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Advanced System Engineering Using the

PlantPAx Sequencer and Library Tools

For Classroom Use Only!

Important User Information

This documentation, whether, illustrative, printed, online or electronic (hereinafter Documentation) is intended for use only as
a learning aid when using Rockwell Automation approved demonstration hardware, software and firmware. The Documentation
should only be used as a learning tool by qualified professionals.
The variety of uses for the hardware, software and firmware (hereinafter Products) described in this Documentation, mandates
that those responsible for the application and use of those Products must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been
taken to ensure that each application and actual use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable
laws, regulations, codes and standards in addition to any applicable technical documents.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc., or any of its affiliate or subsidiary companies (hereinafter Rockwell Automation) be
responsible or liable for any indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of the Products described in
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No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software
described in the Documentation.
Except as specifically agreed in writing as part of a maintenance or support contract, equipment users are responsible for:

properly using, calibrating, operating, monitoring and maintaining all Products consistent with all Rockwell Automation
or third-party provided instructions, warnings, recommendations and documentation;

ensuring that only properly trained personnel use, operate and maintain the Products at all times;

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all other factors affecting the Products that are outside of the direct control of Rockwell Automation.
Reproduction of the contents of the Documentation, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation is
Throughout this manual we use the following notes to make you aware of safety considerations:
Identifies information about practices or circumstances
that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment,
which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.

Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.

Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property
damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you:
identify a hazard
avoid a hazard
recognize the consequence

Labels may be located on or inside the drive to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.

Labels may be located on or inside the drive to alert people that surfaces may be dangerous temperatures.

Advanced System Engineering Using the PlantPAx Sequencer and Library Tools

Before you begin ........................................................................................................................................... 5
About this lab .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Tools & prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Part 1a PlantPAx Library Faceplate Navigation ......................................................................................... 6
Lab Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Quick Objects and Configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Configuration in the 3.0 Library ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Discover the objects that have navigation capability ...................................................................................................................... 17
Create an alias tag in RSLogix to allow navigation ......................................................................................................................... 25
Part 1b PlantPAx Simple Sequencer Instruction ..................................................................................... 29
Lab Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Operate a Transfer Manually .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Create an Instance of the Simple Sequencer ................................................................................................................................. 38
Link the Sequencer to the Controlled Devices ................................................................................................................................ 45
Add the Simple Sequencer to the HMI Display ............................................................................................................................... 46
Configure the Sequencer Using the HMI ........................................................................................................................................ 54
Run the Sequencer ......................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Part 1C Build AE Alarms XML Import File Using Alarms Builder Tool .................................................... 65
Start Software and Load Project ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
Specify Controllers to Use in HMI Alarm Server ............................................................................................................................. 66
Build AE Alarms XML Import File Using the Quick Build Method ................................................................................................... 68
Use FactoryTalk View Studio to Import AE Alarms XML File ......................................................................................................... 70
Part 1d PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool ........................................................................................ 73
Lab Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Create a Working Copy of the Instance Configuration Tool Spreadsheet ...................................................................................... 73
Set Up Communication between the Spreadsheet and the Logix Controller .................................................................................. 75
Generate PlantPAx Process Object Tag Lists ................................................................................................................................ 79

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Read Configuration Data from the Logix Controller ........................................................................................................................ 86

Modify the Configuration Data in Microsoft Excel ........................................................................................................................... 87
Write Configuration Data to the Logix Controller ............................................................................................................................ 89
Part 2 PlantPAx Alarms Builder and Tag Data Editing Tools Lab ........................................................... 91
Lab Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 92
Start Software and Load Project ..................................................................................................................................................... 93
Edit Tag Data for Multiple Tags ...................................................................................................................................................... 94
Edit Tag Data for Individual Tags.................................................................................................................................................... 98
Specify Controllers to Use in HMI Alarm Server ............................................................................................................................. 99
Build AE Alarms XML Import File Using the Quick Build Method ................................................................................................. 101
Use FactoryTalk View Studio to Import AE Alarms XML File ....................................................................................................... 104
Build AE Alarms Using the Long Method ................................................................................................................................... 110
Use FactoryTalk View Studio to Import AE Alarms XML File and Update Existing Tags ............................................................. 128
Run SE Client Demo ..................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Alarm Filter Navigation Tree ......................................................................................................................................................... 136
AE Alarm Tag Database and Logix Tag Data Comparison Tool .................................................................................................. 139
Logix Data Types Alarm Definition Configuration Tool ................................................................................................................. 141
Part 3 PlantPAx Library Color Changing Tool and Other Customizations ............................................. 144
Lab Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 144
Export Library Objects from FactoryTalk View.............................................................................................................................. 144
Use the FTView Customization Tool to change colors ................................................................................................................. 149
Importing the Modified Files into FactoryTalk View ...................................................................................................................... 162
Changing the Button Faces .......................................................................................................................................................... 170
Load the New Button Faces into the Application .......................................................................................................................... 176
Replacing an Existing Icon with a New Icon ................................................................................................................................. 178

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Before you begin

Please read this information before starting the lab.

About this lab

This lab has three parts. The parts are independent, and you can do them in any order.
The purpose of Part 1 is to quickly demonstrate:
New features in the PlantPAx Library of Process Objects 3.0 for faceplates and navigation
The new PlantPAx Simple Sequencer
PlantPAx Alarms Builder Tool features for creating FactoryTalk Alarm import files
The new PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool
The purpose of Part 2 is to provide a deeper look at the PlantPAx Alarms Builder and Tag Data Editing Tools to build
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events (AE) import files for Logix controller tags.
The purpose of Part 3 is to demonstrate the PlantPAx Library Color Change Tool, and some other tools for HMI
This lab takes approximately two hours to complete.

Tools & prerequisites

All the software tools required for this lab are installed on your lab PC. These tools include:
VMWare Player (to run the Lab PC image)
RSLogix 5000 software (Version 18 or later is required; Version 20 is installed in the image.)
RSLogix Emulate 5000 (Version 18 or later is required; Version 20 is installed in the image.)
FactoryTalk View Studio (Version 7.0 or later is required; Version 7.0 is installed in the image.)
FactoryTalk View SE Client
PlantPAx Alarms Builder and Tag Data Editing Tools Version 5.3.1
The hardware tools required for this lab include:
Personal Computer on which to run the VMWare Image containing the above software
All required files and software are contained on the VMWare image. They are located in folders with these desktop shortcuts:
Lab Files Shortcut
AlarmBuilderDemo - Shortcut
HMI Projects Shortcut
For this lab, it is assumed the user is familiar with:
RSLogix 5000 software for programming Logix controllers
FactoryTalk View SE, including FactoryTalk View Studio and FactoryTalk View Client
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events tag-based (polled) alarms, including alarm configuration
It is also helpful if you have some familiarity with the PlantPAx Library of Process Objects.

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Part 1a PlantPAx Library Faceplate Navigation

Lab Overview
We will do the following in this lab:

Learn about the new Quick objects


Learn about changes in the 3.0 library that make configuration easier


Find out what objects have the new navigation features


Configure objects to allow navigation to upstream and downstream objects


Create an alias tag in RSLogix to allow navigation

Quick Objects and Configuration

The PlantPAx 3.0 Library introduces the Quick displays. These are smaller displays designed for the operator. Most library
objects that have faceplates now have Quick displays as well. The other change for the 3.0 Library is the way Global Object
Parameters are used to launch faceplates from display elements. Since these subjects are related, lets explore them now.
The RSLogix Emulate 5000 Chassis Monitor should already be running and displayed on screen.

1. If the RSLogix Emulate 5000 Chassis Monitor is not running, double-click its icon on the desktop to start it.

2. Wait for the BAT yellow-LED-like indicators on the emulated controllers to stop blinking.
This indicates that the emulated controllers are initialized.
This section of the lab uses the controller in Slot 2 of the emulated chassis. The upper-left RUN indicator should be ON,
indicating the emulated controller is in Run mode.

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3. If the emulated controller is not in Run mode, right-click on the image of the keyswitch and select Run.


If the FactoryTalk View Run-Time client is not running start it now using the PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng Client shortcut on the


Find the pump motor label Motor Speed Control and click to open the faceplate.

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The new Quick display opens for the drive. Note that the display is much smaller than the PlantPAx faceplate, but still has
all of the information and controls needed by the operator.


Now click the View Faceplate button to show the full faceplate


The full faceplate is shown.

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Now close the faceplate by clicking the close button in the upper right corner of the faceplate.

10. Up until now you have been logged in under the default user account with no privileges. Lets log in as LJ, the maintenance
tech. Click the Login button at the bottom right of the screen.

11. When the login window appears, type LJ for the username and Vikings for the password (LJ is a Vikings fan). Click OK.

12. Now find the pump motor and clink on it again.

13. This time, the full faceplate appeared. Since LJ is a Maintenance Tech, he likely needs the features on the full faceplate
and should not have to click two times to get there. Next we will look at how to configure which display appears when a
display element is clicked.

Configuration in the 3.0 Library


Open FactoryTalk View Studio by double clicking the shortcut on the desktop.

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In the Application Type Selection window, select View Site Edition (Local Station). Press Continue.


In the Existing tab of the New/Open Site Edition (Local Station) Application dialog box, select the application
PlantPAx_AdvSysEng and click Open.

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In the Explorer on the left side of the screen, expand Displays in the tree


Near the bottom of the display list, find the display P0 Home. Double click on P0 Home to open the display.


Once the P0 Home display is open, open the object explorer by clicking the Show/Hide Object Explorer button in the
toolbar at the top of the FactoryTalk View Studio window.


In the Object Explorer, expand GroupMotor

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Now right click on GO_P_VSD_Pump1 and select Global Object Parameter Values


The Global Object Parameters window has some new parameters. #102 is still the Tag Name for the object; however the
rest are new.

#103 is the Path. This is used for upstream and downstream faceplate navigation.

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Parameters #120 and #121 allow you to specify additional display command switches. These additional switches can be used to
specify where the faceplate appears when it is displayed. In this case, /x150 in #120 and /Y50 specify the faceplate be
displayed 150 pixels from the left and 50 pixels from the top. These parameters are optional and do not need to be specified.
#122 controls which display appears when the user clicks on the display element. Note that you can expand the row height for
parameter #122 by typing a value and pressing <Enter>.
0 specifies that the full faceplate always appears.
1 specifies that the full faceplate appears if the user has security code C (Maintenance), and the Quick appears if the
user does not have security code C.
2 specifies that the Quick display always appears.
If this field is left blank, the full faceplate always appears.
Users familiar with previous versions of the PlantPAx library will note that parameters for Interlocks, Permissives, Runtime, and
Restart Inhibit are gone. What happened to them? We will explore that next.
10. Click Cancel to close the Global Object Parameter Values window. And minimize FactoryTalk View Studio.
11. Double click the Lab Files Shortcut icon on the desktop.

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12. Navigate to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\RSLogix 5000 and double click PlantPAx_AdvSysEng_Lab_StartA.ACD
to open the RSLogix 5000 project.

13. Once the project is open, double click on Controller Tags in the Controller Organizer.

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14. Find P1_Motor in the tag list

Note the tag names for the P_Perm, P_Intlk, P_ResInh, and P_RunTime objects. The 3.0 Library faceplates use the
Tagname of the primary object in the control strategy (in this case P1_Motor) plus a fixed suffix to identify objects
associated with that primary object.
15. We will go online with the processor before finishing this section. Click the dropdown next to Offline in the upper left
corner of RSLogix 5000 and select Go Online.

16. The Connected to Go Online window appears. Click Download.

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17. Click Download.

18. Click Yes to change controller back to Remote Run

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Discover the objects that have navigation capability


To see a list of all of the objects that can be accessed using a tag name suffix, double click the Lab Files Shortcut icon
on the desktop and open the folder Navigation Job Aid. Open the excel spreadsheet PlantPAx HMI Object Navigation For
RSTeched.xlsx. A sample of the spreadsheet appears below.


Go back to the FactoryTalk View Client window and click on the pump to open its faceplate if it is not currently open.


On the faceplate, click the Engineering Tab, then click on page 2

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Note the configuration for navigation in the last five checkboxes. As long as each object has the correct tag name in the
controller, checking the checkbox enables navigation from this faceplate to the upstream or downstream objects faceplate.
In this example, we can navigate to the Forward Permissive, Interlock, Restart Inhibit, and Runtime Objects.


To show how this is done, we will go back to the home page of the faceplate. Click the Home Tab to get back to the Home


Once on the home page, see how these faceplates can be displayed. Hover over each object with the mouse to see the
tool-tip. Click each to show the faceplate.
Restart Inhibit


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Now lets take a look at the Permissive Faceplate. Click the Permissive Button on the P1_Motor faceplate


Hover over each of the three permissive inputs with the mouse. Note that the third one can be clicked. Click to show the
P1 Restart Inhibit Faceplate.


Hover over each of the three permissive inputs with the mouse. Note that the third one can be clicked. Click to show the
P1 Restart Inhibit Faceplate.

