment procedure, as described in the following sections.

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Creating a Web Application for VWG Project on IIS

To deploy VWG project you created in Visual Studio, you need to add it
to an application that is located on IIS. You can either create a new
application or use an existing one. This section describes how to create
a new Web application for your VWG project.
To create a Web Application for VWG Project on IIS:
1. Using Windows Explorer, create a new folder called VWGApp in


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

2. Locate your VWG project folder, and copy the bin and Resources
folders, as well as the Web.config file to
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\VWGApp folder:

At this point you have actually deployed your VWG application to

IIS, but you need to configure it on IIS before it can be used. The
next step is creating an application pool for your VWG application.

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Creating an Application Pool for VWG Applications

You can either create a new application pool for your VWG application
or configure an existing one. This section describes how to create a
new application pool for your VWG project.

To create an application pool:

1. Open IIS Manager.
Note: IIS Manager is usually located in the Control Panel
System and Security - Administrative Tools:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

IIS Manager is opened:

2. Now you can start creating a new application pool for your VWG
On the Connections pane on the left, expand the server node and
select the Application Pools node. Then, on the Actions pane on
the right, click the Add Application Pool link:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Note: You can also right-click the Application Pool node on the
Connections pane, and select Add Application Pool from the
context menu.
The Add Application Pool dialog box appears:

3. Configure the new application pool as follows:

Name - You can give the application pool any legal name you
choose. In this case, call the new application pool:
.NET Framework version Select the appropriate .NET
Framework version:

If you built your application using Visual Studio 2005 or

2008, select .NET Framework v2.0.50727.
If you built your application using Visual Studio 2010, select
.NET Framework v4.0.30319.

Note: If the required ASP.NET framework has not been

installed on the server or has not been registered with IIS, it
will not appear in the drop-down list. In that case, you need to
install it on the server and register it with IIS according to the
IIS documentation on MSDN.

Managed pipeline mode By default, VWG application

requires the use of Classic mode.
Note: In order to use Integrated mode pipeline, you need to
adjust the settings in your Web.config file. This procedure is not
described in this Guide.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

Your Add Application Pool dialog box should look similar to the

4. On the Add Application Pool dialog box, click OK to create a new

application pool.
The new application pool is created, and it appears in the
Application Pools pane:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Configuring Handler Mappings on IIS

Handler Mapping Guidelines
To deploy VWG application, you need to set Handler Mappings for the
*.wgx extension.
Handler mappings are inherited within the IIS Web Site folder
structure. This means that if you add handler mappings for *.wgx on
the Default Web Site, they will be inherited by your new VWGApp
application. Therefore, you can set the handler mappings at the level
of the VWG application, but it is recommended to set the handler
mappings at a higher level.
When creating a new handler mapping, you need an Executable. An
Executable is a full path and filename to a specific DLL assembly. The
assembly path and filename depend on the .NET Framework version,
and on the bit version of the Web server - either 32bit or 64bit.
To select the appropriate handler mapping according to the bit version
of the Web server, follow these guidelines:

For 32bit Web server a handler mapping for the .NET framework
version you selected for your application pool only.

For 64bit Web server - handler mappings for both 32bit and 64bit,
for the .NET framework version you selected for your application
pool. Although you do not need both 32bit and 64bit for every
application, it is recommended to add handler mappings for both of

For applications in mixed versions of the .NET framework (when

some applications were built in Visual Studio 2008 while others in
Visual Studio 2010) - it is recommended to add a total of 4 handler
mappings: 32bit and 64bit for the .NET framework 2.x, and 32bit
and 64bit for the .NET framework 4.x.

The Executables you need for each .NET framework version are as


VisualWebGui_x86_.NET2.0 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet

VisualWebGui_x86_.NET4.0 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet

VisualWebGui_x64_.NET2.0 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\asp

VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

VisualWebGui_x64_.NET4.0 C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\asp

The easiest way to obtain information on the required Executable from

within IIS, is to use the setup for a standard extension that is already
in place. The most common extension for gathering this information is
the *.ashx extension.
On a standard 64bit IIS server, you can use the following *.ashx
handler mappings:

For VWG 32bit .NET framework 4.0 *.wgx, with

SimpleHandlerFactory-ISAPI-4.0_32bit Executable.

