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What is Mantra?

Mantra is a word or a group of words, such as "Hreem" or "Aum Namo

Bhagavatey Vaasudevaaya". They are very powerful sounds which when
pronounced repeatedly (doing Jap or Jaap) create great effects. Mantras
are not devised by sages or gods but were revealed by gods. Ajapaa (A +
Japaa = No + Chant) is the primal Mantra. This chantless Mantra pervades
the breath going in and out, the subtle sound Sah going in and the subtle
sound ham going out. (Sa = Shiv, Vishnu, Lakshmee, or Gauree [Paarvatee
or Shakti]; Ham = I am; so = Parvati). As one chants this subtle-sound
Mantra soham, a derivative of sah-ham, Hamsa comes into being by
inversion. Soham, Hamsa and Aum (Pranav) all are equipotent. Hamsah is
the union of the male and the female and the universe is Hansah. The
Triangular Kaam Kalaa is thus formed by Hansah; Hansah Peeth is
composed of Mantra. Kaam is desire and Creative Will and unitary ShivShakti, and Kalaa is their manifestation. Shiv and Shakti are known as
Kaameshwar and Kaameshwaree. Shakti (Kalaa) is the manifestation of
Kaam (desire), which is Ichchhaa Shakti. Shiv is Seed and Shakti is
Mantra are double-edged swords; they can be used only for the good and
never for harming anyone. If Mantra are used for evil purposes, it is like
digging a grave for someone else but falling and getting interred in it. A
Mantra is sound and or silent energy which has transformational power on

the person who utters it. By Mantra a Devtaa is invoked. Chanting of

Mantra is like shaking a sleeping person to wake up from sleep. The moving
lips are Shiv and Shakti; their movement is Maithun (union). Their Shabd
or sound is the name, their Arth (meaning) is Devtaa whose name it is. The
Devtaa that appears before him, is his or her manifestation, which is
actually a roused, altered or higher consciousness of the Saadhak
(aspirant), which can perceive the Arth or the object that is invoked by
Mantra. Shabd is cognitive sound, while Arth is the object it denotes and
the thought it provokes. Thus the whole universe is covered by Shabd and
the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, which is the Vaikharee stage in
the evolution of Sound. Mahaakaalee's garland of fifty heads represents
those fifty letters; she absorbs the letters, the Shabd, and the Arth into
herself during Mahaa Pralaya (Great dissolution). That is the naked
fierceness of absorption or dissolution.
(1) Mantra may be used on their own or as a part of visualization practice.
In a typical visualization practice there is a communication from the
practitioner to deity in the form of Mantra; and with deity to the
practitioner in the form of blessings, or rays of light, or even speech.
(2) It can be used as mind protector while walking, doing dishes, or sitting
in meditation. When counting the Mantra, one can use Maalaa (rosary) of
beads (in Hinduism it is of 108 beads). This number has a mystical
significance in ancient India. But the use of Maalaa is not essential if one
does not have to count it. It is only essential when one has to do the Jaap
of some Mantra by counting. Jaap can be done in a loud voice or internally.
(3) Definitions of Mantra are oriented toward either the results of
repeating the Mantra or of the intentions of the original framers and
testers of the Mantra.
Types of Mantra
There are two types of Mantra-(1) Vaidik Mantra - All the extensions of links to Ved are known as Vaidik

Mantra, and
(2) Taantrik Mantra - Which are developed in Taantrik events are called
Taantrik Mantra. Taantrik Mantra are of three types - Beej Mantra
(Maulik, Yaugik and Koot); Naam Mantra; and Maalaa Mantra.
Beej Mantra
In Sanskrit language, sounds which have no direct translation but which
contain great power which can be "grown" from it are called "Seed
Mantra." Seed in Sanskrit is called "Beejam" in the singular and "Beej" in
the plural form. For example, the Mantra "Shreem" or Shrim is the seed
sound for the principle of abundance (Lakshmee - the consort of Vishnu).
If one says "Shreem" a hundred times, a certain increase in the
potentiality of the sayer to accumulate abundance is achieved. If one says
"shreem" a thousand times or a million, the result is correspondingly
greater. But this abundance can take many forms. There is prosperity, to
be sure, but there is also peace as abundance, health as wealth, friends as
wealth, enough food to eat as wealth, and a host of other kinds and types
of abundance which may vary from individual to individual and culture to
culture. It is at this point that the intention of the sayer begins to
influence the degree of the kind of capacity for accumulating wealth
which may accrue.
Beej Mantra come under the category of Taantrik Mantra (Vaidik
and Sabar Mantra are still different). They are base for Tantrik Mantra.
A Beej Mantra responds to the "Kaaran Deh" (Causal body) of the Deity,
hence its the seed of growing their basic power.
A Mool Mantra responds to the "Sookshm Deh" (Subtle Body) of the
Deity hence it responds to harnessing an already developed (semideveloped you can say) form of the deities power in some way.
So you must also understand that the use of a Beej Mantra is also totally
Beej Mantra should never be given out loud and should never be recited
out loud, that is how they loose their powers. These are the rules of the

Mantra Anushthaan for a Mool Mantra

see also Mantra-Jaap
As for complete Mantra Anushthaan for a Mool Mantra, you need at least
these steps and they have following importance and hard work:
(1) Mantra Shuddhi (purifying Mantra vibration in atmosphere) = 4%
(2) Utkeelan (unlocking password as by creator of Mantra) = 2%
(3) Mantra Maitree (gaining friendship/compatibility b/w Mantra and own
vibration) = 2%
(4) Shaap Vimochan (removing curse on Mantra if there is is any) = 2%
(5) Mantra Sanskar = 5%
(6) Mantra Jaagriti = 5%
(7) Purushcharan = (Jap + Hom + Tarpan + Maarjan + Bhojan) = 70%
(8) Mantra Arth (Mantra meaning) = 5%
(9) Others procedure if any = 5%
All this starts after Deekshaa and I have given approximate figures but
clearly Purushcharan is the most important and most time consuming, and
daily procedure for Purushcharan requires usage of Viniyog + Nyaas
(see Mantra Nyaas) + Dhyaan + Mudraa + Fixed Jaap (chanting)... and then
1/10 of Jaap we do Hom (obligation of Mantra with Swaahaa in Havan
Kund), then
1/100 Tarpan (on Yantra and/or in river/water), then
1/1,000 Maarjan/Abhishek (sprinkling water on self), then
1/10,000 of Mantra Jaap is Bhojan (to Braahman or Kanyaa)
Viniyog of a Mantra
Lets say you are not doing a complete Anushthaan, you are doing just
some Prayog... in Prayog the procedure is again clearly defined by the
person given that Prayog, that means Guru, it can be using a Yantra with
specific Mantra and Tantra for 11, 21, 45... any no of fixed days. Prayog is
a specialized way, empowered by a Guru, works primarily for his disciples.
Others have minimum effect (yes this is the truth, try it). Or you just
want the normal benefit from a Mantra, even in that case, it is a well

known fact that the bare minimum required for working any Tantra or
Mantra or Yantra is the knowledge of its Viniyog which compromises -(1) Mantra Name
(2) Rishi (Creator of Mantra, Seer who first attained or mastered the
(3) Chhand (Meter of Mantra or pattern of pronunciation)
(4) Devataa (Name of deity)
(5) Beejam (main seed for power source of Mantra)
(6) Shakti (you can say main power enhancer, like to mature the seed)
(7) Keelak (the unlocking password)
(8) Abheesht Arth (your purpose of chanting)
Although after that Nyaas (Energizing body ports and finger by - Rishi
Nyaas + Kar Nyas + Hridyaadi Nyaas) + Dhyaan (deity image to
concentrate on Third Eye) + Mudraa (Posture to invite and please deity)
are also required before real Mantra Jap... (Real Mantra Jap is useful only
if you are gaining Mantra Chetana = knowing + repeating the meaning of
Mantra, sticking to deity image on third eye with devotion... ie (Mantra,
Mantra Arth aur Devataa Se Ekee-karan karke dhyaan).
Still even without their knowledge or knowledge of Keelak also you can use
a Mantra provided you have at least first 6 part of Viniyog. (for Keelak
there is a special way of unlocking a Mantra, call it a master key like given
in book Mantra Rahasya or their is one another little longer way also). And
their is a way to substitute Nyaas and Dhyaan also. But for a Beej
Mantra... it responds to a the causal body of Deity. It is like very basic
and raw form of energy. Procedure is totally different.
To be a Rishi of some Mantra - To be a Rishi you will have to know the
complete compatibility of all the 50 alphabets "Varn Maalaa" (all
Devanaagaree letters) which has Swars (Vowels) like aa, ee, oo.. etc, one
that don't use tongue and Vyanjans (Consonants) like ka, kha, cha.. etc,
one that initiate by molding tongue. There is hidden energy of various
deities in various sounds, some match while some don't... it all depends on

the element they correspond to. Like mixing water with air will not be a
very good idea... All this is given in somewhat detail in the book Mantra
Rahasya" but to be honest even that is just the beginning... because the
Shaastra says "jisey naad ka poorn gyaan ho jaataa hai use Brahm kaa
gyaan ho jaataa hai" (one who has complete knowledge of sound gets
knowledge of god/supreme/creator).
Modern science says that there is no matter, only energy... well Indian
scholars always knew the same but they considered sound to be the base
of Shakti (energy) in physical plane (hence its said in Mantra Rahasya :
Brahmaand Mantra-maya hai, (universe is made of sound) that changes
forms and it has its Maryaadaa (rules). In higher planes the Bhaav
(feeling) and then Arth (meaning) and then Prakaash (subtle light, even
higher frequency).
A real Mantra is supposed to combine all these Gun (qualities) from all
planes for the Mantra Saadhak, how to prepare such a Mantra is no Childs
play. Although all Mantra are said to originate from Shiv's Damaroo but
as for Moon Mantra, Mantra are given by
(1) Brahmaa (Vaidik Mantra)
(2) Shiv (Taantrik Mantra)
(3) Rishi (Masters)
(4) Some times deities themselves have offer
See, you need to be in level of one of these to actually form a Mantra!
And then you will have to device the corresponding Yantra (the physical
tool for corresponding deity's astral body) and Tantra
(system/technique) for using it. So this is very difficult job. Better safe
than to be sorry because misuse can burn you... everyone knows the wrong
use of Beej Mantras can harm. Still if one wants to use them, then just do
one at time (that is my suggestion)... do minimum like the initial
(1) Pavitreekaran (purification sprinkling water all around, keep that water
next to your right knee)
(2) Aachman (inner purification) +
(3) Digbandh (sealing direction to protect against evil) +

(4) Deepak (hold lamp in lit b/w palms) +

(5) Invite dear Guru, Ganesh and other Deities you like with their short
Dhyaan and or Mantra +
(6) Guru Dhyaan +
(7) Specific Deity Dhyaan / meditation (whose Mantra you use)
(8) Praarthanaa (prayer for specific wish, like Viniyog) +
(9) Jap (chant as much you can do, let it be fixed per day) +
(10) Kshamaa Yaachanaa (Ask for forgiveness for any conscious or
unconscious mistake during like Karm or during Karm Kaand)
(11) Offer Prasaad and/or the water kept during ritual to Tulasee
At least this much you should do for a Beej Mantra. But Beej Mantra is
still easy way for those who cannot do Anushthaan or Prayog or even
recite Stotra and Kavach. This doesn't take much time to do but it will
take time to actually start showing results in life.
And two final notes:
(1) One very commonly confused point... is it Kreem or Kreeng... Shreem
or Shreeng... Aim or Aing... Hreem or Hreeng... and so on,
Well, if you have not taken Deekshaa, (one with Kreeng, Shreeng, etc have
a different procedure). So go for the Mmmm ending one. There is a simple
scene, whenever you use Mmmm, sound comes out of nose, it touches
Brahm Randhra, and ideally this is the best situation for Dhyaan and
transmitting your vibration to universe / Deity. This will bring peace to
concentration to you.
(2) The Mantra you are trying to form... "Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem" is
obviously very similar to Navaarn Mantra "Om Aim Hreem Kleem
Chamunda-yayi Vichye".
[As a wise head, I would recommend Navaarn Mantra, as it is a very special and
already Siddha Mantra in Atmosphere of earth. Also considering your desires... this
will cover all. Get a Deekshaa for that Mantra, the Tantra (technique), because this
is also fairly easy.
Aim, Hreem, Kleem have powers (Shaktis = Sarawswati + Lakshmee +
Kleem/Paarvatee) of Brahmaa, Vishnu and Shiv... and actually if you read the
Viniyog of the Navaarn Mantra, you will realize it.]

After this Viniyog comes Nyaas

Mantra, Their Genders, and Use
Man + tra. Manan means "to know all", and Traan means "to be kind on
worldly people". Both these meanings give meaning to the word Mantra.
Mantra is of three types - feminine, masculine and neuter. The Mantra
which have two "th" i.e. "Swaahaa" in the end, they are feminine.
Whichever Mantra end in "Hum" or "Phat", they are masculine. Whichever
Mantra end in "Namah", they are neuter. Pauraanik Mantra come in this
category. They lack in the force and vitality like others.
The Nityaa Tantra gives various names to Mantra according to the
number of their syllables, for example, a one-syllabled Mantra is called
Pind, a 3-syllableed Mantra is called Kartaaree, a Mantra with 4-9syllables is called Beej Mantra, a Mantra with 10-24 syllables is called
Maalaa. Commonly the term Beej is applied to monosyllable Mantra. The
Taantrik Mantra called Beej are so named because they are the seed of
the fruit, which is Siddhi, and because they are the very basic essence of
the Mantra. They are short, unetymological vocables such as Hreeng,
Shreeng, Kreeng, Hoong, Aing, Phat etc which will be found throughout
the text (see also the Mantra portion of Atharv Ved to which the Tantra
stands in close relation).
Mantra Siddhi is the ability to make a Mantra efficacious (Siddh) and to
gather its fruit in which case the Mantra is called Mantra Siddh. Mantra
are classified as Siddh, Saadhya, Susiddh, and Ari, accordingly they are
friends, servers, supporters, and destroyers a matter which is
determined for each Saadhak by means of Chakra calculations.
All Mantra's Devtaa are men; and all Vidyaa's Devtaa are women. These
three types of Mantra are used in six types of Karm (1) Shaanti (to pacify),
(2) Vashya or Vasheekaran (to control),
(3) Stambhan (to stop),

(4) Dwesh or Vidweshan (jealousy),

(5) Uchchaatan, and
(6) Maaran (to kill).
Six Types of Mantra
(1) "Namah" is used in Shaanti (peace) and Mohan
(2) "Vaushat" is used in Pushti (health) and Vasheekaran (to control
(3) "Hum" is used in killing and destroying love
(4) "Phat" is used in Vidweshan and Uchchaatan
(5) "Vashat" is used in attaining sons and Deepti
Some Special Mantra
(1) Omkaar/Pranav Mantra - Omkaar is a combination of three basic
syllables [See also Aum]
A (as pronounced O in Other), U (as pronounced in U in Usha) and M (as
pronounced in M in Mother).
It is said that AUM should be pronounced only by Taantrik. All ordinary
people should pronounce it as OM.
(2) Panchaaksharee (5-letter) Mantra - For Shiv - "Om Namah Shivaaya"
[See also Aum]
(3) Ashtaakshar (8-letter) Mantra - For Naaraayan - "Om Namo
According to [Padm Puraan, 5/35], both Rishi and Devtaa of this Mantra
is Naaraayan, its Chhand is "Daivee Gayatri"; Pranav is its "Beej",
Lakshmee is called this Mantra's "Shakti" (power). Its first Pad is "Om",
second Pad is "Namo" and third Pad is "Naaraayanaaya". Thus this Mantra
is said to be of three Pad. Pranav consists of three letters - Akaar, Ukaar
and Makaar and thus it is said to be the form of three Ved. This is the
dwelling place of Brahm. Akaar represents Vishnu, Ukaar represents
Lakshmee Jee and Makaar is their servant "Jeev" which is the 25th
element also.