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This navigation is not done using specific names. It is done using tags entered by the developer. Lets see how that is done.
10. Close the Restart Inhibit faceplate.
11. Click the Engineering Tab on the Permissive faceplate. Then Click Page 3.

12. Note the check next to P1 Restart Inhibit and the box that shows the tag P1_Motor_Restart on the third line. The check
enables the navigation point on the Home Page and the text box contains the tag whose faceplate will be displayed. Both
these objects are currently gray because you are currently logged in as LJ the Maintenance Tech and he does not have
permission to change these values.

13. Close the Permissive Faceplate and Open the Interlock Faceplate from the P1_Motor Faceplate.

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14. Note that none of the Interlock inputs can be clicked.

15. Click the Engineering tab, then click page 3. None of the inputs have navigation configured.
16. Lets log in as an Engineer so we can configure navigation. Click the Login button at the bottom right of the screen.

17. When the login window appears, type Dave for the username and rockwell for the password. Click OK.

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18. Notice that the checkboxes have turned white and can be modified. Configure the navigation as shown in the screen below.
Remember to press <Enter> after typing each text string!

19. Now return to the home tab of the Interlock faceplate and try each of the inputs you configured. See that EAL_P1, IAH_P1,
VAH_P1, and FAL_P1 are all discrete objects and the P_DIn faceplate appeared as each was clicked. TI8_P1 and II_P1
are Analog objects and the P_AIn faceplate appeared for both. Finally, both P1_HiBearingTemp and P1_HiWindingTemp
are P_Logic objects and the P_Logic faceplate appeared.

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20. We have shown how you can get from the PF755 faceplate to the interlock faceplate and then navigate to additional
faceplates. But the navigation does not stop there. From the Interlock faceplate Home Page, click the High Bearing Temp
to display the P_Logic Faceplate.

21. Hover over each of the inputs on the right side of the P_Logic faceplate. Each of these can be clicked as well. Try one.
Each brings up the Analog Input faceplate for the object connected to the input. Note that it does not have to be an Analog
Input Faceplate. It can be any faceplate in the PlantPAx library or one of your own faceplates as long as you follow library

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22. Go to Engineering Page 2 to see how the navigation points are configured.

23. Like the Interlocks and Permissives, there is a checkbox to enable navigation and a tag name for the object we will
navigate. In this example, the input labeled Motor OB Hi-Hi Temp is connected to tag TI4_P1. Close the P_Logic
24. From the Interlock faceplate Home Page, click the High Winding Temp to display the P_Logic Faceplate. Note that none of
the inputs have navigation.
25. Go to the Engineering Page 2 and configure the navigation as shown below.

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26. Now return to the home page and verify that the new navigation points in the P_Logic faceplate work correctly.
27. Close all open faceplates.
28. Click on the P1 Flow Control object to display the P_PIDE faceplate. (This is NEW for the 3.0 Library!)

29. Go to Engineering Page 4. The P_PIDE faceplate has navigation too! Configure the faceplate as shown below.

30. Now return to the home page of the P_PIDE faceplate and click the PV and the CV to see where they take you.

The PV takes you to the FQI_P1 (P_DoseFM) faceplate while the CV takes you to the P1_Motor (P_PF755) faceplate. In
fact, you can go from the FIC_P1 PIDE faceplate to the P1_Motor faceplate to the Interlock faceplate to the High Winding
Temp P_Logic faceplate to the TI3_P1 Analog Input faceplate. Try it!

Create an alias tag in RSLogix to allow navigation

You have seen examples of navigation configuration where specific names are required to get from one faceplate to the next.
What happens when an object already has a name due to other requirements but you still want to navigate to its faceplate from
other faceplates? You create a tag alias in RSLogix 5000.

Close all of the open faceplate.


Click on the Pump P1 Transfer object to display the P_DoseFM faceplate.

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Go to Engineering Page 2 and check the box next to Enable navigation to Rate Input Object.


Now go to the Maintenance Tab. Note the Raw Rate Input can be clicked. However, if you click on it, nothing happens.

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Now go back to FactoryTalk View Studio and look at the event log at the bottom of the page. You will see the errors that
occurred because the tag FQI_P1_ChanRate did not exist.


Refer to the navigation spreadsheet PlantPAx HMI Object Navigation For RSTeched.xlsx. Select the Navigation by
Name sheet. Note that for the P_DoseFM object, the input Rate channel object must be named the same as the
P_DoseFM object with the suffix _ChanRate.


The channel object already exists, but it has a different name. To enable the navigation we will create an alias.


Go back to the RSLogix 5000 project. Click Save.


When prompted whether to upload tag values, click Yes.

This saves the navigation configuration you entered in the previous section.
10. Open the controller Tags window if it is not already open and click on the Edit Tags tab at the bottom of the window.

11. At the bottom of the list, enter FQI_P1_ChanRate in the Name column. DO NOT press ENTER!

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Pressing ENTER here will create a DINT Tag. Do not press ENTER or click away from this row of the Tag
Editor window until the Alias For entry has been filled in!
12. Next, click in the Alias For column, and browse for the tag FY_P1.

13. Double click the tag to select it. The new tag will look like this:

14. Now return to the FactoryTalk View Client and the Maintenance tab of the Pump P1 Transfer Dosing. Click the Raw Rate
Input and the Analog Channel Quality (P_AIChan) faceplate appears.

This completes the PlantPAx Library Faceplate Navigation part of this lab.

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Part 1b PlantPAx Simple Sequencer Instruction

The PlantPAx Simple Sequencer (P_Seq) Add-On Instruction (AOI) and graphics provides bit-based sequencing with the
following features:
Up to 32 discrete (BOOL) outputs for controlling or commanding devices
Up to 32 discrete (BOOL) inputs for monitoring device feedback
Up to 32 floating-point number (REAL) outputs for setpoints or parameter values
An unlimited number of sequence steps per sequencer instance (limited by available memory)
Rich and intuitive human-machine interface (HMI) screens for operation, monitoring and configuration
Short AOI scan time for use in fast-scan control strategies
State model consistent with higher-level procedural control, including states for Idle, Starting, Running, Complete, Paused,
and Stopped
The Simple Sequencer is intended for basic low-level sequencing typical of Control Implementation Modules and Equipment
Implementation Modules as defined in (pending) International Society for Automation Technical Report ISA-TR106.01, but may
be used at any level and in any application where its functionality is appropriate. It complements the larger Logix Batch and
Sequence Manager (LBSM) and FactoryTalk Batch products. Together, these products cover a wide range of sequencing and
procedural logic needs, from the simplest to most complex.
In this part of the lab, you will use the PlantPAx Simple Sequencer with the P_DoseFM Dosing with Flowmeter instruction, the
P_PF755 PowerFlex 755 Variable Speed Drive instruction, the P_ValveMO Motor Operated Valve instruction and associated
permissives and interlocks to implement a transfer of an amount of liquid.

Lab Overview
You will perform the following tasks in this part of the lab:

Operate a transfer manually to get an understanding of the sequence to be automated.


Create an instance of the Simple Sequencer.


Tie the Simple Sequencer to the equipment you just operated.


Add HMI elements for the sequencer to an existing FactoryTalk View SE screen.


Use the Simple Sequencers HMI screens to configure the sequence.


Operate the automated sequence.

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Operate a Transfer Manually

In this section, you will manually operate a transfer to get a feel for how the sequence will operate.
The RSLogix Emulate 5000 Chassis Monitor should already be running and displayed on screen.

1. If the RSLogix Emulate 5000 Chassis Monitor is not running, double-click its icon on the desktop to start it.

2. Wait for the BAT yellow-LED-like indicators on the emulated controllers to stop blinking.
This indicates that the emulated controllers are initialized.
This section of the lab uses the controller in Slot 2 of the emulated chassis. The upper-left RUN indicator should be ON,
indicating the emulated controller is in Run mode.

3. If the emulated controller is not in Run mode, right-click on the image of the keyswitch and select Run.

You will be operating the equipment using HMI screens already developed using FactoryTalk View SE software.

4. Double-click the PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng Client icon on the desktop to start the HMI client software.

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The FactoryTalk View HMI client appears, showing the process we will be operating.

Note that the user Default is logged in. This user has no operation, maintenance, engineering or administrator privileges. You
will log in as a superuser for the rest of this section.
User security for the PlantPAx system is discussed in other Labs and Presentations.

5. Click the Key icon to call up the Login prompt.

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6. Log in using the username Dave (not case sensitive) and the password rockwell (all lower case).

Notice that the screen objects, for the most part, still have default text (e.g., Analog Input) and values as given in the Add-On
Instruction definitions. Other parts of this lab will show you tools to help quickly configure the PlantPAx Library object instances
in your application.
Now that you have the application running and you are logged in, you can start operating the equipment.

7. Click the symbol for the suction valve the one on the left-hand side of the screen to open the valve

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8. Click the Open button on the valve faceplate to open the valve.

For this lab, the valves have been placed into their simulation operating state.
The valves status will show Opening for several seconds, then Open.

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9. Click the red X button to close the faceplate.

10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 to open the discharge valve, the one on the right-hand side of the display.
Both valves should now be open.

11. Click the Pump P1 Transfer object (FQI-P1) to call up the P_DoseFM Dosing faceplate. Then, by using the
mouse to drag the title bar, move the faceplate so it is near the left-hand edge of the client window.

12. Similarly, click the Motor Speed Control pump object (P1) to call up the P_PF755 PowerFlex 755 Variable
Speed Drive faceplate. Drag this faceplate so it is alongside the Dosing faceplate.

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Your client window should now look like this:

13. If the Dosing faceplate status is not Totalizer Cleared, click the Totalizer Clear button to reset the quantity
delivered to zero.

14. Click the Start Totalizer button to start totalizing flow.

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15. Click the Start Flow button.

Note that the Dosing status changes to Delivering, but the pump drive does not start and the there is no delivery flow. This is
because there is no code linking the Dosing (P_DoseFM) instruction to the Motor Drive (P_PF755) instruction (yet).

16. On the PowerFlex 755 Variable Frequency Drive faceplate, click the Speed Reference data entry field.

17. In the popup, type a value of 60 and press the Enter key.

The speed reference is set to 60.00 Hz.

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18. Click the Start button to start the motor.

As the motor comes up to speed, the process simulation logic brings up the flow rate, and the Dosing faceplate shows the
quantity delivered accumulating.

19. As the quantity delivered approaches the setpoint (and the Remaining to Deliver amount approaches zero),
click the Stop button on the motor faceplate to stop the drive.

As the drive slows to a stop, the simulated flow slows as well.

20. On the dosing faceplate, click the Stop Flow button (if it is enabled), then click the Check Tolerance button.

How well did you do?

If youre like most people, your delivery was over tolerance by a significant amount!

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21. Click the Reset and Acknowledge Alarms button on the Dosing faceplate to clear the Over Tolerance alarm.

Create an Instance of the Simple Sequencer

1. Double-click the Lab Files Shortcut desktop icon to open Windows Explorer showing the files for this lab.
If necessary, drag or minimize any open windows. The icon is on the left edge of the desktop.

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2. Double-click the RSLogix 5000 sub-folder to open it.

3. Double-click the PlantPAx_AdvSysEng_Lab_StartA.ACD file to open the lab project in RSLogix 5000

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4. In the RSLogix 5000 menu, click File and select Save As. Save the project with the filename

5. In the Controller Organizer on the left, click the plus signs as needed to expand the Tasks, the
Task_C_250ms Task, and the Pump_P1 Program so you can see the Routines within the Pump_P1

6. Right-click on the Pump_P1 Program and select New Routine.

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7. In the New Routine popup, enter the name P1_Sequence. Be sure the Type selection is Ladder Diagram
and the Assignment is <none>. Then click OK.

8. Double-click the new P1_Sequence Routine in the Controller Organizer to open it.

The Routine is opened and a new blank rung is provided. In later steps, you will put some logic on this rung. For now leave it in

9. Delete the blank rung that was created by default. You can use the DEL key or the right-click context menu.
This will leave your cursor on the (End) placeholder.

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10. Right-click on the blue cursor box and select Import Rung(s)

11. In the Import Rungs popup:

Click Desktop in the left frame.

Double-click the Lab Files Shortcut item.

Double-click the PlantPAx Library of Process Objects folder.

Double-click the Process Add-On Instructions folder.

Scroll down and double-click the P_Seq_3_0-00C_BETA_RUNG_RSTechED.L5X file.

A progress bar shows while the import file is prepared. Then the Import Configuration popup appears.

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12. Click on the Tags item in the left-hand frame.

13. In the Final Name column, note the names of the Tags to be created as follows:


When the PlantPAx Library of Process Objects version 3.0 is released, P_Seq will be provided as a RUNG
import, because the required User-Defined Type (UDT) for the step configuration array can be included. For
the lab, we have provided the above Tagnames for you. For the released Library, you will have to change
the default Tagnames in the RUNG import file to the names for your application on this screen (or rename
the Tags using the Tag Properties window).