For VWG 64bit .NET framework 4.0 - *.wgx, with

PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-4.0_64bit Executable.

For VWG 32bit .NET framework 2.0 - *.wgx, with

SimpleHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0 Executable.

For VWG 64bit .NET framework 2.0 - *.wgx, with

PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0-64bit Executable

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Setting Handler Mapping for VWG Applications on IIS

To set handler mappings for VWG application on IIS:
1. On the Connections pane on the left, select the node for which
you want to set the handler mappings. You can select either
VWGApp or a higher node.
2. On the IIS section in the middle pane, double-click the Handler
Mappings option:

The Handler Mappings pane appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

3. To set a handler mapping for VWG .NET 4.0 32bit, right-click the
SimpleHandlerRFactory-ISAPI-4.0_32bit handler, and select
Edit from the context menu:

The Edit Script Map dialog box appears:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

4. On the Edit Script Map dialog box, copy the content of the
Executable box to the clipboard. Then, click OK to close the dialog
You return to the IIS Manager.
5. On the Actions pane on the right, click the Add Script Map

The Add Script Map dialog box appears:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

6. Fill in the Add Scrip Map dialog box as follows:

Request path enter *.wgx.

Executable paste the Executable you copied from the Edit
Script Map dialog box.
Name enter a name for the new handler.

Your Add Script Map dialog box should look similar to the

7. On the Add Script Map dialog box, click the Request

Restrictions button.
The Request Restrictions dialog box appears:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

8. On the Mapping tab, verify that the Invoke handler only if

request is mapped to: check box is NOT selected.
9. On the Verbs tab, verify that the All verbs option is selected:

10. On the Access Tab, verify that the Script option is selected:


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

11. On the Request Restrictions dialog box, click OK to save your

You return to the Add Script Map dialog box.
12. On the Add Script Map dialog box, click OK to save your new
A confirmation message appears, asking you to confirm the new
handler mapping:

13. On the Add Script Map message box, click Yes to add the new
handler mapping.
Your new handler mapping appears in the Handler Mappings

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

14. Repeat steps 3-12 to set other handler mappings for each .NET
framework version and bit version that you want to support:

For VWG 64bit .NET framework 4.0 - *.wgx, with

PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-4.0_64bit Executable.
For VWG 32bit .NET framework 2.0 - *.wgx, with
SimpleHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0 Executable.
For VWG 64bit .NET framework 2.0 - *.wgx, using
PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-2.0-64bit Executable.

The handler mappings you created appear in the Handler

Mappings pane:

The handler mappings for IIS 7.5 are ready, and you can now
proceed to the next step of the deployment procedure.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

Enabling 32Bit Applications

Note: This section is relevant only for a deployment machine that has
64bit operating system.
VWG assemblies can be compiled to act either as 32bit or 64bit.
However, other factors may create the need to enable 32bit
applications to run from your IIS. For example, if you built your
application for x86, you need to enable 32bit. If you are using
components that do not work on 64bit, you need to enable 32bit as
Note: If you are using VWG 6.3x version, you must enable 32bit
To enable 32bit applications:
1. On the Connections pane on the left, select the Application
Pools node.
The Application Pools pane appears:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

2. On the Application Pools pane, right-click the VWGAppPool you

created, and select Advanced Settings from the context menu:

The Advanced Settings dialog box appears:

3. Change the value of the Enable 32-Bit Applications property to

True. Then, click OK to save your setting.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

Converting your VWG Folder into a Web Application

At this stage, your VWG project is located in a simple virtual folder on
IIS, and it is not yet a Web application, as the folder icon indicates:

You now need to convert your VWG folder into a Web application, and
to set the proper application pool for the application.
To convert your VWG Folder into a Web application:
1. On the Connections pane, right-click the VWG folder, and select
Convert to Application from the context menu:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