[10 Indriyaan, 5 Bhoot, 5 Tanmaatraa, mind, Ahankaar, Mahat Tattwa, and Prakriti
- these are the 24 Tattwa; and their witness Consciousness is the 25th Tattwa.]

3.1. Ashtaakshar - Om Namo Naaraayanaaya (Tirumangai Azvar received

this Mantra from Bhagavaan Himself.) Homage or obeisance to Lord
Naaraayan Purport: Ashtaakshar: Naaraayan is the Means and the Goal;
He is the Fruit.
3.2. Dwayam or Tirumantram - Shreeman Naaraayan Charanau Sharanam
Prapadye Srimat Naaraayanaaya Namah. Shreeman Naaraayan,
I fall down and surrender at your feet, Shreeman Naaraayan, my
obeisance to you.
3.3 Charam Shlok - is the famous 'Sarva Dharmam Paritraajya Mama Ekam
Aham Twam Sarv Paapebhya. . . . " Shlok of Geetaa. It is a secret
because of its invaluable hidden truth. Shreeman Naaraayan during His
Krishn Avataar did the Geetaa Upadesh to all the people through Arjun.
Since Bhakti Yog was highly difficult even for Arjun, Krishn out of His
Mercy asked him (all the people) to perform 'Prapatti', as a means of
God-Realization - Abandoning all duties, surrender unto Me only. I shall
deliver you from all sins. Do not lament. (18-66)
(4) Dwaadash-Akshar (12-letter) Mantra - For Krishn/Naaraayan - "Aum
Namo Vaasudevaaya".
Women and Shoodra can also do its Jaap but without "Aum". For others
its Jaap can be done with "Aum". This Mantra's Prajaapati is Rishi,
Chhand is Gaayatree, Devtaa is Vaasudev, seed is "Aum", and power is
"Namah". Its Jaap should be done 1,200,000 times, its Havan should be
done by its one tenth number (120.000) times.
(5) Shodashaakshar (16-letter) Mantra Hare Raam, Hare Raam, Raam Raam Hare Hare |
Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare ||
It has two Akshar (letters or syllables) each. And for the sixteen nodes,
we hence have thirty-two Gun (characteristics). It contains three Divine

Names Hare, Raam and Krishn. Hare comes from ha and ra Dhaatu
(haran means "to take away")
He who does the Haran of Sansaar (worldly existence) is Hari Naaraayan.
He who does he Haran of A-Gyaan (ignorance) is Shiv.
He who does the Haran of Dur-Gati (misfortune) is Durgaa.
He who does the Haran of Vighn (obstacle) is Ganesh.
He who does the Haran of Andhakaar (darkness) is Soorya.
Thus the term Hare applies to all five types of Upaasak.
The word Raam is Par Brahm. The word Raam came into existence even
before the incarnation of Raam. When King Dasharath and Kaushalyaa
were blessed with Raam, he approached Sage Vashishth for naming
ceremony. The word Raam is to bestow one with Sukh (happiness) to all
the three worlds. By uttering the word Raam, the mind is removed from
all the stress and is filled with calmness. While the word Krishn means
something that attracts our mind. Thus, even if one chants the Mahaa
Mantra with a worldly desire in mind, the power of Mahaa Mantra is that
the Lord not only satiates that persons worldly desire but also bestows
Mukti. Such is the greatness of this Mahaa Mantra.
(6) Gaayatree Mantra - Any Mantra with 24 syllables may be called as
Gaayatree Mantra, but there is only one Mantra well-known by the name
of Gaayatree Mantra, that is - "Aum Bhoor Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur
Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayaat".
(7) Mahaa Mrityunjaya Mantra - "Aum Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim
Pushtivardhanam Urvaarukmev Bandhanaan Mrityor Moksheeya
(8) Kireet Mantra for Naaraayan - "Aum Kireet Keyoor Haar Makar
Kundak Shankh Chakra Gadaambhoj Hast Peetaambardhar Shree
Vatsaankit Vakshahsthal Shree Bhoomi Sahit Swaatma Jyotirmaya Deept
Karaaya Sahastraaditya Tejasey Namah" It contains 65 letters. Its Jaap
should be done 6,500,000 (65 Lac) times.

(9) Pushti Devee Mantra - "Gam Dam, Vam Sam Pushtyai Namah"
And there are many more Mantra for many Devtaa.
-------------------------------------------------------------------How Many Times to Recite a Mantra?
One should do Jap of a Mantra the same number of times in Hundred
Thousands (Lacs), whatever number of letters are in a Mantra, for
example the 5-letter Mantra should be recited 500,000 times.
The first 100,000 Mantra's Jaap gives Aatm-Shuddhi (cleanses one's
the second 100,000 Mantra's Jaap does Mantra-Shuddhi (Mantra's
the third 100,000 Mantra's Jaap gets the Saadhak Swarg Lok,
400,000 Mantra's Jaap takes the Saadhak to Vishnu
500,000 Mantra's Jaap gives clear Gyaan
600,000 Mantra's Jaap stabilizes Saadhak's Buddhi in Vishnu
700,000 Mantra's Jaap makes the Saadhak As Vishnu, and
after doing the Jaap of Mantra 800,000 times the Saadhak attains
[Naarad Puraan, p 434]

Some Other Information About Mantra

Mantra of 4 Ved - Rig Ved, Yajur Ved, Atharv Ved and Saam Ved, are
called "Pratham Mantra" (First Mantra)
Sadyojaat etc Mantras are called "Dwiteeya Mantra" (Second Mantra)
Brahmaa, Rudra and Vishnu are the forms of "Triteeya Mantra" (Third
Eesh (Shiv), Agni and Indra etc Devtaa are the forms of "Chuturth
Mantra" (Fourth Mantra)
A, I, U, E (pronounced as in Ek) and O - all are the forms of "Pancham
Mantra" (Fifth Mantra) - they are called "Mool Brahm" (root Brahm)
[Agni Puraan, p 272]

Greatness of Mantra
In our scriptures, it is said that during the process of creation from the
Supreme Brahm, the Space (Aakaash) came first and sound is the
property of the Aakaash. From Space came Air (Vaayu), and from Air
came Fire (Agni), from Fire came Water (Jal) and from Water came
Earth (Prithvi). Sound is an abstraction that is closest to the Supreme
We employ different means to worship the Supreme Brahm. We worship
It as a deity in the form of Earth, in the form of Water (in a Kalash), in
the form of fire (during Havan), in the form of air (through Praanaayaam
etc) and in the form of sound (through the chanting of the Ved, and
chanting of the Divine Names).
However, in order to render an ideal fit for worship, Mantra (the form of
sound) have to be chanted. In order to worship the Lord in a Kalash
(vessel of water), Mantra are to be chanted to install the Lord in the
Water. In order to worship the Lord in the form of Fire through Havan,
Mantra have to be chanted to install the Lord in Agni. In order to worship
the Lord through Praanaayaam, one should contemplate on and chant the
Pranav Mantra. Thus all these forms of worship are rendered futile unless
accompanied by the sound aspect in the form of Mantra.
However, if we were to worship the Supreme Brahm in the form of sound,
mere chanting of the Ved or chanting the Divine Name of Lord alone is
enough. It does not expect any other accessory to make it complete. That
is the greatness of worship by chanting the Divine Names.

[From Tantra of the Great Liberation (Maha Nirvan Tantra). by Arthur Avalon]

But in all types of worship the main thing is Mantra, Mantra is the soul of
Tantra. Tantra is the Body, and Mantra is soul. There is no Tantra or
Yantra separate from Mantra and vice versa.

Mantra also have their Sanskaar. There 10 of them - (1) Janan, (2)
Jeevan, (3) Taadan, (4) Bodhan, (5) Abhishek, (6) Vimaleekaran, (7)
Aapyaayan, (8) Tarpan, (9) Deepan, and (10) Gupti. (p 25)
Mantra Chaitanya is Chaitanya Shakti and is the name for the Gyaan of
the presiding Devtaa - Adhishthaatree Devtaa of the Mantra. The
awakening of the Mantra is in the consciousness of the Saadhak, the
knowledge of Him. When introduced by the Beej of Saraswatee (Aim),
Maayaa (Hreem), or Kamalaa (Shreem), instead of the Mantra Om, it
bestows various kinds of learning, Siddhi and prosperity in every quarter.
The Mantra may be varied either by the prefixing or omitting of Om by
placing it before each word or every two words of the Mantra. (p 29)

A Mantra can be said to be a word-symbol or symbols representing and

expressing, as nearly as possible, the particular view of God and the
universe they stand for. When the Mantras that are of the nature is
given to the disciple or Saadhak by an illumined Guru, it becomes a living
seed. The Guru, by his spiritual power, gives life to the word and at the
same time awakens the spiritual power latent in the disciple. That is the
secret of Guru's initiation. A Mantra is an aid to meditation.
There are three types of Mantra: The first category include those that invoke the low powers of nature and
are called as Taamasik Mantra.
The second category of Mantra excite and manifest might and power and
are called Raajasik Mantra.
Lastly, there are those that are of quiet and purely spiritual types of
Mantra - they are called Saatwik Mantra.
All the Mantra again fall under two classifications: (a) those that need only to be chanted and there is no need for one to
know their meaning and
(b) those Mantras that are of the nature of an invocation and the devotee

must necessarily know the meaning of those Mantra. In the absence of

knowledge of meaning of the Mantras he will not be able to bring his mind
to play upon the Divine theme constantly.
The Vaidik Mantra are both in prose and poetry. Metrical Mantra are
called "Rik" and "Yajus" is the name of the prose Mantras.
[By G Balasubramanian in "Aum Namah Shivaaya" Group, on Jun 15, 2009]

Some More Things to Know About Mantra

[by Narasihma Rao in "Aum Namah Shivaaya" Group, between June 12-16, 2009]

Mantra Number
It depends on Mantra. Let us take one Shiv Mantra, His Mantra Siddhi
number is 1,000,000 (one million or 10 Lakh), but it depends on Yug, this is
Kali Yug, so in Kali Yug it is 4 Lakhs. All these are mentioned in the Tantra
or Sanhitaa, or you will get from Guru.
Mantra Timings
Usually the Mantra chant has to be done in early morning. For some
Vaamaachaar cults it be may be midnight. In some cults, such as Mahaa
Lakshmee, Swarn Karshan Bhairav and Neel Saraswatee, chant will be at
midnight. Even day also differs, for some it should be Poornimaa, or
Amaavasyaa and so on....
Mantra Chant
Must be in a regular passion, I mean daily 1000 times, up to completion of
1 Lakh count without fail. (Number may be differs like 108, 1,,000,
2,000 ...but the same number you have to do daily.
Chanting Place
It is defined by the Guru, for some Mantra Upaasak has to stand in a
water stream. Upaasak has to sit in mountain peak or banks of rivers or
temple or Guru Charan or at least in his own house.
Aasan is also specified by Guru on your capacity. For all Mantra
Darbhaasan is recommended. For some Vaishnav Mantras it is

Peetaambaram. Depends on your mental stamina they may suggest Krishn

skin or Vyaaghra skin (Skin of deer and tiger). For some Vaamaachaar,
they will suggest Panch Peethaasan and Shavaasan.
* Rule : For Krishn jin and Vyaaghra jin should not have any holes or
damages (means the hunted animal skin should not be used).
Food Habits
For Mantras onion, Masaalaa and garlic are restricted. Of course non-veg,
egg are also prohibited. For Vaamaachaar and Panch Makaar Upaasanaa
Upaasak has to eat fish daily.
Mantra Parts
Each Mantra, whatever it may be, you have to do with Saptaang.
Otherwise it is like asking help from PHC. For every Mantra the Saptaang
(7 parts) are
(1) Rishi : Author of the mantra
(2) Chandassu: Chanting pronunciation
(3) Devtaa : To whom it is addressed (GOD name)
(4) Kaamyam : Purpose, Desire
(5) Ang Nyaasam: It varies from Mantra to Mantra
(6) Panch Poojaa (Gandham, Pushpam, Dhupam, Deepam, Naivedyam,
(7) Arpanam: Chant is giving to GOD.
Mantra Mudraa
It differs from Mantra to another Mantra. They are expressed before
and after Mantra chanting.
Mantra Hom
Whatever the Mantra number chanted, a Hom (offering to Fire) has to be
performed for its Dashamaansh. Hom Dravya depends on Devtaa, like for
some Shaivite Mantra Til and Ghee, for Mahaa Lakshmee is Lotus

Mantra Tarpan
Dropping water or something for GOD.
Mantra Shaap Vimochan Mantra
For some Mantra, Shaap will be there, so after their Jap we have to do
the Shaap Vimochan Mantra Jap.
We all use mantras or words all day long -- repetitive, out loud, or silently
-- phrases such as "It' s hard," or "I' m tired." "I don't know what I'm
doing," "It will never happen ... .. I'm stressed," "There&# 39;s not
enough time," or "There&# 39;s not enough money." We don't even notice
them becoming part of our reality by repetition.

We act out on what we say, live on how we think. If our Mantra is, "I am
stressed," we will be stressed. Or if our Mantra is, "It's never going to
happen." it's never going to happen. In the beginning was the word, and
the word was God. So powerful are our words to ourselves and to others
and the power of positive thinking and expressions of positive thinking
through words are very important. The words in Mantra are chosen not
only for their meaning as words, but also for a scientific reason that goes
far beyond pure definition. All Mantra we use are based on the science of
"Naad" -- the secrets hidden in sound. The roof of our mouth has 84
meridian points, all along the upper palate.
Mantra were given to us as special gifts. Long ago, highly evolved Rishi
(Seers) went into deep meditation. They began reciting certain sounds
that made the tongue hit these meridian points in the mouth in certain
combinations. It's kind of like playing the piano -- if certain notes are
struck, a beautiful song is produced. With every word we speak, or in this
case the Mantra we recite, we hit certain "keys." If the right combination
of keys is struck, then the hypothalamus, thalamus, and pituitary in the
brain are all stimulated in such a way as to bring our minds into a
meditative state, and even into ecstasy. Whichever combination of letters

gave the ancient seers this peaceful feeling or helped them heal their
ailments, they passed it on to us. Every single Mantra in the Ved are the
results of their experience.