14. Click OK to import the P_Seq Add-On Instruction, its related Tags and User-Defined Types, and its rung of
Logic. If you see a popup that says Calls to the following instruction(s) exist in source that is not
editable:.., click OK.
NOTE: For RSTechED, The import file also includes two other rungs.
A rung before the sequencer maps the sequencer Inputs. A set of XIC --- OTE branches
copy Status bits from devices to Input bits of the sequencer.
A rung after the sequencer maps the sequencer Outputs. A set of XIC --- OTE branches
copy Output bits from the sequencer to Command bits of the devices.
These rungs were programmed for you and included in the import file to save time.

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The sequencer can be used in Function Block Diagram Routines just as easily. Instead of the XIC --- OTE
branches, use IREFs (and possibly some Boolean logic blocks) wired to Inputs, and wire Outputs to OREFs
to map the sequencer Inputs and Outputs. Likewise, the sequencer can be used in Structured Text. In this
case, use assignment statements to map device Status bits to Inputs, call the sequencer, then use
assignment statements to map Outputs to device Commands.
IMPORTANT: In cases where multiple sequencers are written which control the same equipment, care must
be taken in the mapping logic. You will want to use OTL instead of OTE for mapping Outputs to
Commands (or IF THEN <assignment>; END_IF; structures in Structured Text) and set
Cfg_PCmdClear on each device to 1. This allows a many-to-one command interface. See the Reference
Manuals for the PlantPAx Library AOIs in question for more information.

15. Right-click on the P1_DosingSeq_Steps Tag at the bottom of the instruction face and select Edit
P1DosingSeq_Steps Properties.

44 of 184

16. Change the Data Type from P_SeqStep[1] to P_SeqStep[20] and click OK.

The P_Seq instruction uses an InOut Parameter to link to the configuration for its steps. The steps are
stored in an array, and the array can be whatever size is needed to accomplish the required sequence, from
a minimum of one up to the maximum size of a Tag. See the Release Notes for your Logix controller to find
out what maximum Tag size is supported in your controller.
The dosing sequence you will create uses 14 steps. Create your array with spares for future changes.

Link the Sequencer to the Controlled Devices

The logic to link the Sequencer to the devices has been completed for you and included in the rung import you just completed.
This section discusses how that logic came to be and is informative only. You can skip to the next numbered
steps, on page 46, if you wish.
The linking logic allows the sequencer to control devices using its outputs and read back the states of those devices using its
It is often helpful to think of what you want the equipment to do first, then think about how the equipment
will respond. We will take that tack here, linking the Outputs of the sequencer to device Command bits first,
then going back and linking the device Status bits to sequencer Inputs.
The basic steps of the sequence are:
Acquire all the required devices in Program Mode.
When devices are acquired, clear the dosing totalizer.

45 of 184

When the dosing totalizer is cleared, start it.

When the totalizer is confirmed running, start the dosing delivery monitoring.
When the dosing is ready, open the suction valve.
When the suction valve is fully open, open the discharge valve.
When the discharge valve moved from commanded to open to opening, start the pump.
When the dosing instruction indicates delivery is nearly complete, stop the pump.
When the pump is confirmed stopped, close the suction and discharge valves.
When the valves are confirmed closed, check the dosing tolerance.
Stop the totalizer.
Release all the devices. When all devices are released, the sequence is complete.
The linking logic uses Output-to-Command links to acquire and release devices, open and close valves, start and stop the pump,
and clear, start and stop the totalizer, start delivery and check delivery tolerance. Status-to-Input links confirm the various
acquired/released states, valve positions, motor states and dosing / totalizer / delivery actions.
You can enter these links as separate rungs if you like. Or you can use branches on a rung, as shown
above, to keep the linking grouped all in one place. Its a matter of personal programming style.
In the Output linking rung (Rung 2), Output bits were assigned in the order they will be fired as the
sequence progresses. You could instead group the output bits by device, keeping the suction valve bits
together, the discharge valve bits together, and so on. Again, this is a matter of personal programming style.
In the Input linking rung (Rung 0), notice that the Input bits are assigned grouped by device to show this
alternate grouping style.
You may prefer to pick one grouping style and stick with it consistently within a project!

1. In the Controller Organizer, double-click the MainJSR Routine (under the Pump_P1 Program) to open
the Routine. Insert a new rung at the top of the Routine and code a JSR (Jump to Subroutine) to the new
P1_Sequencer Routine. There are no call parameters or return parameters for this JSR.

2. Verify, Save and Download your ACD file. When prompted to do so, return the emulated controller to Run
Add the Simple Sequencer to the HMI Display
To save time, the P_Seq Global Objects and Displays have already been imported into the FactoryTalk View SE project. You
will add the Global Object (graphic symbol) for the sequencer to the process display and link it to the instruction instance in the
emulated controller.

46 of 184

1. Start FactoryTalk View Studio by double-clicking the desktop icon. You may need to minimize other
windows temporarily to get to the icon.

2. In the Application Type Selection popup, select View Site Edition (Local Station) and click Continue.

3. In the New / Open Application popup, select PlantPAx_AdvSysEng on the Existing tab and click Open.

47 of 184

A number of Services are loaded and started and the Application is loaded into Studio.

4. Click the plus sign next to Displays to expand the list. Scroll down to make the bottom of the list of
Displays visible. Then double-click P0Home to open the home display.

5. Click the plus sign next to Global Objects to expand this list. Scroll down to make the bottom of the list of
Global Objects visible. Then double-click (RA-Seq) Standard Objects to open the sequencer Global
Objects file.

6. Drag the sequencer Global Objects window down, by the title bar, so that the upper part of the home
Display is visible.
Your FactoryTalk View Studio windows workspace should now look like this:

48 of 184

The upper-right-most Global Object is the sequencer's operator symbol, designed for use on process displays. You
will now add this object to your display and link it to the Add-On Instruction in the controller.
7. Click and drag the operator symbol from the Global Objects into the home Display.

49 of 184

8. Right-click on the new symbol in the home Display and select Global Object Parameter Values.

The Global Object Parameter Values popup appears. Global Object Parameters are used to link the Global Object to its Tag or
Tags in the controller.

9. Click the ellipsis ( . . . ) button under Tag in row 1.

The Tag Browser popup appears.

10. By clicking the plus signs, expand the tree on the left side as follows:




50 of 184

11. Scroll down and select the P1_DosingSeq folder in the left-side tree.

If you cant find the P1_DosingSeq item, click Refresh All Folders to read the Tag structure from the
controller and refresh the tree view.

[PlantPAxASE]P1_DosingSeq appears as the Selected Tag.

12. Click OK.
The Path and Tag are entered in the Value for row 1 (Parameter #102).

51 of 184

The Path needs to be entered in row 2 (Parameter #103).

13. Select the Path text from the Value in row 1, copy it, and paste it in the Value for row 2. Include the square
brackets, but do not include either of the curly braces.
You can use CTRL-C to copy and CTRL-V to paste within text fields.

14. Enter a zero (0) for row 5 (Parameter #122). Leave rows 3 and 4 blank.
Your Global Object Parameter Values should look like this:

15. Click OK.

16. Close the home Display and the P_Seq Global Objects files. Be sure to save your Display changes. If
there were any changes to the P_Seq Global Objects file, do not save them.
17. Minimize FactoryTalk View Studio.
18. Bring the FactoryTalk View Client to focus (foreground). (It should still be open.)

52 of 184

19. Click the Repaint/Repair Screen button at the bottom left of the Client

20. The Client screen refreshes, with the Simple Sequencer button visible at the upper right.

53 of 184

Configure the Sequencer Using the HMI

Now that you have the Sequencer instruction in place and have the HMI linked to it, you can use the HMI faceplates
to configure it.

1. Click the Simple Sequencer button on the FactoryTalk View Client home display.
The sequencers faceplate appears with the home (Operator) tab visible.

2. Select the Engineering tab.

54 of 184

As with other PlantPAx Library objects, you can enter a Description, Label and Tag for the instance. It also has Permissive and
Interlock inputs and supports linking and navigation to P_Perm and P_Intlk objects. Because of time constraints, we will not
exercise those features in this lab. If you have extra time at the end, you can explore more of the sequencers features.

3. Click the Display Sequence Config Window button in the upper center of the sequencer faceplate.

The Sequence Configuration Display appears, with the Inputs tab selected.

This display is used to configure which inputs and which outputs are used. Only used inputs and outputs are visible. This is also
where you configure descriptive text for the inputs and outputs. There is a tab for the discrete (BOOL) inputs, a tab for the
discrete (BOOL) outputs, and a tab for the floating-point (REAL) outputs.
This application uses Inputs 0 through 16.

4. Uncheck the boxes for Inputs 17 through 31.

55 of 184

5. Enter the following text for Inputs 0 through 16:


Input 0: SuctMOV Ready

Input 9: Pump Stopped

Input 1: SuctMOV Opened

Input 10: Dosing Ready

Input 2: SuctMOV Closed

Input 11: Total Cleared

Input 3: DischMOV Ready

Input 12: Total Running

Input 4: DischMOV Opening

Input 13: Dosing Running

Input 5: DischMOV Opened

Input 14: Dosing Complete

Input 6: DischMOV Closed

Input 15: Tol Checked

Input 7: Pump Ready

Input 16: Total Stopped

Input 8: Pump Running

6. Select the Discrete Output Configuration tab.

This application uses Outputs 0 through 13.

Enter the following text for Outputs 0 through 13:


Output 0: Acquire Devices

Output 7:

Stop Pump

Output 1: Clear Totalizer

Output 8:

Close DischMOV

Output 2:Start Totalizer

Output 9:

Close SuctMOV

Output 3: Start Delivery

Output 10: Stop Delivery

Output 4: Open SuctMOV

Output 11: Check tolerance

Output 5: Open DischMOV

Output 12: Stop Totalizer

Output 6: Start Pump

Output 13: Release Devices

56 of 184

The checkboxes on this display configure whether the given output is overwritten in the Stopped State, and whether the given
output is overwritten in the Held State. We will not explore Pause, Hold or Stop in this lab. You may explore these features if
you have time.
The third tab of the Sequencer Configuration popup is used to configure Analog Outputs of the sequencer, which can be used to
write loop setpoints, drive speed references and the like. We will not be using the Analog Outputs in this lab.

8. Close the Sequence Configuration popup.

The slider and the number entry box at the bottom of Engineering Tab page 1 of the Simple Sequencer popup allow you to select
a sequence Step for editing. We will start editing at Step 1, so ignore these for now.

9. Click the Display Step Configuration Window button at the bottom right of the Simple Sequencer popup.

The Step Configuration popup for Step 1 appears.

57 of 184

Step 1 is the Acquire Devices step.

10. Enter Acquire Devices in the Step 1 Name field.

Note the two buttons to the right of the Step Name field. The button on the left inserts a new (blank)Step into the sequence
before the current Step. The button on the right deletes the current Step and shifts the remaining Steps to close the gap.

This lab will not use the sequence fault timer, the step wait timer or the step fault timer features of the
sequencer. Leave the remaining fields and selections on this tab at their default selections / values.

The remaining three tabs at the top of the Step Configuration popup call up pages for configuring the Discrete Input states
needed to go to the next Step, the Discrete Outputs set or cleared by this Step, and the Analog Outputs set by this Step. We will
configure the Discrete Outputs first what we want the Step to do then go back and configure the Discrete Inputs how we
know when the Step is done and we can go to the next Step.

11. Click the Discrete Outputs tab

The Discrete Outputs for Step 1 appear.

58 of 184

In this first Step, we want to write ALL the Outputs to known values. All Outputs will be set to zero except the Acquire Devices
Output (Output 0) after all, the purpose of this Step is to acquire the devices in Program Mode so the sequencer can operate

12. Check the checkboxes for ALL the Outputs so they are written. Click the Output Value box for the top
Output (Output 0) to change it from a zero (0) to a one (1), as shown below.

13. Now select the Discrete Inputs tab.

The selections on the Inputs tab determine what conditions must be satisfied in order to transition
to the next Step of the Sequence.

59 of 184

We want to transition to Step 2 when we have acquired all the devices. From our Input mapping, we know that each
Ready Input is true when the corresponding device has Sts_Available set. Sts_Available means the device is
in Program Mode (acquired) and is ready to be operated (NOT Sts_NotRdy).

14. Click the checkboxes next to the four Ready bits so that their states are checked. Click the four value
boxes that appear to change them from zero (0) to one (1).
You have completed configuring Step 1. Step 1 will send the Acquire Devices Output and wait for all four devices to show
Available on their Inputs.

15. Click the Next Step button at the bottom right of the Step Configuration popup to go to Step 2.

16. Configure the remaining steps of the sequence in a similar fashion using the information in the following
table. (You have already completed Step 1.)
Each bit that commands a device must be set to 1 to trigger the command, the cleared to 0 in the next step.