The Add Application dialog box appears:

2. To set the application pool of the VWG Web application, on the Add
Application dialog box, click the Select button next to the
Application pool box.
The Select Application Pool dialog box appears:

3. Open the Application pool drop-down list, and select



VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

4. On the Select Application Pool dialog box, click OK.

You return to the Add Application dialog box.
5. On the Add Application dialog box, click OK.
The dialog box is closed, and the icon of VWGApp changes,
indicating that now it is a Web application:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS


Deploying VWG Applications on IIS

Running VWG Application from IIS

When you run your VWG from IIS, you need to manually add the
name of your Start Form to the URL in the browser. Alternatively, you
can directly enter the full URL of your application into the browser to
view your deployed application.
Note: Using a more advanced procedure, you can run your deployed
VWG application from IIS, without manually adding the Start Form
name. However, this procedure is not covered in this Guide.
To run your VWG from IIS:

On the Connections pane, right-click the VWGApp application,

and select Manage Application Browse:

Your default browser appears.

At the end of the URL in the Address Bar, add the name of your
Start Form: Form1.wgx.
- or


VWG Getting Started Guide

Enter the following URL in the Address Bar of your browser:


Deploying VWG Application using IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008 R2 Server

Your deployed VWG application appears in the browser:

Deploying VWG Applications on IIS



Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
This chapter describes common problems and provides solutions for

Clearing the Cache of VWG Applications

It is recommended to clear the cache from time to time. Clearing the
cache is especially important after you install a new or a different
version of VWG on your workstation. To solve caching issues, perform
the following procedures.

Clearing the Cache on the Development Workstation

To clear the cache on the development workstation:
1. If Visual Studio is open, close it.
2. Delete your browser cache, as described on Clearing the Cache on
the Client, page 183.
3. Close all running Microsoft Web Server instances on your machine,
including MS Visual Studio Web Servers.
4. Remove the server cache for both MS Visual Studio Web Servers
and MS IIS Server as follows:

Go to:

For applications using ASP.NET 4.0:

rary ASP.NET Files
For applications using ASP.NET 2.0:
ary ASP.NET Files

Delete the content of the Temporary ASP.NET Files folder.

Note: For Vista/Win7 and Visual Studio Development Server this

directory might be different. If you do not find the above path, go
to: c:\users\<username>i\AppData\local\temp\Temporary
5. Open your application in Visual Studio.
6. Delete the obj and bin folders.
Note: [for versions prior to 6.4 only] If Silverlight is deployed,
delete the ClientBin folder as well.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Clearing the Cache of VWG Applications

7. Remove the existing references to Gizmox assemblies.

8. Add again references to the required Gizmox assemblies.
Note: These steps are designed to verify that the correct version
of assemblies is referenced, and that the assemblies are referenced
from the correct location.
9. Verify that the Copy Local property of all Gizmox assemblies is set
to True:

10. Temporarily disable the caching of the application.

To disable the caching, open the Property pages of the VWG
project. On the General tab, select the Disable Caching check




Important! If this is a production application, remember to

restore the original setting and clear the Disable Caching check
box after you complete the cache clearing process.
Note: You can also configure the Disable Caching option in the
Web.config file:
<add name="VWG_DisableCachingSwitch" value="1" />


Value 0=No; 1=Yes

11. Increase the number of the Private Version of the project.
The Private Version is a version number that VWG uses for various
dynamic and caching data. You can solve many caching problems
by increasing this Private Version number, and rebuilding your
application afterwards. It is not important what number you use,
as long as you are only using it once. Therefore, it is best practice
to increase the version number by one, every time you change it.
When installing a new or a different version of VWG, it is
recommended to increase the Private Version number of your
project as part of your upgrade process.
Increasing the Private Version number produces, among others,
the following results:

It eliminates the relevance of previous client cache.

It eliminates the relevance of previous server cached DLLs.

It eliminates all cached static resources on the virtual directory.