Sanat Kumaar Jee said - "Now I will tell you about the Deekshaa method
which breaks Paash and gives desired fruit. Deekshaa method gives power
to Mantra. Deekshaa gives Divinity and destroys Paap, that is why learned
people call it Deekshaa.
Mantra are of three types - feminine, masculine and neutral. Mantra
finishing with "Swaahaa' are feminine Mantra. Mantra which finish in
"Hum" or "Phat", they are masculine Mantra. Mantra which finish with
"Namah" they are neutral Mantra. All Mantra's Devtaa are males and all
Vidyaa's Devtaa are Devee. These three types of Mantra are used for six
types of Karm - Shaanti (peace), Vashya (to control someone), Stambhan
(to stop someone from doing something), Dwesh (in jealousy), Uchchaatan
(just for pronouncing sake), and Maaran (to kill somebody).
Whichever Mantra finish with "Raan" and "Swaahaa", they are called Firerelated Mantra. Whichever Mantra end with "San" and "Van", they are
called Som-related Mantra. Thus learned people should consider all
Mantra Fire-related. When the breath moves in Pingalaa nerve, means
when right breath is in motion, then Fire-related Mantra are active; when
the breath moves in Idaa nerve then Som-related Mantra are active; and
when the breath moves in both the nerves then all Mantra are active.
If Mantra's Jap is done at its sleep time (when it is not active), it harms.
While pronouncing Mantra, do not pronounce every Mantra by holding

breath. Pronounce Anuswaar letter with Anulom breath (drawing the

breath inside) and Visarg letters with Vilom breath (throwing the breath
out). If the Mantra could wake up its Devtaa, then it gives its fruit very
soon; and even an evil Mantra also becomes fruitful if its Jaap is done
with that Maalaa, . Fire-related Mantra are used to fulfill cruel
objectives; and Som-related Mantra give sweet fruits.
There are three types of Mantra - Shaant (peaceful), Gyaan (knowledge)
and Raudra (terrible). If "Hum phat" is added to a Shaanti Mantra, it
becomes a Raudra Mantra.
Mantra Dosh
Some Mantra, with some specific letters, or specific number of letters,
are faulty Mantra. They should not be used, as they may be harming a
person. For example, 7-letter Mantra is a child, 8-letter Mantra is
adolescent, 16-letter Mantra is young, 24-letter Mantra is matured, 20-,
64-, 100- and 400-letter Mantra are called old, and 400- to 1,000-letter
Mantra are called very old. Thus there are 49 types of faults in a Mantra.
But there is a way to correct their faults. If any Mantra's Jaap is done
by sitting in Yoni Mudraa, his all wishes are fulfilled.
* Yoni Mudraa - Keep left foot's heel close to anus, and right foot's heel on penis,
this is called Yoni Mudraa Bandh Aasan.

A Guru should decide about the Mantra after testing his disciple. Then
the Guru should give the decided Mantra to his Saadhak in a clean place
and at an auspicious time. After taking bath in the morning, the Saadhak
should bow to Guru's feet. Worship him with clothes etc and request for
the desired Mantra. Guru should enter the Yagya Mandap doing Swasti
Vaachan with calm mind. Offer Arghya to the door of Yagya Mandap and
remove all kinds of Divine obstacles by Astra-Mantra, then remove

obstacles of sky by offering water, then remove land-related obstacles

by clapping three times, then he should start his process.
Draw Sarvatobhadra Mandal, and do the process methodically. Guru
should do Jaap of the Mantra which is to be given to the disciple, 108
times and give it to him with the feeling that "he should be like me". He
should pronounce the Mantra in his ears eight times. The disciple should
fall on Guru's feet and Guru should raise him saying, "Rise, you are now
free. Follow good conduct and you always receive fame, son, long life,
strength health etc." Then the Saadhak should worship him again and
offer Dakshinaa. He should start serving Guru from the same time. He
should worship his Isht Dev also. When he worships Vishnu, he should
worship Ganesh, Soorya, Devee and Shiv; and if he worships Shankar, the
he should worship Soorya (east), Ganesh (south), Devee (west), and Vishnu
(north); and if he worships Devee then he should worship Shiv, Ganesh,
Soorya and Vishnu all around; and if he worships Ganesh, then he should
worship Shiv, Devee, Soorya and Vishnu; and if he worships Soorya, he
should worship Ganesh, Vishnu, Devee and Shiv all around. Thus he should
worship these five Dev respectfully. The disciple should do his daily
chores, or if he doesn't want to do it at that moment, then he should do
the Jaap of Paadukaa Mantra 10 times and salute to his Guru, even sitting
in his bed, and then start his day.
A Jeev does A-Japaa named Gaayatree Mantra Jap 21,600 times in one
day and night. This A-Japaa Mantra belongs to Rishi Hans. A-Vyakt is
Gaayatree Chhand. Param Hans is Devtaa. The first letter of Mantra is
called Beej, and the ending letter is called Shakti (power).
There is a 4-leaf red lotus in Moolaadhaar Chakra. There are four letters
on its four leaves - "va, sha, sha, sa". Ganesh Jee is sitting on it with his
Shakti. Offer 600 Jap to Ganesh Jee. There is a 6-leaf coral colored

lotus in Swaadhishthaan Chakra and "ba, bha, ma, ya, ra, la" letters are on
those six leaves. Brahmaa Jee is sitting on it with his Shakti. Offer 6,000
Jap to them. A 10-leaf black colored lotus is in Manipur Chakra. On its
leaves are written "da, dha, na, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, pha" letters. Here
is sitting Vishnu along with Lakshmee Jee. Offer 6,000 Jap to them.
A 12-leaf white lotus is in Anaahat Chakra. On its leaves are written "Ka,
kha, ga, gha, nga, cha, chha, ja, jha, yan, ta, tha" letters. Rudra is sitting
on it with Paarvatee Jee. He is the Lord of Vidyaa (knowledge). Offer
6,000 Jap to him. A 16-leaf white lotus is in Vishuddh Chakra. On its
leaves are written vowels, "a, aa, i, ee, u, oo, ri, ree, lri, lree, e, ai, o, au,
ang, ah". There are sitting the Lord of Indriya - "Eeshwar" with Praan
power. Offer 1,000 Jap to Him. In Aagyaa Chakra, there is a 2-leaf lotus.
It has "ha and Ksha" letters on its leaves. Jagd Guru Sadaa Shiv along
with Paraa power is sitting there, offer 1,000 Jap to him. In Sahstraar
Chakra there are 1,000 leaves lotus. All Maatrikaa Varn are sitting there.
Offer 1,000 Jap to them.
By doing only the Sankalp of this A-Japaa Gaayatree Mantra, people get
free from their greatest sins.

(1) Keelak means a wedge or a clue to a mystical puzzle. The Guru gives
the Keelak of the Mantra. Consequently the energy of the Mantra is
manifested to the disciple. Keelak means the description, proximity,
speed and method of pronunciation, the rhythm of recitation of the
Mantra (Alaap), etc. Sometimes the Keelak assumes the form of a prior
notice. When a sage creates a Mantra along with a precondition that
"without the pronunciation of a particular word prior to the Mantra, the
practice of that Mantra will not be fruitful", then the mere chanting of

that Mantra does not prove to be of any avail. Such a word is termed as a
Keelak (lock) of a Mantra, that is a wedge or a clue to a mystical puzzle.
Only when the Mantra is chanted along with it, it proves to be fruitful.
Understanding that word, and chanting along with it or destroying the
relationship of that word with the Mantra is called Nishkeelan or
Utkeelan (unlocking). However, only spiritually evolved persons can give
guidance to this effect. One comes across "Shrimat Hanumaan Keelakam"
in Shree Raam Rakshaa verse (Stotra).
(2) Movement of the Samaan vital energy (Vaayu) is essential to activate
the Kundalinee (spiritual energy). Naadee Bandh (blocking the channels) is
performed to achieve it. The energy used to perform Naadee Bandh is
also called Keelak. Keelak means the expulsion of the Samaan vital energy
from which energy is generated. Naadee Bandh also occurs if a Mantra is
chanted appropriately.
8-Panchaaksharee Mantra
Shiv's Panchaakshar Mantra is a Mahaa Mantra which is composed of five
letters, Namah Shivaaya. A Mantra is that one or few words which
remove all obstacles and miseries of one who reflects on it and bestows
eternal bliss and immortality. Panchaakshar is the best among seven
crores of Mantra. There are seven Skandh in Yajur Ved. There is
Rudraadhyaayee in the centre of the middle Skandh (the 4th Skandh). In
this Rudraadhyaayee there are one thousand Rudra Mantra for Rudra or
Shiv. But Namah Shivaaya or the Shiv Panchaakshar Mantra shines in the
centre of these one thousand Rudra Mantra.
Yajur Ved is the head of Parameshwar, who is the Ved Purush. Rudram
which is in the middle of Yajur Ved is the face of Parameshwar, Panch
Akshar is His eye, Shiv which is in the centre of the Namah Shivaaya is
the apple of the eye. He who does Jaap of this Panchaakshar is freed
from births and deaths and attains eternal bliss. This is the emphatic
declaration of the Ved. This Panchaakshar is the body of Lord Nataraaj.
This is the abode of Lord Shiv. If you add Om to the Namah Shivaaya in

the beginning, then it becomes Shadaakshar or six-lettered Mantra. Om

Namo Mahaadevaaya is the eight-lettered Mantra or Ashtaakshar.
Panchaakshar Mantra is of six kinds, viz.,
Sthool Panchaakshar (Namah Shivaay),
Sookshm Panchaakshar (Shivaaya Namah),
Kaaran Panchakshara (Shivaaya Shiv),
Mahaa Kaaran Panchaakshar (Shivaaya),
Mahaa Manu or Mukti Panchaakshar (Shi)
Namah means Prostration. Shivaaya Namah means Prostration unto
Lord Shiv.
The Jeev is the servant of Shiv from the Deh-Drishti.
Namah represents Jeevaatmaa.
Shiv represents Paramaatmaa.
Aaya denotes Aikyam or identity of Jeevaatmaa and Paramatman.
Hence Shivaaya Namah is a Mahaa Vaakya, like Tat Tvwm Asi which
signifies the identity between the individual and the supreme soul.
Pranav denotes the external form (husk) of the Lord (paddy) and
Panchaakshar is the internal Swaroop (rice).
Pranav and Panchaakshar are one.
The five letters denote the five actions or Panch Kritya of the Lord, viz.,
Srishti (creation), Sthiti (preservation), Sanhaar (destruction) , Tirodhan
(veiling) and Anugraha (blessing).
They also denote the five elements and all creations through the
combination of the five elements.
Na represents Tirodhan;
Ma represents the Mal or impurity;
Shi, Lord Shiv;
Va, the Arul Shakti; and
Ya, the individual soul.
Take bath or wash your face, hands and feet. Wear Bhasm and Rudraaksh
Maalaa. Sit on Padmaasan or Sukhaasan, facing East or North, in a quiet

place or room. Repeat silently the Panchaakshar and meditate on the form
of Lord Shiv. Keep the image in the heart or space between the eyebrows.
If you practice meditation regularly, your heart will be purified. All
Sanskaar and sins will be burnt in to to. You will attain Shiv-Yog-Nishthaa
or Nir-Vikalp Samaadhi. You will attain the glorious Shiv-Pad or Shiv-Gati
and become one with Lord Shiv. You will enjoy the eternal bliss of
Shivaanand and become immortal.
Rules and Regulations
A lot of people are worried about the rites and rituals to be followed for
performing Poojaa, reciting Stotra and doing Mantra Jap. There are
several types of Poojaa of the deities and some of them can take a whole
day. The way a Poojaa is performed also varies depending on one's
regional and traditional background. Various Poojaa books and Web sites
prescribe long preparations and rituals for Poojaa. Everybody cannot
perform Poojaa like an ordained Vaidik priest. Hence our scriptures allow
one to do a Poojaa as per one's capability and convenience. Doing it with
faith is what really matters. The minimum is: Take bath, wear clean
clothes, light a lamp and an incense stick and offer some Prasaad - if you
don't have anything at home, simple milk or sugar will do. Preferably keep
an idol or photograph of the deity in front of you, east-faced.
Time and Breaks - All Poojaa, Mantra recitation, etc should be done in
the morning. Mantra chant can be done in installments. Maximum 6 breaks
may be taken during the Jaap.
While doing Poojaa or Mantra Jaap - One should choose a Mantra, fix a
quiet and lonely place (under a tree, temple, or bank of river), set a time
and then do the Jaap of that Mantra. Never sit on a bare floor, always
use some woolen or silk spread under. Preferable to set aside a particular

place to sit, facing east or north. The chosen Mantra should be

pronounced correctly. The Jap can be done either according to the
convenience or by counting (for Saadhanaa). Still if one cannot manage
these he should not stop doing Poojaa or Jap.
How Many Times and Use of Maala - Normally one should recite a
Mantra minimum 108 times, but then why 108 times? We have 27
Nakshatra with 4 Pad (Charan or parts) each. Thus 27 x 4 = 108. Each
Charan has 3 degree and 20 minutes so if you multiply 3 degree and 20
minutes to 108 it comes out to be 360 degrees ie one cycle (Circle). This
cycle represents the whole Brahmaand because all the Raashi (Signs),
planets and Nakshatra are within these 360 degree in 2 dimensional
horoscope. So chanting a Mantra completes one cycle of this Brahmaand.
It is said that each part of the Nakshatra is pacified when one recites a
Mantra 108 times. The Nakshatra are nothing but physical manifestation
of the Supreme Lord and one of his countless attributes in the Universe.
If the Nakshatra are pacified, in turn the planets are also modified in our
individual charts, because the planets all appear in one or the other
constellation. Therefore continuous recitation of Mantra or Naam Jap
always tends to decrease the malefic tendencies in one's Horoscope.
(Read more explanation about number 108)
Recitation of Mantra does have a conclusive effect if done properly. By
continuous recitation of songs and Bhajans we just reduce our Paap Karm
of the present and the previous lives, at the same accumulate good Karm
for our future lives. So by doing this number of Jap we are able to
increase our bank balance. Mantra Jaap cleans your Karm. The more Jaap
you do, the more cleansing of your past Karm is possible. Gaayatree
Mantra (read more about Gaayatree Mantra here) which is mentioned in