60 of 184

Step #

Step Name

Acquire Devices

Outputs to Write


Acquire Devices

All other Outputs


Clear Totalizer
Start Totalizer
Start Delivery
Open SuctMOV
Open DischMOV
Start Pump

Inputs to Check


SuctMOV Ready

DischMOV Ready

Pump Ready

Dosing Ready

Total Cleared

Total Running

Dosing Running

SuctMOV Open

DischMOV Closed (NOTE)

Pump Running

Clear Totalizer

Acquire Devices

Start Totalizer

Clear Totalizer

Start Delivery

Start Totalizer

Open SuctMOV

Start Delivery

Open DischMOV

Open SuctMOV

Start Pump

Open DischMOV

Wait Until Done

Start Pump

Dosing Complete

Stop Pump

Stop Pump

Pump Stopped


Close Valves

Close DischMOV

SuctMOV Closed

Close SuctMOV

DischMOV Closed

Stop Pump

Check Tolerance

Tol Checked

Close DischMOV

Close SuctMOV

Stop Totalizer

Total Running

Check Tolerance

Release Devices

SuctMOV Ready

Stop Totalizer

DischMOV Ready

Pump Ready

Dosing Ready




Check Tolerance

Stop Totalizer
Release Devices


Release Devices

61 of 184


NOTE: Be careful on Step 6! The check is that the Discharge MOV is NOT CLOSED. This check will pass
as soon as the valve moves off the Closed Limit Switch. This allows transitioning to the next step and
starting the pump, allowing it to come up to speed at the same time the Discharge MOV finishes opening.

17. Close the Step Configuration popup when you are finished.
Run the Sequencer
Now that you have the Sequencer instruction configured, its time to run it and see how it performs.

1. Go to the Operator (home) Tab of the Simple Sequencer popup.

2. Click the Display Run-Time Sequence Window (magnifying glass) button.

3. Maximize the HMI Client and drag the Run-Time Sequence Window so you can watch it and the process
flow display at the same time.
4. Start the sequence and monitor its progress.

62 of 184

Notice the Waiting For: text that appears on the sequence Operator Faceplate:

The Operator is always shown what Inputs the sequencer is waiting on for the next transition. The list shows
all Inputs that are not yet qualified. In the step where both valves are commanded to close, the list shows
two items the sequencer is waiting for: confirmation that the Suction MOV is closed and confirmation that the
Discharge MOV is closed.

How well did the sequencer do?

63 of 184

This completes this part of the lab.

If you want to work more with the Simple Sequencer, click the Reset button at the top of the Run-Time Sequence Window to take
the sequence from the Complete state back to the Idle state. Now you can start the sequence again.

64 of 184

Part 1C Build AE Alarms XML Import File Using Alarms Builder Tool
Part 2 of this lab goes into more details on the PlantPAx Alarms Builder and Tag Data Editing software. For this part of the lab,
we will simply create the AE alarms XML import file for the PlantPAx_AdvSysEng controller.

Start Software and Load Project

1. Double-click on the PlantPAx Alarms Builder desktop shortcut to start the software. A Quick Start PDF file is
also opened in a separate Adobe PDF Reader window. Review the Quick Start guide and close the Adobe

2. Click

to open existing project.

3. Navigate to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\AlarmBuilderDemo. Double-click to open the

Part1_C.lvu project file. In the Convert Controller ACD to XML? window, click OK. It may take a
few minutes to load the project controllers (the delay is due to the time to connect to RSLogix 5000
services see tip text below).

65 of 184

When the project file is loaded, it checks the connection to RSLogix 5000 services for each of the controller
files in the project. This can take several minutes for RSLogix 5000 Version 20. RSLogix 5000 or
Studio 5000 must be installed to use this software. The delay is about the equivalent of starting
RSLogix 5000 and loading the controller ACD file.
Controllers can be added to the project by right-mouse clicking on the Logix Controllers tree node and
selecting the Add Controller popup menu item. A file browser is used for selecting the controller ACD file to
add. The software uses RSLogix 5000 services to convert the ACD file to XML format so that it is readable
by the software. The conversion to XML format can take several minutes for each controller file.

Expand the PlantPAx_AdvSysEng controller tree node. Each controller in the project can be
associated with a FactoryTalk View HMI application. The HMI association provides the information (data
area name, device shortcut name) needed in the AE tag addresses.

The HMI application association is done using the Select or Change Associated FactoryTalk View HMI
popup menu item.

Specify Controllers to Use in HMI Alarm Server

Multiple controllers can be added to the project. The controllers can be associated to different HMI alarm servers. For example,
you may have an AE alarm server for several controllers in a SE project and a ME alarm server for skid-mounted controllers.
This part of the lab has only one controller in the project.

66 of 184


Right-mouse click on HMI Alarm Servers and click Add Alarm Server from the popup menu.


Enter AlarmServer1 for the name. Leave the optional description blank. Click OK.

The alarm server in this software is used for organizing the controllers that you want to create AE alarm
polling tags. It has no association to the AE alarm server that you configure in FactoryTalk View Studio.


Click the Check All button and then click OK

The project tree is updated with the new alarm server organizer.

67 of 184

Build AE Alarms XML Import File Using the Quick Build Method

Right-mouse click on AlarmServer1, click Build FactoryTalk A&E Alarms XML Import File Quick Build


A rather lengthy dialog box appears explaining the QuickBuild default build options. Read the dialog box a better
understanding of the options will be gained when the XML file is imported to the AE alarm database. Click Yes.

68 of 184


Enter Part1C_AeImportFile.xml as the import file name and click Save.

If the file already exists, click No to overwrite the file.

Use FactoryTalk View Studio to export the entire AE tag database to XML file. Specify that file as the
QuickBuild target XML file if you want to update or append to the existing AE tag database.
Note that the SE HMI projects directory is used as the default directory in the SaveAs dialog box.


A results dialog box appears after the file is created. Click OK.

The Alarms Builder automatically configures the AE tags View command to display the associated Logix tag
faceplate by passing it a parameter file with the tag address. The parameter file is automatically generated
by the software.

69 of 184

Use FactoryTalk View Studio to Import AE Alarms XML File


FactoryTalk View Studio should already be running and opened with the PlantPAx_AdvSysEng local SE application. If
not, start View Studio and load the SE application.


The SE application contains an AE1 alarm server.


Right-mouse click on AE1 and click Import and Export.


Select Import alarm configuration from XML file. Click Next.



to open the file browser.

70 of 184


Select the Part1C_AeImportFile.xml file you created in the last section. Click Open.

Use the HMI Projects desktop shortcut if you have problems finding the HMI projects directory.


Click Next.


Select the Delete all existing alarms option. Click Finish. It may take several minutes for the import to complete.

71 of 184


Double-click Alarm and Event Setup to open the AE alarm tag data base for the AE1 alarm server.

Refer to the discussion in Part 2 of the lab (page 106) about the AE alarm tag database and the AE tags generated by the
Alarms Builder. The tags displayed in that section will be different, but the same explanation applies.

72 of 184

Part 1d PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool

The PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that can read and write the configuration data
elements of instances of PlantPAx Library Process Objects in a Logix controller.
This capability can be used to easily archive and restore the configuration of the PlantPAx Process Object instances. But by
using the extensive data manipulation capabilities in Microsoft Excel, you can easily copy, paste, modify or automatically
generate configuration data and share the data with other tools using Excel-supported file formats, such as .CSV (commaseparated values) files. If design data for the controller are in Excel-compatible tools for developing Process Flow Diagrams
(PFDs), Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), or Instrument Lists, those design data can be mapped into the controller
configuration quickly and downloaded to the controller.

Note that the Instance Configuration Tool is an online-only tool. It reads configuration
data from and writes configuration data to a live controller. It can write data to the
controller while the controller is running, so it must be used with caution.
In this part of the lab, you will use the PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool with an emulated controller to set up the various
strings displayed on the HM, plus set up scaling and limits for analog data.

Lab Overview
You will perform the following tasks in this part of the lab:

Copy the provided PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool spreadsheet file to a working copy for the lab controller.


Set up the Instance Configuration Tool to communicate with the emulated controller.


Export the Controller Tags in the emulated controller and sort them to generate the tag lists used by the Instance
Configuration Tool.


Read the current configuration of PlantPAx Process Object instances from the controller into the Configuration Tool.
The instances in the sample application still have the default data values as set in the Add-On Instruction definitions
and do not yet have application-specific values.


Modify the configuration data by entering application-specific values in Microsoft Excel.


Download the application-specific configuration data into the emulated Logic controller.


Run the projects HMI application and verify that the PlantPAx Process Object instances now have their applicationspecific configuration values.

Create a Working Copy of the Instance Configuration Tool Spreadsheet

1. Double-click the Lab Files Shortcut folder shortcut on the desktop to open the Lab Files folder.

73 of 184

2. In the left-hand frame of the Explorer window that appears, expand the Lab Files folder, and then expand
and select the PlantPAx Instance Config Tool folder.

3. Right-click on the PlantPAx_InstanceConfigTool_3_0_00A_BETA.xls file and select Copy in the context


4. Right-click on the workspace of the Explorer folder and select Paste to paste a copy of the Instance
Configuration Tool spreadsheet file.

74 of 184

5. Right-click the Copy file you just pasted and select Rename
6. Type in My Controller Config.xls as the new filename and press Enter to accept.

This is your working copy of the configuration spreadsheet for your project.

Set Up Communication between the Spreadsheet and the Logix Controller

The configuration spreadsheet communicates with the Logix Controller using RSLinx Classic DDE/OPC
communication. In order to use DDE/OPC communication, you cannot use the basic RSLinx Classic Lite.
You must have a licensed copy of RSLinx Classic software, such as RSLinx Classic OEM or RSLinx Classic
In order for the spreadsheet to communicate with the Logix Controller, you must first define a DDE/OPC Topic. The Topic
establishes the path from the computer running RSLinx software to the controller. Once you have created the Topic in RSLinx,
you simply enter its name on the Setup tab of the spreadsheet.

1. Click the RSLinx icon in the System Tray (at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen) to call up the
RSLinx Classic window.

75 of 184

2. In the DDE/OPC menu of the RSLinx Classic window, select Topic Configuration.

3. Click the New button to create a new Topic.

A new Topic with the name NEW_TOPIC (text selected) appears.

4. Overtype this name with MyController and press Enter.

5. If the Are you sure you want to update topic (MyController)? box pops up, click the Yes button.

76 of 184

6. In the right-hand side of the DDE/OPC Topic Configuration window, be sure the Data Source Tab is
selected. Then expand the tree as needed and select the Emulator controller in slot 02 of the Virtual

7. Click Apply.
8. Click Yes in the Are you sure.? box.
9. Click Done to close the DDE/OPC Topic Configuration window.

10. Close the RSLinx Classic window.

77 of 184

11. In Windows Explorer, double-click the My Controller Config.xls file to open the spreadsheet.

Note the Security Warning that appears.

12. Click Enable Content to allow the spreadsheet functions for reading and writing controller configuration
data to work.

13. Maximize the Microsoft Excel window.

14. Select cell G2.
15. Type MyController the same Topic name you entered in Step 4 above and press Enter.

16. Select cell G2 again. Position your mouse cursor over the small square at the bottom right corner of the
The cursor will change to a black plus sign.

78 of 184

17. Hold down the left mouse button and drag down to cell G48.
This will copy your Topic name to all these cells in Column G.

Your configuration spreadsheet is now configured to communicate with your emulated Logix controller.

Generate PlantPAx Process Object Tag Lists

Next you will export the controller tags, sort by type, and copy the tagnames to your configuration spreadsheet.

1. If it is not still open, open RSLogix 5000 software and the .ACD file for your application. If the application is
Online, go Offline.
2. Open the Tools menu of RSLogix 5000 and select Export | Tags and Logic Comments.

The Export window appears.

79 of 184

3. In the Tags: drop-down list, select Controller. In the Logic Comments: drop-down list, select None.
Leave the default path and filename as they are and click Export.

The .CSV file is created.

4. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the new .CSV file and double-click to open it with Excel. (Leave your
working copy of the Configuration Spreadsheet open.)

80 of 184

5. In the far left column of spreadsheet row numbers, click and drag to select rows 1 through 6. Right-click and
select Delete to delete these rows.

6. Click the upper-left corner of the sheet, just above the row numbers and left of the column letters, to select
all cells in the sheet.

81 of 184

7. Select the Data item in the menu. Then click the Sort box on the ribbon.

The Sort popup appears.

8. In the Column column, select DATATYPE in the Sort by drop-down list. Be sure Sort On has Values
selected, and Order has A to Z selected. Be sure the My data has headers checkbox is CHECKED.
Then click OK.

The sheet now has all the Controller Tags in the project sorted by Type.

9. Using the method from step 5 above, select and delete the rows for all Tags of built-in Data Types (BOOL,
DINT, INT, MESSAGE, REAL, SINT) or arrays of those types. Also delete other Tags that are NOT of an
Add-On Instruction-defined type.
What remains should be the Tags of types L_ChangeDet, L_CPU_20, L_TaskMon, P_AIChan, P_AIn, etc., where the Data Type
name is the same as a PlantPAx Library Add-On Instruction name.
The picture below shows the first deletion: deleting Tags of types BOOL, Array of BOOL, DateTime, DINT, Array of DINT, INT,
and Array of INT.