VWG Getting Started Guide

It eliminates all saved dynamic resources on the virtual

directory. Without the Private Version change, these resources
can be removed only by manual deletion, which requires the
shutting down of the server.

Clearing the Cache of VWG Applications

To increase the number of the Private Version, open the Property

pages of the VWG project. On the General tab, in the Private
Version box, increase the displayed number by one:

Note: You can also increase the number of the Private Version in
the Web.config file:
<PrivateVersion Value="1" />

12. Clean your solution.

13. Rebuild your solution.
14. If you have a route directory in the root directory of your project,
delete it.
Note: The route directory usually appears in older VWG versions
following the use of the StaticResources property. The
StaticResources is obsolete starting with version 6.4.
15. Delete cached files from various caching locations of Visual Studio.
Visual Studio caches projects on different locations on your
development machine. In extreme cases, this caching may cause
problems. To solve these problems, delete all the files that are in
the caching locations. Before deleting the files, close all running
Visual Studio instances.




Visual Studio caching locations are as follows:



These locations are specific to Window7 operating system, but

similar locations can be located on XP operating systems.
The "10.0" in the path(s) above is for Visual Studio 2010. For
Visual Studio 2008 use "9.0", and for Visual Studio 2005 use

Clearing the Cache on the Deployment Web Server

After clearing the cache on your development machine and deploying
your application to the Web Server, you should verify that all required
DLLs are up to date on the Web Server. Then, if you still have caching
problems, you can perform the following steps to completely clear the
cache on the dedicated Web Server.
To clear the cache on the Deployment Web Server:
1. Shut down IIS, if it is running. This is an extreme step and is not
always feasible. If you cannot stop IIS, you might be unable to
delete some locked files in later steps.
2. Remove the cached assemblies as follows:

Delete the content of the Temporary ASP.NET Files folder


For applications using ASP.NET 4.0:

rary ASP.NET Files
For applications using ASP.NET 2.0:
rary ASP.NET Files

Delete all VWG assemblies (Gizmox.WebGUI.*.dll) from the bin

folder of your application on:

3. Increase the Private Version number of the VWG project by using

the Web.config file.
Note: For more information about the Private Version number, see
step 11, page 180.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Clearing the Cache of VWG Applications

4. If you have a route directory in the root directory of your project,

delete it.
Note: The route directory usually appears in older VWG versions
following the use of the StaticResources property. The
StaticResources is obsolete starting with version 6.4.
5. Restart IIS, if you stopped it on step 1.

Clearing the Cache on the Clients

To clear the cache of the client browsers:
Note: You can press the Shift+Ctrl+Del keys in all the browsers
mentioned below, to directly open the dialog boxes that enable you to
clear the cache.

1. Open the Tools menu, and select the Delete browsing
history option.
The Delete Browsing History dialog box appears:




2. To clear the cache, select the Temporary Internet Files check

box, and click the Delete button.
Your cache is cleared, and the Delete Browsing History
dialog box is closed.

1. Open the Tools menu, and select the Options option.
The Options dialog box opens.
2. On the Options dialog box, click the Privacy option on the
Ribbon bar.
The Privacy pane opens:

3. Click the Clear your recent history link.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Clearing the Cache of VWG Applications

The Clear Recent History dialog box appears:

4. Use the Time range to clear drop-down list at the top of the
dialog box, to select the amount of data you want to delete.
Select the Everything option to delete everything.
5. Select the check box of the Cache option, and click the Clear
Now button.
Note: You do not have to select other items for clearing.
Your cache is cleared, and the Clear Recent History dialog
box is closed.
6. On the Options dialog box, click OK to close it.




1. Click the Customize and control Google Chrome button on
the browser toolbar.
2. Select Tools Clear browsing data.
The Clear Browsing Data dialog box appears:

3. Use the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box, to select
the amount of data you want to delete. Select the beginning
of time option to delete everything.
4. Select the Empty the cache check box.
Note: You do not have to select other items for clearing.
5. Click the Clear browsing data button to clear the cache.
Your cache is cleared, and the Clear Browsing Data dialog
box is closed.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Running VWG Application

Running VWG Application

When you run VWG application, several common errors may appear,
as described in the following sections.