Ved several times and is Divine, while all other Mantra are man-created
(Laukik or Paurusheya).
So to count the number of these Mantra there is a Maalaa. A Maalaa is a
chain of 109 beads - 108 beads to work on and the 109th bead denotes
that there is nothing greater than Paramaatmaa and nothing beyond Him,
that is why while doing Maalaa, one should never cross the 109th bead
(known as Sumeru). One should never touch the index finger and the
smallest finger also to the beads. Turn the beads only by the help of
medium finger and the thumb towards oneself. (If you are not
comfortable with using Maalaa, use the time.)
A-Khand or Unbroken Jap - The starting and ending time of A-Khand
Jap should be the same, in the forenoon or afternoon. When it is meant
for 24 hours, it includes the day and night in equal portion. Traditions
permit the vocal chanting in the day and mental chanting in the night time.
If it can be conveniently adopted, adopt it, otherwise mental Jap is
always preferred for the sake of uniformity.
For Daily Recitation - A lot depends on the type of Mantra you intend to
recite and the purpose. Some people recite some Mantras daily. It is up to
your convenience. The normal number of times a Mantra is recited is 3, 11,
21, 27, 54 and 108 or more.
For Specific Graha Shaanti - To pacify any specific planet, the number
of times of recitation of the Mantra is prescribed. The prescribed time
limit to complete the Jaap is called one Mandal (40 days). This period
(Mandal) can be extended to eight days more if any emergency or illness
arises. So the maximum period is 48 days. If one has taken a vow to do X
number of Jap in Y number of days - one should do it as vowed. No short

cuts and no excuses. This is one failure for which the gods make you pay.
So one should take the vow carefully and fulfill it promptly.
For Most Other Mantras, for Specific Purpose or Siddhi - The time
limit for such Mantra is 48 days. The minimum number of times the
Mantra has to be recited to give results, is 100,000 (1 Lac) times with an
extra 25% prescribed to compensate for any mistakes in pronunciation,
counting and wavering of concentration - so 125,000 times in total in 48
days. (1250/48 = 26 Maalaa of 108 beads daily)
Other Conditions - There are no restrictions for daily Jap. For specific
purposes and period oriented recitals, one should take vegetarian food (if
possible without onions and garlic too) with minimum spices, and should
keep away off alcoholic drinks and sex outside marriage.
There are some highly ritualistic Taantrik Mantra and Poojaa also. While
doing Jaap of these Mantra, one is prohibited from sex, telling lies and
being angry for the whole period. They have some other strict
restrictions also.
Kinds of Jap - There are three kinds of Jap - (1) Mantra is audibly
repeated; (2) No audible sound, only the movement of lips; and (3)
Repetition is purely mental. Geetaa says that of all the Yagya, Jap Yagya
is the highest; because in other Yagya, the man sacrifices other things,
while in Jap Yagya he sacrifices his own self.
Chanting Shaanti Mantra - One should chant "Shaanti Mantra" three
times after the Jap. This is to invoke peace at cosmic, phenomenal and
subjective levels.
General Rules
Dress - One should wear loose, convenient, and clean (washed) clothes

while reciting Mantra. Normal socks should not be worn but if you feel
cold, special clean socks can be set aside to wear at that time.
Purification - One should take bath before starting his Jap. But in case
he cannot take bath, he can wear at least clean clothes after wiping his
body with a wet towel. If one is required to go to toilet in between, the
Jap may be resumed after cleaning the hands and feet. It is not
necessary to take bath after each disruption. On sneezing, passing the
wind, yawning etc, purification can be achieved by taking three Aachaman
only. Unclean women should do only mental Jaap. This rule applies to those
situations also when a discharge is through nose, eyes, boil or sweat etc.
Environment - Although it is not necessary, but keeping an image (idol or
picture) of the Deity whose Mantra you are reciting is helpful. Dhoop and
Deep should be continuously burning during this period. A small pitcher
(Lotaa, or Kalash) filled with water should also be kept all the time in case
you need to do Aachaman. At the end that water should be poured in
Tulasee plant or in some other plant.
40-Day Practice of Jaap
The period of 40 days has been widely recognized as an auspicious period
both in the East and the West since ancient times. A traditional way to do
an extended Mantra practice is to choose a number of repetitions per
day, and to do that for 40 days. The mind likes to have a beginning and
end to a practice, such a sense of completion comes with a 40 day (or
longer) practice.
Fixed time per practice session - Mind finds comfort in knowing that it
will do the practice of one round of 108 repetitions (or some other
number of rounds), and that each round will take a predictable amount of

time (18 minutes per round of 108 repetitions of Mahaa Mrityunjaya

Same number of rounds - Mind also likes the predictability of doing a
certain number of rounds done per day. Mind may resist at times, but
once it gets started in the practice, mind likes the habit.
Specific number of days - Mind also likes the plan of knowing how many
days or months a practice will take to complete. This can be very
beneficial in stabilizing a noisy mind, which is a very common complaint.
While doing one Maalaa (108 times), only 100 are counted, with the other
8 considered an offering to the Deity, whoever you personally hold. You
might choose to do 1, 2, 3, or 4 rounds of 108 Mantras per day. Or, you
can use the Mahaa Mrityunjaya Mantra CD instead of the Maalaa beads,
You might also want to alternate between doing some with the recording
and some without.
It has been said that there is freedom in discipline; choosing to do a
regular practice frees the mind from wondering what practice will be
done that day. It is also important not to do the Mantra practice with
just repetition, but rather with feeling and awareness too. By running
your own experiment for 40 days, you can decide for yourself whether or
not the practice was beneficial.
Difference Between Daily Upaasanaa, Anushthaan and
Daily Worship - is a part of a routine worship for day to day living.
Anushthaan - is a worship of higher order in which the devotee is bound
by many restrictions and has to follow specified rules and regulations.

Consequently special benefits accrue in this Jap. Jap and Havan are basic
ingredients of Anushthaan. After Deekshaa (initiation) one surrenders to
Gaayatree and Yagya (his spiritual parents) which are inseparable.
Invocation is done by a specific process during the Anushthaan. After
Poorn Aahuti in Havan, traditionally it requires feeding Braahman or
Purashcharan - is still higher form of Saadhanaa. For Purashcharan a
specific number of specific Mantra and rituals are to be followed. Only an
individual with advance training is capable of performing of these. An
ordinary person should do only Anushthaan. A noticeable level of Mantra
Siddhi (power of the Mantra) is said to come after 125,000 repetitions of
a Mantra (this practice is called a Purashcharan). This is equivalent to
1,250 rounds of a Maalaa and takes a considerable time. If these rounds
can be finished in 40 days, it is very good. It means 1250/40 = 31 Maalaa
per day. This can be done by doing 20 Maalaa in the morning and 10
Maalaa in the evening. If somebody takes some 20 minutes to recite the
Mantra 108 times, 20 Maalaa will take approximately 7 hours, and 10
Maalaa 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Saadhanaa is carried out in two ways - Dakshin Maarg and Vaam Maarg
(Tantra). Dakshin Maarg practices involve only Mantra etc practices.
Vaam Maarg is the technique of pulling out bio-energy from living beings
and utilizing it for exercising psychic control over others and for exorcist
activities. Taantrik call this energy as Durgaa and Kaalee. In practice the
Taantrik excites the the bio-energy of an animate being by violently
killing it or inflicting excruciating pain on it by extraction its flesh or
blood. This practice is extremely complex and dangerous.

Mantra For Healing

One should sit and consciously chant the Mantra mentally, after doing a
prayer or a Poojaa, singing or loud chanting. One has to do it for a length
of time for the healing process to begin. It is like having to achieve a
minimum threshold of exertion during exercise, to work your heart. Only
after a certain absorption, is it healing. This is only about healing, but in
addition, there is Bhagavaans grace also, because it is a Mantra. You have
to sit and do it seriously. Doing a Poojaa before the beginning of chanting
invokes the Saatwik attitude in you. Besides, having one's own Karm Phal,
healing also takes place.
Aghor Mantra
Here is the information you are looking for Aghor Mantra and specifics.
(1) Aghor Mantra is a very cool, peaceful Mantra. It is not an excitable or
a hard Mantra. It is of the Aghor nature; that is, very simple.
(2) An Aghor Guru has charged the Mantra with Shakti. It has the
capacity of being beneficial to everybody. He gives it to the disciple when
the planets and constellations are in favorable positions. Such a Mantra is
given for the benefit of all, but receiving it depends upon the feeling,
faith and attitude with which it is accepted and practiced.
(3) If you do not remain excited and impatient all the time, and remain
straight with yourself, that Mantra remains self-charged. You do not even
need to charge it. Your success is indicated when you remain straight with
(4) The Mantra given by the Guru should be safely kept in secrecy.
Though you may recite it with your voice, it is most beneficial if it is
recited through the vibrations of your heart. It will then provide great
equanimity, protecting you and guiding you in all things.

(5) The Guru gives you a friend in the form of the Mantra who is always
ready to help you in times of strife, trouble and pain. It provides support
when our life becomes sorrowful and seems to be disintegrating. This is
the meaning of an Aghor Mantra. You feel great joy, inner happiness in
meeting a true friend, and great pain on separating from him or her.
(6) Mantra are written in many books. But Mantra from books cannot be
beneficial unless they are from the mouth of a knowledgeable person.
(7) Regarding initiation by Mantra, it is necessary to keep in mind through
whose lips we gain this knowledge. Who will be auspicious and beneficial
for us? To learn it from a person who does not know the path, has not
walked on it, can never be beneficial.
(8) As far as your question about the Mantra of the Divine Mother is
concerned, Mantra is always self-realized. You do not have to charge it.
What is important is that one should make himself conducive to that
Mantra. One should follow the vow he has undertaken, and remain simple
and straight. This is the simple answer. One should remain straight with
oneself. Because when you recite your Mantra, perform worship,
undertake spiritual practices, that divine shadow hovers around you. If
you remain steadfast in your word, nothing remains impossible for you.
(9) Your Guru has asked you to keep your Mantra and Isht (personal
divinity) very carefully. Keep them with such care as a bird keeps her
eggs. You may experience a little discomfort to the body, but even that
will go away if what you keep gets pleased with you.
(10) Taking an interest in the Mantra fills it with unfathomable Shakti,
divinity, strength and ability. It releases divine rays into your body, those
supercharged, divine rays that give you everything.
(11) It has been said, "Guru's Mantra is like a sharp sword." This sword in
the form of the Mantra cuts down the enemies residing within your own

body, and provides a happy, healthy and peaceful life to you as well as to
those who come in contact with you.
(12) The molecular power of the Mantra is such that it leads to
accumulation of many minuscule power particles in our speech as we keep
reciting it, and has a very deep effect. At that time one should be very
careful not to use wrong words, for these words can have an
instantaneous effect on those at whom they are directed.
(13) The power of Mantra remains great as long as they are not traded,
bought or sold.
(14) When we perform Jaap with beads (a rosary), our thoughts are
prevented from running away with us and are brought back to the Self. It
does not matter if you voice the Mantra aloud or not. If your attention to
what you are doing remains unbroken, that flow does not break.
(15) Misuse or faulty use of the Mantra given by the Guru can have
adverse results. Therefore one should be very careful about its use.
(16) The very moment you sit to do Jaap with a clean and yearning heart,
the divine energy begins to saturate your body and fills you with
indescribable luster. Being vibrationless, receive it, store it.
(17) Mantra Jaap cleanses our Naadee (channels through which Praan
flows in the body), purifies the mind, destroys the three Dosh (ills). By
itself, the mind begins to be quiet.
(18) Our speech should be so pure that when we voice our Jaap, the Jaap
should sound appropriate to that Divinity. We should voice it with the
correct tone of voice. Then our voice will instantly find its object. And
the Divinity, attracted by it, will turn to us. If it turns to us, and we are
not in the appropriate Yantra, or attitude, then instead of helping us it
can also have an adverse reaction. We could become confused or

(19) A rosary has 108 beads. Eight of those represent what we owe to our
Guru, to our mother, to our divinity, to our father, to the ruler of the
country, to the lineage and family in which we are born, and to the person
from whom we receive our food. We are left with 100 beads that we
count however many times we have promised ourselves to count them,
while repeating the divine mantra given to us by our Guru.
(20) This "word" (Mantra) that is emanating from within you, emanating
by itself from your pores, is not to be spoken aloud. The word-is
happening. The word is happening within, by itself. As we are thinking of
it, focusing on it, our senses are getting disciplined. Keep your attention
focused on that.
(21). As you meditate and repeat the Mantra, let the Mantra resonate in
your Praan (being, life-force). When energy awakens in your Praan the
seed of divine characteristics will be sown. If you let Jaap continue with
the resonance of your heart, it will be very good. When you have enough
practice, the whole process will begin as soon as you close your mouth.
From your toes to the top of your head, all your body-pores will begin to
resonate with its sound. You should try to hear that resonance, and the
waves of joy produced by it.
(22) Dispelling lethargy, yawning and dullness, we sit on the Aasan with
alertness, with pure intention. The very moment remembrance of name
(Mantra) comes to our mind, we can recite it thousands of times in a flash
of a moment. Every single pore of our body begins to echo that sound, the
heart begins to vibrate, a strange kind of sensation permeates the body.
Such a Jaap is termed as Amogh Jaap, the unfailing Jaap. A place where
this happens becomes a charged place, an awakened place, and we
ourselves become the seat of spiritual strength.
(23) The very moment your heart begins to resonate with the sound of
your Mantra, the ether takes shape in the form of your Isht Dev. With
practice you can see it. You may even see your Isht in different Mudraa

(poses) such as granting you fearlessness, victory, bestowing boons, etc

etc. The whole atmosphere seems to be charged with radiance.
(24) In this age of science, sound emanates and spreads in the whole
solar-system at once. Consider Mantra knowledge to be the same.
Consider posture knowledge to be the same, consider ritual and Yantra
knowledge to be the same. Look at it yourself, in reality.
(25) Dissolve the Mantra in your mouth and experience the joy in your
WARNING : Please do not do anything specific without consulting.
The best is 'Maa Lakshmi Stambhan', an Aghor Vidhi. Within a night, the
Saadhak can become a multi-millionaire, he can even sleep on money,
distribute the money with open hands and money never ends.
The negative part is, Saadhak himself cannot use it for his personal
needs, and dies with lots of pain and diseases

Beej Mantra
The science of Mantra is very complex. There are even Mantra for such specific
purposes as curing snake bite and chronic disease, but these are of a lower order.
In the modern world, the power of gross sound vibration is just beginning to be
utilized in physical therapy, and its potential is being tapped in other fields. The
ancient Indian sages had this sophistication thousands of years ago. They have
used sound in its gross and subtle states to penetrate the planes of human
consciousness and to reach the divine vibration that is the experience of God.
Beginning in Om and dissolving in Om, the Mantra comes full cycle.

HAUM (haOM )
In this Mantra, Ha is Shiv and au is Sadasshiv. The Naad and Bindu mean that
which dispels sorrow. With this Mantra, Lord Shiv should be worshipped.
DUM (duM )
Here Da means Durgaa, and u means to protect. Naad means Mother of the
universe, and Bindu signifies action (worship or prayer). This is the Beej Mantra of
With this Mantra Kalikaa should be worshipped. Ka is Kali, ra is Brahman, and ee is
Mahaamaayaa. Naad is the Mother of the universe, and Bindu is the dispeller of
This is the Mantra of Mahaamaayaa or Bhuvaneshwaree. Ha means Shiv, ra is
Prakriti, ee means Mahaamaayaa. Naad is the Mother of the universe, and Bindu is
the dispeller of sorrow.
This is the Mantra of Mahaa Lakshmee. Sha is Mahaa Lakshmee, ra means wealth.
Ee is satisfaction or contentment. Naad is the manifested Brahman, and Bindu is
the dispeller of sorrow.
AIM (eoM )
This is the Beej Mantra of Saraswatee. Ai stands for Saraswatee, and Bindu is the
dispeller of sorrow.
KLEEM (@laIM )
This is the Kaam Beej Mantra. Ka means Kaam Dev, the Lord of desire; it also
means Lord Krishn. La means Indra, the ruler of Heaven, also lord of the senses. Ee
means contentment or satisfaction. Naad and Bindu mean those that bring
happiness and sorrow.
HUM ( huM )
In this Mantra Ha is Shiv, and U is Bhairav. Naad is the Supreme, and Bindu means
dispeller of sorrow.