82 of 184

10. Also delete the rows for these types:

P_PF755_Out (but do NOT delete the row for the tag of type P_PF755!)
and U_Noise
11. Click in the upper left corner of the sheet to select all cells; then double-click the border between two
This will resize the columns for the width of their contents.

83 of 184

When it is on the border between columns, the mouse cursor is a black vertical bar with arrows pointing left and right from it.
You should now have a spreadsheet with the Tags used by the PlantPAx Library Add-On Instructions, showing their Tagnames
(Column C), Descriptions (Column D) and Datatypes (Column E). The Tagnames and Descriptions are the items you will copy
into your Configuration spreadsheet.

12. Select and copy the Tagnames for all the P_AIn (Analog Input) instances.

There are several ways to copy cells use the Copy item in the Clipboard section of the ribbon, or type CTRL-C, or right-click
and select Copy in the context menu.

13. Switch to the My Controller Config spreadsheet. (Using Alt-Tab is probably the easiest way.) At the bottom
of the window, select the P_AIn tab.

84 of 184

14. Select Cell C10, the first entry cell for the TagName column. Right-click in this cell and, in the group of
Paste Options, select the second item: Paste Values.

You will be using this Paste Values method throughout the rest of this part of the lab. When you Paste
Values, the formatting of the destination cell(s) is not overwritten. Cyan-filled cells should stay cyan filled,
green-filled cells should stay green filled, and so on. If you make a mistake and just Paste and lose the
formatting, type CTRL-Z to undo the change; then perform the correct Paste Values operation.
You will see shortly how some cells are conditionally formatted to help you check your data entries.
TIP: The Configuration Tool can work with Controller-Scope Tags and with Program-Scope Tags. For
Controller Tags, only the Tagname is needed in Column C. For Program-Scope Tags, use the following
syntax for the Tagname:
For example:
The Tagnames in Column C are required for the Configuration Tool to work. It is recommended, but not required, that you also
copy the Tag Descriptions from the Tag Export into Column B of the Configuration Tool sheets.

15. Since you will use these descriptions later in the lab, copy them over, using the same Copy and Paste
Values method.
Your P_AIn configuration sheet should look like this:

85 of 184

Notice that there are nine instances. (The numbers in Column D are there to make it easier to count them.)

16. Select the Setup tab of the Configuration Tool spreadsheet.

Cell D7 contains the number of P_AIn instances. The default value is 1.

17. Enter a value of 9 in Cell D7.

Read Configuration Data from the Logix Controller

1. Check that the RSLogix Emulate 5000 Chassis Monitor is active, and verify that the emulated controller in
Slot 2 is running.
2. Return to the P_AIn tab of the Configuration Tool spreadsheet. Click the Read From CLX button.
A popup asks if you want to overwrite the current data in the sheet. Since the cells are blank and we are doing the initial upload
to fill in the sheet, we want to overwrite.

86 of 184

3. Click Yes.

A progress bar shows the progress in reading the configuration data, and the cells from E10 downward and to the right are filled

Notice that all instances are unconfigured. They contain the default values from the Add-On Instruction definition.

Modify the Configuration Data in Microsoft Excel

1. Select and Copy cells C10 through C18 the Tagnames. Paste the Values (only) into cells G10 through
G18. Be sure to use the Paste Values method described above so that cell formatting is not changed.
The destination cells should remain green and should not change to cyan background.

2. Select and Copy cells B10 through B18 the Descriptions. Paste the Values (only) into cells E10 through
Notice the red conditional formatting on the Description for Instance 5. This indicates that the text is too long to fit in the
STRING_40 (40 character string) type.

87 of 184

If you Paste complete cells, you lose this helpful conditional formatting. Always use Paste Values when
manipulating data in the Configuration Tool.

3. Select all the cells E10 through E18. Use the Replace function (in the Editing group on the ribbon, or use
Alt-E E) and replace the word Temperature with Temp in all these cells.

The red too long indication clears.

4. In cells F10 through F18, enter the following Label text:


P1 Current
P1 Winding A-B
P1 Winding B-C
P1 Winding C-A
P1 Motor OB Temp
P1 Motor IB Temp
P1 Pump IB Temp
P1 Pump OB Temp
P1 Pump Case Temp

5. In cells H10 through HF18, enter the following Engineering Units text

Deg F
Deg F
Deg F
Deg F
Deg F

88 of 184


Deg F
Deg F
Deg F

6. In Columns J and L (InpRawMax and PVEUMax), replace the value 100 with 500 for all instances. In
Column R (FailHiLim), replace the value 103.9583359 with 520 for all instances. Be careful to NOT replace
the Default Value (Row 9) only replace the instance values in Rows 10 and below.
Your sheet should now look like this:

Write Configuration Data to the Logix Controller

1. Click the Send To CLX: button.
Note the popup to confirm you want to write the data to the controller.

2. Click Yes.
When writing data to the controller, you get a second Are you ABSOLUTELY sure? prompt.
Note that the Instance Configuration Tool is an online-only tool. It reads configuration
data from and writes configuration data to a live controller. It can write data to the
controller while the controller is running, so it must be used with caution.

3. Click Yes.
A progress bar shows the progress, followed by a Complete popup.

4. Click OK.

89 of 184

Use the HMI Client to Verify the Configuration Changes

5. If it is not already open, start the PlantPAxAdvSysEng_StartA HMI Client.

Notice that the Labels and Engineering Units on the various Analog Input objects have changed to the values you downloaded.

6. Open a few of the Analog Input faceplates and note that the scaling ranges and Tagname text have also

This completes the PlantPAx Instance Configuration Tool part of this lab. If you have time, you can try configuring other objects
or other parameters.

90 of 184

Part 2 PlantPAx Alarms Builder and Tag Data Editing Tools Lab
The PlantPAx Alarms Builder Tool creates alarms import files for FactoryTalk View AE-polling based alarms and ME alarms.
FactoryTalk View Studio provides tools for importing the files into the AE or ME alarm tag database.
The software adds AE or ME alarms tags to the import files for Logix controller tags with Logix data type definitions. For
example, the PlantPAx Process Library analog input (P_AIn) AOI is configured to use the AOIs Alm_Fail, Alm_HiHi, Alm_Hi,
Alm_Lo, Alm_LoLo tag elements as alarm triggers. Each of these alarm triggers can be configured as a separate AE or ME
alarm tag. A configuration tool is provided for building the Logix data type definitions. Any predefined, UDT, or AOI data type
can be used. Default AE and ME alarm definitions can be configured for each alarm trigger. The software includes
preconfigured definitions for PlantPAx Process Library Version 3.0 AOIs.
The Alarms Builder uses the following underlying Logix tag data elements to configure the AE and ME tags:

The AE or ME tag is added to the import file only if the corresponding HasAlarm value is true. For example, the
P_AIn data type has a Cfg_HasHiHiAlm configuration parameter. The high-high alarm calculation is executed only if
the Cfg_HasHiHiAlm value is 1. To reduce HMI alarm server loading, the AE or ME tag is created only if the
Cfg_HasHiHiAlm value is 1.


Local string tags (Cfg_Label and Cfg_Desc) are used to build the AE and ME alarm messages.


For AE alarm tags, the AE tag severity is set based on the Logix tags alarm severity value. For example, the P_AIn
data type has a Cfg_HiHiSeverity configuration parameter for setting the high-high alarms severity. The severity
value is used in the tags HMI faceplate alarm coloring (different colors for different severities). The allowed Logix tag
severity values are {1, 2, 3, and 4}. These values are mapped as the following AE tag severity (or priority) values: {1,
251, 501, and 751} per the PlantPAx HMI Design Guidelines.

A tag data editing tool is provided to edit the Logix tags alarm related parameters (as well as any other tag data parameters).
The tag data editing tool provides the following features:

Multiple tags can be edited in a spreadsheet-like table. Tag values can be copy-and-paste within the table or between
Windows applications (e.g., to and from Excel).


User-configurable tag data element filters are used to set the elements to display in the table. For example, configure
a filter to show the local string tags, a filter to show the alarm severities, etc.


The tags are edited based on data types. For example, edit all P_AIn tags, or P_Motor tags, etc. The tags in the table
can be filtered using the tag name or tag description; for example, show only temperature indicator tags (TI tags) or
flow indicator tags (FI tags), etc.


Tags from the table can be exported to a tab-delimited text file. Use Microsoft Excel or other text editors to edit the text
file. Tag values from the edited text file can be imported back into the controller ACD files.


The tag data editing tool is an off-line configuration tool for updating the controller ACD files off-line. However, data
from the table can be exported in COT file format. This file format is used by the RSLogix Tag Upload/Download
Tool. That tool can be used to download the tag data in the COT file to a running controller via OPC. The tool is an
optional installed tool supplied with RSLogix 5000.

The tag data editing features and Alarms Builder tools can be used independently.

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Lab Overview
We will do the following in this lab:

Create an Alarms Builder project. A project can contain multiple controllers. The alarms import file for all or selected
controllers can be built simultaneously.


Use the tag data editing tool to review the tag data.


Create an AE alarms XML import file using the Quick Build tool. The tool uses default build options and creates the
XML import file directly.


Import the AE alarms XML file into a FactoryTalk View SE application.


Update the AE alarms using the tag organizer and HMI display association functions.
Tags can be organized in user-defined folders. Use folders to organize tags associated with equipment and/or area.
The folder names are added to the AE tags Alarm Class string. Tags in the AE alarm summary can be filtered using
the Alarm Class string. For example, create a Reactor1 folder to organize all tags related to the reactor. Use the
AE alarm summary filter to display only alarms for Reactor1.
Associate HMI displays to the tags. The AE tags View command is automatically configured to open the display via a
user-configurable macro. Double-clicking on the alarm in the AE alarm summary opens the associated HMI display
and associated tag faceplate. (The Quick Build method automatically configures the tag faceplate display command,
but not the HMI display association).


View the AE alarm summary in a SE runtime client.


Use the software tools to create an SE alarm filter tree display. The user-defined folders and tags are displays in a
tree. Clicking on a folder shows all the alarms in that folder.


Examine the AE alarms tag database and Logix tags comparison tool.


Examine the Logix data types alarm definition configuration tool.

This lab focuses on FactoryTalk View SE and AE-polling alarms. Similar steps are used for creating ME alarms (items 5 to 8 are
not applicable to ME alarms).

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Start Software and Load Project

1. Double-click on the PlantPAx Alarms Builder desktop shortcut to start the software. A Quick Start PDF file is
also opened in a separate Adobe PDF Reader window. Review the Quick Start guide and close the Adobe

2. Click

to open existing project.

3. Navigate to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\AlarmBuilderDemo. Double-click to open the

AlarmsBuilderDemo.lvu project file. It may take a few minutes to load the project controllers (the delay is due
to the time to connect to RSLogix 5000 services see tip text below).

When the project file is loaded, it checks the connection to RSLogix 5000 services for each of the controller
files in the project. This can take several minutes for RSLogix 5000 Version 20. RSLogix 5000 or
Studio 5000 must be installed to use this software. The delay is about the equivalent of starting
RSLogix 5000 and loading the controller ACD file
RSLogix 5000 is used for saving tag data edit changes to the controller ACD files.
Controllers can be added to the project by right-mouse clicking on the Logix Controllers tree node and
selecting the Add Controller popup menu item. A file browser is used for selecting the controller ACD file to
add. The software uses RSLogix 5000 services to convert the ACD file to XML format so that it is readable
by the software. The conversion to XML format can take several minutes for each controller file.

93 of 184

4. Right-mouse click on the Logix Controllers node and select Expand All. Each controller is associated with a
FactoryTalk View HMI application. The HMI association provides the information (data area name, device
shortcut name) needed in the AE tag addresses.

The HMI application association is done using the Select or Change Associated FactoryTalk View HMI
popup menu item:

Edit Tag Data for Multiple Tags

As noted in the software overview, Logix tag data are used in the AE tag configuration. The alarm parameters associated with
the Logix tags should be configured before building the AE alarms XML import file. The tags in this lab have already been
configured. We wont go into details on the tag data editing features, just some basics.

94 of 184


Open the controller in a child window by right-mouse clicking on the controller and selecting the popup menu command.
This opens the controller project tree.

Multiple controller child windows can be opened at the same time. Only one child window is allowed per
The tag data editing functions can be used independently of the Alarms Builder functions. The controllers do
not have to be associated with HMI applications when using the tag data editing functions.


Right-mouse click on the top controller node and click on the Edit / Export Tag Data popup menu item.

Right-mouse click on the top controller node to edit all controller tags (program scoped + controller scoped).
The tree nodes are context sensitive. For example, using the Edit / Export Tag Data command for a
program node to edit only the program scoped tags and the controller scoped tags referenced in that

95 of 184

Note that the vertical splitter bar between the Controllers & HMI tab and the child windows area in the main
window can be dragged to the left to make more room to display the child window.


Select P_AIn from the Select Data Type (with defined filters) drop-down list box. All the P_AIn tags are listed in the

Only Logix data types that are configured with data type element filters are listed in the Select Data Type
drop-down list box. Any Logix data types can be added. Use the Edit button to add data types to the list.

96 of 184


Select HasAlarm Parameters from the Select Filter drop-down list box.