Error: Directory Listing appears instead of a Form

When you run VWG application, you get a Directory Listing in your
browser instead of VWG form:

If you are running your application from IIS server, you can also get
an Access Denied error.
Possible Cause
No form in the application was set as a Start Form, and therefore there
is no URL entry point to the application.

Development Workstation - Visual Studio: Set one of the

forms in your application as a Start Form, as described on Defining
a Form as the Entry Point of the Application, page 34.

Deployment Web Server IIS: If your application is already

deployed to IIS server, you need to add the Start Form name to
the URL on the Address Bar when you access the application.
For example: http://yoursite/form1.wgx




Error: Could not resolve skin resource of type 'ImageResource'

When you run VWG app, an error message appears in your browser
stating - "Could not resolve skin resource of type

Possible Causes
There can be many reasons for this error. The most common ones are:


Missing assembly

Wrong assembly version

Caching issues

VWG Getting Started Guide

Running VWG Application

To troubleshoot, perform one or all of the following steps:
1. Verify you have referenced Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.Themes
assembly to your project. Then, verify that the assembly exists in
the bin folder of your application virtual folder (either under your
project folder in Visual Studio, or on IIS virtual folder).
2. Remove the existing references to Gizmox assemblies.
3. Add again references to the required Gizmox assemblies.
Note: These steps are designed to verify that the correct version
of assemblies is referenced, and that the assemblies are referenced
from the correct location.
4. Verify that the Copy Local property of all Gizmox assemblies is set
to True.
5. Verify that every Gizmox assembly (.DLL file) that is referenced in
your project does exist on your application bin folder, and that it is
the correct version of the file.
6. Clear the cache by increasing by one the value of the Private
Version number, as described on step 11, page 180 .




Error: The resource cannot be found

When you enter a URL of VWG application in the browser Address bar,
an error message appears in the browser stating - "The resource
cannot be found":

Possible Cause
The form that serves as the entry point to the application is not
Every entry point (MainForm) to your VWG application needs to be
registered in the Web.config file, within the Applications section:
<Application Code="Form1" Type="VWG_Application.Form1, 'VWG_Application'"
Authentication="Default" Stateless="False" ForceSSL="False" />
<Application Code="Form2" Type="VWG_Application.Form2, VWG_Application"
Authentication="Default" Stateless="False" ForceSSL="False" />

This means that if you access your application using

http://yoursite/Form2.wgx, then Form2 must be registered in the
Web.config file.


VWG Getting Started Guide

Running VWG Application

Error: The Control is not registered

When you run VWG application, an error message appears in your
browser stating - "The Control is not registered:

Possible Cause
Your application contains an unregistered control, either a custom
control or VWG control that requires registration (such as Extended or
Office controls). The name of the unregistered control appears in the
error message.
Register the control whose name appears in the error message, as
described on Registering New Controls, page 59.




Deploying VWG Application

After deploying your VWG application to IIS, several common errors
may appear, as described in the following sections.

Error: The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name
changed, or is temporarily unavailable
When you run VWG application from IIS, an error message appears
stating - The resource you are looking for has been removed,
had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable:

Possible Causes

The form that serves as the entry point to the application is not

There is no handler mapping for the extension, or the .NET and bit
(32bit/64bit) versions you are using.



Register the form that serves as the entry point to the application
in the Web.config file, as described on page 190.

Add a handler mapping for the extension you are using, as

described on Configuring Handler Mappings on IIS, page 162.

VWG Getting Started Guide

Deploying VWG Application

Unexpected JavaScript Errors

JavaScript errors appear when you are trying to run your VWG
Possible Cause
Web applications require that the browser will always have the most
recent version of any resource. However, there are many places within
Visual Studio, your Web Server, and your browser that store caching
information, which prevents the resource update. The absence of the
most up-to-date resources, may cause unexpected errors.
Clear the cache, as described on Clearing the Cache of VWG
Applications, page 178.



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