GAM (gaM )
This is the Ganesh Beej Mantra. Ga means Ganesh, and Bindu is the dispeller of
sorrow. "Gam" is the is the Ekaakshar Mantra of Ganapati. This is called Ganapati
Beej Mantra as well. Atharv Sheersh (Atharv Sanhitaa) mention it as Ganapati Beej
and for the Saadhanaa of this single lettered Mantra there is a procedure laid
down in Aagam and Tantra Shaastra with a separate Dhyaan and Parivaar Devataa.
The Dhyaan and Ang Devataa are different than Mahaa Ganapati for Ekaakshar
Mantra .
GLAUM (glaaOM )
This is also a Mantra of Ganesh. Ga means Ganesh, la means that which pervades,
au means luster or brilliance, and Bindu is the dispeller of sorrow.
This is the Beej Mantra of Narasinh Bhagavaan, a very fierce half man half lion
incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ksha is Narasinh, Ra is Brahmaa, Au means with teeth
pointing upwards, and Bindu means dispeller of sorrow.
AM ( AM )
This Beej Mantra is for Agni Dev. When Agni dev is worshipped, the Mantra with
the Beej is chanted as follows: "Om Am Aagnaye Namah"
VAM ( vaM )
The Mantra Vam is the Amrit Mantra mainly ascribed to Varun and it is used for
the Amriteekaran in Arghya Sthaapanaa.
It is also used as part of Bhoot Shuddhi.

Mantra Used by Kuntee

vishnur yonim kalpayaatu twashtur roopnai vigam shatu
aasimpragyaatu prajapatirdhata garbham vidhaa dhaatu
garbham dehi chinivaaree garbham dehi saraswatee garbhante
ashwinee-au devee pradattam pushp raja stree sa

ivaYNauyaa-oinama\ klpyaatu
%vaYtur $pnaO ivagama Satu

Aaisamap`&atu p`jaapitQaa-ta
gaBa-ma\ ivaQaa Qaatu
gaBa-ma\ doih icainavaarI gaBama\ doih sarsvatI gaBa-nto
AiSvanaI AaO doiva p`d<ama\
puYp rja s~I sa
This is the famous Mantra by which Kuntee was able to get sons like Karn
by Sun, Yudhishthir by Yam Raaj, Arjun by Indra , Bheem by Vaayu Dev,
Nakul and Sahadev by Ashwinee Devataa
Jaap Vidhi :
Have a bath and after sunset sit in front of Lord Vishnu's Moorti
photo/image /idol/ or of your Isht Dev offer Dhoop, Deep, Naivedyam
Jaap this Mantra for 40 days and wife and husband should be in harmony
and peace and have foods which are digestive easily, and this Mantra Jaap
can be done if the women is already pregnant.
As per most reliable sources this is the Mantra (original), I don't assure
that God would stand in front of you and bless with child, like He did to
Kuntee, but a child with blessings can be expected.

Remedy for Eyes

Doctors have done what was their work. By the time you provide your birth-data,
and Jyotishee to give their opinion all would be doing their work. My first
astrological advice is, please buy a Book titled "Nitya Karma Pooja Prakash"
published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur, easily available in any book shop, selling the
Bhakti/Pooja related books.

You will find Shree Aaditya Hridya Strota in the Book. Immediately after this you
will find "Chakhyuhsh Upanishad (Chakhkshee Vidyaa Stotra). Please start reciting
this Mantra with full faith and trust in the healing powers of Go Sun' and start
reciting it daily morning, as much as you can afford. After finishing the recital
offer Jal, mixed with Gandh etc, to Soorya Bhagavaan. Take opinion of a Pandit
near you, which items can be mixed in the water (Red Chandan or Red Sindoor etc
etc). Please keep the Jal in a small bucket. Also buy a Gadavaa of Taambaa (copper
pot). Please make sure that water does not fall on the floor, cemented or
otherwise. Water should fall near the roots of a Tree, if you have one in your
residence else, you can buy a earthen flower pot, with a flower bearing plant, so
that water falls in this flower pot.
Further, fill the Gadavaa from the bucket, look up, and bring the Gadavaa to the
level, where you can peep into the Sun Rays, through the water falling down in the
pot. Do it slowly, and go on reciting "Om Sooryaaya Namah", when the water is
falling. When the Gadavaa becomes empty, re-fill it from the bucket and start the
same procedure again. Please make the offering at least 11 times. Do not close your
eyes while offering Arghya (Jal), go on looking into the sunrays, when the water is
released. Do it early morning, when sunrays are not harsh. The Mantra will be as
follows -Viniyog :
Aum Asyash Chakhyushi Vidyaaya Ahirbudhnaya Rishirgaayatree Chhandah Sooryo
Devataa Chaakhyu Rog Nivrataye Viniyogah
"Aum Chaakhyu Chaakhyu Chaakhyu Tejah Sthiro Bhav Maam Paahi Paahi,
Twaritam Chaakhyu Rogan Shamaya Shamaya Maam Jaatroopam tejo Darshaya
Yathaa Aham Andho Na Syaam Tathaa Kalpaya Kalpaya, Kalyaanam Kuru Kuru
Yanni Maam Poorv Janmo Upaarjitaani Chaakhyuh Pratirodhak Dushkritaani
Sarvaani Nirmoole Nirmoole.
Aum Namah Chaakhyus Tejo Daatre Divyaaya Bhaaskaraaya
Aum Namah Karunaakaraaya Amritaaya Aum Namo Sooryaaya, Aum Namo
Bhagavate Sooryaaya
Aksh-hi tejas Namah Khechare Namah, Mahate Namah Raajase Namah, Tamase
Asato Maa Sadgamaya, Tamaso Maa Jyotirgamaya, Mrityormaa Amritam gamaya,
Ooshno Bhagavaanchho Shuchi Roopah Hansoh Bhagavaan Shuchi Pratiroopah.

Yaa Imam Chaakhyaashi Vidyaam Brahmaano Nitam Dheete Na Tasya Akhirogo

Na Tasya Kule Andhoh Bhavati, Astoh Braahman Samyag Grahayitwa Vidyaa
Namo Bhagavate Aadityaaya Aho Vaahineem Vaahineem Swaahaa!
Raj Bhardwaj

Please read Chaakshushmatee Vidyaa Stotra

At sunrise, take some water in an open vessel (so that all water is visible) and read
this Stotra 12 times. Some people also advice putting 2 small Ilaayachee which
should be consumed with water. Apply some water to eyes and drink remaining. I
have seen some people who were benefited from this remedy even when they had
problem by birth. I have taken e-format of Stotra from files section of issplist on
which has a big collection of many such things. Any one having problems with eyes
can use it as it is a prayer to Soorya Bhagavaan and not Mantra.
You wrote: In fact my left eye is 90% disabled, and right eye is 40 % disabled. I
too had my share of accidents when I was young. Once I was "boiled" by hot
water, which was poured on me by accident. Scorpio rules hot water. My details
15th December 1976 time:-8 27 AM Place:-New Delhi.

This is the Chaakshushmatee Stotra published in September '95 issue of Mantra

Tantra Yantra Vigyan. Reciting it 11 times every morning helps cure eye related
Om Chaakshush chaakshuh tejah sthiro bhav, maam paahi paahi,
twaritam chakshurogaan prashame prashame, mam jaataroopam tejo darshe darshe,
yathaaham andho na syaam tathaa kalpay kalpay,
kripayaa kalyaanam kuru kuru,
mam yaani yaani poorva janmopaarjitaani chakshu
pratirodhak dushkritaani, taani sarvaani nirmoolay nirmoolay |
Om namashchakshu shtejodaatre divya bhaaskaraaya,
Om namah karunaakaraaya amritaaya,
Om namo bhagavate shree sooryaaya akshitejase namah,
Om khecharaay namah, Om mahaasenaaya namah,

Om tamase namah, Om rajase namah, Om saatwaaya namah,

Om asato maa sadgamaya, Om tamaso maa jyotirgamaya,
Om mrityormaaamritam gamaya,
ushno bhagavaan shuchi roopah hanso bhagavaan pratiroopah |
Om vishvaroope ghrinin jaatvedase hiranyamaye jyoti roopam tapantam |
Sahastra rashmih shatadhaa vartamaanah purah prajaanaam udayatyesh sooryah ||>
Om namo bhagavate shree sooryaaya aadityaaya akshitejase-aho vaahinee swaahaa
Om vayah suparnaah upasedurindram, priyamedhaa rishayo naadhamaanaah |
apa dhwaantamoornuhi poordhi chakshuh, mumugdhyasmaannidhayev baddhaan ||
Om pundareekaakshaaya namah, Om pushkarekshanaaya namah,
Om kamalekshanaaya namah, Om vishwaroopaaya namah,
Om shree mahaavishnave namah, Om sooryanaaraayanaaya namah |
Om shaantih shaantih shaantih ||
For Soorya or Sun related troubles and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of the
1.Worship the ruling deity Lord Shiv
2. Recite Aaditya Hridaya Stotra daily or Gaayatree Mantra daily.
3. Jap of Sun's Mool Mantra: "Om hraam hreem hraum sah sooryaaya namah",
6,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Soorya Stotra:
Japaa kusum sankaasham kaashyapeyam mahadyutim
Tamorim Sarva paapaghnam pranatosmi Divaakaram
5. Charity: Donate wheat, or sugar candy on Sunday.
6. Fasting day: Sundays.
7. Pooja: Rudraabhishek.
8. Rudraaksh: Wear 1-Mukhee or 12-Mukhi Rudraaksh
For Chandra or Moon related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of
the Moon:
1. Worship the ruling deity Gauree.
2. Recite Annapoornaa stotram.
3. Jap of Moon's Mool Mantra: Om shraam shreem shraum sah chandraaya namah,
10,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Chandra Stotra:

Dadhi Shankh tushaarabham ksheero darnava sambhavam

Namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukut bhushanam
5. Charity: Donate cow's milk or rice on Monday.
6. Fasting: On Mondays.
7. Poojaa: Devee Poojaa.
8. Rudraaksh: Wear 2-Mukhee Rudraaksh.
For Mangal or Mars related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of
1. Worship the ruling deities Kaarttikeya and Shiv.
The Kartikeya mantra is "Om Saravana bhavaaya Namah"
The Shiv mantra is "Om Namah Shivaaya"
2. Recite Kaarttikeya or Shiv stotra.
3. Jap of the Mars Mantra: Om kraam kreem kraum sah bhaumaaya namah, 7,000
times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Mangal Stotra:
Dharanee garbha sambhootam vidyut kaanti samaprabham
Kumaaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamaamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Masoor dal (red lentils) on Tuesday.
6. Fasting: On Tuesdays.
7. Poojaa: Kaarttikeya Poojaa or Rudraabhishek.
8. Rudraaksh: Wear a 3-Mukhee Rudraaksh.
Mars is also the remover of debts and the giver of wealth.
The following is a highly recommended Stotra of Mars for this purpose.
Angaarako yamashchaiv sarva rogaapahaarakah
Nrishtekargaacha hartaacha sarvadevashch poojitah.
Lohito Lohitaakshashcha samagaana Kripaakarah
Dharmaatmajah Kujo bhaumou bhumido bhuminam
Rakt maalyambaradharam shool shakti gadaadharah
Charbhujo yeshagato varadamcha dharaa sutah Mangalo
bhumi putrashch rin hartaa dhanapradah
Sthiraasano mahaakaayo sarvakaam phal pradam
For Budh or Mercury related problems and during his Dashaa and Antar-dashaa:
1. Worship Lord Vishnu.
2. Recite Vishnu Sahastranaam Stotra.
3. Jap of the Budh Beeja Mantra: Om braam breem braum sah budhaaya namah,
17,000 times in 40 days.
4.Recite the Budh stotra:
Priyangu Kalika Shyaamam Roopen Pratimam Budham
Saumyam Saumya gunopetam tam Budham Pranamaamyaham.
5. Charity: Donate Urad Daal on Wednesday.
6. Fasting: On Wednesdays.

7. Pooja: Vishnu Poojaa.

8. Wear a 10-Mukhee Rudraaksh.
For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of
1. Worship Lord Shiv.
2. Recite Shree Rudram.
3. Jap of the Guru Beej Mantra: Om jhraam jhreem jraum sah gurave namah,
16,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Guru Stotra:
Devaanaam cha rishinaam cha Gurum kaanchan
Sannibhaam Buddhi bhutam Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim.
5. Donate: Saffron or turmeric or sugar on Thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thursdays.
7. Pooja: Rudraabhishek.
8. Wear a 5-Mukhee Rudraaksh.
For Shukra or Venus related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of
1. Worship Devi.
2. Recite Shree Sooktam or Devi Stuti or Durgaa Chaaleesaa.
3. Jap of Shukra Beej Mantra: Om draam dreem draum sah shukraaya namah,
20,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shukra Stotra:
Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum
Sarv shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamaamyaham
5. Donate clothes or dairy cream or curd to a lady on Friday.
6. Fasting: On Fridays.
7. Pooja: Devi Poojaa.
8. Wear a 9-Mukhee Rudraaksh.
For Shani or Saturn related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of
1. Worship Lord Hanuman.
2. Recite Hanuman Chaaleesaa or any other Hanuman Stotra.
3. Jap of Shani Mantra: Om praam preem praum sah shanaischaraaya namah,
19,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Shani Stotra:
Nelaanjan samaabhaasam raviputram yamaagrajam
Chaaayaa maartand sambhootam tam namaami shanaishcharam
5. Donate a buffalo or black Til (sesame seeds) on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Saturdays.
7. Poojaa: Hanuman Poojaa

8. Wear a 14-Mukhee Rudraaksh.

For all Saturn related troubles Dasharath Shani Stotra is of an excellent remedy.
For Rahu related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of Raahu:
1. Worship Bhairav or Lord Shiv.
2. Recite the Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam.
3. Jap of the Raahu Beej Mantra: Om bhraam bhreem bhraum sah raahave namah,
18,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Raahu Stotra:
Ardha Kaayam mahaa veryam chandraaditya vimardanam
Sinhikaa garbh sambhootam tam raahum pranamaamyaham.
5. Donate: Urad dal or coconut on Saturday.
6. Fasting on Saturdays.
7. Poojaa: Bhairav or Shiv or Chandee Poojaa.
8. Wear An 8-Mukhee Rudraaksh.
9. One of the best remedies for Raahu is reciting the first chapter of Durgaa Sapt
For Ketu related problems and during the Dashaa or Antar-dashaa of Ketu:
1. Worship Lord Ganesh.
2. Recite Ganesh Dwaadash Naam Stotra.
3. Jap of the Ketu Beej Mantra: Om shraam shreem shraum sah ketave namah,
7,000 times in 40 days.
4. Recite the Ketu stotra:
Palaash pushp sankaasham taarak graha mastakam
Raudram raudratmakam ghoram tam ketum Pranamamyaham.
5. Donate: A black cow or black mustard seeds on Thursday.
6. Fasting: On Thursdays.
7. Pooja: Ganesh Poojaa.
8. Wear a 9-Mukhi Rudraaksh.
9. A very good remedy for Ketu is the reciting of Shiv Panchaksharee Stotra.

