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B1 Level 1


Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

Start - Up

Hi, friends!
I have now the guiding question for
my project ready. It is, How can I
recycle paper at home?
In this material, we are going to learn
how to write the general and specific
objectives. This is a very important
stage when writing a project!

Start - Up

These are the topics of this material:

Infinitives with and without to when writing general and specific objectives
Verbs to express application
Copyright and copyleft vocabulary

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

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Warm Up

Warm Up
Anthony: First of all, lets see what copyright and copyleft are. Listen to
the conversation and be ready to answer some questions about it.
Anthony:Hi, Professor Brown.
Prof.Brown: Hi Anthony! How is your project going?
Anthony:Pretty good, actually. I have made a lot of progress recently.
I already have the guiding question and Im about to start writing the
Prof.Brown: It sounds great, Anthony. Have you correctly cited the sources
or references used?
Anthony:Er I think I have, professor. Why?
Prof.Brown: When you use information, there are some important aspects
that you need to take into consideration. It is very easy for students who
are writing a project to incur in plagiarism by mistake because they dont
cite correctly.



Anthony:Oh, I see. If I dont cite someone elses words or works, Id be

stealing from them, is that right?.
Prof.Brown: You are right. Copyright protection is automatically given to
the author of a work.
Anthony:Does it mean that I cant use other peoples intellectual works?.
Prof.Brown: Well, copyright is a form that authors have to protect their
intellectual work. It means that a copyright owner has exclusive rights to
prohibit other people from using their work without their permission.


Prof.Brown: A copyright owner is the only one who has the right to do, or
let others do any of the following:
Copy his work
Distribute his work
Make modifications such as adaptations or translations
Public display of their work
(Nova Southeastern University, 2013).
Anthony: I understand! Thats why citing is really important. When I cite,
I say, in other words, that I dont own the ideas. Its a way of asking for
permission to use an authors ideas.

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Lets get inside

Prof.Brown: Theres a very useful tool called fair use. It gives the public
the right to use copyrighted work without the owners explicit permission,
for purposes such as comment, news reporting, teaching, criticism,
scholarship or research. However, citing is always necessary!
Anthony:Thats very interesting, professor. Are there any other ways of
protecting intellectual work?
Prof.Brown:Actually, there is one that is quite related to copyright. It is
called copyleft all rights reversed which is a pun on the disclaimer of
copyright all rights reserved.
Anthony: Thats very witty! What is it about?.
Prof.Brown: It is, for sure! It is a license that eliminates the restrictions
of the copyright, and makes sure that the public has the freedom to
use, modify, extend and redistribute it, with the condition that further
modifications will have the same license and will be made available to the
public, as well.
Anthony: Thanks a lot, professor. Its been really clarifying. Now I see how
important it is to respect authors ownership, as I am one on my own right
now, arent I?.
Prof.Brown: You are absolutely right, Anthony!

Lets get inside

Hi, guys!
In this section, I am going to give
you some tips on how to write the
objectives of a project!
Use this helpful information to write
First, lets see what a general
objective is!Warm Up

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Lets get inside

A general objective is closely related to the guiding question. A good way

to come up with the general objective of a project is to think of what you
want to achieve through this project.
For example, if a guiding question of a project is How can I be a healthier
person?, we could say that the general objective is to be a healthier
IIn the end of the project, if you are a healthier person, it means that you
have accomplished the general objective and it suits the guiding question.
Lets remember our guiding question:
How can I recycle paper at home?

Lets analyze

In the end of the project, we should be able to describe different ways of

recycling paper at home.
Having that in mind, our general objective of the project is:
To describe different ways of recycling paper at home
Now,in order to achieve our general objective and answer the guiding
question, it is necessary to be S.M.A.R.T. when writing the specific
(Top Achievement, 2013).
Click on each item to find out more about it:

Objectives have to be specific and clear.

Objectives have to be trackable, measurable
Objectives should be challenging, but defined well
enough to be achievable.
Objectives have to be realistically achieved within
budget and resources.
A specified and reasonable time frame should be taken into
account in the objectives. Without time frame, theres no sense of urgency.

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Lets get inside

Specific objectives are the steps and tactics used to achieve the general
Lets check again the general objective of our example:
to be a healthier person
Its specific objectives should be S.M.A.R.T. and have to lead us to be a
healthier person
A general objective is closely related to the guiding question. A good way
In order to be a healthier person, we need:

Great! We now know how to accomplish the general objective of our


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Lets analyze

Lets analyze
Dear apprentices:

some structures and vocabulary we
used in the previous sections. Click
on each button to find out more!!

Infinitive with to
An infinitive is a phrase that is made by the word to and the basic form of
a verb:
To + verb = infinitive
Example: To eat

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Lets analyze

Verbs to express application

When writing the general and specific objectives for a project, it is really
important to use the appropriate action verbs based on the process we
want to relate to
In this section, we are
going to analyze some verbs that are classified
into the category of verbs
to express application.
Lets go

Verbs to express application

According to Blooms taxonomy (1956, as cited in Forehand 2005),
applying is to use knowledge in real situations through executing or
Some important action verbs to express application are:
Apply: To put something into action
Demonstrate: To present by experiments, examples, or practical
application; explain and illustrate
Choose: To select from a number of possible alternatives; decide on and
pick out
Classify: To arrange or organize according to class or category
Examine: To study or analyze
Interpret: To describe the meaning of something; examine in order to

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Daily Writing Tips. (2013), 5 Uses of Infinitives. Retrieved on October 27
2013, from
Grammar bytes. (2013), The Infinitive. Retrieved on October 26. 2013,
Nova Southwestern University (2013), Plagiarism & Copyright. Retrieved
on October 23. 2013, from
Top Achievement (2013), Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Retrieved on October
22, 2013, from
UNC Charlotte (2013), Writing Objectives Using Blooms Taxonomy. Retrieved on October 25. 2013, from
University of Leeds. (2013), Aims & objectives - Purposes. Retrieved on
October 23. 2013, from

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Pedagogical Direction
Paul Cifuentes
Carlos Javier Amaya
Direction of Art
Csar Pez
ICT Leadership
Yeison Ospina
Quality management
Juan Carlos Rojas Lozada
Script Composition
Andrs Zamudio
Content Support
Andrs Zamudio
Multimedia Development
Julin Camilo Cruz Bohrquez
Juliana Echeverri Gomez
Edwin Hernn Hurtado Cruz
Equipo Regional San Andrs

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