The data type elements are user-configurable. Click the Edit button to add/remove/edit filters.

The table lists the tag values for the tag elements defined in the tag element filter. Tag values can be changed by typing in
the cells. Data can be copy-and-paste using standard Microsoft Windows cell selection and key strokes. Make a mental
note of some of the HasAlarm values. For example, AI_102 and AI_103 do not have low and low-low limit alarms since
you would only want alarms for unsafe, high limit conditions. It would be a waste of controller and HMI communication
resources to include the low limit alarms.

The four Field columns contain values extracted from the Logix tag description. The Logix tag description
is separated into Field values. For example, the following Logix tag description is parsed into four field

The number of fields and Logix tag description format is user-configurable (click on Tools Options
Logix Tag Format to configure).

97 of 184

As noted previously, an AE tag is created only if the underlying Cfg_HasAlm parameter is 1. In other
words, an AE tag does not exist if the Cfg_HasAlm parameter is 0. It is important to make sure to set the
Cfg_HasAlm to 0 for alarms that you really do not want. If you later change the Cfg_HasAlm value to 1
from the tag faceplate or from RSLogix 5000, that AE tag does not exist and no alarm would be annunciated
in the alarm server. The converse situation results in increased controller and HMI communication loading;
i.e., if you add the AE tag to the HMI server but later change Cfg_HasAlm value to 0, then the Logix AOI
wont generate alarms for that tag alarm element, but the alarm server is still polling data for that tag.

The tag data in this lab have been preconfigured and no changes are required. Close the Edit / Export Tag Data window
or continue with the next optional step. (Dont make tag data changes. Saving the tag data changes to the controller files
can take 2 to 3 minutes or longer in the VMWare image. The changed file has then to be downloaded using RSLogix 5000
which would take another 3-5 minutes.)


(Optional). Open the Edit Tag Data user manual. Click on the Help tool bar menu item, then Contents Edit Tag Data.

The user manual provides step-by-step instructions on all the tag data editing features. The user is welcomed to explore
the functions on your own.

Edit Tag Data for Individual Tags

To edit tag data for individual tags, right-mouse click on the tag in the Logix project tree and select the Edit Tag Data popup
menu item.

98 of 184

The same data type element filters are used as the multiple tag data edit window. Use the Edit Filter button to add/remove/edit
data type element filters.
The middle table lists the data element values for the selected filter. Type in the Value cells to make changes. The bottom
table lists the Logix tag description parsed as the user defined fields.

Specify Controllers to Use in HMI Alarm Server

Multiple controllers can be added to the project. The controllers can be associated to different HMI alarm servers. For example,

99 of 184

you may have an AE alarm server for several controllers in a SE project and a ME alarm server for skid-mounted controllers.
Do the following to group controllers to the same alarm server. The Alarms Builder tool can add alarms to the same XML import
file for all controllers within the same group simultaneously.

Right-mouse click on HMI Alarm Servers and click Add Alarm Server from the popup menu.


Enter AlarmServer1 for the name. Leave the optional description blank. Click OK.

The alarm server in this software is used for organizing the controllers that you want to create AE alarm
polling tags. It has no association to the AE alarm server that you configure in FactoryTalk View Studio.

100 of 184


Click the Check All button to select the two controllers in the project. Click OK

The project tree is updated with the new alarm server organizer.

Build AE Alarms XML Import File Using the Quick Build Method

Right-mouse click on AlarmServer1, click Build FactoryTalk A&E Alarms XML Import File Quick Build

101 of 184


A rather lengthy dialog box appears explaining the QuickBuild default build options. Read the dialog box a better
understanding of the options will be gained when the XML file is imported to the AE alarm database. Click Yes.

102 of 184


Enter AeImportFile1.xml as the import file name and click Save.

If the file already exists, click No to overwrite the file.

Use FactoryTalk View Studio to export the entire AE tag database to XML file. Specify that file as the
QuickBuild target XML file if you want to update or append to the existing AE tag database.
Note that the SE HMI projects directory is used as the default directory in the SaveAs dialog box.


A results dialog box appears after the file is created. Click OK.

The Alarms Builder automatically configures the AE tags View command to display the associated Logix tag
faceplate by passing it a parameter file with the tag address. The parameter file is automatically generated
by the software.

103 of 184

Use FactoryTalk View Studio to Import AE Alarms XML File


FactoryTalk View Studio should already be running and opened with the AlarmBuilderDemo local SE application. If not,
start View Studio and load the SE application.


The SE application contains an AE1 alarm server.

The alarm server is configured with the default severity ranges. Note that the low range values are used as
the mapped values for the PlantPAx AOI alarm severities (i.e., Logix severity 1 = AE priority 1; Logix severity
2 = AE priority 251, etc.).


Right-mouse click on AE1 and click Import and Export.

104 of 184


Select Import alarm configuration from XML file. Click Next.




Select the AeImportFile1.xml file you created in the last section. Click Open.

to open the file browser.

Use the HMI Projects desktop shortcut if you have problems finding the HMI projects directory.


Click Next.

105 of 184


Select the Delete all existing alarms option. Click Finish. It may take several minutes for the import to complete.

Review AE Alarm Data Base


Double-click Alarm and Event Setup to open the AE alarm tag data base for the AE1 alarm server.

106 of 184

Note the following:


Only Digital tags were created.

All AE tag names use the format LogixTagName_AlarmElementName. For example, if Logix tag is AI_102, the data
type element name used as the alarm trigger is Alm_Fail, then the AE tag name is AI_102_Alm_Fail.

Each Logix tag can have several associated AE tags one each for the tags alarm elements. Only AE tags with
HasAlarm set to 1. It was mentioned earlier that low limit alarms were not needed for the AI_102 and AI_103
analyzer indicators. Note that there are no low limit AE tags for those two Logix tags.

All AE tags are configured with Ack Required set to TRUE. The Process Library AOIs have their own Ack Required
alarm processing. The AE tags Ack Required must be set to TRUE for the tag faceplates ack required option buttons
to sync properly with the AE alarms summary.

Double-click on the AI_102_Alm_Fail tag to open the AE tag configuration window.

107 of 184

Note the following:

The Input tag address is automatically configured using the data area name (for SE distributed) and controller device
shortcut name configured in the Alarms Builder project.

The AE tag severity (751) was set based on the Logix tags severity (Cfg_FailSeverity = 4) using the severity mapping

The Logix tags description (Cfg_Desc = Building Gas Detector) is used in the alarm message.

Associated tags are automatically added. (The associated tags to use are configured in the Alarms Builder Logix data
type alarm definition.)

The View command is automatically configured to open the Logix tags faceplate display by passing it a parameter file.

The faceplate to use is configured in the Alarms Builder Logix data type alarm definition.
The parameter file is automatically created by the Alarms Builder. The file name is the same as the Logix tag
name. The parameter files do not have to be added to the SE application Parameters component folder.
As long as the files are in the HMI servers par sub-folder, the files can be accessed by the SE runtime

The Alarm Class is configured with the Logix tags controller name, program name, tag name, and data type.

108 of 184


Click on the Status Tags tab. The status tags are automatically configured.


Click on the Control Tags tab. The control tags are automatically configured.

The data type elements to use for the status tags and control tags are configured in the Alarms Builder Logix
data type alarm definitions. The elements shown are used for the PlantPAx Process Library Version 3.0

Click Cancel to close the Digital Alarm Properties window.

109 of 184


Close the Alarm and Events Setup window.

Build AE Alarms Using the Long Method

We created the AE alarms XML import file using the QuickBuild method. That method created the XML file directly without user
inputs. The XML import file can also be created using the Long method. The Long method provides the following additional
features over the QuickBuild method:

The user can select the Logix-to-AE tag synchronization options to use.


The user can select which Logix tags to use for building AE alarms import file. (The QuickBuild method uses all
controller tags that have alarm definitions.)


The user can organize the Logix tags in user-defined folders. For example, use a folder to organize the tags
associated with an equipment or area. The folder hierarchy names are added to the AE tags Alarm Class parameter.
This allows the use the runtime AE alarm summary to filter alarms using the folder names.


The folder names can also be used as prefixes in the AE tag names. This allows the use of the Factory Talk AE
functions (AE_InAlmUnackedCount, etc.) to obtain information about the alarms in a particular folder (i.e., equipment,
or area).


Associate HMI displays to the Logix tags. The AE tags View command is configured to open the associated HMI
display via a user-configurable macro. As in the QuickBuild method, the View command also includes a command to
open the associated tag faceplate.


Review AE tag configuration before adding the tags to the AE alarms import file.


Review and change the various AE alarms import file build options.


This method uses a series of wizard-like dialog boxes to walk you through the build procedure. The dialog boxes allow
you to skip certain steps.


Return to the Alarms Builder main window.


Right-mouse click on Alarm Server1, click Build FactoryTalk A&E Alarms XML Import File Select/Organize Tags.

110 of 184

Synchronize Tags

Click Yes to the Synchronize prompt box. We will review the Logix tags-to-AE tags synchronization options.


The top table lists all the tags in the controllers that are configured with alarm synchronization parameters. (The
synchronization parameters are configured in the Alarms Builder Logix data type alarm definitions.) The bottom tabs list the
synchronization options available. Click through the tabs to review the options. Leave all options unchanged (i.e.., enable
all options) and click the Sync button.

Note that the Sync AckRequired option is not user-configurable. The PlantPAx Process Library AOIs
must be configured using all AE AckRequired set to TRUE.
The software maintains internal storage buffers for the AE tags associated with each Logix tag. When Sync
is clicked, the internal AE buffer values are synchronized to the underlying Logix tag parameter values.

111 of 184


Click OK in the synchronization results dialog box.

Organize Tags in Folders


Click OK. We will proceed to selecting the Logix tags to use for alarming.

The left window area lists the controllers in the alarm server group. Under each controller are all the Logix tags that have
alarm definitions. The right area is used for organizing the Logix tags to use for alarming. The right area is initially empty.
We have to add the tags from the left area we want to use to the right area.

112 of 184


To save time we are not going to rebuild the entire AE alarms database. Rather, we are going to update the existing alarms
database by organizing only a small subset of alarm tags. Right-mouse click on the right white area to display the popup
menu. Since the right-area is empty, the popup menu item contains only the Add Folder item. Click the Add Folder
menu item


Enter the following for the folder name and description and click OK. You should see a new folder added.

The Mosquito controller contains configuration for an oil pipeline pumping station. The TankFarm controller
contains the configuration for the oil storage tanks. The stations contain two pumps, P50 and P60. For the
purpose of this lab, it is not important to understand the controller configuration or pipeline operation. We are
using the demo only to generate alarms.


Select the Filter Tags command from the lower-left Filter drop-down list box. We are going to filter the controller tags to
find only the tags associated with pump P50.

113 of 184

10. Enter P50 in the Tag Desc Contains text field.

11. Click

12. Click

. The upper right table is populated with tags containing P50 in the Logix tag description.

114 of 184

13. Click OK in the Tags Added dialog box. The dialog box tells you that only tags with data types configured with alarm
definitions are added to the bottom table.

14. We can add more tags to the bottom table using different filters. Since we are only interested in the P50 tags, we dont
need to do any more filtering. Click
are listed in the left pane.

to return to the tag selection window. Tags from the filter window

115 of 184

15. Click

. The tags are added under the P50 folder.

16. The folders can be organized in a hierarchy structure (i.e., parent-child folders). Right mouse click in the white area in the
right pane. Select Add Folder from the popup menu.

There is no software limit to the number of folder layers. From a practical standpoint, the folders shouldnt be
more than 2 to 3 layers.

17. Enter the following for the folder name and description. Click OK.

The folder names must following Logix naming rules (no spaces allowed). The folder names must also be
unique (i.e., you cant have two MainLinePumps folders).

116 of 184

18. Right-mouse click on the MainLinePumps folder and click the Add Folder popup menu item. We are going to add a child

19. Enter the following folder name and description. Click OK.

20. Select Filter Tags from the Filter drop-down list box. We are going to find the tags associated with pump P60.

Note: you have to click the drop-down list and select Filter Tags to open the filter window.
21. Enter P60 in the Tag Desc Contains text field.

117 of 184

22. Click

23. Click

24. Click OK in the Tags Added dialog box.

25. Click OK to close the filter window.

26. Make sure the P60 folder in the right pane is selected.

118 of 184

27. Click

. The tags are added under the P60 folder.

28. The folders can be organized by drag-and-drop. Click on the P50 folder. Drag the P50 folder and drop it on the
MainLinePumps folder.
Before drag-and-drop:

After drag-and-drop:

To change a child folder to a root-level folder, drag the child folder and drop it to a white area in the upperright pane.

119 of 184

29. Select Show Tags Not in Right Tree item in the Filter drop-down list box. The upper-pane is updated with the tags that
are not in the right-pane (i.e., tags that will not be added to AE alarms XML import file).

30. While you can continue using the previous steps to organize the remaining tags, we are going to only update the P50 and
P60 AE tags. Click

to close the tags organizer window and proceed to the next step.