Gayatri Mantra of Planets:

Sun: Om Bhaaskaraaya Vidmahe Mahaa dyutikaraaya Dheemahi Tanno Aaditya
Moon: Om Ksheer putraaya Vidmahe Amrit Tattwaaya Dheemahi Tanno Chandra
Mars: Om Angaarakaaya Vidmahe Shakti Hastaaya Dheemahi Tanno Bhaumah
Saturn: Om Neelanjanaaya Vidmahe Chhaayaa maartandaaya Dheemahi Tanno
Shani Prachodayaat
Planetary remedies from Valmiki Ramayana:

Sabar Mantra
Taken from Google books Yantra-Mantra Tantra and Occult Sciences" By Bhojraj Dwivedi

Sabar Mantra are used to dispel effects of snake bites, ghosts, evil
spirits etc. It is still a mystery as how they work. According to a
Pauraanik episode, once there was a discussion between Shiv and
Paarvatee when they were fighting with Arjun in the form of Kiraat. At
that time Shiv was in the form of a Shabar and Paarvatee was in the form
of a Shabaree, that is why these Mantra are called Sabar or Shabar or
Sabaree or Shabaree Mantra.
Many people still believe that a great ascetic Matsyendra Naath who was
an accomplished Aghor in Kali Yug was the great user of these Mantra.
There is no reference of these Mantra in Vaidik or Pauraanik times. After
Matsyendra Naath, his disciple Guru Gorakh Naath was its main user. He
wrote these Mantra in a simple common language for the benefit of
commoners. And that is how these Mantra came to be called as Shabar
Mantra. There are 11 Aachaarya believed to accomplish these Mantra - (1)
Naagaarjun, (2) Jadbharat, (3) Harishchandra, (4) Satya Naath, (5)
Bheem Naath, (6) Gorakh Naath, (7) Charpat Naath, (8) Avaghat Naath,
(9) Kanyaadhaaree, (10) Jalandhar Naath, and (11) Malyaarjun Naath.
These Mantra are easy to follow like gems.
In various Cantos of Yajur Ved and Atharv Ved there are many
scientillating Mantra which relate to the cause of death, killing,
restraining activities of enemies, infatuation etc. Although they are also
effective Mantra but Sabar Mantra have their own separate place as
effective Mantra which are said to yield instant results.
(1) They do not require the observance of any code, style or procedure,
premeditative rituals, sacrifice or any other ritual as is in the case of
Vaidik Mantra.
(2) There is consideration to piety, purification, prayer, worship,
obeisance, cleanliness or observance of any code and mode as is in Vaidik

(3) Vaidik Mantra are worship and obeisance oriented, as each Mantra has
a specific Deity to accomplish a specific aim. And the aspirant prays and
asks for his benevolence to accomplish the aim, but Shabar Mantra are
quite different - in these Mantra the aspirant orders the Deity, and that
also in a challenging tone, "Get up and proceed, do this work, and if you
will not do it, you will be cursed and punished."
(4) In Vaidik Mantra, chaste, cultured and sober language is used while in
Shabar Mantra, a sort of rough and abusive language is used to force the
Deity to do his work, failing which he will be punished.
(5) Devotion to preceptor is the salient feature of these Mantra, devotion
to his Guru cannot be ignored. They regard their Guru higher than the
(6) The experts in Shabar Mantra have tremendous confidence. They are
accomplished Aghoree, courageous, fearless and arrogant. That is why it
is repeated in every Mantra that Guru is everything and God is secondary.
(7) There is another specific characteristic of these Mantra that each
word in the Mantra is treated as if spoken by God Himself. The existence
of the Deity or the God is recognized separately, but at the end of the
each Mantra God's omnipresence is accepted. There comes a story in Ken
Upanishad (read this story here) in which God destroys gods' pride by
showing their might useless. So Shabar Naath must have understood this
fact and he did not forget to pay his obeisance to God every time.
Types of Sabar Mantra
Although there are several types of Sabar Mantra, here are given some
(1) Shaanti Karan Mantra
These Mantra are not meant to do any harm to others, loss, or to seek
freedom from natural, supernatural or man-made problems. They are used
to dispelling diseases, impact of unfavorable, effects of ghosts and devils,
witches, to remove hurdles, to lessen the effects of scorpion or snake
bites, effects of sorcery, witchcraft and planetary bad effects etc.
These Mantra are capable of warding off all the three types of agonies,
Rati is reigning Deity of these Mantra. One should recite these Mantra in

winter season and early in the morning at 4 am. Facing north-east

direction wearing white clothes. If the aspirant sits on a Swaastik seat,
uses crystal or Rudraaksh rosary, it will give quick results. Besides, milk,
pure Ghee, sesame seeds, figs, wood of fig tree, and Kheer should be used
in a golden or Nava Ratna pot. These are the basic requirements for this
ritual except where they are mentioned otherwise.
(2) Pushti Kaarak Mantra
By these Mangtra one can add to his wealth, status, fame, reputation,
leisure, pleasures, comforts, property, money etc. Deities for such
Mantra are many depending on the purpose. These Mantra and their allied
rituals are performed in the Maagh or Phaalgun, when white neat clothes
or royal dress should be worn. To perform prosperity related rituals it is
imperative to use cow's pure Ghee, Bael leaves, jasmine flowers, Kheer,
Lotus root, yogurt (curd), cereals, sesame seeds etc. A rosary of coral,
diamond, crystal or Rudraaksh is recommended. One can get quicker
results if one can sit in Padmaasan.
(3) Vasheekaran Mantra
All such Mantra are able to enchant other persons are called Vasheekaran
Mantra. They can be used to enchant friends as well as foes. This process
is called Vashya Karm. Goddess Saraswatee is its Deity. They are normally
done in Spring season, sitting facing north, and using coral, diamond or
crystal rosary (for quicker results). Salt and mustard oil are used at the
sacrifice. Use a copper urn, and the day is Saturday. The aspirant must be
polite, humble, modest and speak very sweetly.
(4) Stambhan Mantra
By the use of these Mantra any person, animal, bird or any mobile
object's speed, progress, activity or function can be retarded, restricted
and limited. These Mantra are called Stambhan Mantra and the process is
called Stambhan Karm (Prakriyaa). This process enables the aspirant to
obstruct any object's (live or inanimate) natural course of activity or
performance, thus rendering an object's working capacity to cause
inertia, inactivity and immobility. This should be done in Winter season,

facing east, at evening time and yellow color. Use a rosary of Rudraaksh
or yellow beads, it is a requirement.
(5) Vidweshan Mantra
These Mantra are used to create rift and animosity, distract an inimical
and unfavorable person from his friend, region, village, favorite object,
and are called Vidweshan Mantra. This is an ill-motivated device which
create jealousy, rift, detachment, disenchantment between two friendly
people. Goddess of this ritual is Shree Jyeshthaa whose abode is in
south-west direction. Season is Summer season, time is afternoon, day is
Tuesday. Everything is not bad.
(6) Uchchaatan Mantra
These Mantra cause mental derangement and lunacy without any apparent
cause. They can make a person hallucinated and misled. The person feels
uncertainty, lack of confidence, fear disturbance. Durgaa Devee is the
Deity of such rituals. Its rituals should be done in rainy season, during
4th Prahar (4th phase) of the day, facing north-west direction, wearing
smoke colored clothes, sitting on an animal's or buffalo's skin. Use
earthen vessel and crow's wings for oblation. Its effect may be tested if
somebody has somebody's wife, son's money, piece of land and other
persuasions fail to yield the favorable results.
(7) Maaran Mantra
These Mantra can cause even the death to the targeted person, that is
why they are called Maaran Mantra. Bhadrakaalee is the goddess of such
Mantra and her abode is south-west direction. Ideal time to practice
them is midnight of Krishn Paksh days during the winter season. The
aspirant should wear blue or deep blue color clothes and sit on a buffalo's
skin. Use an earthenware and owl's wing for oblation of poison mixed
blood and a string of donkey's teeth. An ideal day is Sunday with 5th,
11th, 12th or Amaavasyaa of the krishn Paksh. If all these requirements
are used, the required results can be seen quickly. ONE MUST NOT USE
THIS - because they kill the aspirant also. Always try to get relief first.

Stambhan Mantra and Vidweshan Mantra - can be used for good purposes also. If
any man is attracted to another woman than his wife, this Mantra can create the
rift between them and save the marriage. In the same way if some very evil man
is living in a village, he can be forced to leave that village by the use of this
Mantra. Maaran Mantra should never be used.

WARNING : Please do not do anything specific without consulting.

Mantra Saadhanaa
On page 196 of Mantra Rahasya, there are 24 parts given for a Mantra
Saadhak to follow while doing Mantra Saadhanaa.
Especially for the Keelak (locked) Mantra, there is one Sarv Mantra Tantra Yantra
Utkeelan Vidhi given. (this is to be used only in case Mantra is Keelit (locked) by its
Rishi and you don't know its password). The other method is long, it requires
writing the Viniyog on copper plate, making 1000 times Tarpan of the Mantra
practically asking for Rishi permission to use that Mantra, so its better you use the
first method.
For Keelak there is a special way of unlocking a Mantra. Keelak is the master key
like given in book Mantra Rahasya or their is one another little longer way also).
And their is a way to substitute Nyaas and Dhyaan also. But for a Beej Mantra... it
responds to a the causal body of Deity. It is like very basic and raw form of
energy. Procedure is totally different.
Utkeelan Method - There is one "Utkeelan Vidhi" mentioned on page 208 of
"Mantra Rahashya" book written by Narayan Datt Mali. It is given in Sanskrit and
starts with "Paarvatee Uvaachya" then Shiv Uvaachya. Further, there is "Mool
Mantra" given but where it ends is not clear. There are a few Mantra marked as
stanza 1, 2, ....10 is that also part of Mool Mantra. How many times to recite the
Mool Mantra. Further, on page 203 something regarding Utkeelan written again in

The 24th part is Sarv Mantra Tantra Utkeelan which can be used for Utkeelan of a
Mantra - required only once before the whole Jap (not needed for Guru Mantra as
Guru Mantra is open to you as soon as you take Guru Deekshaa). Regarding Viniyog,
Nyaas, Dhyaan Mantra... see the book Tantrokt Guru Poojan, in the chapter
"Vishisht Guru Poojan". Another Vidhi (method) is as given in Upnishadik Vidhi,

which used these 6 parts : (you can choose either one of these)
Om Param Tatwaaya Naaraayanaaya Gurubhyo Namah Om

After Viniyog comes Nyaas = Establishment of Divine Energies in body parts.

About Nyaas
Well, Nyaas literally means establishing? We establish Divine energies at various
parts of body, fingers, direction, or even Mantra syllables. Nyaas can be of many
types. Each Mantra has its own corresponding Nyaas Vidhi. It can be like Rishi
Nyaas, Kar Nyaas, Hridaya / Shad Ang Nyaas, Varn Nyaas, Stithi Nyaas, Srishti
Nyaas.... so depending on the Mantra its Nyaas is done. Still the first three Nyaas
(Rishi Nyaas, Kar Nyaas and Shad Ang Nyaas) are usually bare minimum to perform
before the Jaap of a Mantra. Usually, because for some Mantra, like of Shakti
Mantra, Nyaas is done in genital and Nyaas for Beej Mantra in feet... and so on, so
it all varies from Mantra to Mantra
For the sake of simplicity, I have added a file named "Mantra 7 Secret" in the files
section, please download it.
Rishi Nyaas is done by touching tips of 5 finger of right hand on (while chanting);
Divine Grace establishment of parts of Viniyog
Third Eye (forehead) for Rishi Name (Rishaye Namah Shirasi)
Mouth/throat for Chhand (Chhand namah mukhe)
Heart for Devta (Devta namah hridi)
Genital for Beej (Beejam namah ghooye/Linge)
Feet for Shakti (shaktye nmah paadyo)
Navel for Keelakam (kelkay namah naabhau)
All part at once (.... Viniyogay namah sarvaange)
Kar Nyaas is done by (with chanting of Beej Mantra Roop, example of "Shreem"
Beej in bracket); Energy Establishment in Fingers
First joining thumb to index finger ( shraam angushtabhyaam namah)
Indx finger to thumb ( shreem tarjaneebhyaam namah)
Thumb to middle dinger ( shroom madhyamaa bhyaam namah)
to ring finger ( shraim anaamikaabhyaam namah)
to little finger( shraum kanishkaabhyaam namah)

Finally joining base of both fists and pranaam ( sh-rah kartal karprishtaabhyaam
Hridayaadi/Shad Ang Nyaas is done by using right hand to touch 6 body parts
Base of first to Heart (shraam hridyaya namah)
Five finger tips to Forehead (shreem Shirasay swaahaa)
Thumb to Braid base (Shroom shikhaayai vashat)
Both palms on opposite shoulder (shraim kavachay hoom)
Both hand First two fingers on Eyes (shraum Netra taraya Vausht)
Left palm straight, rotate right hand over head with first two fingers straight and
other bend (shrah astraya phat)
Snap on all side, saying "Iti Digbandh".
Varn Nyaas - This Nyaas differs for various Mantra, so it depends on the Mantra

Purpose of Nyaas
Well Nyaas gives support (Saanidhya) of Divine masters and energies to ensure
your success. It establishes vital energies in vital body parts enhancing your chance
of becoming Mantra Chaitanya. Although Mantra Bhaavanaa is very important, but
that does not mean one should ignore other procedures if they are known... At the
end of the day, Mantra Chetanaa is the main thing... all these Nyaas, Mudraa
Dhyaan etc are also meant to help Saadhak become truly Mantra Chaitanya, one
with vibration... ie feelings, image and surrender. And if you don't succeed once (no
one does in one go), keep trying... "Persistence overcome all known obstacles to
(1) Rishi Nyaas (Divine Grace establishment of parts of Viniyog)
(2) Kar Nyaas (Energy Establishment in fingers)
(3) Hridi / Shad-Ang Nyaas (Energy Establishment in 6 Body parts)... Then any
other type of Nyaas if need be, especially Dig Nyaas (10 direction locking by
establishing energies in 10 directions around you)
(4) Then comes Dhyaan (Meditation on image of the Deity with apt Dhyaan Mantra)
(5) Then comes Aavaahan (Invoking the main deity in corresponding idol or picture
or Yantra of that particular Mantra)
(6) Then Mudraa (Hand or body posture to please the deity)
(7) Then Shakti Peeth Poojaa and / or Yantra Aavaran Poojaa if need be
(8) Then Poojaa (making offerings, 5 or 16 or 18... 64)
(9) Then Mantra Jap (Chanting)
(10) Then Stotra and / or Aaratee (hymn to please deity)

(11) Then Kshamaa Praarthanaa (ask for forgiveness)

(12) Finally, Jal or Prasaad Vitaran (distributing water or offering left after ritual)
Do this everyday till your Jap is complete, then another Sankalp for Jap in lieu of
Havan and finally Tarpan, then Maarjan, then Braahman Bhojan on the last day.

