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Sara Alex
OPresident of London What we
Regional Council
2009/10 stand for: ONUT Executive member
since 2006
OLambeth branch
secretary since 2003 Workload OEast London branch
OAn end to the tyranny of Ofsted secretary since 1995
ONUT delegate to ONo to the culture of top down
targets. OChair NUT London
Women’s TUC
Working Group
OMember of Steering Pay and Pensions
Committee of Anti OResist any attempts to OMember of NUT Primary
worsen our pay and pensions Advisory Committee
Academies Alliance OSupport London Young teachers
fighting for affordable housing
OMember of NUT National and transport. ONUT delegate to TUC
Gender Advisory Regional Council
Committee Education OEditor of Campaign
OAn end to SATs and
OChair of Lambeth Unite league tables. Teacher
Against Fascism OTrust our professional judgment
— No license to teach.
Vote Alex Vote Sara
Kenny Tomlinson
Inner London National Inner London National
Executive seat Vote Executive seat

1 “ I have campaigned on

“ TOMLINSON education for many years.

As a member of the
Our children are the most
NUT Executive I have stressed out and over-tested

played a prominent role Alex children in the world.
in developing campaigns
on pay, pensions and KENNY I am fighting for an education
system which puts children
SATs and was chair of the at its heart. I will fight for the
London strike rally in April Where next for our union union to stand firm against
2008. If re-elected to the
The future will no doubt bring the NUT into conflict with
the government whichever party is in charge because any public sector cuts.
Executive I will continue
they all plan huge cuts to the public sector.
There is nothing inevitable about public sector The government’s priority
to argue for policies which
workers having to sacrifice wages and pensions in a
recession – these cuts can be resisted.
should be education and the
unite the Union in defence
The recent all out strike and victory at Tower
Hamlets College against redundancies, the strikes by
public sector, not bailing
postal workers and the strikes by firefighters in South our the banks.If elected
of teachers, children and Yorkshire are all examples of workers refusing to pay
for a crisis we didn’t make. I hope to bring the voice
education, building Every taxpayer in this country has subsidised the
and experience of

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banks to the tune of £20,000 per person. Our union
solidarity with has to be at the centre of the fight both to defend our
members and the future funding of education. primary teachers to
other unions.” the Executive.”
Please return your voting paper before Wednesday 24 March
If you haven’t received your ballot paper please call 020 7380 6300

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