120 of 184

Associate Displays to Alarm Tags

31. Click Next to proceed to associating HMI displays to the alarm tags.

The upper-left pane lists all the displays in the HMI servers GFX project folder. (Note that the software does not have the
capability to read the FactoryTalk View Studio application project file. It only looks at the files in the GFX directory.)

121 of 184

The upper-right pane lists the folders and tags from the tag organizer in the last step. Note that the tags are listed under an
Unassigned Tags folder. The folder is used for holding the tags that have not been associated with HMI displays. Since
we have not done anything yet, all the tags are placed in the Unassigned Tags folder.
32. Drag the Main Line 1 Pump [Mos_MainLine1.gfx] file from the HMI pane and drop it on the P50 folder.

After drag-and-drop:

33. Check the Unassigned Tags folder box under the P50 folder. This checks all that tags in that folder.

122 of 184

34. Click

The tags are associated to the Main Line1 Pump display.

Note that tags in the same folder do NOT have to be associated to the same HMI display. For our example,
all the P50 tags will use the same HMI display.
35. Check the box next to the Main Line2 Pump display in the upper-left pane.

36. Click on the P60 folder in the right-pane.

123 of 184

37. Click

. This is an alternative to the drag-and-drop method.

38. Check the box next to the Unassigned Tags folder under P60.

39. Click on the Main Line2 Pump display under P60 to highlight it as the current HMI display.

40. Click

41. Click

to associate the P60 tags.

to proceed to reviewing the AE tag configuration.

124 of 184

Review AE Tag Configuration

42. Click Next to continue.

43. The left pane lists the folders and Logix tags that have been selected. Expand the left tree and click
on a tag. The alarm elements for the tag are listed in the right table. Each alarm element can be
added as a separate AE tag. The AE tag is added to the XML file is the Export box is checked.

If the Sync HasAlarm option is used, then the Export box is checked if the HasAlarm value is 1 and not
checked if the value is 0. If the Sync HasAlarm option is not used, then the Export box state uses the
default state defined in the alarm definition.
If the Sync Severity option is used, then the AE Severity value is set based on the Logix severity value.

125 of 184

44. Click

to view AE configuration for the alarm elements.

45. Click Cancel to close the AE tag configuration window.

46. Click

to continue with the next step to review the AE alarms XML file build options.

Review Build Options and Build AE Alarms XML Import File

47. Click Next to continue.

126 of 184

48. The various build options are listed in the tabs on the top portion of the window. Review the tabs, but dont make any
changes yet.

Note that the Sync-Severity and Sync-HasAlarm options are not enabled (the values were sync in the first
step in the procedure). If you check the sync options, then any changes to the Export tag and severity
values you made in the AE tag review in the last section will be overwritten.

49. Click

50. Select the AeImportFile1.xml that we created earlier using QuickBuild.

51. Make sure the append option is selected.

127 of 184

52. Uncheck the box for If Configured, Use Parent Folder Name as Alarm Tag Name Prefix.

The above option adds the parent folder name as the alarm tag name prefix; for example, P50_ added as
the prefix for all pump P50 AE tags. This makes it easier to find the alarm tags for a particular folder or
equipment in the AE tag database. Since we want to update the existing P50 and P60 alarm tags created
from the QuickBuild method, we will uncheck the box so that the AE tag naming is the same.

53. Click

to build the XML import file.

54. Click OK in the results dialog box.

Use FactoryTalk View Studio to Import AE Alarms XML File and Update Existing Tags

FactoryTalk View Studio should already be running and opened with the AlarmBuilderDemo local SE application. If not,
start View Studio and load the SE application.


The SE application contains an AE1 alarm server.

128 of 184


Right-mouse click on AE1 and click Import and Export.


Select Import alarm configuration from XML file. Click Next.




Select the AeImportFile1.xml file you created in the last section. Click Open.

to open the file browser.

Use the HMI Projects desktop shortcut if you have problems finding the HMI projects directory.

129 of 184


Click Next.


Select the Delete all existing alarms option. Click Finish. It may take several minutes for the import to complete.

Review the Updated AE Tags


Double-click Alarm and Event Setup to open the AE alarm tag data base for the AE1 alarm server.


We will examine one of the updated tags. Double-click on the EAL_P50_Alm_TgtDisagree tag from the data base table.

130 of 184


Examine the Alarm Class and View Command parameters. These are different from those configured by the QuickBuild

Recall in the Alarms Builder tool the EAL_P50 Logix tag was organized under the P50 folder, and P50 folder is a child
folder of the MainLinePumps folder. The folder hierarchy is configured as the Alarm Class. This allows you to use the AE
alarm summary to filter the alarms using MainLinePumps (show all alarms in P50 and P60) or using P50 (show only
alarms for P50).

The AE tags View Command is configured to open the associated tag faceplate (same as in the QuickBuild method). In
addition, it is configured to run macro mcrAE_Display by passing in the Mos_MainLine1 display name. Recall in the
Alarms Builder tool the EAL_P50 Logix tag was associated with the Mos_MainLine1 GFX display file. The macro opens
a display launcher faceplate; that faceplate can be used to open the Mos_MainLine1 display. The macro is user
configurable. It can be edited to open the display directly. This will be more clear when we use the runtime AE alarm
summary in the next section.


Click Cancel to close the AE tag configuration window.


Close the Alarm and Event Setup database table.

Run SE Client Demo


Make sure the Emulator is running. If not double-click on the Emulator desktop icon to start it.

131 of 184


Make sure the controllers in Emulator slots 15 and 16 are in Run mode.


Double-click on the Alarms Builder Demo desktop shortcut to run the SE client. It will take several minutes for the client to


Click on the

menu bar button to open a simulation control faceplate.

132 of 184





to open the AE alarm summary.

133 of 184


Double-click on the BAF_151_Alm_TgtDisagree alarm. This opens the faceplate associated with the tag.


Double-click on the TI1_P50_Alm_HiHi alarm. This opens the display launcher faceplate and the associated tag
faceplate. Recall this was one of the tags associated with a HMI display in the Alarms Builder long configuration method.

134 of 184


display associated with the tag.

. This opens the

FactoryTalk View currently does not provide a function to keep the faceplate display opened when another
display is opened with the Replace setting. When the P50 display is opened, the faceplate display is
automatically closed. This SE application is configured to allow only one process display opened at time
this reduces HMI server loading.

10. Click
11. Click

to open the AE alarm summary display again.

to edit an alarm filter.

135 of 184

12. Make sure the Alarm Class event field is highlighted.

13. Click

14. Select Contains in the drop-down list and enter P50 in the text field. Click OK.

15. Click

. The alarms associated with P50 are listed.

Alarm Filter Navigation Tree

In the last section, we manually configured a filter in the AE alarm summary. This can be time consuming and difficult if you cant
remember the appropriate filter string to use. The Alarms Builder provides a function to automatically generate an alarm filter

Do NOT close the SE client. Leave it running. We will return to it.


Return to the Alarms Builder software main window.


Right mouse click on AlarmServer1 and select the Build Parameter Filewith Alarm Tags popup menu item:

136 of 184

The two Build Parameter File menu items are enabled only if tags have been organized using the long
Alarms Builder method.
The Build Parameter File with Alarm Tags Names function should only be used for up to a few thousand
tags. Loading the navigation tree for a large amount of tags can take many minutes and make the SE client


Click Yes to the dialog box explaining what the function does.


Click OK in the results dialog box. The function generates a specially formatted SE parameter file. The parameter file is
passed to a navigation tree display. The display contains SE VBA code that reads the parameter file and populates a
navigation tree this will be clear in the next step.

137 of 184


Return to the SE client.


on the SE client toolbar. This opens the alarm filter navigation display. The left navigation
tree has the same contents as the folders and tags that were created in the Alarms Builder long configuration method (see
page 112). The right area shows the AE alarm summary. The alarm summary initially contains no filter and display all

The Alarm Filter button is configured with the following SE command. It opens the
"AE_EventsSummaryWithFilteringTree" display file by passing it the
"AE_AlarmEventSummaryFilterWithTags" parameter file generated by the tool.
Display "AE_EventsSummaryWithFilteringTree" /p"AE_AlarmEventSummaryFilterWithTags"

138 of 184


Click on the P50 tree node. The alarm summary updates and lists the alarms associated with P50.

Clicking on the P50 tree node executed the same AE alarm summary filter that we manually entered in the
last section.

Click on the TI1_P50 tag under the P50 folder and the alarm summary is updated with alarms associated with that tag.

AE Alarm Tag Database and Logix Tag Data Comparison Tool

A tool is provided to compare Logix tag values from controller ACD files with the AE tag database values. It compares the alarm
severity, ack required, and other items described below.

Return to the Alarms Builder main window.


Right-mouse click on AlarmServer1 and click Compare Logix Tags with AE Configuration.


The Continue? prompt dialog provides a summary of the comparison functions. Click Yes.

139 of 184


Normally, you would use FactoryTalk View Studio to export the AE alarms tag database to a XML file and use that file for
comparison. To save time, we will use the AeImportFile1.xml file that was created from the previous sections. Select the
file and click Open.

The tables in the tabs are used for listing the comparison results. Refer to the user manual for details.




Click OK.

140 of 184


Since we just created the AE alarms XML file and havent made any changes to it or the controller files, you shouldnt see
any differences.
The AckRequired table does show some differences. Recall that the Alarms Builder tool sets the AE tag AckRequired to
TRUE regardless of the Logix tags AckRequired value. There were three Logix tags configured with AckRequired set to



to close the comparison window.

Logix Data Types Alarm Definition Configuration Tool

The Alarms Builder uses Logix data type alarm definitions to determine what data type elements to use as alarm triggers and for
configuring the default definitions for AE alarm tags and ME alarm tags.
The software includes preconfigured alarm definitions for the PlantPAx Process Library Version 3.0 AOIs.
We will do a quick overview of the configuration tool. Refer to the Alarm Definitions Builder Tool help file for details.


Right-mouse click on the LVU_MosquitoStation controller and select Configure HMI Alarm Definitions. The data types
in the controller can be used for configuration.

141 of 184


Select P_AIn in the Data Types drop-down list box.

The Add and Remove buttons are used for adding and deleting data type definitions.
The Browse button is used for selecting the SE faceplate display associated with the data type. It is used in the View
Command in the AE tag configuration.

Five data type elements in P_AIn are selected as digital alarm triggers.

Use the drop-down list box or Browse button to select the data type elements to use.
Use the up/down arrows to order the alarm elements. The ordering is used for ease of viewing only (e.g., have HiHi alarm
above Hi, etc.).



to edit the AE alarm defaults.


Each alarm element is added as a separate AE tag to the import file by the Alarms Builder tool. Each element has its own
default configuration. Select the element on the top to display the element configuration. Refer to the help file for details

142 of 184

on the configuration parameters. Click Cancel to close the tag configuration window.


to edit the ME alarm defaults. Each alarm element is added as a separate ME
tag to the import file by the Alarms Builder tool. Each element has its own default configuration. Refer to the help file for


Click Cancel to close the ME tag configuration window.


Click the Cancel button in the data type alarm configuration window to return to the main window.

This completes the PlantPAx Alarms Builder and Tag Data Editing Tools part of the lab.

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Part 3 PlantPAx Library Color Changing Tool and Other Customizations

Lab Overview
We will do the following in this lab:

Export library objects from a FactoryTalk View SE project to XML files.


Use the color changing tool with the XML files to change colors of some objects


Load the modified XML files back to FactoryTalk View SE


Use the master set of button images to create different color button faces.


Load the new button faces into FactoryTalk View SE


Replace an existing icon with a new icon

Export Library Objects from FactoryTalk View


Open FactoryTalk View Studio by double clicking the shortcut on the desktop.


In the Application Type Selection window, select View Site Edition (Local Station). Press Continue.

144 of 184


In the Existing tab of the New/Open Site Edition (Local Station) Application dialog box, select the application
PlantPAx_AdvSysEng and click Open.


Once the application has opened, find Global Objects in the tree in the Explorer window on the left.


Right click on Global Objects and select Import and Export

145 of 184


Select the radio button Export graphic information from displays and click Next


In the next selection window all objects are checked. To save time, we will only export library objects. Uncheck all objects
that do not begin with (RA-BAS) or (RA-Seq). Click Next

146 of 184


Click the button to select the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Global Objects. Once the folder
has been selected, click Finish


It takes a minute or so to export the files. When the export is complete, a report opens up in Notepad listing all of the
exported objects. Verify that all files exported successfully, and then close the notepad file.

10. Now the displays will be exported. Right click on Displays and select Import and Export

147 of 184

11. Select the radio button Export graphic information from displays and click Next

12. In the next selection window all objects are checked. To save time, we will only export library objects. Uncheck all objects
that do not begin with (RA-BAS) or (RA-Seq). Note that there are files to uncheck at the beginning and end of the list.
Click Next

13. Click the button to select the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Displays. Once the folder has

148 of 184

been selected, click Finish

14. It takes a minute or so to export the files. When the export is complete, a report opens up in Notepad listing all of the
exported objects. Verify that all files exported successfully, and then close the notepad file.