General Structure of Mantra Saadhanaa

(1) Viniyog
First of all, before any Mantra chanting, you have to hold water in a teaspoon or
palm, announce these parts of a Mantra, and then at end of it, let water flow on
earth, as symbolic of the resolution being absorbed by earth and cosmos. This is
called Viniyog.
Even without knowledge or knowledge of Keelak also you can use a Mantra provided
you have at least first 6 part of Viniyog (1) Rishi (Creator of Mantra, Seer who first attained or mastered the Mantra)
(2) Chhand (Meter of Mantra or pattern of pronunciation)
(3) Devataa (Name of deity)
(4) Beejam (main seed for power source of Mantra)
(5) Shakti (you can say main power enhancer, like to mature the seed)
(6) Keelak (the unlocking password)
(7) Abheesht Arth (your purpose of chanting)

(2) Nyaas see above, do 3 Nyaas - Rishi Nyaas, Kar Nyaas and Shad Ang Nyaas.
Nyaas is a must, in fact a double must when you add something in Viniyog as a
specific purpose, because its well know fact, when you just say "to please Diety I
chant", then you may skip Nyaas and other procedure, but when you say "to please
this Deity and get this wish fulfilled", then it becomes Sa-kaam Praarthnaa (prayer
with desire), then Saadhanaa becomes Klisht and Mantra becomes your enemy,
would even try to give you physical discomfort by the vibrations if you don't have
proper grace of your Guru and Nyaas of seers, so one has to be very careful. Thats
why, even before Viniyog of the main Mantra, consider Guru, Ganesh and Kul Dev
Poojan are a must. It may be very short but consider it a must.

(3) Dhyaan After Nyaas comes Dhyaan, It is meditation on Image of the Deity with apt
Dhyaan Mantra. Then the Dhyaan Mantra (concentrating on deity image as written
in Mantra on third eye) and then Mudraa before jap (please don't ask this, its a an

important part just know that because five fingers mean 5 elements, you should
create right element energies to invoke the Deity)

(4) Aaavaahan
Then Comes Aavaahan - Invoking the main deity in corresponding idol or picture or
Yantra of that particular Mantra

(5) Mudraa
Then cmes Mudraa - Hand and body posture to please the Deity. Procedure and
Mudraa for doing Nyaas differs from Mantra to Mantra, but usually the tip of five
fingers like in "ShukreeMudra" is used to physically touch the body parts and then
imagine energy flow with the Mantra vibration.

(6) Shakti Peeth Poojaa

Then comes Shakti Peeth Puja and or Yantra Aavaran Poojaa if need be

(7) Poojaa
Then Poojaa is performed making offerings, 5 or 16 or 18... 64 items

(8) Mantra Jaap

Then do Mantra Jap - Mantra chanting

(9) Stotra Recitation

Then recite Stotra - hymn to please deity

(10) Kavach (Armor)

Then read Kavach - wearing astral armour by special hymn

(11) Kshamaa Praarthanaa

Then Kshamaa Praarthanaa is to be asked for any known or unknown mistakes made
during the Poojaa - ask for forgiveness

(12) Prasaad
Finally, Jal or Prasad Vitaran - distributing water or offering left after ritual

Mantra Viniyog
Chhand or meter of Mantra is the pattern of pronunciation, Knowledge of meter of

a Mantra is of paramount importance, because unless you know the right

pronunciation of Mantra, everything ahead of that, no matter how precise other
parts of ritual maybe, the whole ritual of Mantra Saadhanaa will be a failure.

Mantra Parts
Every Mantra has five parts - they are explained here with the reference
of Mahaa Mrityunjaya Mantra Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvaa Rukmev Bandhanaat Mrityormuksheeya Maamritaat
(1) Rishi (Guru or teacher of the Mantra), or Shir (head) - in this case it is
Vashishth Jee
(2) Chhand (meter), or Mukh (mouth) - which is technically very specific for each
Mantra - in this case it is Anushtup Chhand. This is a meter of four lines, with 8
phonemes each. It may be noted that any change in this meter shall cause
distortion shall be ruined.
(3) Devataa (the deity of the Mantra), or Hridaya (heart) - in this case its Devataa
is Lord Shiv - Mrityunjaya Tryambakeshwar, the Jyotirling.
(4) Beej (the seed syllable that created the Mantra and contains the Mantra within
itself, like the seed that creates the tree) - Ling (the sexual organ) - there are
several opinion about this but the most appropriate one is given by Kahol Rishi as
(5) Shakti (physical power of the Mantra like the mother) - in this case Shakti is
Devee Amriteshwaree Devee addressed as "Hreem"
Dhyaan Mantra is same as the one written in Dainik Guru Poojan book (the one you
should have got with Deekshaa). (it is the same Mantra in Yagya Vidhaan also).
After that, do proper Shodash Upachaar Poojaa of Guru in Guru Yantra. The
general structure of a Mantrokt Saadhanaa is --

Start Saadhanaa
(1) First of all, before any Mantra chanting, you have to hold water in a teaspoon or
palm, announce these parts of a Mantra, and then at end of it, let water flow on
earth, as symbolic of the resolution being absorbed by earth and cosmos.
Do all Kriyaa from Pavitreekaran to Ganesh Smaran as in Dainik Guru Poojan, then
take Sankalp for whole Saadhanaa on the first day --

Starting Day = Thursday (Guru Vaar), and theme of Saadhanaa is Yellow

(1) In Guru Poojan, First do Kavach Paath (as giving in Dainik Vidhaan (wearing
astral amour by special hymn, for protecting you throughout the Saadhanaa)
(2) Viniyog (declaration) - before any Mantra chanting, hold water in a teaspoon or
palm, announce these parts of a Mantra (Viniyog), and then at end of it, let water
flow on earth, as symbolic of the resolution being absorbed by earth and cosmos.
Parts of Viniyog are -(a) Rishi (Seer who first attained or mastered the Mantra)
(b) Chhand (meter of Mantra = pattern of pronunciation)
(c) Mantra's Devta (Deity)
(d) Beej (seed, power source of Mantra)
(e) Shakti (enhancing power, like to mature the seed)
(f) Keelak (unlocking password)
(g) Abheesht Arth (your purpose of chanting)
Mantra, Mantra Arth aur Devta ka ekeekaran karke dhyaan......
And one more thing, someone asked for which Maalaa to use, well for Aim Hreem
Shreem and Kleem, the best bet is Sphatik Maalaa (pure quartz
crystal rosary).

Mantra is not a joke, it has a scientific reason behind it as how it

attracts power when chanted by someone.
Everything has a particular vibratory frequency. Every thought, every
word and every emotion. How we feel, think and speak defines our
particular vibration. And we create our world based upon that vibration.
Sound is an incredibly powerful vibration. "Man" means mind, and "tra"
means wave or projections. Therefore "Mantra" is the projection of the
mind through sound vibrations.
The basic structure of the universe is the atom, and the basic structure
of our bodies is the cell; each cell is made of billions of atoms and each
atom is made of a positive nucleus and negative electrons rotating around
it; because of this rotation, an electromagnetic field is generated similar

to fields generated by an engine. Every single atom is vibrating in a

specific frequency, whether this atom is part of metal, water, cell, or
anything else. So every thing in this universe is vibrating, this is a given
scientific fact.
A small pebble thrown in a pond creates numerous ripples reaching quite
far, in the same pond itself. Same way, the words, which we pronounce,
creates vibrations and waves in our mind, which awaken subtle powers in
us. Thus the Effects of whatever Words we speak, falls on our self, our
society, and even on the universe.
Realizing this fact, that SOUND is the most powerful element; our
ancient sages developed the science of Music or Sound (Shabd) Therapy,
called Bio-waves or "Mantra" and a collection of Mantra called a "Stotra",
which being related to Ether (which is very subtle), becomes very
powerful as the power of Subtle (Sookshm) is greater than the Gross
(Sthool). When atoms are isolated, they create great energy and become
more powerful, although that power is so small that it is impossible to see
it, with our naked eyes, likewise when a person focuses on every single
syllable and letter emanating from the Shabd Brahm (Mantra) or the
Naad (the vibration) it is said to have profound effects on the psyche as
well as one's physical self.
Mantra or Stotra are those scientifically made sound combinations that
affect our subtle Nerves "Shat Chakra" and "Power Centers" directly in
such a way, that it awakens our 'powers', which otherwise lie dormant. As
a result these Nerves become active and the person chanting is blessed
with different powers (Siddhi). In fact, Stotra Saadhanaa is nothing else,
but the Power of Sound. These Sanskrit Mantra letters contain both
Emotions and Meanings. The permutation and combinations of these
letters have the power to create wonders.

Sound being the base of the Mantra, makes it very powerful.

"When a Mantra is pronounced repeatedly, like a dynamo the Sound waves
are transformed into electrical energy or vibrations and if coupled with
deep emotions, becomes more powerful. These vibrations are in the shape
of a Ring which rises up with great speed, through the medium of Ether,
moving directly towards the presiding Deity of that Mantra. When it
reaches its Deity, it combines with the power of that Deity before
bouncing back along with the subtle but now manifold powers of that
Deity back to re-enter the source of its origin which is the subtle body of
the one chanting the Mantra.
The Stronger the Faith, Will-power and Emotion attached with the
Mantra, the Stronger will be the attraction of the powers of the Deity.
Its like a Dynamo effect, the more you keep repeating a Mantra
continuously the more you get charged up with Divinity .This phenomenon
is so subtle and so fast that the person chanting the Mantra does not
even realize it as these sound waves or vibrations moving in the air in
about 340 m/sec have their own frequency while humans can hear only
from 20 frequencies per second to 20,000 frequencies per second and
not outside of this range.
On the physical level the science of Sound works with the movement of
the tongue in the mouth. The hard upper palate forms the roof of the
mouth where there are 84 meridian points located. While pronouncing the
Mantra, the movement of the tongue stimulates these meridian points
which in turn stimulate the hypothalamus to secrete neurotransmission
fluids. As these different chemical liquids are secreted to different
parts of the brain, messages are transmitted throughout as well.
Simultaneously, these Mantra sound vibrations are also received by the
ear and are turned into electrical signals which move along the acoustic

nerve towards the acoustic bark in the Brain, whose cells then correspond
to these waves and move into the various parts of the brain especially the
frontal part. All these parts work together corresponding to the signals
and translating them to a language the human understands. And as, as our
body is made up of at least 70 per cent water, our bodies become an
excellent conductor of sound vibrations thus every cell in our body acts as
a sound resonator. So finally, the brain analyses these signals and gives
orders to the various parts of the body to correspond to these signals.
The signs of this charged Mantra, re-entering the subtle body of the
person chanting it, are in the different types of Vibrations or Emotions
that can move one to tears, lift his spirits up, bring back beautiful
memories, make him deliriously happy, or rouse violent emotions,
sensations of energy flowing from the head to the base or goose bumps
The Mantra may be chanted out aloud, or repeated silently, or resonated
in the mind (Maanas Jap) and should be recited from the base of the
stomach which represents the seat of a person's dormant power. There is
a lot of hidden Shakti here. It produces subtle vibrations in the fine
nerves of the brain, thereby empowering the brain's 108 centers and
quelling their inactivity. If Mantras are pronounced correctly, following
the rules and regulations, given in the Scriptures it can undoubtedly cure
many a diseases. So, the success of the Mantra lies in its correct
pronunciation. Unless the pronunciation is correct, it does not have the
desirable effects on our Nerves.
Jap and Dhyaan, are similar to Naad (Sound) and Bindu Saadhanaa
(Concentration on a point), which can pierce the greater or the subtlest

The Gayatri Mantra when repeatedly chanted, creates ring shaped sound
waves which rises up with great speed, through Ether and goes towards
the Sun, and after touching the surface of the Sun, it returns back along
with the subtle powers of the Sun, like Heat, Light, Electrical etc. Thus
the Mantra combined with all these powers of the Sun re-enters the
subtle body of the one chanting it, who, therefore is blessed by Gayatri
Power of Mantra - Taansen the famous court-musician of Emperor Akbar,
could make the clouds pour down by singing the Raag Megh Malhaar, and
could lit the lamps by singing Raag Deepak.
Power of Sound Vibrations - Two scientists by the name of Graham and
Neil conducted an experiment in a crowded street, in Australia's
Melbourne city. The experiment was done to show the 'Powers of Sound'.
The medium of the experiment was a Motor-Car. They wanted to move
the car, according to their commands. The car followed their command
when they said 'START' and again when they commanded 'GO', the car
started moving and stopped when they said 'HALT'. People thought it to
be a magic, which in reality, it was not. It was merely an experiment,
which showed the 'Power of Sound'. But how did it happen?
Graham had a Transmitter in his hands; the function of the Transmitter
was to convert the command into a fixed frequency of electrical power,
and send it to the control unit, which was fitted in the dashboard of the
car. Another device named 'Car Radio' was fitted in front of the Controlunit.
When the electro-magnetic frequencies transmitted by the Transmitter,
dashed against the 'Car Radio' the cars engine started and even began to

move, and ultimately stopped. The source of all these happenings was the
'Sound Waves'. The causes and effects of the 'Mantra' and 'Stotra'
could not be analyzed till date, because they are based on Ultrasonic
Sounds, which, we can neither see, nor hear. But if these are pronounced
with clarity and emotion, than it can do wonders.
"In a Disco, your Mind makes you Dance, In a Satsang, you Make your
Mind to Dance"
Swami Gyaaneshvar Bharati has told the following tips to do Mantra Jaap.
(1) One can recite a Mantra solely as a mental process, or somewhat like
training a parrot in rote repetition. While this may help train the mind to
be one-pointed, the rote repetition is not nearly as beneficial as reciting
the mantra with feeling. Recitation along with feeling is a deeper process
that brings greater benefits. In either case, it is important to note that
the use of Mantra merely to repress emotions is not your intent. It
should be used to bring a stabilizing effect on the mind.
(2) Chanting Mantra aloud alone or in a group is surely a very enjoyable
and useful process, but after some time that process should turn inward,
and the chanting should be done in the inner silence.
(3) One might initially use his willpower to remember the Mantra. This
trains the mind to have a centering or balancing effect. Another approach
is to sit silently, with attention inward, and allow the Mantra to arise and
repeat itself. It might take some patience, but this is a subtler practice.
The process of attention is more internal than the process of expression.
Also, attention leads to concentration; then concentration leads to
meditation; and then meditation leads to Samaadhi.

(4) Some practitioners and teachers of Mantra recite Mantra very fast,
this can definitely create a groove on your mind for remembering the
Mantra. But the more advanced or internal practice is to allow the Mantra
to come at it's own speed. Over time, the Mantra will naturally shift in
speed, sometimes moving very fast, faster than the mind might normally
be able to recite. At other times, it will naturally move very slowly.
(5) Counting practices can help to focus the mind and create deep
impressions that have a stabilizing effect. A practice where a specific
number of Mantra is done over an extended period of time (called a
Purashcharan) can be a very beneficial practice in clearing or purifying
the mind. For example, one might do 125,000 repetitions over a few
months. A larger and longer practice is called a Mahaa Purashcharan.
When the counting is set aside, the Mantra can more purely shift to a
deeper form of meditation, where attention is naturally drawn to the
Mantra as a single object of focus. Both practices are useful and have
their place in Saadhanaa (spiritual practices). In the beginning, by getting
the physical body involved through the motion of the fingers, it can be
much easier for the mind to stay focused. But by setting aside the
Maalaa, disengaging the use of the motion of the body allows the
attention purely goes inward, past body and sensory awareness.
(6) Some practitioners use a name of God from within their religion, or as
given by their teacher, as their Mantra. At first, the Mantra or name
might be used externally through repetition, chanting, or in song, or
recited or remembered internally. Later the Mantra itself might drift
away, as the grosser sound is replaced by a deeper longing or communion
for what is behind the name or Mantra.
(7) Sometimes the Mantra naturally leads attention into silence, and the
practitioner thinks that Mantra is being forgotten. There may be extra

effort to then continue to recite, or internally speak the Mantra. Deeper

than this is to allow the Mantra to naturally lead attention to its deeper,
subtler aspect that rests in the silence. This process can be tricky in
practice, as one might just be falling asleep. It requires a bit of practice
and attention to notice the difference between drifting off into sleep
and going into a deeper, quieter, more clear state of Mantra meditation.
This leading quality is one of the most important aspects of Mantra
(8) At meditation time, one can easily get into an inner fight between the
Mantra and the stream of thoughts. This is not the best thing to do. Just
give some time and the struggle will go away automatically.
(9) Some translate the word Jap as reciting or repeating, while others
translate Jap as listening or remembering. One is an active process of
expressing, while the other is a passive process of paying attention. The
process of actively reciting or repeating is more externally focused, while
the process of listening or paying attention is more internally focused.
The active process is easier to practice in the beginning, while the
attention process is more internal and advanced.

See also Bhaagvat Puraan, 11/22
Poojaa of Five Elements - Soorya,

Types of Poojaa
Cure by Poojaa

Poojaa means devotional worship. Atri Sanhitaa mentions two types of worship
- visible or Moort having a shape and form and invisible A-Moort that which has no
shape. Vaidik Agni Worship is A-Moort and is for more imaginative people; but for
the less imaginative people visible form of worship (Moort) Poojaa was introduced
at a later date. On later dates it developed into various Avataar and other Devtaa.
Conception of a particular shape, color and demeanor has greater effect on the
mind of a true devotee in developing a particular Ras or emotion. This partly

accounts for the multiplicity of the same Deity in different forms, colors and
A Hindu has the freedom to choose his own way of worshipping God..

(1) Poojaa can be performed with a Hom (Yagya), which consists of

kindling a fire, chanting Mantra in front of it, and oblations to God by
pouring them into fire. Here fire acts the messenger-priest who
communicates the message of the man to God.
(2) Poojaa can be done by reciting favorite hymns sitting in front of an
image of God often followed by an Aaratee (by waving a lamp, burning an
incense, and offering flowers, fruits, sweets, Tulasee or Bilva leaves, and
water in front of that person or God's idol with reciting or not reciting a
(3) It may consist of repeating the name of God, loudly or quietly, 108
times or more. This name of God can be only name of God, a Mantra (for
example Gaayatree Mantra), or a short phrase, such as "Om Namah
Shivaaya" etc.
(4) It may be done individually in a lonely place at home, or in congregation
by singing devotional songs and Mantra followed by Aaratee and offering
as above.
(5) It may even consist of Aavaahan (invoking God) of the deity in one's
home, offering Him a seat, washing His feet, offering Him perfume and
incense, lighting a lamp to show Him one's happiness at His arrival,
offering flowers and food and lastly Aaratee.
On special days a Poojaa is accompanied by fasting and eating special
vegetarian food first offered to God.

Naarad Jee said to King Ambareesh - Learned man should worship Hari by
putting Havishya in Agni (fire), by flowers in water, by meditating in mind,
and by Jap in solar system.
First Ahinsaa, second control on Indriyaan, third to be kind on all living
beings, fourth forgiveness, fifth Sham, sixth Dam, seventh meditation,
and eighth Truth - these are eight flowers. Other flowers are only for
show, Krishn is pleased with only above mentioned flowers. Water is the
flower of Varun Devtaa. Ghee, milk and yogurt are the flowers for
Chandramaa. Grains is the flower for Prajaapati, Dhoop and lamp for Agni
Dev and fruits and flowers are for vegetation. Kush and roots are the
flowers for Prithvi, smell and sandalwood are for Vaayu (air), and
Shraddhaa is the flower for Vishnu. Instruments are regarded as the
flower for Vishnupad (means to attain Vishnu). By worshipping these 8
types of flowers Vishnu is pleased very soon.
Soorya, Agni, Braahman, cow, Vaishnav, heart, Vaayu, water, Prithvi, soul,
and all living beings are the places of worshipping Bhagavaan. One should
worship Hari in Soorya by three Vidya (Rig Ved, Yajur Ved, Saam Ved); in
Agni by offering Aahuti of Havishya; in Braahman by felicitating him; in
cows by feeding them with grass and water; in Vaishnav by treating them
like brothers; in heart by meditation; in Vaayu by Praanaayaam; in water
by offering flowers with water; in Prithvi, or Vedee or clay idol by reading
Mantra, and all Bhog etc; in soul by treating all alike; and in all living
beings by considering them all as the form of Bhagavaan. It is appropriate
to worship Hari's Chaturbhuj Roop in all these places.
[Padm Puraan, 4/19]

In Padm Puraan, 4/17, Shiv Jee says to Paarvatee Jee - "Bhagavaan's

worship is said to be of five types - Abhigaman, Upaadaan, Yog,
Swaadhyaaya (self-study), and Ijyaa. Cleaning Bhagavaan's place is called
"Abhigaman". Gathering flowers and sandalwood paste etc things is called
"Upaadaan". My Isht Dev is not different from me - this feeling is called
"Yog". To do Jap by understanding the meaning of one's Isht Dev's
Mantra is called "Swaadhyaaya". Reading Sookt, or Stotra, doing

Bhagavaan's Keertan, studying Shaastra etc also come under

"Swaadhyaaya". To worship one's Isht Dev methodically is called "Ijyaa".
They give Saarshti, Saameepya, Saalokya, Saayujya and Saaroopya named
Mukti respectively."
In Padm Puraan, 4/19, Naarad Jee says to king Ambareesh - "Learned man
should worship Hari by putting Havishya in Agni (fire), by flowers in
water, by meditating in mind, and by Jap in solar system.

Some Animal Products Used in Poojaa

There are several products of animals which are used in Poojaa, like Naag
Mani, Gaj Mani etc (how these animal Mani are treated as gems.),
Vallampuree Shankh (conch).
Peacock feathers are used by Hindoo and Muslims. In reality peacocks are
supposed to shed these feathers in rainy season but some people poison
them and then sell the feathers but the buyer is not aware about it.
The holiest and the costliest Valaampuree Shankh (conch) and other
Shankh too are shells of creatures.
Use of Gorochan used in inscribing Mantra and other Tantra rituals is
most often recommended in many an ancient scripture.
Panchgavya, five products of cow, are considered most sacred and is
found mention in various Puraan.
Hair of certain animals is used to fan (give air) to several Deities Chamar cow's tail's hair are used to make Chamar for Deaity
In the most famous Tirumalaa Baalaa Jee Temple, they use the secretion
of a species of a cat to apply to the Baalaa Jee idol.
Baalaa Jee's idol is applied with Civet (Punogu), as well as Kastooree (Deer
Musk) and Ambergris (whale's mouth secretion, also I believe its the

Teemaa Muktaa/whale pearl, or called Temegalam Ratnam in Tamil,

Telegu, Keral languages) mixture with Real Mineral Cinnabar (Jadi Lingam)
and Made made Cinnabar -Vermillion) in his Namam (sacred mark on his
forehead). This practice is not unique to Baalaa Jee, but also done in
Tanjore and Madurai for Shakti manifestation and in Maduraa for Shree
Krishn. For Shakti Alankaar (decoration), Civet as eye brows lining,
Kastooree (musk) and Ambar (ambergris) mixture as Tilak (Kastooree
[From Sacred Objects Group, Apr 15, 2009]

In our scriptures, it is said that during the process of creation from the
Supreme Brahm, the Space (Aakaash) came first and sound is the
property of the Aakaash. From Space came Air (Vaayu), and from Air
came Fire (Agni), from Fire came Water (Jal) and from Water came
Earth (Prithvi). Sound is an abstraction that is closest to the Supreme
We employ different means to worship the Supreme Brahm. We worship
It as a deity in the form of Earth, in the form of Water (in a Kalash), in
the form of fire (during Havan), in the form of air (through Praanaayaam
etc) and in the form of sound (through the chanting of the Ved, and
chanting of the Divine Names).
However, in order to render an ideal fit for worship, Mantra (the form of
sound) have to be chanted. In order to worship the Lord in a Kalash
(vessel of water), Mantra are to be chanted to install the Lord in the
Water. In order to worship the Lord in the form of Fire through Havan,
Mantra have to be chanted to install the Lord in Agni. In order to worship
the Lord through Praanaayaam, one should contemplate on and chant the
Pranav Mantra. Thus all these forms of worship are rendered futile unless
accompanied by the sound aspect in the form of Mantra.
However, if we were to worship the Supreme Brahm in the form of sound,
mere chanting of the Ved or chanting the Divine Name of Lord alone is

enough. It does not expect any other accessory to make it complete. That
is the greatness of worship by chanting the Divine Names.

Upon the dedication of oneself to ascetic, The Devtaa and Rishi should be
worshipped in the East, the paternal ancestors in the South and the
maternal ancestors in the West.


Aum, though a three-letter word, is a one-letter Mantra. Soham is the unintonated sound of normal breathing, meaning I am He. Hamsa (inversion of
Soham), meaning "Swan", stands for an ascetic - Hamsan. Some call Hamsa a goose
(Anser indicus). To the average Indian, goose does not sound very appealing
compared to swan which is said to have the mythic ability to separate milk from
Hams - the wild goose (Anser indicus) is known for its discipline, grace and beauty.
The west's association of goose with a silly or foolish person or simpleton does not
apply here. It is the culture gap here. In Vaidik times, Hamsa, the bar-headed
white goose was associated with the Sun, Spirit, Aatmaa, knowledge, Praan, Brahm
and life itself. Hamsa = ham + sa. Ham is exhaled breath and sa is inhaled breath;
thus, Hamsa is life. Hamsa is a high flyer and thus a metaphor for spiritual
endeavor to attain Brahman. The Indian goose is also associated with Brahmaa and
Saraswatee as their Vaahan (vehicle of transport) as it is portrayed as the Vaahan
of Brahmaa and Saraswatee.
All of us including all air-breathing living beings recite this Mantra Soham
unknowingly for a lifetime. This chantless Mantra (Ajapaa Jap) is called Ajapaa
Gaayatree. As you are breathing this chantless Soham in and out, you are
identifying your individual self with the Great Self of the Supreme Being. Every
breath (and the Mantra) that you take pervades the whole universe of your body.
This life giving force or Mantra has the Great Self as the basis. Every time you

chant a Mantra, it leads the individual soul to the Great Soul - the Source, the
Essence. All Mantra rituals, inclusive of Shakti, Vishnu and Shiv Mantra and many
more but not all, are Taantrik in origin; that is the reason why Tantra is called
Mantra Shaastra. Devee or Shakti says that any Shaastra that is in opposition to
Shruti, Smriti, and Oneness (Shiv and Shakti in Shaiv tradition, Vishnu and Mahaa
Lakshmee in Vaishnav tradition) such as Bhairav, Gautam, Kapala, Sakala and the
like, all are created by her Maayaa power for bewilderment of those devoid of Her
Mantra is the sound-body of god. As the tree is contained in a seed, this
Brahmaand (Brahm + Anda = Brahmaa's Egg = Brahman's Universe) is contained in
the Mantra, Hamsa Mantra. Shiv and Shakti throb in this Mantra. There is no life
without this Mantra; it is integral to life and breathing, not only inspiration and
expiration of air but the internal breathing of each cell. To exemplify this fact it
is said that Hamsa Mantra is like light in the Sun, oil in the sesame seed, fire in the
wood, Shakti in Shiv, movement in the wind. All other Mantra do not have any
potency unless they are conjoined with this Mantra. Hamsa is Prasaad Paraa
(Supreme Grace) Mantra, learned it from a Guru gives release (liberation). Even
gods like Vishnu, Rudra, and Brahmaa repeat this Mantra and gain knowledge,
luster, and liberation. An ordinary Pashu (individual soul) becomes Pashupati (the
Lord of the Pashu - Shiv). It is so powerful that a lowly man chanting this Mantra
can consecrate the idols and images. This Mantra can be chanted by anyone to
obtain its benefits; it erases all class distinctions, and confers liberation. Mantra in
general are deity-specific and therefore fruit-specific (specific benefits); but
Hamsa is the King of Mantra and confers the Complete Fruit. Hamsa is thus Shiv
and Shakti, Sat-Chit-Aanand, and Supreme Reality, yielding both Yog and Bhog.
Every Mantra has two Shakti (powers): Vaachya Sakti and Vaachak Shakti; the
former is the seed and latter is the flesh of the fruit; the former is life of Mantra
and the latter is the sustainer of life. The Vaahcya Shakti is subject and
transcendent, and Vaachak Sakti is object and immanent; one cannot get to the
seed without going through the fruit; one cannot understand the meaning and true
nature of Vaachya Shakti without worshipping Vaachak Shakti (they are like Brahm
and Eeshwar); Vaachya Shakti is without attributes (Brahm), Vaachak Shakti is
with attributes (Eashwar); Vaachya Shakti is seed and Vaachak Shakti is the tree;
seed and Vaachya Shakti are latent and dormant, and tree and Vaachak Shakti are
awake and florid; Vaachya Shakti is white light and Vaachak Shakti is spectral or
rainbow colors, yellow, blue, red and more of Kundalinee Devee. Paramaatmaa
(Krishn) is Vaachya Shakti, while the son of Devakee is Vaachak Shakti. Vaachya is

meaning; Vaachak is words, phrases and mutterings of Mantra. The god who is the
subject of Mantra is Vaachya Shakti and Pratipaadya (to be explained, meaning)
Devata and god who is Mantra itself (god's sound body = Mantra) is Vaachak
Shakti. Vaachya Shakti is like clouds and Vaachak Shakti is like rain water. Vaachya
Shakti is unlimited; Vaachak Shakti is delimited. Vaachya Shakti is all-pervasive
and unmanifested, while Vaachak Shakti is manifest. The Vaachak Shakti of Mantra
with attributes is awakened by Siddhi of Saadhak who then with the help Devee
step into the monistic world of Brahm knowledge. (Refer to white light and spectral
or rainbow colors, and seed and tree are author's input.) Vaachak Shakti is the
road to Vaachya Shakti; the former is the means and the latter is the goal.
'Sa' sound originates in Naad and 'Ha' sound originates in Bindu. Hamsa = Ham + Sa
= Male + Female = Shiv + Shakti = Purush + Prakrti. Hamsa is a bird: swan.

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