15. You have completed the export of the Global Objects and Displays. You do not need to close FactoryTalk View Studio.

Use the FTView Customization Tool to change colors


Open FTView Customization Tool by double clicking the shortcut on the desktop.

149 of 184


Under the File menu, select Open Graphics XML File.


In the Open File dialog box, navigate to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Global Objects


Select the first file (RA-BAS) Common Faceplate Objects.xml. Scroll to the bottom then hold the shift key and select the
second to the last file (RA-Seq) Standard Objects.xml. All of the XML files in the folder should be selected except
BatchImport_Global_PlantPAx_AdvSysEng.XML. Click Open.

150 of 184

This opens all of the Global Object XML export files. The list of XML files appears in a tree on the left side of the color
changing tool.


Under the File menu, select Open Graphics XML Files a second time.


In the Open File dialog box, navigate to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Displays

151 of 184


Select the first file (RA-BAS) Common-AnalogEdit.xml then hold the shift key and select the second to the last file (RASeq) P_Seq-TimerForce.xml. All of the XML files in the folder should be selected except BatchImport_
PlantPAx_AdvSysEng.XML. Click Open. This opens all of the Display XML export files.


Under the Colors menu select Open Color Palette

152 of 184


In the open file dialog box, navigate to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange and select Process Library
Standard Colors.xml. Click Open. The Color Palette is loaded and appears on the right side of the color changing tool.

All of the XML files have been loaded and the color palette is loaded. You are ready to start changing colors.
10. Start by creating a new copy of the color palette. Under the Colors menu, select Save Color Palette As

153 of 184

11. In the Save As dialog box, type My New Colors.xml into the File name text box and click Save. This allows you to
create a custom color palette without changing the original.

12. Lets look at the color palette and discover a few of its features. The color palette is also organized in a tree with Base
Colors visible and a + next to the base colors that allows you to see what colors reference the base color. Click on any of
the + next to a base color to see the colors that are dependent upon it. Hovering over any base color with the mouse
shows the view color definition in a tool-tip.

13. The color palette is currently sorted by FactoryTalk View colors (sorted in the same order they appear in the display editor,
with any custom colors appearing at the end). You can change the sort order by clicking on the Sort by Name
and the

154 of 184

Sort by Color
icons in the color palette tool-bar. Note that sort by name only sorts the colors located in the root. All
reference colors stay with their base colors. Changing the sort order does not affect the color definition, just the way the
colors are ordered on the screen. If you do not see these icons, expand the width of the color palette until they are visible.

14. The Process Library uses Off-White for Running/Energized/Open and Dark Gray for Stopped/De-energized/Closed on the
graphic symbols. On the faceplates, Green is used for Running/Energized/Open background and gray is used for
Stopped/De-energized/Closed background. In this lab we will change the Running/Energized/Open color to Red and the
Stopped/De-energized/Closed color to Green for both the graphic symbols and the faceplates. We will start by changing the
colors for the graphic symbols. In the color palette on the right, scroll down to find Energized Color (Graphic Symbol). For
Energized Color (Graphic Symbol), the color definition is #F0F0F0.

15. Note that you can expand the entry by clicking the + next to Energized Color (Graphic Symbol). This shows all of the
colors that reference Energized Color (Graphic Symbol). Note this includes Running and Totalizing.

16. Now click on Energized Color (Graphic Symbol) and the select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color

155 of 184

17. In the color selection window, select Red

18. Now do the same for Valve Open. The valve open definition references Flow Color (Graphic Symbol) so find Flow Color
(Graphic Symbol) in the color palette and expand its tree to find Valve Open Color (Graphic Symbol). Note that the Valve
Open color references the flow color and will change when the flow color is changed.

19. Click on Flow Color (Graphic Symbol) and the select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color palette.

20. In the color selection window, select Red

156 of 184

21. Now find De-energized Color (Graphic Symbol) in the palette. Its view color is gray. Note that in this case both the
motor stopped and the valve closed reference this entry.

22. Click on De-energized Color (Graphic Symbol) and select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color

23. In the color selection window, select Green

24. As with any software package, it is a good idea to save your work. The color palette can be saved by pressing the Save
icon in the Color Palette tool-bar.

25. For the faceplate colors, both the foreground and background must be changed. We will start with the De-Energized text
background. Search for the De-energized Color. Its view color is Silver.

157 of 184

26. Click on De-energized Color and select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color palette.

27. In the color selection window, select Green. This changed the de-energized text background.

28. The de-energized text foreground De-energized Text is located under Standard Text Foreground which has the view
color Black. Now we want to change the De-energized text without changing the rest of the standard text colors. Do this
by selecting De-energized Text, then right click and select Make Base Color.

This takes De-energized Text out from under Standard Text Foreground and adds it as a base color in the palette tree.

158 of 184

29. Now click on De-energized Text and select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color palette.
30. In the color selection window, select White

159 of 184

31. We must now do the same for the Valve Closed text background. Expand Standard Text Foreground and Dark
Status/State Text. Look for Valve Closed Text Foreground. Right click on Valve Closed Text Foreground and select
Make Base Color.

32. Now click on Valve Closed Text Foreground and select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color palette.
33. In the color selection window, select White

160 of 184

34. Now we will change the energized text foreground and background, starting with the background. Find Energized Color
(Faceplate), its view color is #00C000

35. Now click on Energized Color (Faceplate) and select the Choose Color icon from the tool-bar above the color palette.
36. In the color selection window, select Red

37. The foreground color Energized Foreground is already white. This does not need changed.

38. Save the color palette by pressing the Save icon in the color palette tool-bar.

39. Now save all of the graphics files by pressing the Save All icon in the graphics file toolbar.

40. Verify the status bar at the bottom displays All files successfully saved

161 of 184

41. Exit the Process Library Customization Tool by selecting Exit in the File menu.

Importing the Modified Files into FactoryTalk View


In FactoryTalk View right click on Global Objects and select Import and Export


Select the radio button Import graphic information into displays and click Next

162 of 184


Backing up files is always a good idea, so select the radio button labeled Yes and click Next


Use the button to open the folder browser and select the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\Backup. Click

163 of 184


Select Multiple Displays Batch Import File radio button and click Next


Use the button to open the file browser and browse to the folder
C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Global Objects and then select the file
BatchImport_Global_PlantPAx_AdvSysEng.xml. Click Open

164 of 184


Now select the radio button Update existing objects on the display.


Click Finish. The global object files are being imported.


When the import finishes, a Notepad window appears with the results of the import. Verify that all files have been imported
successfully, and then close the notepad file.

165 of 184

10. Now we will import the displays. Right click on Displays and select Import and Export

11. Select the radio button Import graphic information into displays and click Next

12. We will back up the files again, so select the radio button labeled Yes and click Next

166 of 184

13. The backup folder should be set to C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\Backup. If it is not, use the button to open the
folder browser and select the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\Backup. Click Next

14. Select Multiple Displays Batch Import File radio button and click Next

167 of 184

15. Use the button to open the file browser and browse to the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys
Eng\ColorChange\Displays and then select the file BatchImport_PlantPAx_AdvSysEng.xml. Click Open

16. Now select the radio button Update existing objects on the display.

168 of 184

17. Click Finish. The global object files are being imported.

18. When the import finishes, a Notepad window appears with the results of the import. Verify that all files have been imported
successfully, and then close the notepad file.

19. If the FactoryTalk View Run-Time client is not running start it now using the PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng Client shortcut on the

If it is already running, click the Repaint/Refresh Screen button in the lower left corner of the display to refresh the display
with the latest graphics.

20. Verify that the new colors are shown on the graphic symbols and faceplates.

169 of 184

Changing the Button Faces

The color changing tool does not change the button backgrounds because they are PNG images. The button face images are
divided into classes. The buttons we will be changing are Energize, De-energize, Open, and Close. There are up to three
images for each class:

Pressed The device is already in the state commanded by the button, therefore the button is pressed

Ready The button is available to be pressed and the device is ready to receive the command

RdyActive For Maintenance users, the button can be pressed even when the device is already in the state
commanded by the button. This allows the maintenance user to retrigger a command during testing and

Note that there is one Disabled button image used by all classes.

170 of 184

A set of master button images is provided with the download. These can be used to change the button face colors.

Start by locating the master buttons using Windows Explorer. Go to the folder
C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons\Master Buttons. Find the buttons
CmdBtnFace_GreenPressed.png, CmdBtnFace_GreenRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_GreenReady.png. Select
these three buttons. Multiple files may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key as the second and third buttons are
selected using the mouse.

171 of 184


Once the files are selected, copy them by pressing<Ctrl><C> or right click on one and select Copy


Navigate to the parent folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons. And paste the files by pressing
<Ctrl><V> or by right clicking in the folder and selecting Paste.

172 of 184


Rename each file by replacing Green with Deenergize. The names will be CmdBtnFace_DeenergizePressed.png,
CmdBtnFace_DeenergizeRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_DeenergizeReady.png.


Navigate back to the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons\Master Buttons. Find the buttons
CmdBtnFace_RosePressed.png, CmdBtnFace_RoseRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_RoseReady.png. Select these
three buttons.


Once the files are selected, copy them by pressing<Ctrl><C> or right click on one and select Copy


Navigate to the parent folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons. And paste the files by pressing

173 of 184

<Ctrl><V> or by right clicking in the folder and selecting Paste.


Rename each file by replacing Rose with Energize. The names will be CmdBtnFace_EnergizePressed.png,
CmdBtnFace_EnergizeRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_EnergizeReady.png. This completes the motor start/stop


Next we will do the valve open/close buttons. Go to the folder

C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons\Master Buttons. Find the buttons
CmdBtnFace_GreenPressed.png, CmdBtnFace_GreenRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_GreenReady.png. Select
these three buttons. Once the files are selected, copy them by pressing<Ctrl><C> or right click on one and select Copy

10. Navigate to the parent folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons. And paste the files by pressing
<Ctrl><V> or by right clicking in the folder and selecting Paste.
11. Rename each file by replacing Green with Close. The names will be CmdBtnFace_ClosePressed.png,
CmdBtnFace_CloseRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_CloseReady.png.

174 of 184

12. Navigate back to the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons\Master Buttons. Find the buttons
CmdBtnFace_RosePressed.png, CmdBtnFace_RoseRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_RoseReady.png. Select these
three buttons.
13. Once the files are selected, copy them by pressing<Ctrl><C> or right click on one and select Copy
14. Navigate to the parent folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons. And paste the files by pressing
<Ctrl><V> or by right clicking in the folder and selecting Paste.
15. Rename each file by replacing Rose with Open. The names will be CmdBtnFace_OpenPressed.png,
CmdBtnFace_OpenRdyActive.png, and CmdBtnFace_OpenReady.png. This completes the valve open/close buttons.

16. All of the image files have been created, now we need to import them into the FactoryTalk application

175 of 184

Load the New Button Faces into the Application


In FactoryTalk View right click on Images and select Add component into Application.

Note that PNG files cannot be added to the application by drag and drop.

Browse to the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\ColorChange\Buttons. In the dropdown box in the lower right
corner, select PNG Images (*.PNG). This will show the twelve new button faces you created in the last section.


Select all 12 new button images. Multiple files may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key. Click Open

176 of 184


A message box appears asking you to confirm the existing files will be over-written. Select Yes To All.


A Migrating Data box appears as each file is added.


Go back to the FactoryTalk View Client and verify the buttons have changed. Note that you may need to redisplay the
faceplates to see the change.

Important Note: When FactoryTalk view imports PNG files, they are renamed with a .BMP file extension. They are still in PNG
format, but the extension has been changed so the FactoryTalk View software can manage the file.

177 of 184

Replacing an Existing Icon with a New Icon

Kelly in the 43rd row does not like the icon we picked for the start button and would like to change it. Kelly created two PNG
images that are 32 x 32 pixels which is the standard size for PlantPAx command button icons. One icon is for the button active
state, the other is for the button disabled state.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\Images.


Rename the file Oh No.PNG to CmdBtnIcon_Start.PNG.


Rename the file Oh No gray.PNG CmdBtnIcon_Start_Disabled.PNG

178 of 184


In FactoryTalk View right click on Images and select Add component into Application.

Note that PNG files cannot be added to the application by drag and drop.

Browse to the folder C:\Lab Files\PlantPAx Adv Sys Eng\Images. In the dropdown box in the lower right corner, select
PNG Images (*.PNG). This will show the two command button icons.

179 of 184


Select both images and click Open


A message box appears asking you to confirm the files will be overwritten. Select Yes To All.


A Migrating Data box appears as each file is added.


Go back to the FactoryTalk View Client and open the faceplate for the pump drive. Verify the start button icon changed.

180 of 184

10. Open the help screen for the drive. Go to page two of the help screen and verify that the help screen has changed as well.

This completes the PlantPAx Library Color Changing Tool and Other Customizations part of the lab.

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182 of 184


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Publication XXXX-XX###X-EN-P Month Year

Supersedes Publication XXXX-XX###X-EN-P Month Year

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Copyright 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

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